Ejemplo n.º 1
def pushcommand(orig, ui, repo, *args, **kwargs):
    """Wraps commands.push to read the --reviewid argument."""


    if kwargs['rev'] and kwargs['changeset']:
        raise util.Abort(_('cannot specify both -r and -c'))

    # There isn't a good way to send custom arguments to the push api. So, we
    # inject some temporary values on the repo. This may fail in many
    # scenarios, most of them related to server operation.
    repo.noreviewboardpush = kwargs['noreview']
    repo.reviewid = kwargs['reviewid']

    # -c implies -r <rev> with an identical base node.
    if kwargs['changeset']:
        kwargs['rev'] = [kwargs['changeset']]
        repo.pushsingle = True
        repo.pushsingle = False

        return orig(ui, repo, *args, **kwargs)
        repo.noreviewboardpush = None
        repo.reviewid = None
        repo.pushsingle = None
Ejemplo n.º 2
def doreview(repo, ui, remote, nodes):
    """Do the work of submitting a review to a remote repo.

    :remote is a peerrepository.
    :nodes is a list of nodes to review.
    assert nodes
    assert "pushreview" in getreviewcaps(remote)

    bzauth = getbugzillaauth(ui)
    if not bzauth:
        ui.warn(_("Bugzilla credentials not available. Not submitting review.\n"))

    identifier = None

    # The review identifier can come from a number of places. In order of
    # priority:
    # 1. --reviewid argument passed to push command
    # 2. The active bookmark
    # 3. The active branch (if it isn't default)
    # 4. A bug number extracted from commit messages

    if repo.reviewid:
        identifier = repo.reviewid

    # TODO The server currently requires a bug number for the identifier.
    # Pull bookmark and branch names in once allowed.
    # elif repo._bookmarkcurrent:
    #    identifier = repo._bookmarkcurrent
    # elif repo.dirstate.branch() != 'default':
    #    identifier = repo.dirstate.branch()

    if not identifier:
        for node in nodes:
            ctx = repo[node]
            bugs = parse_bugs(ctx.description())
            if bugs:
                identifier = "bz://%s" % bugs[0]

    identifier = ReviewID(identifier)

    if not identifier:
                "Unable to determine review identifier. Review "
                "identifiers are extracted from commit messages automatically. "
                'Try to begin one of your commit messages with "Bug XXXXXX -"\n'

    # Append irc nick to review identifier.
    # This is an ugly workaround to a limitation in ReviewBoard. RB doesn't
    # really support changing the owner of a review. It is doable, but no
    # history is stored and this leads to faulty attribution. More details
    # in bug 1034188.
    if not identifier.user:
        ircnick = ui.config("mozilla", "ircnick", None)
        identifier.user = ircnick

    if hasattr(repo, "mq"):
        for patch in repo.mq.applied:
            if patch.node in nodes:
                        "(You are using mq to develop patches. For the best "
                        "code review experience, use bookmark-based development "
                        "with changeset evolution. Read more at "

    lines = commonrequestlines(ui, bzauth)
    lines.append("reviewidentifier %s" % urllib.quote(identifier.full))

    reviews = repo.reviews
    oldparentid = reviews.findparentreview(identifier=identifier.full)

    # Include obsolescence data so server can make intelligent decisions.
    obsstore = repo.obsstore
    for node in nodes:
        lines.append("csetreview %s" % hex(node))
        precursors = [hex(n) for n in obsolete.allprecursors(obsstore, [node])]
        lines.append("precursors %s %s" % (hex(node), " ".join(precursors)))

    ui.write(_("submitting %d changesets for review\n") % len(nodes))

    res = remote._call("pushreview", data="\n".join(lines))
    lines = getpayload(res)

    newparentid = None
    nodereviews = {}
    reviewdata = {}

    for line in lines:
        t, d = line.split(" ", 1)

        if t == "display":
            ui.write("%s\n" % d)
        elif t == "error":
            raise util.Abort(d)
        elif t == "parentreview":
            newparentid = d
            reviews.addparentreview(identifier.full, newparentid)
            reviewdata[newparentid] = {}
        elif t == "csetreview":
            node, rid = d.split(" ", 1)
            node = bin(node)
            reviewdata[rid] = {}
            nodereviews[node] = rid
        elif t == "reviewdata":
            rid, field, value = d.split(" ", 2)
            reviewdata[rid][field] = decodepossiblelistvalue(value)
        elif t == "rburl":
            reviews.baseurl = d

    reviews.remoteurl = remote.url()

