Ejemplo n.º 1
def encode_test7():
    data = bitarray('0' * 4084)
    actual = hamming.encode(data)
    expected = bitarray('0' * 4098)  # 12 + 1 parity bits added
    return (0, "") if actual == expected else (
        1, "encode_test7 FAILED! Expected: {0}, Actual: {1}\n".format(
            expected, actual))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def encode_test8():
    data = bitarray('0100')
    actual = hamming.encode(data)
    expected = bitarray('11001100')
    return (0, "") if actual == expected else (
        1, "encode_test8 FAILED! Expected: {0}, Actual: {1}\n".format(
            expected, actual))
Ejemplo n.º 3
def encode_test6():
    data = bitarray('1')
    actual = hamming.encode(data)
    expected = bitarray('1111')  # 2 + 1 parity bits added
    return (0, "") if actual == expected else (
        1, "encode_test6 FAILED! Expected: {0}, Actual: {1}\n".format(
            expected, actual))
Ejemplo n.º 4
def encode_test4():
    data = bitarray('0' * 17)  # 17 zeros -> need 5 + 1 parity bits, all zero
    actual = hamming.encode(data)
    expected = bitarray('0' * 23)  # 6 parity bits added, all zero
    return (0, "") if actual == expected else (
        1, "encode_test4 FAILED! Expected: {0}, Actual: {1}\n".format(
            expected, actual))
Ejemplo n.º 5
def encode_test3():
    data = bitarray('0011')
    actual = hamming.encode(data)
    expected = bitarray('11000011')  # p1 = 1, p2 = 0, p4 = 0, overall = 1
    return (0, "") if actual == expected else (
        1, "encode_test3 FAILED! Expected: {0}, Actual: {1}\n".format(
            expected, actual))
Ejemplo n.º 6
def draw(string, dpi, file_name):
    binary_str = hamming.encode(hamming.str_to_bin(string))
    mm = dpi / 25.4
    s = int(2*mm)
    c_width = int(210*mm)
    c_height = int(297*mm)
    m = int(round(sp.sqrt(len(binary_str)) / 4 + 1) * 3)
    n = int(round(len(binary_str) / m / 4 + 1) * 4)

    m_left = int(round((c_width - m * s) / 2))
    m_top = int(round((c_height - n * s) / 2))

    A = sp.array(list(binary_str))
    B = mix.on(A, n, m)

    img = Image.new("L", (c_width, c_height))
    d = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
    d.rectangle([(0, 0), img.size], fill=255)
    d.rectangle([(int(m_left/4), int(m_top/4)), (int(m_left/4)+10*mm, int(m_top/4)+10*mm)], fill=0)
    w = 1
    d.line([(m_left, m_top), (m_left+s*m, m_top)], fill=0, width=w)
    d.line([(m_left, m_top), (m_left, m_top+s*n)], fill=0, width=w)
    d.line([(m_left+s*m, m_top), (m_left+s*m, m_top+s*n)], fill=0, width=w)
    d.line([(m_left, m_top+s*n), (m_left+s*m, m_top+s*n)], fill=0, width=w)
    draw_matrix(img, B, m_left, m_top, s, mm)
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def toBits(self, encodeData=True):
   bits = []
   for k in self.spytf:
     bits += k.toBits()
   if encodeData:
     return encode(bits)
     return bits
Ejemplo n.º 8
def hamming_message(msg, with_error=True):
    bitarray_msg = bitarray()
    original_msg = bitarray_msg

    # Add parity bits for hamming
    bitarray_msg = encode(bitarray_msg)
    result_msg, real_msg = to_bitarray(bitarray_msg, with_error)

