Ejemplo n.º 1
class HypersphereMetric(RiemannianMetric):
    """Class for the Hypersphere Metric.

    dim : int
        Dimension of the hypersphere.

    def __init__(self, dim):
        super(HypersphereMetric, self).__init__(
            signature=(dim, 0))
        self.embedding_metric = EuclideanMetric(dim + 1)
        self._space = _Hypersphere(dim=dim)

    def inner_product(self, tangent_vec_a, tangent_vec_b, base_point=None):
        """Compute the inner-product of two tangent vectors at a base point.

        tangent_vec_a : array-like, shape=[..., dim + 1]
            First tangent vector at base point.
        tangent_vec_b : array-like, shape=[..., dim + 1]
            Second tangent vector at base point.
        base_point : array-like, shape=[..., dim + 1], optional
            Point on the hypersphere.

        inner_prod : array-like, shape=[...,]
            Inner-product of the two tangent vectors.
        inner_prod = self.embedding_metric.inner_product(
            tangent_vec_a, tangent_vec_b, base_point)

        return inner_prod

    def squared_norm(self, vector, base_point=None):
        """Compute the squared norm of a vector.

        Squared norm of a vector associated with the inner-product
        at the tangent space at a base point.

        vector : array-like, shape=[..., dim + 1]
            Vector on the tangent space of the hypersphere at base point.
        base_point : array-like, shape=[..., dim + 1], optional
            Point on the hypersphere.

        sq_norm : array-like, shape=[..., 1]
            Squared norm of the vector.
        sq_norm = self.embedding_metric.squared_norm(vector)
        return sq_norm

    def exp(self, tangent_vec, base_point):
        """Compute the Riemannian exponential of a tangent vector.

        tangent_vec : array-like, shape=[..., dim + 1]
            Tangent vector at a base point.
        base_point : array-like, shape=[..., dim + 1]
            Point on the hypersphere.

        exp : array-like, shape=[..., dim + 1]
            Point on the hypersphere equal to the Riemannian exponential
            of tangent_vec at the base point.
        hypersphere = Hypersphere(dim=self.dim)
        proj_tangent_vec = hypersphere.to_tangent(tangent_vec, base_point)
        norm2 = self.embedding_metric.squared_norm(proj_tangent_vec)

        coef_1 = utils.taylor_exp_even_func(
            norm2, utils.cos_close_0, order=4)
        coef_2 = utils.taylor_exp_even_func(
            norm2, utils.sinc_close_0, order=4)
        exp = (gs.einsum('...,...j->...j', coef_1, base_point)
               + gs.einsum('...,...j->...j', coef_2, proj_tangent_vec))

        return exp

    def log(self, point, base_point, **kwargs):
        """Compute the Riemannian logarithm of a point.

        point : array-like, shape=[..., dim + 1]
            Point on the hypersphere.
        base_point : array-like, shape=[..., dim + 1]
            Point on the hypersphere.

        log : array-like, shape=[..., dim + 1]
            Tangent vector at the base point equal to the Riemannian logarithm
            of point at the base point.
        inner_prod = self.embedding_metric.inner_product(base_point, point)
        cos_angle = gs.clip(inner_prod, -1., 1.)
        squared_angle = gs.arccos(cos_angle) ** 2
        coef_1_ = utils.taylor_exp_even_func(
            squared_angle, utils.inv_sinc_close_0, order=5)
        coef_2_ = utils.taylor_exp_even_func(
            squared_angle, utils.inv_tanc_close_0, order=5)
        log = (gs.einsum('...,...j->...j', coef_1_, point)
               - gs.einsum('...,...j->...j', coef_2_, base_point))

        return log

    def dist(self, point_a, point_b):
        """Compute the geodesic distance between two points.

        point_a : array-like, shape=[..., dim + 1]
            First point on the hypersphere.
        point_b : array-like, shape=[..., dim + 1]
            Second point on the hypersphere.

        dist : array-like, shape=[..., 1]
            Geodesic distance between the two points.
        norm_a = self.embedding_metric.norm(point_a)
        norm_b = self.embedding_metric.norm(point_b)
        inner_prod = self.embedding_metric.inner_product(point_a, point_b)

        cos_angle = inner_prod / (norm_a * norm_b)
        cos_angle = gs.clip(cos_angle, -1, 1)

        dist = gs.arccos(cos_angle)

        return dist

    def squared_dist(self, point_a, point_b):
        """Squared geodesic distance between two points.

        point_a : array-like, shape=[..., dim]
            Point on the hypersphere.
        point_b : array-like, shape=[..., dim]
            Point on the hypersphere.

        sq_dist : array-like, shape=[...,]
        return self.dist(point_a, point_b) ** 2

    def parallel_transport(tangent_vec_a, tangent_vec_b, base_point):
        r"""Compute the parallel transport of a tangent vector.

        Closed-form solution for the parallel transport of a tangent vector a
        along the geodesic defined by :math: `t \mapsto exp_(base_point)(t*

        tangent_vec_a : array-like, shape=[..., dim + 1]
            Tangent vector at base point to be transported.
        tangent_vec_b : array-like, shape=[..., dim + 1]
            Tangent vector at base point, along which the parallel transport
            is computed.
        base_point : array-like, shape=[..., dim + 1]
            Point on the hypersphere.

        transported_tangent_vec: array-like, shape=[..., dim + 1]
            Transported tangent vector at `exp_(base_point)(tangent_vec_b)`.
        theta = gs.linalg.norm(tangent_vec_b, axis=-1)
        normalized_b = gs.einsum('...,...i->...i', 1 / theta, tangent_vec_b)
        pb = gs.einsum('...i,...i->...', tangent_vec_a, normalized_b)
        p_orth = tangent_vec_a - gs.einsum('...,...i->...i', pb, normalized_b)
        transported = \
            - gs.einsum('...,...i->...i', gs.sin(theta) * pb, base_point)\
            + gs.einsum('...,...i->...i', gs.cos(theta) * pb, normalized_b)\
            + p_orth
        return transported

    def christoffels(self, point, point_type='spherical'):
        """Compute the Christoffel symbols at a point.

