Ejemplo n.º 1
def Prepare_Meteorology_Fulldistributed(workspace, wbd, OUTPUT, input_dir,
                                        info, hydrobloks_info):

    #Assign other variables
    mask = OUTPUT['mask']

    mapping_info = {}
    #Calculate the fine to coarse scale mapping
    for data_var in wbd['files_meteorology']:

        #Define the variable name
        var = data_var  #data_var.split('_')[1]
        mapping_info[var] = {}

        #Read in the coarse and fine mapping
        file_coarse = '%s/%s_ea_coarse.tif' % (workspace, var)
        file_fine = '%s/%s_ea_fine.tif' % (workspace, var)
        mask_coarse = gdal_tools.read_raster(file_coarse)
        mask_fine = gdal_tools.read_raster(file_fine)
        nlat = mask_coarse.shape[0]
        nlon = mask_coarse.shape[1]

        print data_var, "Creating the i and j mapping"
        #Create maps of i and j for mapping
        coords = {
            'i': np.zeros(mask_fine.shape, dtype=np.int),
            'j': np.zeros(mask_fine.shape, dtype=np.int)
        for value in np.unique(mask_coarse):
            if value < 0: continue
            idx_fine = mask_fine == value
            idx_coarse = np.where(mask_coarse == value)
            coords['i'][idx_fine] = nlat - idx_coarse[0] - 1  #Careful
            coords['j'][idx_fine] = idx_coarse[1]
        coords['i'] = coords['i'][mask]
        coords['j'] = coords['j'][mask]

        print data_var, "Extracting all the data"
        #Extract all of the data for that variable
        idate = info['time_info']['startdate']
        fdate = info['time_info']['enddate']
        nt = 24 * ((fdate - idate).days + 1)
        var = data_var  #data_var.split('_')[1]
        date = idate
        file = wbd['files_meteorology'][data_var]
        fp = nc.Dataset(file)
        #Determine the time steps to retrieve
        dates = nc.num2date(fp.variables['t'][:],
                            units='hours since %02d-%02d-%02d 00:00:00' %
                            (idate.year, idate.month, idate.day))
        mask_dates = (dates >= idate) & (dates <= fdate)
        data = np.ma.getdata(fp.variables[var][mask_dates])

        print data_var, "Assigning the data"
        #Create the variable
        grp = hydrobloks_info['input_fp'].groups['meteorology']
        grp.createVariable(var, 'f4', ('time', 'hsu'))
        #Place all the data per time step
        tmp = np.zeros(np.sum(mask))
        for itime in np.arange(data.shape[0]):
            tmp[:] = data[itime, coords['i'], coords['j']]
            #Write the timestep
            grp.variables[var][itime, :] = tmp[:]

Ejemplo n.º 2
def Prepare_Meteorology_Semidistributed(workspace, wbd, OUTPUT, input_dir,
                                        info, hydrobloks_info):

    #Define the mapping directory
    mapping_info = {}
    #Calculate the fine to coarse scale mapping
    for data_var in wbd['files_meteorology']:

        #Define the variable name
        var = data_var  #data_var.split('_')[1]
        mapping_info[var] = {}

        #Read in the coarse and fine mapping
        file_coarse = '%s/%s_latlon_coarse.tif' % (workspace, data_var)
        file_fine = '%s/%s_ea_fine.tif' % (workspace, data_var)
        mask_coarse = gdal_tools.read_raster(file_coarse)
        mask_fine = gdal_tools.read_raster(file_fine)
        nlat = mask_coarse.shape[0]
        nlon = mask_coarse.shape[1]

        #Compute the mapping for each hsu
        for hsu in np.arange(hydrobloks_info['nhru']):
            idx = OUTPUT['hsu_map'] == hsu
            #print "Catch:",hydrobloks_info['icatch'], "HRU: ", mask_fine[idx].astype(np.int)
            icells = np.unique(
                mask_fine[idx][mask_fine[idx] != -9999.0].astype(
                    np.int))  # Add != -9999 for unique and bicount - Noemi
            counts = np.bincount(
                mask_fine[idx][mask_fine[idx] != -9999.0].astype(np.int))
            coords, pcts = [], []
            for icell in icells:
                ilat = int(np.floor(icell / mask_coarse.shape[1]))
                jlat = icell - ilat * mask_coarse.shape[1]
                #ilat = int(mask_coarse.shape[0] - ilat - 1) #CAREFUL
                pct = float(counts[icell]) / float(np.sum(counts))
                coords.append([ilat, jlat])
            pcts = np.array(pcts)
            coords = list(np.array(coords).T)
            mapping_info[var][hsu] = {'pcts': pcts, 'coords': coords}

