Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, id, 
                 x=None, y=None, z=None, 
        """x, y, z ... coordinates
        covmat ... covariance matrix
        index  ... (xi, yi, zi) indexes of rows in covariance matrix
        textTable ... TextTable instance
        if not textTable:
            textTable = coor_var_table()

        super(PointCartCovMat, self).__init__(id, x, y, z, textTable=textTable)
        if covmat == None:
            self.covmat = CovMat(3, 2)
            self.covmat = covmat
        i = 0
        if index == None:
            if x == None: self.xi = None
            else: self.xi = i; i += 1
            if y == None: self.yi = None
            else: self.yi = i; i += 1
            if z == None: self.zi = None
            else: self.zi = i
            #self.xi, self.yi, self.zi = 0, 1, 2
            self.index = index
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, covmat=None, textTable=None, duplicateId=DUPLICATE_ID.error, sort=False):
        duplicateId ... what to do with duplicit point
        textTable ... format of table for text output
        sort   ... sort output by id?

        if textTable == None:
            textTable = coor_var_table()
        super(PointListCovMat, self).__init__(textTable=textTable, 

        if covmat == None:
            self.covmat = CovMat(dim=0, band=-1)
            self.covmat = covmat

        self._numCoord = 0 # covmat row index of last coordinate
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def _get_covmat(self):
     "returns covariance matrix of vector"
     if self.cluster == None or self.cluster.covmat == None:
         # raise ObsVectorError, "No covariance matrix - no cluster"
         return None
     if self.index == None:
         # raise ObsVectorError, "No row index in covariance matrix"
         return None
     if len(self.cluster) == 1:  # just one vector in cluster
         if self.cluster.covmat.dim == 3:
             return self.cluster.covmat
     cm = CovMat(dim=self._dim, band=self._dim - 1)
     cm.var = self.var
     cov = self.cov
     if self._dim == 2:
         cm.set_cov(0, 1, cov)
         cm.set_cov(0, 1, cov[0])
         cm.set_cov(0, 2, cov[1])
         cm.set_cov(1, 2, cov[2])
     return cm
Ejemplo n.º 4
class PointListCovMat(PointList):
    """List of geodetic points PointBase with covariance matrix"""

    __slots__ = ["_covmat", "_numCoord"]
    def _get_covmat(self): return self._covmat
    def _set_covmat(self, covmat): 
        if isinstance(covmat, CovMat):
            self._covmat = covmat
            for point in self.list: point.covmat = covmat # sharing does not work
            raise PointListCovMatError, "CovMat instance expected"

    covmat = property(_get_covmat, _set_covmat)

    def __init__(self, covmat=None, textTable=None, duplicateId=DUPLICATE_ID.error, sort=False):
        duplicateId ... what to do with duplicit point
        textTable ... format of table for text output
        sort   ... sort output by id?

        if textTable == None:
            textTable = coor_var_table()
        super(PointListCovMat, self).__init__(textTable=textTable, 

        if covmat == None:
            self.covmat = CovMat(dim=0, band=-1)
            self.covmat = covmat

        self._numCoord = 0 # covmat row index of last coordinate

    def add_point(self, point, withCovMat=False):
        adds PointCartCovMat into list 
        and sets covariance matrix of point
        point index (of rows in covariance matrix)
        is set as position number of coordinates in
        all point list

        if isinstance(point, PointCartCovMat):
            if not withCovMat:
                point.covmat = self._covmat
                index = point.index
                #print index
                for i in xrange(len(index)):
                    if index[i] != None:
                        index[i] = self._numCoord
                        self._numCoord += 1
                point.index = index
            super(PointListCovMat, self).add_point(point)
            raise PointListCovMatError, \
                "PointCartCovMat or PointLocalGama instance expected"

    def get_num_coord(self):
        "returns the number of coordinates in point list"
        return self._numCoord

    #def update_covmat(self):
    #    """updating covariance matrix in each point - sharing does not work"""
    #    for point in self._list: point.covmat = self._covmat

    #def is_cov_mat_dim_ok(self):
    #    maxind = 0
    #    for point in self._list:
    #        maxind_ = max(point.index)
    #        if maxind_ > maxind: maxind = maxind_

