Ejemplo n.º 1
def greatest_n(phi_max):
    '''Finds the greatest n such that phi(n) < phi_max.

Returns the greatest n such that phi(n) < phi_max.'''
    phi_product = 1
    product = 1
    prime = 1
    while phi_product <= phi_max:
        prime = next_prime(prime)
        phi_product *= prime - 1
        product *= prime

    n_max = (phi_max * product) / phi_product

    phi_values = range(n_max)

    prime = 2
    while prime <= n_max:
        for i in xrange(0, n_max, prime):
            phi_values[i] -= phi_values[i] / prime

        prime = next_prime(prime)

    for i in xrange(n_max - 1, 0, -1):
        if phi_values[i] <= phi_max:
            return i
Ejemplo n.º 2
def factor_bounded_pm1(n, b, degree='auto'):
    print 'start'
    a = 2
    i = 0
    q = 2
    if degree == 'auto':
        while q < b:
            i += 1
            if i % 1000 == 0:
                print 'Progress:', q, b
            base = q**int(math.floor(1 / math.log(q, n)))
            a = pow(a, base, n)
            g = gmpy.gcd(a - 1, n)
            if g != 1 and g != n:
                return int(g)
            q = gmpy.next_prime(q)
        return None
        while q < b:
            i += 1
            if i % 1000 == 0:
                print 'Progress:', q, b
            base = q**degree
            a = pow(a, base, n)
            g = gmpy.gcd(a - 1, n)
            if g != 1 and g != n:
                return int(g)
            q = gmpy.next_prime(q)
        return None
Ejemplo n.º 3
def main():
    year = 3
    bits = 512
    boggart_fear = 31337
    boggart_danger = 16

    neutral_magic, light_magic, dark_magic = [
        getrandbits(bits) for _ in range(3)
    magic = next_prime(neutral_magic | light_magic) * next_prime(neutral_magic
                                                                 | dark_magic)

        'Hello. I am Professor Remus Lupin. Today I\'m going to show you how to deal with the boggart.'


    with open('flag.txt', 'rb') as file:
        flag = file.read().strip()

    # some young wizards without knowledge of the riddikulus charm
    harry_potter = Wizard(magic, year, bytes_to_long(b'the boy who lived'))
    you = Wizard(magic, year, bytes_to_long(flag))

    for boggart in Wardrobe.create_boggarts(boggart_fear, boggart_danger):
        # wizards should train to learn the riddikulus charm

    # wizard's experience should be increased
Ejemplo n.º 4
def greatest_n(phi_max):
	'''Finds the greatest n such that phi(n) < phi_max.

Returns the greatest n such that phi(n) < phi_max.'''
	phi_product = 1
	product = 1
	prime = 1
	while phi_product <= phi_max:
		prime = next_prime(prime)
		phi_product *= prime - 1
		product *= prime

	n_max = (phi_max * product) / phi_product

	phi_values = range(n_max)

	prime = 2
	while prime <= n_max:
		for i in xrange(0, n_max, prime):
			phi_values[i] -= phi_values[i] / prime

		prime = next_prime(prime)

	for i in xrange(n_max - 1, 0, -1):
		if phi_values[i] <= phi_max:
			return i
Ejemplo n.º 5
def ext_rsa_encrypt(p, q, e, msg):
    m = bytes_to_long(msg)
    while True:
        n = p * q
            phi = (p - 1) * (q - 1)
            d = gmpy.invert(e, phi)
            pubkey = RSA.construct((long(n), long(e)))
            key = PKCS1_v1_5.new(pubkey)
            enc = key.encrypt(msg).encode('base64')
            return enc
            p = gmpy.next_prime(p**2 + q**2)
            q = gmpy.next_prime(2 * p * q)
            e = gmpy.next_prime(e**2)
Ejemplo n.º 6
Archivo: rsa.py Proyecto: Frosne/CTF
def ext_rsa_encrypt(p, q, e, msg):
    m = bytes_to_long(msg)
    while True:
        n = p * q
            phi = (p - 1)*(q - 1)
            d = gmpy.invert(e, phi)
            pubkey = RSA.construct((long(n), long(e)))
            key = PKCS1_v1_5.new(pubkey)
            enc = key.encrypt(msg).encode('base64')
            return enc
            p = gmpy.next_prime(p**2 + q**2)
            q = gmpy.next_prime(2*p*q)
            e = gmpy.next_prime(e**2)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def _find_safe_prime(bits, randfunc=None):
    """ Finds a safe prime of `bits` bits """
    r = gmpy.mpz(number.getRandomNBitInteger(bits-1, randfunc))
    q = gmpy.next_prime(r)
    p = 2*q+1
    if gmpy.is_prime(p):
        return p
Ejemplo n.º 8
def factorize(x=c):
    (Takes about 25ms, on c, on a first-generation Macbook Pro)
    >>> factorize(a)
    [3, 41]
    >>> factorize(b)
    [2, 2, 2, 3, 19]
    import gmpy as _g
    savex = x
    prime = 2
    x = _g.mpz(x)
    factors = []
    while x >= prime:
        newx, mult = x.remove(prime)
        if mult:
            factors.extend([int(prime)] * mult)
            x = newx
        prime = _g.next_prime(prime)
    for factor in factors:
        assert _g.is_prime(factor)
    from operator import mul
    assert reduce(mul, factors) == savex
    return factors
Ejemplo n.º 9
def sq(q):
    assert is_prime(q)
    p = 2
    while True:
        if p != q:
            yield p * p * q * q * q
        p = int(next_prime(p))
Ejemplo n.º 10
def exploit(mp) :
    p = mp - 9000000
    while True :
        q = n//p
        if p*q == n :
            return p,q
        p = next_prime(p)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def sq(q):
    assert is_prime(q)
    p = 2
    while True:
	if p != q:
	    yield p*p*q*q*q
	p = int(next_prime(p))
Ejemplo n.º 12
def could_be_prime(n):
	'''Performs some trials to compute whether n could be prime. Run time is O(N^3 / (log N)^2) for N bits.

