Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_option_parser():
    """Returns inited OptionParser object"""
    from horizons.constants import VERSION
    p = optparse.OptionParser(usage="%prog [options]",
    p.add_option("-d", "--debug", dest="debug", action="store_true", \
                 default=False, help=_("Enable debug output to stderr and a logfile."))
    p.add_option("--fife-path", dest="fife_path", metavar="<path>", \
                 help=_("Specify the path to FIFE root directory."))
    p.add_option("--restore-settings", dest="restore_settings", action="store_true", \
                 default=False, help=_("Restores the default settings. Useful if Unknown Horizons crashes on startup due to misconfiguration."))
    p.add_option("--mp-master", dest="mp_master", metavar="<ip:port>", \
                 help=_("Specify alternative multiplayer master server."))
    p.add_option("--mp-bind", dest="mp_bind", metavar="<ip:port>", \
                 help=_("Specify network address to bind local network client to. This is useful if NAT holepunching is not working but you can forward a static port."))

    start_uh_group = optparse.OptionGroup(p, _("Starting Unknown Horizons"))
    start_uh_group.add_option("--start-map", dest="start_map", metavar="<map>", \
                 help=_("Starts <map>. <map> is the mapname."))
    start_uh_group.add_option("--start-random-map", dest="start_random_map", action="store_true", \
                 help=_("Starts a random map."))
    start_uh_group.add_option("--start-specific-random-map", dest="start_specific_random_map", \
                 type="int", metavar="<seed>", help=_("Starts a random map with seed <seed>."))
    start_uh_group.add_option("--start-scenario", dest="start_scenario", metavar="<scenario>", \
                 help=_("Starts <scenario>. <scenario> is the scenarioname."))
    start_uh_group.add_option("--start-campaign", dest="start_campaign", metavar="<campaign>", \
                 help=_("Starts <campaign>. <campaign> is the campaign name."))
    start_uh_group.add_option("--start-dev-map", dest="start_dev_map", action="store_true", \
                 default=False, help=_("Starts the development map without displaying the main menu."))
    start_uh_group.add_option("--load-map", dest="load_map", metavar="<save>", \
                 help=_("Loads a saved game. <save> is the savegamename."))
    start_uh_group.add_option("--load-last-quicksave", dest="load_quicksave", action="store_true", \
                 help=_("Loads the last quicksave."))

    dev_group = optparse.OptionGroup(p, _("Development options"))
    dev_group.add_option("--debug-log-only", dest="debug_log_only", action="store_true", \
                 default=False, help=_("Write debug output only to logfile, not to console. Implies -d."))
    dev_group.add_option("--debug-module", action="append", dest="debug_module", \
                 metavar="<module>", default=[], \
                 help=_("Enable logging for a certain logging module (for developing only)."))
        help=_("Writes log to <filename> instead of to the uh-userdir"))
    dev_group.add_option("--fife-in-library-path", dest="fife_in_library_path", action="store_true", \
                 default=False, help=_("For internal use only."))
    dev_group.add_option("--profile", dest="profile", action="store_true", \
                 default=False, help=_("Enable profiling (for developing only)."))
    dev_group.add_option("--string-previewer", dest="stringpreview", action="store_true", \
                 default=False, help=_("Enable the string previewer tool for scenario writers"))

    return p
Ejemplo n.º 2
def get_option_parser():
	"""Returns inited OptionParser object"""
	from horizons.constants import VERSION
	p = optparse.OptionParser(usage="%prog [options]", version=VERSION.string())
	p.add_option("-d", "--debug", dest="debug", action="store_true", \
	             default=False, help=_("Enable debug output to stderr and a logfile."))
	p.add_option("--fife-path", dest="fife_path", metavar="<path>", \
	             help=_("Specify the path to FIFE root directory."))
	p.add_option("--restore-settings", dest="restore_settings", action="store_true", \
	             default=False, help=_("Restores the default settings. Useful if Unknown Horizons crashes on startup due to misconfiguration."))
	p.add_option("--mp-master", dest="mp_master", metavar="<ip:port>", \
	             help=_("Specify alternative multiplayer master server."))
	p.add_option("--mp-bind", dest="mp_bind", metavar="<ip:port>", \
	             help=_("Specify network address to bind local network client to. This is useful if NAT holepunching is not working but you can forward a static port."))

	start_uh_group = optparse.OptionGroup(p, _("Starting Unknown Horizons"))
	start_uh_group.add_option("--start-map", dest="start_map", metavar="<map>", \
	             help=_("Starts <map>. <map> is the mapname."))
	start_uh_group.add_option("--start-random-map", dest="start_random_map", action="store_true", \
	             help=_("Starts a random map."))
	start_uh_group.add_option("--start-specific-random-map", dest="start_specific_random_map", \
	             type="int", metavar="<seed>", help=_("Starts a random map with seed <seed>."))
	start_uh_group.add_option("--start-scenario", dest="start_scenario", metavar="<scenario>", \
	             help=_("Starts <scenario>. <scenario> is the scenarioname."))
	start_uh_group.add_option("--start-campaign", dest="start_campaign", metavar="<campaign>", \
	             help=_("Starts <campaign>. <campaign> is the campaign name."))
	start_uh_group.add_option("--start-dev-map", dest="start_dev_map", action="store_true", \
	             default=False, help=_("Starts the development map without displaying the main menu."))
	start_uh_group.add_option("--load-map", dest="load_map", metavar="<save>", \
	             help=_("Loads a saved game. <save> is the savegamename."))
	start_uh_group.add_option("--load-last-quicksave", dest="load_quicksave", action="store_true", \
	             help=_("Loads the last quicksave."))

	dev_group = optparse.OptionGroup(p, _("Development options"))
	dev_group.add_option("--debug-log-only", dest="debug_log_only", action="store_true", \
	             default=False, help=_("Write debug output only to logfile, not to console. Implies -d."))
	dev_group.add_option("--debug-module", action="append", dest="debug_module", \
	             metavar="<module>", default=[], \
	             help=_("Enable logging for a certain logging module (for developing only)."))
	dev_group.add_option("--logfile", dest="logfile", metavar="<filename>",
	             help=_("Writes log to <filename> instead of to the uh-userdir"))
	dev_group.add_option("--fife-in-library-path", dest="fife_in_library_path", action="store_true", \
	             default=False, help=_("For internal use only."))
	dev_group.add_option("--profile", dest="profile", action="store_true", \
	             default=False, help=_("Enable profiling (for developing only)."))
	dev_group.add_option("--string-previewer", dest="stringpreview", action="store_true", \
	             default=False, help=_("Enable the string previewer tool for scenario writers"))

	return p
Ejemplo n.º 3
def set_translations():
	global text_translations
	text_translations = {

