Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, lb, ub):
        Construct bounded volumes.

        :param lb: the lowerbounds of the volumes
        :param ub: the upperbounds of the volumes
        super(BoundedVolumes, self).__init__()
        assert np.all(lb.shape == lb.shape)
        self.lb = DataHolder(np.atleast_2d(lb), 'pass')
        self.ub = DataHolder(np.atleast_2d(ub), 'pass')
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, model, constraint):

            model: GPflow model (single output) representing our belief of the objective
            constraint: A function g, which describes the known constraint on the domain. Effectively allows us to
                        explore a domain with a different shape to a hyper-rectangle. Note, we wish to find the value of x
                        that maximises the unknown function f, subject to the known constraint g(x) > 0.

        super(ConstrainedExpectedImprovement, self).__init__(model)
        self.fmin = DataHolder(np.zeros(1))
        self.constraint = constraint
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def Y(self):
        Returns the output data of the wrapped model, unscaled.

        :return: :class:`.DataHolder`: unscaled output data
        return DataHolder(self.output_transform.backward(self.wrapped.Y.value))
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def X(self):
        Returns the input data of the model, unscaled.

        :return: :class:`.DataHolder`: unscaled input data
        return DataHolder(self.input_transform.backward(self.wrapped.X.value))
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def __init__(self, model, sigma=2.0):
     :param model: GPflow model (single output) representing our belief of the objective 
     :param sigma: See formula, the higher the more exploration
     super(LowerConfidenceBound, self).__init__(model)
     self.sigma = DataHolder(np.array(sigma))
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def __init__(self, X, Y, kern, Z, alpha, mean_function=Zero()):
        X is a data matrix, size N x D
        Y is a data matrix, size N x R
        Z is a matrix of pseudo inputs, size M x D
        kern, mean_function are appropriate gpflow objects

        This method only works with a Gaussian likelihood.
        X = DataHolder(X, on_shape_change='pass')
        Y = DataHolder(Y, on_shape_change='pass')
        likelihood = likelihoods.Gaussian()
        GPModel.__init__(self, X, Y, kern, likelihood, mean_function)
        self.Z = Param(Z)
        self.num_data = X.shape[0]
        self.num_latent = Y.shape[1]
        self.alpha = alpha
Ejemplo n.º 7
class ProbabilityOfImprovement(Acquisition):
    Probability of Improvement acquisition function for single-objective global optimization.
    Key reference:
            author = "Kushner, Harold J",
            journal = "Journal of Basic Engineering",
            number = "1",
            pages = "97--106",
            publisher = "American Society of Mechanical Engineers",
            title = "{A new method of locating the maximum point of an arbitrary multipeak curve in the presence of noise}",
            volume = "86",
            year = "1964"

    .. math::
       \\alpha(\\mathbf x_{\\star}) = \\int_{-\\infty}^{f_{\\min}} \\, p( f_{\\star}\\,|\\, \\mathbf x, \\mathbf y, \\mathbf x_{\\star} ) \\, d f_{\\star}
    def __init__(self, model):
        :param model: GPflow model (single output) representing our belief of the objective 
        super(ProbabilityOfImprovement, self).__init__(model)
        self.fmin = DataHolder(np.zeros(1))

    def _setup(self):
        super(ProbabilityOfImprovement, self)._setup()
        feasible_samples = self.data[0][
            self.highest_parent.feasible_data_index(), :]
        samples_mean, _ = self.models[0].predict_f(feasible_samples)
        self.fmin.set_data(np.min(samples_mean, axis=0))

    def build_acquisition(self, Xcand, **kwargs):
        candidate_mean, candidate_var = self._build_acquisition(
            Xcand, **kwargs)
        candidate_var = tf.maximum(candidate_var, stability)
        normal = tf.contrib.distributions.Normal(candidate_mean,
        return normal.cdf(self.fmin, name=self.__class__.__name__)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def __init__(self,

        assert X.shape[0] == Y.shape[0]
        assert Z.shape[1] == X.shape[1]
        assert kernels[0].input_dim == X.shape[1]

        self.num_data, D_X = X.shape
        self.num_samples = num_samples
        self.D_Y = num_latent_Y or Y.shape[1]

