Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _setup_solver(self):
        state = self.state      # just cutting down line length a bit
        dt = state.timestepping.dt
        beta = dt*state.timestepping.alpha
        mu = state.mu

        # Split up the rhs vector (symbolically)
        u_in, p_in, b_in = split(state.xrhs)

        # Build the reduced function space for u,p
        M = MixedFunctionSpace((state.V[0], state.V[1]))
        w, phi = TestFunctions(M)
        u, p = TrialFunctions(M)

        # Get background fields
        bbar = state.bbar

        # Analytical (approximate) elimination of theta
        k = state.k             # Upward pointing unit vector
        b = -dot(k,u)*dot(k,grad(bbar))*beta + b_in

        # vertical projection
        def V(u):
            return k*inner(u,k)

        eqn = (
            inner(w, (u - u_in))*dx
            - beta*div(w)*p*dx
            - beta*inner(w,k)*b*dx
            + phi*div(u)*dx

        if mu is not None:
            eqn += dt*mu*inner(w,k)*inner(u,k)*dx
        aeqn = lhs(eqn)
        Leqn = rhs(eqn)

        # Place to put result of u p solver
        self.up = Function(M)

        # Boundary conditions (assumes extruded mesh)
        dim = M.sub(0).ufl_element().value_shape()[0]
        bc = ("0.0",)*dim
        bcs = [DirichletBC(M.sub(0), Expression(bc), "bottom"),
               DirichletBC(M.sub(0), Expression(bc), "top")]

        # preconditioner equation
        L = self.L
        Ap = (
            inner(w,u) + L*L*div(w)*div(u) +

        # Solver for u, p
        up_problem = LinearVariationalProblem(
            aeqn, Leqn, self.up, bcs=bcs, aP=Ap)

        nullspace = MixedVectorSpaceBasis(M,

        self.up_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(up_problem,

        # Reconstruction of b
        b = TrialFunction(state.V[2])
        gamma = TestFunction(state.V[2])

        u, p = self.up.split()
        self.b = Function(state.V[2])

        b_eqn = gamma*(b - b_in +

        b_problem = LinearVariationalProblem(lhs(b_eqn),
        self.b_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(b_problem)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _setup_solver(self):
        state = self.state      # just cutting down line length a bit
        dt = state.timestepping.dt
        beta = dt*state.timestepping.alpha
        cp = state.parameters.cp
        mu = state.mu

        # Split up the rhs vector (symbolically)
        u_in, rho_in, theta_in = split(state.xrhs)

        # Build the reduced function space for u,rho
        M = MixedFunctionSpace((state.V[0], state.V[1]))
        w, phi = TestFunctions(M)
        u, rho = TrialFunctions(M)

        n = FacetNormal(state.mesh)

        # Get background fields
        thetabar = state.thetabar
        rhobar = state.rhobar
        pibar = exner(thetabar, rhobar, state)
        pibar_rho = exner_rho(thetabar, rhobar, state)
        pibar_theta = exner_theta(thetabar, rhobar, state)

        # Analytical (approximate) elimination of theta
        k = state.k             # Upward pointing unit vector
        theta = -dot(k,u)*dot(k,grad(thetabar))*beta + theta_in

        # Only include theta' (rather than pi') in the vertical
        # component of the gradient

        # the pi prime term (here, bars are for mean and no bars are
        # for linear perturbations)

        pi = pibar_theta*theta + pibar_rho*rho

        # vertical projection
        def V(u):
            return k*inner(u,k)

        eqn = (
            inner(w, (u - u_in))*dx
            - beta*cp*div(theta*V(w))*pibar*dx
            # following does nothing but is preserved in the comments
            # to remind us why (because V(w) is purely vertical.
            # + beta*cp*jump(theta*V(w),n)*avg(pibar)*dS_v
            - beta*cp*div(thetabar*w)*pi*dx
            + beta*cp*jump(thetabar*w,n)*avg(pi)*dS_v
            + (phi*(rho - rho_in) - beta*inner(grad(phi), u)*rhobar)*dx
            + beta*jump(phi*u, n)*avg(rhobar)*(dS_v + dS_h)

        if mu is not None:
            eqn += dt*mu*inner(w,k)*inner(u,k)*dx
        aeqn = lhs(eqn)
        Leqn = rhs(eqn)