        Only implemented in dimension 2 and for spherical coordinates.

        point : array-like, shape=[..., dim]
            Point on hypersphere where the Christoffel symbols are computed.

        point_type: str, {'spherical', 'intrinsic', 'extrinsic'}
            Coordinates in which to express the Christoffel symbols.
            Optional, default: 'spherical'.

        christoffel : array-like, shape=[..., contravariant index, 1st
                                         covariant index, 2nd covariant index]
            Christoffel symbols at point.
        if self.dim != 2 or point_type != 'spherical':
            raise NotImplementedError(
                'The Christoffel symbols are only implemented'
                ' for spherical coordinates in the 2-sphere')

        point = gs.to_ndarray(point, to_ndim=2)
        christoffel = []
        for sample in point:
            gamma_0 = gs.array(
                [[0, 0], [0, - gs.sin(sample[0]) * gs.cos(sample[0])]])
            gamma_1 = gs.array([[0, gs.cos(sample[0]) / gs.sin(sample[0])],
                                [gs.cos(sample[0]) / gs.sin(sample[0]), 0]])
            christoffel.append(gs.stack([gamma_0, gamma_1]))

        christoffel = gs.stack(christoffel)
        if gs.ndim(christoffel) == 4 and gs.shape(christoffel)[0] == 1:
            christoffel = gs.squeeze(christoffel, axis=0)
        return christoffel

    def curvature(
            self, tangent_vec_a, tangent_vec_b, tangent_vec_c,
        r"""Compute the curvature.

        For three tangent vectors at a base point :math: `x,y,z`,
        the curvature is defined by
        :math: `R(x, y)z = \nabla_{[x,y]}z
        - \nabla_z\nabla_y z + \nabla_y\nabla_x z`, where :math: `\nabla`
        is the Levi-Civita connection. In the case of the hypersphere,
        we have the closed formula
        :math: `R(x,y)z = \langle x, z \rangle y - \langle y,z \rangle x`.

        tangent_vec_a : array-like, shape=[..., dim]
            Tangent vector at `base_point`.
        tangent_vec_b : array-like, shape=[..., dim]
            Tangent vector at `base_point`.
        tangent_vec_c : array-like, shape=[..., dim]
            Tangent vector at `base_point`.
        base_point :  array-like, shape=[..., dim]
            Point on the group. Optional, default is the identity.

        curvature : array-like, shape=[..., dim]
            Tangent vector at `base_point`.
        inner_ac = self.inner_product(tangent_vec_a, tangent_vec_c)
        inner_bc = self.inner_product(tangent_vec_b, tangent_vec_c)
        first_term = gs.einsum('...,...i->...i', inner_bc, tangent_vec_a)
        second_term = gs.einsum('...,...i->...i', inner_ac, tangent_vec_b)
        return - first_term + second_term
Ejemplo n.º 2
class HypersphereMetric(RiemannianMetric):
    """Class for the Hypersphere Metric.

    dim : int
        Dimension of the hypersphere.
    def __init__(self, dim):
        super(HypersphereMetric, self).__init__(dim=dim, signature=(dim, 0))
        self.embedding_metric = EuclideanMetric(dim + 1)
        self._space = _Hypersphere(dim=dim)

    def metric_matrix(self, base_point=None):
        """Metric matrix at the tangent space at a base point.

        base_point : array-like, shape=[..., dim + 1]
            Base point.
            Optional, default: None.

        mat : array-like, shape=[..., dim + 1, dim + 1]
            Inner-product matrix.
        return gs.eye(self.dim + 1)

    def inner_product(self, tangent_vec_a, tangent_vec_b, base_point=None):
        """Compute the inner-product of two tangent vectors at a base point.

        tangent_vec_a : array-like, shape=[..., dim + 1]
            First tangent vector at base point.
        tangent_vec_b : array-like, shape=[..., dim + 1]
            Second tangent vector at base point.
        base_point : array-like, shape=[..., dim + 1], optional
            Point on the hypersphere.

        inner_prod : array-like, shape=[...,]
            Inner-product of the two tangent vectors.
        inner_prod = self.embedding_metric.inner_product(
            tangent_vec_a, tangent_vec_b, base_point)

        return inner_prod

    def squared_norm(self, vector, base_point=None):
        """Compute the squared norm of a vector.

