Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _make_form_coords(self):
        Tooth form coordinates in transverse cross-section (half tooth and half gap)
        points returned in 2D-cartesian coordinates, origin on wheel axis
        old form coordinates (if existend) will be replaced!
        This method should be used only if no user-supplied form coordinates are

        INPUT parameter:

        # module imports
        from scipy.optimize import fsolve
        from numpy.linalg import norm
        from numpy import insert

        # tolerance for comparisons
        tol = self._tol_default * self.data.get("m_n")

        # delete old form coordinates if existend
        if self.formcoords:
            del self.formcoords
        if self._formwire:
            del self._formwire

        # indicator whether gear is external (number of teeth positive) or internal
        isexternal = sign(self.data.get("z"))
        inv_extension = False

        # indices for adressing parts of tooth form
        lower_index = 0
        start_rootcirc_index = lower_index + 1  # one entry reserved for origin
        end_rootcirc_index = start_rootcirc_index + self.points_root - 1
        start_fillet_index = end_rootcirc_index
        end_fillet_index = start_fillet_index + self.points_fillet - 1
        start_involute_index = end_fillet_index + 1  # can differ from end of fillet
        end_involute_index = start_involute_index + self.points_flank - 1
        start_chamfer_index = end_involute_index + 1
        end_chamfer_index = start_chamfer_index + self.points_chamfer - 1
        start_tipcirc_index = end_chamfer_index + 1  # differs from end of involute if chamfer present
        end_tipcirc_index = start_tipcirc_index + self.points_tip - 1
        upper_index = end_tipcirc_index

        # determine boundary of half tooth segment on root circle
        rootcirc_start_point = (
            / 2
            * np.array([-sin(radians(self.data.get("tau") / 2)), cos(radians(self.data.get("tau") / 2))])

        # determine how the root shape is defined and calculate significant points
        # root shape is circular in transverse cross-section
        if isexternal > 0:  # for external gears
            if "d_Ff" not in self.data:
                # root circle is tangent to involute
                if (
                    self.data.get("d_f") ** 2 + 4 * self.data.get("rho_f") * self.data.get("d_f")
                    >= self.data.get("d_b") ** 2
                            "d_Ff": isexternal
                            * sqrt(
                                        (self.data.get("d_f") + 2 * self.data.get("rho_f")) ** 2
                                        - self.data.get("d_b") ** 2
                                    - 2 * self.data.get("rho_f")
                                ** 2
                                + self.data.get("d_b") ** 2
                    s_yt, d_yc = self._tooth_thickness(self.data.get("d_Ff"))
                    fil_end_point = np.array([-s_yt / 2, d_yc / 2])
                # no tangency possible: undercut
                elif self.data.get("d_f") + 4 * self.data.get("rho_f") >= self.data.get("d_b"):
                    self.data.update({"d_Ff": self.data.get("d_b")})
                    s_yt, d_yc = self._tooth_thickness(self.data.get("d_b"))
                    fil_end_point = np.array([-s_yt / 2, d_yc / 2])  # end of involute at base circle
                    print "Warning: undercutting occurs!"
                    self.data.update({"d_Ff": self.data.get("d_b")})
                    d_tangent = sqrt(
                        self.data.get("d_f") ** 2 + 4 * self.data.get("rho_f") * self.data.get("d_f")
                    )  # diameter around gear center on that tangency point of fillet curve is located
                    s_yt, d_yc = self._tooth_thickness(self.data.get("d_b"))
                    nu = atan(s_yt / d_yc)
                    fil_end_point = np.array(
                        [-d_tangent / 2 * sin(nu), d_tangent / 2 * cos(nu)]
                    )  # tangential extension of involute beyond base circle
                    print "Warning: involute had to be extended below base cicle to achieve root fillet tangency!"
                    inv_extension = True
                # if root form circle diameter is supplied, it is forced strictly if possible
                if (self.data.get("d_Ff") - self.data.get("d_f")) / 2 > 2 * self.data.get(
                ):  # check if root fillet circle fits beetween root form circle and root circle
                    raise ValueError("root fillet radius too small: root shape cannot be determined")
                s_yt, d_yc = self._tooth_thickness(self.data.get("d_Ff"))
                if abs(self.data.get("d_Ff")) >= abs(self.data.get("d_b")):  # fillet ends at root form circle
                    fil_end_point = np.array([-s_yt / 2, d_yc / 2])
                else:  # base circle diameter greater than root form diameter: tangential extension of involute
                    nu = atan(s_yt / d_yc)
                    fil_end_point = np.array([-self.data.get("d_Ff") * sin(nu), self.data.get("d_Ff") * cos(nu)])
                    print "Warning: involute had to be extended below base cicle to enforce root form circle diameter!"
                    inv_extension = True

        else:  # for internal gears
            if "d_Ff" not in self.data:
                # root circle is tangent to involute
                t_b = sqrt((self.data.get("d_f") / 2 + self.data.get("rho_f")) ** 2 - (self.data.get("d_b") / 2) ** 2)
                    {"d_Ff": -2 * sqrt((t_b + self.data.get("rho_f")) ** 2 + (self.data.get("d_b") / 2) ** 2)}
                # if root form circle diameter is supplied, it is forced strictly if possible
                if (self.data.get("d_Ff") - self.data.get("d_f")) / 2 > 2 * self.data.get(
                ):  # check if root fillet circle fits beetween root form circle and root circle
                    raise ValueError("root fillet radius too small: root shape cannot be determined")
            s_yt, d_yc = self._tooth_thickness(self.data.get("d_Ff"))
            fil_end_point = np.array([-s_yt / 2, d_yc / 2])