	"buildtab_no_settlement.xml" : {
		# (text of widget: headline)
		("headline"                    , "text"    ): _("Game start"),
		# (text of widget: howto_1_need_warehouse)
		("howto_1_need_warehouse"      , "text"    ): _("You need to found a settlement before you can construct buildings!"),
		# (text of widget: howto_2_navigate_ship)
		("howto_2_navigate_ship"       , "text"    ): _("Select your ship and approach the coast via right-click."),
		# (text of widget: howto_3_build_warehouse)
		("howto_3_build_warehouse"     , "text"    ): _("Afterwards, press the large button in the ship overview tab."),

	"place_building.xml" : {
		# (text of widget: headline)
		("headline"                    , "text"    ): _("Build"),
		# (text of widget: running_costs_label)
		("running_costs_label"         , "text"    ): _("Running costs:"),

	"city_info.xml" : {
		# (tooltip of widget: city_info_inhabitants)
		("city_info_inhabitants"       , "tooltip" ): _("Inhabitants"),

	"minimap.xml" : {
		# (tooltip of widget: build)
		("build"                       , "tooltip" ): _("Build menu (B)"),
		# (tooltip of widget: destroy_tool)
		("destroy_tool"                , "tooltip" ): _("Destroy (X)"),
		# (tooltip of widget: diplomacyButton)
		("diplomacyButton"             , "tooltip" ): _("Diplomacy"),
		# (tooltip of widget: gameMenuButton)
		("gameMenuButton"              , "tooltip" ): _("Game menu (Esc)"),
		# (tooltip of widget: logbook)
		("logbook"                     , "tooltip" ): _("Captain's log (L)"),
		# (tooltip of widget: rotateLeft)
		("rotateLeft"                  , "tooltip" ): _("Rotate map counterclockwise (,)"),
		# (tooltip of widget: rotateRight)
		("rotateRight"                 , "tooltip" ): _("Rotate map clockwise (.)"),
		# (tooltip of widget: speedDown)
		("speedDown"                   , "tooltip" ): _("Decrease game speed (-)"),
		# (tooltip of widget: speedUp)
		("speedUp"                     , "tooltip" ): _("Increase game speed (+)"),
		# (tooltip of widget: zoomIn)
		("zoomIn"                      , "tooltip" ): _("Zoom in"),
		# (tooltip of widget: zoomOut)
		("zoomOut"                     , "tooltip" ): _("Zoom out"),

	"resource_overview_bar_gold.xml" : {
		# (tooltip of widget: background_icon)
		("background_icon"             , "tooltip" ): _("Gold"),

	"change_name.xml" : {
		# (text of widget: enter_new_name_lbl)
		("enter_new_name_lbl"          , "text"    ): _("Enter new name:"),
		# (text of widget: headline_change_name)
		("headline_change_name"        , "text"    ): _("Change name"),
		# (text of widget: old_name_label)
		("old_name_label"              , "text"    ): _("Old name:"),
		# (tooltip of widget: okButton)
		("okButton"                    , "tooltip" ): _("Apply the new name"),

	"chat.xml" : {
		# (text of widget: chat_lbl)
		("chat_lbl"                    , "text"    ): _("Enter your message:"),
		# (text of widget: headline)
		("headline"                    , "text"    ): _("Chat"),

	"save_map.xml" : {
		# (text of widget: enter_new_name_lbl)
		("enter_new_name_lbl"          , "text"    ): _("Enter prefix:"),
		# (text of widget: headline_change_name)
		("headline_change_name"        , "text"    ): _("Save map"),
		# (tooltip of widget: okButton)
		("okButton"                    , "tooltip" ): _("Save the map"),

	"boatbuilder.xml" : {
		# (text of widget: BB_cancel_build_label) abort construction of a ship, lose invested resources
		("BB_cancel_build_label"       , "text"    ): _("Cancel building:"),
		# (text of widget: BB_cancel_warning_label) abort construction of a ship, lose invested resources
		("BB_cancel_warning_label"     , "text"    ): _("(lose all resources)"),
		# (text of widget: BB_current_order) Information about the ship currently under construction at the boat builder
		("BB_current_order"            , "text"    ): _("Currently building:"),
		# (text of widget: BB_howto_build_lbl)
		("BB_howto_build_lbl"          , "text"    ): _("To build a boat, click on one of the class tabs, select the desired ship and confirm the order."),
		# (text of widget: BB_progress_label) Refers to the resources still missing to complete the current boat builder task
		("BB_progress_label"           , "text"    ): _("Construction progress:"),
		# (text of widget: headline)
		("headline"                    , "text"    ): _("Building overview"),
		# (tooltip of widget: BB_cancel_button) abort construction of a ship, lose invested resources
		("BB_cancel_button"            , "tooltip" ): _("Cancel all building progress"),
		# (tooltip of widget: toggle_active_active) Pauses the current ship production, can be resumed later
		("toggle_active_active"        , "tooltip" ): _("Pause"),
		# (tooltip of widget: toggle_active_inactive) Resumes the currently paused ship production
		("toggle_active_inactive"      , "tooltip" ): _("Resume"),
		# (tooltip of widget: running_costs_label)
		("running_costs_label"         , "tooltip" ): _("Running costs"),

	"boatbuilder_trade.xml" : {
		# (text of widget: headline)
		("headline"                    , "text"    ): _("Trade boats"),
		# (text of widget: headline_BB_trade_ship1) The huker is a ship class mostly used for fishing. It is the starting ship of players in Unknown Horizons. If you are not sure how to translate, just leave the field empty and it will be called Huker.
		("headline_BB_trade_ship1"     , "text"    ): _("Huker"),
		# (tooltip of widget: BB_build_trade_1)
		("BB_build_trade_1"            , "tooltip" ): _("Build this ship!"),
		# (tooltip of widget: costs_001)
		("costs_001"                   , "tooltip" ): _("Money"),
		# (tooltip of widget: costs_003)
		("costs_003"                   , "tooltip" ): _("Cloth"),
		# (tooltip of widget: costs_004)
		("costs_004"                   , "tooltip" ): _("Boards"),
		# (tooltip of widget: costs_006)
		("costs_006"                   , "tooltip" ): _("Tools"),

