Ejemplo n.º 1
def __check_param(app, param_dict, param):
    """Check if a tool param is set to a given value.

    param_dict should be a series of nested dicts
    param should be a string in dotted format e.g. 'reference_source.reference_source_selector'`

    value can be a list, in which case the return is the logical OR of the checks against all values in the list
    name = param['name']
    value = param['value']
    op = param.get('op', '==')
    type_ = param.get('type')

    # When walking the dict down to the param, any element that's a list will be replaced by the first element of that
    # list. This handles repeats (you always check the first element of the repeat) and things like Trinity paired
    # inputs, which are lists of (single?) HDAs. This may prevent more complex rules but it's good enough for our needs
    # right now.

    subpd = param_dict.copy()
        # walk the param dict
        for subname in name.split('.'):
            subpd = subpd[subname]
            # replace lists by the first element of the list
            if isinstance(subpd, list):
                    "Converting list param element '%s' to single (first) element: %s",
                    subname, name)
                subpd = subpd[0]
    except (KeyError, IndexError):
        return False
    runtime_value = subpd

    if not isinstance(value, list):
        value = [value]

    # TODO: probably shouldn't assume size but that's good enough for now since it's all we're interested in. if this
    # needed to be on something other than size we could add a 'property' key that indicates what property of the param
    # to check
    if type_ == 'data_table_lookup':
        # TODO: any way to automatically detect if a param is a data table value
        runtime_value = __data_table_lookup(app, param, runtime_value)
        value = [size_to_bytes(str(x)) for x in value]
    elif isinstance(runtime_value, model.HistoryDatasetCollectionAssociation):
        # TODO: this is probably only valid for pairs, do we want to maybe do sum([x.get_size() for x in runtime_value.dataset_instances]) ?
        runtime_value = runtime_value.dataset_instances[0].get_size()
        # TODO: maybe store this since it will never change, but the YAML is reloaded frequently via the caching
        # function so that's easier said than done for probably negligible gain
        value = [size_to_bytes(str(x)) for x in value]
    elif isinstance(runtime_value, model.DatasetCollectionElement):
        runtime_value = runtime_value.first_dataset_instance().get_size()
        value = [size_to_bytes(str(x)) for x in value]
    elif isinstance(runtime_value, model.DatasetInstance) or hasattr(
            runtime_value, 'get_size'):
        # hasattr for tests, is there a better way to mock it?
        runtime_value = runtime_value.get_size()
        value = [size_to_bytes(str(x)) for x in value]

