Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_add_key():
    1.Adding a key/value to your hashtable results in the value being in the data structure
    ht = HashTable(1024)
    ht.add('one', 1)
    assert ht.contains('one') == True
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_hashtable():
    1. Adding a key/value to your hashtable results in the value being in the data structure
    2. Retrieving based on a key returns the value stored
    3. Successfully returns null for a key that does not exist in the hashtable
    4. Successfully handle a collision within the hashtable
    5. Successfully retrieve a value from a bucket within the hashtable that has a collision
    6. Successfully hash a key to an in-range value

    hashtable = HashTable()

    hashtable.add('reema', 5)

    assert hashtable.contains('reema')

    assert hashtable.get('reema') == 5

    assert hashtable.get('nokey') == None

    hashtable.add('collision', 4)

    assert hashtable.contains('collision')

    assert hashtable.get('collision') == 4

    assert hashtable.hash('key')
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_get():
    2.Retrieving based on a key returns the value stored
    3.Successfully returns null for a key that does not exist in the hashtable
    ht = HashTable(1024)
    ht.add('five', 5)
    assert ht.get('five') == 5
    assert ht.get('tiger') == None
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_hash():
    6.Successfully hash a key to an in-range value

    ht = HashTable(1024)
    ht.add('four', 4)
    assert ht.contains('four') == True
    assert ht.contains('whale') == False
def test_add_collision():
    hashtable = HashTable()
    bucket_number_1 = hashtable.add('test_key', 'test_value')
    bucket_number_2 = hashtable.add('tset_key', 'tset_value')
    bucket_number_3 = hashtable.add('tste_key', 'tste_value')

    assert bucket_number_1 == bucket_number_2 == bucket_number_3
    assert hashtable._buckets[bucket_number_1].head.val[1] == 'test_value'
    assert hashtable._buckets[bucket_number_1].head.next.val[1] == 'tset_value'
    assert hashtable._buckets[bucket_number_1].head.next.next.val[
        1] == 'tste_value'
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_add_multiple_collision():
    4.Successfully handle a collision within the hashtable
    5.Successfully retrieve a value from a bucket within the hashtable that has a collision
    6.Successfully retrieve a value from a bucket within the hashtable that has a collision
    ht = HashTable(1024)
    ht.add('one', 1)
    ht.add('two', 2)
    ht.add('two', 3)
    assert ht.contains('one') == True
    assert ht.contains('two') == True
    assert ht.get('two') == 2
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_add_multiple_hash_pass():
    hashtable = HashTable()
    hashtable.add('hadi', 45)
    hashtable.add('ahmad', 33)
    hashtable.add('moe', 11)
    actual = hashtable.get('moe')
    expected = 11
    assert actual == expected
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_contains_pass_with_collsion():
    hashtable = HashTable()
    hashtable.add('hadi', 40)
    hashtable.add('ahmad', 33)
    hashtable.add('moe', 11)
    expected = hashtable.contains('ahmad')
    actual = True
    assert actual == expected
    def find_repeated_words(self, string_input):

            string_input ([type]): [description]

            [string]: [either the repeated string, or the entire unique string]

        hashtable = HashTable(size=1024)
        string_input = string_input.lower().split()

        for word in string_input:
            # tried to use regex here... it didn't work so well, maybe come back to this!
            word = word.strip(str(string.punctuation))
            if hashtable.contains(word):
                return word
                hashtable.add(word, word)

        return f'String is Unique {string_input}'
Ejemplo n.º 10
def test_func():
    with open('Lorem_ipsum.txt', 'r') as fp:
        words = fp.read().split(' ')

    start = time.time()
    ht = HashTable(100)
    word_count = 0
    for word in words:
        ht.add(str(word_count) + word, word_count)
        word_count += 1
    end = time.time()
    print("HashTable(100) add time:%f\n" % (end - start))

    start = time.time()
    ht1 = HashTable(1000)
    word_count = 0
    for word in words:
        ht1.add(str(word_count) + word, word_count)
        word_count += 1
    end = time.time()
    print("HashTable(1000) add time:%f\n" % (end - start))

    start = time.time()
    ht2 = HashTable(150000)
    word_count = 0
    for word in words:
        ht2.add(str(word_count) + word, word_count)
        word_count += 1
    end = time.time()
    print("HashTable(150000) add time:%f\n" % (end - start))