	"boatbuilder_war1.xml" : {
		# (text of widget: headline)
		("headline"                    , "text"    ): _("War boats"),
		# (text of widget: headline_BB_war1_ship1)
		("headline_BB_war1_ship1"      , "text"    ): _("Frigate"),
		# (tooltip of widget: BB_build_war1_1)
		("BB_build_war1_1"             , "tooltip" ): _("Build this ship!"),
		# (tooltip of widget: costs_001)
		("costs_001"                   , "tooltip" ): _("Money"),
		# (tooltip of widget: costs_003)
		("costs_003"                   , "tooltip" ): _("Cloth"),
		# (tooltip of widget: costs_004)
		("costs_004"                   , "tooltip" ): _("Boards"),
		# (tooltip of widget: costs_006)
		("costs_006"                   , "tooltip" ): _("Tools"),
		# (tooltip of widget: costs_040)
		("costs_040"                   , "tooltip" ): _("Cannons"),

	"diplomacy.xml" : {
		# (text of widget: ally_label) Diplomacy state of player
		("ally_label"                  , "text"    ): _("ally"),
		# (text of widget: enemy_label) Diplomacy state of player
		("enemy_label"                 , "text"    ): _("enemy"),
		# (text of widget: neutral_label) Diplomacy state of player
		("neutral_label"               , "text"    ): _("neutral"),

	"overview_buildrelated.xml" : {
		# (text of widget: headline)
		("headline"                    , "text"    ): _("Build fields"),

	"overview_farm.xml" : {
		# (text of widget: headline)
		("headline"                    , "text"    ): _("Building overview"),
		# (tooltip of widget: capacity_utilisation_label)
		("capacity_utilisation_label"  , "tooltip" ): _("Capacity utilization"),
		# (tooltip of widget: running_costs_label)
		("running_costs_label"         , "tooltip" ): _("Running costs"),
		# (tooltip of widget: capacity_utilisation)
		("capacity_utilisation"        , "tooltip" ): _("Capacity utilization"),
		# (tooltip of widget: running_costs)
		("running_costs"               , "tooltip" ): _("Running costs"),

	"island_inventory.xml" : {
		# (text of widget: headline)
		("headline"                    , "text"    ): _("Settlement inventory"),

	"mainsquare_inhabitants.xml" : {
		# (text of widget: avg_happiness_lbl)
		("avg_happiness_lbl"           , "text"    ): _("Average happiness:"),
		# (text of widget: headline)
		("headline"                    , "text"    ): _("Settler overview"),
		# (text of widget: most_needed_res_lbl)
		("most_needed_res_lbl"         , "text"    ): _("Most needed resource:"),

	"mainsquare_pioneers.xml" : {
		# (text of widget: headline)
		("headline"                    , "text"    ): _("Pioneers"),
		# (text of widget: headline_residents_per_house)
		("headline_residents_per_house", "text"    ): _("Residents per house"),
		# (text of widget: headline_residents_total)
		("headline_residents_total"    , "text"    ): _("Summary"),
		# (text of widget: houses)
		("houses"                      , "text"    ): _("houses"),
		# (text of widget: resident_1)
		("resident_1"                  , "text"    ): _("1 resident"),
		# (text of widget: resident_2)
		("resident_2"                  , "text"    ): _("2 residents"),
		# (text of widget: resident_3)
		("resident_3"                  , "text"    ): _("3 residents"),
		# (text of widget: residents)
		("residents"                   , "text"    ): _("residents"),
		# (text of widget: tax_label)
		("tax_label"                   , "text"    ): _("Taxes:"),
		# (text of widget: upgrades_lbl)
		("upgrades_lbl"                , "text"    ): _("Upgrade permissions:"),
		# (tooltip of widget: paid_taxes_icon)
		("paid_taxes_icon"             , "tooltip" ): _("Paid taxes"),
		# (tooltip of widget: tax_rate_icon)
		("tax_rate_icon"               , "tooltip" ): _("Tax rate"),
		# (tooltip of widget: tax_val_label)
		("tax_val_label"               , "tooltip" ): _("Tax rate"),
		# (tooltip of widget: taxes)
		("taxes"                       , "tooltip" ): _("Paid taxes"),

	"mainsquare_sailors.xml" : {
		# (text of widget: headline)
		("headline"                    , "text"    ): _("Sailors"),
		# (text of widget: headline_residents_per_house)
		("headline_residents_per_house", "text"    ): _("Residents per house"),
		# (text of widget: headline_residents_total)
		("headline_residents_total"    , "text"    ): _("Summary"),
		# (text of widget: houses)
		("houses"                      , "text"    ): _("houses"),
		# (text of widget: resident_1)
		("resident_1"                  , "text"    ): _("1 resident"),
		# (text of widget: resident_2)
		("resident_2"                  , "text"    ): _("2 residents"),
		# (text of widget: residents)
		("residents"                   , "text"    ): _("residents"),
		# (text of widget: tax_label)
		("tax_label"                   , "text"    ): _("Taxes:"),
		# (text of widget: upgrades_lbl)
		("upgrades_lbl"                , "text"    ): _("Upgrade permissions:"),
		# (tooltip of widget: paid_taxes_icon)
		("paid_taxes_icon"             , "tooltip" ): _("Paid taxes"),
		# (tooltip of widget: tax_rate_icon)
		("tax_rate_icon"               , "tooltip" ): _("Tax rate"),
		# (tooltip of widget: tax_val_label)
		("tax_val_label"               , "tooltip" ): _("Tax rate"),
		# (tooltip of widget: taxes)
		("taxes"                       , "tooltip" ): _("Paid taxes"),