        # find center of root fillet circle by cutting circle around fillet end point with radius rho_f
        # with circle around center of gear wheel with radius d_f/2+rho_f
        def root_circle_center_func(phi):
            return (
                + self.data.get("rho_f") * np.array([sin(phi[0]), cos(phi[0])])
                - (self.data.get("d_f") / 2 + self.data.get("rho_f")) * np.array([sin(phi[1]), cos(phi[1])])

        phi_fil_center = fsolve(root_circle_center_func, [-pi / 2, 0.0])
        fil_center_point = (self.data.get("d_f") / 2 + self.data.get("rho_f")) * np.array(
            [sin(phi_fil_center[1]), cos(phi_fil_center[1])]

        # boundary point of root fillet and root circle
        fil_start_point = fil_center_point * self.data.get("d_f") / (self.data.get("d_f") + 2 * self.data.get("rho_f"))

        # if boundary point and fillet center are outside half tooth segment the shape of the root fillet
        # cannot be determined (root fillet curve is not continously differentiable and d_f is not matched)
        if abs(atan(fil_start_point[0] / fil_start_point[1])) > abs(radians(self.data.get("tau") / 2)):
            raise ValueError("root fillet radius too large: root shape cannot be determined")

        # determine boundary points of involute
        s_yt, d_yc = self._tooth_thickness(self.data.get("d_Ff"))
        inv_start_point = np.array([-s_yt / 2, d_yc / 2])  # involute starts at root form circle
        s_yt, d_yc = self._tooth_thickness(self.data.get("d_Fa"))
        inv_end_point = np.array([-s_yt / 2, d_yc / 2])  # involute ends at tip form circle

        # determine boundary points of tip circle
        nu = self.data.get("s_aK") / self.data.get("d_a")
        tipcirc_start_point = np.array(
            [-self.data.get("d_a") / 2 * sin(nu), self.data.get("d_a") / 2 * cos(nu)]
        )  # tip circle starts at end of tip chamfer
        tipcirc_end_point = np.array([0.0, self.data.get("d_a") / 2])  # tip circle ends at symmetry line

        # create array for tooth form coordinates
        formcoord_array = np.zeros([upper_index, 2])

        # compute points on root circle
        phi_start = -asin(2 * rootcirc_start_point[0] / self.data.get("d_f"))  # starting angle of root circle
        if abs(phi_start - acos(2 * rootcirc_start_point[1] / self.data.get("d_f"))) > tol:  # computation is not unique
            phi_start = pi - phi_start
        phi_end = -asin(2 * fil_start_point[0] / self.data.get("d_f"))  # end angle of root circle
        if abs(phi_end - acos(2 * fil_start_point[1] / self.data.get("d_f"))) > tol:  # computation is not unique
            phi_end = pi - phi_end
        if abs(phi_start - phi_end) > tol:  # check if a root circle curve exists
            delta_phi = (phi_end - phi_start) / (self.points_root - 1)
            n = 0
            for index in range(start_rootcirc_index, end_rootcirc_index):
                formcoord_array[index] = (
                    / 2
                    * np.array([-sin(phi_start + n * delta_phi), isexternal * cos(phi_start + n * delta_phi)])
                n += 1

        # compute points on root fillet
        print "Warning: circular root fillet in transverse cross-section assumed!"
        phi_start = asin(
            (fil_start_point[0] - fil_center_point[0]) / self.data.get("rho_f")
        )  # starting angle of root fillet
        if (
            abs(phi_start - acos(-(fil_start_point[1] - fil_center_point[1]) / self.data.get("rho_f"))) > tol
        ):  # computation is not unique
            phi_start = pi - phi_start
        phi_end = asin((fil_end_point[0] - fil_center_point[0]) / self.data.get("rho_f"))  # end angle of root fillet
        if (
            abs(phi_end - acos(-(fil_end_point[1] - fil_center_point[1]) / self.data.get("rho_f"))) > tol
        ):  # computation is not unique
            phi_end = pi - phi_end
        if abs(phi_start - phi_end) > tol:  # check if a root fillet curve exists
            delta_phi = (phi_end - phi_start) / (self.points_fillet - 1)
            n = 0
            for index in range(start_fillet_index, end_fillet_index + 1):
                formcoord_array[index] = fil_center_point + self.data.get("rho_f") * np.array(
                    [sin(phi_start + n * delta_phi), -isexternal * cos(phi_start + n * delta_phi)]
                n += 1
        if (inv_start_point - fil_end_point).any():  # check if a root fillet circle connects directly to flank
            print "involute was extended"  # placeholder for future

        # compute points on flank
        d_start = isexternal * norm(inv_start_point, 2) * 2  # start diameter of involute flank (root form diameter)
        d_end = isexternal * norm(inv_end_point, 2) * 2  # end diameter of involute flank (tip form diameter)
        delta_d = (d_end - d_start) / (self.points_flank - 1)
        n = 0
        for index in range(start_involute_index, end_involute_index + 1):
            s_yt, d_yc = self._tooth_thickness(d_start + n * delta_d)
            formcoord_array[index] = np.array([-s_yt / 2, d_yc / 2])
            n += 1

        # compute points on tip chamfer
        if "h_k" in self.data and (self.data.get("h_k") > 0):
            print "Warning: straight tip chamfer assumed!"
            delta_k = 1 / (self.points_chamfer - 1)
            n = 0
            for index in range(end_involute_index, end_chamfer_index):
                formcoord_array[index] = inv_end_point + (tipcirc_start_point - inv_end_point) * n * delta_k
                n += 1

