Ejemplo n.º 1
def healpy_rejection_sampler_OLD(m, n):
    Special version of the generic rejection sampler. Here we sample map
    indices uniformly across the map (range [0, pi]x[0, 2*pi]) and check if
    the rejection criterium is fullfilled at that point.
    We can sample indices uniformly because healpixel areas are are equal
    across the sphere.

    Rejection algorithm: For each point draw a uniform rand number and reject
    the point if the value of the pdf is smaller. Else accept it and repeat
    until the n points are sampled.

    Returns n map indices drawn from the map transformed to a pdf.
    The resolution is the same as the input map which is sampled from.
    if hp.maptype(m) != 0:
        raise ValueError(
            "Given map is no healpy map (-1) or a series of maps (>0) : " +

    # Get map parameter
    NPIX = hp.get_map_size(m)
    # Make sure the map is in pdf form, which is all positive and area = 1
    m = norm_healpy_map(m)
    # Get the pdf maximium to set the sampling bounding box
    fmax = np.amax(m)

    def pdf(ind):
        """Simple wrapper to consistently use the name pdf.
        Returns the mapvals at given indices"""
        return m[ind]

    # Create list to store the sampled events
    sample = []
    # Rejection sampling loop
    nstart = n
    efficiency = 0
    while n > 0:
        # Count trials for efficinecy, has nothing to do with the sampling
        efficiency += n

        # Only choose integer map indices randomly as we operate on discrete
        # maps
        r1 = np.random.randint(0, NPIX, size=n)
        # Create n uniform distributed rand numbers between 0 and the maximum
        # of the function
        r2 = fmax * np.random.uniform(0, 1, n)
        # Calculate the pdf value pdf(r1) and compare to r2
        # --> If r2 is below or equal func(r1) accept the event, else reject it
        accepted = (r2 <= pdf(r1))
        # --> Where func(r2) is near the box boundary of fmax the efficiency is
        #     good, else it gets worse. Append only accepted random numbers
        sample += r1[accepted].tolist()
        # Redo with n = events that are missing until n = 0 and all n requested
        # events are generated
        n = np.sum(~accepted)
    # eff first counts how many events where drawn from the pdf and is then the
    # fraction of the actual desired events n by the generetaded events.
    efficiency = nstart / float(efficiency)
    return np.array(sample), efficiency
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def _setup(self):
     # Generate mapping from pix <-> angles
     self._n_pix = hp.get_map_size(self.gsm.generated_map_data)
     self._n_side = hp.npix2nside(self._n_pix)
     self._theta, self._phi = hp.pix2ang(self._n_side,
Ejemplo n.º 3
def supmaps(maps, supmapiso=None):
    r"""Sum an ensemble of maps.

	maps : float, array_like
		A map or a list/array of maps.
	supmapiso : float, ndarray, optional
		A map limited in :math:`\theta`, used to account for the pixel weights
		on map edges. Default: *None*.

	supmap : float, ndarray
		A 1-D array resultant of the sum of the elements in `maps`. If `supmapiso`
		is given, weights are assigned to the pixels on the edges of `supmap`.


    if maps[0].ndim == 0:
        maps = np.reshape(maps, (1, len(maps)))

    npix = hp.get_map_size(maps[0])

    supmap = np.sum(maps, axis=0)
    supmap *= npix / np.sum(supmap)

    if np.any(supmapiso):
        pixs = np.nonzero(supmapiso)
        supmap[pixs] /= supmapiso[pixs]
        supmap *= npix / np.sum(supmap)

    return supmap
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def _get_a_map(self,field=0):
   print "Loading healpix map field="+str(field)+"."
   h = hp.read_map(path.join(self.dir,self.fname),field)
   if self.nside != []:
     if (hp.get_map_size(h) > hp.nside2npix(self.nside)):
       print "Downgrading."
       h = hp.ud_grade(h,nside_out=self.nside)
   print "Scaling from K_CMB to uK_CMB."
   h = h * self.cal
   return h
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def kSZ_map(self, data_name):
     self._map_ksz = hp.read_map(self.data_path + data_name,
     #print np.min(np.abs(self._map_ksz))
     #self._map_ksz[np.abs(self._map_ksz) < 1.00408215076e-2] = hp.UNSEEN
     #self._map_ksz = hp.ma(self._map_ksz)
     self._nside = hp.get_nside(self._map_ksz)
     self._npix = hp.get_map_size(self._map_ksz)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def _setup(self):
        self._freq = 100
        self._time = Time(self.date.datetime())
        # Generate mapping from pix <-> angles
        self._n_pix = hp.get_map_size(self.gsm.generated_map_data)
        self._n_side = hp.npix2nside(self._n_pix)
        self._theta, self._phi = hp.pix2ang(self._n_side,

        self._pix0 = None
        self._mask = None
        self._observed_ra = None
        self._observed_dec = None
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def __init__(self):
        """ Initialize the Observer object.