        Squared norm of a vector associated with the inner-product
        at the tangent space at a base point.

        vector : array-like, shape=[..., dim + 1]
            Vector on the tangent space of the hypersphere at base point.
        base_point : array-like, shape=[..., dim + 1], optional
            Point on the hypersphere.

        sq_norm : array-like, shape=[..., 1]
            Squared norm of the vector.
        sq_norm = self.embedding_metric.squared_norm(vector)
        return sq_norm

    def exp(self, tangent_vec, base_point, **kwargs):
        """Compute the Riemannian exponential of a tangent vector.

        tangent_vec : array-like, shape=[..., dim + 1]
            Tangent vector at a base point.
        base_point : array-like, shape=[..., dim + 1]
            Point on the hypersphere.

        exp : array-like, shape=[..., dim + 1]
            Point on the hypersphere equal to the Riemannian exponential
            of tangent_vec at the base point.
        hypersphere = Hypersphere(dim=self.dim)
        proj_tangent_vec = hypersphere.to_tangent(tangent_vec, base_point)
        norm2 = self.embedding_metric.squared_norm(proj_tangent_vec)

        coef_1 = utils.taylor_exp_even_func(norm2, utils.cos_close_0, order=4)
        coef_2 = utils.taylor_exp_even_func(norm2, utils.sinc_close_0, order=4)
        exp = gs.einsum("...,...j->...j", coef_1, base_point) + gs.einsum(
            "...,...j->...j", coef_2, proj_tangent_vec)

        return exp

    def log(self, point, base_point, **kwargs):
        """Compute the Riemannian logarithm of a point.

        point : array-like, shape=[..., dim + 1]
            Point on the hypersphere.
        base_point : array-like, shape=[..., dim + 1]
            Point on the hypersphere.

        log : array-like, shape=[..., dim + 1]
            Tangent vector at the base point equal to the Riemannian logarithm
            of point at the base point.
        inner_prod = self.embedding_metric.inner_product(base_point, point)
        cos_angle = gs.clip(inner_prod, -1.0, 1.0)
        squared_angle = gs.arccos(cos_angle)**2
        coef_1_ = utils.taylor_exp_even_func(squared_angle,
        coef_2_ = utils.taylor_exp_even_func(squared_angle,
        log = gs.einsum("...,...j->...j", coef_1_, point) - gs.einsum(
            "...,...j->...j", coef_2_, base_point)

        return log

    def dist(self, point_a, point_b):
        """Compute the geodesic distance between two points.

        point_a : array-like, shape=[..., dim + 1]
            First point on the hypersphere.
        point_b : array-like, shape=[..., dim + 1]
            Second point on the hypersphere.

        dist : array-like, shape=[..., 1]
            Geodesic distance between the two points.
        norm_a = self.embedding_metric.norm(point_a)
        norm_b = self.embedding_metric.norm(point_b)
        inner_prod = self.embedding_metric.inner_product(point_a, point_b)

        cos_angle = inner_prod / (norm_a * norm_b)
        cos_angle = gs.clip(cos_angle, -1, 1)

        dist = gs.arccos(cos_angle)

        return dist

    def squared_dist(self, point_a, point_b, **kwargs):
        """Squared geodesic distance between two points.

        point_a : array-like, shape=[..., dim]
            Point on the hypersphere.
        point_b : array-like, shape=[..., dim]
            Point on the hypersphere.

        sq_dist : array-like, shape=[...,]
        return self.dist(point_a, point_b)**2

    def parallel_transport(tangent_vec_a, tangent_vec_b, base_point, **kwargs):
        r"""Compute the parallel transport of a tangent vector.

        Closed-form solution for the parallel transport of a tangent vector a
        along the geodesic defined by :math:`t \mapsto exp_(base_point)(t*

        tangent_vec_a : array-like, shape=[..., dim + 1]
            Tangent vector at base point to be transported.
        tangent_vec_b : array-like, shape=[..., dim + 1]
            Tangent vector at base point, along which the parallel transport
            is computed.
        base_point : array-like, shape=[..., dim + 1]
            Point on the hypersphere.

        transported_tangent_vec: array-like, shape=[..., dim + 1]
            Transported tangent vector at `exp_(base_point)(tangent_vec_b)`.
        theta = gs.linalg.norm(tangent_vec_b, axis=-1)
        eps = gs.where(theta == 0.0, 1.0, theta)
        normalized_b = gs.einsum("...,...i->...i", 1 / eps, tangent_vec_b)
        pb = gs.einsum("...i,...i->...", tangent_vec_a, normalized_b)
        p_orth = tangent_vec_a - gs.einsum("...,...i->...i", pb, normalized_b)
        transported = (-gs.einsum("...,...i->...i",
                                  gs.sin(theta) * pb, base_point) +
                                 gs.cos(theta) * pb, normalized_b) + p_orth)
        return transported

    def christoffels(self, point, point_type="spherical"):
        """Compute the Christoffel symbols at a point.

        Only implemented in dimension 2 and for spherical coordinates.

        point : array-like, shape=[..., dim]
            Point on hypersphere where the Christoffel symbols are computed.

        point_type: str, {'spherical', 'intrinsic', 'extrinsic'}
            Coordinates in which to express the Christoffel symbols.
            Optional, default: 'spherical'.

        christoffel : array-like, shape=[..., contravariant index, 1st
                                         covariant index, 2nd covariant index]
            Christoffel symbols at point.
        if self.dim != 2 or point_type != "spherical":
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "The Christoffel symbols are only implemented"
                " for spherical coordinates in the 2-sphere")

        point = gs.to_ndarray(point, to_ndim=2)
        christoffel = []
        for sample in point:
            gamma_0 = gs.array([[0, 0],
                                [0, -gs.sin(sample[0]) * gs.cos(sample[0])]])
            gamma_1 = gs.array([
                [0, gs.cos(sample[0]) / gs.sin(sample[0])],
                [gs.cos(sample[0]) / gs.sin(sample[0]), 0],
            christoffel.append(gs.stack([gamma_0, gamma_1]))

        christoffel = gs.stack(christoffel)
        if gs.ndim(christoffel) == 4 and gs.shape(christoffel)[0] == 1:
            christoffel = gs.squeeze(christoffel, axis=0)
        return christoffel

    def curvature(self, tangent_vec_a, tangent_vec_b, tangent_vec_c,
        r"""Compute the curvature.