Returns whether it is possible for n to be prime (True or False).
	if n < 2:
		return False
	if n == 2:
		return True
	if not n & 1:
		return False

	product = ONE
	log_n = int(math.log(n)) + 1
	bound = int(math.log(n) / (LOG_2 * math.log(math.log(n))**2)) + 1
	if bound * log_n >= n:
		bound = 1
		log_n = int(sqrt(n))
	prime_bound = 0
	prime = 3

	for _ in xrange(bound):
		p = []
		prime_bound += log_n
		while prime <= prime_bound:
			prime = next_prime(prime)
		if p != []:
			p = prod(p)
			product = (product * p) % n

	return gcd(n, product) == 1
Ejemplo n.º 13
def prev_prime(p):
    lo = find_low(p)
    pp = next_prime(lo)
    hi = p

    while lo < hi:
        mid = (lo + hi) // 2
        print mid
        mid_p = next_prime(mid)
        if (mid_p == p):
            hi = mid
            pp = mid_p
            lo = mid + 1

    return pp
Ejemplo n.º 14
def main():

    rsa1 = RSA(3, getPrime(2048), getPrime(2048))
    p = getPrime(2048)
    rsa2 = RSA(65537, p, next_prime(p))
    rsa3 = RSA(65537, getPrime(128), getPrime(128))

    list_rsa = [rsa1, rsa2, rsa3]

Complete the following three questions
        for i in range(3):
            m = int(os.urandom(16).encode("hex"), 16)
            print("e :" + list_rsa[i].getExponent())
            print("N :" + list_rsa[i].getModulus())
            print("c :" + list_rsa[i].encrypt(m))
            ans = raw_input("m >> ").strip()
            print ans

            if ans != str(m):
                print("Wrong !!")

        print flag
    except Exception:
        print("Error occurred")
Ejemplo n.º 15
def generate_safe_prime(nbits):
    """ Finds a safe prime of nbits using probabilistic method rather than deterministic;
    because a large prime number is required. """
    q = number.getRandomNBitInteger(nbits)
    while not gmpy.is_prime(q):
        q = gmpy.next_prime(q)
    return int(q)
Ejemplo n.º 16
def could_be_prime(n):
    '''Performs some trials to compute whether n could be prime. Run time is O(N^3 / (log N)^2) for N bits.

Returns whether it is possible for n to be prime (True or False).
    if n < 2:
        return False
    if n == 2:
        return True
    if not n & 1:
        return False

    product = ONE
    log_n = int(math.log(n)) + 1
    bound = int(math.log(n) / (LOG_2 * math.log(math.log(n))**2)) + 1
    if bound * log_n >= n:
        bound = 1
        log_n = int(sqrt(n))
    prime_bound = 0
    prime = 3

    for _ in xrange(bound):
        p = []
        prime_bound += log_n
        while prime <= prime_bound:
            prime = next_prime(prime)
        if p != []:
            p = prod(p)
            product = (product * p) % n

    return gcd(n, product) == 1
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def create_boggarts(fear, danger):
        # for each level of danger we're increasing fear
        while danger > 0:
            fear = next_prime(fear)

            if getrandbits(1):
                yield fear
                danger -= 1
Ejemplo n.º 18
def getPrimes(moduleDigits):

    prime_list = []
    x = 1

    # Agafem el ultim primer amb un menor numero de digits
    while len(str(x)) < moduleDigits:
        x = gmpy.next_prime(x)

    x = gmpy.next_prime(x)

    while len(str(x)) < moduleDigits + 1:

        x = gmpy.next_prime(x)