        self.dims = [k.input_dim for k in kernels] + [
        q_mus, q_sqrts, Zs, mean_functions = init_layers(
            X, Z, self.dims, mean_function)

        layers = []
        for q_mu, q_sqrt, Z, mean_function, kernel in zip(
                q_mus, q_sqrts, Zs, mean_functions, kernels):
            layers.append(Layer(kernel, q_mu, q_sqrt, Z, mean_function))
        self.layers = ParamList(layers)

        for layer in self.layers[:-1]:  # fix the inner layer mean functions
            layer.mean_function.fixed = True

        self.likelihood = likelihood

        if minibatch_size is not None:
            self.X = MinibatchData(X, minibatch_size)
            self.Y = MinibatchData(Y, minibatch_size)
            self.X = DataHolder(X)
            self.Y = DataHolder(Y)
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def __init__(self, models):
        :param models: A list of (possibly multioutput) GPflow representing our belief of the objectives.
        super(HVProbabilityOfImprovement, self).__init__(models)
        num_objectives = self.data[1].shape[1]
        assert num_objectives > 1

        # Keep empty for now - it is updated in _setup()
        self.pareto = Pareto(np.empty((0, num_objectives)))
        self.reference = DataHolder(np.ones((1, num_objectives)))
 def __init__(self, base_kern, branchPtTensor, b, fDebug=False):
     ''' branchPtTensor is tensor of branch points of size F X F X B where F the number of
     functions and B the number of branching points '''
     gpflow.kernels.Kern.__init__(self, input_dim=base_kern.input_dim + 1)
     self.kern = base_kern
     self.fm = branchPtTensor
     self.fDebug = fDebug
     assert isinstance(b, np.ndarray)
     assert self.fm.shape[0] == self.fm.shape[1]
     assert self.fm.shape[2] > 0
     self.Bv = DataHolder(b)
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def __init__(self, models):
        :param models: a list of (possibly multioutput) GPflow models representing
        our belief about the objectives.
        super(HVExpectedImprovement, self).__init__(models)
        num_objectives = self.data[1].shape[1]
        assert num_objectives > 1

        # Keep empty for now, will be updated in _setup()
        self.pareto = Pareto(np.empty((0, num_objectives)))
        self.reference = DataHolder(np.ones((1, num_objectives)))
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def __init__(self,
        X is a data matrix, size N x D
        Y is a data matrix, size N x R
        Z is a matrix of pseudo inputs, size M x D
        kern, mean_function are appropriate gpflow objects
        mu_old, Su_old are mean and covariance of old q(u)
        Z_old is the old inducing inputs
        This method only works with a Gaussian likelihood.
        X = DataHolder(X, on_shape_change='pass')
        Y = DataHolder(Y, on_shape_change='pass')
        likelihood = likelihoods.Gaussian()
        GPModel.__init__(self, X, Y, kern, likelihood, mean_function)
        self.Z = Param(Z)
        self.num_data = X.shape[0]
        self.num_latent = Y.shape[1]

        self.mu_old = DataHolder(mu_old, on_shape_change='pass')
        self.M_old = Z_old.shape[0]
        self.Su_old = DataHolder(Su_old, on_shape_change='pass')
        self.Kaa_old = DataHolder(Kaa_old, on_shape_change='pass')
        self.Z_old = DataHolder(Z_old, on_shape_change='pass')
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def __init__(self, A, b):
        :param A: scaling matrix. Either a P-dimensional vector, or a P x P transformation matrix. For the latter, 
            the inverse and backward methods are not guaranteed to work as A must be invertible.
            It is also possible to specify a matrix with size P x Q with Q != P to achieve 
            a lower dimensional representation of X.
            In this case, A is not invertible, hence inverse and backward transforms are not supported.
        :param b: A P-dimensional offset vector.
        super(LinearTransform, self).__init__()
        assert A is not None
        assert b is not None

        b = np.atleast_1d(b)
        A = np.atleast_1d(A)
        if len(A.shape) == 1:
            A = np.diag(A)

        assert (len(b.shape) == 1)
        assert (len(A.shape) == 2)

        self.A = DataHolder(A)
        self.b = DataHolder(b)
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def __init__(self,

        Model.__init__(self, name)

        total_shape = total_all_actions(prev_ind_list)

        Y = np.ones(total_shape)[:, None]
        self.Y = DataHolder(Y)