        For three tangent vectors at a base point :math:`x,y,z`,
        the curvature is defined by
        :math:`R(x, y)z = \nabla_{[x,y]}z
        - \nabla_z\nabla_y z + \nabla_y\nabla_x z`, where :math:`\nabla`
        is the Levi-Civita connection. In the case of the hypersphere,
        we have the closed formula
        :math:`R(x,y)z = \langle x, z \rangle y - \langle y,z \rangle x`.

        tangent_vec_a : array-like, shape=[..., dim]
            Tangent vector at `base_point`.
        tangent_vec_b : array-like, shape=[..., dim]
            Tangent vector at `base_point`.
        tangent_vec_c : array-like, shape=[..., dim]
            Tangent vector at `base_point`.
        base_point :  array-like, shape=[..., dim]
            Point on the hypersphere.

        curvature : array-like, shape=[..., dim]
            Tangent vector at `base_point`.
        inner_ac = self.inner_product(tangent_vec_a, tangent_vec_c)
        inner_bc = self.inner_product(tangent_vec_b, tangent_vec_c)
        first_term = gs.einsum("...,...i->...i", inner_bc, tangent_vec_a)
        second_term = gs.einsum("...,...i->...i", inner_ac, tangent_vec_b)
        return -first_term + second_term

    def _normalization_factor_odd_dim(self, variances):
        """Compute the normalization factor - odd dimension."""
        dim = self.dim
        half_dim = int((dim + 1) / 2)
        area = 2 * gs.pi**half_dim / math.factorial(half_dim - 1)
        comb = gs.comb(dim - 1, half_dim - 1)

        erf_arg = gs.sqrt(variances / 2) * gs.pi
        first_term = (area / (2**dim - 1) * comb *
                      gs.sqrt(gs.pi / (2 * variances)) * gs.erf(erf_arg))

        def summand(k):
            exp_arg = -((dim - 1 - 2 * k)**2) / 2 / variances
            erf_arg_2 = (gs.pi * variances -
                         (dim - 1 - 2 * k) * 1j) / gs.sqrt(2 * variances)
            sign = (-1.0)**k
            comb_2 = gs.comb(k, dim - 1)
            return sign * comb_2 * gs.exp(exp_arg) * gs.real(gs.erf(erf_arg_2))

        if half_dim > 2:
            sum_term = gs.sum(
                gs.stack([summand(k)] for k in range(half_dim - 2)))
            sum_term = summand(0)
        coef = area / 2 / erf_arg * gs.pi**0.5 * (-1.0)**(half_dim - 1)

        return first_term + coef / 2**(dim - 2) * sum_term

    def _normalization_factor_even_dim(self, variances):
        """Compute the normalization factor - even dimension."""
        dim = self.dim
        half_dim = (dim + 1) / 2
        area = 2 * gs.pi**half_dim / math.gamma(half_dim)

        def summand(k):
            exp_arg = -((dim - 1 - 2 * k)**2) / 2 / variances
            erf_arg_1 = (dim - 1 - 2 * k) * 1j / gs.sqrt(2 * variances)
            erf_arg_2 = (gs.pi * variances -
                         (dim - 1 - 2 * k) * 1j) / gs.sqrt(2 * variances)
            sign = (-1.0)**k
            comb = gs.comb(dim - 1, k)
            erf_terms = gs.imag(gs.erf(erf_arg_2) + gs.erf(erf_arg_1))
            return sign * comb * gs.exp(exp_arg) * erf_terms

        half_dim_2 = int((dim - 2) / 2)
        if half_dim_2 > 0:
            sum_term = gs.sum(gs.stack([summand(k)]
                                       for k in range(half_dim_2)))
            sum_term = summand(0)
        coef = (area * (-1.0)**half_dim_2 / 2**(dim - 2) *
                gs.sqrt(gs.pi / 2 / variances))

        return coef * sum_term

    def normalization_factor(self, variances):
        """Return normalization factor of the Gaussian distribution.

        variances : array-like, shape=[n,]
            Variance of the distribution.

        norm_func : array-like, shape=[n,]
            Normalisation factor for all given variances.
        if self.dim % 2 == 0:
            return self._normalization_factor_even_dim(variances)
        return self._normalization_factor_odd_dim(variances)

    def norm_factor_gradient(self, variances):
        """Compute the gradient of the normalization factor.

        variances : array-like, shape=[n,]
            Variance of the distribution.

        norm_func : array-like, shape=[n,]
            Normalisation factor for all given variances.
        def func(var):
            return gs.sum(self.normalization_factor(var))

        _, grad = gs.autodiff.value_and_grad(func)(variances)
        return _, grad

    def curvature_derivative(
        r"""Compute the covariant derivative of the curvature.