    return int(''.join(random.sample(prime_list, 1)))
Ejemplo n.º 19
 def gen_prime():
   from ecpy.util import is_prime
   from random import randint
   while True:
     p = int(next_prime(randint(2**(bits - 1), 2**bits)))
     if is_prime(p * 6 - 1):
   return p * 6 - 1, p
Ejemplo n.º 20
def p_gen():
    small_p = mpz(1)
    k = P_SIZE
    while True:
        small_p = gmpy.next_prime(small_p)
        p = small_p ** int(k / (small_p.bit_length() - 1))
        yield p
        k *= 2
Ejemplo n.º 21
 def get_primes(self, min, max):
     primes = []
     while True:
         prime = int(gmpy.next_prime(min))
         if prime <= max:
             primes += [prime]
             min = prime
             return primes
Ejemplo n.º 22
def make_participants_key(l, nbit):
    while True:
        p, q = getPrime(nbit), getPrime(nbit)
        N, phi = p * q, (p-1)*(q-1)
        x = random.randint(1, N)
        if (N % 8 == 1) and (phi % 8 == 4) and (p != q):
            if pow(q ** 2 * x, (p-1)/2, p) + pow(p ** 2 * x, (q-1)/2, q) == N - phi - 1:
    participants_key = []
    r, s = [getPrime(nbit) for _ in '01']
    for i in range(l):
        u, v = gmpy.next_prime(r), gmpy.next_prime(s)
        u -= u % 4
        v -= v % 8
        participants_key.append((long(u), long(v)))
        r, s = u + 2 * v, v + 3 * u
    e0 = phi + sum([participants_key[i][0] for i in range(len(participants_key))]) + 
        sum([participants_key[i][1] for i in range(len(participants_key))])
Ejemplo n.º 23
def ext_rsa_decrypt(p, q, e, msg):
    m = bytes_to_long(msg)
    while True:
        n = p * q
            phi = (p - 1) * (q - 1)
            d = gmpy.invert(e, phi)
            privatekey = RSA.construct(
                (long(n), long(e), long(d), long(p), long(q)))
            key = PKCS1_v1_5.new(privatekey)
            de_error = ''
            enc = key.decrypt(msg.decode('base64'), de_error)
            return enc
        except Exception as error:
            print error
            p = gmpy.next_prime(p**2 + q**2)
            q = gmpy.next_prime(2 * p * q)
            e = gmpy.next_prime(e**2)
Ejemplo n.º 24
def get_prime(size=128, rnd=random.SystemRandom, k=DEFAULT_ITERATION, algorithm=None):
    if callable(rnd):
        rnd = rnd()
    while True:
        n = rnd.getrandbits(size-2)
        n = 2 ** (size-1) + n * 2 + 1
        if is_prime(n, rnd=rnd, k=k, algorithm=algorithm):
            return n
        if algorithm == 'gmpy-miller-rabin':
            return gmpy.next_prime(n)
Ejemplo n.º 25
def squbes():
    last_prime = 2
    last_it = sq(last_prime)
    h = HeapIter(last_it)
    for s, it in h:
	yield s
	if it == last_it:
	    last_prime = int(next_prime(last_prime))
	    last_it = sq(last_prime)
Ejemplo n.º 26
def squbes():
    last_prime = 2
    last_it = sq(last_prime)
    h = HeapIter(last_it)

    for s, it in h:
        yield s
        if it == last_it:
            last_prime = int(next_prime(last_prime))
            last_it = sq(last_prime)
Ejemplo n.º 27
def calculate_division(test, n):
    # print n
    # print 'number of digits in test is {} in base 2'.format(_g.numdigits(test,2))
    # print 'number of digits in n is {} in base 2'.format(_g.numdigits(n,2))
    prime = _g.next_prime(test)
    # print prime
    if _g.is_prime(prime):
        # print 'I got a prime {}'.format(prime)
        if n % prime == 0:
            print n
            print 'success'
Ejemplo n.º 28
def calculate_division(test, n):
    # print n
    # print 'number of digits in test is {} in base 2'.format(_g.numdigits(test,2))
    # print 'number of digits in n is {} in base 2'.format(_g.numdigits(n,2))
    prime = _g.next_prime(test)
    # print prime
    if _g.is_prime(prime):
        # print 'I got a prime {}'.format(prime)
        if n % prime == 0:
            print n
            print 'success'
Ejemplo n.º 29
def brute_find2(i, t = 20):
    j = 0
    n_i = n[i]
    c_i = c_int[i]
    e_i = e[i]
    for i in range(2**t):
        j = gmpy.next_prime(j)
        g, d, y = xgcd(j, n_i)
        if g != 1:
            print j
            return j
Ejemplo n.º 30
 def setup():
     """Computes a (public, private)-keypair.
     >>> (publickey, secretkey) = ShoupProtocol.setup()
     # generate the primes
     p = 0
     while p % 4 != 3:
         p = random.SystemRandom().getrandbits(1024)
         p = int(gmpy.next_prime(p))
     q = 4
     while q % 4 != 3:
         q = random.SystemRandom().getrandbits(1024)
         q = int(gmpy.next_prime(q))
     n = p * q
     # search for a quadratic residue mod n
     y = random.SystemRandom().getrandbits(1024) % n
     y = pow(y, 2, n)
     publickey = (y, n)
     secretkey = (p, q)
     return (publickey, secretkey)
Ejemplo n.º 31
 def setup():
     """Computes a (public, private)-keypair.
     >>> (publickey, secretkey) = GQProtocol.setup()
     # generate the primes
     p = random.SystemRandom().getrandbits(1024)
     p = int(gmpy.next_prime(p))
     q = random.SystemRandom().getrandbits(1024)
     q = int(gmpy.next_prime(q))
     n = p * q
     e = 65537
     J = random.SystemRandom().getrandbits(2048)
     while J > n:
         J = random.SystemRandom().getrandbits(2048)
     publickey = (J, e, n)
     # compute the private key
     d = gmpy.invert(e, (p - 1) * (q - 1))
     B = pow(gmpy.invert(J, n), d, n)
     secretkey = (B, d)
     return (publickey, secretkey)
Ejemplo n.º 32
def alg_231(n, improved=True):
    """ Page 197: Trial Division """
    # [1]
    t = 0
    k = 2
    dk = 2
    sqrt_n = math.sqrt(n)
    count = 0
    while True:

        if count > sqrt_n:
        if int(n) == 1:
            break  # [2]

        if improved:
            dk = int(gmpy.next_prime(dk))

