Ejemplo n.º 1
  def support_vertical_change(self):
    # Get vertical vector 
    change_vector = super(Repairer,self).support_vertical_change()

    # If we're on the ground, just return (no rotation necessary)
    if self.beam is None:
      return change_vector

    # Otherwise, rotate it based on our current beam
      # Debugging
      # pdb.set_trace()
      if self.memory['previous_direction'] is None:

      # Get the correct vector for the current beam
      i,j = self.beam.endpoints
      current_vector = helpers.make_vector(i,j)
      # Find rotation from vertical
      angle = helpers.smallest_angle((0,0,1),current_vector)
      rotation_angle = 180 - angle if angle > 90 else angle

      vertical_angle = abs(construction.beam['support_angle'] - rotation_angle)

      return super(Repairer,self).support_vertical_change(angle=vertical_angle)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def acceptable_support(angle,coord):
      # Find beam endpoints
      beam_endpoint = helpers.beam_endpoint(pivot,coord)

      # Calculate angle from vertical of beam we wish to construct based on the
      # information we've gathered
      from_vertical = (angle_from_vertical + angle if beam_endpoint[2] <= 
        endpoint[2] else angle_from_vertical - angle)

      simple = not (from_vertical < min_constraining_angle or from_vertical > 

      # On the ground
      if self.beam is None:
        return simple

      # On a beam, so check our support_angle_difference
        beam_vector = helpers.make_vector(self.beam.endpoints.i,
        support_vector = helpers.make_vector(self.location,coord)
        angle = helpers.smallest_angle(beam_vector,support_vector)
        real_angle = abs(90-angle) if angle > 90 else angle
        return simple and real_angle > construction.beam['support_angle_difference']
Ejemplo n.º 3
  def preferred(self,vector):
    Returns True if vector is preferred, False if it is not
    xy = self.memory['preferred_direction']
    xy = (xy[0],xy[1],0) 
    if (helpers.compare_tuple(xy,(0,0,0)) or helpers.compare_tuple((
      return True

    return (helpers.smallest_angle((vector[0],vector[1],0),xy) <= 
Ejemplo n.º 4
  def start_repair(self,beam):
    Initializes the repair of the specified beam. Figures out which direction to
    travel in and stores it within the robot's memory, then tells it to climb
    down in a specific direction if necessary. Also sets the number of steps to
    climb down looking for a support beam.
    def set_dir(string,coord):
      Figures out what pos_var should be in order to travel in that direction

      if helpers.compare(coord,0):
        self.memory[string] = None
      if coord > 0:
        self.memory[string] = True
        self.memory[string] = False

    angle_with_vertical = helpers.smallest_angle(helpers.make_vector(

    # Get direction of travel
    self.memory['preferred_direction'] = self.get_preferred_direction(beam)

    # Get direction of travel if on the ground based on preferred direction on
    # the structure
    self.ground_direction = self.get_preferred_ground_direction(

    # Travel down !
    self.memory['pos_z'] = False

    # Store name of repair beam
    self.memory['broken_beam_name'] = beam.name

    # Number of steps to search once we find a new beam that is close to
    # parallel to the beam we are repairing (going down, ie NOT support beam)
    length = construction.beam['length'] * math.cos(
    self.memory['new_beam_steps'] = math.floor(length/variables.step_length)+1
    self.memory['new_beam_ground_steps'] = (self.memory['new_beam_steps'] if
      self.ground_direction is None else self.memory['new_beam_steps'] - 1 + math.floor(
        math.sin(math.radians(angle_with_vertical)) * self.memory['new_beam_steps']))

    # So the entire robot knows that we are in repair mode
    self.repair_mode = True
    self.search_mode = True
Ejemplo n.º 5
  def global_default_axes(self):
    Returns the default local axes. Later on we might incorporate the ability to return
    rotated axes.
    axis_1 = helpers.make_unit(helpers.make_vector(self.endpoints.i,
    vertical = (math.sin(math.radians(helpers.smallest_angle(axis_1,(0,0,1)))) 
      <= 0.001)

