Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, verbosity=1, numLabels=3):
    Initialize the encoder as CioEncoder; requires a valid API key.
        super(ClassificationModelEndpoint, self).__init__(verbosity, numLabels)

        self.encoder = CioEncoder(cacheDir="./experiments/cache")
        self.compareEncoder = LanguageEncoder()

        self.n = self.encoder.n
        self.w = int((self.encoder.targetSparsity / 100) * self.n)

        self.categoryBitmaps = {}
        self.negatives = defaultdict(list)
        self.positives = defaultdict(list)
  def __init__(self,
    Initializes the encoder as CioEncoder; requires a valid API key.
    super(ClassificationModelEndpoint, self).__init__(
        verbosity=verbosity, numLabels=numLabels, modelDir=modelDir)

    self.encoder = CioEncoder(cacheDir="./experiments/cache")
    self.compareEncoder = LanguageEncoder()

    self.n = self.encoder.n
    self.w = int((self.encoder.targetSparsity/100) * self.n)

    self.categoryBitmaps = {}
    self.negatives = defaultdict(list)
    self.positives = defaultdict(list)
class ClassificationModelEndpoint(ClassificationModel):
  Class to run the survey response classification task with Cortical.io
  text endpoint encodings and classification system.

  From the experiment runner, the methods expect to be fed one sample at a time.

  def __init__(self,
    Initializes the encoder as CioEncoder; requires a valid API key.
    super(ClassificationModelEndpoint, self).__init__(
      verbosity=verbosity, numLabels=numLabels, modelDir=modelDir)

    self.encoder = CioEncoder(cacheDir="./experiments/cache",
    self.compareEncoder = LanguageEncoder()

    self.n = self.encoder.n
    self.w = int((self.encoder.targetSparsity/100) * self.n)

    self.categoryBitmaps = {}
    self.negatives = defaultdict(list)
    self.positives = defaultdict(list)

  def encodeSample(self, sample):
    Encode an SDR of the input string by querying the Cortical.io API.

    @param sample         (list)          Tokenized sample, where each item is
                                          a string
    @return fp            (dict)          The sample text, sparsity, and bitmap.
    Example return dict:
        "text": "Example text",
        "sparsity": 0.03,
        "bitmap": numpy.array([])
    sample = " ".join(sample)
    fpInfo = self.encoder.encode(sample)
    if fpInfo:
      fp = {"text":fpInfo["text"] if "text" in fpInfo else fpInfo["term"],
      fp = {"text":sample,

    return fp

  def resetModel(self):
    """Reset the model"""

  def trainModel(self, i, negatives=None):
    # TODO: add batch training, where i is a list; note we should only add
    # negatives when training on one sample so we know which labels to use.
    Train the classifier on the sample and labels for record i. Use
    Cortical.io's createClassification() to make a bitmap that represents the
    class. The list sampleReference is populated to correlate classifier
    prototypes to sample IDs.

    @param negative   (list)            Each item is the dictionary containing
                                        text, sparsity and bitmap for the
                                        negative samples.
    record = self.patterns[i]
    labelsToUpdateBitmaps = set()
    for label in record["labels"]:
      if record["pattern"]["text"] and record["pattern"]["bitmap"].any():
        if negatives:
          for neg in negatives:
            if neg["text"]:

    for label in labelsToUpdateBitmaps:
      self.categoryBitmaps[label] = self.encoder.createCategory(
        str(label), self.positives[label], self.negatives[label])["positions"]

  def testModel(self, i, numLabels=3, metric="overlappingAll"):
    Test on record i. The Cortical.io classifier returns a dictionary
    containing various distance metrics between the sample and the classes.

    @param numLabels  (int)           Number of classification predictions.
    @param metric     (str)           Distance metric use by classifier.
    @return           (numpy array)   numLabels most-frequent classifications
                                      for the data samples; int or empty.
    sampleBitmap = self.patterns[i]["pattern"]["bitmap"].tolist()

    distances = defaultdict(list)
    for cat, catBitmap in self.categoryBitmaps.iteritems():
      distances[cat] = self.compareEncoder.compare(sampleBitmap, catBitmap)

    return self.getWinningLabels(distances, numLabels=numLabels, metric=metric)

  def compareCategories(catDistances, metric="overlappingAll"):
    Calculate category distances. Returns a defaultdict of category keys, where
    values are OrderedDicts sorted such that the most similar categories
    (according to the input metric) are listed first.
    descendingOrder = ("overlappingAll", "overlappingLeftRight",
                       "overlappingRightLeft", "cosineSimilarity",