        # [3]
        if improved:
            q = n / dk
            r = n % dk
            q = n / k
            r = n % k

        if r != 0:

            if improved:
                if q > dk:
                    k += 1
                    t += 1
                    pt = n
                if q > k:  # [4]
                    k += 1
                    t += 1
                    pt = n
            t += 1
            if improved:
                pt = dk
                pt = k
            n = q

        count += 1
        # print( q, r )

    print(n, pt)
Ejemplo n.º 33
def alg_231(n, improved=True):
    """ Page 197: Trial Division """
    # [1]
    t = 0
    k = 2
    dk = 2
    sqrt_n = math.sqrt(n)
    count = 0
    while True:

        if count > sqrt_n:
        if int(n) == 1:
            break    # [2]

        if improved:
            dk = int(gmpy.next_prime(dk))

        # [3]
        if improved:
            q = n / dk
            r = n % dk
            q = n / k
            r = n % k

        if r != 0:

            if improved:
                if q > dk:
                    k += 1
                    t += 1
                    pt = n
                if q > k:       # [4]
                    k += 1
                    t += 1
                    pt = n
            t += 1
            if improved:
                pt = dk
                pt = k
            n = q

        count += 1
        # print( q, r )

    print(n, pt)
Ejemplo n.º 34
def brute_find2(i, t=20):
    j = 0
    n_i = n[i]
    c_i = c_int[i]
    e_i = e[i]
    for i in range(2**t):
        j = gmpy.next_prime(j)
        g, d, y = xgcd(j, n_i)
        if g != 1:
            print j
            return j
Ejemplo n.º 35
def count_safe_primes(bits):
    randfunc = Crypto.Random.new().read
    started = time.time()
    ret = []
    while True:
        r = gmpy.mpz(number.getRandomNBitInteger(bits-1, randfunc))
        q = gmpy.next_prime(r)
        p = 2*q + 1
        germain = gmpy.is_prime(p)
        ret.append((germain, int(q - r)))
        if time.time() - started > 60:
    return ret
Ejemplo n.º 36
Archivo: q26.py Proyecto: mwcz/euler
def pf( _num, _pf=[], _p=2 ):
    "returns the prime factorization of _num"

    assert _num >= 2

    if is_prime(_num): 
        return _pf

    if _num % _p == 0:
        return pf( _num / _p, _pf )
        return pf( _num, _pf, next_prime( _p ) )
Ejemplo n.º 37
def factors(n, veb, ra, ov, pr):
	'''Generates factors of n.
Strips small primes, then feeds to ecm function.

	n   -- An integer to factor
	veb -- If True, be verbose
	ra  -- If True, select sigma values randomly
	ov  -- How asymptotically fast the calculation is
	pr  -- What portion of the total processing power this run gets

Output: Factors of n, via a generator.

1. A good value of ov for typical numbers is somewhere around 10. If this parameter is too high, overhead and memory usage grow.
2. If ra is set to False and veb is set to True, then results are reproducible. If ra is set to True, then one number may be done in parallel on disconnected machines (at only a small loss of efficiency, which is less if pr is set correctly).'''

	if type(n) not in T:
		raise ValueError, 'Number given must be integer or long.'

	if not 0 < pr <= 1:
		yield 'Error: pr must be between 0 and 1'

	while not n & 1:
		n >>= 1
		yield 2

	n = mpz(n)
	k = inv_const(n)
	prime = 2
	trial_division_bound = max(10 * k**2, 100)

	while prime < trial_division_bound:
		prime = next_prime(prime)
		while not n % prime:
			n /= prime
			yield prime

	if isprime(n):
		yield n

	if n == 1:

	for factor in ecm(n, ra, ov, veb, trial_division_bound, pr):
		yield factor
Ejemplo n.º 38
def decrypt_RSA(cipherfile):
    n = 98099407767975360290660227117126057014537157468191654426411230468489043009977
    e = 12405943493775545863
    p = 311155972145869391293781528370734636009
    q = 315274063651866931016337573625089033553
    cipher = open(cipherfile, "r").read()
    while True:
            # key = open(privkey, "r").read()
            phi = (p - 1) * (q - 1)
            d = gmpy.invert(e, phi)
            # pubkey = RSA.construct((long(n), long(e)))

            privkey = RSA.construct((long(n), long(e), long(d)))
            key = PKCS1_v1_5.new(privkey)
            decrypted = key.decrypt(base64.b64decode(cipher), None)
            print decrypted
        except Exception as ex:
            print ex
            p = gmpy.next_prime(p**2 + q**2)
            q = gmpy.next_prime(2 * p * q)
            e = gmpy.next_prime(e**2)
            n = long(p) * long(q)
Ejemplo n.º 39
def El_Gamal_ParamGen():
    p = 4
    while not gmpy.is_prime(p):
        r = randint(0, 2**64)
        q = gmpy.next_prime(2**64 + r)
        p = 2 * q + 1
    g_prime = randint(1, int(p - 1))
    g = pow(g_prime, 2, p)  # generator of the group
    assert pow(g, q, p) == 1
    G = g, p, q
    x = randint(1, int(q - 1))  # secret key
    y = pow(g, x, p)  # public key
    pk = El_Gamal_PublicKey(G, y)
    sk = El_Gamal_SecretKey(G, x)
    return pk, sk
Ejemplo n.º 40
def factors(n, veb, ra, ov, pr):
    '''Generates factors of n.
Strips small primes, then feeds to ecm function.

	n   -- An integer to factor
	veb -- If True, be verbose
	ra  -- If True, select sigma values randomly
	ov  -- How asymptotically fast the calculation is
	pr  -- What portion of the total processing power this run gets

Output: Factors of n, via a generator.