        Calls ephem.Observer.__init__ function and adds on gsm
        super(GSMObserver, self).__init__()
        self.gsm = GlobalSkyModel()
        self.observed_sky = None

        # Generate mapping from pix <-> angles
        self._n_pix  = hp.get_map_size(self.gsm.generated_map_data)
        self._n_side = hp.npix2nside(self._n_pix)
        self._theta, self._phi = hp.pix2ang(self._n_side, np.arange(self._n_pix))
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def __init__(self):
        """ Initialize the Observer object.

        Calls ephem.Observer.__init__ function and adds on gsm
        super(GSMObserver2016, self).__init__()
        self.gsm = GlobalSkyModel2016(freq_unit='MHz')
        self.observed_sky = None

        # Generate mapping from pix <-> angles
        self._n_pix  = hp.get_map_size(self.gsm.generated_map_data)
        self._n_side = hp.npix2nside(self._n_pix)
        self._theta, self._phi = hp.pix2ang(self._n_side, np.arange(self._n_pix))
Ejemplo n.º 9
def cartesian_proj(hp_map, projector):
    """Create an array containing the Cartesian projection of the map.

    map : array-like
        An array containing a healpix map, can be complex.
    projector : cartesian projector
        The Cartesian projector.
    nside = healpy.npix2nside(healpy.get_map_size(hp_map.real))
    vec2pix_func = lambda x, y, z: healpy.vec2pix(nside, x, y, z)
    cart_map = projector.projmap(hp_map.real, vec2pix_func)
    if np.iscomplexobj(hp_map):
        cart_map = cart_map + 1.0J * projector.projmap(hp_map.imag, vec2pix_func)

    return cart_map
Ejemplo n.º 10
def cartesian_proj(hp_map, projector):
    """Create an array containing the Cartesian projection of the map.

    map : array-like
        An array containing a healpix map, can be complex.
    projector : cartesian projector
        The Cartesian projector.
    nside = healpy.npix2nside(healpy.get_map_size(hp_map.real))
    vec2pix_func = lambda x, y, z: healpy.vec2pix(nside, x, y, z)
    cart_map = projector.projmap(hp_map.real, vec2pix_func)
    if np.iscomplexobj(hp_map):
        cart_map = cart_map + 1.0J * projector.projmap(hp_map.imag,

    return cart_map
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def __init__(self, gsm_instance):
     """Initialize the common Observer object with a GSM instance
     Calls ephem.Observer.__init__ function and adds on gsm
     super(BaseObserver, self).__init__()
     self.observed_sky = None
     self.gsm = gsm_instance
     # Inline replacement of self._setup() follows.
     # Generate mapping from pix <-> angles
     gen_freq_Hz = 100e6
     fu = gsm_instance.freq_unit
     gen_freq = 100
     if fu == 'Hz':
         gen_freq = 100e6
     elif fu == 'GHz':
         gen_freq = 0.1
     self._n_pix  = hp.get_map_size(self.gsm.generated_map_data)
     self._n_side = hp.npix2nside(self._n_pix)
     self._theta, self._phi = hp.pix2ang(self._n_side, np.arange(self._n_pix))
Ejemplo n.º 12
def add_sources_to_sky_map(
        fwhm_deg=("Auto", 1),
    This function takes a PySM map array and adds point sources with a frequency behaviour
    consistent with their SED as derived from the PCCS catalog. The point source is added in total intensity
    and polarization (Q and U). Stokes parameters Q and U are derived using the polarization angle present in
    the catalog
    input_map        - NDARRAY         - An array shaped (nfreq, npix, 3) containing sky maps in the 
                                         frequencies defined in the QUBIC dictionary (n_sub is the number 
                                         of frequencies, filter_nu is the center frequency, 
                                         filter_relative_bandwidth is the relative bandwidth
    frequencies      - LIST or NDARRAY - list of frequencies in Hz
    sources          - LIST or NDARRAY - list of sources ad defined in the QUBIC pccs
    fwhm_deg         - TUPLE           - The fwhm in degrees of the gaussian used to smooth the source. 
                                         fwhm_deg is specified as a tuple. If fwhm_deg[0] == 'Auto' then
                                         the fwhm is derived automatically by the pixel size multiplying it
                                         by the factor specified in fwhm_deg[1]. If fwhm_deg[0] == 'Man' then
                                         the fwhm is specified directly, in degrees, in fwhm_deg[1]. Default
                                         is fwhm_deg = ('Auto', 1)
    catalog_file        - STRING       - the catalog filename (in pickle format) If catalog_file = 'Auto'
                                         (Default) then catalog_file = qubic.data.PATH + 'qubic_pccs2.pickle'
    reference_frequency - STRING       - the reference frequency in GHz in the catalog to derive the source
                                         coordinates. It defaults to 143 GHz. Can be left to this value also
                                         for 220 GHz, as the source location is weakly dependent on the 
    output_map       - NDARRAY         - An array shaped (nfreq, npix, 3) containing sky + point 
                                         sources maps 

