Ejemplo n.º 1
    def makePhysicalFile(self, virtualFile, clientName, grepString, fileArg):
    Makes a physical file from a virtual one
    Creates a temp file with results from grep operation/cating of files
    Returns: [machine name], [file name]
    return null on error

        # Sanitize fileArg.
        fileArg = ''.join([
            x for x in fileArg
            if x in string.ascii_letters + string.digits + '_-%'

        # Translate from String to fileId
        if not virtualFile or not FILE_TABLE.has_key(virtualFile):
            return None

        # For each file that we can export we have to have an entry in the
        # global FILE_TABLE
        fe = FILE_TABLE[virtualFile]

        pathIn = fe.getPathIn(self.cfg.globalParams, clientName, fileArg,
        pathOut = fe.getPathOut(self.cfg.globalParams, clientName, fileArg,
        auxGrepString = fe.aux_grep
        auxCutString = fe.aux_cut
        machine = E.getCrtHostName()

        tmpPath = None

        # Copy web log from GFS to the log directory if necessary.
        if virtualFile == 'WEB_LOG' and self.cfg.getGlobalParam('GFS_ALIASES') and \
            not os.path.exists(pathIn):
            ok = self.cfg.logmanager.CopyRawReportFromGfsToLocal(
                fileArg, clientName)
            if not ok or not os.path.exists(pathIn):
                logging.error('Failed on CopyRawReportFromGfsToLocal()')
                return None

        # Copy the feed log from GFS to the log directory if necessary.
        elif virtualFile == 'FEED_LOG' and self.cfg.getGlobalParam('GFS_ALIASES') and \
             not os.path.exists(pathIn):
            tmpPath = pathOut + "_fromGFS"
            (status, output) = E.run_fileutil_command(
                self.cfg.globalParams, "cat %s > %s" % (pathIn, tmpPath), 5)
            if E.ERR_OK != status:
                logging.error("Failed to copy %s to %s" % (pathIn, tmpPath))
                return None
            pathIn = tmpPath

        # Count the files that we can get
        files = E.ls([machine], pathIn)
        if not files:
            numFiles = 0
            numFiles = len(files)

        # If we need only one file, and there are more than one, use the
        # last one.
        if numFiles > 0 and not fe.multi_files:
            pathIn = files[-1]

        # Create the auxiliary command to create the actual file
        command = None
        if numFiles == 0:
            # No files availavle.
            command = "echo -e '' > %s" % pathOut
            if virtualFile == 'FEED_LOG':
                command = "tail -n +2 %s " % pathIn
                if fe.do_tac:
                    command = command + " | tac "
            # If we reverse the files before displaying
            elif fe.do_tac:
                command = "tac `ls -r %s` " % pathIn

            # Grep the lines we want
            if auxGrepString:
                if not command:
                    command = "cat `ls -r %s`" % pathIn
                command = command + " | grep -- %s" % commands.mkarg(

            # Maybe we need another grep
            if grepString:
                if not command:
                    command = "cat `ls -r %s`" % pathIn
                parsedGrepString = commands.mkarg(grepString)
                command = command + " | grep -i -F -- %s" % parsedGrepString

            # Maybe a cut as well
            if auxCutString:
                if not command:
                    command = "cat `ls -r %s`" % pathIn
                command = command + " | cut %s" % auxCutString

            if command:
                command = command + " > " + pathOut

            # execute the command  "file+operation > temp_filename"
            # if the command is null just use the path we have.
            if not command:
                return pathIn

        E.execute([machine], command, None, false)
        if tmpPath:
            E.rm([machine], tmpPath)

        return pathOut
Ejemplo n.º 2
  def makePhysicalFile(self, virtualFile, clientName, grepString, fileArg):
    Makes a physical file from a virtual one
    Creates a temp file with results from grep operation/cating of files
    Returns: [machine name], [file name]
    return null on error

    # Sanitize fileArg.
    fileArg = ''.join([x for x in fileArg
                       if x in string.ascii_letters + string.digits + '_-%'])

    # Translate from String to fileId
    if not virtualFile or not FILE_TABLE.has_key(virtualFile):
      return None

    # For each file that we can export we have to have an entry in the
    # global FILE_TABLE
    fe = FILE_TABLE[virtualFile]

    pathIn  = fe.getPathIn(self.cfg.globalParams,
                           clientName, fileArg, grepString)
    pathOut = fe.getPathOut(self.cfg.globalParams,
                            clientName, fileArg, grepString)
    auxGrepString = fe.aux_grep
    auxCutString = fe.aux_cut
    machine = E.getCrtHostName()

    tmpPath = None

    # Copy web log from GFS to the log directory if necessary.
    if virtualFile == 'WEB_LOG' and self.cfg.getGlobalParam('GFS_ALIASES') and \
        not os.path.exists(pathIn):
      ok = self.cfg.logmanager.CopyRawReportFromGfsToLocal(fileArg, clientName)
      if not ok or not os.path.exists(pathIn):
        logging.error('Failed on CopyRawReportFromGfsToLocal()')
        return None

    # Copy the feed log from GFS to the log directory if necessary.
    elif virtualFile == 'FEED_LOG' and self.cfg.getGlobalParam('GFS_ALIASES') and \
         not os.path.exists(pathIn):
      tmpPath = pathOut + "_fromGFS"
      (status, output) = E.run_fileutil_command(self.cfg.globalParams,
                             "cat %s > %s" % (pathIn, tmpPath), 5)
      if E.ERR_OK != status:
        logging.error("Failed to copy %s to %s" % (pathIn, tmpPath))
        return None
      pathIn = tmpPath

    # Count the files that we can get
    files = E.ls([machine], pathIn)
    if not files:
      numFiles = 0
      numFiles = len(files)

    # If we need only one file, and there are more than one, use the
    # last one.
    if numFiles > 0 and not fe.multi_files:
      pathIn = files[-1]

    # Create the auxiliary command to create the actual file
    command = None
    if numFiles == 0 :
      # No files availavle.
      command = "echo -e '' > %s" % pathOut;
      if virtualFile == 'FEED_LOG':
        command = "tail -n +2 %s " % pathIn
        if fe.do_tac:
          command = command + " | tac "
      # If we reverse the files before displaying
      elif fe.do_tac:
        command = "tac `ls -r %s` " % pathIn

      # Grep the lines we want
      if auxGrepString:
        if not command:
          command = "cat `ls -r %s`" % pathIn
        command = command + " | grep -- %s" % commands.mkarg(auxGrepString)

      # Maybe we need another grep
      if grepString:
        if not command:
          command = "cat `ls -r %s`" % pathIn
        parsedGrepString = commands.mkarg(grepString)
        command = command + " | grep -i -F -- %s" % parsedGrepString

      # Maybe a cut as well
      if auxCutString:
        if not command:
          command = "cat `ls -r %s`" % pathIn
        command = command + " | cut %s" % auxCutString

      if command:
        command = command + " > " + pathOut;

      # execute the command  "file+operation > temp_filename"
      # if the command is null just use the path we have.
      if not command:
        return pathIn

    E.execute([machine], command, None, false);
    if tmpPath:
      E.rm([machine], tmpPath)

    return pathOut