    #Iterate through variable creating forcing product per HSU
    idate = info['time_info']['startdate']
    fdate = info['time_info']['enddate']
    dt = info['time_info']['dt']
    nt = int(3600 * 24 / dt) * ((fdate - idate).days + 1)
    #Create structured array
    meteorology = {}
    for data_var in wbd['files_meteorology']:
        meteorology[data_var] = np.zeros((nt, hydrobloks_info['nhru']))
    #Load data into structured array
    for data_var in wbd['files_meteorology']:
        var = data_var  #data_var.split('_')[1]
        date = idate
        file = wbd['files_meteorology'][data_var]
        fp = nc.Dataset(file)
        #fp = h5py.File(file)
        #Determine the time steps to retrieve
        fidate = ' '.join(fp.variables['t'].units.split(' ')[2::])
        #dates = nc.num2date(fp.variables['t'][:],units='hours since %02d-%02d-%02d 00:00:00' % (idate.year,idate.month,idate.day))
        dates = nc.num2date(fp.variables['t'][:],
                            units='hours since %s' % fidate)
        #dates = nc.num2date(fp['t'][:],units='hours since %02d-%02d-%02d 00:00:00' % (idate.year,idate.month,idate.day))
        mask_dates = (dates >= idate) & (dates <= fdate)
        data = np.ma.getdata(fp.variables[var][mask_dates, :, :])
        #Assing to hsus
        for hsu in mapping_info[var]:
            #print data_var,data, data.shape, hsu,mapping_info[var][hsu]['pcts'],mapping_info[var][hsu]['coords'],
            pcts = mapping_info[var][hsu]['pcts']
            coords = mapping_info[var][hsu]['coords']
            coords[0][coords[0] >= data.shape[1]] = data.shape[1] - 1
            coords[1][coords[1] >= data.shape[2]] = data.shape[2] - 1
            tmp = data[:, coords[0], coords[1]]
            #m1 = tmp < -999
            #m2 = tmp > -999
            tmp = pcts * tmp
            meteorology[data_var][:, hsu] = np.sum(tmp, axis=1)
            #print data_var,np.unique(meteorology[data_var][:,:])

        #Write the meteorology to the netcdf file (single chunk for now...)
        grp = hydrobloks_info['input_fp'].groups['meteorology']
        grp.createVariable(var, 'f4', ('time', 'hsu'))
        grp.variables[data_var][:] = meteorology[data_var][:]

    #Add time information
    dates = []
    date = idate
    while date <= fdate:
        date = date + datetime.timedelta(seconds=dt)
    dates = np.array(dates)
    var = grp.createVariable('time', 'f8', ('time', ))
    var.units = 'hours since %4d-01-01' % idate.year
    var.calendar = 'standard'
    dates = nc.date2num(dates, units=var.units, calendar=var.calendar)
    var[:] = dates[:]

Ejemplo n.º 3
def Prepare_Model_Input_Data(hydrobloks_info):

    #Prepare the info dictionary
    info = {}

    #Define the start/end dates
    info['time_info'] = {}
    info['time_info']['startdate'] = hydrobloks_info['idate']
    info['time_info']['enddate'] = hydrobloks_info['fdate']
    info['time_info']['dt'] = hydrobloks_info['dt']

    #Define the workspace
    workspace = hydrobloks_info['workspace']

    #Define the model input data directory
    input_dir = workspace  #'%s/input' % workspace

    #Read in the metadata
    #file = '%s/workspace_info.pck' % workspace
    #wbd = pickle.load(open(file))

    #Create the dictionary to hold all of the data
    output = {}

    #Create the Latin Hypercube (Clustering)
    nhru = hydrobloks_info['nhru']
    #ncores = hydrobloks_info['ncores']
    icatch = hydrobloks_info['icatch']

    #Get metadata
    md = gdal_tools.retrieve_metadata('%s/mask_latlon.tif' % workspace)

    #Prepare the input file
    wbd = {}
    wbd['bbox'] = {
        'minlat': md['miny'],
        'maxlat': md['maxy'],
        'minlon': md['minx'],
        'maxlon': md['maxx'],
        'res': abs(md['resx'])

    wbd['files'] = {
        'WLTSMC': '%s/theta1500_ea.tif' % workspace,
        'TEXTURE_CLASS': '%s/texture_class_ea.tif' % workspace,
        'cslope': '%s/cslope_ea.tif' % workspace,
        'MAXSMC': '%s/thetas_ea.tif' % workspace,
        'BB': '%s/bb_ea.tif' % workspace,
        'DRYSMC': '%s/thetar_ea.tif' % workspace,
        'fdir': '%s/fdir_ea.tif' % workspace,
        'QTZ': '%s/qtz_ea.tif' % workspace,
        'SATDW': '%s/dsat_ea.tif' % workspace,
        'REFSMC': '%s/theta33_ea.tif' % workspace,
        'mask': '%s/mask_ea.tif' % workspace,
        'SATPSI': '%s/psisat_ea.tif' % workspace,
        'lc': '%s/lc_ea.tif' % workspace,
        'carea': '%s/carea_ea.tif' % workspace,
        'ti': '%s/ti_ea.tif' % workspace,
        'ndvi': '%s/ndvi_ea.tif' % workspace,
        'F11': '%s/f11_ea.tif' % workspace,
        'SATDK': '%s/ksat_ea.tif' % workspace,
        'dem': '%s/dem_ea.tif' % workspace,
        'demns': '%s/demns_ea.tif' % workspace,
        'sand': '%s/sand_ea.tif' % workspace,
        'clay': '%s/clay_ea.tif' % workspace,
        'silt': '%s/silt_ea.tif' % workspace,
        'om': '%s/om_ea.tif' % workspace,
        'bare30': '%s/bare30_ea.tif' % workspace,
        'water30': '%s/water30_ea.tif' % workspace,
        'tree30': '%s/tree30_ea.tif' % workspace,
    wbd['files_meteorology'] = {
        'lwdown': '%s/lwdown.nc' % workspace,
        'swdown': '%s/swdown.nc' % workspace,
        'tair': '%s/tair.nc' % workspace,
        'precip': '%s/precip.nc' % workspace,
        'psurf': '%s/psurf.nc' % workspace,
        'wind': '%s/wind.nc' % workspace,
        'spfh': '%s/spfh.nc' % workspace,