        # Place to put result of u rho solver
        self.urho = Function(M)

        # Boundary conditions (assumes extruded mesh)
        dim = M.sub(0).ufl_element().value_shape()[0]
        bc = ("0.0",)*dim
        bcs = [DirichletBC(M.sub(0), Expression(bc), "bottom"),
               DirichletBC(M.sub(0), Expression(bc), "top")]

        # Solver for u, rho
        urho_problem = LinearVariationalProblem(
            aeqn, Leqn, self.urho, bcs=bcs)

        self.urho_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(urho_problem,

        # Reconstruction of theta
        theta = TrialFunction(state.V[2])
        gamma = TestFunction(state.V[2])

        u, rho = self.urho.split()
        self.theta = Function(state.V[2])

        theta_eqn = gamma*(theta - theta_in +

        theta_problem = LinearVariationalProblem(lhs(theta_eqn),
        self.theta_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(theta_problem,
Ejemplo n.º 3
def compressible_hydrostatic_balance(state, theta0, rho0, pi0=None,
                                     top=False, pi_boundary=Constant(1.0),
    Compute a hydrostatically balanced density given a potential temperature

    :arg state: The :class:`State` object.
    :arg theta0: :class:`.Function`containing the potential temperature.
    :arg rho0: :class:`.Function` to write the initial density into.
    :arg top: If True, set a boundary condition at the top. Otherwise, set
    it at the bottom.
    :arg pi_boundary: a field or expression to use as boundary data for pi on
    the top or bottom as specified.

    # Calculate hydrostatic Pi
    W = MixedFunctionSpace((state.Vv,state.V[1]))
    v, pi = TrialFunctions(W)
    dv, dpi = TestFunctions(W)

    n = FacetNormal(state.mesh)

    cp = state.parameters.cp

    alhs = (
        (cp*inner(v,dv) - cp*div(dv*theta0)*pi)*dx
        + dpi*div(theta0*v)*dx

    if top:
        bmeasure = ds_t
        bstring = "bottom"
        bmeasure = ds_b
        bstring = "top"

    arhs = -cp*inner(dv,n)*theta0*pi_boundary*bmeasure
    if state.parameters.geopotential:
        Phi = state.Phi
        arhs += div(dv)*Phi*dx - inner(dv,n)*Phi*bmeasure
        g = state.parameters.g
        arhs -= g*inner(dv,state.k)*dx

    if(state.mesh.geometric_dimension() == 2):
        bcs = [DirichletBC(W.sub(0), Expression(("0.", "0.")), bstring)]
    elif(state.mesh.geometric_dimension() == 3):
        bcs = [DirichletBC(W.sub(0), Expression(("0.", "0.", "0.")), bstring)]
    w = Function(W)
    PiProblem = LinearVariationalProblem(alhs, arhs, w, bcs=bcs)

    if(params is None):
        params = {'pc_type': 'fieldsplit',
                  'pc_fieldsplit_type': 'schur',
                  'ksp_type': 'gmres',
                  'ksp_monitor_true_residual': True,
                  'ksp_max_it': 100,
                  'ksp_gmres_restart': 50,
                  'pc_fieldsplit_schur_fact_type': 'FULL',
                  'pc_fieldsplit_schur_precondition': 'selfp',
                  'fieldsplit_0_ksp_type': 'richardson',
                  'fieldsplit_0_ksp_max_it': 5,
                  'fieldsplit_0_pc_type': 'gamg',
                  'fieldsplit_1_pc_gamg_sym_graph': True,
                  'fieldsplit_1_mg_levels_ksp_type': 'chebyshev',
                  'fieldsplit_1_mg_levels_ksp_chebyshev_estimate_eigenvalues': True,
                  'fieldsplit_1_mg_levels_ksp_chebyshev_estimate_eigenvalues_random': True,
                  'fieldsplit_1_mg_levels_ksp_max_it': 5,
                  'fieldsplit_1_mg_levels_pc_type': 'bjacobi',
                  'fieldsplit_1_mg_levels_sub_pc_type': 'ilu'}

