Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_load_pairlist_noexist(mocker, markets, default_conf):
    freqtradebot = get_patched_freqtradebot(mocker, default_conf)
    mocker.patch('freqtrade.exchange.Exchange.markets', PropertyMock(return_value=markets))
    with pytest.raises(OperationalException,
                       match=r"Impossible to load Pairlist 'NonexistingPairList'. "
                             r"This class does not exist or contains Python code errors."):
        PairListResolver('NonexistingPairList', freqtradebot, default_conf).pairlist
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_refresh_pairlist_dynamic(mocker, markets, tickers, whitelist_conf):
    whitelist_conf['pairlist'] = {
        'method': 'VolumePairList',
        'config': {
            'number_assets': 5
    freqtradebot = get_patched_freqtradebot(mocker, whitelist_conf)

    # argument: use the whitelist dynamically by exchange-volume
    whitelist = ['ETH/BTC', 'TKN/BTC', 'BTT/BTC']

    assert whitelist == freqtradebot.pairlists.whitelist

    whitelist_conf['pairlist'] = {'method': 'VolumePairList', 'config': {}}
    with pytest.raises(
            r'`number_assets` not specified. Please check your configuration '
            r'for "pairlist.config.number_assets"'):
        PairListResolver('VolumePairList', freqtradebot,
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, config: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
        Init all variables and object the bot need to work
        :param config: configuration dict, you can use the Configuration.get_config()
        method to get the config dict.

            'Starting freqtrade %s',

        # Init bot states
        self.state = State.STOPPED

        # Init objects
        self.config = config
        self.strategy: IStrategy = StrategyResolver(self.config).strategy

        self.rpc: RPCManager = RPCManager(self)
        self.persistence = None
        self.exchange = Exchange(self.config)
        self.wallets = Wallets(self.exchange)
        pairlistname = self.config.get('pairlist',
                                       {}).get('method', 'StaticPairList')
        self.pairlists = PairListResolver(pairlistname, self,

        # Initializing Edge only if enabled
        self.edge = Edge(self.config, self.exchange, self.strategy) if \
            self.config.get('edge', {}).get('enabled', False) else None

        self.active_pair_whitelist: List[str] = self.config['exchange'][
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, config: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
        Init all variables and objects the bot needs to work
        :param config: configuration dict, you can use Configuration.get_config()
        to get the config dict.

        logger.info('Starting freqtrade %s', __version__)

        # Init bot state
        self.state = State.STOPPED

        # Init objects
        self.config = config

        self._heartbeat_msg = 0

        self.heartbeat_interval = self.config.get('internals', {}).get('heartbeat_interval', 60)

        self.strategy: IStrategy = StrategyResolver(self.config).strategy

        # Check config consistency here since strategies can set certain options

        self.exchange = ExchangeResolver(self.config['exchange']['name'], self.config).exchange

        self.wallets = Wallets(self.config, self.exchange)
        self.dataprovider = DataProvider(self.config, self.exchange)

        # Attach Dataprovider to Strategy baseclass
        IStrategy.dp = self.dataprovider
        # Attach Wallets to Strategy baseclass
        IStrategy.wallets = self.wallets

        pairlistname = self.config.get('pairlist', {}).get('method', 'StaticPairList')
        self.pairlists = PairListResolver(pairlistname, self, self.config).pairlist

        # Initializing Edge only if enabled
        self.edge = Edge(self.config, self.exchange, self.strategy) if \
            self.config.get('edge', {}).get('enabled', False) else None

        self.active_pair_whitelist: List[str] = self.config['exchange']['pair_whitelist']

        persistence.init(self.config.get('db_url', None),
                         clean_open_orders=self.config.get('dry_run', False))

        # Set initial bot state from config
        initial_state = self.config.get('initial_state')
        self.state = State[initial_state.upper()] if initial_state else State.STOPPED

        # RPC runs in separate threads, can start handling external commands just after
        # initialization, even before Freqtradebot has a chance to start its throttling,
        # so anything in the Freqtradebot instance should be ready (initialized), including
        # the initial state of the bot.
        # Keep this at the end of this initialization method.
        self.rpc: RPCManager = RPCManager(self)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self, config: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
        Init all variables and objects the bot needs to work
        :param config: configuration dict, you can use Configuration.get_config()
        to get the config dict.