    return any([OPERATIONS[op](runtime_value, x) for x in value])
Ejemplo n.º 2
def _parse_native_specs(job_id, native_spec):
    determine requested run time and memory from native specs
    native_spec (e.g. h_rt=01:00:02 -l h_vmem=1G) the native
    job_id the job ID (only used for logging)
    specification string passed to GE
    return time,mem (or None,None if nothing found)
    tme = None
    mem = None
    # parse time
    m = re.search(r"rt=([0-9:]+)[\s,]*", native_spec)
    if m is not None:
        tme = _parse_time(m.group(1))
        if tme is None:
                "DRMAAUniva: job {job_id} has unparsable time native spec {spec}"
                .format(job_id=job_id, spec=native_spec))
    # parse memory
    m = re.search(r"mem=([\d.]+[KGMT]?)[\s,]*", native_spec)
    if m is not None:
        mem = util.size_to_bytes(m.group(1))
        # mem = _parse_mem(m.group(1))
        if mem is None:
                "DRMAAUniva: job {job_id} has unparsable memory native spec {spec}"
                .format(job_id=job_id, spec=native_spec))
    return tme, mem
Ejemplo n.º 3
def __override_params(selections, destination_config, override_allowed):
    rval = {}
    for param, value in selections.items():
        max_value = 0
        orig_value = value
        if value == 0:
        if override_allowed:
            # if override is not specified for this param then it can still be set to the max (in the next block) if specified
            max_value = destination_config.get('override', {}).get(param, 0)
        if max_value == 0:
            max_value = destination_config.get('max', {}).get(param, 0)
        value = __convert_resource_param(param, value)
        max_value = __convert_tool_mapping_param(param, max_value)
        value = min(value, max_value)
        normalize = destination_config.get('normalize', {}).get(param, None)
        if normalize:
            local.log.debug("Normalizing '%s bytes' by '%s'", value, normalize)
            normalize_bytes = size_to_bytes(str(normalize))
            floor_factor = int(value / normalize_bytes)
            value = floor_factor * normalize_bytes
            local.log.debug("Normalized to '%s * %s = %s'", floor_factor,
                            normalize_bytes, value)
        if value > 0:
            rval[param] = value
            local.log.debug("Value of param '%s' set by user: %s", param,
                "User set param '%s' to '%s' but that is not allowed, so it will be ignored",
                param, orig_value)
    return rval
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def _parse_amount(self, amount: str) -> Optional[Union[int, bool]]:
     if amount.lower() in ('unlimited', 'none', 'no limit'):
         return None
         return util.size_to_bytes(amount)
     except AssertionError:
         return False
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def _create_quota(self, params):
     if params.amount.lower() in ('unlimited', 'none', 'no limit'):
         create_amount = None
             create_amount = util.size_to_bytes(params.amount)
         except AssertionError:
             create_amount = False
     if not params.name or not params.description:
         raise ActionInputError("Enter a valid name and a description.")
     elif self.sa_session.query(self.app.model.Quota).filter(
             self.app.model.Quota.table.c.name == params.name).first():
         raise ActionInputError(
             "Quota names must be unique and a quota with that name already exists, so choose another name."
     elif not params.get('amount', None):
         raise ActionInputError("Enter a valid quota amount.")
     elif create_amount is False:
         raise ActionInputError("Unable to parse the provided amount.")
     elif params.operation not in self.app.model.Quota.valid_operations:
         raise ActionInputError("Enter a valid operation.")
     elif params.default != 'no' and params.default not in self.app.model.DefaultQuotaAssociation.types.__dict__.values(
         raise ActionInputError("Enter a valid default type.")
     elif params.default != 'no' and params.operation != '=':
         raise ActionInputError(
             "Operation for a default quota must be '='.")
     elif create_amount is None and params.operation != '=':
         raise ActionInputError(
             "Operation for an unlimited quota must be '='.")
         # Create the quota
         quota = self.app.model.Quota(name=params.name,
         # If this is a default quota, create the DefaultQuotaAssociation
         if params.default != 'no':
             self.app.quota_agent.set_default_quota(params.default, quota)
             # Create the UserQuotaAssociations
             for user in [
                     for x in params.in_users
                 uqa = self.app.model.UserQuotaAssociation(user, quota)
             # Create the GroupQuotaAssociations
             for group in [
                     for x in params.in_groups
                 gqa = self.app.model.GroupQuotaAssociation(group, quota)
         message = "Quota '%s' has been created with %d associated users and %d associated groups." % \
                   ( quota.name, len( params.in_users ), len( params.in_groups ) )
         return quota, message
Ejemplo n.º 6
def to_destination_if_size(job, max_size, to_destination_id,
    A rule that will route a job to the "to_destination_id" if
    the input size is below a certain threshold, or to the
    "fallback_destination_id" if not.
    total_input_size = __calculate_dataset_total(job.input_datasets)
    total_library_size = __calculate_dataset_total(job.input_library_datasets)