    start = time.time()
    for item in ht2:
    end = time.time()
    print("remove entry cost time:%f\n" % (end - start))
Ejemplo n.º 11
def test_get():
    hashtable = HashTable()
    hashtable.add('glisten', 'glitter')
    expected = 'glitter'
    actual = hashtable.get('glisten')
    assert actual == expected
def test_contains_fail():
    hashtable = HashTable()
    hashtable.add('test_key', 'test_value')
    assert hashtable.contains('not_test_key') == False
Ejemplo n.º 13
def test_contains_and_add():
    hashtable = HashTable()
    hashtable.add('glisten', 'glitter')
    expected = True
    actual = hashtable.contains('glisten')
    assert actual == expected
Ejemplo n.º 14
def hash_table(size):
    h_table = HashTable(size)
    h_table.add("Name", "Leonardo")
    h_table.add("Ninja", "true")
    h_table.add("Species", "turtle")
    return h_table
def test_contains_pass():
    hashtable = HashTable()
    hashtable.add('test_key', 'test_value')
    assert hashtable.contains('test_key') == True
def test_single_hash_pass():
    hashtable = HashTable()
    hashtable.add('roger', 45)
    actual = hashtable.get('roger')
    expected = 45
    assert actual == expected
def test_single_hash_fail():
    hashtable = HashTable()
    hashtable.add('roger', 45)
    actual = hashtable.get('roger')
    expected = 44
    assert actual != expected
def test_get():
    ht = HashTable()
    ht.add('milk', 'coookies')
    actual = ht.get('milk')
    expected = 'coookies'
    assert actual == expected
def test_add():
    ht = HashTable()
    ht.add('milk', 'cookies')
    actual = ht.contains('milk')
    expected = True
    assert actual == expected
Ejemplo n.º 20
def test_single_hash_fail():
    hashtable = HashTable()
    hashtable.add('hadi', 40)
    actual = hashtable.get('hadi')
    expected = 45
    assert actual != expected
Ejemplo n.º 21
class TestHashTable(TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.hash_table = HashTable()

    def test_attributes(self):
        self.assertEqual(4, len(self.hash_table.keys))
        self.assertEqual(4, len(self.hash_table.values))
        self.assertEqual(4, self.hash_table.max_capacity)

    def test_add_with_available_space(self):
        self.hash_table.add("test_key_1", "test_value_1")
        self.assertEqual(1, self.hash_table.actual_length)
        self.assertEqual(4, self.hash_table.max_capacity)
        self.assertEqual("test_value_1", self.hash_table["test_key_1"])

    def test_add_with_no_available_space__expect_to_resize(self):
        for number in range(1, self.hash_table.max_capacity + 1):
            self.hash_table.add(f'test_key_{number}', f'test_value_{number}')

        self.assertEqual(4, self.hash_table.actual_length)
        self.assertEqual(4, self.hash_table.max_capacity)

        # Here we overload the dict and it should resize
        self.hash_table.add(f'test_key_5', f'test_value_5')
        self.assertEqual(5, self.hash_table.actual_length)
        self.assertEqual(8, self.hash_table.max_capacity)
        self.assertIn('test_key_5', self.hash_table.keys)

    def test_value_is_replaced_when_key_exist(self):
        self.hash_table.add('test_key', 'test_value')
        self.assertEqual('test_value', self.hash_table['test_key'])
        self.hash_table['test_key'] = 'new_value'
        self.assertEqual('new_value', self.hash_table['test_key'])

    def test_get_with_existing_key(self):
        self.hash_table.add('test_key', 'test_value')
        self.assertEqual('test_value', self.hash_table.get('test_key'))

    def test_get_with_not_existing_key(self):
        self.hash_table.add("test_key", "test_value")
        self.assertIsNone(self.hash_table.get("not existing"))

    def test_get_with_not_existing_key_with_default_value(self):
        self.hash_table.add("test_key", "value")
                         self.hash_table.get("not existing", "DEFAULT"))

    def test_representation(self):
        self.hash_table.add("test_key", "test_value")
        self.assertEqual('{test_key: test_value}', str(self.hash_table))

    def test_collision_set_next_available_index(self):
        self.hash_table["name"] = "Peter"
        self.assertEqual(1, self.hash_table.keys.index("name"))
        # collision with index 1
        self.hash_table["age"] = 25
        self.assertEqual(2, self.hash_table.keys.index("age"))

    def test_collision_set_next_available_index_at_0(self):
        self.hash_table["name"] = "Peter"
        self.assertEqual(1, self.hash_table.keys.index("name"))
        # collision with index 1
        self.hash_table["age"] = 25
        self.assertEqual(2, self.hash_table.keys.index("age"))
        self.hash_table["work"] = "Some title"
        self.assertEqual(3, self.hash_table.keys.index("work"))

        # Go back to index 0 because no other available
        self.hash_table["eyes color"] = "blue"
        self.assertEqual(0, self.hash_table.keys.index("eyes color"))
Ejemplo n.º 22
def test_contains_pass_true():
    hashtable = HashTable()
    hashtable.add('hadi', 40)
    expected = hashtable.contains('hadi')
    actual = True
    assert actual == expected
Ejemplo n.º 23
def test_contains_pass_false():
    hashtable = HashTable()
    hashtable.add('hadi', 40)
    expected = hashtable.contains('Daniel')
    actual = False
    assert actual == expected
Ejemplo n.º 24
def test_contains_fail():
    hashtable = HashTable()
    hashtable.add('hadi', 40)
    expected = hashtable.contains('Daniel')
    actual = True
    assert actual != expected