    #    return maxind + 1 == self._covmat.dim 

    def is_cov_mat_dim(self):
        "is covariance matrix with proper dimension present?"
        #if self.covmat == None: return False
        return self._numCoord == self.covmat.dim

    def make_table(self):
        #if self._numCoord != self.covmat.dim:
        #    raise PointListCovMatError, "Wrong dimension of covariance matrix: expected %i, got %i" % (self._numCoord, self.covmat.dim)
        return super(PointListCovMat, self).make_table()

    def make_gama_xml(self):
        make gama-local xml with covariance matrix - tag <coordinates>

        str = []
        #if self._numCoord != self.covmat.dim:
        #    raise PointListCovMatError, "Wrong covariance matrix dimension: expected %i, got %i" % (self._numCoord, self.covmat.dim)

        str.extend([point.make_gama_xml() for point in self])
        return "\n".join(str) 

    def __add__(self, other):
        "addition of two point lists"
        raise NotImplementedError, "__add__ not implemented"

    def plot_error_ellipse(self, figure):
        "plots error ellipses of points from covariance matrix"

        for point in self.list: 

    def set_use_apriori(self, use):
        sets use of apriori/aposteriori standard deviation

        use: True/False
        for point in self:
Ejemplo n.º 5

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # points
    c1 = PointCartCovMat(id="A",x=1,y=2,z=3)
    c1.var = (3,2,3)
    print c1
    c2 = PointCartCovMat(id="B",x=3,y=5,z=6)
    c2.var = (9,9,9)
    c3 = PointCartCovMat(id="C",x=2,y=4)
    c4 = PointCartCovMat(id="D",z=6)

    # covariance matrix
    covmat = CovMat(9,8)
    for i in xrange(9,0,-1): 
        for j in xrange(i): covmat.append_value((j+10.0-i)*1e-5)
    print covmat.data
    # point list
    print pd
    print pd.make_gama_xml()
    pd.covmat = covmat
    # adjusting variances
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def _mean_vector(self, data):
        "returns mean of vector with same fromid and toid"
        # add vectors to list
        lvec = [] # helper list of vectors
        for c in data:
            for v in c:

        datamean = ObsClusterList() 
        dmcluster = ObsClusterVector(covmat=CovMat(dim=0, band=2))
        # list of vector means and single vectors (without mean)

        cll_mean = ObsClusterList()
        cll_obs = ObsClusterList()
        cll_res = ObsClusterList()
        if len(lvec) <= 1:
            return # nothink to compare
        while len(lvec) > 1:
            # find vectors with same fromid and toid
            v1 = lvec.pop()
            fromid = v1.fromid
            toid = v1.toid
            lvecm = [v1] # list of vectors for mean
            lsign = [1.0] # list of signs: for revers vectors -1.0
            for v2 in lvec:
                if v2.fromid == fromid and v2.toid == toid:
                if self.revers and\
                v2.fromid == toid and v2.toid == fromid:

            # compute mean
            if float(len(lvecm)) == 1:
                # nothink to compute
                vec = lvecm[0]
                covmat = vec.covmat
                vec.covmat = covmat

            from numpy import mat, mean
            ll = [mat([i.dx, i.dy, i.dz])*sign for i,sign in zip(lvecm,lsign)] 
            # row vectors of observ.

            #lm = mean(ll, axis=0)
            #print "Mean  0:", lm
            #print "covmat0:", lvecm[0].covmat.mat

            # compute covariance matrix 
            # covariances between vectors not handled
            sil = [i.covmat.mat.I for i in lvecm] 
            # covariance matrice inverses inv(Sigma)
            sill = [si*l.T for si,l in zip(sil,ll)]
            # product inv(Sigma)*l
            cmm = sum(sil).I # covariance matrix of mean
            mn = cmm * sum(sill) # mean value
            #print "Mean  1:", mn
            #print "covmat1:", cmm
            # append clusters 
            cl_mean = ObsClusterVector(covmat=CovMat(dim=3, band=2))
            cl_obs  = ObsClusterVector(covmat=CovMat(dim=0, band=2))
            cl_res  = ObsClusterVector(covmat=None)
            # append vector mean
            vec1 = ObsVector(fromid=lvecm[0].fromid, toid=lvecm[0].toid,
                            dx=float(mn[0]), dy=float(mn[1]), dz=float(mn[2]))
            vec2 = ObsVector(fromid=lvecm[0].fromid, toid=lvecm[0].toid,
                            dx=float(mn[0]), dy=float(mn[1]), dz=float(mn[2]))
            # vec1 == vec2

