Ejemplo n.º 1
    def Refresh(self):
        def safe(name, action, callback):
            '''Safely runs |callback| for a ContentProvider called |name| by
      swallowing exceptions and turning them into a None return value. It's
      important to run all ContentProvider Refreshes even if some of them fail.
                return callback()
                if not _IGNORE_MISSING_CONTENT_PROVIDERS[0]:
                        'Error %s Refresh for ContentProvider "%s":\n%s' %
                        (action, name, traceback.format_exc()))
                return None

        def refresh_provider(path, config):
            provider = self._CreateContentProvider(path, config)
            future = safe(path, 'initializing',
                          self._CreateContentProvider(path, config).Refresh)
            if future is None:
                return Future(callback=lambda: True)
            return Future(callback=lambda: safe(path, 'resolving', future.Get))

        return All(
            refresh_provider(path, config)
            for path, config in self._GetConfig().iteritems())
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def collect(api_owners):
      if api_owners is not None:
        return api_owners

      # Get API owners from every OWNERS file that exists.
      api_owners = []
      for root in BROWSER_API_PATHS:
        for base, dirs, _ in self._host_fs.Walk(root, depth=1):
          for dir_ in dirs:
            owners_file = Join(root, base, dir_, _OWNERS)
                self._owners_fs.GetFromFile(owners_file, skip_not_found=True))

      # Add an entry for the core extensions/apps owners.
      def fix_core_owners(entry):
        entry['apiName'] = _CORE_OWNERS
        entry['id'] = 'core'
        return entry

      owners_file = Join(BROWSER_CHROME_EXTENSIONS, _OWNERS)
      def sort_and_cache(api_owners):
        self._cache.Set('api_owners', api_owners)
        return api_owners
      return All(api_owners).Then(sort_and_cache)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def Refresh(self):
        def render(path):
            request = Request(path, self._request.host, self._request.headers)
            delegate = _SingletonRenderServletDelegate(self._server_instance)
            return RenderServlet(request, delegate).Get()

        def request_files_in_dir(path, prefix='', strip_ext=None):
            '''Requests every file found under |path| in this host file system, with
      a request prefix of |prefix|. |strip_ext| is an optional list of file
      extensions that should be stripped from paths before requesting.
            def maybe_strip_ext(name):
                if name == SITE_VERIFICATION_FILE or not strip_ext:
                    return name
                base, ext = posixpath.splitext(name)
                return base if ext in strip_ext else name

            files = [
                for name, _ in CreateURLsFromPaths(master_fs, path, prefix)
            return _RequestEachItem(path, files, render)

        return All(
            request_files_in_dir(dir, prefix=prefix)
            for dir, prefix in _SUPPORTED_TARGETS.itervalues())
Ejemplo n.º 4
            def load_features(dependency_features_list):
                futures = []
                for dependency_features, cache_type in zip(
                        dependency_features_list, cache_types):
                    if dependency_features is not None:
                        # Get cached dependencies if possible. If it has been cached, all
                        # of its features have been resolved, so the other fields are
                        # unnecessary.
                            Future(value={'resolved': dependency_features}))

                def resolve(features):
                    features_map = {}
                    for cache_type, feature in zip(cache_types, features):
                        # Copy down to features_map level because the 'resolved' and
                        # 'unresolved' dicts will be modified.
                        features_map[cache_type] = dict(
                            (c, copy(d)) for c, d in feature.iteritems())

                    def has_unresolved():
                        '''Determines if there are any unresolved features left over in any
            of the categories in |dependencies|.
                        return any(
                            for cache in features_map.itervalues())

                    # Iterate until everything is resolved. If dependencies are multiple
                    # levels deep, it might take multiple passes to inherit data to the
                    # topmost feature.
                    while has_unresolved():
                        for cache_type, cache in features_map.iteritems():
                            if 'unresolved' not in cache:
                            to_remove = []
                            for name, values in cache['unresolved'].iteritems(
                                resolve_successful, feature = _ResolveFeature(
                                    name, values, cache['extra'].get(name, ()),
                                    self._platform, cache_type, features_map)
                                if not resolve_successful:
                                    continue  # Try again on the next iteration of the while loop

                                # When successfully resolved, remove it from the unresolved
                                # dict. Add it to the resolved dict if it didn't get deleted.
                                if feature is not None:
                                    cache['resolved'][name] = feature

                            for key in to_remove:
                                del cache['unresolved'][key]

                    for cache_type, cache in features_map.iteritems():
                        self._object_store.Set(cache_type, cache['resolved'])
                    return features_map[features_type]['resolved']