    for node, rid in nodereviews.items():
        reviews.addnodereview(node, rid, newparentid)

    for rid, data in reviewdata.iteritems():
        reviews.savereviewrequest(rid, data)

    havedraft = False

    for node in nodes:
        rid = nodereviews[node]
        ctx = repo[node]
        # Bug 1065024 use cmdutil.show_changeset() here.
        ui.write("changeset:  %s:%s\n" % (ctx.rev(), ctx.hex()[0:12]))
        ui.write("summary:    %s\n" % ctx.description().splitlines()[0])
        ui.write("review:     %s" % reviews.reviewurl(rid))
        if reviewdata[rid].get("public") == "False":
            havedraft = True
            ui.write(" (draft)")

    ui.write(_("review id:  %s\n") % identifier.full)
    ui.write(_("review url: %s") % reviews.parentreviewurl(identifier.full))
    if reviewdata[newparentid].get("public", None) == "False":
        havedraft = True
        ui.write(" (draft)")

    # Warn people that they have not assigned reviewers for at least some
    # of their commits.
    for node in nodes:
        rd = reviewdata[nodereviews[node]]
        if not rd.get("reviewers", None):
            ui.status(_("(review requests lack reviewers; visit review url " "to assign reviewers)\n"))

    # Make it clear to the user that they need to take action in order for
    # others to see this review series.
    if havedraft:
        # At some point we may want an yes/no/prompt option for autopublish
        # but for safety reasons we only allow no/prompt for now.
        if ui.configbool("reviewboard", "autopublish", True):
            publish = ui.promptchoice(_("publish these review requests now (Yn)? $$ &Yes $$ &No"))
            if publish == 0:
                publishreviewrequests(ui, remote, bzauth, [newparentid])
                ui.status(_("(visit review url to publish these review " "requests so others can see them)\n"))
            ui.status(_("(visit review url to publish these review requests " "so others can see them)\n"))
Ejemplo n.º 3
def doreview(repo, ui, remote, nodes):
    """Do the work of submitting a review to a remote repo.

    :remote is a peerrepository.
    :nodes is a list of nodes to review.
    assert nodes
    assert 'pushreview' in getreviewcaps(remote)

    bzauth = getbugzillaauth(ui)
    if not bzauth:
        ui.warn(_('Bugzilla credentials not available. Not submitting review.\n'))

    identifier = None

    # The review identifier can come from a number of places. In order of
    # priority:
    # 1. --reviewid argument passed to push command
    # 2. The active bookmark
    # 3. The active branch (if it isn't default)
    # 4. A bug number extracted from commit messages

    if repo.reviewid:
        identifier = repo.reviewid

    # TODO The server currently requires a bug number for the identifier.
    # Pull bookmark and branch names in once allowed.
    #elif repo._bookmarkcurrent:
    #    identifier = repo._bookmarkcurrent
    #elif repo.dirstate.branch() != 'default':
    #    identifier = repo.dirstate.branch()

    if not identifier:
        identifiers = set()
        for node in nodes:
            ctx = repo[node]
            bugs = parse_bugs(ctx.description().split('\n')[0])
            if bugs:
                identifier = 'bz://%s' % bugs[0]

        if len(identifiers) > 1:
            raise util.Abort('cannot submit reviews referencing multiple '
                             'bugs', hint='limit reviewed changesets '
                             'with "-c" or "-r" arguments')

    identifier = ReviewID(identifier)

    if not identifier:
        ui.write(_('Unable to determine review identifier. Review '
            'identifiers are extracted from commit messages automatically. '
            'Try to begin one of your commit messages with "Bug XXXXXX -"\n'))

    # Append irc nick to review identifier.
    # This is an ugly workaround to a limitation in ReviewBoard. RB doesn't
    # really support changing the owner of a review. It is doable, but no
    # history is stored and this leads to faulty attribution. More details
    # in bug 1034188.
    if not identifier.user:
        ircnick = ui.config('mozilla', 'ircnick', None)
        identifier.user = ircnick

    if hasattr(repo, 'mq'):
        for patch in repo.mq.applied:
            if patch.node in nodes:
                ui.warn(_('(You are using mq to develop patches. For the best '
                    'code review experience, use bookmark-based development '
                    'with changeset evolution. Read more at '

    req = commonrequestdict(ui, bzauth)
    req['identifier'] = identifier.full
    req['changesets'] = []
    req['obsolescence'] = obsolete.isenabled(repo, obsolete.createmarkersopt)

    reviews = repo.reviews
    oldparentid = reviews.findparentreview(identifier=identifier.full)