    import qubic
    import pickle
    import numpy as np
    import healpy as h

    catalog_frequencies = ['030', '044', '070', '100', '143', '217', '353']
    complement_frequencies = [
        f for f in catalog_frequencies if f != reference_frequency

    output_map = input_map.copy()

    # Check that the number of frequencies is consistent with the input map
    if len(input_map) != len(frequencies):
        print("The number of maps and frequencies are inconsistent.")
        print("There are %i maps and %i frequencies" %
              (len(input_map), len(frequencies)))
        return -1

    nside = h.get_nside(input_map[0, :, 0])

    # Define catalog file if not provided manually
    if catalog_file == "Auto":
        catalog_file = qubic.data.PATH + "qubic_pccs2.pickle"

    # Define fwhm in degrees
    if type(fwhm_deg) is not tuple:
            "The variable fwhm_deg must be a tuple. Call help(add_sources_to_sky_map) for more info"
        return -1

    if fwhm_deg[0] != "Auto" and fwhm_deg[0] != "Man":
        print("fwhm_deg[0] must be either 'Auto' or 'Man'")
        return -1

    if fwhm_deg[0] == "Auto":  # Then fwhm is the map pixel size
        npix = h.get_map_size(input_map[0, :, 0])
        pix_size_deg = (2 * np.sqrt(np.pi / npix) * 180 / np.pi
                        )  # It's sqrt(4pi/npix) converted to deg
        fwhm = fwhm_deg[1] * pix_size_deg
        fwhm = fwhm_deg[1]

    # Open point source catalog
    with open(catalog_file, "rb") as handle:
        catalog = pickle.load(handle)

    for source in sources:

        # Check if source is in catalog with the reference frequency otherwise shift to the previous
        # frequency

        if source not in catalog[reference_frequency].keys():
            isincatalog = [
                source in catalog[f].keys() for f in complement_frequencies
            if True not in isincatalog:
                print('Source %s is not in catalog' % source)
                return -1
            print('Source %s is not in catalog at frequency %s GHz' %
                  (source, reference_frequency))
            goodfreq = [i for i, x in enumerate(isincatalog) if x]
            diff_freq = np.abs(
                            [complement_frequencies[i] for i in goodfreq]))) -
            index = np.where(diff_freq == np.min(diff_freq))[0]
            reference_frequency = complement_frequencies[index[0]]
            print('Switched to new reference frequency %s GHz' %

        print("Processing source %s (%i/%i)" %
              (source, list(sources).index(source) + 1, len(sources)))
        source_center_deg = (

        # Calculate SED of source in T and P and fitting polynomial
        sed = qubic.compact_sources_sed.build_sed(source, catalog, plot=False)
        fi = np.poly1d(sed[source]["i_fit"])
        fp = np.poly1d(sed[source]["p_fit"])