        # compute points on tip circle
        phi_start = -asin(2 * tipcirc_start_point[0] / self.data.get("d_a"))  # starting angle of tip circle
        if abs(phi_start - acos(2 * tipcirc_start_point[1] / self.data.get("d_a"))) > tol:  # computation is not unique
            phi_start = pi - phi_start
        phi_end = -asin(2 * tipcirc_end_point[0] / self.data.get("d_a"))  # end angle of tip circle
        if abs(phi_end - acos(2 * tipcirc_end_point[1] / self.data.get("d_a"))) > tol:  # computation is not unique
            phi_end = pi - phi_end
        if isexternal < 0:
            phi_end = phi_end + pi
        if abs(phi_start - phi_end) > tol:  # check if a tip circle curve exists
            delta_phi = (phi_end - phi_start) / (self.points_tip - 1)
            n = 1
            for index in range(end_chamfer_index + 1, end_tipcirc_index):
                formcoord_array[index] = (
                    / 2
                    * np.array([-sin(phi_start + n * delta_phi), isexternal * cos(phi_start + n * delta_phi)])
                n += 1

        # compute points on tangential extension of involute below base circle
        if inv_extension:
            delta_k = 1 / (self.points_ext - 1)
            for n in range(1, self.points_ext - 1):
                formcoord_array = insert(
                    inv_start_point + (fil_end_point - inv_start_point) * n * delta_k,

        self.formcoords = self._make_unique(formcoord_array)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _make_form_coords(self):
        Tooth form coordinates in transverse cross-section (half tooth and half gap)
        points returned in 2D-cartesian coordinates, origin on wheel axis
        old form coordinates (if existend) will be replaced!
        This method should be used only if no user-supplied form coordinates are

        INPUT parameter:

        # module imports
        from scipy.optimize import fsolve
        from numpy.linalg import norm
        from numpy import insert

        # tolerance for comparisons
        tol = self._tol_default * self.data.get('m_n')

        # delete old form coordinates if existend
        if self.formcoords:
            del self.formcoords
        if self._formwire:
            del self._formwire

        # indicator whether gear is external (number of teeth positive) or internal
        isexternal = sign(self.data.get('z'))
        inv_extension = False

        # indices for adressing parts of tooth form
        lower_index = 0
        start_rootcirc_index = lower_index + 1  # one entry reserved for origin
        end_rootcirc_index = start_rootcirc_index + self.points_root - 1
        start_fillet_index = end_rootcirc_index
        end_fillet_index = start_fillet_index + self.points_fillet - 1
        start_involute_index = end_fillet_index + 1  # can differ from end of fillet
        end_involute_index = start_involute_index + self.points_flank - 1
        start_chamfer_index = end_involute_index + 1
        end_chamfer_index = start_chamfer_index + self.points_chamfer - 1
        start_tipcirc_index = end_chamfer_index + 1  # differs from end of involute if chamfer present
        end_tipcirc_index = start_tipcirc_index + self.points_tip - 1
        upper_index = end_tipcirc_index

        # determine boundary of half tooth segment on root circle
        rootcirc_start_point = self.data.get('d_f') / 2 * np.array([
            -sin(radians(self.data.get('tau') / 2)),
            cos(radians(self.data.get('tau') / 2))

        # determine how the root shape is defined and calculate significant points
        # root shape is circular in transverse cross-section
        if isexternal > 0:  # for external gears
            if 'd_Ff' not in self.data:
                # root circle is tangent to involute
                if (self.data.get('d_f')**2 +
                        4 * self.data.get('rho_f') * self.data.get('d_f') >=
                        isexternal * sqrt((sqrt(
                            (self.data.get('d_f') + 2 * self.data.get('rho_f')
                             )**2 - self.data.get('d_b')**2) -
                                           2 * self.data.get('rho_f'))**2 +
                    s_yt, d_yc = self._tooth_thickness(self.data.get('d_Ff'))
                    fil_end_point = np.array([-s_yt / 2, d_yc / 2])
                # no tangency possible: undercut
                elif self.data.get('d_f') + 4 * self.data.get(
                        'rho_f') >= self.data.get('d_b'):
                    self.data.update({'d_Ff': self.data.get('d_b')})
                    s_yt, d_yc = self._tooth_thickness(self.data.get('d_b'))
                    fil_end_point = np.array(
                        [-s_yt / 2,
                         d_yc / 2])  # end of involute at base circle
                    print 'Warning: undercutting occurs!'
                    self.data.update({'d_Ff': self.data.get('d_b')})
                    d_tangent = sqrt(
                        self.data.get('d_f')**2 +
                        4 * self.data.get('rho_f') * self.data.get('d_f')
                    )  # diameter around gear center on that tangency point of fillet curve is located
                    s_yt, d_yc = self._tooth_thickness(self.data.get('d_b'))
                    nu = atan(s_yt / d_yc)
                    fil_end_point = np.array([
                        -d_tangent / 2 * sin(nu), d_tangent / 2 * cos(nu)
                    ])  # tangential extension of involute beyond base circle
                    print 'Warning: involute had to be extended below base cicle to achieve root fillet tangency!'
                    inv_extension = True
                # if root form circle diameter is supplied, it is forced strictly if possible
                if (
                        self.data.get('d_Ff') - self.data.get('d_f')
                ) / 2 > 2 * self.data.get(
                ):  # check if root fillet circle fits beetween root form circle and root circle
                    raise ValueError(
                        'root fillet radius too small: root shape cannot be determined'
                s_yt, d_yc = self._tooth_thickness(self.data.get('d_Ff'))
                if abs(self.data.get('d_Ff')) >= abs(self.data.get(
                        'd_b')):  # fillet ends at root form circle
                    fil_end_point = np.array([-s_yt / 2, d_yc / 2])
                else:  # base circle diameter greater than root form diameter: tangential extension of involute
                    nu = atan(s_yt / d_yc)
                    fil_end_point = np.array([
                        -self.data.get('d_Ff') * sin(nu),
                        self.data.get('d_Ff') * cos(nu)
                    print 'Warning: involute had to be extended below base cicle to enforce root form circle diameter!'
                    inv_extension = True

        else:  # for internal gears
            if 'd_Ff' not in self.data:
                # root circle is tangent to involute
                t_b = sqrt((self.data.get('d_f') / 2 +
                            self.data.get('rho_f'))**2 -
                           (self.data.get('d_b') / 2)**2)
                    -2 * sqrt((t_b + self.data.get('rho_f'))**2 +
                              (self.data.get('d_b') / 2)**2)
                # if root form circle diameter is supplied, it is forced strictly if possible
                if (
                        self.data.get('d_Ff') - self.data.get('d_f')
                ) / 2 > 2 * self.data.get(
                ):  # check if root fillet circle fits beetween root form circle and root circle
                    raise ValueError(
                        'root fillet radius too small: root shape cannot be determined'
            s_yt, d_yc = self._tooth_thickness(self.data.get('d_Ff'))
            fil_end_point = np.array([-s_yt / 2, d_yc / 2])