    #Create the clusters and their connections
    output = Create_Clusters_And_Connections(workspace, wbd, output, input_dir,
                                             nhru, info, hydrobloks_info)

    #Extract the meteorological forcing
    print "Preparing the meteorology"
    if hydrobloks_info['model_type'] == 'semi':
        Prepare_Meteorology_Semidistributed(workspace, wbd, output, input_dir,
                                            info, hydrobloks_info)
    elif hydrobloks_info['model_type'] == 'full':
        Prepare_Meteorology_Fulldistributed(workspace, wbd, output, input_dir,
                                            info, hydrobloks_info)

    #Write out the files to the netcdf file
    fp = hydrobloks_info['input_fp']
    data = output

    #Write out the metadata
    grp = fp.createGroup('metadata')
    grp.latitude = (wbd['bbox']['minlat'] + wbd['bbox']['maxlat']) / 2
    lon = (wbd['bbox']['minlon'] + wbd['bbox']['maxlon']) / 2
    if lon < 0: lon += 360
    grp.longitude = lon
    metadata = gdal_tools.retrieve_metadata(wbd['files']['mask'])
    grp.dx = metadata['resx']
    #grp.longitude = (360.0+(wbd['bbox']['minlon'] + wbd['bbox']['maxlon'])/2)

    #Write the HRU mapping
    #CONUS conus_albers metadata
    metadata['nodata'] = -9999.0
    #Save the conus_albers metadata
    grp = fp.createGroup('conus_albers_mapping')
    grp.createDimension('nx', metadata['nx'])
    grp.createDimension('ny', metadata['ny'])
    hmca = grp.createVariable('hmca', 'f4', ('ny', 'nx'))
    hmca.gt = metadata['gt']
    hmca.projection = metadata['projection']
    hmca.description = 'HSU mapping (conus albers)'
    hmca.nodata = metadata['nodata']
    #Save the conus albers mapping
    hsu_map = np.copy(output['hsu_map'])
    hsu_map[np.isnan(hsu_map) == 1] = metadata['nodata']
    hmca[:] = hsu_map

    #Write out the mapping
    file_ca = '%s/hsu_mapping_ea.tif' % workspace
    gdal_tools.write_raster(file_ca, metadata, hsu_map)

    #Map the mapping to regular lat/lon
    file_ll = '%s/hsu_mapping_latlon.tif' % workspace
    os.system('rm -f %s' % file_ll)
    res = wbd['bbox']['res']
    minlat = wbd['bbox']['minlat']
    minlon = wbd['bbox']['minlon']
    maxlat = wbd['bbox']['maxlat']
    maxlon = wbd['bbox']['maxlon']
    log = '%s/log.txt' % workspace
        'gdalwarp -tr %.16f %.16f -dstnodata %.16f -t_srs \'+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs \' -te %.16f %.16f %.16f %.16f %s %s >> %s 2>&1'
        % (res, res, metadata['nodata'], minlon, minlat, maxlon, maxlat,
           file_ca, file_ll, log))

    #Write a map for the catchment id
    file_icatch = '%s/icatch_latlon.tif' % workspace
    metadata = gdal_tools.retrieve_metadata(file_ll)
    metadata['nodata'] = -9999.0
    tmp = gdal_tools.read_raster(file_ll)
    tmp[tmp >= 0] = hydrobloks_info['icatch']
    gdal_tools.write_raster(file_icatch, metadata, tmp)

    #Retrieve the lat/lon metadata
    #metadata = gdal_tools.retrieve_metadata(file_ll)
    #metadata['nodata'] = -9999.0
    #Save the lat/lon metadata
    #grp = fp.createGroup('latlon_mapping')
    #hmll = grp.createVariable('hmll','f4',('nlat','nlon'))
    #hmll.gt = metadata['gt']
    #hmll.projection = metadata['projection']
    #hmll.description = 'HSU mapping (regular lat/lon)'
    #hmll.nodata = metadata['nodata']
    #Save the lat/lon mapping
    #hsu_map = np.copy(gdal_tools.read_raster(file_ll))
    #hsu_map[np.isnan(hsu_map) == 1] = metadata['nodata']
    #hmll[:] = hsu_map

    #Write the flow matrix
    flow_matrix = output['flow_matrix']
    nconnections = flow_matrix.data.size
    grp = fp.createGroup('flow_matrix')
    grp.createDimension('connections_columns', flow_matrix.indices.size)
    grp.createDimension('connections_rows', flow_matrix.indptr.size)
    grp.createVariable('data', 'f4', ('connections_columns', ))
    grp.createVariable('indices', 'f4', ('connections_columns', ))
    grp.createVariable('indptr', 'f4', ('connections_rows', ))
    grp.variables['data'][:] = flow_matrix.data
    grp.variables['indices'][:] = flow_matrix.indices
    grp.variables['indptr'][:] = flow_matrix.indptr