        # Loop over frequencies, for each frequency get the corresponding flux in I and P
        for fq in frequencies:
            fq_index = list(frequencies).index(fq)
            print("Processing frequency # %i of %i" %
                  (fq_index + 1, len(frequencies)))
            i_flux = fi(fq / 1e9) / 1e3  # Conversion from mJy -> Jy
            p_flux = fp(fq / 1e9) / 1e3  # Conversion from mJy -> Jy

            polarization_angle = (
                catalog[reference_frequency][source]["ANGLE_P"] * np.pi /
            if p_flux > 0.0:
                q_flux = p_flux * np.cos(2.0 * polarization_angle)
                u_flux = p_flux * np.sin(2.0 * polarization_angle)
                q_flux = 0
                u_flux = 0

            flux = [i_flux, q_flux, u_flux]

            for index in [0, 1, 2]:
                outmap = insert_source(
                    input_map=input_map[fq_index, :, index],

                output_map[fq_index, :, index] = outmap

        input_map = output_map.copy()


    return output_map
Ejemplo n.º 13
def similar_range(params, map_struct):

    if params['doObservability']:
        observability_struct = map_struct['observability']
        telescope = observability_struct.keys()[0]
        prob = observability_struct[telescope]['prob']

        prob = map_struct['prob']

    nested_map = hp.pixelfunc.reorder(prob, r2n=True)
    regions = params['Nregions']
    region_nsides = int((regions / 12)**.5)
    res = hp.get_map_size(prob)
    region_size = res / regions
    sliced_array = np.zeros([regions, region_size])

    start = 0
    end = start + region_size

    for region in range(regions):
        sliced_array[region] = nested_map[start:end]
        start += region_size
        end += region_size

    # Theres def a way to do this with numpy but i'm on a train, can't see docs
    sum_hp = lambda arr: np.array([np.sum(row) for row in arr])

    sums = sum_hp(sliced_array)
    sum_neighbours = lambda n: np.sum(
        [sums[p] for p in hp.get_all_neighbours(region_nsides, n, nest=True)])
    nb_sums = np.array([sums[i] + sum_neighbours(i) for i in range(len(sums))])
    region_order = np.argsort(nb_sums)[::-1]

    significant_regions = np.array([])
    for idx in region_order:
        if sums[idx] > max(sums) * 0.0001:
            significant_regions = np.append(significant_regions, idx)
    significant_regions = significant_regions.astype(int)

    groups = []

    def group_neighbours(group):
        neighbours = np.array([])
        for i in group:
            neighbours = np.append(
                hp.get_all_neighbours(region_nsides, int(i), nest=True))
        return neighbours

    for idx in significant_regions:
        if len(groups) == 0:
        for group in groups:
            if idx in group_neighbours(group):

    group_maps = []
    for group in groups:
        combined_map = np.array([])
        for i in range(len(sliced_array)):
            if i in group:
                combined_map = np.append(combined_map, sliced_array[i])
                combined_map = np.append(combined_map,

    group_maps = [hp.reorder(hp_map, n2r=True) for hp_map in group_maps]

    return group_maps
Ejemplo n.º 14
    sys.stdout = open(os.devnull, "w")
    mask = hp.read_map('galacticMask.fits')
    sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__

    map_mask = []
    for i in range(6):
        map_mask.append(map_smooth[i] * mask)

print 'ILC on full sky'
f_nu = ilc.dist_SZ(freq)
a = np.ones(n_obs)
a_t = np.transpose(a)
b = np.ones(n_obs)
b = f_nu
b_t = np.transpose(b)
CMB = np.zeros(hp.get_map_size(map_smooth[0]))
TSZ = np.zeros(hp.get_map_size(map_smooth[0]))
J = np.cov((map_smooth[0], map_smooth[1], map_smooth[2], map_smooth[3],
            map_smooth[4], map_smooth[5]))
K = np.linalg.inv(J)
WK, WT = ilc.weight(K, a, a_t, b, b_t)

# test with mask
if args.mask:
    print 'ILC on full sky with mask'
    L = np.cov((map_mask[0], map_mask[1], map_mask[2], map_mask[3],
                map_mask[4], map_mask[5]))
    P = np.linalg.inv(L)
    WK_mask, WT_mask = ilc.weight(P, a, a_t, b, b_t)

for i in range(n_obs):
Ejemplo n.º 15
fact     = 1.42144524614e-05 
filename = 'data/HFI_CompMap_ThermalDustModel_2048_R1.20.fits'
filename = 'data/HFI_SkyMap_353_2048_R2.02_full.fits'

test_map = hp.read_map(filename)
#hp.mollview(test_map, title=filename, coord='G', unit='K', norm='hist', min=1e-7,max=1e-3, xsize=800)
hp.mollview(test_map, title=filename, coord='G', unit='K', norm='hist', xsize=800)