        # find center of root fillet circle by cutting circle around fillet end point with radius rho_f
        # with circle around center of gear wheel with radius d_f/2+rho_f
        def root_circle_center_func(phi):
            return fil_end_point + self.data.get('rho_f') * np.array([
                sin(phi[0]), cos(phi[0])
            ]) - (self.data.get('d_f') / 2 + self.data.get('rho_f')
                  ) * np.array([sin(phi[1]), cos(phi[1])])

        phi_fil_center = fsolve(root_circle_center_func, [-pi / 2, 0.0])
        fil_center_point = (
            self.data.get('d_f') / 2 + self.data.get('rho_f')) * np.array(

        # boundary point of root fillet and root circle
        fil_start_point = fil_center_point * self.data.get('d_f') / (
            self.data.get('d_f') + 2 * self.data.get('rho_f'))

        # if boundary point and fillet center are outside half tooth segment the shape of the root fillet
        # cannot be determined (root fillet curve is not continously differentiable and d_f is not matched)
        if abs(atan(fil_start_point[0] / fil_start_point[1])) > abs(
                radians(self.data.get('tau') / 2)):
            raise ValueError(
                'root fillet radius too large: root shape cannot be determined'

        # determine boundary points of involute
        s_yt, d_yc = self._tooth_thickness(self.data.get('d_Ff'))
        inv_start_point = np.array([-s_yt / 2, d_yc / 2
                                    ])  # involute starts at root form circle
        s_yt, d_yc = self._tooth_thickness(self.data.get('d_Fa'))
        inv_end_point = np.array([-s_yt / 2, d_yc / 2
                                  ])  # involute ends at tip form circle

        # determine boundary points of tip circle
        nu = self.data.get('s_aK') / self.data.get('d_a')
        tipcirc_start_point = np.array([
            -self.data.get('d_a') / 2 * sin(nu),
            self.data.get('d_a') / 2 * cos(nu)
        ])  # tip circle starts at end of tip chamfer
        tipcirc_end_point = np.array([0.0, self.data.get('d_a') / 2
                                      ])  # tip circle ends at symmetry line

        # create array for tooth form coordinates
        formcoord_array = np.zeros([upper_index, 2])

        # compute points on root circle
        phi_start = -asin(
            2 * rootcirc_start_point[0] /
            self.data.get('d_f'))  # starting angle of root circle
        if abs(phi_start -
               acos(2 * rootcirc_start_point[1] /
                    self.data.get('d_f'))) > tol:  # computation is not unique
            phi_start = pi - phi_start
        phi_end = -asin(2 * fil_start_point[0] /
                        self.data.get('d_f'))  # end angle of root circle
        if abs(phi_end - acos(2 * fil_start_point[1] / self.data.get('d_f'))
               ) > tol:  # computation is not unique
            phi_end = pi - phi_end
        if abs(phi_start -
               phi_end) > tol:  # check if a root circle curve exists
            delta_phi = (phi_end - phi_start) / (self.points_root - 1)
            n = 0
            for index in range(start_rootcirc_index, end_rootcirc_index):
                formcoord_array[index] = self.data.get('d_f') / 2 * np.array([
                    -sin(phi_start + n * delta_phi),
                    isexternal * cos(phi_start + n * delta_phi)
                n += 1

        # compute points on root fillet
        print 'Warning: circular root fillet in transverse cross-section assumed!'
        phi_start = asin(
            (fil_start_point[0] - fil_center_point[0]) /
            self.data.get('rho_f'))  # starting angle of root fillet
        if abs(phi_start - acos(-(fil_start_point[1] - fil_center_point[1]) /
               ) > tol:  # computation is not unique
            phi_start = pi - phi_start
        phi_end = asin((fil_end_point[0] - fil_center_point[0]) /
                       self.data.get('rho_f'))  # end angle of root fillet
        if abs(phi_end - acos(-(fil_end_point[1] - fil_center_point[1]) /
               ) > tol:  # computation is not unique
            phi_end = pi - phi_end
        if abs(phi_start -
               phi_end) > tol:  # check if a root fillet curve exists
            delta_phi = (phi_end - phi_start) / (self.points_fillet - 1)
            n = 0
            for index in range(start_fillet_index, end_fillet_index + 1):
                formcoord_array[index] = fil_center_point + self.data.get(
                    'rho_f') * np.array([
                        sin(phi_start + n * delta_phi),
                        -isexternal * cos(phi_start + n * delta_phi)
                n += 1
        if (inv_start_point - fil_end_point).any(
        ):  # check if a root fillet circle connects directly to flank
            print 'involute was extended'  # placeholder for future

        # compute points on flank
        d_start = isexternal * norm(
            2) * 2  # start diameter of involute flank (root form diameter)
        d_end = isexternal * norm(
            2) * 2  # end diameter of involute flank (tip form diameter)
        delta_d = (d_end - d_start) / (self.points_flank - 1)
        n = 0
        for index in range(start_involute_index, end_involute_index + 1):
            s_yt, d_yc = self._tooth_thickness(d_start + n * delta_d)
            formcoord_array[index] = np.array([-s_yt / 2, d_yc / 2])
            n += 1