        The derivative of the curvature vanishes since the hypersphere is a
        constant curvature space.

        tangent_vec_a : array-like, shape=[..., dim]
            Tangent vector at `base_point` along which the curvature is
        tangent_vec_b : array-like, shape=[..., dim]
            Unused tangent vector at `base_point` (since curvature derivative
        tangent_vec_c : array-like, shape=[..., dim]
            Unused tangent vector at `base_point` (since curvature derivative
        tangent_vec_d : array-like, shape=[..., dim]
            Unused tangent vector at `base_point` (since curvature derivative
        base_point : array-like, shape=[..., dim]
            Unused point on the hypersphere.

        curvature_derivative : array-like, shape=[..., dim]
            Tangent vector at base point.
        return gs.zeros_like(tangent_vec_a)
Ejemplo n.º 3
class HypersphereMetric(RiemannianMetric):
    """Class for the Hypersphere Metric.

    dim : int
        Dimension of the hypersphere.
    def __init__(self, dim):
        super(HypersphereMetric, self).__init__(dim=dim, signature=(dim, 0, 0))
        self.embedding_metric = EuclideanMetric(dim + 1)
        self._space = _Hypersphere(dim=dim)

    def inner_product(self, tangent_vec_a, tangent_vec_b, base_point=None):
        """Compute the inner-product of two tangent vectors at a base point.

        tangent_vec_a : array-like, shape=[..., dim + 1]
            First tangent vector at base point.
        tangent_vec_b : array-like, shape=[..., dim + 1]
            Second tangent vector at base point.
        base_point : array-like, shape=[..., dim + 1], optional
            Point on the hypersphere.

        inner_prod : array-like, shape=[..., 1]
            Inner-product of the two tangent vectors.
        inner_prod = self.embedding_metric.inner_product(
            tangent_vec_a, tangent_vec_b, base_point)

        return inner_prod

    def squared_norm(self, vector, base_point=None):
        """Compute the squared norm of a vector.

        Squared norm of a vector associated with the inner-product
        at the tangent space at a base point.

        vector : array-like, shape=[..., dim + 1]
            Vector on the tangent space of the hypersphere at base point.
        base_point : array-like, shape=[..., dim + 1], optional
            Point on the hypersphere.

        sq_norm : array-like, shape=[..., 1]
            Squared norm of the vector.
        sq_norm = self.embedding_metric.squared_norm(vector)
        return sq_norm

    @geomstats.vectorization.decorator(['else', 'vector', 'vector'])
    def exp(self, tangent_vec, base_point):
        """Compute the Riemannian exponential of a tangent vector.

        tangent_vec : array-like, shape=[..., dim + 1]
            Tangent vector at a base point.
        base_point : array-like, shape=[..., dim + 1]
            Point on the hypersphere.

        exp : array-like, shape=[..., dim + 1]
            Point on the hypersphere equal to the Riemannian exponential
            of tangent_vec at the base point.
        # TODO (ninamiolane): Raise error when vector is not tangent
        _, extrinsic_dim = base_point.shape
        n_tangent_vecs, _ = tangent_vec.shape

        hypersphere = Hypersphere(dim=extrinsic_dim - 1)
        proj_tangent_vec = hypersphere.to_tangent(tangent_vec, base_point)
        norm_tangent_vec = self.embedding_metric.norm(proj_tangent_vec)
        norm_tangent_vec = gs.to_ndarray(norm_tangent_vec, to_ndim=1)

        mask_0 = gs.isclose(norm_tangent_vec, 0.)
        mask_non0 = ~mask_0

        coef_1 = gs.zeros((n_tangent_vecs, ))
        coef_2 = gs.zeros((n_tangent_vecs, ))
        norm2 = norm_tangent_vec[mask_0]**2
        norm4 = norm2**2
        norm6 = norm2**3

        coef_1 = gs.assignment(coef_1,
                               1. - norm2 / 2. + norm4 / 24. - norm6 / 720.,
        coef_2 = gs.assignment(coef_2,
                               1. - norm2 / 6. + norm4 / 120. - norm6 / 5040.,

        coef_1 = gs.assignment(coef_1, gs.cos(norm_tangent_vec[mask_non0]),
        coef_2 = gs.assignment(
            gs.sin(norm_tangent_vec[mask_non0]) / norm_tangent_vec[mask_non0],

        exp = (gs.einsum('...,...j->...j', coef_1, base_point) +
               gs.einsum('...,...j->...j', coef_2, proj_tangent_vec))

        return exp

    @geomstats.vectorization.decorator(['else', 'vector', 'vector'])
    def log(self, point, base_point):
        """Compute the Riemannian logarithm of a point.

        point : array-like, shape=[..., dim + 1]
            Point on the hypersphere.
        base_point : array-like, shape=[..., dim + 1]
            Point on the hypersphere.

        log : array-like, shape=[..., dim + 1]
            Tangent vector at the base point equal to the Riemannian logarithm
            of point at the base point.
        norm_base_point = self.embedding_metric.norm(base_point)
        norm_point = self.embedding_metric.norm(point)
        inner_prod = self.embedding_metric.inner_product(base_point, point)
        cos_angle = inner_prod / (norm_base_point * norm_point)
        cos_angle = gs.clip(cos_angle, -1., 1.)

        angle = gs.arccos(cos_angle)
        angle = gs.to_ndarray(angle, to_ndim=1)
        angle = gs.to_ndarray(angle, to_ndim=2, axis=1)

        mask_0 = gs.isclose(angle, 0.)
        mask_else = gs.equal(mask_0, gs.array(False))

        mask_0_float = gs.cast(mask_0, gs.float32)
        mask_else_float = gs.cast(mask_else, gs.float32)

        coef_1 = gs.zeros_like(angle)
        coef_2 = gs.zeros_like(angle)

        coef_1 += mask_0_float * (1. + INV_SIN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[1] * angle**2 +
                                  INV_SIN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[3] * angle**4 +
                                  INV_SIN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[5] * angle**6 +
                                  INV_SIN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[7] * angle**8)
        coef_2 += mask_0_float * (1. + INV_TAN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[1] * angle**2 +
                                  INV_TAN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[3] * angle**4 +
                                  INV_TAN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[5] * angle**6 +
                                  INV_TAN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[7] * angle**8)