    if (total_input_size + total_library_size) <= size_to_bytes(max_size):
        return to_destination_id
        return fallback_destination_id
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def _create_quota( self, params ):
     if params.amount.lower() in ( 'unlimited', 'none', 'no limit' ):
         create_amount = None
             create_amount = util.size_to_bytes( params.amount )
         except AssertionError:
             create_amount = False
     if not params.name or not params.description:
         raise ActionInputError( "Enter a valid name and a description." )
     elif self.sa_session.query( self.app.model.Quota ).filter( self.app.model.Quota.table.c.name==params.name ).first():
         raise ActionInputError( "Quota names must be unique and a quota with that name already exists, so choose another name." )
     elif not params.get( 'amount', None ):
         raise ActionInputError( "Enter a valid quota amount." )
     elif create_amount is False:
         raise ActionInputError( "Unable to parse the provided amount." )
     elif params.operation not in self.app.model.Quota.valid_operations:
         raise ActionInputError( "Enter a valid operation." )
     elif params.default != 'no' and params.default not in self.app.model.DefaultQuotaAssociation.types.__dict__.values():
         raise ActionInputError( "Enter a valid default type." )
     elif params.default != 'no' and params.operation != '=':
         raise ActionInputError( "Operation for a default quota must be '='." )
     elif create_amount is None and params.operation != '=':
         raise ActionInputError( "Operation for an unlimited quota must be '='." )
         # Create the quota
         quota = self.app.model.Quota( name=params.name, description=params.description, amount=create_amount, operation=params.operation )
         self.sa_session.add( quota )
         # If this is a default quota, create the DefaultQuotaAssociation
         if params.default != 'no':
             self.app.quota_agent.set_default_quota( params.default, quota )
             # Create the UserQuotaAssociations
             for user in [ self.sa_session.query( self.app.model.User ).get( x ) for x in params.in_users ]:
                 uqa = self.app.model.UserQuotaAssociation( user, quota )
                 self.sa_session.add( uqa )
             # Create the GroupQuotaAssociations
             for group in [ self.sa_session.query( self.app.model.Group ).get( x ) for x in params.in_groups ]:
                 gqa = self.app.model.GroupQuotaAssociation( group, quota )
                 self.sa_session.add( gqa )
         message = "Quota '%s' has been created with %d associated users and %d associated groups." % \
                   ( quota.name, len( params.in_users ), len( params.in_groups ) )
         return quota, message
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def _edit_quota( self, quota, params ):
     if params.amount.lower() in ( 'unlimited', 'none', 'no limit' ):
         new_amount = None
             new_amount = util.size_to_bytes( params.amount )
         except AssertionError:
             new_amount = False
     if not params.amount:
         raise ActionInputError( 'Enter a valid amount' )
     elif new_amount is False:
         raise ActionInputError( 'Unable to parse the provided amount' )
     elif params.operation not in self.app.model.Quota.valid_operations:
         raise ActionInputError( 'Enter a valid operation' )
         quota.amount = new_amount
         quota.operation = params.operation
         self.sa_session.add( quota )
         message = "Quota '%s' is now '%s'" % ( quota.name, quota.operation + quota.display_amount )
         return message
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def edit_quota(self, quota, params) -> str:
     if params.amount.lower() in ('unlimited', 'none', 'no limit'):
         new_amount = None
             new_amount = util.size_to_bytes(params.amount)
         except (AssertionError, ValueError):
             new_amount = False
     if not params.amount:
         raise ActionInputError('Enter a valid amount.')
     elif new_amount is False:
         raise ActionInputError('Unable to parse the provided amount.')
     elif params.operation not in model.Quota.valid_operations:
         raise ActionInputError('Enter a valid operation.')
         quota.amount = new_amount
         quota.operation = params.operation
         message = f"Quota '{quota.name}' is now '{quota.operation}{quota.display_amount}'."
         return message
Ejemplo n.º 10
def _parse_native_specs(job_id, native_spec):
    determine requested run time and memory from native specs
    native_spec (e.g. h_rt=01:00:02 -l h_vmem=1G) the native
    job_id the job ID (only used for logging)
    specification string passed to GE
    return time,mem (or None,None if nothing found)
    tme = None
    mem = None
    # parse time
    m = re.search(r"rt=([0-9:]+)[\s,]*", native_spec)
    if m is not None:
        tme = _parse_time(m.group(1))
        if tme is None:
            log.error("DRMAAUniva: job {job_id} has unparsable time native spec {spec}".format(job_id=job_id, spec=native_spec))
    # parse memory
    m = re.search(r"mem=([\d.]+[KGMT]?)[\s,]*", native_spec)
    if m is not None:
        mem = util.size_to_bytes(m.group(1))
        # mem = _parse_mem(m.group(1))
        if mem is None:
            log.error("DRMAAUniva: job {job_id} has unparsable memory native spec {spec}".format(job_id=job_id, spec=native_spec))
    return tme, mem
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def _get_drmaa_state_qacct(self, job_id, extinfo):
        get the job (drmaa) state with qacct.