    # Break up axis_1 into unit component vectors on 1-2 plane, along with 
    # their maginitudes
    u1, u2 = (axis_1[0],axis_1[1],0),(0,0,axis_1[2])
    l1,l2 = helpers.length(u1), helpers.length(u2)
    u1 = helpers.make_unit(u1) if not helpers.compare(l1,0) else (1,1,0) 
    u2 = helpers.make_unit(u2) if not helpers.compare(l2,0) else (0,0,1)

    # Calculate axis_2 by negating and flipping componenet vectors of axis_1
    axis_2 = (1,0,0) if vertical else helpers.make_unit(helpers.sum_vectors(
      helpers.scale(-1 * l2,u1),helpers.scale(l1,u2)))

    # Make it have a positive z-component
    axis_2 = axis_2 if axis_2[2] > 0 else helpers.scale(-1,axis_2)

    # Calculate axis_3 by crossing axis 1 with axis 2 (according to right hand
    # rule)
    axis_3 = helpers.cross(axis_1,axis_2)
    axis_3 = helpers.make_unit((axis_3[0],axis_3[1],0)) if vertical else axis_3

    # Sanity checks
    # Unit length
    assert helpers.compare(helpers.length(axis_3),1)

    # On the x-y plane
    assert helpers.compare(axis_3[2],0)

    return axis_1,axis_2,axis_3
Ejemplo n.º 6
  def support_beam_endpoint(self):
    Returns the endpoint for a support beam
    # Get broken beam
    e1,e2 = self.structure.get_endpoints(self.memory['broken_beam_name'],

    # Direction
    v = helpers.make_unit(helpers.make_vector(e1,e2))

    # Get pivot and repair beam midpoint
    pivot = self.location
    midpoint1 = helpers.midpoint(e1,e2)

    # Upper midpoint to encourate upward building
    midpoint = helpers.midpoint(e2,midpoint1)

    # Add an offset to mimick inability to determine location exactly
    offset = helpers.scale(random.uniform(-1*variables.random,variables.random),v)
    midpoint = (helpers.sum_vectors(midpoint,offset) if random.randint(0,4) == 1
    else midpoint) 

    # Calculate starting beam_endpoint
    endpoint = helpers.beam_endpoint(pivot,midpoint)

    # Calculate angle from vertical
    angle_from_vertical = helpers.smallest_angle(helpers.make_vector(pivot,

    # Get angles
    sorted_angles = self.local_angles(pivot,endpoint)
    min_support_angle,max_support_angle = self.get_angles()
    min_constraining_angle,max_constraining_angle = self.get_angles(

    # Defining here to have access to min,max, etc.
    def acceptable_support(angle,coord):
      # Find beam endpoints
      beam_endpoint = helpers.beam_endpoint(pivot,coord)

      # Calculate angle from vertical of beam we wish to construct based on the
      # information we've gathered
      from_vertical = (angle_from_vertical + angle if beam_endpoint[2] <= 
        endpoint[2] else angle_from_vertical - angle)

      simple = not (from_vertical < min_constraining_angle or from_vertical > 

      # On the ground
      if self.beam is None:
        return simple

      # On a beam, so check our support_angle_difference
        beam_vector = helpers.make_vector(self.beam.endpoints.i,
        support_vector = helpers.make_vector(self.location,coord)
        angle = helpers.smallest_angle(beam_vector,support_vector)
        real_angle = abs(90-angle) if angle > 90 else angle
        return simple and real_angle > construction.beam['support_angle_difference']

    return_coord = None
    for coord,angle in sorted_angles:
      if acceptable_support(angle,coord) and helpers.on_line(e1,e2,coord):
        self.memory['broken_beam_name'] = ''
        return coord
      elif acceptable_support(angle,coord):
        return_coord = coord

    if return_coord is not None:
      return return_coord
      # Otherwise, do default behaviour
      return super(Repairer,self).support_beam_endpoint()
Ejemplo n.º 7
  def support_xy_direction(self):
    Improves the construction direction so that we take into account the angle
    at which our current beam is located, and the verticality of the beam we
    are attempting to reach. This returns a unit direction (always should!)
    # If we're on the ground, then continue doing as before
    if self.beam is None:
      return super(Repairer,self).support_xy_direction()