        # This avoids division by 0.
        angle += mask_0_float * 1.

        coef_1 += mask_else_float * angle / gs.sin(angle)
        coef_2 += mask_else_float * angle / gs.tan(angle)

        log = (gs.einsum('...i,...j->...j', coef_1, point) -
               gs.einsum('...i,...j->...j', coef_2, base_point))

        mask_same_values = gs.isclose(point, base_point)

        mask_else = gs.equal(mask_same_values, gs.array(False))
        mask_else_float = gs.cast(mask_else, gs.float32)
        mask_else_float = gs.to_ndarray(mask_else_float, to_ndim=1)
        mask_else_float = gs.to_ndarray(mask_else_float, to_ndim=2)
        mask_not_same_points = gs.sum(mask_else_float, axis=1)
        mask_same_points = gs.isclose(mask_not_same_points, 0.)
        mask_same_points = gs.cast(mask_same_points, gs.float32)
        mask_same_points = gs.to_ndarray(mask_same_points, to_ndim=2, axis=1)

        mask_same_points_float = gs.cast(mask_same_points, gs.float32)

        log -= mask_same_points_float * log

        return log

    def dist(self, point_a, point_b):
        """Compute the geodesic distance between two points.

        point_a : array-like, shape=[..., dim + 1]
            First point on the hypersphere.
        point_b : array-like, shape=[..., dim + 1]
            Second point on the hypersphere.

        dist : array-like, shape=[..., 1]
            Geodesic distance between the two points.
        norm_a = self.embedding_metric.norm(point_a)
        norm_b = self.embedding_metric.norm(point_b)
        inner_prod = self.embedding_metric.inner_product(point_a, point_b)

        cos_angle = gs.einsum('...,...->...', inner_prod,
                              1. / (norm_a * norm_b))
        cos_angle = gs.clip(cos_angle, -1, 1)

        dist = gs.arccos(cos_angle)

        return dist

    def squared_dist(self, point_a, point_b):
        """Squared geodesic distance between two points.

        point_a : array-like, shape=[..., dim]
            Point on the hypersphere.
        point_b : array-like, shape=[..., dim]
            Point on the hypersphere.

        sq_dist : array-like, shape=[...,]
        return self.dist(point_a, point_b)**2

    def parallel_transport(tangent_vec_a, tangent_vec_b, base_point):
        """Compute the parallel transport of a tangent vector.

        Closed-form solution for the parallel transport of a tangent vector a
        along the geodesic defined by exp_(base_point)(tangent_vec_b).

        tangent_vec_a : array-like, shape=[..., dim + 1]
            Tangent vector at base point to be transported.
        tangent_vec_b : array-like, shape=[..., dim + 1]
            Tangent vector at base point, along which the parallel transport
            is computed.
        base_point : array-like, shape=[..., dim + 1]
            Point on the hypersphere.

        transported_tangent_vec: array-like, shape=[..., dim + 1]
            Transported tangent vector at exp_(base_point)(tangent_vec_b).
        tangent_vec_a = gs.to_ndarray(tangent_vec_a, to_ndim=2)
        tangent_vec_b = gs.to_ndarray(tangent_vec_b, to_ndim=2)
        base_point = gs.to_ndarray(base_point, to_ndim=2)
        # TODO (nguigs): work around this condition:
        # assert len(base_point) == len(tangent_vec_a) == len(tangent_vec_b)
        theta = gs.linalg.norm(tangent_vec_b, axis=1)
        normalized_b = gs.einsum('n, ni->ni', 1 / theta, tangent_vec_b)
        pb = gs.einsum('ni,ni->n', tangent_vec_a, normalized_b)
        p_orth = tangent_vec_a - gs.einsum('n,ni->ni', pb, normalized_b)
        transported = - gs.einsum('n,ni->ni', gs.sin(theta) * pb, base_point)\
            + gs.einsum('n,ni->ni', gs.cos(theta) * pb, normalized_b)\
            + p_orth
        return transported

    def christoffels(self, point, point_type='spherical'):
        """Compute the Christoffel symbols at a point.

        Only implemented in dimension 2 and for spherical coordinates.

        point : array-like, shape=[..., dim]
            Point on hypersphere where the Christoffel symbols are computed.

        point_type: str, {'spherical', 'intrinsic', 'extrinsic'}
            Coordinates in which to express the Christoffel symbols.

        christoffel : array-like, shape=[..., contravariant index, 1st
                                         covariant index, 2nd covariant index]
            Christoffel symbols at point.
        if self.dim != 2 or point_type != 'spherical':
            raise NotImplementedError(
                'The Christoffel symbols are only implemented'
                ' for spherical coordinates in the 2-sphere')

        point = gs.to_ndarray(point, to_ndim=2)
        christoffel = []
        for sample in point:
            gamma_0 = gs.array([[0, 0],
                                [0, -gs.sin(sample[0]) * gs.cos(sample[0])]])
            gamma_1 = gs.array([[0, gs.cos(sample[0]) / gs.sin(sample[0])],
                                [gs.cos(sample[0]) / gs.sin(sample[0]), 0]])
            christoffel.append(gs.stack([gamma_0, gamma_1]))

        christoffel = gs.stack(christoffel)
        if gs.ndim(christoffel) == 4 and gs.shape(christoffel)[0] == 1:
            christoffel = gs.squeeze(christoffel, axis=0)
        return christoffel
Ejemplo n.º 4
class HypersphereMetric(RiemannianMetric):
    """Class for the Hypersphere Metric."""
    def __init__(self, dimension):
        super(HypersphereMetric, self).__init__(dimension=dimension,
                                                signature=(dimension, 0, 0))
        self.embedding_metric = EuclideanMetric(dimension + 1)

    def inner_product(self, tangent_vec_a, tangent_vec_b, base_point=None):
        """Compute the inner product of two tangent vectors at a base point.