        extinfo: dict where signal, exit_status, deleted = True, time_wasted, and memory_wasted can be stored:
        - signal signal as reported in exit state from qstat (see below)
        - exit_status set to exit status if returned (ie if qstat returns an exits state
            larger 0 and less 129 (for exit states > 128 signal is set)
            in any case (exit state > 0) state FAILED is returned
        - deleted set to true if the job was deleted (otherwise not set at all),
        - time_wasted time used in seconds (taken from wallclock)
        - memory_wasted memory used by the program in byte (taken from maxvmem)

        return state
        - first initalised with UNDETERMINED and changed in the following case
        - DONE if exit state == 0
        - FAILED if exit state != 0
        - RUNNING if failed in 24,25
        - FAILED if failed not in [0,24,25,100]
        # log.debug("UnivaJobRunner._get_drmaa_state_qacct ({jobid})".format(jobid=job_id))
        signals = {k: v for v, k in reversed(sorted(signal.__dict__.items()))
           if v.startswith('SIG') and not v.startswith('SIG_')}
        cmd = ['qacct', '-j', job_id]
        slp = 1
        # run qacct -j JOBID (since the accounting data for the job might not be
        # available immediately a simple retry mechanism is implemented ..
        # max wait is approx 1min)
        while True:
                stdout = commands.execute(cmd).strip()
            except commands.CommandLineException as e:
                if slp <= 32 and f"job id {job_id} not found" in e.stderr:
                    slp *= 2
                    return self.drmaa.JobState.UNDETERMINED
        qacct = dict()
        for line in stdout.split("\n"):
            # remove header
            if line.startswith("=") or line == "":
            line = line.split()
            qacct[line[0]] = " ".join(line[1:])
        # qacct has three fields of interest: failed, exit_status, deleted_by
        # experiments
        #            failed  exit_status deleted_by
        # BASH ------------------------------------
        # time-limit 100     137
        # mem-limit  0       2
        # python --------------------------------------------------------------
        # time-limit
        # mem-limit  0       1
        # C -------------------------------------------------------------------
        # time-limit
        # mem-limit  0       C programm either have segfault (139) or allocated memory is checked for NULL (then a programmer defined message/exit code is given)
        #                    note that max_vmem might not be reliable, since the program never gets the memory.
        # C++ -----------------------------------------------------------------
        # time-limit
        # mem-limit  0       same as for C programs
        # JAVA ----------------------------------------------------------------
        # time-limit
        # mem-limit
        # perl ----------------------------------------------------------------
        # time-limit
        # mem-limit
        # bash other tests ----------------------------------------------------
        # qdel       100     137          user@mail

        extinfo["time_wasted"] = _parse_time(qacct["wallclock"])
        extinfo["memory_wasted"] = size_to_bytes(qacct["maxvmem"])
        extinfo["slots"] = int(qacct["slots"])

        # deleted_by
        # If the job (the array task) has been deleted via qdel, "<username>@<hostname>", else
        # "NONE". If qdel was called multiple times, every invocation is recorded in a comma
        # separated list.
        if "deleted_by" in qacct and qacct["deleted_by"] != "NONE":
            log.info(f"DRMAAUniva: job {job_id} was aborted by {qacct['deleted_by']}")
            extinfo["deleted"] = True
            return self.drmaa.JobState.FAILED

        state = self.drmaa.JobState.UNDETERMINED
        # exit_status
        # Exit status of the job script (or Univa Grid Engine specific status in case of certain
        # error conditions). The exit status is determined by following the normal shell conventions
        # If the command terminates normally the value of the command is its exit status.
        # However, in the case that the command exits abnormally, a value of 0200 (octal), 128
        # (decimal) is added to the value of the command to make up the exit status.
        # For example: If a job dies through signal 9 (SIGKILL) then the exit status
        # becomes 128 + 9 = 137.
        if "exit_status" in qacct:
            qacct["exit_status"] = int(qacct["exit_status"])
            if qacct["exit_status"] < 1:
                log.error(f"DRMAAUniva: job {job_id} has exit status {qacct['exit_status']}")
                state = self.drmaa.JobState.DONE
            elif 0 < qacct["exit_status"] < 129:
                log.error(f"DRMAAUniva: job {job_id} has exit status {qacct['exit_status']}")
                extinfo['exit_status'] = qacct["exit_status"]
                state = self.drmaa.JobState.FAILED
                log.error(f"DRMAAUniva: job {job_id} was killed by signal {qacct['exit_status'] - 128}")
                state = self.drmaa.JobState.FAILED
                extinfo["signal"] = signals[qacct["exit_status"] - 128]