    return result_msg, original_msg, real_msg
Ejemplo n.º 9
def zakoduj(
):  #input jako string 0 i 1, funkcja koduje i przygotowuje dane wyjsciowe do przejscia przez kanal
    binar_input = str_to_bin(input)
    encodedd_data = encode(binar_input)
    cos = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(encodedd_data.tolist(
    )))  #cos to lista 0 i 1 po zakodowania gotowa od przejscia przez kanał
    return cos  #zwraca liste np. [0,1,0,1,1] gotowa do przejscia przez kanal
Ejemplo n.º 10
def encode_test5():
    # (overall: 1) (p1: 1) (p2: 1) 0 (p4: 1) 110 (p8: 0) 0100011 (p16: 0) 011110110110100 (p32: 1) 101110011000110110111101101101
    data = bitarray('01100100011011110110110100101110011000110110111101101101'
                    )  # 'dom.com' in ASCII binary
    actual = hamming.encode(data)
    expected = bitarray(
    )  # 6 + 1 parity bits added
    return (0, "") if actual == expected else (
        1, "encode_test5 FAILED! Expected: {0}, Actual: {1}\n".format(
            expected, actual))
Ejemplo n.º 11
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from blur import blur, randomize
from hamming import str_to_bin, bin_to_str, encode, decode, syndrome, correct
from stego import insert, extract
import matplotlib.image as mpimg

# encode our original message using hamming(8,4)
original_message = raw_input("Enter Message to Send: ") 
original_message_bin = str_to_bin(original_message)
msg_len = len(original_message)

encoded_message = encode(original_message_bin)

# open up the image we want to use and get it ready to put data in
img = Image.open("image.bmp")
img = np.asarray(img)
image = mpimg.imread("image.bmp")
plt.title("Original Image")
# insert our message into the image, then blur the image to simulate
# compression/transmission/general data loss
img_with_message = insert(img, encoded_message)

print("Hiding Data in Image")
im = Image.fromarray(img_with_message)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def main(noiseRatio):
    packets = open('../data/packets.txt', 'r')

    crcTransmissions = 0
    crcRetransmissions = 0
    crcUndetectedErrors = 0

    hammingTransmissions = 0
    hammingRetransmissions = 0
    hammingCorrections = 0
    hammingUndetectedErrors = 0

    for packet in packets:
        packet = packet[:len(packet)-1]        # Remove the return carriage

        # CRC
        success = False
        crcEncodedPacket = crc.encode(packet)

        while not success:                           # Continue until the packet is accurately received
            crcNoisePacket = noise.gaussian(crcEncodedPacket, noiseRatio)

            crcTransmissions += 1
            success = True
            if crc.decode(crcNoisePacket) == False:       # If error(s) exist
                crcRetransmissions += 1
                success = False
            elif crcEncodedPacket != crcNoisePacket:      # Error occured and CRC didn't catch it
                crcUndetectedErrors += 1

        # HAMMING
        success = False
        hammingEncodedPacket = hamming.encode(packet)

        while not success:                           # Continue until the packet is accurately received
            hammingNoisePacket = noise.gaussian(hammingEncodedPacket, noiseRatio)

            hammingTransmissions += 1
            success = True

            decodedHammingPacket = hamming.decode(hammingNoisePacket)
            if not decodedHammingPacket:                        # Hamming decode failed - too many bit flips
                hammingRetransmissions += 1
                success = False
            elif hammingNoisePacket != hammingEncodedPacket:    # If a bit(s) was flipped & the result came back as true
                hammingCorrections += 1

    print "\n"

    print "NOISE RATIO: %s\n" % noiseRatio

    print "CRC ANALYSIS:"
    print "\tTransmissions: "+str(crcTransmissions)
    retransmissionRate = round(float(crcRetransmissions)/float(crcTransmissions)*100, 2)
    print "\tRetransmissions: "+str(crcRetransmissions)+" ~ "+str(retransmissionRate)+"%"
    print "\tUndetected Errors: "+str(crcUndetectedErrors)
    print "\n"

    print "\tTransmissions: "+str(hammingTransmissions)
    retransmissionRate = round(float(hammingRetransmissions)/float(hammingTransmissions)*100, 2)

    print "\tRetransmissions: "+str(hammingRetransmissions)+" ~ "+str(retransmissionRate)+"%"
    print "\tCorrected Packets: "+str(hammingCorrections)
    print "\tUndetected Errors: "+str(hammingUndetectedErrors)

    print "\n"