	"mainsquare_settlers.xml" : {
		# (text of widget: headline)
		("headline"                    , "text"    ): _("Settlers"),
		# (text of widget: headline_residents_per_house)
		("headline_residents_per_house", "text"    ): _("Residents per house"),
		# (text of widget: headline_residents_total)
		("headline_residents_total"    , "text"    ): _("Summary"),
		# (text of widget: houses)
		("houses"                      , "text"    ): _("houses"),
		# (text of widget: resident_1)
		("resident_1"                  , "text"    ): _("1 resident"),
		# (text of widget: resident_2)
		("resident_2"                  , "text"    ): _("2 residents"),
		# (text of widget: resident_3)
		("resident_3"                  , "text"    ): _("3 residents"),
		# (text of widget: resident_4)
		("resident_4"                  , "text"    ): _("4 residents"),
		# (text of widget: resident_5)
		("resident_5"                  , "text"    ): _("5 residents"),
		# (text of widget: residents)
		("residents"                   , "text"    ): _("residents"),
		# (text of widget: tax_label)
		("tax_label"                   , "text"    ): _("Taxes:"),
		# (text of widget: upgrades_lbl)
		("upgrades_lbl"                , "text"    ): _("Upgrade not possible:"),
		# (tooltip of widget: allow_upgrades)
		("allow_upgrades"              , "tooltip" ): _("This is the current maximum increment!"),
		# (tooltip of widget: paid_taxes_icon)
		("paid_taxes_icon"             , "tooltip" ): _("Paid taxes"),
		# (tooltip of widget: tax_rate_icon)
		("tax_rate_icon"               , "tooltip" ): _("Tax rate"),
		# (tooltip of widget: tax_val_label)
		("tax_val_label"               , "tooltip" ): _("Tax rate"),
		# (tooltip of widget: taxes)
		("taxes"                       , "tooltip" ): _("Paid taxes"),

	"overview_enemywarehouse.xml" : {
		# (text of widget: buying_label)
		("buying_label"                , "text"    ): _("Buying"),
		# (text of widget: selling_label)
		("selling_label"               , "text"    ): _("Selling"),

	"overview_groundunit.xml" : {
		# (text of widget: lbl_weapon_storage)
		("lbl_weapon_storage"          , "text"    ): _("Weapons:"),

	"overview_productionbuilding.xml" : {
		# (text of widget: headline)
		("headline"                    , "text"    ): _("Building overview"),
		# (tooltip of widget: capacity_utilisation_label)
		("capacity_utilisation_label"  , "tooltip" ): _("Capacity utilization"),
		# (tooltip of widget: running_costs_label)
		("running_costs_label"         , "tooltip" ): _("Running costs"),
		# (tooltip of widget: capacity_utilisation)
		("capacity_utilisation"        , "tooltip" ): _("Capacity utilization"),
		# (tooltip of widget: running_costs)
		("running_costs"               , "tooltip" ): _("Running costs"),

	"overview_resourcedeposit.xml" : {
		# (text of widget: headline)
		("headline"                    , "text"    ): _("Resource deposit"),
		# (text of widget: res_dep_description_lbl)
		("res_dep_description_lbl"     , "text"    ): _("This is a resource deposit where you can build a mine to dig up resources."),
		# (text of widget: res_dep_description_lbl2) It == The resource deposit
		("res_dep_description_lbl2"    , "text"    ): _("It contains these resources:"),

	"overview_settler.xml" : {
		# (text of widget: needed_res_label)
		("needed_res_label"            , "text"    ): _("Needed resources:"),
		# (text of widget: tax_label)
		("tax_label"                   , "text"    ): _("Taxes:"),
		# (tooltip of widget: happiness_label)
		("happiness_label"             , "tooltip" ): _("Happiness"),
		# (tooltip of widget: paid_taxes_label)
		("paid_taxes_label"            , "tooltip" ): _("Paid taxes"),
		# (tooltip of widget: paid_taxes_label)
		("paid_taxes_label"            , "tooltip" ): _("Tax rate"),
		# (tooltip of widget: residents_label)
		("residents_label"             , "tooltip" ): _("Residents"),
		# (tooltip of widget: headline)
		("headline"                    , "tooltip" ): _("Click to change the name of your settlement"),
		# (tooltip of widget: inhabitants)
		("inhabitants"                 , "tooltip" ): _("Residents"),
		# (tooltip of widget: tax_val_label)
		("tax_val_label"               , "tooltip" ): _("Tax rate"),
		# (tooltip of widget: taxes)
		("taxes"                       , "tooltip" ): _("Paid taxes"),
		# (tooltip of widget: happiness)
		("happiness"                   , "tooltip" ): _("Happiness"),

	"overview_signalfire.xml" : {
		# (text of widget: signal_fire_description_lbl)
		("signal_fire_description_lbl" , "text"    ): _("The signal fire shows the free trader how to reach your settlement in case you want to buy or sell goods."),

	"overview_tradership.xml" : {
		# (text of widget: trader_description_lbl)
		("trader_description_lbl"      , "text"    ): _("This is the free trader's ship. It will visit you from time to time to buy or sell goods."),

	"overview_warehouse.xml" : {
		# (text of widget: name_label)
		("name_label"                  , "text"    ): _("Name:"),
		# (tooltip of widget: collector_utilisation_label)
		("collector_utilisation_label" , "tooltip" ): _("Collector utilisation"),
		# (tooltip of widget: running_costs_label)
		("running_costs_label"         , "tooltip" ): _("Running costs"),
		# (tooltip of widget: collector_utilisation) Percentage describing how busy the collectors were (100% = always going for / already carrying full load of goods)
		("collector_utilisation"       , "tooltip" ): _("Collector utilisation"),
		# (tooltip of widget: headline)
		("headline"                    , "tooltip" ): _("Click to change the name of your settlement"),
		# (tooltip of widget: running_costs)
		("running_costs"               , "tooltip" ): _("Running costs"),

	"overviewtab.xml" : {
		# (text of widget: headline)
		("headline"                    , "text"    ): _("Overview"),
		# (text of widget: name_label)
		("name_label"                  , "text"    ): _("Name:"),

	"buy_sell_goods.xml" : {
		# (text of widget: buying_label)
		("buying_label"                , "text"    ): _("Buying"),
		# (text of widget: exchange_label)
		("exchange_label"              , "text"    ): _("Exchange:"),
		# (text of widget: headline)
		("headline"                    , "text"    ): _("Trade"),
		# (text of widget: selling_label)
		("selling_label"               , "text"    ): _("Selling"),
		# (text of widget: ship_label)
		("ship_label"                  , "text"    ): _("Ship:"),
		# (text of widget: trade_with_label)
		("trade_with_label"            , "text"    ): _("Trade partner:"),

