def create_injection_list(N_inj, srate, start_GPS, end_GPS, theta_range = [[10,100],[10,100],[-0.8,0.8],[-0.8,0.8],[40,400],[0.,np.pi],[0.,2*np.pi]], datafile = None):
	Creates a list of injections.
	Each injection is a dictionary with entries:
		"WF": a WF array plus of variable length
		"srate": a sampling rate for the WF
		"GPS": GPS time for the merger
		"theta": a 7 dimensional array holding params of the WF [m1,m2,s1,s2,d_L, iota, phi]
	if datafile is not None:
		data = np.squeeze(pd.read_csv(datafile, skiprows =3).to_numpy())
	g = gen.GW_generator(0)
	inj_list = []
	theta_range = np.array(theta_range)
	for i in range(N_inj):
		inj = {}
		theta = np.random.uniform(*theta_range.T,size = (7,))
		#theta = [35.,30.,0.,0., 440., 0., 1.] 
		t_min = np.random.uniform(-10,-6)
		t_grid = np.linspace(t_min, 1., int((1.-t_min)*srate))
		h_p, h_c = g.get_WF(theta, t_grid)
			#computing antenna patterns
		sky_loc = np.random.uniform(0.,np.pi,size = (3,))
		F_p, F_c = antenna_patterns(*sky_loc)
		h = h_p *F_p + h_c*F_c

		D_eff = theta[4]/np.sqrt(F_p**2 *( (1+np.cos(theta[5])**2) /2.)**2 + ( F_c*np.cos(theta[5]) )**2) #
			#computing SNR
			#FIXME: I have serious doubt that the SNR is computed correctly
			#FIXME: NUmbers look fine but I see a peak in the SNR without injection!! What the f**k?!?!?!
			#TODO: smooth WF switching on!!
			#for SNR you can check:
		if datafile is not None:
			h_time_series = pycbc.types.timeseries.TimeSeries(h.astype(np.float64), 1./srate)
			data_time_series = pycbc.types.timeseries.TimeSeries(data.astype(np.float64), 1./srate)
			#data_time_series[0:len(h_time_series)] += h_time_series
			data_time_series = TimeSeries.from_pycbc(data_time_series)
			data_time_series = data_time_series.highpass(15)
			psd = data_time_series.psd(len(h_time_series)/srate, 5).to_pycbc()
			data_time_series = data_time_series.to_pycbc()[len(data_time_series)-len(h_time_series)-2000:-2000]
			#data_time_series = pycbc.types.timeseries.TimeSeries(np.random.normal(0,1,len(data_time_series)).astype(np.float64), 1./srate)
			#h_time_series = pycbc.types.timeseries.TimeSeries(np.random.normal(0,1,len(h_time_series)).astype(np.float64), 1./srate)

			SNR_ts = pycbc.filter.matchedfilter.matched_filter(h_time_series/len(h_time_series), data_time_series, psd, low_frequency_cutoff=20., high_frequency_cutoff = 2048) #TD template should be divided by its length for FFT purposes! np.fft is weird and doesn't normalize stuff
			SNR_ts = SNR_ts[100:-100]
			SNR = np.max(np.abs(np.array(SNR_ts)))

			#print("Theta | Injection SNR: ", theta, SNR)
			SNR = None

		inj['theta'] = theta
		inj['skyloc'] = sky_loc
		inj['D_eff'] = D_eff
		inj['srate'] = srate
		inj['GPS'] = int(start_GPS)
		inj['time'] = np.random.uniform(.3, float(end_GPS-start_GPS))
		inj['WF'] = h
		inj['SNR'] = SNR 
	return inj_list
Ejemplo n.º 2

# At this point we are ready to calculate the SNR, so we import the
# :func:`pycbc.filter.matched_filter
# <pycbc.filter.matchedfilter.matched_filter>` method, and pass it
# our template, the data, and the PSD:

from pycbc.filter import matched_filter
snr = matched_filter(hp,
snrts = TimeSeries.from_pycbc(snr).abs()

# .. note::
#    Here we have used the :meth:`~TimeSeries.to_pycbc` methods of the
#    `~gwpy.timeseries.TimeSeries` and `~gwpy.frequencyseries.FrequencySeries`
#    objects to convert from GWpy objects to something that PyCBC functions
#    can understand, and then used the :meth:`~TimeSeries.from_pycbc` method
#    to convert back to a GWpy object.

# We can plot the SNR `TimeSeries` around the region of interest:
plot = snrts.plot()
ax = plot.gca()
ax.set_xlim(1126259461, 1126259463)
ax.set_ylabel('Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)')
Ejemplo n.º 3
# template `~pycbc.types.frequencyseries.FrequencySeries`:

from pycbc.waveform import get_fd_waveform
hp, _ = get_fd_waveform(approximant="IMRPhenomD", mass1=40, mass2=32,
                        f_lower=20, f_final=2048, delta_f=psd.df.value)

# At this point we are ready to calculate the SNR, so we import the
# :func:`~pycbc.filter.matched_filter` method, and pass it our template,
# the data, and the PSD, using the :meth:`~TimeSeries.to_pycbc` methods of
# the `TimeSeries` and `~gwpy.frequencyseries.FrequencySeries` objects:

import numpy
from pycbc.filter import matched_filter
snr = matched_filter(hp, zoom.to_pycbc(), psd=psd.to_pycbc(),
snrts = TimeSeries.from_pycbc(snr).abs()

# We can plot the SNR `TimeSeries` around the region of interest:
plot = snrts.plot()
ax = plot.gca()
ax.set_xlim(1126259461, 1126259463)
ax.set_ylabel('Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)')
ax.set_title('LIGO-Hanford signal-correlation for GW150914')

# We can clearly see a large spike (above 17!) at the time of the GW150914
# signal!
# This is, in principle, how the full, blind, CBC search is performed, using
# all of the available data, and a bank of tens of thousand of signal models.