        # compute points on tip chamfer
        if 'h_k' in self.data and (self.data.get('h_k') > 0):
            print 'Warning: straight tip chamfer assumed!'
            delta_k = 1 / (self.points_chamfer - 1)
            n = 0
            for index in range(end_involute_index, end_chamfer_index):
                formcoord_array[index] = inv_end_point + (
                    tipcirc_start_point - inv_end_point) * n * delta_k
                n += 1

        # compute points on tip circle
        phi_start = -asin(2 * tipcirc_start_point[0] /
                          self.data.get('d_a'))  # starting angle of tip circle
        if abs(phi_start -
               acos(2 * tipcirc_start_point[1] /
                    self.data.get('d_a'))) > tol:  # computation is not unique
            phi_start = pi - phi_start
        phi_end = -asin(2 * tipcirc_end_point[0] /
                        self.data.get('d_a'))  # end angle of tip circle
        if abs(phi_end - acos(2 * tipcirc_end_point[1] / self.data.get('d_a'))
               ) > tol:  # computation is not unique
            phi_end = pi - phi_end
        if isexternal < 0:
            phi_end = phi_end + pi
        if abs(phi_start -
               phi_end) > tol:  # check if a tip circle curve exists
            delta_phi = (phi_end - phi_start) / (self.points_tip - 1)
            n = 1
            for index in range(end_chamfer_index + 1, end_tipcirc_index):
                formcoord_array[index] = self.data.get('d_a') / 2 * np.array([
                    -sin(phi_start + n * delta_phi),
                    isexternal * cos(phi_start + n * delta_phi)
                n += 1

        # compute points on tangential extension of involute below base circle
        if inv_extension:
            delta_k = 1 / (self.points_ext - 1)
            for n in range(1, self.points_ext - 1):
                formcoord_array = insert(
                    inv_start_point +
                    (fil_end_point - inv_start_point) * n * delta_k,

        self.formcoords = self._make_unique(formcoord_array)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, geardata, flankmods=None, formcoords=None):
        Initialization of GearWheel-object.
        All parameters in accordance to DIN 3960 and DIN 3967.

        INPUT parameters:
        z        : number of teeth (numeric, integer)
        m_n      : normal module (numeric, positive)
        d        : pitch diameter (numeric)
                   two of the three parameters z, m_n, d, must be supplied
        b        : tooth width (numeric, positive)
        d_f      : root circle diameter (numeric)
                   optional - calculated if not supplied
        d_a      : tip diameter (numeric)
                   optional - calculated if not supplied
        d_Ff     : root form diameter (numeric)
                   optional - will be estimated if not supplied
        d_Fa     : tip form diameter (numeric)
                   optional - set equal da if not supplied (no chamfer)
        rho_f    : fillet radius (numeric)
                   optional - set equal 0.38*mn if not supplied
        x        : addendum modification factor (numeric)
                   optional - set equal 0.0 if not supplied
        alpha_n  : pressure angle (numeric, positive)[degrees]
                   optional - set equal 20.0 if not supplied
        beta     : helix angle (numeric)[degrees]
                   optional - set equal 0.0 if not supplied
        a        : addendum (numeric)
                   optional - no estimation
        c        : tip clearance (numeric, positive, 0.1...0.3*mn)
                   optional - set equal 0.25*mn if not supplied
        alpha_wt : service pressure angle (numeric, positive)[degrees]
                   optional - calculated from z_2 or d_w
        d_w      : service pitch diameter (numeric)
                   optional - calculated from alpha_wt or z_2
        h_k      : radial size of tip chamfer (numeric)
                   optional - set equal d_a-d_Fa or 0.0 if not supplied
        s_aK     : remaining tooth thickness at tip, chord-length (numeric)
                   optional - set equal s_a-2*h_k if not supplied
        z_2      : number of teeth of counter gear (numeric, integer)
                   optional - calculated from alpha_wt or d_w
        d_s      : shaft diameter, inner gear wheel diameter (numeric)
                   optional - set equal 0.0 if not supplied
        A_s      : tooth thickness allowance in normal cross-section (numeric, negative)
                   optional - set equal 0.0 if not supplied

            All input parameters above are arranged in a dictionary. The keys are
            the names of the parameters as listed above.

            formcoords : 2D cartesian coordinates of points on the
                         toothflank, describing a half tooth (TColgp_Array1OfPnt2d, pythonOCC)

            There are several possibilities for defining a complete gearwheel:
            1) z, m_n, b, (beta), formcoords
            2) z, m_n, b, (beta), d_f, d_a, d_Ff, d_Fa, rho_f
            3) z, m_n, b, (beta), alpha_n, alpha_wt, x, a, rho_f
            4) z, m_n, b, (beta), alpha_n, z_2, x, a, rho_f
            Some parameters can be left out, but the result might differ
            from your real gear. Missing parameters are estimated if
            possible. The helix angle beta doesn't have to be supplied
            for a spur gear.
            The constructor does not check for unit consistency. The user is
            responsible for supplying all values with consistent units.
        super(CylindricalGearWheel, self).__init__(geardata)
        self.data = deepcopy(geardata)
        self.modifications = deepcopy(flankmods)

        # form coordinates: value check (at least two points for defining a
        # tooth form (straight flanks) and two coordinates per point)
        if formcoords:

        # module: value check
        if "m_n" in self.data and not self.data.get("m_n") >= 0:
            raise ValueError("module non-positive")

        if "beta" not in self.data:
            self.data.update({"beta": self._beta_default})
            {"alpha_t": degrees(atan(tan(radians(self.data.get("alpha_n"))) / cos(radians(self.data.get("beta")))))}
                "s_p": (pi * self.data["m_n"] / 2)
                + 2 * self.data["m_n"] * self.data["x"] * tan(radians(self.data["alpha_n"]))
        if "tau" in self.data and "z" not in self.data:
            self.data.update({"z": int(2 * pi / self.data.get("tau"))})
        if "z" in self.data and "m_n" in self.data:
            self.data.update({"d": self.data.get("m_n") * self.data.get("z") / cos(radians(self.data.get("beta")))})
        elif "z" in self.data and "d" in self.data:
            self.data.update({"m_n": self.data.get("d") * cos(radians(self.data.get("beta"))) / self.data.get("z")})
        elif "m_n" in self.data and "d" in self.data:
                {"z": int(self.data.get("d") * cos(radians(self.data.get("beta"))) / self.data.get("m_n"))}
            raise AttributeError("insufficient data supplied")

        if "tau" not in self.data:
            self.data.update({"tau": degrees(2 * pi / self.data.get("z"))})

        isexternal = sign(self.data.get("z"))
        if not sign(self.data.get("d")) == isexternal:
            raise ValueError("sign of pitch diameter")

        self.data.update({"m_t": self.data.get("m_n") / cos(radians(self.data.get("beta")))})
        if "alpha_n" in self.data:
            if self.data.get("alpha_n") < 0:
                raise ValueError("pitch angle non-positive")
            self.data.update({"alpha_n": self._alpha_n_default})

        if "x" not in self.data:
            self.data.update({"x": self._x_default})

        if "A_s" not in self.data:
            self.data.update({"A_s": self._A_s_default})
        # tooth thickness allowance: value check
            if not self.data.get("A_s") <= 0:
                raise ValueError("tooth thickness allowance positive")

                "x_E": self.data.get("x")
                + self.data.get("A_s") / 2 / tan(radians(self.data.get("alpha_n"))) / self.data.get("m_n")
        if "d_w" in self.data and "alpha_wt" not in self.data:
            if not sign(self.data.get("d_w")) == isexternal:
                raise ValueError("sign of service pitch diameter")
                    "alpha_wt": degrees(
                        acos(self.data.get("d") / self.data.get("d_w") * cos(radians(self.data.get("alpha_t"))))

        if "alpha_wt" in self.data and "d_w" not in self.data:
                    "d_w": self.data.get("d")
                    * cos(radians(self.data.get("alpha_t")))
                    / cos(radians(self.data.get("alpha_wt")))

        self.data.update({"d_b": self.data.get("d") * cos(radians(self.data.get("alpha_t")))})
        if formcoords:
        if not formcoords:
            # tip clearance: value check, set to default if not supplied
            if "c" in self.data:
                if self.data.get("c") < 0.1 * self.data.get("m_n") or self.data.get("c") > 0.3 * self.data.get("m_n"):
                    raise ValueError("tip clearance out of bounds")
                self.data.update({"c": self._c_default * self.data.get("m_n")})

            # fillet radius: value check, set to default if not supplied
            if "rho_f" not in self.data:
                self.data.update({"rho_f": self._rho_f_default * self.data.get("m_n")})
                if self.data.get("rho_f") < 0:
                    raise ValueError("fillet radius negative")

            # tool fillet radius: value check
            if "rho_fP" in self.data:
                if self.data.get("rho_fP") < 0:
                    raise ValueError("tool fillet radius negative")
                if not self.data.get("beta") == 0:
                    raise ValueError("fillet trochoid cannot be generated for helical gears")

            # calculate tip height modification factor if possible (else set to default)
            # various attempts are made
            if "a" in self.data and "k" not in self.data:
                self.data.update({"a_d": self.data.get("m_t") * (self.data.get("z") + self.data.get("z_2")) / 2})
                        "k": (self.data.get("a") - self.data.get("a_d")) / self.data.get("m_n")
                        - (self.data.get("x") + self.data.get("x_2"))
                self.data.update({"k": self._k_default})

            # root circle diameter: value check, calculate if not supplied
            if "d_f" in self.data:
                if "d_f" in self.data > "d" in self.data:
                    raise ValueError("root circle diameter greater than pitch diameter")
                if not sign(self.data.get("d_f")) == isexternal:
                    raise ValueError("sign of root circle diameter")
                        "d_f": self.data.get("d")
                        + 2 * self.data.get("x_E") * self.data.get("m_n")
                        - 2 * (self.data.get("m_n") + self.data.get("c"))

            # tip diameter: value check, calculate if not supplied
            if "d_a" in self.data:
                # if self.data.get('d_a')<self.data.get('d'):
                # raise ValueError, 'tip diameter less than pitch diameter'
                if not sign(self.data.get("d_a")) == isexternal:
                    raise ValueError("sign of tip diameter")
                        "d_a": self.data.get("d")
                        + 2 * self.data.get("x") * self.data.get("m_n")
                        + 2 * self.data.get("m_n")
                        + 2 * self.data.get("k") * self.data.get("m_n")

            # radial value of tip chamfer: value check, calculate or set to default
            # if not supplied
            if "h_k" in self.data:
                if self.data.get("h_k") < 0:
                    raise ValueError("value of tip chamfer negative")
            elif "d_Fa" in self.data:
                self.data.update({"h_k": abs(self.data.get("d_a") - self.data.get("d_Fa")) / 2})
                self.data.update({"h_k": self._h_k_default})

            # remaining tooth thickness: value check, set to default if not supplied
            s_a, d_ac = self._tooth_thickness(self.data.get("d_a"))
            if "s_aK" not in self.data:
                self.data.update({"s_aK": s_a - 2 * self.data.get("h_k")})
            if self.data.get("s_aK") < 0:
                raise ValueError("remaining tooth thickness at tip negative")
            if self.data.get("s_aK") > s_a:
                raise ValueError("remaining tip tooth thickness greater than tooth thickness")

            if "d_Ff" in self.data:
                if self.data.get("d_Ff") > self.data.get("d"):
                    raise ValueError("root form diameter greater than pitch diameter")
                if self.data.get("d_Ff") < self.data.get("d_f"):
                    raise ValueError("root form diameter less than root circle diameter")
                if not sign(self.data.get("d_Ff")) == isexternal:
                    raise ValueError("sign of root form diameter")