        tangent_vec_a : array-like, shape=[n_samples, dimension + 1]
                                    or shape=[1, dimension + 1]
        tangent_vec_b : array-like, shape=[n_samples, dimension + 1]
                                    or shape=[1, dimension + 1]
        base_point : array-like, shape=[n_samples, dimension + 1]
                                 or shape=[1, dimension + 1]

        inner_prod : array-like, shape=[n_samples, 1]
                                 or shape=[1, 1]
        inner_prod = self.embedding_metric.inner_product(
            tangent_vec_a, tangent_vec_b, base_point)

        return inner_prod

    def squared_norm(self, vector, base_point=None):
        """Compute squared norm of a vector.

        Squared norm of a vector associated to the inner product
        at the tangent space at a base point.

        vector : array-like, shape=[n_samples, dimension + 1]
                             or shape=[1, dimension + 1]
        base_point : array-like, shape=[n_samples, dimension + 1]
                                 or shape=[1, dimension + 1]

        sq_norm : array-like, shape=[n_samples, 1]
                              or shape=[1, 1]
        sq_norm = self.embedding_metric.squared_norm(vector)
        return sq_norm

    def exp(self, tangent_vec, base_point):
        """Riemannian exponential of a tangent vector wrt to a base point.

        tangent_vec : array-like, shape=[n_samples, dimension + 1]
                                  or shape=[1, dimension + 1]
        base_point : array-like, shape=[n_samples, dimension + 1]
                                 or shape=[1, dimension + 1]

        exp : array-like, shape=[n_samples, dimension + 1]
                          or shape=[1, dimension + 1]
        tangent_vec = gs.to_ndarray(tangent_vec, to_ndim=2)
        base_point = gs.to_ndarray(base_point, to_ndim=2)

        # TODO(nina): Decide on metric.space or space.metric
        #  for the hypersphere
        # TODO(nina): Raise error when vector is not tangent
        n_base_points, extrinsic_dim = base_point.shape
        n_tangent_vecs, _ = tangent_vec.shape

        hypersphere = Hypersphere(dimension=extrinsic_dim - 1)
        proj_tangent_vec = hypersphere.projection_to_tangent_space(
            tangent_vec, base_point)
        norm_tangent_vec = self.embedding_metric.norm(proj_tangent_vec)

        mask_0 = gs.isclose(norm_tangent_vec, 0.)
        mask_non0 = ~mask_0

        coef_1 = gs.zeros((n_tangent_vecs, 1))
        coef_2 = gs.zeros((n_tangent_vecs, 1))
        norm2 = norm_tangent_vec[mask_0]**2
        norm4 = norm2**2
        norm6 = norm2**3
        coef_1[mask_0] = 1. - norm2 / 2. + norm4 / 24. - norm6 / 720.
        coef_2[mask_0] = 1. - norm2 / 6. + norm4 / 120. - norm6 / 5040.

        coef_1[mask_non0] = gs.cos(norm_tangent_vec[mask_non0])
        coef_2[mask_non0] = gs.sin(norm_tangent_vec[mask_non0]) / \

        n_coef_1 = n_tangent_vecs
        if n_coef_1 != n_base_points:
            if n_coef_1 == 1:
                coef_1 = gs.squeeze(coef_1, axis=0)
                einsum_str = 'i,nj->nj'
            elif n_base_points == 1:
                base_point = gs.squeeze(base_point, axis=0)
                einsum_str = 'ni,j->nj'
                raise ValueError('Shape mismatch in einsum.')
            einsum_str = 'ni,nj->nj'

        exp = (gs.einsum(einsum_str, coef_1, base_point) +
               gs.einsum('ni,nj->nj', coef_2, proj_tangent_vec))

        return exp

    def log(self, point, base_point):
        """Compute Riemannian logarithm of a point wrt a base point.

        point : array-like, shape=[n_samples, dimension + 1]
                            or shape=[1, dimension + 1]
        base_point : array-like, shape=[n_samples, dimension + 1]
                                 or shape=[1, dimension + 1]

        log : array-like, shape=[n_samples, dimension + 1]
                          or shape=[1, dimension + 1]
        point = gs.to_ndarray(point, to_ndim=2)
        base_point = gs.to_ndarray(base_point, to_ndim=2)

        norm_base_point = self.embedding_metric.norm(base_point)
        norm_point = self.embedding_metric.norm(point)
        inner_prod = self.embedding_metric.inner_product(base_point, point)
        cos_angle = inner_prod / (norm_base_point * norm_point)
        cos_angle = gs.clip(cos_angle, -1., 1.)

