Ejemplo n.º 1
 def encode_vault_size(self, lhs, n):
     v = self.G.get(lhs, {})
     n = str(n)
         i = v.keys().index(n)
         x = sum(v.values()[:i])
         y = x + v.values()[i]
     except ValueError:
         return convert2group(0, v['__total__'])
     return convert2group(random.randint(x, y - 1), v['__total__'])
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def encode_password(self, password):
        # 首先得到我们的密码的密码树
        ptree = self.lParseTree(password)
        print("our password is ", end='')
        if not ptree:
            print("encode failed,change")
        # 然后将这个密码树映射到不同的数字中:
        encd = []
        # print(ptree)
        for each_node in ptree:
                # print(encd)
            except ValueError as e:
                print("Error in encoding: \"{}\"".format(password))
                return []

        # 假如不出错的话此时就完成了加密,然后注意此时我们的密码可能没有填充完(因为密码本身过短,我们需要使用空白值来填充)
        length = PASSWORD_MAX_LENGTH - len(encd)

        # 此时,如果length的长度还是len(encd),那么说明加密失败,返回空列表
        if length == PASSWORD_MAX_LENGTH:
            return []

        for i in range(length):
            encd.append(convert2group(0, 1))

        # 映射完成,返回加密完成的数字
        return encd
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def generate_and_encode_password(self, size=10):
        Generates and encodes a password of size @size.
        first choose size+1 random numbers, where first one is to encode the length,
        and the rest are to encode the passwords  
        assert size<self.MAX_ALLOWED, "Size of asked password={}, which is bigger"\
            "than supported {}".format(size, self.MAX_ALLOWED)
        size = max(size, self.MIN_PW_LENGTH)

        N = random.randints(0, MAX_INT, size + 1)
        N[0] += (size - self.MIN_PW_LENGTH) - N[0] % (
            self.MAX_ALLOWED - self.MIN_PW_LENGTH
        )  # s.t., N[0] % MAX_ALLOWED = size

        P = [s[N[i + 1] % len(s)]
             for i, s in enumerate(self.must_set)]  # must set characters

        P.extend(self.All[n % len(self.All)]
                 for n in N[len(self.must_set) + 1:])
        n = random.randint(0, MAX_INT)
        password = self.decode2string(n, P)
        extra = hny_config.PASSWORD_LENGTH - len(N)
        N.extend([convert2group(0, 1) for x in range(extra)])
        return password, N
Ejemplo n.º 4
def getVal(arr, val):
    arr -> is a list of values of type same as 'val' and also has a frequency
    e.g. arr: [['a',0,123], ['asd', 1, 31], ['ADR', 1, 345]]
    val -> is a value of same type of values in arr, e.g. 'asd'
    returns: a random number between, cumulative probability of 'asd' and
    the element just before it, i.e. 'a'.
    c = 0
    found = False
    totalC = 0;
    t = -1;
    for i, x in enumerate(arr):
        # print x
        c += x[2]
        totalC += x[2]
        if not found and x[0] == val:
            if i == 0:
                a = 0;
                a = c - x[2]
            t = random.randint(a, c - 1)
            found = True
            print(x, t)
    if t > -1:
        # to deal with floating this is used, basically converted the numebrs in
        # (mod totalC) ASSUMPTION: max value of sum of frequency is
        # 4,294,967,295, i.e. ~ 4.29 billion!!
        return convert2group(t, totalC)
    return t
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def encode_grammar(self, G):
        Encodes a sub-grammar @G under the current grammar.
        Note: Does not record the frequencies.

        vd = VaultDistPCFG()
        stack = ['G']
        code_g = []
        done = list(G.default_keys())

        while stack:
            head = stack.pop()
            assert head not in done, "head={} already in done={}".format(
                head, done)
            rule_dict = G[head]
            t_set = []
            for rhs in rule_dict.keys():
                if rhs != '__total__':
                    r = [
                        x for x in self.get_actual_NonTlist(head, rhs)
                        if x not in done + stack
                    for x in r:
                        if x not in t_set:
            n = len(list(rule_dict.keys())) - 1
            code_g.append(vd.encode_vault_size(head, n))