    # Include obsolescence data so server can make intelligent decisions.
    obsstore = repo.obsstore
    for node in nodes:
        precursors = [hex(n) for n in obsolete.allprecursors(obsstore, [node])]
            'node': hex(node),
            'precursors': precursors,

    ui.write(_('submitting %d changesets for review\n') % len(nodes))

    res = calljsoncommand(ui, remote, 'pushreview', data=req, httpcap='submithttp',
    if 'error' in res:
        raise error.Abort(res['error'])

    for w in res['display']:
        ui.write('%s\n' % w)

    reviews.baseurl = res['rburl']
    newparentid = res['parentrrid']
    reviews.addparentreview(identifier.full, newparentid)

    nodereviews = {}
    reviewdata = {}

    for rid, info in sorted(res['reviewrequests'].iteritems()):
        if 'node' in info:
            node = bin(info['node'])
            nodereviews[node] = rid

        reviewdata[rid] = {
            'status': info['status'],
            'public': info['public'],

        if 'reviewers' in info:
            reviewdata[rid]['reviewers'] = info['reviewers']

    reviews.remoteurl = remote.url()

    for node, rid in nodereviews.items():
        reviews.addnodereview(node, rid, newparentid)

    for rid, data in reviewdata.iteritems():
        reviews.savereviewrequest(rid, data)

    havedraft = False

    for node in nodes:
        rid = nodereviews[node]
        ctx = repo[node]
        # Bug 1065024 use cmdutil.show_changeset() here.
        ui.write('changeset:  %s:%s\n' % (ctx.rev(), ctx.hex()[0:12]))
        ui.write('summary:    %s\n' % ctx.description().splitlines()[0])
        ui.write('review:     %s' % reviews.reviewurl(rid))
        if not reviewdata[rid].get('public'):
            havedraft = True
            ui.write(' (draft)')

    ui.write(_('review id:  %s\n') % identifier.full)
    ui.write(_('review url: %s') % reviews.parentreviewurl(identifier.full))
    if not reviewdata[newparentid].get('public'):
        havedraft = True
        ui.write(' (draft)')

    # Warn people that they have not assigned reviewers for at least some
    # of their commits.
    for node in nodes:
        rd = reviewdata[nodereviews[node]]
        if not rd.get('reviewers', None):
            ui.status(_('(review requests lack reviewers; visit review url '
                        'to assign reviewers)\n'))

    # Make it clear to the user that they need to take action in order for
    # others to see this review series.
    if havedraft:
        # At some point we may want an yes/no/prompt option for autopublish
        # but for safety reasons we only allow no/prompt for now.
        if ui.configbool('reviewboard', 'autopublish', True):
            publish = ui.promptchoice(
                _('publish these review requests now (Yn)? $$ &Yes $$ &No'))
            if publish == 0:
                publishreviewrequests(ui, remote, bzauth, [newparentid])
                ui.status(_('(visit review url to publish these review '
                            'requests so others can see them)\n'))
            ui.status(_('(visit review url to publish these review requests '
                        'so others can see them)\n'))
Ejemplo n.º 4
def doreview(repo, ui, remote, nodes):
    """Do the work of submitting a review to a remote repo.

    :remote is a peerrepository.
    :nodes is a list of nodes to review.
    assert nodes
    assert 'pushreview' in getreviewcaps(remote)

    # Ensure a color for ui.warning is defined.
        color = extensions.find('color')
        if 'ui.warning' not in color._styles:
            color._styles['ui.warning'] = 'red'
    except Exception:

    bzauth = getbugzillaauth(ui)
    if not bzauth:
            _('Bugzilla credentials not available. Not submitting review.\n'))

    identifier = None

    # The review identifier can come from a number of places. In order of
    # priority:
    # 1. --reviewid argument passed to push command
    # 2. The active bookmark
    # 3. The active branch (if it isn't default)
    # 4. A bug number extracted from commit messages

    if repo.reviewid:
        identifier = repo.reviewid

    # TODO The server currently requires a bug number for the identifier.
    # Pull bookmark and branch names in once allowed.
    #elif repo._bookmarkcurrent:
    #    identifier = repo._bookmarkcurrent
    #elif repo.dirstate.branch() != 'default':
    #    identifier = repo.dirstate.branch()

    if not identifier:
        identifiers = set()
        for node in nodes:
            ctx = repo[node]
            bugs = parse_bugs(ctx.description().split('\n')[0])
            if bugs:
                identifier = 'bz://%s' % bugs[0]

        if len(identifiers) > 1:
            raise util.Abort(
                'cannot submit reviews referencing multiple '
                hint='limit reviewed changesets '
                'with "-c" or "-r" arguments')

    identifier = ReviewID(identifier)

    if not identifier:
            _('Unable to determine review identifier. Review '
              'identifiers are extracted from commit messages automatically. '
              'Try to begin one of your commit messages with "Bug XXXXXX -"\n')