    PiSolver = LinearVariationalSolver(PiProblem,

    v, Pi = w.split()
    if pi0 is not None:

    kappa = state.parameters.kappa
    R_d = state.parameters.R_d
    p_0 = state.parameters.p_0

    if solve_for_rho:
        w1 = Function(W)
        v, rho = w1.split()
        v, rho = split(w1)
        dv, dpi = TestFunctions(W)
        pi = ((R_d/p_0)*rho*theta0)**(kappa/(1.-kappa))
        F = (
            (cp*inner(v,dv) - cp*div(dv*theta0)*pi)*dx
            + dpi*div(theta0*v)*dx
            + cp*inner(dv,n)*theta0*pi_boundary*bmeasure
        if state.parameters.geopotential:
            F += - div(dv)*Phi*dx + inner(dv,n)*Phi*bmeasure
            F += g*inner(dv,state.k)*dx
        rhoproblem = NonlinearVariationalProblem(F, w1, bcs=bcs)
        rhosolver = NonlinearVariationalSolver(rhoproblem, solver_parameters=params)
        v, rho_ = w1.split()
    def _setup_solver(self):
        state = self.state      # just cutting down line length a bit
        Dt = state.timestepping.dt
        beta_ = Dt*state.timestepping.alpha
        cp = state.parameters.cp
        mu = state.mu
        Vu = state.spaces("HDiv")
        Vtheta = state.spaces("HDiv_v")
        Vrho = state.spaces("DG")

        # Store time-stepping coefficients as UFL Constants
        dt = Constant(Dt)
        beta = Constant(beta_)
        beta_cp = Constant(beta_ * cp)

        # Split up the rhs vector (symbolically)
        u_in, rho_in, theta_in = split(state.xrhs)

        # Build the reduced function space for u,rho
        M = MixedFunctionSpace((Vu, Vrho))
        w, phi = TestFunctions(M)
        u, rho = TrialFunctions(M)

        n = FacetNormal(state.mesh)

        # Get background fields
        thetabar = state.fields("thetabar")
        rhobar = state.fields("rhobar")
        pibar = thermodynamics.pi(state.parameters, rhobar, thetabar)
        pibar_rho = thermodynamics.pi_rho(state.parameters, rhobar, thetabar)
        pibar_theta = thermodynamics.pi_theta(state.parameters, rhobar, thetabar)

        # Analytical (approximate) elimination of theta
        k = state.k             # Upward pointing unit vector
        theta = -dot(k, u)*dot(k, grad(thetabar))*beta + theta_in

        # Only include theta' (rather than pi') in the vertical
        # component of the gradient

        # the pi prime term (here, bars are for mean and no bars are
        # for linear perturbations)

        pi = pibar_theta*theta + pibar_rho*rho

        # vertical projection
        def V(u):
            return k*inner(u, k)

        # specify degree for some terms as estimated degree is too large
        dxp = dx(degree=(self.quadrature_degree))
        dS_vp = dS_v(degree=(self.quadrature_degree))

        # add effect of density of water upon theta
        if self.moisture is not None:
            water_t = Function(Vtheta).assign(0.0)
            for water in self.moisture:
                water_t += self.state.fields(water)
            theta_w = theta / (1 + water_t)
            thetabar_w = thetabar / (1 + water_t)
            theta_w = theta
            thetabar_w = thetabar

        eqn = (
            inner(w, (state.h_project(u) - u_in))*dx
            - beta_cp*div(theta_w*V(w))*pibar*dxp
            # following does nothing but is preserved in the comments
            # to remind us why (because V(w) is purely vertical).
            # + beta_cp*jump(theta*V(w), n)*avg(pibar)*dS_v
            - beta_cp*div(thetabar_w*w)*pi*dxp
            + beta_cp*jump(thetabar_w*w, n)*avg(pi)*dS_vp
            + (phi*(rho - rho_in) - beta*inner(grad(phi), u)*rhobar)*dx
            + beta*jump(phi*u, n)*avg(rhobar)*(dS_v + dS_h)

        if mu is not None:
            eqn += dt*mu*inner(w, k)*inner(u, k)*dx
        aeqn = lhs(eqn)
        Leqn = rhs(eqn)

        # Place to put result of u rho solver
        self.urho = Function(M)

        # Boundary conditions (assumes extruded mesh)
        bcs = [DirichletBC(M.sub(0), 0.0, "bottom"),
               DirichletBC(M.sub(0), 0.0, "top")]