            if n < 0:
                    "Sorry I cannot encode your password ({!r})! \nPlease choose"
                    " something different, like password12!! (Just kidding.)".
                    format((head, list(rule_dict.keys()))))
            assert n == vd.decode_vault_size(head, code_g[-1]), \
                "Vault size encoding mismatch.\nhead: {!r}, code_g: {}, n: {}, "\
                "decoded_vault_size: {}"\
                .format(head, code_g[-1], n, vd.decode_vault_size(head, code_g[-1]))

                self.encode_rule(head, r) for r in rule_dict.keys()
                if r != '__total__'
            # i = 0
            # for r in rule_dict.keys():
            #     if r == '__total__': continue
            #     nr = self.decode_rule(head, code_g[-n+i])
            #     print("Decoding:", code_g[-n+i], head, nr)
            #     i += 1
            #     if nr != r:
            #         print(">>> Mismatch: nr={}, r={}, code_g={}".format(nr, r, code_g[-n+i]))

        extra = hny_config.HONEY_VAULT_GRAMMAR_SIZE - len(code_g)
        code_g.extend(convert2group(0, 1, extra))
        return code_g
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def encode_pw(self, pw):
     pt = self.l_parse_tree(pw)
         code_g = [self.encode_rule(*p) for p in pt]
     except ValueError as ex:
         print("Error in encoding: {!r}".format(pw))
         # raise ValueError(ex)
     extra = hny_config.PASSWORD_LENGTH - len(code_g)
     code_g.extend(convert2group(0, 1, extra))
     return code_g
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def encode_pw(self, pw):
     pt = self.l_parse_tree(pw)
         code_g = [self.encode_rule(*p)
               for p in pt]
     except ValueError:
         print "Error in encoding: \"{}\"".format(pw)
         raise ValueError
         return []
     extra = hny_config.PASSWORD_LENGTH - len(code_g);
     code_g.extend([convert2group(0,1) for x in range(extra)])
     return code_g
Ejemplo n.º 8
def main():
    dte = DTE()
    print("Resource:", resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss);
    for p in ['(NH4)2Cr2O7', 'iloveyou69']:
        c = dte.encode_pw(p)
        m = dte.decode_pw(c)
        print("After Decoding(encoding of {}): {}".format(p, m))
    for s in range(0000):
        E = []
        E.extend([convert2group(0, 1) for x in range(hny_config.PASSWORD_LENGTH)])
        c_struct = struct.pack('%sI' % len(E), *E)
        m = dte.decode_pw(c_struct)
        print(s, ":", m)
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def encode_rule(self, l, r):
     rhs_dict = self.G[l]
         i = rhs_dict.keys().index(r)
         if DEBUG:
             c = rhs_dict.keys()[i]
             assert c==r, "The index is wrong"
     except ValueError:
         print "'{}' not in the rhs_dict (l: '{}', rhs_dict: {})".format(r, l, self.G[l])
         raise ValueError
     l_pt = sum(rhs_dict.values()[:i])
     r_pt = l_pt + rhs_dict[r]-1
     return convert2group(random.randint(l_pt,r_pt),
Ejemplo n.º 10
def Encode_spcl(m, grammar):
    print("Special Encoding::::", m)
    return None  # TODO
    W = m  # break_into_words(m, trie)
    P = ['%s%d' % (whatchar(w), len(w)) for w in W]
    E = [];
    for w, p in zip(W[:-1], P[:-1]):
        E.append(getVal(grammar['S'], p + ',S'))
        E.append(getVal(grammar[p], w));
    E.append(getVal(grammar['S'], P[-1]))
    E.append(getVal(grammar[P[-1]], W[-1]));
    if hny_config.PASSWORD_LENGTH > 0:
        extra = hny_config.PASSWORD_LENGTH - len(E)
        E.extend([convert2group(0, 1) for x in range(extra)])
    return E
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def encode_rule(self, l, r):
        rhs_dict = self.G[l]
            i = list(rhs_dict.keys()).index(r)
            if DEBUG:
                c = list(rhs_dict.keys())[i]
                assert c == r, "The index is wrong"
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError("'{}' not in the rhs_dict (l: '{}')".format(r, l))
        l_pt = sum(list(rhs_dict.values())[:i])
        r_pt = l_pt + rhs_dict[r] - 1
        assert l_pt <= r_pt, "Rule with zero freq! rhs_dict[{}] =  {} (l={})\n{}"\
            .format(r, rhs_dict, l, self.G)