      # Get repair beam vector
      b_i,b_j = self.structure.get_endpoints(self.memory['broken_beam_name'],
      repair_vector = helpers.make_vector(b_i,b_j)

      # Get the correct vector for the current beam
      # Remember - we travel in the opposite direction as normal when building
      # the support beam, so that's why this seems opposite of normal
      c_i,c_j = self.beam.endpoints
      current_vector = (helpers.make_vector(c_j,c_i) if 
        self.memory['previous_direction'][1][2] > 0 else helpers.make_vector(

      angle = helpers.smallest_angle(repair_vector,current_vector)

      # If below the specified angle, then place the beam directly upwards (no
      # change in xy)
      if angle < construction.beam['direct_repair_limit']:
        return None
        vertical = (0,0,1)
        v1,v2 = helpers.make_vector(b_i,c_i), helpers.make_vector(b_i,c_j)

        # We can't get a direction based on beam locations
        if helpers.parallel(vertical,v1) and helpers.parallel(vertical,v2):
          return super(Repairer,self).support_xy_direction()

        # We can use the current beam to decide the direction
        elif not helpers.parallel(vertical,current_vector):
          # pdb.set_trace()

          # Project onto the xy-plane and negate
          if current_vector[2] > 0:
            projection = helpers.make_unit(helpers.scale(-1,(current_vector[0],
            projection = helpers.make_unit((current_vector[0],current_vector[1],0))

          # Add some small disturbance
          disturbance = helpers.scale(random.uniform(-1,1),(-projection[1],
          result = helpers.sum_vectors(projection,disturbance)

          # TODO
          return result

        elif not helpers.parallel(vertical,repair_vector):
          return super(Repairer,self).support_xy_direction()

          return super(Repairer,self).support_xy_direction()
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def add_angles(box,dictionary):
      for name, beam in box.items():

        # Ignore the beam you're on.
        if self.beam == None or self.beam.name != name:

          # Base vector (from which angles are measured)
          base_vector = helpers.make_vector(pivot,endpoint)

          # Get the closest points between the beam we want to construct and the
          # current beam
          points = helpers.closest_points(beam.endpoints,(pivot,endpoint))
          if points != None:

            # Endpoints (e1 is on a vertical beam, e2 is on the tilted one)
            e1,e2 = points

            # If we can actually reach the second point from vertical
            if (not helpers.compare(helpers.distance(pivot,e2),0) and 
              helpers.distance(pivot,e2) <= variables.beam_length):

              # Distance between the two endpoints
              dist = helpers.distance(e1,e2)

              # Vector of beam we want to construct and angle from base_vector
              construction_vector = helpers.make_vector(pivot,e2)
              angle = helpers.smallest_angle(base_vector,construction_vector)

              # Add to dictionary
              if e2 in dictionary:
                assert helpers.compare(dictionary[e2],angle)
                dictionary[e2] = angle

          # Get the points at which the beam intersects the sphere created by 
          # the vertical beam      
          sphere_points = helpers.sphere_intersection(beam.endpoints,pivot,
          if sphere_points != None:

            # Cycle through intersection points (really, should be two, though 
            # it is possible for it to be one, in
            # which case, we would have already taken care of this). Either way,
            # we just cycle
            for point in sphere_points:

              # Vector to the beam we want to construct
              construction_vector = helpers.make_vector(pivot,point)
              angle = helpers.smallest_angle(base_vector,construction_vector)

              # Add to dictionary
              if point in dictionary:
                assert helpers.compare(dictionary[point],angle)
                dictionary[point] = angle

          # Endpoints are also included
          for e in beam.endpoints:
            v = helpers.make_vector(pivot,e)
            l = helpers.length(v)
            if (e not in dictionary and not helpers.compare(l,0) and (
              helpers.compare(l,variables.beam_length) or l < variables.beam_length)):
              angle = helpers.smallest_angle(base_vector,v)
              dictionary[e] = angle

      return dictionary