    #Write the connection matrices
    wmatrix = output['cmatrix']['width']
    nconnections = wmatrix.data.size
    grp = fp.createGroup('wmatrix')
    grp.createDimension('connections_columns', wmatrix.indices.size)
    grp.createDimension('connections_rows', wmatrix.indptr.size)
    grp.createVariable('data', 'f4', ('connections_columns', ))
    grp.createVariable('indices', 'f4', ('connections_columns', ))
    grp.createVariable('indptr', 'f4', ('connections_rows', ))
    grp.variables['data'][:] = wmatrix.data
    grp.variables['indices'][:] = wmatrix.indices
    grp.variables['indptr'][:] = wmatrix.indptr

    #Write the outlet information
    outlet = output['outlet']
    grp = fp.createGroup('outlet')
    full = grp.createGroup('full')
    full.createDimension('cell', outlet['full']['hru_org'].size)
    full.createVariable('i', 'i4', ('cell', ))
    full.createVariable('j', 'i4', ('cell', ))
    full.createVariable('hru_org', 'i4', ('cell', ))
    full.createVariable('hru_dst', 'i4', ('cell', ))
    full.createVariable('d8', 'i4', ('cell', ))
    full.variables['i'][:] = outlet['full']['i']
    full.variables['j'][:] = outlet['full']['j']
    full.variables['hru_org'][:] = outlet['full']['hru_org']
    full.variables['hru_dst'][:] = outlet['full']['hru_dst']
    full.variables['d8'][:] = outlet['full']['d8']
    summary = grp.createGroup('summary')
    summary.createDimension('hru', outlet['summary']['hru_org'].size)
    summary.createVariable('hru_org', 'i4', ('hru', ))
    summary.createVariable('hru_dst', 'i4', ('hru', ))
    summary.createVariable('counts', 'i4', ('hru', ))
    summary.variables['hru_org'][:] = outlet['summary']['hru_org']
    summary.variables['hru_dst'][:] = outlet['summary']['hru_dst']
    summary.variables['counts'][:] = outlet['summary']['counts']
    #outlet = {'full':{'i':outlet_icoord,'j':outlet_jcoord,'hru_org':outlet_hru_org,'hru_dst':outlet_hru_dst,'d8':outlet_d8},
    #          'summary':{'hru_org':outlet_hru_org_summary,'hru_dst':outlet_hru_dst_summary,'counts':counts}}

    #Write the model parameters
    grp = fp.createGroup('parameters')
    vars = [
        'slope', 'area_pct', 'land_cover', 'channel', 'dem',
        'soil_texture_class', 'ti', 'carea', 'area', 'BB', 'F11', 'SATPSI',
        'mannings', 'm', 'psoil', 'pksat', 'sdmax'

    for var in vars:
        grp.createVariable(var, 'f4', ('hsu', ))
        grp.variables[var][:] = data['hsu'][var]

    #Write other metadata
    #grp = fp.createGroup('metadata')
    #grp.outlet_hsu = data['outlet']['hsu']

    #Remove info from output
    del output['hsu']

    #Add in the catchment info
    output['wbd'] = wbd

    #Close the file

    return output
Ejemplo n.º 4
def Create_and_Curate_Covariates(wbd):

    covariates = {}
    #Read in and curate all the covariates
    for file in wbd['files']:
        covariates[file] = gdal_tools.read_raster(wbd['files'][file])
        if file == 'cslope':
            mask = covariates[file] == 0.0
            covariates[file][mask] = 0.000001

    #Create lat/lon grids
    lats = np.linspace(wbd['bbox']['minlat'] + wbd['bbox']['res'] / 2,
                       wbd['bbox']['maxlat'] - wbd['bbox']['res'] / 2,
    lons = np.linspace(wbd['bbox']['minlon'] + wbd['bbox']['res'] / 2,
                       wbd['bbox']['maxlon'] - wbd['bbox']['res'] / 2,

    #Constrain the lat/lon grid by the effective resolution (4km...)
    nres = int(np.floor(2000.0 / 30.0))
    for ilat in xrange(0, lats.size, nres):
        lats[ilat:ilat + nres] = np.mean(lats[ilat:ilat + nres])
    for ilon in xrange(0, lons.size, nres):
        lons[ilon:ilon + nres] = np.mean(lons[ilon:ilon + nres])

    #Need to fix so that it doesn't suck up all the clustering:
    lats, lons = np.meshgrid(lats, lons)
    covariates['lats'] = lats.T
    covariates['lons'] = lons.T

    #Add sti
    sti = covariates['ti'] - np.log(0.1 * covariates['SATDK']) + np.log(
        np.mean(0.1 * covariates['SATDK']))
    covariates['sti'] = sti

    #Define the mask
    mask = np.copy(covariates['mask'])
    mask[mask >= 0] = 1
    mask[mask < 0] = 0
    mask = mask.astype(np.bool)