            # tip form diameter: value check
            if "d_Fa" in self.data:
                if self.data.get("d_Fa") < self.data.get("d"):
                    raise ValueError("tip form diameter less than pitch diameter")
                if self.data.get("d_Fa") > self.data.get("d_a"):
                    raise ValueError("tip form diameter greater than tip diameter")
                if not sign(self.data.get("d_Fa")) == isexternal:
                    raise ValueError("sign of tip form diameter")
                self.data.update({"d_Fa": self.data.get("d_a") - 2 * self.data.get("h_k")})

        if "d_s" not in self.data:
            self.data.update({"d_s": self._d_s_default})
        if abs(self.data.get("d_s")) > self._tol_default:
            if not sign(self.data.get("d_s")) == isexternal:
                raise ValueError("sign of shaft diameter")
            if not self.data.get("d_s") < self.data.get("d_f"):
                raise ValueError("shaft diameter greater than root circle diameter")

        if not self.formcoords:
            self.formcoords = self._make_unique(self.formcoords)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, geardata, flankmods=None, formcoords=None):
        Initialization of GearWheel-object.
        All parameters in accordance to DIN 3960 and DIN 3967.

        INPUT parameters:
        z        : number of teeth (numeric, integer)
        m_n      : normal module (numeric, positive)
        d        : pitch diameter (numeric)
                   two of the three parameters z, m_n, d, must be supplied
        b        : tooth width (numeric, positive)
        d_f      : root circle diameter (numeric)
                   optional - calculated if not supplied
        d_a      : tip diameter (numeric)
                   optional - calculated if not supplied
        d_Ff     : root form diameter (numeric)
                   optional - will be estimated if not supplied
        d_Fa     : tip form diameter (numeric)
                   optional - set equal da if not supplied (no chamfer)
        rho_f    : fillet radius (numeric)
                   optional - set equal 0.38*mn if not supplied
        x        : addendum modification factor (numeric)
                   optional - set equal 0.0 if not supplied
        alpha_n  : pressure angle (numeric, positive)[degrees]
                   optional - set equal 20.0 if not supplied
        beta     : helix angle (numeric)[degrees]
                   optional - set equal 0.0 if not supplied
        a        : addendum (numeric)
                   optional - no estimation
        c        : tip clearance (numeric, positive, 0.1...0.3*mn)
                   optional - set equal 0.25*mn if not supplied
        alpha_wt : service pressure angle (numeric, positive)[degrees]
                   optional - calculated from z_2 or d_w
        d_w      : service pitch diameter (numeric)
                   optional - calculated from alpha_wt or z_2
        h_k      : radial size of tip chamfer (numeric)
                   optional - set equal d_a-d_Fa or 0.0 if not supplied
        s_aK     : remaining tooth thickness at tip, chord-length (numeric)
                   optional - set equal s_a-2*h_k if not supplied
        z_2      : number of teeth of counter gear (numeric, integer)
                   optional - calculated from alpha_wt or d_w
        d_s      : shaft diameter, inner gear wheel diameter (numeric)
                   optional - set equal 0.0 if not supplied
        A_s      : tooth thickness allowance in normal cross-section (numeric, negative)
                   optional - set equal 0.0 if not supplied

            All input parameters above are arranged in a dictionary. The keys are
            the names of the parameters as listed above.

            formcoords : 2D cartesian coordinates of points on the
                         toothflank, describing a half tooth (TColgp_Array1OfPnt2d, pythonOCC)

            There are several possibilities for defining a complete gearwheel:
            1) z, m_n, b, (beta), formcoords
            2) z, m_n, b, (beta), d_f, d_a, d_Ff, d_Fa, rho_f
            3) z, m_n, b, (beta), alpha_n, alpha_wt, x, a, rho_f
            4) z, m_n, b, (beta), alpha_n, z_2, x, a, rho_f
            Some parameters can be left out, but the result might differ
            from your real gear. Missing parameters are estimated if
            possible. The helix angle beta doesn't have to be supplied
            for a spur gear.
            The constructor does not check for unit consistency. The user is
            responsible for supplying all values with consistent units.
        super(CylindricalGearWheel, self).__init__(geardata)
        self.data = deepcopy(geardata)
        self.modifications = deepcopy(flankmods)

        # form coordinates: value check (at least two points for defining a
        # tooth form (straight flanks) and two coordinates per point)
        if formcoords:

        # module: value check
        if 'm_n' in self.data and not self.data.get('m_n') >= 0:
            raise ValueError('module non-positive')

        if 'beta' not in self.data:
            self.data.update({'beta': self._beta_default})
                    tan(radians(self.data.get('alpha_n'))) /
            's_p': (pi * self.data['m_n'] / 2) + 2 * self.data['m_n'] *
            self.data['x'] * tan(radians(self.data['alpha_n']))
        if 'tau' in self.data and 'z' not in self.data:
            self.data.update({'z': int(2 * pi / self.data.get('tau'))})
        if 'z' in self.data and 'm_n' in self.data:
                self.data.get('m_n') * self.data.get('z') /
        elif 'z' in self.data and 'd' in self.data:
                self.data.get('d') * cos(radians(self.data.get('beta'))) /
        elif 'm_n' in self.data and 'd' in self.data:
                    self.data.get('d') * cos(radians(self.data.get('beta'))) /
            raise AttributeError('insufficient data supplied')

        if 'tau' not in self.data:
            self.data.update({'tau': degrees(2 * pi / self.data.get('z'))})

        isexternal = sign(self.data.get('z'))
        if not sign(self.data.get('d')) == isexternal:
            raise ValueError('sign of pitch diameter')