	"exchange_goods.xml" : {
		# (text of widget: exchange_label)
		("exchange_label"              , "text"    ): _("Exchange:"),
		# (text of widget: headline)
		("headline"                    , "text"    ): _("Trade"),
		# (text of widget: ship_label)
		("ship_label"                  , "text"    ): _("Ship:"),
		# (text of widget: trade_with_label)
		("trade_with_label"            , "text"    ): _("Trade partner:"),

	"overview_trade_ship.xml" : {
		# (tooltip of widget: name)
		("name"                        , "tooltip" ): _("Click to change the name of this ship"),
		# (tooltip of widget: configure_route)
		("configure_route"             , "tooltip" ): _("Configure trading route"),
		# (tooltip of widget: found_settlement)
		("found_settlement"            , "tooltip" ): _("Build settlement"),
		# (tooltip of widget: trade)
		("trade"                       , "tooltip" ): _("Trade"),

	"overview_war_ship.xml" : {
		# (tooltip of widget: name)
		("name"                        , "tooltip" ): _("Click to change the name of this ship"),
		# (tooltip of widget: configure_route)
		("configure_route"             , "tooltip" ): _("Configure trading route"),
		# (tooltip of widget: found_settlement)
		("found_settlement"            , "tooltip" ): _("Build settlement"),
		# (tooltip of widget: trade)
		("trade"                       , "tooltip" ): _("Trade"),

	"buysellmenu.xml" : {
		# (text of widget: headline)
		("headline"                    , "text"    ): _("Buy or sell resources"),
		# (text of widget: headline_trade_history)
		("headline_trade_history"      , "text"    ): _("Trade history"),

	"select_trade_resource.xml" : {
		# (text of widget: headline)
		("headline"                    , "text"    ): _("Select resources:"),

	"tab_account.xml" : {
		# (text of widget: buy_expenses_label)
		("buy_expenses_label"          , "text"    ): _("Buying"),
		# (text of widget: headline_balance_label)
		("headline_balance_label"      , "text"    ): _("Balance:"),
		# (text of widget: headline_expenses_label)
		("headline_expenses_label"     , "text"    ): _("Expenses:"),
		# (text of widget: headline_income_label)
		("headline_income_label"       , "text"    ): _("Income:"),
		# (text of widget: running_costs_label)
		("running_costs_label"         , "text"    ): _("Running costs"),
		# (text of widget: sell_income_label)
		("sell_income_label"           , "text"    ): _("Sale"),
		# (text of widget: taxes_label)
		("taxes_label"                 , "text"    ): _("Taxes"),
		# (text of widget: headline)
		("headline"                    , "text"    ): _("Account"),
		# (tooltip of widget: show_production_overview)
		("show_production_overview"    , "tooltip" ): _("Show resources produced in this settlement"),

	"overview_farmproductionline.xml" : {
		# (tooltip of widget: toggle_active_active)
		("toggle_active_active"        , "tooltip" ): _("Pause production"),
		# (tooltip of widget: toggle_active_inactive)
		("toggle_active_inactive"      , "tooltip" ): _("Start production"),

	"overview_productionline.xml" : {
		# (tooltip of widget: toggle_active_active)
		("toggle_active_active"        , "tooltip" ): _("Pause production"),
		# (tooltip of widget: toggle_active_inactive)
		("toggle_active_inactive"      , "tooltip" ): _("Start production"),

	"route_entry.xml" : {
		# (tooltip of widget: delete_warehouse) Trade route entry
		("delete_warehouse"            , "tooltip" ): _("Delete entry"),
		# (tooltip of widget: move_down) Trade route entry
		("move_down"                   , "tooltip" ): _("Move down"),
		# (tooltip of widget: move_up) Trade route entry
		("move_up"                     , "tooltip" ): _("Move up"),

	"captains_log.xml" : {
		# (tooltip of widget: okButton) Captain's Log: logbook/diary used in scenarios
		("okButton"                    , "tooltip" ): _("Leave Captain's log"),
		# (tooltip of widget: backwardButton) Entry of Captain's Log (logbook/diary used in scenarios)
		("backwardButton"              , "tooltip" ): _("Read previous entries"),
		# (tooltip of widget: forwardButton) Entry of Captain's Log (logbook/diary used in scenarios)
		("forwardButton"               , "tooltip" ): _("Read next entries"),

	"choose_next_scenario.xml" : {
		# (text of widget: head_left)
		("head_left"                   , "text"    ): _("Available Scenarios"),
		# (text of widget: head_right)
		("head_right"                  , "text"    ): _("Scenario description"),
		# (text of widget: scenario_details) More text describing the scenario
		("scenario_details"            , "text"    ): _("Details:"),
		# (tooltip of widget: cancelButton) Players either select the next scenario they want to play or press this button
		("cancelButton"                , "tooltip" ): _("Continue playing"),
		# (tooltip of widget: choose_scenario) Select which scenario to play
		("choose_scenario"             , "tooltip" ): _("Choose this scenario"),

	"configure_route.xml" : {
		# (text of widget: lbl_wait_at_load) Trade route setting: Whether to wait until all goods could be loaded.
		("lbl_wait_at_load"            , "text"    ): _("Wait at load:"),
		# (text of widget: lbl_wait_at_unload) Trade route setting: Whether to wait until all goods could be unloaded.
		("lbl_wait_at_unload"          , "text"    ): _("Wait at unload:"),
		# (tooltip of widget: okButton)
		("okButton"                    , "tooltip" ): _("Exit"),
		# (tooltip of widget: start_route) Trade route
		("start_route"                 , "tooltip" ): _("Start route"),

	"island_production.xml" : {
		# (tooltip of widget: okButton)
		("okButton"                    , "tooltip" ): _("Close"),