            # set covmat of mean
            covmat = CovMat(dim=3, band=2)
            covmat.mat = cmm
            vec1.covmat = covmat
            vec2.covmat = covmat
            # append observations with covmat
            for v in lvecm:
                vcovmat = v.covmat
                v.covmat = vcovmat

            # append residuals
            for l,v,s in zip(ll,lvecm,lsign):
                res = (mn - l.T) * s
                vec = ObsVector(fromid=v.fromid, toid=v.toid,
        return datamean, cll_mean, cll_obs, cll_res
Ejemplo n.º 7
    cl.textTable = obs_vector_table()
    print cl
    cl.covmat = CovMat(6,5)
    #cl.covmat.stdev = (0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04, 0.05, 0.06)
    #cl.covmat.var = (0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04, 0.05)
    cl.covmat.data = [[1,2,3,4,5,6], [2,3,4,5,6], [3,4,5,6], [4,5,6], [5,6], [6]]

    print cl.make_gama_xml()
    cl.textTable = obs_vector_stdev_table()
    print cl
    # iterator
    print "\n".join(["from=%s to=%s" % (obs.fromid, obs.toid) for obs in cl])
    #covmat of vectors
    print v1.covmat.data
    print v2.covmat.data
    cm = CovMat(3,2)
    cm.data = [[0.1, 0.2, 0.3],[0.2, 0.3],[0.3]]
    v1.covmat = cm
    print cl.covmat.data
    # transformation
    #from gizela.tran.Tran3D import Tran3D
    #tr = Tran3D()
    #from math import pi
    #tr.rotation_xyz(pi/2, pi/2, pi/2)
    #print cl
Ejemplo n.º 8
class PointCartCovMat(PointCart): 
    """class for geodetic coordinates x, y, z 
    and its covariance matrix"""
    __slots__ = ["covmat", "xi", "yi", "zi"]
    def __init__(self, id, 
                 x=None, y=None, z=None, 
        """x, y, z ... coordinates
        covmat ... covariance matrix
        index  ... (xi, yi, zi) indexes of rows in covariance matrix
        textTable ... TextTable instance
        if not textTable:
            textTable = coor_var_table()

        super(PointCartCovMat, self).__init__(id, x, y, z, textTable=textTable)
        if covmat == None:
            self.covmat = CovMat(3, 2)
            self.covmat = covmat
        i = 0
        if index == None:
            if x == None: self.xi = None
            else: self.xi = i; i += 1
            if y == None: self.yi = None
            else: self.yi = i; i += 1
            if z == None: self.zi = None
            else: self.zi = i
            #self.xi, self.yi, self.zi = 0, 1, 2
            self.index = index
    def _get_index(self): return [self.xi, self.yi, self.zi]
    def _set_index(self, index):
        if index == None: self.xi = None; self.yi = None; self.zi = None
        if len(index) == 3:
            self.xi = index[0]; self.yi = index[1];
            self.zi = index[2]
        elif len(index) == 2:
            self.xi = index[0]; self.yi = index[1];
        elif len(index) == 1:
            self.zi = index[0]
            raise PointCartCovMatError,\
                    "Index (xi, yi, zi) or (xi, yi) or (zi,) expected"

    index = property(_get_index, _set_index)

    def get_dim(self):
        dim = 0
        if self.x != None: dim += 1
        if self.y != None: dim += 1
        if self.z != None: dim += 1
        return dim

    # setting of variance and covariance throught managed attributes
    def _set_var_x(self, vx): 
        if self.xi == None: 
            raise PointCartCovMatError, "Variance index of x coordinate not defined"
        self.covmat.set_var(self.xi, vx)
    def _set_var_y(self, vy): 
        if self.yi == None: 
            raise PointCartCovMatError, "Variance index of y coordinate not defined"
        self.covmat.set_var(self.yi, vy)
    def _set_var_z(self, vz): 
        if self.zi == None: 
            raise PointCartCovMatError, "Variance index of z coordinate not defined"
        self.covmat.set_var(self.zi, vz)
    def _set_cov_xy(self, cxy): 
        if self.xi == None or self.yi == None: 
            raise PointCartCovMatError, "Covariance index of coordinate x and y not defined"
        self.covmat.set_cov(self.xi, self.yi, cxy)
    def _set_cov_xz(self, cxz): 
        if self.xi == None or self.zi == None: 
            raise PointCartCovMatError, "Covariance index of coordinate x and z not defined"
        self.covmat.set_cov(self.xi, self.zi, cxz)
    def _set_cov_yz(self, cyz): 
        if self.yi == None or self.zi == None: 
            raise PointCartCovMatError, "Covariance index of coordinate y and z not defined"
        self.covmat.set_cov(self.yi, self.zi, cyz)
    def _get_var_x(self):    
        if self.xi == None: 
            #raise PointCartCovMatError, "Variance of x coordinate not defined"
            return None
        return self.covmat.get_var(self.xi)