    #Set all nans to the mean
    for var in covariates:
        mask1 = (np.isinf(covariates[var]) == 0) & (np.isnan(covariates[var])
                                                    == 0)
        mask0 = (np.isinf(covariates[var]) == 1) | (np.isnan(covariates[var])
                                                    == 1)

        if var in ['fdir', 'nlcd', 'TEXTURE_CLASS', 'lc']:
            if len(covariates[var][mask1]) < 1:
                print "Full of Nan's Error: 1", var, covariates[var], wbd[
                    'files'][var]  # Noemi insert
                mask0] = -9999.0  #stats.mode(covariates[var][mask1])[0][0]
            covariates[var][mask0] = -9999.0  #np.mean(covariates[var][mask1])

    #Set everything that is -9999 to the mean
    for var in covariates:
        if var in ['fdir', 'nlcd', 'TEXTURE_CLASS', 'lc']:
            if len(covariates[var][covariates[var] != -9999.0]) < 1:
                print "Full of Nan's Error: ", var, covariates[var], wbd[
                    'files'][var]  # Noemi insert
            covariates[var][covariates[var] == -9999.0] = stats.mode(
                covariates[var][covariates[var] != -9999.0])[0][0]
            covariates[var][covariates[var] == -9999.0] = np.mean(
                covariates[var][covariates[var] != -9999.0])

    #Set everything outside of the mask to -9999
    for var in covariates:
        covariates[var][mask <= 0] = -9999.0

    return (covariates, mask)
Ejemplo n.º 5
import matplotlib.pyplot as mpl
import geospatialtools.gdal_tools as geo
import h5py as h5

def mask(array):
  return np.ma.masked_array(array,array==-9999)

def show(array):
  p = mpl.imshow(array)

def shape(array):
  temp = array.reshape(array.size)
  trim = temp[temp != -9999]
  return trim[:,np.newaxis]

sand = geo.read_raster('clusters/sand_mean_0_5.tif')
silt = geo.read_raster('clusters/silt_mean_0_5.tif')
clay = geo.read_raster('clusters/clay_mean_0_5.tif')
#sand,silt,clay = mask(sand),mask(silt),mask(clay)

x = sand.reshape(sand.size)
sand1 = np.copy(sand)
silt1 = np.copy(silt)
clay1 = np.copy(clay)

sand,silt,clay = shape(sand),shape(silt),shape(clay)
size = min(sand.shape[0],silt.shape[0],clay.shape[0])
soil = np.concatenate([sand[0:size],silt[0:size],clay[0:size]],axis=1)

model = sk.KMeans(n_clusters=10)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def Prepare_Meteorology_Semidistributed(workspace,wbd,OUTPUT,input_dir,info,hydrobloks_info):

 #Define the mapping directory
 mapping_dir = '%s/mapping' % workspace
 mapping_info = {}
 #Calculate the fine to coarse scale mapping
 for data_var in wbd['files_meteorology']:
  #Define the variable name
  var = data_var#data_var.split('_')[1]
  mapping_info[var] = {}

  #Read in the coarse and fine mapping
  file_coarse = '%s/%s_coarse.tif' % (mapping_dir,data_var)
  file_fine = '%s/%s_fine.tif' % (mapping_dir,data_var)
  mask_coarse = gdal_tools.read_raster(file_coarse)
  mask_fine = gdal_tools.read_raster(file_fine)
  nlat = mask_coarse.shape[0]
  nlon = mask_coarse.shape[1]

  #Compute the mapping for each hsu
  for hsu in np.arange(hydrobloks_info['nclusters']):
   idx = OUTPUT['hsu_map'] == hsu
   icells = np.unique(mask_fine[idx].astype(np.int))
   counts = np.bincount(mask_fine[idx].astype(np.int))
   coords,pcts = [],[]
   for icell in icells:
    ilat = int(np.floor(icell/mask_coarse.shape[1]))
    jlat = icell - ilat*mask_coarse.shape[1]
    #ilat = int(mask_coarse.shape[0] - ilat - 1) #CAREFUL
    pct = float(counts[icell])/float(np.sum(counts))
   pcts = np.array(pcts)
   coords = list(np.array(coords).T)
   mapping_info[var][hsu] = {'pcts':pcts,'coords':coords}

 #Iterate through variable creating forcing product per HSU
 idate = info['time_info']['startdate']
 fdate = info['time_info']['enddate']
 nt = 24*((fdate - idate).days+1)
 #Create structured array
 meteorology = {}
 for data_var in wbd['files_meteorology']:
  meteorology[data_var] = np.zeros((nt,hydrobloks_info['nclusters']))
 #Load data into structured array
 for data_var in wbd['files_meteorology']:
  var = data_var#data_var.split('_')[1]
  date = idate
  file = wbd['files_meteorology'][data_var]
  fp = nc.Dataset(file)
  #fp = h5py.File(file)
  #Determine the time steps to retrieve
  fidate = ' '.join(fp.variables['t'].units.split(' ')[2::])
  #dates = nc.num2date(fp.variables['t'][:],units='hours since %02d-%02d-%02d 00:00:00' % (idate.year,idate.month,idate.day))
  dates = nc.num2date(fp.variables['t'][:],units='hours since %s' % fidate)
  #dates = nc.num2date(fp['t'][:],units='hours since %02d-%02d-%02d 00:00:00' % (idate.year,idate.month,idate.day))
  mask_dates = (dates >= idate) & (dates <= fdate)
  data = np.ma.getdata(fp.variables[var][mask_dates,:,:])
  #Assing to hsus
  for hsu in mapping_info[var]:
   pcts = mapping_info[var][hsu]['pcts']
   coords = mapping_info[var][hsu]['coords']
   coords[0][coords[0] >= data.shape[1]] = data.shape[1] - 1
   coords[1][coords[1] >= data.shape[2]] = data.shape[2] - 1
   tmp = data[:,coords[0],coords[1]]
   m1 = tmp < -999
   m2 = tmp > -999
   tmp = pcts*tmp
   #Combine stage iv and nldas here
   if data_var not in ['apcpsfc',]:tmp[m1] = np.mean(tmp[m2])
   meteorology[data_var][:,hsu] = np.sum(tmp,axis=1)
   #print data_var,np.unique(meteorology[data_var][:,:])