	"players_overview.xml" : {
		# (text of widget: building_score)
		("building_score"              , "text"    ): _("Buildings"),
		# (text of widget: headline)
		("headline"                    , "text"    ): _("Player scores"),
		# (text of widget: land_score)
		("land_score"                  , "text"    ): _("Land"),
		# (text of widget: money_score)
		("money_score"                 , "text"    ): _("Money"),
		# (text of widget: player_name)
		("player_name"                 , "text"    ): _("Name"),
		# (text of widget: resource_score)
		("resource_score"              , "text"    ): _("Resources"),
		# (text of widget: settler_score)
		("settler_score"               , "text"    ): _("Settlers"),
		# (text of widget: total_score)
		("total_score"                 , "text"    ): _("Total"),
		# (text of widget: unit_score)
		("unit_score"                  , "text"    ): _("Units"),
		# (tooltip of widget: okButton)
		("okButton"                    , "tooltip" ): _("Close"),

	"players_settlements.xml" : {
		# (text of widget: balance)
		("balance"                     , "text"    ): _("Balance"),
		# (text of widget: inhabitants)
		("inhabitants"                 , "text"    ): _("Inhabitants"),
		# (text of widget: running_costs)
		("running_costs"               , "text"    ): _("Running costs"),
		# (text of widget: settlement_name)
		("settlement_name"             , "text"    ): _("Name"),
		# (text of widget: taxes)
		("taxes"                       , "text"    ): _("Taxes"),
		# (tooltip of widget: okButton)
		("okButton"                    , "tooltip" ): _("Close"),

	"ships_list.xml" : {
		# (text of widget: health)
		("health"                      , "text"    ): _("Health"),
		# (text of widget: ship_name)
		("ship_name"                   , "text"    ): _("Name"),
		# (text of widget: ship_type)
		("ship_type"                   , "text"    ): _("Type"),
		# (text of widget: status)
		("status"                      , "text"    ): _("Status"),
		# (text of widget: weapons)
		("weapons"                     , "text"    ): _("Weapons"),
		# (tooltip of widget: okButton)
		("okButton"                    , "tooltip" ): _("Close"),

	"stancewidget.xml" : {
		# (tooltip of widget: aggressive) Description of combat stance (how units behave when fighting)
		("aggressive"                  , "tooltip" ): _("Aggressive"),
		# (tooltip of widget: flee) Description of combat stance (how units behave when fighting)
		("flee"                        , "tooltip" ): _("Flee"),
		# (tooltip of widget: hold_ground) Description of combat stance (how units behave when fighting)
		("hold_ground"                 , "tooltip" ): _("Hold ground"),
		# (tooltip of widget: none) Description of combat stance (how units behave when fighting)
		("none"                        , "tooltip" ): _("Passive"),

	"help.xml" : {
		# (text of widget: have_fun)
		("have_fun"                    , "text"    ): _("Have fun."),
		# (text of widget: headline)
		("headline"                    , "text"    ): _("Key bindings"),
		# (text of widget: lbl_BUILD_TOOL)
		("lbl_BUILD_TOOL"              , "text"    ): _("Show build menu"),
		# (text of widget: lbl_CHAT)
		("lbl_CHAT"                    , "text"    ): _("Chat"),
		# (text of widget: lbl_CONSOLE)
		("lbl_CONSOLE"                 , "text"    ): _("Toggle console on/off"),
		# (text of widget: lbl_COORD_TOOLTIP)
		("lbl_COORD_TOOLTIP"           , "text"    ): _("Show coordinate values (Debug)"),
		# (text of widget: lbl_DESTROY_TOOL)
		("lbl_DESTROY_TOOL"            , "text"    ): _("Enable destruct mode"),
		# (text of widget: lbl_DOWN)
		("lbl_DOWN"                    , "text"    ): _("Scroll down"),
		# (text of widget: lbl_GRID)
		("lbl_GRID"                    , "text"    ): _("Toggle grid on/off"),
		# (text of widget: lbl_HELP)
		("lbl_HELP"                    , "text"    ): _("Display help"),
		# (text of widget: lbl_LEFT)
		("lbl_LEFT"                    , "text"    ): _("Scroll left"),
		# (text of widget: lbl_LOGBOOK)
		("lbl_LOGBOOK"                 , "text"    ): _("Toggle Captain's log"),
		# (text of widget: lbl_PAUSE)
		("lbl_PAUSE"                   , "text"    ): _("Pause game"),
		# (text of widget: lbl_PLAYERS_OVERVIEW)
		("lbl_PLAYERS_OVERVIEW"        , "text"    ): _("Show player scores"),
		# (text of widget: lbl_QUICKLOAD)
		("lbl_QUICKLOAD"               , "text"    ): _("Quickload"),
		# (text of widget: lbl_QUICKSAVE)
		("lbl_QUICKSAVE"               , "text"    ): _("Quicksave"),
		# (text of widget: lbl_REMOVE_SELECTED)
		("lbl_REMOVE_SELECTED"         , "text"    ): _("Remove selected units / buildings"),
		# (text of widget: lbl_RIGHT)
		("lbl_RIGHT"                   , "text"    ): _("Scroll right"),
		# (text of widget: lbl_ROAD_TOOL)
		("lbl_ROAD_TOOL"               , "text"    ): _("Enable road building mode"),
		# (text of widget: lbl_ROTATE_LEFT)
		("lbl_ROTATE_LEFT"             , "text"    ): _("Rotate building or map counterclockwise"),
		# (text of widget: lbl_ROTATE_RIGHT)
		("lbl_ROTATE_RIGHT"            , "text"    ): _("Rotate building or map clockwise"),
		# (text of widget: lbl_SCREENSHOT)
		("lbl_SCREENSHOT"              , "text"    ): _("Screenshot"),
		# (text of widget: lbl_SETTLEMENTS_OVERVIEW)
		("lbl_SETTLEMENTS_OVERVIEW"    , "text"    ): _("Show settlement list"),
		# (text of widget: lbl_SHIFT)
		("lbl_SHIFT"                   , "text"    ): _("Hold to place multiple buildings"),
		# (text of widget: lbl_SHIPS_OVERVIEW)
		("lbl_SHIPS_OVERVIEW"          , "text"    ): _("Show ship list"),
		# (text of widget: lbl_SPEED_DOWN)
		("lbl_SPEED_DOWN"              , "text"    ): _("Decrease game speed"),
		# (text of widget: lbl_SPEED_UP)
		("lbl_SPEED_UP"                , "text"    ): _("Increase game speed"),
		# (text of widget: lbl_TILE_OWNER_HIGHLIGHT)
		("lbl_TILE_OWNER_HIGHLIGHT"    , "text"    ): _("Highlight tile ownership"),
		# (text of widget: lbl_TRANSLUCENCY)
		("lbl_TRANSLUCENCY"            , "text"    ): _("Toggle translucency of ambient buildings"),
		# (text of widget: lbl_UP)
		("lbl_UP"                      , "text"    ): _("Scroll up"),
		# (tooltip of widget: okButton)
		("okButton"                    , "tooltip" ): _("Return"),
		# (text of widget: fife_and_uh_team)
		("fife_and_uh_team"            , "text"    ): _("The FIFE and Unknown Horizons development teams"),

