def GenerateIndexFromHistory(query_history,
    """Generate most of the text for index.yaml from the query history.

    query_history: Query history, a dict mapping query
    all_indexes: Optional datastore_index.IndexDefinitions instance
      representing all the indexes found in the input file.  May be None.
    manual_indexes: Optional datastore_index.IndexDefinitions instance
      containing indexes for which we should not generate output.  May be None.

    A string representation that can safely be appended to an
    existing index.yaml file.

    all_keys = datastore_index.IndexDefinitionsToKeys(all_indexes)
    manual_keys = datastore_index.IndexDefinitionsToKeys(manual_indexes)

    indexes = dict((key, 0) for key in all_keys - manual_keys)

    for query, count in query_history.iteritems():
        key = datastore_index.CompositeIndexForQuery(query)
        if key is not None:
            key = key[:3]
            if key not in manual_keys:
                if key in indexes:
                    indexes[key] += count
                    indexes[key] = count

    res = []
    for (kind, ancestor, props), count in sorted(indexes.iteritems()):
        if count == 0:
            message = '# Unused in query history -- copied from input.'
        elif count == 1:
            message = '# Used once in query history.'
            message = '# Used %d times in query history.' % count
        res.append('- kind: %s' % kind)
        if ancestor:
            res.append('  ancestor: yes')
        if props:
            res.append('  properties:')
            for name, direction in props:
                res.append('  - name: %s' % name)
                if direction == datastore_index.DESCENDING:
                    res.append('    direction: desc')

    return '\n'.join(res)
def GenerateIndexFromHistory(query_history,
                             all_indexes=None, manual_indexes=None):
  """Generate most of the text for index.yaml from the query history.

    query_history: Query history, a dict mapping query
    all_indexes: Optional datastore_index.IndexDefinitions instance
      representing all the indexes found in the input file.  May be None.
    manual_indexes: Optional datastore_index.IndexDefinitions instance
      containing indexes for which we should not generate output.  May be None.

    A string representation that can safely be appended to an existing
    index.yaml file. Returns the empty string if it would generate no output.

  all_keys = datastore_index.IndexDefinitionsToKeys(all_indexes)
  manual_keys = datastore_index.IndexDefinitionsToKeys(manual_indexes)

  indexes = dict((key, 0) for key in all_keys - manual_keys)

  for query, count in query_history.iteritems():
    required, kind, ancestor, props, num_eq_filters = datastore_index.CompositeIndexForQuery(query)
    if required:
      key = (kind, ancestor, props)
      if key not in manual_keys:
        if key in indexes:
          indexes[key] += count
          indexes[key] = count

  if not indexes:
    return ''

  res = []
  for (kind, ancestor, props), count in sorted(indexes.iteritems()):

    res.append(datastore_index.IndexYamlForQuery(kind, ancestor, props))

  return '\n'.join(res)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def GenerateIndexDictFromHistory(query_history,
                                 all_indexes=None, manual_indexes=None):
  """Generate a dict of automatic index entries from the query history.

    query_history: Query history, a dict mapping datastore_pb.Query to a count
      of the number of times that query has been issued.
    all_indexes: Optional datastore_index.IndexDefinitions instance
      representing all the indexes found in the input file.  May be None.
    manual_indexes: Optional datastore_index.IndexDefinitions instance
      containing indexes for which we should not generate output.  May be None.

    A dict where each key is a tuple (kind, ancestor, properties) and the
      corresponding value is a count of the number of times that query has been
      issued. The dict contains no entries for keys that appear in manual_keys.
      In the tuple, "properties" is itself a tuple of tuples, where each
      contained tuple is (name, direction), with "name" being a string and
      "direction" being datastore_index.ASCENDING or .DESCENDING.

  all_keys = datastore_index.IndexDefinitionsToKeys(all_indexes)
  manual_keys = datastore_index.IndexDefinitionsToKeys(manual_indexes)

  indexes = dict((key, 0) for key in all_keys - manual_keys)

  for query, count in six.iteritems(query_history):
    required, kind, ancestor, props = (
    if required:
      props = datastore_index.GetRecommendedIndexProperties(props)
      key = (kind, ancestor, props)
      if key not in manual_keys:
        if key in indexes:
          indexes[key] += count
          indexes[key] = count

  return indexes