    def _get_var_y(self):
        if self.yi == None: 
            #raise PointCartCovMatError, "Variance of y coordinate not defined"
            return None
        return self.covmat.get_var(self.yi)

    def _get_var_z(self):
        if self.zi == None: 
            #raise PointCartCovMatError, "Variance of z coordinate not defined"
            return None
        return self.covmat.get_var(self.zi)

    def _get_cov_xy(self):
        if self.xi == None or self.yi == None:
            return None
            #raise PointCartCovMatError, "Covariance of coordinate x and y not defined"
        return self.covmat.get_cov(self.xi, self.yi)

    def _get_cov_xz(self):
        if self.xi == None or self.zi == None: 
            return None
            #raise PointCartCovMatError, "Covariance of coordinate x and z not defined"
        return self.covmat.get_cov(self.xi, self.zi)

    def _get_cov_yz(self):
        if self.yi == None or self.zi == None: 
            return None
            #raise PointCartCovMatError, "Covariance of coordinate y and z not defined"
        return self.covmat.get_cov(self.yi, self.zi)

    def _set_var(self, var):
        sets all variances in covariance matrix

        var = (varx, vary, varz)
        var = (varx, vary)
        for i, v in zip((self.xi, self.yi, self.zi), var):
            if i == None:
                raise PointCartCovMatError, "Index for var %e not set" % v
                self.covmat.set_var(i, v)
    def _set_cov(self, cov):
        """sets all covariances in covariance matrix
        cov = (cov_xy, cov_xz, cov_yz)
        if type(cov) != tuple and type(cov) != list: 
            cov = (cov,)
        for i, j, c in zip((self.xi, self.xi, self.yi), 
                (self.yi, self.zi, self.zi), cov):
            if i == None or j == None:
                raise PointCartCovMatError, "Index for cov %e not set" % c
                self.covmat.set_cov(i, j, c)
    def _get_var(self):
        """returns list with all variances var_x, var_y, var_z""" 
        var = []
        for i in (self.xi, self.yi, self.zi):
            if i == None:
                #raise PointCartCovMatError, "variance not set"
        return var

    def _get_stdev(self):
        """returns list with all standard deviations  - sqrt(var)""" 
        from math import sqrt
        return [(var==None and [None] or [sqrt(var)])[0] for var in self._get_var()]

    def _get_stdev_x(self):
        var = self._get_var_x()
        if var == None:
            return None
            from math import sqrt
            return sqrt(var)

    def _get_stdev_y(self):
        var = self._get_var_y()
        if var == None:
            return None
            from math import sqrt
            return sqrt(var)
    def _get_stdev_z(self):
        var = self._get_var_z()
        if var == None:
            return None
            from math import sqrt
            return sqrt(var)

    def _get_cov(self):
        cov = []
        for i,j in ((self.xi, self.yi),\
                (self.xi, self.zi),\
                (self.yi, self.zi)):
            if i == None or j == None:
                #raise PointCartCovMatError, "covariance not set"
                #print "i:%i j:%i" %(i,j)
                #yield self.covmat.get_cov(i,j)
        return cov

    var    = property(_get_var,    _set_var)
    cov    = property(_get_cov,    _set_cov)
    stdev  = property(_get_stdev)
    varx  = property(_get_var_x,  _set_var_x)
    vary  = property(_get_var_y,  _set_var_y)
    varz  = property(_get_var_z,  _set_var_z)
    covxy = property(_get_cov_xy, _set_cov_xy)
    covxz = property(_get_cov_xz, _set_cov_xz)
    covyz = property(_get_cov_yz, _set_cov_yz)
    stdevx = property(_get_stdev_x)
    stdevy = property(_get_stdev_y)
    stdevz = property(_get_stdev_z)
    def _get_err_ell(self):
        returns parameters of standard error ellipse
        (a, b, omega)
        omega ... clockwise from x axis in radians in interval -pi:pi
        if self.x == None or self.y == None:
            raise PointCartCovMatError, "Point id=%s: No x, y coordinates set"\
                   % self.id