    categoryComparisons = defaultdict(list)
    for k, v in catDistances.iteritems():
      # Create a dict for this category
      metricDict = {compareCat: distances[metric]
                    for compareCat, distances in v.iteritems()}
      # Sort the dict by the metric
      reverse = True if metric in descendingOrder else False
      categoryComparisons[k] = OrderedDict(
        sorted(metricDict.items(), key=lambda k: k[1], reverse=reverse))

    return categoryComparisons

  def getCategoryDistances(self, sort=True, save=None, labelRefs=None):
    Return a dict where keys are categories and values are dicts of distances.

    @param sort      (bool)        Sort the inner dicts with compareCategories()
    @param save      (str)         Dump catDistances to a JSON in this dir.
    @return          (defaultdict)

    E.g. w/ categories 0 and 1:
      catDistances = {
          0: {
              0: {"cosineSimilarity": 1.0, ...},
              1: {"cosineSimilarity": 0.33, ...}
          1: {
              0: {"cosineSimilarity": 0.33, ...},
              1: {"cosineSimilarity": 1.0, ...}
    Note the inner-dicts of catDistances are OrderedDict objects.
    catDistances = defaultdict(list)
    for cat, catBitmap in self.categoryBitmaps.iteritems():
      catDistances[cat] = OrderedDict()
      for compareCat, compareBitmap in self.categoryBitmaps.iteritems():
        # List is in order of self.categoryBitmaps.keys()
        catDistances[cat][compareCat] = self.compareEncoder.compare(
          catBitmap, compareBitmap)

    if sort:
      # Order each inner dict of catDistances such that the ranking is most to
      # least similar.
      catDistances = self.compareCategories(catDistances)

    if save is not None:
        save, comparisons=catDistances, labelRefs=labelRefs)

    return catDistances

  def getWinningLabels(distances, numLabels, metric):
    Return indices of winning categories, based off of the input metric.
    Overrides the base class implementation.
    metricValues = numpy.array([v[metric] for v in distances.values()])
    sortedIdx = numpy.argsort(metricValues)

    # euclideanDistance and jaccardDistance are ascending
    descendingOrder = ("overlappingAll", "overlappingLeftRight",
                       "overlappingRightLeft", "cosineSimilarity",
    if metric in descendingOrder:
      sortedIdx = sortedIdx[::-1]

    return numpy.array(
      [distances.keys()[catIdx] for catIdx in sortedIdx[:numLabels]])

  def query():
    print "The Classification Endpoint model doesn't support this method."

  def infer():
    print "The Classification Endpoint model doesn't support this method."
Ejemplo n.º 4
class ClassificationModelEndpoint(ClassificationModel):
  Class to run the survey response classification task with Cortical.io
  text endpoint encodings and classification system.

  From the experiment runner, the methods expect to be fed one sample at a time.
    def __init__(self, verbosity=1, numLabels=3):
    Initialize the encoder as CioEncoder; requires a valid API key.
        super(ClassificationModelEndpoint, self).__init__(verbosity, numLabels)

        self.encoder = CioEncoder(cacheDir="./experiments/cache")
        self.compareEncoder = LanguageEncoder()

        self.n = self.encoder.n
        self.w = int((self.encoder.targetSparsity / 100) * self.n)

        self.categoryBitmaps = {}
        self.negatives = defaultdict(list)
        self.positives = defaultdict(list)

    def encodePattern(self, sample):
    Encode an SDR of the input string by querying the Cortical.io API.

    @param sample         (list)          Tokenized sample, where each item is
                                          a string
    @return fp            (dict)          The sample text, sparsity, and bitmap.
    Example return dict:
        "text": "Example text",
        "sparsity": 0.03,
        "bitmap": numpy.array([])
        sample = " ".join(sample)
        fpInfo = self.encoder.encode(sample)
        if fpInfo:
            fp = {
                "text": fpInfo["text"] if "text" in fpInfo else fpInfo["term"],
                "sparsity": fpInfo["sparsity"],
                "bitmap": numpy.array(fpInfo["fingerprint"]["positions"])
            fp = {
                "text": sample,
                "sparsity": float(self.w) / self.n,
                "bitmap": self.encodeRandomly(sample)

        return fp

    def resetModel(self):
        """Reset the model"""

    def trainModel(self, samples, labels, negatives=None):
    Train the classifier on the input sample and label. Use Cortical.io's
    createClassification to make a bitmap that represents the class