    # Append irc nick to review identifier.
    # This is an ugly workaround to a limitation in ReviewBoard. RB doesn't
    # really support changing the owner of a review. It is doable, but no
    # history is stored and this leads to faulty attribution. More details
    # in bug 1034188.
    if not identifier.user:
        ircnick = ui.config('mozilla', 'ircnick', None)
        identifier.user = ircnick

    if hasattr(repo, 'mq'):
        for patch in repo.mq.applied:
            if patch.node in nodes:
                    _('(You are using mq to develop patches. For the best '
                      'code review experience, use bookmark-based development '
                      'with changeset evolution. Read more at '

    req = commonrequestdict(ui, bzauth)
    req['identifier'] = identifier.full
    req['changesets'] = []
    req['obsolescence'] = obsolete.isenabled(repo, obsolete.createmarkersopt)
    req['deduce-reviewers'] = ui.configbool('reviewboard', 'deduce-reviewers',

    reviews = repo.reviews
    oldparentid = reviews.findparentreview(identifier=identifier.full)

    # Include obsolescence data so server can make intelligent decisions.
    obsstore = repo.obsstore
    for node in nodes:
        precursors = [hex(n) for n in obsolete.allprecursors(obsstore, [node])]
            'node': hex(node),
            'precursors': precursors,

    ui.write(_('submitting %d changesets for review\n') % len(nodes))

    res = calljsoncommand(ui,

    # Re-encode all items in res from u'' to utf-8 byte str to avoid
    # exceptions during str operations.

    if 'error' in res:
        raise error.Abort(res['error'])

    for w in res['display']:
        ui.write('%s\n' % w)

    reviews.baseurl = res['rburl']
    newparentid = res['parentrrid']
    reviews.addparentreview(identifier.full, newparentid)

    nodereviews = {}
    reviewdata = {}

    for rid, info in sorted(res['reviewrequests'].iteritems()):
        if 'node' in info:
            node = bin(info['node'])
            nodereviews[node] = rid

        reviewdata[rid] = {
            'status': info['status'],
            'public': info['public'],

        if 'reviewers' in info:
            reviewdata[rid]['reviewers'] = info['reviewers']

    reviews.remoteurl = remote.url()

    for node, rid in nodereviews.items():
        reviews.addnodereview(node, rid, newparentid)

    for rid, data in reviewdata.iteritems():
        reviews.savereviewrequest(rid, data)

    havedraft = False

    for node in nodes:
        rid = nodereviews[node]
        ctx = repo[node]
        # Bug 1065024 use cmdutil.show_changeset() here.
        ui.write('changeset:  %s:%s\n' % (ctx.rev(), ctx.hex()[0:12]))
        ui.write('summary:    %s\n' % ctx.description().splitlines()[0])
        ui.write('review:     %s' % reviews.reviewurl(rid))
        if not reviewdata[rid].get('public'):
            havedraft = True
            ui.write(' (draft)')

    ui.write(_('review id:  %s\n') % identifier.full)
    ui.write(_('review url: %s') % reviews.parentreviewurl(identifier.full))
    if not reviewdata[newparentid].get('public'):
        havedraft = True
        ui.write(' (draft)')

    # Warn people that they have not assigned reviewers for at least some
    # of their commits.
    for node in nodes:
        rd = reviewdata[nodereviews[node]]
        if not rd.get('reviewers', None):
                _('(review requests lack reviewers; visit review url '
                  'to assign reviewers)\n'))

    # Make it clear to the user that they need to take action in order for
    # others to see this review series.
    if havedraft:
        # If there is no configuration value specified for
        # reviewboard.autopublish, prompt the user. Otherwise, publish
        # automatically or not based on this value.
        if ui.config('reviewboard', 'autopublish', None) is None:
            publish = ui.promptchoice(
                _('publish these review '
                  'requests now (Yn)? '
                  '$$ &Yes $$ &No')) == 0
            publish = ui.configbool('reviewboard', 'autopublish')

        if publish:
            publishreviewrequests(ui, remote, bzauth, [newparentid])
                _('(visit review url to publish these review '
                  'requests so others can see them)\n'))
Ejemplo n.º 5
def _processpushreview(repo, req, ldap_username):
    """Handle a request to turn changesets into review requests.

