def runRules(self, obj, dsid, body):
        self.obj = obj
        self.dsid = dsid
            self.relsint = RELSINTDatastream(obj)
            self.relationships = self.relsint.getRelationships(dsid)

            # work on the files based on mimetype

            #handle MODS handle stuff 
        except FedoraConnectionException:
            logging.warning('Object %s does not exist.' %
    def runRules(self, obj, dsid, body):
        self.obj = obj
        self.dsid = dsid
            if dsid == 'MODS':
                # some functions use the wrong namespace 
                # determine what to use
                mods_namespace = '{}'

                parser = etree.XMLParser(remove_blank_text=True)
                root = etree.fromstring(obj['MODS'].getContent().read(), parser)

                ns = None

                for k in root.nsmap:
                    if(type(k) == types.StringType and k.lower().find('mods') != -1):
                        ns = '{%s}' % root.nsmap[k]

                if ns == None:
                    ns = mods_namespace

                url = root.find(ns+'location/'+ns+'url')
                if(url == None and get_handle(obj)):
                    location = root.find(ns+'location')
                    if(location == None):
                        location = etree.SubElement(root, ns+'location')
                    url = etree.SubElement(location, ns+'url')
                    url.attrib['usage']='primary display'
                    url.text = ''
                    obj['MODS'].setContent(etree.tostring(root, pretty_print=True))
                self.relsint = RELSINTDatastream(obj)
                self.relationships = self.relsint.getRelationships(dsid)

            #handle MODS handle stuff 
        except FedoraConnectionException:
            logging.warning('Object %s does not exist.' %
class coalliance_cmodel(FedoraMicroService):
    name = "Coalliance Oral History Cmodel"
    content_model =  ['codearl:codearlBasicObject', 'coccc:cocccBasicObject', 'cog:cogBasicObject', 'cogru:cogruBasicObject', 'wyu:wyuBasicObject', 'codu:coduBasicObject', 'codr:codrBasicObject', 'cogjm:cogjmBasicObject', 'co:coBasicObject', 'cowjcpl:cowjcplBasicObject', 'gopig:gopigBasicObject', 'coccc:cocccBasicETD', 'cog:cogBasicETD', 'cogru:cogruBasicETD', 'wyu:wyuBasicETD', 'codu:coduBasicETD', 'codr:codrBasicETD', 'cogjm:cogjmBasicETD', 'codr:codrBasicVRA', 'co:coPublications', 'codearl:coPublications']

    # general derivative function
    def create_derivative(self, relationship, postfix, function):
        # see if we need a derivative
        if relationship in self.relationships:
            did = self.relationships[relationship][0]
            if( did != mangle_dsid(did) ):
                logging.warning("DSID mismatch Pid:%s Dsid:%s" % (, self.dsid))
                if check_dates(self.obj, self.dsid, did):
                    function(self.obj, self.dsid, did)
            except FedoraConnectionException:
                function(self.obj, self.dsid, did)
            did = self.dsid.rsplit('.', 1)[0]
            did += postfix
            did = mangle_dsid(did)
            r = function(self.obj, self.dsid, did)
            if( r == 0 ):
                self.relsint.addRelationship(self.dsid, relationship, did) 

    # functions need to be defined for each mimetype to be worked on
    def application_pdf(self):
        self.create_derivative('hasThumbnail', tn_postfix, create_thumbnail)
        self.create_derivative('hasSWF', '.swf', create_swf)

    def image_jpeg(self):
        # since thumnails are JPGs make sure we aren't recursing
        if (not self.dsid.endswith(tn_postfix)) and self.dsid != 'TN':
            self.create_derivative('hasThumbnail', tn_postfix, create_thumbnail)

    def image_tiff(self):
        self.create_derivative('hasThumbnail', tn_postfix, create_thumbnail)
        self.create_derivative('hasJP2', '.jp2', create_jp2)

    def audio_x_wav(self):
        # deal with datastreams that already have .mp3 in format
        # original: namem#.wav
        # derived: name#.mp3
        self.create_derivative('hasMP3', '.mp3', create_mp3)
        self.create_derivative('hasOGG', '.ogg', create_ogg)