        # Introducing Paramlist to define kernels for latent GPs H
        self.kerns_list = ParamList(kerns_list)

        self.X_grid = DataHolder(X_grid[:, None])

        self.prev_ind_list = prev_ind_list
        self.cur_ind_list = cur_ind_list

        # define likelihood
        self.likelihood = gpflow.likelihoods.Bernoulli()
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def __init__(self, X_variational_mean, X_variational_var, t):
     :param X_variational_mean: initial latent variational distribution mean, size N (number of points) x Q (latent dimensions)
     :param X_variational_var: initial latent variational distribution std (N x Q)
     :param t: time stamps for the variational prior kernel, need to ba an np.narray. 
     super(GPTimeSeries, self).__init__(name='GPTimeSeries')
     self.X_variational_mean = Param(X_variational_mean)
     self.X_variational_var = Param(X_variational_var, transforms.positive)
     assert X_variational_var.ndim == 2, "the dimensionality of variational prior covariance needs to be 2."
     assert np.all(X_variational_mean.shape == X_variational_var.shape), "the shape of variational prior mean and variational prior covariance needs to be equal."
     self.num_latent = X_variational_mean.shape[1]
     self.num_data = X_variational_mean.shape[0]
     assert (isinstance(t, np.ndarray)), "time stamps need to be a numpy array."
     t = DataHolder(t)
     self.t = t
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def __init__(self, X, Y, kern, Z, mean_function=None, reg=False):

        # if regularization is true
        if reg:
            # introduce vector (ParamList) with the variances of every pitch kernel
            D = len(kern.kern_list)
            var_list = []
            for i in range(D):
            kern.var_vector = gpflow.param.ParamList(var_list)

        self.Z = DataHolder(Z, on_shape_change='pass')
        self.reg = reg
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def __init__(self, Y, threshold=0):
        Construct a Pareto set.

        Stores a Pareto set and calculates the cell bounds covering the non-dominated region.
        The latter is needed for certain multiobjective acquisition functions.
        E.g., the :class:`~.acquisition.HVProbabilityOfImprovement`.

        :param Y: output data points, size N x R
        :param threshold: approximation threshold for the generic divide and conquer strategy
            (default 0: exact calculation)
        super(Pareto, self).__init__()
        self.threshold = threshold
        self.Y = Y

        # Setup data structures
        self.bounds = BoundedVolumes.empty(Y.shape[1], np_int_type)
        self.front = DataHolder(np.zeros((0, Y.shape[1])), 'pass')

        # Initialize
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def __init__(self, X_variational_mean, X_variational_var, Y, kern, t, kern_t, M , Z=None):
        Initialization of Bayesian Gaussian Process Dynamics Model. This method only works with Gaussian likelihood.
        :param X_variational_mean: initial latent positions, size N (number of points) x Q (latent dimensions).
        :param X_variational_var: variance of latent positions (N x Q), for the initialisation of the latent space.
        :param Y: data matrix, size N (number of points) x D (dimensions).
        :param kern: kernel specification, by default RBF.
        :param t: time stamps.
        :param kern_t: dynamics kernel specification, by default RBF.
        :param M: number of inducing points.
        :param Z: matrix of inducing points, size M (inducing points) x Q (latent dimensions), By default
                  random permutation of X_mean.
        super(BayesianDGPLVM, self).__init__(name='BayesianDGPLVM')
        self.kern = kern
        assert len(X_variational_mean) == len(X_variational_var), 'must be same amount of time series'
        self.likelihood = likelihoods.Gaussian()

        # multiple sequences
        series = []
        for i in range(len(X_variational_mean)):
            series.append(GPTimeSeries(X_variational_mean[i], X_variational_var[i], t[i]))
        self.series = ParamList(series)