        logger.info('Starting freqtrade %s', __version__)

        # Init bot state
        self.state = State.STOPPED

        # Init objects
        self.config = config

        self.strategy: IStrategy = StrategyResolver(self.config).strategy

        # Check config consistency here since strategies can set certain options

        self.rpc: RPCManager = RPCManager(self)

        self.exchange = ExchangeResolver(self.config['exchange']['name'], self.config).exchange

        self.wallets = Wallets(self.config, self.exchange)
        self.dataprovider = DataProvider(self.config, self.exchange)

        # Attach Dataprovider to Strategy baseclass
        IStrategy.dp = self.dataprovider
        # Attach Wallets to Strategy baseclass
        IStrategy.wallets = self.wallets

        pairlistname = self.config.get('pairlist', {}).get('method', 'StaticPairList')
        self.pairlists = PairListResolver(pairlistname, self, self.config).pairlist

        # Initializing Edge only if enabled
        self.edge = Edge(self.config, self.exchange, self.strategy) if \
            self.config.get('edge', {}).get('enabled', False) else None

        self.active_pair_whitelist: List[str] = self.config['exchange']['pair_whitelist']

        persistence.init(self.config.get('db_url', None),
                         clean_open_orders=self.config.get('dry_run', False))

        # Stoploss on exchange does not make sense, therefore we need to disable that.
        if (self.dataprovider.runmode == RunMode.DRY_RUN and
           self.strategy.order_types.get('stoploss_on_exchange', False)):
            logger.info("Disabling stoploss_on_exchange during dry-run.")
            self.strategy.order_types['stoploss_on_exchange'] = False
            config['order_types']['stoploss_on_exchange'] = False
        # Set initial bot state from config
        initial_state = self.config.get('initial_state')
        self.state = State[initial_state.upper()] if initial_state else State.STOPPED
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def __init__(self, config: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
        Init all variables and objects the bot needs to work
        :param config: configuration dict, you can use Configuration.get_config()
        to get the config dict.

        logger.info('Starting freqtrade %s', __version__)

        # Init bot state
        self.state = State.STOPPED

        # Init objects
        self.config = config

        self.strategy: IStrategy = StrategyResolver(self.config).strategy

        self.rpc: RPCManager = RPCManager(self)

        self.exchange = ExchangeResolver(self.config['exchange']['name'],

        self.wallets = Wallets(self.config, self.exchange)
        self.dataprovider = DataProvider(self.config, self.exchange)

        # Attach Dataprovider to Strategy baseclass
        IStrategy.dp = self.dataprovider
        # Attach Wallets to Strategy baseclass
        IStrategy.wallets = self.wallets

        pairlistname = self.config.get('pairlist',
                                       {}).get('method', 'StaticPairList')
        self.pairlists = PairListResolver(pairlistname, self,

        # Initializing Edge only if enabled
        self.edge = Edge(self.config, self.exchange, self.strategy) if \
            self.config.get('edge', {}).get('enabled', False) else None

        self.active_pair_whitelist: List[str] = self.config['exchange'][

        persistence.init(self.config.get('db_url', None),
                         clean_open_orders=self.config.get('dry_run', False))

        # Set initial bot state from config
        initial_state = self.config.get('initial_state')
        self.state = State[
            initial_state.upper()] if initial_state else State.STOPPED
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def __init__(self, exchange, config: dict) -> None:
        self._exchange = exchange
        self._config = config
        self._whitelist = self._config['exchange'].get('pair_whitelist')
        self._blacklist = self._config['exchange'].get('pair_blacklist', [])
        self._pairlists: List[IPairList] = []
        self._tickers_needed = False
        for pl in self._config.get('pairlists', None):
            if 'method' not in pl:
                logger.warning(f"No method in {pl}")
            pairl = PairListResolver(pl.get('method'),
            self._tickers_needed = pairl.needstickers or self._tickers_needed

        if not self._pairlists:
            raise OperationalException("No Pairlist defined!")