                return All(futures).Then(resolve)
 def Refresh(self):
   ''' Load files during a cron run.
   futures = []
   for root, dirs, files in self._file_system.Walk(''):
     if 'redirects.json' in files:
       futures.append(self._cache.GetFromFile(Join(root, 'redirects.json')))
   return All(futures)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def Cron(self):
     futures = []
     for platform in GetPlatforms():
         futures += [
             self._GetImpl(platform, name) for name in
     return All(futures, except_pass=FileNotFoundError)
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def get_platform_schemas(platform):
   # Internal APIs are an internal implementation detail. Do not pass them to
   # templates.
   return All([get_api_schema(platform, api)
               for api in self._platform_bundle.GetAPIModels(platform)
               if self._platform_bundle.GetAPICategorizer(platform)
               .GetCategory(api) != 'internal'],
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def Cron(self):
     futures = []
     for root, _, files in self._file_system.Walk(self._dir):
         futures += [
                 posixpath.join(self._dir, root, FormatKey(f)))
             for f in files if posixpath.splitext(f)[1] == '.html'
     return All(futures)
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def Refresh(self):
   futures = [self._path_canonicalizer.Refresh()]
   for root, _, files in self.file_system.Walk(''):
     for f in files:
       futures.append(self.GetContentAndType(Join(root, f)))
       # Also cache the extension-less version of the file if needed.
       base, ext = posixpath.splitext(f)
       if f != SITE_VERIFICATION_FILE and ext in self._default_extensions:
         futures.append(self.GetContentAndType(Join(root, base)))
     # TODO(kalman): Cache .zip files for each directory (if supported).
   return All(futures, except_pass=Exception, except_pass_log=True)
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def SetMulti(self, mapping):
   entities = [PersistentObjectStoreItem.CreateItem(
                   self._namespace, key, value)
               for key, value in mapping.iteritems()]
   # Some entites may be None if they were too large to insert. Skip those.
   rpcs = [db.put_async(entity for entity in entities if entity)]
   # If running the dev server, the futures don't complete until the server is
   # *quitting*. This is annoying. Flush now.
   if IsDevServer():
     [rpc.wait() for rpc in rpcs]
   return All(Future(callback=lambda: rpc.get_result()) for rpc in rpcs)
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def SetMulti(self, mapping):
     rpcs = [
             PersistentObjectStoreItem.CreateItem(self._namespace, key,
         for key, value in mapping.iteritems()
     # If running the dev server, the futures don't complete until the server is
     # *quitting*. This is annoying. Flush now.
     if IsDevServer():
         [rpc.wait() for rpc in rpcs]
     return All(Future(callback=lambda: rpc.get_result()) for rpc in rpcs)
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def find_file_with_name(name):
   '''Tries to find a file in the file system called |name| with one of the
   default extensions of this content provider.
   If none is found, returns None.
   paths = [name + ext for ext in self._default_extensions]
   def get_first_path_which_exists(existence):
     for exists, path in zip(existence, paths):
       if exists:
         return path
     return None
   return (All(self.file_system.Exists(path) for path in paths)
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def Refresh(self):
        def get_api_schema(platform, api):
            return self._GetSchemaView(platform, api)

        def get_platform_schemas(platform):
            return All([
                get_api_schema(platform, api) for api in

        return All(
            [get_platform_schemas(platform) for platform in GetPlatforms()])
    def Read(self, paths, skip_not_found=False):
        # Directory content is formatted in JSON in Gitiles as follows:
        #   {
        #     "id": "12a5464de48d2c46bc0b2dc78fafed75aab554fa", # The tree ID.
        #     "entries": [
        #       {
        #         "mode": 33188,
        #         "type": "blob",
        #           "id": "ab971ca447bc4bce415ed4498369e00164d91cb6", # File ID.
        #         "name": ".gitignore"
        #       },
        #       ...
        #     ]
        #   }
        def list_dir(json_data):
            entries = _ParseGitilesJson(json_data).get('entries', [])
            return [
                e['name'] + ('/' if e['type'] == 'tree' else '')
                for e in entries

        def fixup_url_format(path):
            # By default, Gitiles URLs display resources in HTML. To get resources
            # suitable for our consumption, a '?format=' string must be appended to
            # the URL. The format may be one of 'JSON' or 'TEXT' for directory or
            # text resources, respectively.
            return path + (_JSON_FORMAT if IsDirectory(path) else _TEXT_FORMAT)

        # A list of tuples of the form (path, Future).
        fetches = [(path, self._FetchAsync(fixup_url_format(path)))
                   for path in paths]

        def parse_contents(results):
            value = {}
            for path, content in izip(paths, results):
                if content is None:
                # Gitiles encodes text content in base64 (see
                # http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4648 for info about base64).
                value[path] = (list_dir
                               if IsDirectory(path) else b64decode)(content)
            return value

        return All(
            self._ResolveFetchContent(path, future, skip_not_found)
            for path, future in fetches).Then(parse_contents)
Ejemplo n.º 15
        def file_lister(root):
            res, root_stat = All(
                (self._walk_cache.Get(root), self.StatAsync(root))).Get()

            if res and res[2] == root_stat.version:
                dirs, files = res[0], res[1]
                # Wasn't cached, or not up to date.
                dirs, files = [], []
                for f in self.ReadSingle(root).Get():
                    if IsDirectory(f):
                # Update the cache. This is a root -> (dirs, files, version) mapping.
                self._walk_cache.Set(root, (dirs, files, root_stat.version))
            return dirs, files
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def Get(self):
        object_store_creator = ObjectStoreCreator(start_empty=False)
        commit_tracker = CommitTracker(object_store_creator)