	"ingamemenu.xml" : {
		# (text of widget: help)
		("help"                        , "text"    ): _("Help"),
		# (text of widget: loadgame)
		("loadgame"                    , "text"    ): _("Load game"),
		# (text of widget: quit)
		("quit"                        , "text"    ): _("Cancel game"),
		# (text of widget: savegame)
		("savegame"                    , "text"    ): _("Save game"),
		# (text of widget: settings)
		("settings"                    , "text"    ): _("Settings"),
		# (text of widget: start)
		("start"                       , "text"    ): _("Return to game"),

	"loadingscreen.xml" : {
		# (text of widget: loading_label)
		("loading_label"               , "text"    ): _("Loading ..."),
		# (text of widget: version_label)
		("version_label"               , "text"    ): VERSION.string(),

	"mainmenu.xml" : {
		# (text of widget: chimebell)
		("chimebell"                   , "text"    ): _("Attention please!"),
		# (text of widget: credits)
		("credits"                     , "text"    ): _("Credits"),
		# (text of widget: help) Main / in-game menu entry
		("help"                        , "text"    ): _("Help"),
		# (text of widget: loadgame) Open a widget to select which game to load
		("loadgame"                    , "text"    ): _("Load game"),
		# (text of widget: quit) Completely shut down UH
		("quit"                        , "text"    ): _("Quit"),
		# (text of widget: settings) Main / in-game menu entry
		("settings"                    , "text"    ): _("Settings"),
		# (text of widget: start) Opens widget to create singleplayer games (campaigns, scenarios, random maps, free play)
		("start"                       , "text"    ): _("Singleplayer"),
		# (text of widget: start_multi) Opens widget to join or create multiplayer games
		("start_multi"                 , "text"    ): _("Multiplayer"),
		# (text of widget: version_label)
		("version_label"               , "text"    ): VERSION.string(),

	"multiplayer_creategame.xml" : {
		# (text of widget: create_game_lbl)
		("create_game_lbl"             , "text"    ): _("Create game:"),
		# (text of widget: exit_to_mp_menu_lbl)
		("exit_to_mp_menu_lbl"         , "text"    ): _("Back:"),
		# (text of widget: headline)
		("headline"                    , "text"    ): _("Choose a map:"),
		# (text of widget: headline)
		("headline"                    , "text"    ): _("Create game - Multiplayer"),
		# (text of widget: mp_player_limit_lbl)
		("mp_player_limit_lbl"         , "text"    ): _("Player limit:"),
		# (tooltip of widget: create)
		("create"                      , "tooltip" ): _("Create this new game"),
		# (tooltip of widget: cancel)
		("cancel"                      , "tooltip" ): _("Exit to multiplayer menu"),

	"multiplayer_gamelobby.xml" : {
		# (text of widget: exit_to_mp_menu_lbl)
		("exit_to_mp_menu_lbl"         , "text"    ): _("Leave:"),
		# (text of widget: game_start_notice)
		("game_start_notice"           , "text"    ): _("The game will start as soon as enough players have joined."),
		# (text of widget: headline)
		("headline"                    , "text"    ): _("Chat:"),
		# (text of widget: headline)
		("headline"                    , "text"    ): _("Gamelobby"),
		# (text of widget: startmessage)
		("startmessage"                , "text"    ): _("Game details:"),
		# (tooltip of widget: cancel)
		("cancel"                      , "tooltip" ): _("Exit gamelobby"),

	"multiplayermenu.xml" : {
		# (text of widget: active_games_lbl)
		("active_games_lbl"            , "text"    ): _("Active games:"),
		# (text of widget: create_game_lbl)
		("create_game_lbl"             , "text"    ): _("Create game:"),
		# (text of widget: exit_to_main_menu_lbl)
		("exit_to_main_menu_lbl"       , "text"    ): _("Main menu:"),
		# (text of widget: game_showonlyownversion)
		("game_showonlyownversion"     , "text"    ): _("Only show games with the same version:"),
		# (text of widget: headline_left)
		("headline_left"               , "text"    ): _("New game - Multiplayer"),
		# (text of widget: join_game_lbl)
		("join_game_lbl"               , "text"    ): _("Join game"),
		# (text of widget: refr_gamelist_lbl)
		("refr_gamelist_lbl"           , "text"    ): _("Refresh list:"),
		# (tooltip of widget: create)
		("create"                      , "tooltip" ): _("Create a new game"),
		# (tooltip of widget: join)
		("join"                        , "tooltip" ): _("Join the selected game"),
		# (tooltip of widget: cancel)
		("cancel"                      , "tooltip" ): _("Exit to main menu"),
		# (tooltip of widget: refresh)
		("refresh"                     , "tooltip" ): _("Refresh list of active games"),