    ``ldap_username`` is the LDAP username to associate with the MozReview
    account whose credentials are passed as part of the request. We implicitly
    trust the passed LDAP username has been authenticated to belong to the
    MozReview account.
    bzusername = req.get('bzusername')
    bzapikey = req.get('bzapikey')

    if not bzusername or not bzapikey:
        return errorresponse(
            'Bugzilla API keys not configured; see '
            'https://mozilla-version-control-tools.readthedocs.io/en/latest/mozreview/install.html#obtaining-accounts-credentials-and-privileges '
            'for instructions on how to configure your client')

    identifier = req['identifier']
    nodes = []
    precursors = {}
    for cset in req['changesets']:
        node = cset['node']
        if 'precursors' in cset:
            precursors[node] = cset['precursors']

    diffopts = mdiff.diffopts(context=8, showfunc=True, git=True)

    commits = {
        'individual': [],
        'squashed': {},
        'obsolescence': req.get('obsolescence', False),

    # We do multiple passes over the changesets requested for review because
    # some operations could be slow or may involve queries to external
    # resources. We want to run the fast checks first so we don't waste
    # resources before finding the error. The drawback here is the client
    # will not see the full set of errors. We may revisit this decision
    # later.

    for node in nodes:
        ctx = repo[node]
        # Reviewing merge commits doesn't make much sense and only makes
        # situations more complicated. So disallow the practice.
        if len(ctx.parents()) > 1:
            msg = 'cannot review merge commits (%s)' % short(ctx.node())
            return errorresponse(msg)

    # Invalid or confidental bugs will raise errors in the Review Board
    # interface later. Fail fast to minimize wasted time and resources.
        reviewid = ReviewID(identifier)
    except error.Abort as e:
        return errorresponse(str(e))

    # We use xmlrpc here because the Bugsy REST client doesn't currently handle
    # errors in responses.

    # We don't use available Bugzilla credentials because that's the
    # easiest way to test for confidential bugs. If/when we support posting
    # reviews to confidential bugs, we'll need to change this.
    xmlrpc_url = repo.ui.config('bugzilla', 'url').rstrip('/') + '/xmlrpc.cgi'
    proxy = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(xmlrpc_url)
        proxy.Bug.get({'ids': [reviewid.bug]})
    except xmlrpclib.Fault as f:
        if f.faultCode == 101:
            return errorresponse('bug %s does not exist; '
                                 'please change the review id (%s)' %
                                 (reviewid.bug, reviewid.full))
        elif f.faultCode == 102:
            return errorresponse(
                'bug %s could not be accessed '
                '(we do not currently allow posting of reviews to '
                'confidential bugs)' % reviewid.bug)

        return errorresponse('server error verifying bug %s exists; '
                             'please retry or report a bug' % reviewid.bug)

    # Find the first public node in the ancestry of this series. This is
    # used by MozReview to query the upstream repo for additional context.
    first_public_ancestor = None
    for node in repo[nodes[0]].ancestors():
        ctx = repo[node]
        if ctx.phase() == phases.public:
            first_public_ancestor = ctx.hex()
    commits['squashed']['first_public_ancestor'] = first_public_ancestor

    # Note patch.diff() appears to accept anything that can be fed into
    # repo[]. However, it blindly does a hex() on the argument as opposed
    # to the changectx, so we need to pass in the binary node.
    base_ctx = repo[nodes[0]].p1()
    base_parent_node = base_ctx.node()
    for i, node in enumerate(nodes):
        ctx = repo[node]
        p1 = ctx.p1().node()

        diff = ''.join(
            patch.diff(repo, node1=p1, node2=ctx.node(), opts=diffopts)) + '\n'

        if i:
            base_commit_id = nodes[i - 1]
            base_commit_id = base_ctx.hex()

        summary = encoding.fromlocal(ctx.description().splitlines()[0])
        if req.get('deduce-reviewers', True):
            reviewers = list(commitparser.parse_rquestion_reviewers(summary))
            requal_reviewers = list(
            reviewers = []
            requal_reviewers = []
            precursors.get(node, []),
            # Diffs are arbitrary byte sequences. json.dump() will try to
            # interpret str as UTF-8, which could fail. Instead of trying
            # to coerce the str to a unicode or use ensure_ascii=False (which
            # is a giant pain), just base64 encode the diff in the JSON.