        # Solver for u, rho
        urho_problem = LinearVariationalProblem(
            aeqn, Leqn, self.urho, bcs=bcs)

        self.urho_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(urho_problem,

        # Reconstruction of theta
        theta = TrialFunction(Vtheta)
        gamma = TestFunction(Vtheta)

        u, rho = self.urho.split()
        self.theta = Function(Vtheta)

        theta_eqn = gamma*(theta - theta_in
                           + dot(k, u)*dot(k, grad(thetabar))*beta)*dx

        theta_problem = LinearVariationalProblem(lhs(theta_eqn),
        self.theta_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(theta_problem,
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def _setup_solver(self):
        state = self.state  # just cutting down line length a bit
        dt = state.dt
        beta_ = dt * self.alpha
        Vu = state.spaces("HDiv")
        Vb = state.spaces("theta")
        Vp = state.spaces("DG")

        # Store time-stepping coefficients as UFL Constants
        beta = Constant(beta_)

        # Split up the rhs vector (symbolically)
        self.xrhs = Function(self.equations.function_space)
        u_in, p_in, b_in = split(self.xrhs)

        # Build the reduced function space for u,p
        M = MixedFunctionSpace((Vu, Vp))
        w, phi = TestFunctions(M)
        u, p = TrialFunctions(M)

        # Get background fields
        bbar = state.fields("bbar")

        # Analytical (approximate) elimination of theta
        k = state.k  # Upward pointing unit vector
        b = -dot(k, u) * dot(k, grad(bbar)) * beta + b_in

        # vertical projection
        def V(u):
            return k * inner(u, k)

        eqn = (inner(w, (u - u_in)) * dx - beta * div(w) * p * dx -
               beta * inner(w, k) * b * dx + phi * div(u) * dx)

        if hasattr(self.equations, "mu"):
            eqn += dt * self.equations.mu * inner(w, k) * inner(u, k) * dx
        aeqn = lhs(eqn)
        Leqn = rhs(eqn)

        # Place to put result of u p solver
        self.up = Function(M)

        # Boundary conditions (assumes extruded mesh)
        # BCs are declared for the plain velocity space. As we need them in
        # a mixed problem, we replicate the BCs but for subspace of M
        bcs = [
            DirichletBC(M.sub(0), bc.function_arg, bc.sub_domain)
            for bc in self.equations.bcs['u']

        # Solver for u, p
        up_problem = LinearVariationalProblem(aeqn, Leqn, self.up, bcs=bcs)

        # Provide callback for the nullspace of the trace system
        def trace_nullsp(T):
            return VectorSpaceBasis(constant=True)

        appctx = {"trace_nullspace": trace_nullsp}
        self.up_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(

        # Reconstruction of b
        b = TrialFunction(Vb)
        gamma = TestFunction(Vb)

        u, p = self.up.split()
        self.b = Function(Vb)

        b_eqn = gamma * (b - b_in + dot(k, u) * dot(k, grad(bbar)) * beta) * dx

        b_problem = LinearVariationalProblem(lhs(b_eqn), rhs(b_eqn), self.b)
        self.b_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(b_problem)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def compressible_hydrostatic_balance(state,
    Compute a hydrostatically balanced density given a potential temperature
    profile. By default, this uses a vertically-oriented hybridization
    procedure for solving the resulting discrete systems.

    :arg state: The :class:`State` object.
    :arg theta0: :class:`.Function`containing the potential temperature.
    :arg rho0: :class:`.Function` to write the initial density into.
    :arg top: If True, set a boundary condition at the top. Otherwise, set
    it at the bottom.
    :arg exner_boundary: a field or expression to use as boundary data for exner
    on the top or bottom as specified.
    :arg mr_t: the initial total water mixing ratio field.

    # Calculate hydrostatic Pi
    VDG = state.spaces("DG")
    Vu = state.spaces("HDiv")
    Vv = FunctionSpace(state.mesh, Vu.ufl_element()._elements[-1])
    W = MixedFunctionSpace((Vv, VDG))
    v, exner = TrialFunctions(W)
    dv, dexner = TestFunctions(W)

    n = FacetNormal(state.mesh)

    cp = state.parameters.cp

    # add effect of density of water upon theta
    theta = theta0

    if mr_t is not None:
        theta = theta0 / (1 + mr_t)

    alhs = ((cp * inner(v, dv) - cp * div(dv * theta) * exner) * dx +
            dexner * div(theta * v) * dx)