1. A good value of ov for typical numbers is somewhere around 10. If this parameter is too high, overhead and memory usage grow.
2. If ra is set to False and veb is set to True, then results are reproducible. If ra is set to True, then one number may be done in parallel on disconnected machines (at only a small loss of efficiency, which is less if pr is set correctly).'''

    if type(n) not in T:
        raise ValueError, 'Number given must be integer or long.'

    if not 0 < pr <= 1:
        yield 'Error: pr must be between 0 and 1'

    while not n & 1:
        n >>= 1
        yield 2

    n = mpz(n)
    k = inv_const(n)
    prime = 2
    trial_division_bound = max(10 * k**2, 100)

    while prime < trial_division_bound:
        prime = next_prime(prime)
        while not n % prime:
            n /= prime
            yield prime

    if isprime(n):
        yield n

    if n == 1:

    for factor in ecm(n, ra, ov, veb, trial_division_bound, pr):
        yield factor
Ejemplo n.º 41
def get_prime(size=128, rnd=default_crypto_random, k=DEFAULT_ITERATION, algorithm=None):
    '''Generate a prime number of the giver size using the is_prime() helper function.
       size - size in bits of the prime, default to 128
       rnd - a random generator to use
       k - the number of iteration to use for the probabilistic primality algorithms,
       algorithm - the name of the primality algorithm to use, default is the
       probabilistic Miller-Rabin algorithm.

       Return value: a prime number, as a long integer
    while True:
        n = rnd.getrandbits(size-2)
        n = 2 ** (size-1) + n * 2 + 1
        if is_prime(n, rnd=rnd, k=k, algorithm=algorithm):
            return n
        if algorithm == 'gmpy-miller-rabin':
            return gmpy.next_prime(n)
Ejemplo n.º 42
	def __init__(self, engine=None, parameter=10000, shared=None):		
		super(SmallFactor,self).__init__(engine, parameter, shared)
		connection = self.engine.connect()
		s = select([db.smallFactorTable.c.product]).where(db.smallFactorTable.c.up_to==self.parameter)
		res = connection.execute(s).first()
		if res is None:
			n = 2
			self.product = mpz('1')		
			while n < self.parameter:
				self.product = self.product * n
				n = gmp.next_prime(n)
			connection.execute(db.smallFactorTable.insert(), up_to=self.parameter, 
				product = str(self.product))
			self.product = mpz(res[0])
Ejemplo n.º 43
def find_random_prime(k):
    """Find a random *k* bit prime number.

    The prime has exactly *k* significant bits:

    @type k: int
    @param k: number of significant bits

    @rtype: mpz
    @return: prime number

    >>> 2 <= _find_random_prime(10) < 2**10

    while True:
        prime = gmpy.next_prime(rand.randint(2**(k - 1), 2**k - 1))
        if prime < 2**k:
            return prime
Ejemplo n.º 44
def isprime(n): 
	''' Tests for primality of n trying first fastprime and then a slower but accurate algorithm. Time complexity is O(N**3) (assuming quadratic multiplication), where n has N digits.

Returns the primality of n (True or False).'''
	if not fastprime(n):
		return False
		return True

	do_loop = False
	j = 1
	d = n >> 1
	a = 2
	bound = int(0.75 * math.log(math.log(n)) * math.log(n)) + 1

	while not d & 1:
		d >>= 1
		j += 1

	while a < bound:
		a = next_prime(a)
		p = atdn(a, d, n) 

		if p == 1 or p == n - 1: 

		for _ in xrange(j): 
			p = (p * p) % n 

			if p == 1: 
				return False 
			elif p == n - 1: 
				do_loop = True

		if do_loop:
			do_loop = False

		return False

	return True
Ejemplo n.º 45
def isprime(n):
    ''' Tests for primality of n trying first fastprime and then a slower but accurate algorithm. Time complexity is O(N**3) (assuming quadratic multiplication), where n has N digits.

Returns the primality of n (True or False).'''
    if not fastprime(n):
        return False
        return True

    do_loop = False
    j = 1
    d = n >> 1
    a = 2
    bound = int(0.75 * math.log(math.log(n)) * math.log(n)) + 1

    while not d & 1:
        d >>= 1
        j += 1

    while a < bound:
        a = next_prime(a)
        p = atdn(a, d, n)

        if p == 1 or p == n - 1:

        for _ in xrange(j):
            p = (p * p) % n

            if p == 1:
                return False
            elif p == n - 1:
                do_loop = True

        if do_loop:
            do_loop = False

        return False

    return True
Ejemplo n.º 46
def elgamal_param_gen():
    """Generate an El Gamal keypair

    :rtype: (ElgamalPublicKey, ElgamalSecretKey)
    p = 4
    while not gmpy.is_prime(p):
        r = randint(0, 2**64)
        q = gmpy.next_prime(2**64 + r)
        p = 2 * q + 1