    squashed_diff = b''.join(
                   opts=diffopts)) + '\n'

    commits['squashed']['diff_b64'] = squashed_diff.encode('base64')
    commits['squashed']['base_commit_id'] = base_ctx.hex()

    rburl = repo.ui.config('reviewboard', 'url', None).rstrip('/')
    repoid = repo.ui.configint('reviewboard', 'repoid', None)
    privileged_rb_username = repo.ui.config('reviewboard', 'username', None)
    privileged_rb_password = repo.ui.config('reviewboard', 'password', None)

    if ldap_username:

    res = {
        'rburl': rburl,
        'reviewid': identifier,
        'reviewrequests': {},
        'display': [],

        parentrid, commitmap, reviews, warnings = \
            post_reviews(rburl, repoid, identifier, commits,
                         privileged_rb_username, privileged_rb_password,
                         username=bzusername, apikey=bzapikey)

        res['parentrrid'] = parentrid
        res['reviewrequests'][parentrid] = {
            'status': reviews[parentrid]['status'],
            'public': reviews[parentrid]['public'],

        for node, rid in commitmap.items():
            rd = reviews[rid]
            res['reviewrequests'][rid] = {
                'node': node,
                'status': rd['status'],
                'public': rd['public'],

            if rd['reviewers']:
                res['reviewrequests'][rid]['reviewers'] = list(rd['reviewers'])

    except AuthorizationError as e:
        return errorresponse(str(e))
    except BadRequestError as e:
        return errorresponse(str(e))

    return res
def doreview(repo, ui, remote, reviewnode, basenode=None):
    """Do the work of submitting a review to a remote repo.

    :remote is a peerrepository.
    :reviewnode is the node of the tip to review.
    :basenode is the bottom node to review. If not specified, we will review
    all non-public ancestors of :reviewnode.
    assert remote.capable('reviewboard')

    bzauth = getbugzillaauth(ui)
    if not bzauth:
        ui.warn(_('Bugzilla credentials not available. Not submitting review.\n'))

    # Given a tip node, we need to find all changesets to review.
    # A solution that works most of the time is to find all non-public
    # ancestors of that node. This is our default.
    # If basenode is specified, we stop the traversal when we encounter it.
    # Note that we will still refuse to review a public changeset even with
    # basenode. This decision is somewhat arbitrary and can be revisited later
    # if there is an actual need to review public changesets.
    nodes = [reviewnode]
    for node in repo[reviewnode].ancestors():
        ctx = repo[node]

        if ctx.phase() == phases.public:
        if basenode and ctx.node() == basenode:
            nodes.insert(0, ctx.node())

        nodes.insert(0, ctx.node())

    identifier = None

    # The review identifier can come from a number of places. In order of
    # priority:
    # 1. --reviewid argument passed to push command
    # 2. The active bookmark
    # 3. The active branch (if it isn't default)
    # 4. A bug number extracted from commit messages

    if repo.reviewid:
        identifier = repo.reviewid

    # TODO The server currently requires a bug number for the identifier.
    # Pull bookmark and branch names in once allowed.
    #elif repo._bookmarkcurrent:
    #    identifier = repo._bookmarkcurrent
    #elif repo.dirstate.branch() != 'default':
    #    identifier = repo.dirstate.branch()

    if not identifier:
        for node in nodes:
            ctx = repo[node]
            bugs = parse_bugs(ctx.description())
            if bugs:
                identifier = 'bz://%s' % bugs[0]

    identifier = ReviewID(identifier)

    if not identifier:
        ui.write(_('Unable to determine review identifier. Review '
            'identifiers are extracted from commit messages automatically. '
            'Try to begin one of your commit messages with "Bug XXXXXX -"\n'))

    # Append irc nick to review identifier.
    # This is an ugly workaround to a limitation in ReviewBoard. RB doesn't
    # really support changing the owner of a review. It is doable, but no
    # history is stored and this leads to faulty attribution. More details
    # in bug 1034188.
    if not identifier.user:
        ircnick = ui.config('mozilla', 'ircnick', None)
        identifier.user = ircnick

    if hasattr(repo, 'mq'):
        for patch in repo.mq.applied:
            if patch.node in nodes:
                ui.warn(_('(You are using mq to develop patches. For the best '
                    'code review experience, use bookmark-based development '
                    'with changeset evolution. Read more at '

    lines = [
        'reviewidentifier %s' % urllib.quote(identifier.full),

    for p in ('username', 'password', 'userid', 'cookie'):
        if getattr(bzauth, p, None):
            lines.append('bz%s %s' % (p, urllib.quote(getattr(bzauth, p))))

    reviews = repo.reviews
    oldparentid = reviews.findparentreview(identifier=identifier.full)