  #Write the meteorology to the netcdf file (single chunk for now...)
  grp = hydrobloks_info['input_fp'].groups['meteorology']
  grp.variables[data_var][:] = meteorology[data_var][:]

Ejemplo n.º 7
def Prepare_Meteorology_Fulldistributed(workspace,wbd,OUTPUT,input_dir,info,hydrobloks_info):

 #Assign other variables
 mask = OUTPUT['mask']

 #Define the mapping directory
 mapping_dir = '%s/mapping' % workspace
 mapping_info = {}
 #Calculate the fine to coarse scale mapping
 for data_var in wbd['files_meteorology']:

  #Define the variable name
  var = data_var#data_var.split('_')[1]
  mapping_info[var] = {}

  #Read in the coarse and fine mapping
  file_coarse = '%s/%s_coarse.tif' % (mapping_dir,data_var)
  file_fine = '%s/%s_fine.tif' % (mapping_dir,data_var)
  mask_coarse = gdal_tools.read_raster(file_coarse)
  mask_fine = gdal_tools.read_raster(file_fine)
  nlat = mask_coarse.shape[0]
  nlon = mask_coarse.shape[1]

  print data_var,"Creating the i and j mapping"
  #Create maps of i and j for mapping
  coords = {'i':np.zeros(mask_fine.shape,dtype=np.int),
  for value in np.unique(mask_coarse):
   if value < 0:continue
   idx_fine = mask_fine == value
   idx_coarse = np.where(mask_coarse == value)
   coords['i'][idx_fine] = nlat - idx_coarse[0] - 1 #Careful
   coords['j'][idx_fine] = idx_coarse[1]
  coords['i'] = coords['i'][mask]
  coords['j'] = coords['j'][mask]

  print data_var,"Extracting all the data"
  #Extract all of the data for that variable
  idate = info['time_info']['startdate']
  fdate = info['time_info']['enddate']
  nt = 24*((fdate - idate).days+1)
  var = data_var#data_var.split('_')[1]
  date = idate
  file = wbd['files_meteorology'][data_var]
  fp = nc.Dataset(file)
  #Determine the time steps to retrieve
  dates = nc.num2date(fp.variables['t'][:],units='hours since %02d-%02d-%02d 00:00:00' % (idate.year,idate.month,idate.day))
  mask_dates = (dates >= idate) & (dates <= fdate)
  data = np.ma.getdata(fp.variables[var][mask_dates])

  print data_var,"Assigning the data"
  #Create the variable
  grp = hydrobloks_info['input_fp'].groups['meteorology']
  #Place all the data per time step
  tmp = np.zeros(np.sum(mask))
  for itime in np.arange(data.shape[0]):
   tmp[:] = data[itime,coords['i'],coords['j']]
   #Write the timestep
   grp.variables[var][itime,:] = tmp[:]

Ejemplo n.º 8
def Create_and_Curate_Covariates(wbd):

 covariates = {}
 #Read in and curate all the covariates
 root = wbd['files']['MAXSMC'][0:-11]
 wbd['files']['sand'] = '%s/dssurgo/sandtotal_r.tif' % root
 wbd['files']['clay'] = '%s/dssurgo/claytotal_r.tif' % root
 for file in wbd['files']:
  covariates[file] = gdal_tools.read_raster(wbd['files'][file])
  if file == 'cslope':
   mask = covariates[file] == 0.0
   covariates[file][mask] = 0.000001

 #Map the NLCD to IGBP
 NLCD2NOAH = {11:17,12:15,21:10,22:10,23:10,24:13,31:16,41:4,42:1,43:5,51:6,52:6,71:10,72:10,73:19,74:19,81:10,82:12,90:11,95:11}
 tmp = np.copy(covariates['nlcd'])
 for lc in np.unique(covariates['nlcd']):
  if lc < 0:continue
  tmp[covariates['nlcd'] == lc] = NLCD2NOAH[lc]
 covariates['nlcd'][:] = tmp[:]

 #Curate the NDVI to match NLCD
 for lc in np.unique(covariates['nlcd']):
  masklc = covariates['nlcd'] == lc
  covariates['ndvi'][masklc] = np.mean(covariates['ndvi'][masklc])

 #Create lat/lon grids
 lats = np.linspace(wbd['bbox']['minlat']+wbd['bbox']['res']/2,wbd['bbox']['maxlat']-wbd['bbox']['res']/2,covariates['ti'].shape[0])
 lons = np.linspace(wbd['bbox']['minlon']+wbd['bbox']['res']/2,wbd['bbox']['maxlon']-wbd['bbox']['res']/2,covariates['ti'].shape[1])

