Ejemplo n.º 1
price_per_kbyte = 40  # in BTS
broadcast = False

if __name__ == '__main__':
    graphene = GrapheneAPI("localhost", 8092)
    obj = graphene.getObject("2.0.0")
    current_fees = obj["parameters"]["current_fees"]["parameters"]
    old_fees = obj["parameters"]["current_fees"]
    scale = obj["parameters"]["current_fees"]["scale"] / 1e4

    # General change of parameter
    changes = {}
    for f in current_fees:
        if ("price_per_kbyte" in f[1]) and (f[1]["price_per_kbyte"] is 20):
            print("Changing operation %s[%d]" % (getOperationNameForId(f[0]), f[0]))
            changes[getOperationNameForId(f[0])] = f[1].copy()
            changes[getOperationNameForId(f[0])]["price_per_kbyte"] = int(price_per_kbyte / scale * 1e5)

    # overwrite / set specific fees
    # changes["transfer"]["price_per_kbyte"]       = int(  20 / scale * 1e5)
    # changes["account_update"]["price_per_kbyte"] = int(   5 / scale * 1e5)

    print("=" * 80)
    tx = graphene.rpc.propose_fee_change(proposer, expiration, changes, broadcast)
    new_fees = tx["operations"][0][1]["proposed_ops"][0]["op"][1]["new_parameters"]["current_fees"]

    print(json.dumps(DeepDiff(old_fees, new_fees), indent=4))

    if not broadcast:
        print("=" * 80)
    wallet_port = 8092

if __name__ == '__main__':
    rpc = GrapheneAPI("localhost", 8092)
    obj = rpc.get_object("2.0.0")
    current_fees = obj["parameters"]["current_fees"]["parameters"]
    old_fees = obj["parameters"]["current_fees"]
    scale = obj["parameters"]["current_fees"]["scale"] / 1e4

    # General change of parameter
    changes = {}
    for f in current_fees:
        if ("price_per_kbyte" in f[1] and f[1]["price_per_kbyte"] != 0):
            print("Changing operation %s[%d]" %
                  (getOperationNameForId(f[0]), f[0]))
            changes[getOperationNameForId(f[0])] = f[1].copy()
            changes[getOperationNameForId(f[0])]["price_per_kbyte"] = int(
                price_per_kbyte / scale * 1e5)
        if ("fee" in f[1] and f[1]["fee"] != 0):
            print("Changing operation %s[%d]" %
                  (getOperationNameForId(f[0]), f[0]))
            changes[getOperationNameForId(f[0])] = f[1].copy()
            changes[getOperationNameForId(f[0])]["fee"] = int(
                everythin_flat_fee / scale * 1e5)

    # overwrite / set specific fees
    changes["transfer"]["price_per_kbyte"] = int(0)
    # changes["account_update"]["price_per_kbyte"] = int(   5 / scale * 1e5)

    print("=" * 80)
from grapheneexchange import GrapheneExchange
from graphenebase.transactions import getOperationNameForId
import json
import config

if __name__ == '__main__':
    dex   = GrapheneExchange(config, safe_mode=False)
    graphene = dex.rpc

    # Get current fees
    obj = graphene.get_object("2.0.0")[0]
    fees = obj["parameters"]["current_fees"]["parameters"]
    scale = int(obj["parameters"]["current_fees"]["scale"]) / 1e4
    core_asset = graphene.get_asset("1.3.0")

    # Get ticker/current price
    ticker = dex.returnTicker()[config.watch_markets[0]]
    core_exchange_rate = ticker["core_exchange_rate"]
    settlement_price = ticker["settlement_price"]

    fee_named = {}
    for f in fees:
        opName = getOperationNameForId(f[0])
        fee_named[opName] = {}
        # derive in USD
        for o in f[1]:
            fee_named[opName][o] = int(f[1][o]) / 10 ** core_asset["precision"] * scale / core_exchange_rate

    print(json.dumps(fee_named, indent=4))
Ejemplo n.º 4
        for op in prop_op :

            if op[0] == 31:

                fees = op[1]["new_parameters"]["current_fees"]["parameters"]
                scale = int(op[1]["new_parameters"]["current_fees"]["scale"]) / 1e4

                # Get ticker/current price
                ticker = dex.returnTicker()[config.watch_markets[0]]
                core_exchange_rate = ticker["core_exchange_rate"]
                settlement_price = ticker["settlement_price"]

                fee_named = {}
                for f in fees:
                    opName = getOperationNameForId(f[0])
                    fee_named[opName] = f[1].copy()
                    for o in f[1]:
                        if opName in config.native_fees :
                            if config.force_integer_core_fee :
                                fee_named[opName][o] = int(int(f[1][o]) / 10 ** core_asset["precision"]) * scale / core_exchange_rate
                                fee_named[opName][o] = int(f[1][o]) / 10 ** core_asset["precision"] * scale / core_exchange_rate

                            core_fee_ist = int(f[1][o]) / 10 ** core_asset["precision"] * scale
                            core_fee_soll = config.native_fees[opName][o] * core_exchange_rate / scale

                            if config.native_fees[opName][o] != 0.0:
                                scalingfactor = (config.native_fees[opName][o] / fee_named[opName][o]) if fee_named[opName][o] else 999
                                if math.fabs(1 - scalingfactor) > config.tolerance_percentage / 100:
                                    print("%23s price for %41s differs by %8.3fx (proposal: %9.4f USD (%12.4f BTS) / target: %9.4f USD (%12.1f BTS))" %
class Wallet():
    wallet_host           = "localhost"
    wallet_port           = 8092

if __name__ == '__main__':
    graphene = GrapheneClient(Wallet)
    obj = graphene.getObject("2.0.0")
    current_fees = obj["parameters"]["current_fees"]["parameters"]
    old_fees = obj["parameters"]["current_fees"]
    scale = obj["parameters"]["current_fees"]["scale"] / 1e4

    # General change of parameter
    changes = {}
    for f in current_fees :
        if ("price_per_kbyte" in f[1]) and (f[1]["price_per_kbyte"] is 20):
            print("Changing operation %s[%d]" % (getOperationNameForId(f[0]), f[0]))
            changes[getOperationNameForId(f[0])] = f[1].copy()
            changes[getOperationNameForId(f[0])]["price_per_kbyte"] = int(price_per_kbyte / scale * 1e5)

    # overwrite / set specific fees
    # changes["transfer"]["price_per_kbyte"]       = int(  20 / scale * 1e5)
    # changes["account_update"]["price_per_kbyte"] = int(   5 / scale * 1e5)

    print("=" * 80)
    tx = graphene.rpc.propose_fee_change(proposer, expiration, changes, broadcast)
    new_fees = tx["operations"][0][1]["proposed_ops"][0]["op"][1]["new_parameters"]["current_fees"]

    print(json.dumps(DeepDiff(old_fees, new_fees), indent=4))

    if not broadcast:
        print("=" * 80)