        def generate_response(result):
            commit_id, history = result
            history_log = ''.join('%s: %s<br>' %
                                  (entry.datetime, entry.commit_id)
                                  for entry in reversed(history))
            response = 'Current commit: %s<br><br>Most recent commits:<br>%s' % (
                commit_id, history_log)
            return response

        commit_name = self._request.path
        id_future = commit_tracker.Get(commit_name)
        history_future = commit_tracker.GetHistory(commit_name)
        return Response.Ok(
            All((id_future, history_future)).Then(generate_response).Get())
 def SetMulti(self, mapping):
     return All([
         for object_store in self._object_stores
Ejemplo n.º 18
            def load_features(dependency_features_list):
                futures = []
                for dependency_features, cache_type in zip(
                        dependency_features_list, cache_types):
                    if dependency_features is not None:
                        # Get cached dependencies if possible. If it has been cached, all
                        # of its features have been resolved, so the other fields are
                        # unnecessary.
                            Future(value={'resolved': dependency_features}))

                def resolve(features):
                    features_map = {}
                    for cache_type, feature in zip(cache_types, features):
                        # Copy down to features_map level because the 'resolved' and
                        # 'unresolved' dicts will be modified.
                        features_map[cache_type] = dict(
                            (c, copy(d)) for c, d in feature.iteritems())

                    def has_unresolved():
                        '''Determines if there are any unresolved features left over in any
            of the categories in |dependencies|.
                        return any(
                            for cache in features_map.itervalues())

                    def get_unresolved():
                        '''Returns a dictionary of unresolved features mapping the type of
            features to the list of unresolved feature names
                        unresolved = {}
                        for cache_type, cache in features_map.iteritems():
                            if 'unresolved' not in cache:
                            unresolved[cache_type] = cache['unresolved'].keys()
                        return unresolved

                    # Iterate until we can't resolve any more features. If dependencies
                    # are multiple levels deep, it might take multiple passes to inherit
                    # data to the topmost feature.
                    any_resolved = True
                    while has_unresolved() and any_resolved:
                        any_resolved = False
                        for cache_type, cache in features_map.iteritems():
                            if 'unresolved' not in cache:
                            to_remove = []
                            for name, values in cache['unresolved'].iteritems(
                                resolve_successful, feature = _ResolveFeature(
                                    name, values, cache['extra'].get(name, ()),
                                    self._platform, cache_type, features_map)
                                if not resolve_successful:
                                    continue  # Try again on the next iteration of the while loop

                                if resolve_successful:
                                    any_resolved = True

                                # When successfully resolved, remove it from the unresolved
                                # dict. Add it to the resolved dict if it didn't get deleted.
                                if feature is not None:
                                    cache['resolved'][name] = feature

                            for key in to_remove:
                                del cache['unresolved'][key]

                    # TODO(karandeepb): Add a test to ensure that all features are
                    # correctly resolved.
                    if has_unresolved():
                        logging.error('Some features were left unresolved ' +

                    for cache_type, cache in features_map.iteritems():
                        self._object_store.Set(cache_type, cache['resolved'])
                    return features_map[features_type]['resolved']

                return All(futures).Then(resolve)
Ejemplo n.º 19
 def Refresh(self):
     return All(
         for platform in self._platform_data.keys())
 def Refresh(self, path):
     platform, api = path.split('/')
     logging.info('Refreshing %s/%s' % (platform, api))
     future = self._GetImpl(platform, api)
     return All([future], except_pass=FileNotFoundError)
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def testAll(self):
        def callback_with_value(value):
            return MockFunction(lambda: value)

        # Test a single value.
        callback = callback_with_value(42)
        future = All((Future(callback=callback), ))
        self.assertEqual([42], future.Get())

        # Test multiple callbacks.
        callbacks = (callback_with_value(1), callback_with_value(2),
        future = All(Future(callback=callback) for callback in callbacks)
        for callback in callbacks:
        self.assertEqual([1, 2, 3], future.Get())
        for callback in callbacks:

        # Test throwing an error.
        def throws_error():
            raise ValueError()

        callbacks = (callback_with_value(1), callback_with_value(2),

        future = All(Future(callback=callback) for callback in callbacks)
        for callback in callbacks:
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, future.Get)
        for callback in callbacks:
            # Can't check that the callbacks were actually run because in theory the
            # Futures can be resolved in any order.

        # Test throwing an error with except_pass.
        future = All((Future(callback=callback) for callback in callbacks),
        for callback in callbacks:
        self.assertEqual([1, 2, None], future.Get())
 def Cron(self):
     return All([self._GetImpl(platform) for platform in GetPlatforms()])
Ejemplo n.º 23
 def Cron(self):
   return All(self.GetAPIModels(platform).Cron()
              for platform in self._platform_data)
Ejemplo n.º 24
 def get_platform_schemas(platform):
     return All([
         get_api_schema(platform, api) for api in
Ejemplo n.º 25
 def Refresh(self):
   return All(self._GetImpl(platform) for platform in GetPlatforms())
Ejemplo n.º 26
 def Cron(self):
     futures = [self.GetModel(name) for name in self.GetNames()]
     return All(futures, except_pass=(FileNotFoundError, ValueError))