    # Write data to file
    with open("../data/crcOut.txt",'a') as fout:
        fout.write("(%s,%s)"%(noiseRatio,round(float(crcRetransmissions)/float(crcTransmissions)*100, 2)))
    with open("../data/hammingOut.txt",'a') as fout:
        fout.write("(%s,%s)"%(noiseRatio,round(float(hammingRetransmissions)/float(hammingTransmissions)*100, 2)))
Ejemplo n.º 13
    ber_list = []
    sum1, sum2, sum3, sum4, sum5, sum6 = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
    for i in range(10):
        lst = generate_bits(1000000)
        coded_lst = code_triple(lst)
        output = gilbert(coded_lst, *parameter_list)
        decoded_lst = decode_triple(output)

        #ber_list.append(ber_triple(lst, decoded_lst))
        sum1 += ber_triple(lst, decoded_lst)
        #plt.plot(ber_list, [3], label='Kodowanie potrojeniowe', marker='o')

        # ========================================================================

        ber_list = []
        hamming_encoded = hamming.encode(lst)
        output_hamming = gilbert(hamming_encoded, *parameter_list)
        hamming_decoded = hamming.decode(output_hamming)
        #ber_list.append(ber_triple(lst, hamming_decoded))
        sum2 += ber_triple(lst, hamming_decoded)
        #plt.plot(ber_list, [2], label='Kodowanie Hamminga(8, 4)', marker='o')

        # ========================================================================

        packet_size = 1007
        t = 10
        redundancy = 1120 / 1007

        ber_list = []
        chunks = [
            lst[x:x + packet_size] for x in range(0, len(lst), packet_size)
Ejemplo n.º 14
from hamming import encode,decode
from bitarray import bitarray
data = bitarray('1111')
data_with_parity = encode(data)
data_with_parity[3] = not data_with_parity
data_with_parity[4] = not data_with_parity
Ejemplo n.º 15
        # Message
        msm = msm_org

        # verification
        msm_bit = bitarray.bitarray()

        # original bits
        original_msm = bitarray.bitarray()

        # Hamming Code
        if hamming_bool:

            msm_bit_encoded = encode(msm_bit.to01())


        # Noise
        noise_bit_cnt = 0
        if noise:
            probabilidad = 1/100                         # estimated errors every x bits
            bitchange = lambda x: 1 if x == 0 else 0    # change a single bit

            for i in range(len(msm_bit)):

                toss = random.uniform(0, 1)
                if toss < probabilidad:
                    noise_bit_cnt += 1
        print "CRC RT B\r"
        print "\tNumTrans:\t" + str(numTrans)
        print "\tNumRT:\t" + str(numRT)
        print "\tCorrections:\t" + str(corrections)
        print "\tBadReads:\t" + str(badReads)

        numTrans = 0
        numRT = 0
        badReads = 0
        corrections = 0

        # Hamming - Gaussian
        with open('../data/packets.txt', 'r') as fin:
            for packet in fin:
                packet = packet.strip()
                hammingEncodedPacket = hamming.encode(packet)
                success = False
                while not success:
                    hammingNoisePacket = noise.gaussian(hammingEncodedPacket, noiseRatio)
                    numTrans += 1
                    hammingDecodedPacket = hamming.decode(hammingNoisePacket)
                    if hammingEncodedPacket == hammingNoisePacket:  # No interference
                        success = True
                    elif hammingDecodedPacket == packet:  # Correction was good
                        success = True
                        corrections += 1
                    elif hammingDecodedPacket == False:  # Could not correct
                        numRT += 1
                    else:  # Bad correction
                        badReads += 1
                        success = True
Ejemplo n.º 17
# To change the probability of error change this value

# With the input we will add 0's the end to ensure we have groups of 4.
a = list(input("Enter a bit string: "))
a = [int(j) for j in a]
a = split(a, 4)

print(f"Original Message:           {[j for sub in a for j in sub]}")

# Encode the messages
encoded_msg = []
for j in range(len(a)):
    encoded_msg += hamming.encode(a[j])

# Simulate error
err_msg = sim_error(encoded_msg, p_err=prob_err)

print(f"Encoded Message:            {encoded_msg}\n")
print(f"Encoded Message with error: {err_msg}")
print(f"The Error:                  {[j ^ k for j, k in zip(encoded_msg, err_msg)]}\n")

# Decode
err_msg_chuncked = split(err_msg, 7)
decoded_msg = []
for j in range(len(err_msg_chuncked)):
    decoded_msg += hamming.decode(err_msg_chuncked[j])

print(f"Decoded Message:            {decoded_msg}")