        # inducing points
        if Z is None:
            # By default we initialize by permutation of initial
            Z = np.random.permutation(np.concatenate(X_variational_mean, axis=0).copy())[:M]
            assert Z.shape[0] == M
        self.Z = Param(Z)

        self.kern_t = kern_t
        self.Y = DataHolder(Y)
        self.M = M
        self.n_s = 0
Ejemplo n.º 19
 def __init__(self, t, XExpanded, Y, kern, indices, b, phiPrior=None, phiInitial=None, fDebug=False, KConst=None):
     gpflow.model.GPModel.__init__(self, XExpanded, Y, kern,
     assert len(indices) == t.size, 'indices must be size N'
     assert len(t.shape) == 1, 'pseudotime should be 1D'
     self.N = t.shape[0]
     self.t = t.astype(np_float_type) # could be DataHolder? advantages
     self.indices = indices
     self.logPhi = gpflow.param.Param(np.random.randn(t.shape[0], t.shape[0] * 3))  # 1 branch point => 3 functions
     if(phiInitial is None):
         phiInitial = np.ones((self.N, 2))*0.5  # dont know anything
         phiInitial[:, 0] = np.random.rand(self.N)
         phiInitial[:, 1] = 1-phiInitial[:, 0]
     self.fDebug = fDebug
     # Used as p(Z) prior in KL term. This should add to 1 but will do so after UpdatePhPrior
     if(phiPrior is None):
         phiPrior = np.ones((self.N, 2)) * 0.5
     # Fix prior term - this is without trunk
     self.pZ = DataHolder(np.ones((t.shape[0], t.shape[0] * 3)))
     self.UpdateBranchingPoint(b, phiInitial, prior=phiPrior)
     self.KConst = KConst
     if(not fDebug):
         assert KConst is None, 'KConst only for debugging'
Ejemplo n.º 20
class MinValueEntropySearch(Acquisition):
        Max-value entropy search acquisition function for single-objective global optimization.
        Introduced by (Wang et al., 2017).

        Key reference:

              title = 	 {Max-value Entropy Search for Efficient {B}ayesian Optimization},
              author = 	 {Zi Wang and Stefanie Jegelka},
              booktitle = 	 {Proceedings of the 34th International Conference on Machine Learning},
              pages = 	 {3627--3635},
              year = 	 {2017},
              editor = 	 {Doina Precup and Yee Whye Teh},
              volume = 	 {70},
              series = 	 {Proceedings of Machine Learning Research},
              address = 	 {International Convention Centre, Sydney, Australia},
              month = 	 {06--11 Aug},
              publisher = 	 {PMLR},
    def __init__(self, model, domain, gridsize=10000, num_samples=10):
        assert isinstance(model, Model)
        super(MinValueEntropySearch, self).__init__(model)
        assert self.data[1].shape[1] == 1
        self.gridsize = gridsize
        self.num_samples = num_samples
        self.samples = DataHolder(np.zeros(num_samples, dtype=np_float_type))
        self._domain = domain

    def _setup(self):
        super(MinValueEntropySearch, self)._setup()

        # Apply Gumbel sampling
        m = self.models[0]
        valid = self.feasible_data_index()

        # Work with feasible data
        X = self.data[0][valid, :]
        N = np.shape(X)[0]
        Xrand = RandomDesign(self.gridsize, self._domain).generate()
        fmean, fvar = m.predict_f(np.vstack((X, Xrand)))
        idx = np.argmin(fmean[:N])
        right = fmean[idx].flatten()  # + 2*np.sqrt(fvar[idx]).flatten()
        left = right
        probf = lambda x: np.exp(
            np.sum(norm.logcdf(-(x - fmean) / np.sqrt(fvar)), axis=0))

        i = 0
        while probf(left) < 0.75:
            left = 2.**i * np.min(fmean - 5. * np.sqrt(fvar)) + (1. -
                                                                 2.**i) * right
            i += 1

        # Binary search for 3 percentiles
        q1, med, q2 = map(
            lambda val: bisect(lambda x: probf(x) - val,
                               xtol=0.01), [0.25, 0.5, 0.75])
        beta = (q1 - q2) / (np.log(np.log(4. / 3.)) - np.log(np.log(4.)))
        alpha = med + beta * np.log(np.log(2.))