        # failed
        # Indicates the problem which occurred in case a job could not be started on the execution
        # host (e.g. because the owner of the job did not have a valid account on that
        # machine). If Univa Grid Engine tries to start a job multiple times, this may lead to
        # multiple entries in the accounting file corresponding to the same job ID.
        # for the codes see https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E19957-01/820-0699/chp11-2/index.html
        if "failed" in qacct:
            code = int(qacct["failed"].split()[0])
            # this happens in case of no error or exit_code!=0 (0) or a signal (100).
            # both cases are covered already
            if code in [0, 100]:
            # these seem to be OK as well
            elif code in [24, 25]:
                state = self.drmaa.JobState.RUNNING
                log.error(f"DRMAAUniva: job {job_id} failed with failure {qacct['failed']}")
                state = self.drmaa.JobState.FAILED
        # log.debug("UnivaJobRunner._get_drmaa_state_qacct ({jobid}) -> {state}".format(jobid=job_id, state=self.drmaa_job_state_strings[state]))
        return state
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def _get_drmaa_state_qacct(self, job_id, extinfo):
        get the job (drmaa) state with qacct.

        extinfo: dict where signal, exit_status, deleted = True, time_wasted, and memory_wasted can be stored:
        - signal signal as reported in exit state from qstat (see below)
        - exit_status set to exit status if returned (ie if qstat returns an exits state
            larger 0 and less 129 (for exit states > 128 signal is set)
            in any case (exit state > 0) state FAILED is returned
        - deleted set to true if the job was deleted (otherwise not set at all),
        - time_wasted time used in seconds (taken from wallclock)
        - memory_wasted memory used by the program in byte (taken from maxvmem)

        return state
        - first initalised with UNDETERMINED and changed in the following case
        - DONE if exit state == 0
        - FAILED if exit state != 0
        - RUNNING if failed in 24,25
        - FAILED if failed not in [0,24,25,100]
        # log.debug("UnivaJobRunner._get_drmaa_state_qacct ({jobid})".format(jobid=job_id))
        signals = dict((k, v) for v, k in reversed(sorted(signal.__dict__.items()))
           if v.startswith('SIG') and not v.startswith('SIG_'))
        cmd = ['qacct', '-j', job_id]
        slp = 1
        # run qacct -j JOBID (since the accounting data for the job might not be
        # available immediately a simple retry mechanism is implemented ..
        # max wait is approx 1min)
        while True:
            p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
            stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
            stderr = stderr.strip()
            if p.returncode != 0:
                if slp <= 32 and "job id {jobid} not found".format(jobid=job_id) in stderr:
                    # log.debug('`%s` returned %s, stderr: %s => retry after %ds' % (' '.join(cmd), p.returncode, stderr, slp))
                    slp *= 2
                    log.exception('`%s` returned %s, stderr: %s' % (' '.join(cmd), p.returncode, stderr))
                    return self.drmaa.JobState.UNDETERMINED
        qacct = dict()
        for line in stdout.split("\n"):
            # remove header
            if line.startswith("=") or line == "":
            line = line.split()
            qacct[line[0]] = " ".join(line[1:])
        # qacct has three fields of interest: failed, exit_status, deleted_by
        # experiments
        #            failed  exit_status deleted_by
        # BASH ------------------------------------
        # time-limit 100     137
        # mem-limit  0       2
        # python --------------------------------------------------------------
        # time-limit
        # mem-limit  0       1
        # C -------------------------------------------------------------------
        # time-limit
        # mem-limit  0       C programm either have segfault (139) or allocated memory is checked for NULL (then a programmer defined message/exit code is given)
        #                    note that max_vmem might not be reliable, since the program never gets the memory.
        # C++ -----------------------------------------------------------------
        # time-limit
        # mem-limit  0       same as for C programs
        # JAVA ----------------------------------------------------------------
        # time-limit
        # mem-limit
        # perl ----------------------------------------------------------------
        # time-limit
        # mem-limit
        # bash other tests ----------------------------------------------------
        # qdel       100     137          user@mail

        extinfo["time_wasted"] = _parse_time(qacct["wallclock"])
        extinfo["memory_wasted"] = util.size_to_bytes(qacct["maxvmem"])
        extinfo["slots"] = int(qacct["slots"])