        vx = self.varx
        vy = self.vary
        cxy = self.covxy
        if vx == None:
            raise PointCartCovMatError, "Point id=%s: No varx set" % self.id
        if vy == None:
            raise PointCartCovMatError, "Point id=%s: No vary set" % self.id
        if cxy == None:
            raise PointCartCovMatError, "Point id=%s: No covariance xy set" \
                    % self.id
        # test of positive definity
        det = vx*vy - cxy*cxy
        if det < -1e-4:
            raise PointCartCovMatError, "Covariance matrix is not positive definite: det = %e" % det

        import math
        c = math.sqrt((vx - vy)**2 + 4.0*cxy*cxy)
        a = math.sqrt((vx + vy + c)/2.0)
        if vx + vy - c < 0.0:
            b = 0.0
            b = math.sqrt((vx + vy - c)/2.0)
        omega = math.atan2(2.0*cxy, vx - vy)/2.0
        return [a, b, omega]

    errEll = property(_get_err_ell)

    def get_point_cov_mat(self, dim=3):
        returns covariance matrix 
        selection of covariance matrix of point from large covariance matrix
        dim: dimension of covariance matrix to be returned 

        if dim > 3 or dim < 1:
            raise PointCartCovMatError, "Wrong dimension of covariance matrix."
        if self.covmat.dim == dim:
            return self.covmat
        lcm = self.covmat.empty_copy()
        lcm.dim = dim
        lcm.band = dim - 1 < self.covmat.band and dim - 1 or self.covmat.band
        var = self.var; cov = self.cov
        for i,v in enumerate(var[:dim]): 
            if v != None: lcm.set_var(i,v)

        if dim > 1:
            if cov[0] != None: lcm.set_cov(0,1,cov[0])
        if dim > 2:
            if cov[1] != None: lcm.set_cov(0,2,cov[1])
            if cov[2] != None: lcm.set_cov(1,2,cov[2])

        #import sys
        #print >>sys.stderr, "get_point_cov_mat:", self.covmat, lcm

        return lcm
    # old version 
    #def set_point_cov_mat(self, covmat=None):
    #    """
    #    sets point covariance matrix to covmat
    #    if covmat is None
    #    sets CovMat(dim=3, band=2) and makes local copy from large
    #    covariance matrix
    #    """
    #    if covmat is None:
    #        self.covmat = self.get_point_cov_mat()
    #    else:
    #        if covmat.dim == 3:
    #            self.covmat = covmat
    #        else:
    #            raise PointCartCovMatError, \
    #                    "CovMat instance with dim=3 expected"

    #def slice_cov_mat(self):
    #    """
    #    sets covariance matrix just for this one point
    #    makes local copy from larg covariance matrix if needed
    #    """

    #    if self.covmat.dim != self.get_dim():
    #        self.covmat = self.get_point_cov_mat(dim=self.get_dim())

    def set_point_cov_mat(self, covmat):
        sets covariance matrix of point

        covmat: CovMat instance with proper dimension
        dim = self.get_dim()
        if dim != covmat.dim:
            raise PointCartCovMatError,\
                    "Wrong dimension of covariance matrix (%i != %i)" \
                        % (dim, covmat.dim)

        i = 0
        if self.x == None: self.xi = None
        else: self.xi = i; i += 1
        if self.y == None: self.yi = None
        else: self.yi = i; i += 1
        if self.z == None: self.zi = None
        else: self.zi = i

        self.covmat = covmat

    def tran_(self, tran):
        transforms point with its covariance matrix

        tran: Tran2D or Tran3D instance

        Tran2D transforms points xyz and xy. Covariances xz and yz of xyz point
        are left unchanged with this transform. Is this Correct?
        Tran3D transforms only points xyz.