        # obtain samples from y*
        mins = -np.log(
        ) * beta + alpha

    def build_acquisition(self, Xcand):
        fmean, fvar = self.models[0].build_predict(Xcand)
        norm = tf.contrib.distributions.Normal(
            tf.constant(0.0, dtype=float_type),
            tf.constant(1.0, dtype=float_type))
        gamma = (fmean - tf.expand_dims(self.samples, axis=0)) / tf.sqrt(fvar)

        return tf.reduce_sum(gamma * norm.prob(gamma) /
                             (2. * norm.cdf(gamma)) - norm.log_cdf(gamma),
                             keep_dims=True) / self.num_samples
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def __init__(self,
        Model.__init__(self, name)
        self.mean_function = mean_function or Zero()
        self.kernf = kernf
        self.kerng = kerng
        self.likelihood = likelihood
        self.whiten = False
        self.q_diag = True

        # save initial attributes for future plotting purpose
        Xtrain = DataHolder(X)
        Ytrain = DataHolder(Y)
        self.Xtrain, self.Ytrain = Xtrain, Ytrain

        # sort out the X, Y into MiniBatch objects.
        if minibatch_size is None:
            minibatch_size = X.shape[0]
        self.num_data = X.shape[0]
        self.num_latent = Y.shape[1]  # num_latent will be 1
        self.X = MinibatchData(X, minibatch_size, np.random.RandomState(0))
        self.Y = MinibatchData(Y, minibatch_size, np.random.RandomState(0))

        # Add variational paramters
        self.Zf = Param(Zf)
        self.Zg = Param(Zg)
        self.num_inducing_f = Zf.shape[0]
        self.num_inducing_g = Zg.shape[0]

        # init variational parameters
        self.u_fm = Param(
            np.random.randn(self.num_inducing_f, self.num_latent) * 0.01)
        self.u_gm = Param(
            np.random.randn(self.num_inducing_g, self.num_latent) * 0.01)

        if self.q_diag:
            self.u_fs_sqrt = Param(
                np.ones((self.num_inducing_f, self.num_latent)),
            self.u_gs_sqrt = Param(
                np.ones((self.num_inducing_g, self.num_latent)),
            u_fs_sqrt = np.array([
                np.eye(self.num_inducing_f) for _ in range(self.num_latent)
            ]).swapaxes(0, 2)
            self.u_fs_sqrt = Param(
                u_fs_sqrt, transforms.LowerTriangular(u_fs_sqrt.shape[2]))

            u_gs_sqrt = np.array([
                np.eye(self.num_inducing_g) for _ in range(self.num_latent)
            ]).swapaxes(0, 2)
            self.u_gs_sqrt = Param(
                u_gs_sqrt, transforms.LowerTriangular(u_gs_sqrt.shape[2]))
Ejemplo n.º 22
 def __init__(self, X, Y, kern, Z, mean_function=None):
     gpflow.sgpr.SGPR.__init__(self, X=X, Y=Y, kern=kern, Z=Z, mean_function=mean_function)
     self.Z = DataHolder(Z, on_shape_change='pass')
Ejemplo n.º 23
class LinearTransform(DataTransform):
    A simple linear transform of the form
    .. math::
       \\mathbf Y = (\\mathbf A \\mathbf X^{T})^{T} + \\mathbf b \\otimes \\mathbf 1_{N}^{T}

    def __init__(self, A, b):
        :param A: scaling matrix. Either a P-dimensional vector, or a P x P transformation matrix. For the latter, 
            the inverse and backward methods are not guaranteed to work as A must be invertible.
            It is also possible to specify a matrix with size P x Q with Q != P to achieve 
            a lower dimensional representation of X.
            In this case, A is not invertible, hence inverse and backward transforms are not supported.
        :param b: A P-dimensional offset vector.
        super(LinearTransform, self).__init__()
        assert A is not None
        assert b is not None

        b = np.atleast_1d(b)
        A = np.atleast_1d(A)
        if len(A.shape) == 1:
            A = np.diag(A)

        assert (len(b.shape) == 1)
        assert (len(A.shape) == 2)

        self.A = DataHolder(A)
        self.b = DataHolder(b)

    def build_forward(self, X):
        return tf.matmul(X, tf.transpose(self.A)) + self.b

    @AutoFlow((float_type, [None, None]))
    def backward(self, Y):
        Overwrites the default backward approach, to avoid an explicit matrix inversion.
        return self.build_backward(Y)

    def build_backward(self, Y):
        TensorFlow implementation of the inverse mapping
        L = tf.cholesky(tf.transpose(self.A))
        XT = tf.cholesky_solve(L, tf.transpose(Y - self.b))
        return tf.transpose(XT)

    def build_backward_variance(self, Yvar):
        Additional method for scaling variance backward (used in :class:`.Normalizer`). Can process both the diagonal
        variances returned by predict_f, as well as full covariance matrices.