    if top:
        bmeasure = ds_t
        bstring = "bottom"
        bmeasure = ds_b
        bstring = "top"

    arhs = -cp * inner(dv, n) * theta * exner_boundary * bmeasure

    # Possibly make g vary with spatial coordinates?
    g = state.parameters.g

    arhs -= g * inner(dv, state.k) * dx

    bcs = [DirichletBC(W.sub(0), zero(), bstring)]

    w = Function(W)
    exner_problem = LinearVariationalProblem(alhs, arhs, w, bcs=bcs)

    if params is None:
        params = {
            'ksp_type': 'preonly',
            'pc_type': 'python',
            'mat_type': 'matfree',
            'pc_python_type': 'gusto.VerticalHybridizationPC',
            # Vertical trace system is only coupled vertically in columns
            # block ILU is a direct solver!
            'vert_hybridization': {
                'ksp_type': 'preonly',
                'pc_type': 'bjacobi',
                'sub_pc_type': 'ilu'

    exner_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(exner_problem,

    v, exner = w.split()
    if exner0 is not None:

    if solve_for_rho:
        w1 = Function(W)
        v, rho = w1.split()
        rho.interpolate(thermodynamics.rho(state.parameters, theta0, exner))
        v, rho = split(w1)
        dv, dexner = TestFunctions(W)
        exner = thermodynamics.exner_pressure(state.parameters, rho, theta0)
        F = ((cp * inner(v, dv) - cp * div(dv * theta) * exner) * dx +
             dexner * div(theta0 * v) * dx +
             cp * inner(dv, n) * theta * exner_boundary * bmeasure)
        F += g * inner(dv, state.k) * dx
        rhoproblem = NonlinearVariationalProblem(F, w1, bcs=bcs)
        rhosolver = NonlinearVariationalSolver(rhoproblem,
        v, rho_ = w1.split()
        rho0.interpolate(thermodynamics.rho(state.parameters, theta0, exner))
Ejemplo n.º 7
def compressible_hydrostatic_balance(state, theta0, rho0, pi0=None,
                                     top=False, pi_boundary=Constant(1.0),
    Compute a hydrostatically balanced density given a potential temperature

    :arg state: The :class:`State` object.
    :arg theta0: :class:`.Function`containing the potential temperature.
    :arg rho0: :class:`.Function` to write the initial density into.
    :arg top: If True, set a boundary condition at the top. Otherwise, set
    it at the bottom.
    :arg pi_boundary: a field or expression to use as boundary data for pi on
    the top or bottom as specified.
    :arg water_t: the initial total water mixing ratio field.

    # Calculate hydrostatic Pi
    VDG = state.spaces("DG")
    Vv = state.spaces("Vv")
    W = MixedFunctionSpace((Vv, VDG))
    v, pi = TrialFunctions(W)
    dv, dpi = TestFunctions(W)

    n = FacetNormal(state.mesh)

    cp = state.parameters.cp

    # add effect of density of water upon theta
    theta = theta0

    if water_t is not None:
        theta = theta0 / (1 + water_t)

    alhs = (
        (cp*inner(v, dv) - cp*div(dv*theta)*pi)*dx
        + dpi*div(theta*v)*dx

    if top:
        bmeasure = ds_t
        bstring = "bottom"
        bmeasure = ds_b
        bstring = "top"

    arhs = -cp*inner(dv, n)*theta*pi_boundary*bmeasure
    g = state.parameters.g
    arhs -= g*inner(dv, state.k)*dx

    bcs = [DirichletBC(W.sub(0), 0.0, bstring)]

    w = Function(W)
    PiProblem = LinearVariationalProblem(alhs, arhs, w, bcs=bcs)

    if params is None:
        params = {'pc_type': 'fieldsplit',
                  'pc_fieldsplit_type': 'schur',
                  'ksp_type': 'gmres',
                  'ksp_monitor_true_residual': True,
                  'ksp_max_it': 100,
                  'ksp_gmres_restart': 50,
                  'pc_fieldsplit_schur_fact_type': 'FULL',
                  'pc_fieldsplit_schur_precondition': 'selfp',
                  'fieldsplit_0_ksp_type': 'richardson',
                  'fieldsplit_0_ksp_max_it': 5,
                  'fieldsplit_0_pc_type': 'gamg',
                  'fieldsplit_1_pc_gamg_sym_graph': True,
                  'fieldsplit_1_mg_levels_ksp_type': 'chebyshev',
                  'fieldsplit_1_mg_levels_ksp_chebyshev_esteig': True,
                  'fieldsplit_1_mg_levels_ksp_max_it': 5,
                  'fieldsplit_1_mg_levels_pc_type': 'bjacobi',
                  'fieldsplit_1_mg_levels_sub_pc_type': 'ilu'}