#hp.cartview(test_map, title=filename, coord='G', rot=[0,0], unit='K', norm='hist', min=-1375,max=2687, xsize=800, lonra=[-1,1], latra=[-1,1])

print hp.get_nside(test_map)
print hp.maptype(test_map)
print hp.get_map_size(test_map)
print len(test_map)
print test_map[0:10]*np.float(fact)

equateur_lon = [10.,0.]
equateur_lat = [10.,0.]
hp.projplot(equateur_lon, equateur_lat, lonlat=True, coord='G')

# plt.loglog(hp.anafast(test_map))
# plt.grid()
# plt.xlabel("$\ell$")
# plt.ylabel("$C_\ell$")

Ejemplo n.º 16
def make_normmaps(maps, supmap, etacut=0.9):
    r"""Divide an ensemble of maps by a single map, preferably the sum of
	said ensemble.

	maps : float, array_like
		A single map or an ensemble of maps. They should be limited in
		pseudorapidity by the value in `etacut`.
	supmap : float, ndarray
		A 1-D array usually representing the sum of all elements in `maps`.
	etacut : float, scalar, optional
		The value of the pseudorapidity limit, :math:`|\eta|` < `etacut`.
		If there is no limit, set it to *None*. Default: 0.9.

	norm_maps : float, array_like
		The result of dividing `maps` by `supmap`. Its shape will be the same
		as `maps`. 

	In the power spectral analysis at hand [1]_ [2]_, `supmap` is the sum
	of all event maps and it is represented by :math:`F^{all}(\mathbf{n_p})`,
	where :math:`\mathbf{n_p}` is a pixel number. A normalized map is thus defined 
	by the following expression:

	.. math:: \bar{f}(\mathbf{n_p}) = \frac{f(\mathbf{n_p})}{F^{all}(\mathbf{n_p})},

	where :math:`f(\mathbf{n_p})` is a map from the original event ensemble, the latter 
	denoted by the `maps` parameter.

	.. [1] M. Machado, P.H. Damgaard, J.J. Gaardhoeje, and C. Bourjau, "Angular power spectrum of heavy ion collisions", Phys. Rev. C **99**, 054910 (2019).
	.. [2] M. Machado, "Heavy ion anisotropies: a closer look at the angular power spectrum", arXiv:1907.00413 [hep-ph] (2019). 


    if maps[0].ndim == 0:
        maps = np.reshape(maps, (1, len(maps)))

    npix = hp.get_map_size(maps[0])
    nside = hp.npix2nside(npix)

    if etacut:
        qi, qf = 2. * np.arctan(np.exp(-np.array([etacut, -etacut])))
        mask = np.ones(npix)
        mask[hp.query_strip(nside, qi, qf)] = 0.
        qi, qf = 0., 2 * np.pi
        mask = 0.

    finmap = supmap / npix * (1. - mask) + mask
    pixs = np.where(finmap == 0.)
    finmap[pixs] = 1.

    norm_maps = maps / (npix * finmap)
    norm_maps *= npix / np.sum(norm_maps, axis=1)[:, None]

    return norm_maps
Ejemplo n.º 17
Nside = 4  # = 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 64, ...
Resolution = hp.nside2resol(Nside)
print('(1)', Nside, '-->', Resolution, 'radians')

Resolution = hp.nside2resol(Nside, arcmin=True)
print('(2)', Nside, '-->', Resolution, 'arcmin =', Resolution / 60., 'deg')

Area = hp.nside2pixarea(Nside, degrees=True)
print('(3)', Nside, '-->', Area, 'square deg')

# get_map_size / get_nside

mapa = hp.read_map('COM_CMB_IQU-smica_1024_R2.02_full.fits')

Npix_mapa = hp.get_map_size(mapa)
Nside_mapa = hp.get_nside(mapa)

print('Nside =', Nside_mapa)
print('Npix =', Npix_mapa)

STEP 6: Nside / Npix / Resolution


mapa = hp.read_map('COM_CMB_IQU-smica_1024_R2.02_full.fits')
hp.mollview(mapa, title='CMB map - Nside=1024', unit='K')

mapa_deg = hp.ud_grade(mapa, 64, order_in='RING', order_out='NEST')
 def __init__(self, noise_cov, mask):
     self.tau = np.min(noise_cov[mask == 1])
     self.t_cov = self.tau * np.ones(hp.get_map_size(noise_cov))
     self.noise_cov = noise_cov