Ejemplo n.º 1
 def test_visitor_hodge_distribution2(self):
     C = complex.Complex(3)
     a = form.TerminalForm(C, 1, "a")
     b = form.TerminalForm(C, 1, "b")
     V = visitor.VisitorHodgeDistribution()
     real = a.hodge() + b.hodge() + b.wedge(a)
     test = V._visit_preorder((a + b).hodge() + b.wedge(a))
     assert str(real) == str(test)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def test_postorder(self):
     C = complex.Complex(3)
     a = form.TerminalForm(C, 1, "a")
     b = form.TerminalForm(C, 1, "b")
     V = visitor.VisitorGraph()
     form1 = (a + b).wedge(a) + (a + b).hodge()
     test = V.post
     assert test == ['a', 'b', '+', 'a', '^', 'a', 'b', '+', '*', '+']
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def test_visitor_wedgeD_distribution(self):
     C = complex.Complex(3)
     a = form.TerminalForm(C, 1, "a")
     b = form.TerminalForm(C, 1, "b")
     V = visitor.VisitorHodgeDistribution()
     real = 3 * ((2 * a).d().wedge(5 * b) - (2 * a).wedge((5 * b).d()))
     test = V._visit_preorder(3 * ((2 * a).wedge(5 * b)).d())
     V.draw_graph(test, "Essai3")
     assert str(real) == str(test)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def test_drawgraph(self):
     C = complex.Complex(3)
     a = form.TerminalForm(C, 1, "a")
     b = form.TerminalForm(C, 1, "b")
     V = visitor.VisitorGraph()
     form1 = -2 * ((4 * (a + b)).wedge(
         -2 * a)) + 5 * (a - 3 * b + (2 * a + 5 * b).d().hodge()).hodge()
     V.draw_graph(form1, "originalform")
     test = str(V.dot.source)
     assert test == '// Tree of our form\ngraph {\n\t0 [label="+"]\n\t1 [label="-2^ "]\n\t\t0 -- 1\n\t2 [label="4+ "]\n\t\t1 -- 2\n\t3 [label=a]\n\t\t2 -- 3\n\t4 [label=b]\n\t\t2 -- 4\n\t5 [label="-2a "]\n\t\t1 -- 5\n\t6 [label="5* "]\n\t\t0 -- 6\n\t7 [label="+"]\n\t\t6 -- 7\n\t8 [label="+"]\n\t\t7 -- 8\n\t9 [label=a]\n\t\t8 -- 9\n\t10 [label="-3b "]\n\t\t8 -- 10\n\t11 [label="*"]\n\t\t7 -- 11\n\t12 [label=d]\n\t\t11 -- 12\n\t13 [label="+"]\n\t\t12 -- 13\n\t14 [label="2a "]\n\t\t13 -- 14\n\t15 [label="5b "]\n\t\t13 -- 15\n}'
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def test_pullback_draw(self):
     C = complex.Complex(3)
     a = form.TerminalForm(C, 1, "a")
     b = form.TerminalForm(C, 1, "b")
     V = visitor.VisitorPullback()
     form1 = (-2 * ((4 * (a + b)).wedge(-2 * a)) + 5 *
              (a - 3 * b + (2 * a + 5 * b).d().hodge()).hodge()).pullback()
     V.draw_graph(form1, "Pulled")
     test = (V.visit_preorder(form1))
     assert str(
         test) != '-2(4(phi(a)+phi(b))^phi(-2a))+phi5.(5*(a+-3b+*d(2a+5b)))'
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def test_basisde_draw(self):
     C = complex.Complex(3)
     a = form.TerminalForm(C, 1, "a")
     b = form.TerminalForm(C, 1, "b")
     V = visitor.VisitorPullback()
     form1 = (-2 * ((4 * (a + b)).wedge(-2 * a)) + 5 *
              (a - 3 * b + (2 * a + 5 * b).d().hodge()).hodge()).pullback()
     form1 = V.visit_preorder(form1)
     Vi = visitor.VisitorSimplification()
     form1 = Vi.visit_preorder(form1)
     Vii = visitor.VisitorExpansion()
     Vii.draw_graph(form1, "decomposed")
     test = (Vii.visit_preorder(form1))
     test = str(test)
     assert test != "-2(4(a'0^dx_0+a'1^dx_1+a'2^dx_2+b'0^dx_0+b'1^dx_1+b'2^dx_2)^-2(a'0^dx_0+a'1^dx_1+a'2^dx_2))+phi5.(5*(a0^dx_0+a1^dx_1+a2^dx_2+-3(b0^dx_0+b1^dx_1+b2^dx_2)+*d(2(a0^dx_0+a1^dx_1+a2^dx_2)+5(b0^dx_0+b1^dx_1+b2^dx_2))))"
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def test_pullback_terminal(self):
     C = complex.Complex(3)
     a = form.TerminalForm(C, 1, "a")
     V = visitor.VisitorPullback()
     real = (a.pullback()).d()
     test = V._visit_preorder((a.d()).pullback())
     assert str(real) == str(test)
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def test_hodgeexpansion_draw(self):
     C = complex.Complex(3)
     a = form.TerminalForm(C, 1, "a")
     b = form.TerminalForm(C, 1, "b")
     V = visitor.VisitorPullback()
     form1 = (-2 * ((4 * (a + b)).wedge(-2 * a)) + 5 *
              (a - 3 * b + (2 * a + 5 * b).d().hodge()).hodge()).pullback()
     form1 = V.visit_preorder(form1)
     Vi = visitor.VisitorSimplification()
     form1 = Vi.visit_preorder(form1)
     Vii = visitor.VisitorExpansion()
     form1 = Vii.visit_preorder(form1)
     Viii = visitor.VisitorHodgeDistribution()
     Viii.draw_graph(form1, "HodgeDistribution")
     test = (Viii.visit_preorder(form1))
     test = str(test)
     assert test != "a"
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def pull(self, form, children=None):
     """function when a pullback operation is made"""
     if isinstance(form.forms[0], Form.TerminalForm):
         na = form.forms[0].name + "'"
         new = Form.TerminalForm(form.forms[0].complex, form.forms[0].rank,
                                 na, form.forms[0].scalar)
         return new
         return form
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def test_add(self):
     C = complex.Complex(3)
     a = form.TerminalForm(C, 1, "a")
     b = form.TerminalForm(C, 1, "b")
     assert str(a + b) == "a+b"
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def test_wedge(self):
     C = complex.Complex(3)
     a = form.TerminalForm(C, 1, "a")
     b = form.TerminalForm(C, 1, "b")
     assert str(a.wedge(b)) == "a^b"
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def test_diff(self):
     C = complex.Complex(3)
     a = form.TerminalForm(C, 1, "a")
     assert str(a.d()) == "da"
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def test_scalarmult(self):
     C = complex.Complex(3)
     a = form.TerminalForm(C, 1, "a")
     assert str(2 * a) == "2a"
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def test_hodge(self):
     C = complex.Complex(3)
     a = form.TerminalForm(C, 1, "a")
     assert str(a.hodge()) == "*a"
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def test_add_rule_samerank(self):
     C = complex.Complex(3)
     a = form.TerminalForm(C, 1, "a")
     b = form.TerminalForm(C, 2, "b")
     assert str(a + b) == "to be added, the forms must have the same rank"