    PiSolver = LinearVariationalSolver(PiProblem,

    v, Pi = w.split()
    if pi0 is not None:

    if solve_for_rho:
        w1 = Function(W)
        v, rho = w1.split()
        rho.interpolate(thermodynamics.rho(state.parameters, theta0, Pi))
        v, rho = split(w1)
        dv, dpi = TestFunctions(W)
        pi = thermodynamics.pi(state.parameters, rho, theta0)
        F = (
            (cp*inner(v, dv) - cp*div(dv*theta)*pi)*dx
            + dpi*div(theta0*v)*dx
            + cp*inner(dv, n)*theta*pi_boundary*bmeasure
        F += g*inner(dv, state.k)*dx
        rhoproblem = NonlinearVariationalProblem(F, w1, bcs=bcs)
        rhosolver = NonlinearVariationalSolver(rhoproblem, solver_parameters=params)
        v, rho_ = w1.split()
        rho0.interpolate(thermodynamics.rho(state.parameters, theta0, Pi))
Ejemplo n.º 8
def moist_hydrostatic_balance(state, theta_e, water_t, pi_boundary=Constant(1.0)):
    Given a wet equivalent potential temperature, theta_e, and the total moisture
    content, water_t, compute a hydrostatically balance virtual potential temperature,
    dry density and water vapour profile.
    :arg state: The :class:`State` object.
    :arg theta_e: The initial wet equivalent potential temperature profile.
    :arg water_t: The total water pseudo-mixing ratio profile.
    :arg pi_boundary: the value of pi on the lower boundary of the domain.

    theta0 = state.fields('theta')
    rho0 = state.fields('rho')
    water_v0 = state.fields('water_v')

    # Calculate hydrostatic Pi
    Vt = theta0.function_space()
    Vr = rho0.function_space()
    Vv = state.fields('u').function_space()
    n = FacetNormal(state.mesh)
    g = state.parameters.g
    cp = state.parameters.cp
    R_d = state.parameters.R_d
    p_0 = state.parameters.p_0

    VDG = state.spaces("DG")
    if any(deg > 2 for deg in VDG.ufl_element().degree()):
        state.logger.warning("default quadrature degree most likely not sufficient for this degree element")
    quadrature_degree = (5, 5)

    params = {'ksp_type': 'preonly',
              'ksp_monitor_true_residual': True,
              'ksp_converged_reason': True,
              'snes_converged_reason': True,
              'ksp_max_it': 100,
              'mat_type': 'aij',
              'pc_type': 'lu',
              'pc_factor_mat_solver_type': 'mumps'}

    Pi = Function(Vr)
    epsilon = 0.9  # relaxation constant

    # set up mixed space
    Z = MixedFunctionSpace((Vt, Vt))
    z = Function(Z)

    gamma, phi = TestFunctions(Z)

    theta_v, w_v = z.split()

    # give first guesses for trial functions

    theta_v, w_v = split(z)

    # define variables
    T = thermodynamics.T(state.parameters, theta_v, Pi, r_v=w_v)
    p = thermodynamics.p(state.parameters, Pi)
    w_sat = thermodynamics.r_sat(state.parameters, T, p)

    dxp = dx(degree=(quadrature_degree))

    # set up weak form of theta_e and w_sat equations
    F = (-gamma * theta_e * dxp
         + gamma * thermodynamics.theta_e(state.parameters, T, p, w_v, water_t) * dxp
         - phi * w_v * dxp
         + phi * w_sat * dxp)

    problem = NonlinearVariationalProblem(F, z)
    solver = NonlinearVariationalSolver(problem, solver_parameters=params)

    theta_v, w_v = z.split()

    Pi_h = Function(Vr).interpolate((p / p_0) ** (R_d / cp))