    # Include obsolescence data so server can make intelligent decisions.
    obsstore = repo.obsstore
    for node in nodes:
        lines.append('csetreview %s' % hex(node))
        precursors = [hex(n) for n in obsolete.allprecursors(obsstore, [node])]
        lines.append('precursors %s %s' % (hex(node), ' '.join(precursors)))

    ui.write(_('submitting %d changesets for review\n') % len(nodes))

    res = remote._call('pushreview', data='\n'.join(lines))

    # All protocol versions begin with: <version>\n
        off = res.index('\n')
        version = int(res[0:off])

        if version != 1:
            raise util.Abort(_('do not know how to handle response from server.'))
    except ValueError:
        raise util.Abort(_('invalid response from server.'))

    assert version == 1
    lines = res.split('\n')[1:]

    newparentid = None
    nodereviews = {}
    reviewdata = {}

    for line in lines:
        t, d = line.split(' ', 1)

        if t == 'display':
            ui.write('%s\n' % d)
        elif t == 'error':
            raise util.Abort(d)
        elif t == 'parentreview':
            newparentid = d
            reviews.addparentreview(identifier.full, newparentid)
            reviewdata[newparentid] = {}
        elif t == 'csetreview':
            node, rid = d.split(' ', 1)
            node = bin(node)
            reviews.addnodereview(node, rid, newparentid)
            reviewdata[rid] = {}
            nodereviews[node] = rid
        elif t == 'reviewdata':
            rid, field, value = d.split(' ', 2)
            value = urllib.unquote(value)
            reviewdata[rid][field] = value
        elif t == 'rburl':
            reviews.baseurl = d

    reviews.remoteurl = remote.url()

    for rid, data in reviewdata.iteritems():
        reviews.savereviewrequest(rid, data)

    for node in nodes:
        rid = nodereviews[node]
        ctx = repo[node]
        # Bug 1065024 use cmdutil.show_changeset() here.
        ui.write('changeset:  %s:%s\n' % (ctx.rev(), ctx.hex()[0:12]))
        ui.write('summary:    %s\n' % ctx.description().splitlines()[0])
        ui.write('review:     %s' % reviews.reviewurl(rid))
        if reviewdata[rid].get('status') == 'pending':
            ui.write(' (pending)')

    ispending = reviewdata[newparentid].get('status', None) == 'pending'
    ui.write(_('review id:  %s\n') % identifier.full)
    ui.write(_('review url: %s') % reviews.parentreviewurl(identifier.full))
    if ispending:
        ui.write(' (pending)')

    # Make it clear to the user that they need to take action in order for
    # others to see this review series.
    if ispending:
        ui.status(_('(visit review url to publish this review request so others can see it)\n'))
Ejemplo n.º 7
def doreview(repo, ui, remote, nodes):
    """Do the work of submitting a review to a remote repo.

    :remote is a peerrepository.
    :nodes is a list of nodes to review.
    assert nodes
    assert 'pushreview' in getreviewcaps(remote)

    bzauth = getbugzillaauth(ui)
    if not bzauth:
        ui.warn(_('Bugzilla credentials not available. Not submitting review.\n'))

    identifier = None

    # The review identifier can come from a number of places. In order of
    # priority:
    # 1. --reviewid argument passed to push command
    # 2. The active bookmark
    # 3. The active branch (if it isn't default)
    # 4. A bug number extracted from commit messages

    if repo.reviewid:
        identifier = repo.reviewid

    # TODO The server currently requires a bug number for the identifier.
    # Pull bookmark and branch names in once allowed.
    #elif repo._bookmarkcurrent:
    #    identifier = repo._bookmarkcurrent
    #elif repo.dirstate.branch() != 'default':
    #    identifier = repo.dirstate.branch()

    if not identifier:
        for node in nodes:
            ctx = repo[node]
            bugs = parse_bugs(ctx.description())
            if bugs:
                identifier = 'bz://%s' % bugs[0]

    identifier = ReviewID(identifier)

    if not identifier:
        ui.write(_('Unable to determine review identifier. Review '
            'identifiers are extracted from commit messages automatically. '
            'Try to begin one of your commit messages with "Bug XXXXXX -"\n'))