            self.data.get('m_n') / cos(radians(self.data.get('beta')))
        if 'alpha_n' in self.data:
            if self.data.get('alpha_n') < 0:
                raise ValueError('pitch angle non-positive')
            self.data.update({'alpha_n': self._alpha_n_default})

        if 'x' not in self.data:
            self.data.update({'x': self._x_default})

        if 'A_s' not in self.data:
            self.data.update({'A_s': self._A_s_default})
        # tooth thickness allowance: value check
            if not self.data.get('A_s') <= 0:
                raise ValueError('tooth thickness allowance positive')

            self.data.get('x') + self.data.get('A_s') / 2 /
            tan(radians(self.data.get('alpha_n'))) / self.data.get('m_n')
        if 'd_w' in self.data and 'alpha_wt' not in self.data:
            if not sign(self.data.get('d_w')) == isexternal:
                raise ValueError('sign of service pitch diameter')
                        self.data.get('d') / self.data.get('d_w') *

        if 'alpha_wt' in self.data and 'd_w' not in self.data:
                self.data.get('d') * cos(radians(self.data.get('alpha_t'))) /

            self.data.get('d') * cos(radians(self.data.get('alpha_t')))
        if formcoords:
        if not formcoords:
            # tip clearance: value check, set to default if not supplied
            if 'c' in self.data:
                if self.data.get(
                        'c') < 0.1 * self.data.get('m_n') or self.data.get(
                            'c') > 0.3 * self.data.get('m_n'):
                    raise ValueError('tip clearance out of bounds')
                self.data.update({'c': self._c_default * self.data.get('m_n')})

            # fillet radius: value check, set to default if not supplied
            if 'rho_f' not in self.data:
                    {'rho_f': self._rho_f_default * self.data.get('m_n')})
                if self.data.get('rho_f') < 0:
                    raise ValueError('fillet radius negative')

            # tool fillet radius: value check
            if 'rho_fP' in self.data:
                if self.data.get('rho_fP') < 0:
                    raise ValueError('tool fillet radius negative')
                if not self.data.get('beta') == 0:
                    raise ValueError(
                        'fillet trochoid cannot be generated for helical gears'

            # calculate tip height modification factor if possible (else set to default)
            # various attempts are made
            if 'a' in self.data and 'k' not in self.data:
                    self.data.get('m_t') *
                    (self.data.get('z') + self.data.get('z_2')) / 2
                    'k': (self.data.get('a') - self.data.get('a_d')) /
                    self.data.get('m_n') -
                    (self.data.get('x') + self.data.get('x_2'))
                self.data.update({'k': self._k_default})

            # root circle diameter: value check, calculate if not supplied
            if 'd_f' in self.data:
                if 'd_f' in self.data > 'd' in self.data:
                    raise ValueError(
                        'root circle diameter greater than pitch diameter')
                if not sign(self.data.get('d_f')) == isexternal:
                    raise ValueError('sign of root circle diameter')
                    self.data.get('d') +
                    2 * self.data.get('x_E') * self.data.get('m_n') - 2 *
                    (self.data.get('m_n') + self.data.get('c'))

            # tip diameter: value check, calculate if not supplied
            if 'd_a' in self.data:
                # if self.data.get('d_a')<self.data.get('d'):
                # raise ValueError, 'tip diameter less than pitch diameter'
                if not sign(self.data.get('d_a')) == isexternal:
                    raise ValueError('sign of tip diameter')
                    self.data.get('d') +
                    2 * self.data.get('x') * self.data.get('m_n') +
                    2 * self.data.get('m_n') +
                    2 * self.data.get('k') * self.data.get('m_n')

            # radial value of tip chamfer: value check, calculate or set to default
            # if not supplied
            if 'h_k' in self.data:
                if self.data.get('h_k') < 0:
                    raise ValueError('value of tip chamfer negative')
            elif 'd_Fa' in self.data:
                    abs(self.data.get('d_a') - self.data.get('d_Fa')) / 2
                self.data.update({'h_k': self._h_k_default})

            # remaining tooth thickness: value check, set to default if not supplied
            s_a, d_ac = self._tooth_thickness(self.data.get('d_a'))
            if 's_aK' not in self.data:
                self.data.update({'s_aK': s_a - 2 * self.data.get('h_k')})
            if self.data.get('s_aK') < 0:
                raise ValueError('remaining tooth thickness at tip negative')
            if self.data.get('s_aK') > s_a:
                raise ValueError(
                    'remaining tip tooth thickness greater than tooth thickness'

            if 'd_Ff' in self.data:
                if self.data.get('d_Ff') > self.data.get('d'):
                    raise ValueError(
                        'root form diameter greater than pitch diameter')
                if self.data.get('d_Ff') < self.data.get('d_f'):
                    raise ValueError(
                        'root form diameter less than root circle diameter')
                if not sign(self.data.get('d_Ff')) == isexternal:
                    raise ValueError('sign of root form diameter')

            # tip form diameter: value check
            if 'd_Fa' in self.data:
                if self.data.get('d_Fa') < self.data.get('d'):
                    raise ValueError(
                        'tip form diameter less than pitch diameter')
                if self.data.get('d_Fa') > self.data.get('d_a'):
                    raise ValueError(
                        'tip form diameter greater than tip diameter')
                if not sign(self.data.get('d_Fa')) == isexternal:
                    raise ValueError('sign of tip form diameter')
                    {'d_Fa': self.data.get('d_a') - 2 * self.data.get('h_k')})

        if 'd_s' not in self.data:
            self.data.update({'d_s': self._d_s_default})
        if abs(self.data.get('d_s')) > self._tol_default:
            if not sign(self.data.get('d_s')) == isexternal:
                raise ValueError('sign of shaft diameter')
            if not self.data.get('d_s') < self.data.get('d_f'):
                raise ValueError(
                    'shaft diameter greater than root circle diameter')

        if not self.formcoords:
            self.formcoords = self._make_unique(self.formcoords)