        # deleted_by
        # If the job (the array task) has been deleted via qdel, "<username>@<hostname>", else
        # "NONE". If qdel was called multiple times, every invocation is recorded in a comma
        # separated list.
        if "deleted_by" in qacct and qacct["deleted_by"] != "NONE":
            log.error("DRMAAUniva: job {job_id} was aborted by {culprit}".format(job_id=job_id, culprit=qacct["deleted_by"]))
            extinfo["deleted"] = True
            return self.drmaa.JobState.FAILED

        state = self.drmaa.JobState.UNDETERMINED
        # exit_status
        # Exit status of the job script (or Univa Grid Engine specific status in case of certain
        # error conditions). The exit status is determined by following the normal shell conventions
        # If the command terminates normally the value of the command is its exit status.
        # However, in the case that the command exits abnormally, a value of 0200 (octal), 128
        # (decimal) is added to the value of the command to make up the exit status.
        # For example: If a job dies through signal 9 (SIGKILL) then the exit status
        # becomes 128 + 9 = 137.
        if "exit_status" in qacct:
            qacct["exit_status"] = int(qacct["exit_status"])
            if qacct["exit_status"] < 1:
                log.error("DRMAAUniva: job {job_id} has exit status {status}".format(job_id=job_id, status=qacct["exit_status"]))
                state = self.drmaa.JobState.DONE
            elif 0 < qacct["exit_status"] < 129:
                log.error("DRMAAUniva: job {job_id} has exit status {status}".format(job_id=job_id, status=qacct["exit_status"]))
                extinfo['exit_status'] = qacct["exit_status"]
                state = self.drmaa.JobState.FAILED
                log.error("DRMAAUniva: job {job_id} was killed by signal {signal}".format(job_id=job_id, signal=qacct["exit_status"] - 128))
                state = self.drmaa.JobState.FAILED
                extinfo["signal"] = signals[qacct["exit_status"] - 128]

        # failed
        # Indicates the problem which occurred in case a job could not be started on the execution
        # host (e.g. because the owner of the job did not have a valid account on that
        # machine). If Univa Grid Engine tries to start a job multiple times, this may lead to
        # multiple entries in the accounting file corresponding to the same job ID.
        # for the codes see https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E19957-01/820-0699/chp11-2/index.html
        if "failed" in qacct:
            code = int(qacct["failed"].split()[0])
            # this happens in case of no error or exit_code!=0 (0) or a signal (100).
            # both cases are covered already
            if code in [0, 100]:
            # these seem to be OK as well
            elif code in [24, 25]:
                state = self.drmaa.JobState.RUNNING
                log.error("DRMAAUniva: job {job_id} failed with failure {failure}".format(job_id=job_id, failure=qacct["failed"]))
                state = self.drmaa.JobState.FAILED
        # log.debug("UnivaJobRunner._get_drmaa_state_qacct ({jobid}) -> {state}".format(jobid=job_id, state=self.drmaa_job_state_strings[state]))
        return state
Ejemplo n.º 13


    # in: int in GB; out: int in bytes
    'mem': lambda x: x * (1024**3),

    # in: size str; out: int in bytes
    'mem': lambda x: size_to_bytes(str(x)),

    # in: int in bytes or size str; out: int in mb
    'mem': lambda x: int(size_to_bytes(str(x)) / (1024**2)),
    'time': lambda x: '{}:00:00'.format(x) if isinstance(x, int) else x,

deferred_jobs = {}
share_job_counts = {}

class JobLogger(logging.LoggerAdapter):
    """Custom logger adapter to prepend job id to all messages"""
    def process(self, msg, kwargs):