    g_prime = randint(1, int(p - 1))
    g = pow(g_prime, 2, p)  # generator of the group
    assert pow(g, q, p) == 1
    G = g, p, q
    x = randint(1, int(q - 1))  # secret key
    y = pow(g, x, p)  # public key
    pk = ElgamalPublicKey(G, y)
    sk = ElgamalSecretKey(G, x)
    return pk, sk
Ejemplo n.º 47
def build_key(bits=2048, e=65537, embed='', pos=1, randfunc=None):
    # generate base key
    rsa = RSA.generate(bits, randfunc)
    # extract modulus as a string
    n_str = unhexlify(str(hex(rsa.n))[2:])
    # print(str(hex(rsa.n)), n_str)
    # embed data into the modulus
    n_hex = hexlify(replace_at(n_str, embed, pos))
    n = gmpy.mpz(n_hex, 16)
    p = rsa.p
    # compute a starting point to look for a new q value
    pre_q = n / p
    # use the next prime as the new q value
    q = gmpy.next_prime(gmpy.mpz(pre_q))
    n = p * q
    phi = (p-1) * (q-1)
    # compute new private exponent
    d = gmpy.invert(e, phi)
    # make sure that p is smaller than q
    if p > q:
        (p, q) = (q, p)
    return RSA.construct((int(n), int(e), int(d), int(p), int(q)))
Ejemplo n.º 48
def factorize(x):
    >>> factorize(a)
    [3, 41]
    >>> factorize(b)
    [2, 2, 2, 3, 19]
    while x>=prime:
        if mult:
    for factor in factors: assert _g.is_prime(factor)
    from operator import mul
    from functools import reduce
    assert reduce(mul, factors)==savex
    return factors
def factorize(x=c):
    (Takes about 25ms, on c, on a first-generation Macbook Pro)
    >>> factorize(a)
    [3, 41]
    >>> factorize(b)
    [2, 2, 2, 3, 19]
    import gmpy as _g
    while x>=prime:
        if mult:
    for factor in factors: assert _g.is_prime(factor)
    from operator import mul
    assert reduce(mul, factors)==savex
    return factors
Ejemplo n.º 50
def schoof(F, E):
  def y2_reduce(pol, x, y, Fx):
    Reduce `pol` modulo (y^2 - Fx)
      <=> pol over F_q[x, y] / (y^2 - Fx)
    if pol.degree() < 2:
      return pol
    assert all([len(t) == 1 and t[0] == 0 for t in pol[1::2]])
    for i in xrange(1, (len(pol) - 1) // 2 + 1):
      y2 = (sum(map(lambda t: x**t[0] * t[1], enumerate(pol[2 * i]))))
      pol = pol - (y**(2*i) * y2)  + (y2 * Fx ** i)
    return pol

  def division_polynomial(ell, x, y):
    pol = torsion_polynomial(ell, E, x, y)
    return pol

  def get_polynomial(ell, x0, y0):
    if ell == 0:
      return PU.element_class(PU, [0])
    pp0 = division_polynomial(ell, x0, y0)
    pm1 = division_polynomial(ell - 1, x0, y0)
    pp1 = division_polynomial(ell + 1, x0, y0)
    pol_p = x - (pm1 * pp1)
    pol_q = pp0 ** 2
    pol_p = y2_reduce(pol_p, x, y, Fx)
    pol_q = y2_reduce(pol_q, x, y, Fx)
    pol_p = (pol_p.apply(xs, 0))
    pol_q = (pol_q.apply(xs, 0))
    pol = pol_p / pol_q
    if not isinstance(pol, UnivariatePolynomialRing):
      return PU.element_class(PU, [pol])
    return pol

  L = 2
  N = 1
  t = {}
  factors = {}
  q = F.p ** F.degree()
  PR = BivariatePolynomialRing(F, ['x', 'y'])
  PU = UnivariatePolynomialRing(F, 'xs')
  x, y = PR.gens()
  Fx = x**3 + E.a*x + E.b
  xs = PU.gen()

  while N < math.sqrt(F.n) * 4:
    L = int(gmpy.next_prime(L))
    qbar = q % L
    mod_poly = division_polynomial(L, x, y).apply(xs, 0)
    poly1 = get_polynomial(qbar + 1, x, y) % mod_poly
    for tbar in xrange(0, L):
      poly2 = get_polynomial(tbar, x, y) % mod_poly
      if poly1 == poly2:
        factors[L] = tbar
        N *= L

  t = crt(map(lambda x: factors[x], factors.keys()), factors.keys())
  if t > N // 2:
    t = - (N - t)
  return q + 1 - t
Ejemplo n.º 51
flag = '[censored]'

P = []
Q = []
D = []
N = []
pubKey = []
privKey = []
Enc = []

p = random.randint(1 << 510, 1 << 511)
q = random.randint(1 << 510, 1 << 511)

for i in range(0, 3):
    p = gmpy.next_prime(p)
    q = gmpy.next_prime(q)

for i in range(0, 3):
    N.append(P[i] * Q[2 - i])
    print N[i]
    D.append(long(gmpy.invert(long(65537), (P[i] - 1) * (Q[2 - i] - 1))))
    privKey.append(RSA.construct((long(N[i]), long(65537), long(D[i]), long(P[i]), long(Q[2 - i]))))
    pubKey.append(RSA.construct((long(N[i]), long(65537))))
    print pubKey[i].exportKey()
    key = PKCS1_v1_5.new(pubKey[i])
    Enc.append(base64.b64encode(key.encrypt(flag[19 * i : 19 * (i + 1)])))
    print Enc[i]
Ejemplo n.º 52
Archivo: q37.py Proyecto: mwcz/euler
from gmpy import next_prime, is_prime

def truncatable(_s):

    s = str(_s)
    l = len(s)

    for i in range(l):
        if not is_prime(int(s[i:])):
            return False
        if not is_prime(int(s[: i + 1])):
            return False

    return True

if __name__ == "__main__":

    primes = []

    p = 7

    while len(primes) < 11:
        p = next_prime(p)
        if truncatable(p):