    # mimetype isn't found, do nothing
    def mimetype_none(self):

    # this is a simple dispatcher that will run functions based on mimetype
    def mimetype_dispatch(self):
            # translate - / + . into _ for the mimetype function
            trantab = string.maketrans('-/+.','____')
            mime =  self.obj[self.dsid].mimeType.encode('ascii')
            mime_function_name = mime.translate(trantab)
            # get the function from the self object and run it
            mime_function = getattr( self, mime_function_name, self.mimetype_none )
        except KeyError:
            # we catch a key error because .mimeType throws one 
            # if no mimeType is defined 

    def runRules(self, obj, dsid, body):
        self.obj = obj
        self.dsid = dsid
            if dsid == 'MODS':
                # some functions use the wrong namespace 
                # determine what to use
                mods_namespace = '{}'

                parser = etree.XMLParser(remove_blank_text=True)
                root = etree.fromstring(obj['MODS'].getContent().read(), parser)

                ns = None

                for k in root.nsmap:
                    if(type(k) == types.StringType and k.lower().find('mods') != -1):
                        ns = '{%s}' % root.nsmap[k]

                if ns == None:
                    ns = mods_namespace

                url = root.find(ns+'location/'+ns+'url')
                if(url == None and get_handle(obj)):
                    location = root.find(ns+'location')
                    if(location == None):
                        location = etree.SubElement(root, ns+'location')
                    url = etree.SubElement(location, ns+'url')
                    url.attrib['usage']='primary display'
                    url.text = ''
                    obj['MODS'].setContent(etree.tostring(root, pretty_print=True))
                self.relsint = RELSINTDatastream(obj)
                self.relationships = self.relsint.getRelationships(dsid)

            #handle MODS handle stuff 
        except FedoraConnectionException:
            logging.warning('Object %s does not exist.' %

    def __init__(self):
class coalliance_coccOralHistoryCModel(FedoraMicroService):
    name = "Coalliance Oral History Cmodel"
    content_model =  ['codearl:codearlBasicObject', 'coccc:cocccBasicObject', 'cog:cogBasicObject', 'cogru:cogruBasicObject', 'wyu:wyuBasicObject', 'codu:coduBasicObject', 'codr:codrBasicObject', 'cogjm:cogjmBasicObject', 'co:coBasicObject', 'cowjcpl:cowjcplBasicObject', 'gopig:gopigBasicObject', 'coccc:cocccBasicETD', 'cog:cogBasicETD', 'cogru:cogruBasicETD', 'wyu:wyuBasicETD', 'codu:coduBasicETD', 'codr:codrBasicETD', 'cogjm:cogjmBasicETD', 'codr:codrBasicVRA', 'co:coPublications']

    # general derivative function
    def create_derivative(self, relationship, postfix, function):
        # see if we need a derivative
        if relationship in self.relationships:
            did = self.relationships[relationship][0]
            if( did != mangle_dsid(did) ):
                logging.warning("DSID mismatch Pid:%s Dsid:%s" % (, self.dsid))
                if check_dates(self.obj, self.dsid, did):
                    function(self.obj, self.dsid, did)
            except FedoraConnectionException:
                function(self.obj, self.dsid, did)
            did = self.dsid.rsplit('.', 1)[0]
            did += postfix
            did = mangle_dsid(did)
            r = function(self.obj, self.dsid, did)
            if( r == 0 ):
                self.relsint.addRelationship(self.dsid, relationship, did) 

    # functions need to be defined for each mimetype to be worked on
    def application_pdf(self):
        self.create_derivative('hasThumbnail', tn_postfix, create_thumbnail)
        self.create_derivative('hasSWF', '.swf', create_swf)

    def image_jpeg(self):
        # since thumnails are JPGs make sure we aren't recursing
        if (not self.dsid.endswith(tn_postfix)) and self.dsid != 'TN':
            self.create_derivative('hasThumbnail', tn_postfix, create_thumbnail)

    def image_tiff(self):
        self.create_derivative('hasThumbnail', tn_postfix, create_thumbnail)
        self.create_derivative('hasJP2', '.jp2', create_jp2)

    def audio_x_wav(self):
        # deal with datastreams that already have .mp3 in format
        # original: namem#.wav
        # derived: name#.mp3
        self.create_derivative('hasMP3', '.mp3', create_mp3)
        self.create_derivative('hasOGG', '.ogg', create_ogg)

    # mimetype isn't found, do nothing
    def mimetype_none(self):

    # this is a simple dispatcher that will run functions based on mimetype
    def mimetype_dispatch(self):
            # translate - / + . into _ for the mimetype function
            trantab = string.maketrans('-/+.','____')
            mime =  self.obj[self.dsid].mimeType.encode('ascii')
            mime_function_name = mime.translate(trantab)
            # get the function from the self object and run it
            mime_function = getattr( self, mime_function_name, self.mimetype_none )
        except KeyError:
            # we catch a key error because .mimeType throws one 
            # if no mimeType is defined 

    def runRules(self, obj, dsid, body):
        self.obj = obj
        self.dsid = dsid
            self.relsint = RELSINTDatastream(obj)
            self.relationships = self.relsint.getRelationships(dsid)

            # work on the files based on mimetype

            #handle MODS handle stuff 
        except FedoraConnectionException:
            logging.warning('Object %s does not exist.' %

    def __init__(self):