Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_add_idle(EventLoop):
    EventLoop.return_value = loop = unittest.mock.Mock(
        spec=("run", "add_idle")
    with _runstate.ndb_context():
        _eventloop.add_idle("foo", "bar", baz="qux")
        loop.add_idle.assert_called_once_with("foo", "bar", baz="qux")
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_it():
        futures = [tasklets.Future() for _ in range(3)]

        def callback():


        future = tasklets.wait_any(futures)
        assert future is futures[1]
        assert future.result() == 42
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_toplevel():
    def generator_function(value):
        future = tasklets.Future(value)
        x = yield future
        raise tasklets.Return(x + 3)

    idle = mock.Mock(__name__="idle", return_value=None)

    result = generator_function(8)
    assert result == 11
Ejemplo n.º 4
def get_batch(batch_cls, options=None):
    """Gets a data structure for storing batched calls to Datastore Lookup.

    The batch data structure is stored in the current context. If there is
    not already a batch started, a new structure is created and an idle
    callback is added to the current event loop which will eventually perform
    the batch look up.

        batch_cls (type): Class representing the kind of operation being
        options (_options.ReadOptions): The options for the request. Calls with
            different options will be placed in different batches.

        batch_cls: An instance of the batch class.
    # prevent circular import in Python 2.7
    from google.cloud.ndb import context as context_module

    context = context_module.get_context()
    batches = context.batches.get(batch_cls)
    if batches is None:
        context.batches[batch_cls] = batches = {}

    if options is not None:
        options_key = tuple(
            sorted(((key, value) for key, value in options.items()
                    if value is not None)))
        options_key = ()

    batch = batches.get(options_key)
    if batch is not None and not batch.full():
        return batch

    def idler(batch):
        def idle():
            if batches.get(options_key) is batch:
                del batches[options_key]

        return idle

    batches[options_key] = batch = batch_cls(options)
    return batch
Ejemplo n.º 5
def _get_lookup_batch():
    """Gets a data structure for storing batched calls to Datastore Lookup.

    The batch data structure is stored in the current run state. If there is
    not already a batch started, a new structure is created and an idle
    callback is added to the current event loop which will eventually perform
    the batch look up.

        Dict[~datastore_v1.proto.entity_pb2.Key, List[~tasklets.Future]]
    state = _runstate.current()
    batch = state.batches.get(_BATCH_LOOKUP)
    if batch is not None:
        return batch

    state.batches[_BATCH_LOOKUP] = batch = {}
    return batch
Ejemplo n.º 6
def _get_batch(batch_cls, options):
    """Gets a data structure for storing batched calls to Datastore Lookup.

    The batch data structure is stored in the current context. If there is
    not already a batch started, a new structure is created and an idle
    callback is added to the current event loop which will eventually perform
    the batch look up.

        batch_cls (type): Class representing the kind of operation being
        options (_options.ReadOptions): The options for the request. Calls with
            different options will be placed in different batches.

        batch_cls: An instance of the batch class.
    context = context_module.get_context()
    batches = context.batches.get(batch_cls)
    if batches is None:
        context.batches[batch_cls] = batches = {}

    options_key = tuple(
        sorted(((key, value) for key, value in options.items()
                if value is not None)))
    batch = batches.get(options_key)
    if batch is not None:
        return batch

    def idle():
        batch = batches.pop(options_key)

    batches[options_key] = batch = batch_cls(options)
    return batch
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def test_it():
        futures = [tasklets.Future() for _ in range(3)]

        def make_callback(index, result):
            def callback():

            return callback

        _eventloop.add_idle(make_callback(0, 42))
        _eventloop.add_idle(make_callback(1, 43))
        _eventloop.add_idle(make_callback(2, 44))

        assert futures[0].done()
        assert futures[0].result() == 42
        assert futures[1].done()
        assert futures[1].result() == 43
        assert futures[2].done()
        assert futures[2].result() == 44
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_add_idle(context):
    loop = mock.Mock(spec=("run", "add_idle"))
    with context.new(eventloop=loop).use():
        _eventloop.add_idle("foo", "bar", baz="qux")
        loop.add_idle.assert_called_once_with("foo", "bar", baz="qux")
def test_add_idle(EventLoop):
    EventLoop.return_value = loop = unittest.mock.Mock(spec=("run",
    with _runstate.state_context(None):
        _eventloop.add_idle("foo", "bar", baz="qux")
        loop.add_idle.assert_called_once_with("foo", "bar", baz="qux")
Ejemplo n.º 10
def test_add_idle():
    with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):