Ejemplo n.º 53
def sign(msg, p, q, x, k, n):
    w = int(math.ceil(float((hash(msg) - pow(x, k, n)) % n) / float(p * q)))
    y = (w * gmpy.invert((k * pow(x, k - 1)), p)) % p
    s = (x + (y * p * q)) % n
    return s

def verify(msg, s, k, n):
    u = pow(s, k, n)
    z = hash(msg)
    zp = z + pow(2, int(math.ceil(float(math.log(n, 2) * 2.0 / 3.0))))
    if (u >= z) and (zp >= u):
        return True
        return False

p = int(gmpy.next_prime(30000))
q = int(gmpy.next_prime(25000))

n = pow(p, 2) * q
k = 12
x = 4321
x = 14

# p = 285311670673
# q = 387420499
# n = pow(p, 2) * q
# k = 7
# msg = 31111133 
# x = 45767

Ejemplo n.º 54
def sub_sub_sure_factors(f, u, curve_parameter):
	'''Finds all factors that can be found using ECM with a smoothness bound of u and sigma and give curve parameters. If that fails, checks for being a prime power and does Fermat factoring as well.
Yields factors.'''
	while not (f & 1):
		yield 2
		f >>= 1
	while not (f % 3):
		yield 3
		f /= 3

	if isprime(f):
		yield f

	log_u = math.log(u)
	u2 = int(_7_OVER_LOG_2 * u * log_u / math.log(log_u))
	primes = []
	still_a_chance = True
	log_mo = math.log(f + 1 + sqrt(f << 2))

	g = gcd(curve_parameter, f)
	if g not in (1, f):
		for factor in sub_sub_sure_factors(g, u, curve_parameter):
			yield factor
		for factor in sub_sub_sure_factors(f/g, u, curve_parameter):
			yield factor

	g2 = gcd(curve_parameter**2 - 5, f)
	if g2 not in (1, f):
		for factor in sub_sub_sure_factors(g2, u, curve_parameter):
			yield factor
		for factor in sub_sub_sure_factors(f / g2, u, curve_parameter):
			yield factor

	if f in (g, g2):
		yield f

	while still_a_chance:
		p1 = get_points([curve_parameter], f)
		for prime in primes:
			p1 = multiply(p1, prime, f)
			if not isinstance(p1, list):
				if p1 != f:
					for factor in sub_sub_sure_factors(p1, u, curve_parameter):
						yield factor
					for factor in sub_sub_sure_factors(f/p1, u, curve_parameter):
						yield factor
					still_a_chance = False

		if not still_a_chance:

		prime = 1
		still_a_chance = False
		while prime < u2:
			prime = next_prime(prime)
			should_break = False
			for _ in xrange(int(log_mo / math.log(prime))):
				p1 = multiply(p1, prime, f)
				if not isinstance(p1, list):
					if p1 != f:
						for factor in sub_sub_sure_factors(p1, u, curve_parameter):
							yield factor
						for factor in sub_sub_sure_factors(f/p1, u, curve_parameter):
							yield factor

						still_a_chance = True
						should_break = True
			if should_break:

	for i in xrange(2, int(math.log(f) / LOG_2) + 2):
		r = root(f, i)
		if r[1]:
			for factor in sub_sub_sure_factors(r[0], u, curve_parameter):
				for _ in xrange(i):
					yield factor
	a = 1 + sqrt(f)
	bsq = a * a - f
	iter = 0

	while bsq != sqrt(bsq)**2 and iter < 3:
		a += 1
		iter += 1
		bsq += a + a - 1

	if bsq == sqrt(bsq)**2:
		b = sqrt(bsq)
		for factor in sub_sub_sure_factors(a - b, u, curve_parameter):
			yield factor
		for factor in sub_sub_sure_factors(a + b, u, curve_parameter):
			yield factor

	yield f
Ejemplo n.º 55
def primes(limit):
    prime = 2
    while prime < limit:
        yield prime
        prime = gmpy.next_prime(prime)
Ejemplo n.º 56
Archivo: q26.py Proyecto: mwcz/euler
if __name__ == "__main__":

    # finds the greatest length cycle in 1/(2..999),
    # but success is based on precision.  higher precision = longer
    # running time.

    precision = 1000

    # set the precision of division
    getcontext().prec = precision

    max = (0,0,"")

    i = 2
    while i < 1000:
        s = str( Decimal(1) / Decimal(int(i)) )[2:]
        seq = get_cycle(s)
        if len(seq) > len(max[2]):
            max = (i,s,seq)
        i = next_prime(i)

    for el in max: print(el)

#    max = 0
#    for i in xrange(2,1000):
#        if is_prime(i):
#            max = max if max > i-1 else i-1
Ejemplo n.º 57
def mainloop(n, u, p1):
	''' Input:	n  -- an integer to (try) to factor.
			u  -- the phase 1 smoothness bound
			p1 -- a list of sigma parameters to try

	Output:	A factor of n. (1 is returned on faliure).