    # solve for Pi with theta_v and w_v constant
    # then solve for theta_v and w_v with Pi constant
    for i in range(5):
        compressible_hydrostatic_balance(state, theta0, rho0, pi0=Pi_h, water_t=water_t)
        Pi.assign(Pi * (1 - epsilon) + epsilon * Pi_h)
        theta0.assign(theta0 * (1 - epsilon) + epsilon * theta_v)
        water_v0.assign(water_v0 * (1 - epsilon) + epsilon * w_v)

    # now begin on Newton solver, setup up new mixed space
    Z = MixedFunctionSpace((Vt, Vt, Vr, Vv))
    z = Function(Z)

    gamma, phi, psi, w = TestFunctions(Z)

    theta_v, w_v, pi, v = z.split()

    # use previous values as first guesses for newton solver

    theta_v, w_v, pi, v = split(z)

    # define variables
    T = thermodynamics.T(state.parameters, theta_v, pi, r_v=w_v)
    p = thermodynamics.p(state.parameters, pi)
    w_sat = thermodynamics.r_sat(state.parameters, T, p)

    F = (-gamma * theta_e * dxp
         + gamma * thermodynamics.theta_e(state.parameters, T, p, w_v, water_t) * dxp
         - phi * w_v * dxp
         + phi * w_sat * dxp
         + cp * inner(v, w) * dxp
         - cp * div(w * theta_v / (1.0 + water_t)) * pi * dxp
         + psi * div(theta_v * v / (1.0 + water_t)) * dxp
         + cp * inner(w, n) * pi_boundary * theta_v / (1.0 + water_t) * ds_b
         + g * inner(w, state.k) * dxp)

    bcs = [DirichletBC(Z.sub(3), 0.0, "top")]

    problem = NonlinearVariationalProblem(F, z, bcs=bcs)
    solver = NonlinearVariationalSolver(problem, solver_parameters=params)


    theta_v, w_v, pi, v = z.split()

    # assign final values

    # find rho
    compressible_hydrostatic_balance(state, theta0, rho0, water_t=water_t, solve_for_rho=True)
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def _setup_solver(self):
        state = self.state      # just cutting down line length a bit
        dt = state.timestepping.dt
        beta = dt*state.timestepping.alpha
        mu = state.mu
        Vu = state.spaces("HDiv")
        Vb = state.spaces("HDiv_v")
        Vp = state.spaces("DG")

        # Split up the rhs vector (symbolically)
        u_in, p_in, b_in = split(state.xrhs)

        # Build the reduced function space for u,p
        M = MixedFunctionSpace((Vu, Vp))
        w, phi = TestFunctions(M)
        u, p = TrialFunctions(M)

        # Get background fields
        bbar = state.fields("bbar")

        # Analytical (approximate) elimination of theta
        k = state.k             # Upward pointing unit vector
        b = -dot(k, u)*dot(k, grad(bbar))*beta + b_in

        # vertical projection
        def V(u):
            return k*inner(u, k)

        eqn = (
            inner(w, (u - u_in))*dx
            - beta*div(w)*p*dx
            - beta*inner(w, k)*b*dx
            + phi*div(u)*dx

        if mu is not None:
            eqn += dt*mu*inner(w, k)*inner(u, k)*dx
        aeqn = lhs(eqn)
        Leqn = rhs(eqn)

        # Place to put result of u p solver
        self.up = Function(M)

        # Boundary conditions (assumes extruded mesh)
        bcs = [DirichletBC(M.sub(0), 0.0, "bottom"),
               DirichletBC(M.sub(0), 0.0, "top")]

        # Solver for u, p
        up_problem = LinearVariationalProblem(aeqn, Leqn, self.up, bcs=bcs)

        # Provide callback for the nullspace of the trace system
        def trace_nullsp(T):
            return VectorSpaceBasis(constant=True)

        appctx = {"trace_nullspace": trace_nullsp}
        self.up_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(up_problem,

        # Reconstruction of b
        b = TrialFunction(Vb)
        gamma = TestFunction(Vb)

        u, p = self.up.split()
        self.b = Function(Vb)

        b_eqn = gamma*(b - b_in +
                       dot(k, u)*dot(k, grad(bbar))*beta)*dx

        b_problem = LinearVariationalProblem(lhs(b_eqn),
        self.b_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(b_problem)