        :param Yvar: size N x N x P or size N x P
        :return: Yvar scaled, same rank and size as input
        rank = tf.rank(Yvar)
        # Because TensorFlow evaluates both fn1 and fn2, the transpose can't be in the same line. If a full cov
        # matrix is provided fn1 turns it into a rank 4, then tries to transpose it as a rank 3.
        # Splitting it in two steps however works fine.
        Yvar = tf.cond(tf.equal(rank,
                                2), lambda: tf.matrix_diag(tf.transpose(Yvar)),
                       lambda: Yvar)
        Yvar = tf.cond(tf.equal(rank,
                                2), lambda: tf.transpose(Yvar, perm=[1, 2, 0]),
                       lambda: Yvar)

        N = tf.shape(Yvar)[0]
        D = tf.shape(Yvar)[2]
        L = tf.cholesky(tf.square(tf.transpose(self.A)))
        Yvar = tf.reshape(Yvar, [N * N, D])
        scaled_var = tf.reshape(
            tf.transpose(tf.cholesky_solve(L, tf.transpose(Yvar))), [N, N, D])
        return tf.cond(tf.equal(rank,
                                2), lambda: tf.reduce_sum(scaled_var, axis=1),
                       lambda: scaled_var)

    def assign(self, other):
        Assign the parameters of another :class:`LinearTransform`.

        Useful to avoid graph re-compilation.

        :param other: :class:`.LinearTransform` object
        assert other is not None
        assert isinstance(other, LinearTransform)

    def __invert__(self):
        A_inv = np.linalg.inv(self.A.value.T)
        return LinearTransform(A_inv, -np.dot(self.b.value, A_inv))
Ejemplo n.º 24
class ConstrainedExpectedImprovement(Acquisition):
    Constrained Expected Improvement acquisition function for single-objective global optimization.
    Introduced by (Mockus et al, 1975).

    Key reference:


            title={Efficient global optimization of expensive black-box functions},
            author={Jones, Donald R and Schonlau, Matthias and Welch, William J},
            journal={Journal of Global optimization},

    This acquisition function is the expectation of the improvement over the current best observation
    w.r.t. the predictive distribution. The definition is closely related to the :class:`.ProbabilityOfImprovement`,
    but adds a multiplication with the improvement w.r.t the current best observation to the integral.

    .. math::
       \\alpha(\\mathbf x_{\\star}) = \\int \\max(f_{\\min} - f_{\\star}, 0) \\, p( f_{\\star}\\,|\\, \\mathbf x, \\mathbf y, \\mathbf x_{\\star} ) \\, d f_{\\star}
    def __init__(self, model, constraint):

            model: GPflow model (single output) representing our belief of the objective
            constraint: A function g, which describes the known constraint on the domain. Effectively allows us to
                        explore a domain with a different shape to a hyper-rectangle. Note, we wish to find the value of x
                        that maximises the unknown function f, subject to the known constraint g(x) > 0.

        super(ConstrainedExpectedImprovement, self).__init__(model)
        self.fmin = DataHolder(np.zeros(1))
        self.constraint = constraint

    def _setup(self):
        super(ConstrainedExpectedImprovement, self)._setup()
        # Obtain the lowest posterior mean for the previous - feasible - evaluations
        feasible_samples = self.data[0][
            self.highest_parent.feasible_data_index(), :]
        samples_mean, _ = self.models[0].predict_f(feasible_samples)
        self.fmin.set_data(np.min(samples_mean, axis=0))

    def build_acquisition(self, Xcand):
        # Obtain predictive distributions for candidates
        candidate_mean, candidate_var = self.models[0].build_predict(Xcand)
        candidate_var = tf.maximum(candidate_var, stability)

        delta = self.constraint(Xcand)
        pof = heaviside(delta)

        # Compute EI
        normal = tf.contrib.distributions.Normal(candidate_mean,
        t1 = (self.fmin - candidate_mean) * normal.cdf(self.fmin)
        t2 = candidate_var * normal.prob(self.fmin)
        return pof * tf.add(t1, t2, name=self.__class__.__name__)