		1. Other parameters, such as the phase 2 smoothness bound are selected by the mainloop function.
		2. This function uses batch algorithms, so if p1 is not long enough, there will be a loss in efficiency.
		3. Of course, if p1 is too long, then the mainloop will have to use more memory.
		      [The memory is polynomial in the length of p1, log u, and log n].'''
	k = inv_const(n)
	log_u = math.log(u)
	log_log_u = math.log(log_u)
	log_n = math.log(n)
	u2 = int(_7_OVER_LOG_2 * u * log_u / log_log_u)
	ncurves = len(p1)
	w = int(math.sqrt(_3_OVER_LOG_2 * ncurves / k) - 0.5)
	number_of_primes = int((ncurves << w) * math.sqrt(LOG_4_OVER_9 * log_n / k) / log_u) # Lagrange multipliers!
	number_of_primes = min(number_of_primes, int((log_n / math.log(log_n))**2 * ncurves / log_u), int(u / log_u))
	number_of_primes = max(number_of_primes, 1)
	m = math.log(number_of_primes) + log_log_u
	w = min(w, int((m - 2 * math.log(m) + LOG_3_MINUS_LOG_LOG_2) / LOG_2))
	w = max(w, 1)
	max_order = n + sqrt(n << 2) + 1 # By Hasse's theorem.
	det_bound = ((1 << w) - 1 + ((w & 1) << 1)) / 3
	log_mo = math.log(max_order)
	p = range(number_of_primes)
	prime = mpz(2)

	p1 = get_points(p1, n)
	if not isinstance(p1, list):
		return p1

	for _ in xrange(int(log_mo / LOG_2)):
		p1 = double(p1, n)
		if not isinstance(p1, list):
			return p1
	for i in xrange(1, det_bound):
		prime  = (i << 1) + 1
		if isprime(prime):
			for _ in xrange(int(log_mo / math.log(prime))):
				p1 = multiply(p1, prime, n)
				if not isinstance(p1, list):
					return p1

	while prime < sqrt(u) and isinstance(p1, list):
		for i in xrange(number_of_primes):
			prime = next_prime(prime)
			p[i] = prime ** max(1, int(log_u / math.log(prime)))
		p1 = fast_multiply(p1, prod(p),  n, w)

	if not isinstance(p1, list):
		return p1

	while prime < u and isinstance(p1, list):
		for i in xrange(number_of_primes):
			prime = next_prime(prime)
			p[i] = prime
		p1 = fast_multiply(p1, prod(p),  n, w)

	if not isinstance(p1, list):
		return p1

	del p

	small_jump = int(greatest_n((1 << (w + 2)) / 3))
	small_jump = max(120, small_jump)
	big_jump = 1 + (int(sqrt((5 << w) / 21)) << 1)
	total_jump = small_jump * big_jump
	big_multiple = max(total_jump << 1, ((int(next_prime(prime)) - (total_jump >> 1)) / total_jump) * total_jump)
	big_jump_2 = big_jump >> 1
	small_jump_2 = small_jump >> 1
	product = ONE

	psmall_jump = multiply(p1, small_jump, n)
	if not isinstance(psmall_jump, list):
		return psmall_jump

	ptotal_jump = multiply(psmall_jump, big_jump, n)
	if not isinstance(ptotal_jump, list):
		return ptotal_jump

	pgiant_step = multiply(p1, big_multiple, n)
	if not isinstance(pgiant_step, list):
		return pgiant_step

	small_multiples = [None]
	for i in xrange(1, small_jump >> 1):
		if gcd(i, small_jump) == 1:
			tmp = multiply(p1, i, n)
			if not isinstance(tmp, list):
				return tmp
			for i in xrange(len(tmp)):
				tmp[i] = tmp[i][0]
	small_multiples = tuple(small_multiples)

	big_multiples = [None]
	for i in xrange(1, (big_jump + 1) >> 1):
		tmp = multiply(psmall_jump, i, n)
		if not isinstance(tmp, list):
			return tmp
	big_multiples = tuple(big_multiples)

	psmall_jump = to_tuple(psmall_jump)
	ptotal_jump = to_tuple(ptotal_jump)
	while big_multiple < u2:
		big_multiple += total_jump
		center_up = big_multiple
		center_down = big_multiple
		pgiant_step = add(ptotal_jump, pgiant_step, n)
		if not isinstance(pgiant_step, list):
			return pgiant_step

		prime_up = next_prime(big_multiple - small_jump_2)
		while prime_up < big_multiple + small_jump_2:
			s = small_multiples[abs(int(prime_up) - big_multiple)]
			for j in xrange(ncurves):
				product *= pgiant_step[j][0] - s[j]
				product %= n
			prime_up = next_prime(prime_up)
		for i in xrange(1, big_jump_2 + 1):
			center_up += small_jump
			center_down -= small_jump
			pmed_step_up, pmed_step_down = add_sub_x_only(big_multiples[i], pgiant_step, n)
			if pmed_step_down == None:
				return pmed_step_up

			while prime_up < center_up + small_jump_2:
				s = small_multiples[abs(int(prime_up) - center_up)]
				for j in xrange(ncurves):
					product *= pmed_step_up[j] - s[j]
					product %= n
				prime_up = next_prime(prime_up)

			prime_down = next_prime(center_down - small_jump_2)
			while prime_down < center_down + small_jump_2:
				s = small_multiples[abs(int(prime_down) - center_down)]
				for j in xrange(ncurves):
					product *= pmed_step_down[j] - s[j]
					product %= n
				prime_down = next_prime(prime_down)

	if gcd(product, n) != 1:
		return gcd(product, n)

	return 1
Ejemplo n.º 58
import gmpy
import itertools

from gmpy import mpz, mpq

limit = 10
maxN = 0

once n_count reaches million, we can assume
we've generated all unique n <= million using primes
n_count = 0
primes = (gmpy.next_prime(n) for n in range(1, limit))

we want to generate all unique n as quickly as possible.
to avoid duplicate factorizations, keep records of all
distinct prime combinations tried
tried_combos = {}

""" n -> phi(n) """
pairs = {}

# generate primes
for n in range(1, limit):
    nextPrime =  gmpy.next_prime(n)