        return convert2group(random.randint(l_pt, r_pt), rhs_dict['__total__'])
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def encode_pw(self, pw):
     p = list(pw[:])
     must_4 = [DTE_random.get_char(p, m) for m in must_set]
     for x in must_4:
         del p[x[0]]
     pw_random_order = DTE_random.decode2string(
         random.randint(0, self.fact_map[len(p) - 1]), p)
     code_g = [random.randint(0, MAX_INT/self.MAX_ALLOWED) * \
                   self.MAX_ALLOWED + len(pw)]
     for i, x in enumerate(must_4):
         code_g.append(DTE_random.get_random_for_this(x[1], must_set[i]))
     for p in pw_random_order:
         code_g.append(DTE_random.get_random_for_this(p, All))
     extra = hny_config.PASSWORD_LENGTH - len(code_g)
     code_g.extend([convert2group(0, 1) for x in range(extra)])
     return code_g
Ejemplo n.º 13
def main():
    dte = DTE()
    scanner = Scanner()
    print "Resource:", resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss
    #p='(NH4)2Cr2O7' # sys.stdin.readline().strip()
    p = u'iloveyou69'
    c = Encode(p, scanner, dte)
    #print "Encoding:", c
    m = Decode(c, dte)
    # print "After Decoding:", m
    #     if PASSWORD_LENGTH>0:
    for s in range(0000):
        E = []
        E.extend([convert2group(0, 1) for x in range(PASSWORD_LENGTH)])
        c_struct = struct.pack('%sI' % len(E), *E)
        m = Decode(c_struct, dte)
        print s, ":", m
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def encode_grammar(self, G):
        Encodes a sub-grammar @G under the current grammar.
        vd = VaultDistPCFG()
        stack = ['G']
        code_g = []
        done = list(G.default_keys())

        while stack:
            head = stack.pop()
            assert head not in done, "head={} already in done={}".format(head, done)
            rule_dict = G[head]
            t_set = []
            for rhs, f in rule_dict.items():
                if rhs != '__total__':
                    r = filter(lambda x: x not in done+stack, 
                               self.get_actual_NonTlist(head, rhs))
                    if r:
                        for x in r:
                            if (x not in t_set):
            n = len(rule_dict.keys())-1
            code_g.append(vd.encode_vault_size(head, n))
            if n<0: 
                print "Sorry I cannot encode your password ('{}')! \nPlease choose"\
                    " something different, like password12".format((head, rule_dict.keys()))
            assert n == vd.decode_vault_size(head, code_g[-1]), "Vault size encoding mismatch. "\
                "\nhead: \"{}\", code_g: {}, n: {}, decoded_vault_size: {}"\
                    .format(head, code_g[-1], n, vd.decode_vault_size(head, code_g[-1]))
            code_g.extend([self.encode_rule(head, r) 
                           for r in rule_dict.keys()
                           if r != '__total__'])
        extra = hny_config.HONEY_VAULT_GRAMMAR_SIZE - len(code_g);
        code_g.extend([convert2group(0,1) for x in range(extra)])
        return code_g
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def encode_encd(self, l, r):
        # 临时字典,存储此l规则对应的值

        rhs_dict = self.G[l]
        # print(rhs_dict[r])
        # 然后获得r的下标
        i = list(rhs_dict.keys()).index(r)
        # 然后开始循环,将其之前的数字进行相加
        l_hs = 0
        r_hs = 0
        for each_index in range(i):
            l_hs += list(rhs_dict.values())[each_index]
        # 然后记录下随机数的右侧
        r_hs = l_hs + rhs_dict[r] - 1

        # 最后调用随机函数,生成介于两者之间的随机数(这里记得把最大值也放上)
        rn = random.randint(l_hs, r_hs)
        # print("l_hs is %d,r_hs is %d and the random is %d"%(l_hs,r_hs,rn))
        # wn = rn + random.randint(0, int((3000000-rn)/rhs_dict['__total__'])) * rhs_dict['__total__']
        wn = convert2group(rn, rhs_dict['__total__'])
        # print("the wn is %d and it come back is %d"%(wn,wn%rhs_dict['__total__']))
        return wn