 #Constrain the lat/lon grid by the effective resolution (4km...)
 nres = int(np.floor(2000.0/30.0))
 for ilat in xrange(0,lats.size,nres):
  lats[ilat:ilat+nres] = np.mean(lats[ilat:ilat+nres])
 for ilon in xrange(0,lons.size,nres):
  lons[ilon:ilon+nres] = np.mean(lons[ilon:ilon+nres])
 #Need to fix so that it doesn't suck up all the clustering:
 lats, lons = np.meshgrid(lats, lons)
 covariates['lats'] = lats.T
 covariates['lons'] = lons.T

 #Add sti
 sti = covariates['ti'] - np.log(0.1*covariates['SATDK']) + np.log(np.mean(0.1*covariates['SATDK']))
 covariates['sti'] = sti

 #Define the mask
 mask = np.copy(covariates['mask'])
 mask[mask > 0] = 1
 mask[mask < 0] = 0
 mask = mask.astype(np.bool)

 #Set all nans to the mean
 for var in covariates:
  mask1 = (np.isinf(covariates[var]) == 0) & (np.isnan(covariates[var]) == 0)
  mask0 = (np.isinf(covariates[var]) == 1) | (np.isnan(covariates[var]) == 1)
  if var in ['fdir','nlcd']:
   covariates[var][mask0] = stats.mode(covariates[var][mask1])[0][0]
   covariates[var][mask0] = np.mean(covariates[var][mask1])

 #Set everything that is -9999 to the mean
 for var in covariates:
  if var in ['fdir','nlcd','TEXTURE_CLASS']:
   covariates[var][covariates[var] == -9999.0] = stats.mode(covariates[var][covariates[var] != -9999.0])[0][0]
   covariates[var][covariates[var] == -9999.0] = np.mean(covariates[var][covariates[var] != -9999.0])

 #Set everything outside of the mask to -9999
 for var in covariates:
  covariates[var][mask <= 0] = -9999.0
 return (covariates,mask)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def Prepare_Model_Input_Data(hydrobloks_info):

 #Prepare the info dictionary
 info = {}

 #Define the start/end dates
 info['time_info'] = {}
 info['time_info']['startdate'] = hydrobloks_info['idate']
 info['time_info']['enddate'] = hydrobloks_info['fdate']

 #Define the workspace
 workspace = hydrobloks_info['workspace']

 #Define the model input data directory
 input_dir = workspace#'%s/input' % workspace

 #Read in the metadata
 file = '%s/workspace_info.pck' % workspace
 wbd = pickle.load(open(file))

 #Create the dictionary to hold all of the data
 output = {}

 #Create the Latin Hypercube (Clustering)
 nclusters = hydrobloks_info['nclusters']
 ncores = hydrobloks_info['ncores']
 icatch = hydrobloks_info['icatch']

 #Prepare the input file
 wbd['files'] = {
  'WLTSMC':'%s/WLTSMC.tif' % workspace,
  'TEXTURE_CLASS':'%s/TEXTURE_CLASS.tif' % workspace,
  'cslope':'%s/cslope.tif' % workspace,
  'MAXSMC':'%s/MAXSMC.tif' % workspace,
  'BB':'%s/BB.tif' % workspace,
  'DRYSMC':'%s/DRYSMC.tif' % workspace,
  'fdir':'%s/fdir.tif' % workspace,
  'QTZ':'%s/QTZ.tif' % workspace,
  'SATDW':'%s/SATDW.tif' % workspace,
  'REFSMC':'%s/REFSMC.tif' % workspace,
  'mask':'%s/mask.tif' % workspace,
  'channels':'%s/channels.tif' % workspace,
  #'SATDW':'%s/SATDW.tif' % workspace,
  #'REFSMC':'%s/REFSMC.tif' % workspace,
  'SATPSI':'%s/SATPSI.tif' % workspace,
  'nlcd':'%s/nlcd.tif' % workspace,
  'carea':'%s/carea.tif' % workspace,
  'ti':'%s/ti.tif' % workspace,
  'ndvi':'%s/ndvi.tif' % workspace,
  'F11':'%s/F11.tif' % workspace,
  'SATDK':'%s/SATDK.tif' % workspace,
  'dem':'%s/dem.tif' % workspace,
  'demns':'%s/demns.tif' % workspace,
  'strahler':'%s/strahler.tif' % workspace,
  #'qbase':'%s/qbase.tif' % workspace
 wbd['files_meteorology'] = {
  'dlwrf':'%s/nldas/dlwrf/dlwrf.nc' % workspace,
  'dswrf':'%s/nldas/dswrf/dswrf.nc' % workspace,
  'tair':'%s/nldas/tair/tair.nc' % workspace,
  'prec':'%s/nldas/prec/prec.nc' % workspace,
  'pres':'%s/nldas/pres/pres.nc' % workspace,
  'wind':'%s/nldas/wind/wind.nc' % workspace,
  'rh':'%s/nldas/rh/rh.nc' % workspace,
  'apcpsfc':'%s/stageiv/apcpsfc/apcpsfc.nc' % workspace,

 #Create the clusters and their connections
 output = Create_Clusters_And_Connections(workspace,wbd,output,input_dir,nclusters,ncores,info,hydrobloks_info)