        if isinstance(tran, Tran2D):
            if self.is_set_xyz():
                # transform xyz point with 2D transformation
                self.x, self.y = tran.transform_xy(self.x, self.y)
                cm3 = self.get_point_cov_mat(dim=3)
                cm2 = self.get_point_cov_mat(dim=2)
                cm3.set_var(0, cm2.get_var(0))
                cm3.set_var(1, cm2.get_var(1))
                cm3.set_cov(0, 1, cm2.get_cov(0, 1))
            elif self.is_set_xy():
                self.x, self.y = tran.transform_xy(self.x, self.y)
                cm = self.get_point_cov_mat(dim=2)
                import sys
                print >>sys.stderr, "point id=%s not transformed" % self.id

        elif isinstance(tran, Tran3D):
            if self.is_set_xyz():
                self.x, self.y, self.z = \
                        tran.transform_xyz(self.x, self.y, self.z)
                cm = self.get_point_cov_mat(dim=3)
                import sys
                print >>sys.stderr, "point id=%s not transformed" % self.id

            raise PointListError, "Tran2D or Tran3D instance expected"

    def __add__(self, other):
        '''addition of two points with covariance matrix'''
        if not isinstance(other, PointCartCovMat):
            raise PointCartCovMatError, \
                "Addition of two PointCartCovMat instances supported"

        x, y, z = None, None, None
        if self.x != None and other.x != None: x = self.x + other.x
        if self.y != None and other.y != None: y = self.y + other.y
        if self.z != None and other.z != None: z = self.z + other.z
        #id = " ".join([self.id, "+", other.id])
        #co = PointCartCovMat(id=self.id, x=x, y=y, z=z, textTable=self.textTable)

        # covariance matrix
        if self.covmat.dim == 3:
            lcm = self.covmat
            lcm = self.get_point_cov_mat()
        if other.covmat.dim == 3:
            ocm = other.covmat
            ocm = other.get_point_cov_mat()

        import copy
        p = copy.deepcopy(self)
        p.x = x; p.y = y; p.z = z; p.covmat = lcm + ocm
        if x == None: p.xi = None
        else: p.xi = 0
        if y == None: p.yi = None
        else: p.yi = 1
        if z == None: p.zi = None
        else: p.zi = 2
        return p
    def __sub__(self, other):
        '''subtraction of two points with covariance matrix'''
        if not isinstance(other, PointCartCovMat):
            raise PointCartCovMatError, \
                "Subtraction of two PointCartCovMat instances supported"
        x, y, z = None, None, None
        if self.x != None and other.x != None: x = self.x - other.x
        if self.y != None and other.y != None: y = self.y - other.y
        if self.z != None and other.z != None: z = self.z - other.z
        # covariance matrix
        if self.covmat.dim == 3:
            lcm = self.covmat
            lcm = self.get_point_cov_mat()

        if other.covmat.dim == 3:
            ocm = other.covmat
            ocm = other.get_point_cov_mat()

        import copy
        p = copy.deepcopy(self)
        p.x = x; p.y = y; p.z = z; p.covmat = lcm + ocm
        if x == None: p.xi = None
        else: p.xi = 0
        if y == None: p.yi = None
        else: p.yi = 1
        if z == None: p.zi = None
        else: p.zi = 2
        return p
    def __mul__(self, scalar):
        returns multiplication of point coordinates with scalar
        return super(PointCartCovMat, self).__mul__(scalar)

        # multiplication of variances and covariances
        var = self.var
        cov = self.cov
        for i in xrange(3):
            if var[i] is not None:
                var[i] *= scalar*scalar
            if cov[i] is not None:
                cov[i] *= scalar*scalar
        self.var = var
        self.cov = cov

    def make_table_row(self): 
        row = [self.id, self.x, self.y, self.z]
        ncols = self.textTable.get_num_of_col()
        #print ncols
        if ncols > 4:
        if ncols > 4 + 3:

        return self.textTable.make_table_row(row)

    def plot_error_ellipse(self, figure):
        "plots error ellipse from covariance matrix of point"

        if self.x != None and self.y != None:

    def plot_error_z(self, figure):
        plots confidence interval of z coordinate
        at coordinates x, y

        if self.x is not None and self.y is not None and self.z is not None:

    def plot_x_stdev(self, figure, x):
        plots interval of standard deviation of x coordinate 
        along vertical axis

        x: horizontal coordinate
        confScale: confidence scale factor

        if self.x != None:
            figure.plot_point_x_stdev(self, x)

    def plot_y_stdev(self, figure, x):

        if self.y != None:
            figure.plot_point_y_stdev(self, x)
    def plot_z_stdev(self, figure, x):

        if self.z != None:
            figure.plot_point_z_stdev(self, x)