    # Append irc nick to review identifier.
    # This is an ugly workaround to a limitation in ReviewBoard. RB doesn't
    # really support changing the owner of a review. It is doable, but no
    # history is stored and this leads to faulty attribution. More details
    # in bug 1034188.
    if not identifier.user:
        ircnick = ui.config('mozilla', 'ircnick', None)
        identifier.user = ircnick

    if hasattr(repo, 'mq'):
        for patch in repo.mq.applied:
            if patch.node in nodes:
                ui.warn(_('(You are using mq to develop patches. For the best '
                    'code review experience, use bookmark-based development '
                    'with changeset evolution. Read more at '

    lines = commonrequestlines(ui, bzauth)
    lines.append('reviewidentifier %s' % urllib.quote(identifier.full))

    reviews = repo.reviews
    oldparentid = reviews.findparentreview(identifier=identifier.full)

    # Include obsolescence data so server can make intelligent decisions.
    obsstore = repo.obsstore
    for node in nodes:
        lines.append('csetreview %s' % hex(node))
        precursors = [hex(n) for n in obsolete.allprecursors(obsstore, [node])]
        lines.append('precursors %s %s' % (hex(node), ' '.join(precursors)))

    ui.write(_('submitting %d changesets for review\n') % len(nodes))

    res = remote._call('pushreview', data='\n'.join(lines))
    lines = getpayload(res)

    newparentid = None
    nodereviews = {}
    reviewdata = {}

    for line in lines:
        t, d = line.split(' ', 1)

        if t == 'display':
            ui.write('%s\n' % d)
        elif t == 'error':
            raise util.Abort(d)
        elif t == 'parentreview':
            newparentid = d
            reviews.addparentreview(identifier.full, newparentid)
            reviewdata[newparentid] = {}
        elif t == 'csetreview':
            node, rid = d.split(' ', 1)
            node = bin(node)
            reviewdata[rid] = {}
            nodereviews[node] = rid
        elif t == 'reviewdata':
            rid, field, value = d.split(' ', 2)
            reviewdata[rid][field] = decodepossiblelistvalue(value)
        elif t == 'rburl':
            reviews.baseurl = d

    reviews.remoteurl = remote.url()

    for node, rid in nodereviews.items():
        reviews.addnodereview(node, rid, newparentid)

    for rid, data in reviewdata.iteritems():
        reviews.savereviewrequest(rid, data)

    havedraft = False

    for node in nodes:
        rid = nodereviews[node]
        ctx = repo[node]
        # Bug 1065024 use cmdutil.show_changeset() here.
        ui.write('changeset:  %s:%s\n' % (ctx.rev(), ctx.hex()[0:12]))
        ui.write('summary:    %s\n' % ctx.description().splitlines()[0])
        # We want to encourage people to use r? when asking for a review rather
        # than r=.
        if list(parse_requal_reviewers(ctx.description())):
            ui.warn(_('(It appears you are using r= to specify reviewers for a'
                ' patch under review. Please use r? to avoid ambiguity as to'
                ' whether or not review has been granted.)\n'))
        ui.write('review:     %s' % reviews.reviewurl(rid))
        if reviewdata[rid].get('public') == 'False':
            havedraft = True
            ui.write(' (draft)')

    ui.write(_('review id:  %s\n') % identifier.full)
    ui.write(_('review url: %s') % reviews.parentreviewurl(identifier.full))
    if reviewdata[newparentid].get('public', None) == 'False':
        havedraft = True
        ui.write(' (draft)')

    havereviewers = bool(nodes)
    for node in nodes:
        rd = reviewdata[nodereviews[node]]
        if not rd.get('reviewers', None):
            havereviewers = False

    # Make it clear to the user that they need to take action in order for
    # others to see this review series.
    if havedraft:
        # If the series is ready for publishing, prompt the user to perform the
        # publishing.
        if havereviewers:
            caps = getreviewcaps(remote)
            if 'publish' in caps:
                publish = ui.promptchoice(
                    _('publish these review requests now (Yn)? $$ &Yes $$ &No'))
                if publish == 0:
                    publishreviewrequests(ui, remote, bzauth, [newparentid])
                    ui.status(_('(visit review url to publish these review '
                                'requests so others can see them)\n'))
                ui.status(_('(visit review url to publish these review requests'
                            'so others can see them)\n'))
            ui.status(_('(review requests lack reviewers; visit review url '
                        'to assign reviewers and publish these review '