    @param samples    (list)            List of dictionaries containing the
                                        sample text, sparsity, and bitmap.
    @param labels     (list)            List of numpy arrays containing the
                                        reference indices for the
                                        classifications of each sample.
    @param negatives  (list)            Each item is the dictionary containing
                                        text, sparsity and bitmap for the
                                        negative samples.
        labelsToUpdateBitmaps = set()
        for sample, sampleLabels in zip(samples, labels):
            for label in sampleLabels:
                fpInfo = self.encoder.encode(sample["text"])
                if sample["text"] and fpInfo:

                    # Only add negatives when training on one sample so we know which
                    # labels to use
                    if negatives and len(samples) == 1:
                        for neg in negatives:
                            if neg["text"]:

        for label in labelsToUpdateBitmaps:
            self.categoryBitmaps[label] = self.encoder.createCategory(
                str(label), self.positives[label],

    def testModel(self, sample, numLabels=3, metric="overlappingAll"):
    Test the Cortical.io classifier on the input sample. Returns a dictionary
    containing various distance metrics between the sample and the classes.

    @param sample         (dict)      The sample text, sparsity, and bitmap.
    @return               (list)      Winning classifications based on the
                                      specified metric. The number of items
                                      returned will be <= numLabels.
        sampleBitmap = sample["bitmap"].tolist()

        distances = defaultdict(list)
        for cat, catBitmap in self.categoryBitmaps.iteritems():
            distances[cat] = self.compareEncoder.compare(
                sampleBitmap, catBitmap)

        return self.getWinningLabels(distances,

    def compareCategories(catDistances, metric="overlappingAll"):
    Calculate category distances. Returns a defaultdict of category keys, where
    values are OrderedDicts sorted such that the most similar categories
    (according to the input metric) are listed first.
        descendingOrder = ("overlappingAll", "overlappingLeftRight",
                           "overlappingRightLeft", "cosineSimilarity",

        categoryComparisons = defaultdict(list)
        for k, v in catDistances.iteritems():
            # Create a dict for this category
            metricDict = {
                compareCat: distances[metric]
                for compareCat, distances in v.iteritems()
            # Sort the dict by the metric
            reverse = True if metric in descendingOrder else False
            categoryComparisons[k] = OrderedDict(
                sorted(metricDict.items(), key=lambda k: k[1],

        return categoryComparisons

    def getCategoryDistances(self, sort=True, save=None, labelRefs=None):
    Return a dict where keys are categories and values are dicts of distances.

    @param sort      (bool)        Sort the inner dicts with compareCategories()
    @param save      (str)         Dump catDistances to a JSON in this dir.
    @return          (defaultdict)

    E.g. w/ categories 0 and 1:
      catDistances = {
          0: {
              0: {"cosineSimilarity": 1.0, ...},
              1: {"cosineSimilarity": 0.33, ...}
          1: {
              0: {"cosineSimilarity": 0.33, ...},
              1: {"cosineSimilarity": 1.0, ...}
    Note the inner-dicts of catDistances are OrderedDict objects.
        catDistances = defaultdict(list)
        for cat, catBitmap in self.categoryBitmaps.iteritems():
            catDistances[cat] = OrderedDict()
            for compareCat, compareBitmap in self.categoryBitmaps.iteritems():
                # List is in order of self.categoryBitmaps.keys()
                catDistances[cat][compareCat] = self.compareEncoder.compare(
                    catBitmap, compareBitmap)

        if sort:
            # Order each inner dict of catDistances such that the ranking is most to
            # least similar.
            catDistances = self.compareCategories(catDistances)

        if save is not None:

        return catDistances

    def getWinningLabels(distances, numLabels, metric):
    Return indices of winning categories, based off of the input metric.
    Overrides the base class implementation.
        metricValues = numpy.array([v[metric] for v in distances.values()])
        sortedIdx = numpy.argsort(metricValues)

        # euclideanDistance and jaccardDistance are ascending
        descendingOrder = ("overlappingAll", "overlappingLeftRight",
                           "overlappingRightLeft", "cosineSimilarity",
        if metric in descendingOrder:
            sortedIdx = sortedIdx[::-1]

        return numpy.array(
            [distances.keys()[catIdx] for catIdx in sortedIdx[:numLabels]])