        angle = gs.arccos(cos_angle)
        angle = gs.to_ndarray(angle, to_ndim=1)
        angle = gs.to_ndarray(angle, to_ndim=2, axis=1)

        mask_0 = gs.isclose(angle, 0.)
        mask_else = gs.equal(mask_0, gs.array(False))

        mask_0_float = gs.cast(mask_0, gs.float32)
        mask_else_float = gs.cast(mask_else, gs.float32)

        coef_1 = gs.zeros_like(angle)
        coef_2 = gs.zeros_like(angle)

        coef_1 += mask_0_float * (1. + INV_SIN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[1] * angle**2 +
                                  INV_SIN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[3] * angle**4 +
                                  INV_SIN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[5] * angle**6 +
                                  INV_SIN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[7] * angle**8)
        coef_2 += mask_0_float * (1. + INV_TAN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[1] * angle**2 +
                                  INV_TAN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[3] * angle**4 +
                                  INV_TAN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[5] * angle**6 +
                                  INV_TAN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[7] * angle**8)

        # This avoids division by 0.
        angle += mask_0_float * 1.

        coef_1 += mask_else_float * angle / gs.sin(angle)
        coef_2 += mask_else_float * angle / gs.tan(angle)

        log = (gs.einsum('ni,nj->nj', coef_1, point) -
               gs.einsum('ni,nj->nj', coef_2, base_point))

        mask_same_values = gs.isclose(point, base_point)

        mask_else = gs.equal(mask_same_values, gs.array(False))
        mask_else_float = gs.cast(mask_else, gs.float32)
        mask_else_float = gs.to_ndarray(mask_else_float, to_ndim=1)
        mask_else_float = gs.to_ndarray(mask_else_float, to_ndim=2)
        mask_not_same_points = gs.sum(mask_else_float, axis=1)
        mask_same_points = gs.isclose(mask_not_same_points, 0.)
        mask_same_points = gs.cast(mask_same_points, gs.float32)
        mask_same_points = gs.to_ndarray(mask_same_points, to_ndim=2, axis=1)

        mask_same_points_float = gs.cast(mask_same_points, gs.float32)

        log -= mask_same_points_float * log

        return log

    def dist(self, point_a, point_b):
        """Compute geodesic distance between two points.

        point_a : array-like, shape=[n_samples, dimension + 1]
                              or shape=[1, dimension + 1]
        point_b : array-like, shape=[n_samples, dimension + 1]
                              or shape=[1, dimension + 1]

        dist : array-like, shape=[n_samples, 1]
                           or shape=[1, 1]
        norm_a = self.embedding_metric.norm(point_a)
        norm_b = self.embedding_metric.norm(point_b)
        inner_prod = self.embedding_metric.inner_product(point_a, point_b)

        cos_angle = inner_prod / (norm_a * norm_b)
        cos_angle = gs.clip(cos_angle, -1, 1)

        dist = gs.arccos(cos_angle)

        return dist

    def parallel_transport(self, tangent_vec_a, tangent_vec_b, base_point):
        """Parallel transport of a tangent vector.

        Closed-form solution for the parallel transport of a tangent vector a
        along the geodesic defined by exp_(base_point)(tangent_vec_b)

        tangent_vec_a : array-like, shape=[n_samples, dimension + 1]
        tangent_vec_b : array-like, shape=[n_samples, dimension + 1]
        base_point : array-like, shape=[n_samples, dimension + 1]

        transported_tangent_vec: array-like, shape=[n_samples, dimension + 1]
        tangent_vec_a = gs.to_ndarray(tangent_vec_a, to_ndim=2)
        tangent_vec_b = gs.to_ndarray(tangent_vec_b, to_ndim=2)
        base_point = gs.to_ndarray(base_point, to_ndim=2)
        # TODO @nguigs: work around this condition
        assert len(base_point) == len(tangent_vec_a) == len(tangent_vec_b)
        theta = gs.linalg.norm(tangent_vec_b, axis=1)
        normalized_b = gs.einsum('n, ni->ni', 1 / theta, tangent_vec_b)
        pb = gs.einsum('ni,ni->n', tangent_vec_a, normalized_b)
        p_orth = tangent_vec_a - gs.einsum('n,ni->ni', pb, normalized_b)
        transported = - gs.einsum('n,ni->ni', gs.sin(theta) * pb, base_point)\
            + gs.einsum('n,ni->ni', gs.cos(theta) * pb, normalized_b)\
            + p_orth
        return transported

    def christoffels(self, point, point_type='spherical'):
        """Compute Christoffel symbols.

        Only implemented in dimension 2 and for spherical coordinates.

        point : array-like, shape=[n_samples, dimension]

        point_type: str

        christoffel : array-like, shape=[n_samples,
                                         contravariant index,
                                         first covariant index,
                                         second covariant index]
        if self.dimension != 2 or point_type != 'spherical':
            raise NotImplementedError(
                'The Christoffel symbols are only implemented'
                ' for spherical coordinates in the 2-sphere')

        point = gs.to_ndarray(point, to_ndim=2)
        christoffel = []
        for sample in point:
            gamma_0 = gs.array([[0, 0],
                                [0, -gs.sin(sample[0]) * gs.cos(sample[0])]])
            gamma_1 = gs.array([[0, gs.cos(sample[0]) / gs.sin(sample[0])],
                                [gs.cos(sample[0]) / gs.sin(sample[0]), 0]])
            christoffel.append(gs.stack([gamma_0, gamma_1]))

        return gs.stack(christoffel)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def test_norm(self, dim, vec, expected):
     metric = EuclideanMetric(dim)
     self.assertAllClose(metric.norm(gs.array(vec)), gs.array(expected))