 #Extract the meteorological forcing
 print "Preparing the meteorology"
 if hydrobloks_info['model_type'] == 'semi':
 elif hydrobloks_info['model_type'] == 'full':

 #Write out the files to the netcdf file
 fp = hydrobloks_info['input_fp']
 data = output

 #Write out the metadata
 grp = fp.createGroup('metadata')
 grp.latitude = (wbd['bbox']['minlat'] + wbd['bbox']['maxlat'])/2
 grp.longitude = (360.0+(wbd['bbox']['minlon'] + wbd['bbox']['maxlon'])/2)

 #Write the HRU mapping
 #CONUS conus_albers metadata
 metadata = gdal_tools.retrieve_metadata(wbd['files']['mask']) 
 metadata['nodata'] = -9999.0
 #Save the conus_albers metadata
 grp = fp.createGroup('conus_albers_mapping')
 hmca = grp.createVariable('hmca','f4',('ny','nx')) 
 hmca.gt = metadata['gt']
 hmca.projection = metadata['projection']
 hmca.description = 'HSU mapping (conus albers)'
 hmca.nodata = metadata['nodata']
 #Save the conus albers mapping
 hsu_map = np.copy(output['hsu_map'])
 hsu_map[np.isnan(hsu_map) == 1] = metadata['nodata']
 hmca[:] = hsu_map

 if hydrobloks_info['create_mask_flag'] == True:

  #Write out the mapping
  file_ca = '%s/hsu_mapping_conus_albers.tif' % workspace

  #Map the mapping to regular lat/lon
  file_ll = '%s/hsu_mapping_latlon.tif' % workspace
  os.system('rm -f %s' % file_ll)
  res = wbd['bbox']['res']
  minlat = wbd['bbox']['minlat']
  minlon = wbd['bbox']['minlon']
  maxlat = wbd['bbox']['maxlat']
  maxlon = wbd['bbox']['maxlon']
  log = '%s/log.txt' % workspace
  os.system('gdalwarp -tr %.16f %.16f -dstnodata %.16f -t_srs EPSG:4326 -s_srs EPSG:102039 -te %.16f %.16f %.16f %.16f %s %s >> %s 2>&1' % (res,res,metadata['nodata'],minlon,minlat,maxlon,maxlat,file_ca,file_ll,log))

  #Write a map for the catchment id
  file_icatch = '%s/icatch_latlon.tif' % workspace
  metadata = gdal_tools.retrieve_metadata(file_ll)
  metadata['nodata'] = -9999.0
  tmp = gdal_tools.read_raster(file_ll)
  tmp[tmp >= 0] = hydrobloks_info['icatch']

  #Add the lat/lon mapping
  #Retrieve the lat/lon metadata
  metadata = gdal_tools.retrieve_metadata(file_ll)
  metadata['nodata'] = -9999.0
  #Save the lat/lon metadata
  grp = fp.createGroup('latlon_mapping')
  hmll = grp.createVariable('hmll','f4',('nlat','nlon'))
  hmll.gt = metadata['gt']
  hmll.projection = metadata['projection']
  hmll.description = 'HSU mapping (regular lat/lon)'
  hmll.nodata = metadata['nodata']
  #Save the lat/lon mapping
  hsu_map = np.copy(gdal_tools.read_raster(file_ll))
  hsu_map[np.isnan(hsu_map) == 1] = metadata['nodata']
  hmll[:] = hsu_map

 #Write the flow matrix
 flow_matrix = output['flow_matrix']
 nconnections = flow_matrix.data.size
 grp = fp.createGroup('flow_matrix')
 grp.variables['data'][:] = flow_matrix.data
 grp.variables['indices'][:] = flow_matrix.indices
 grp.variables['indptr'][:] = flow_matrix.indptr

 #Write the outlet information
 outlet = output['outlet']
 grp = fp.createGroup('outlet')
 full = grp.createGroup('full')
 full.variables['i'][:] = outlet['full']['i']
 full.variables['j'][:] = outlet['full']['j']
 full.variables['hru_org'][:] = outlet['full']['hru_org']
 full.variables['hru_dst'][:] = outlet['full']['hru_dst']
 full.variables['d8'][:] = outlet['full']['d8']
 summary = grp.createGroup('summary')
 summary.variables['hru_org'][:] = outlet['summary']['hru_org']
 summary.variables['hru_dst'][:] = outlet['summary']['hru_dst']
 summary.variables['counts'][:] = outlet['summary']['counts']
 #outlet = {'full':{'i':outlet_icoord,'j':outlet_jcoord,'hru_org':outlet_hru_org,'hru_dst':outlet_hru_dst,'d8':outlet_d8},
 #          'summary':{'hru_org':outlet_hru_org_summary,'hru_dst':outlet_hru_dst_summary,'counts':counts}}

 #Write the model parameters
 grp = fp.createGroup('parameters')
 vars = ['slope','area_pct','land_cover','channel',

 for var in vars:
  grp.variables[var][:] = data['hsu'][var]

 #Write other metadata
 #grp = fp.createGroup('metadata')
 #grp.outlet_hsu = data['outlet']['hsu']

 #Remove info from output
 del output['hsu']

 #Add in the catchment info
 output['wbd'] = wbd

 #Close the file

 return output