	"settings.xml" : {
		# (text of widget: autosave_interval_label)
		("autosave_interval_label"     , "text"    ): _("Autosave interval in minutes:"),
		# (text of widget: effect_volume_label)
		("effect_volume_label"         , "text"    ): _("Effects volume:"),
		# (text of widget: headline_graphics)
		("headline_graphics"           , "text"    ): _("Graphics"),
		# (text of widget: headline_language)
		("headline_language"           , "text"    ): _("Language"),
		# (text of widget: headline_mouse)
		("headline_mouse"              , "text"    ): _("Mouse"),
		# (text of widget: headline_network)
		("headline_network"            , "text"    ): _("Network"),
		# (text of widget: headline_saving)
		("headline_saving"             , "text"    ): _("Saving"),
		# (text of widget: headline_sound)
		("headline_sound"              , "text"    ): _("Sound"),
		# (text of widget: language_label)
		("language_label"              , "text"    ): _("Select language:"),
		# (text of widget: music_volume_label)
		("music_volume_label"          , "text"    ): _("Music volume:"),
		# (text of widget: number_of_autosaves_label)
		("number_of_autosaves_label"   , "text"    ): _("Number of autosaves:"),
		# (text of widget: number_of_quicksaves_label)
		("number_of_quicksaves_label"  , "text"    ): _("Number of quicksaves:"),
		# (text of widget: screen_fullscreen_text)
		("screen_fullscreen_text"      , "text"    ): _("Full screen:"),
		# (text of widget: screen_resolution_label)
		("screen_resolution_label"     , "text"    ): _("Screen resolution:"),
		# (text of widget: sound_enable_opt_text)
		("sound_enable_opt_text"       , "text"    ): _("Enable sound:"),
		# (tooltip of widget: okButton)
		("okButton"                    , "tooltip" ): _("Apply"),
		# (tooltip of widget: cancelButton)
		("cancelButton"                , "tooltip" ): _("Return"),
		# (tooltip of widget: defaultButton)
		("defaultButton"               , "tooltip" ): _("Reset to default settings"),
		# (text of widget: auto_unload_label)
		("auto_unload_label"           , "text"    ): _("Auto-unload ship:"),
		# (text of widget: color_depth_label)
		("color_depth_label"           , "text"    ): _("Color depth:"),
		# (text of widget: edge_scrolling_label)
		("edge_scrolling_label"        , "text"    ): _("Scroll at map edge:"),
		# (text of widget: minimap_rotation_label)
		("minimap_rotation_label"      , "text"    ): _("Rotate minimap with map:"),
		# (text of widget: mouse_sensitivity_label)
		("mouse_sensitivity_label"     , "text"    ): _("Mouse sensitivity:"),
		# (text of widget: network_port_lbl)
		("network_port_lbl"            , "text"    ): _("Network port:"),
		# (text of widget: uninterrupted_building_label)
		("uninterrupted_building_label", "text"    ): _("Uninterrupted building:"),
		# (text of widget: use_renderer_label)
		("use_renderer_label"          , "text"    ): _("Used renderer:"),
		# (tooltip of widget: auto_unload_label)
		("auto_unload_label"           , "tooltip" ): _("Whether to unload the ship after founding a settlement"),
		# (tooltip of widget: color_depth_label)
		("color_depth_label"           , "tooltip" ): _("If set to 0, use the driver default"),
		# (tooltip of widget: edge_scrolling_label)
		("edge_scrolling_label"        , "tooltip" ): _("Whether to move the viewport when the mouse pointer is close to map edges"),
		# (tooltip of widget: minimap_rotation_label)
		("minimap_rotation_label"      , "tooltip" ): _("Whether to also rotate the minimap whenever the regular map is rotated"),
		# (tooltip of widget: mouse_sensitivity_label)
		("mouse_sensitivity_label"     , "tooltip" ): _("0 is default system settings"),
		# (tooltip of widget: network_port_lbl)
		("network_port_lbl"            , "tooltip" ): _("If set to 0, use the router default"),
		# (tooltip of widget: uninterrupted_building_label)
		("uninterrupted_building_label", "tooltip" ): _("When enabled, do not exit the build mode after successful construction"),
		# (tooltip of widget: use_renderer_label)
		("use_renderer_label"          , "tooltip" ): _("SDL is only meant as unsupported fallback and might cause problems!"),

	"select_savegame.xml" : {
		# (text of widget: enter_filename_label)
		("enter_filename_label"        , "text"    ): _("Enter filename:"),
		# (text of widget: headline_details_label) More text describing the savegame
		("headline_details_label"      , "text"    ): _("Details:"),
		# (text of widget: headline_saved_games_label)
		("headline_saved_games_label"  , "text"    ): _("Your saved games:"),
		# (tooltip of widget: cancelButton)
		("cancelButton"                , "tooltip" ): _("Cancel"),
		# (tooltip of widget: deleteButton)
		("deleteButton"                , "tooltip" ): _("Delete selected savegame"),

	"singleplayermenu.xml" : {
		# (text of widget: headline)
		("headline"                    , "text"    ): _("New game - Singleplayer"),
		# (text of widget: main_menu_label)
		("main_menu_label"             , "text"    ): _("Main menu:"),
		# (text of widget: start_game_label)
		("start_game_label"            , "text"    ): _("Start game:"),
		# (text of widget: campaign)
		("campaign"                    , "text"    ): _("Campaign"),
		# (text of widget: free_maps)
		("free_maps"                   , "text"    ): _("Free play"),
		# (text of widget: random)
		("random"                      , "text"    ): _("Random map"),
		# (text of widget: scenario)
		("scenario"                    , "text"    ): _("Scenario"),
		# (tooltip of widget: okay)
		("okay"                        , "tooltip" ): _("Start game"),
		# (tooltip of widget: cancel)
		("cancel"                      , "tooltip" ): _("Exit to main menu"),

	"sp_campaign.xml" : {
		# (text of widget: choose_map_lbl)
		("choose_map_lbl"              , "text"    ): _("Choose a map to play:"),

	"sp_free_maps.xml" : {
		# (text of widget: headline_choose_map_lbl)
		("headline_choose_map_lbl"     , "text"    ): _("Choose a map to play:"),

	"sp_random.xml" : {
		# (text of widget: headline_map_settings_lbl)
		("headline_map_settings_lbl"   , "text"    ): _("Map settings:"),
		# (text of widget: seed_string_lbl)
		("seed_string_lbl"             , "text"    ): _("Seed:"),

	"sp_scenario.xml" : {
		# (text of widget: choose_map_lbl)
		("choose_map_lbl"              , "text"    ): _("Choose a map to play:"),

	"aidataselection.xml" : {
		# (text of widget: ai_players_label)
		("ai_players_label"            , "text"    ): _("AI players:"),

	"game_settings.xml" : {
		# (text of widget: headline_game_settings_lbl)
		("headline_game_settings_lbl"  , "text"    ): _("Game settings:"),
		# (text of widget: lbl_free_trader) Whether to create this kind of player in the game.
		("lbl_free_trader"             , "text"    ): _("Free Trader"),
		# (text of widget: lbl_pirates) Whether to create this kind of player in the game.
		("lbl_pirates"                 , "text"    ): _("Pirates"),

	"playerdataselection.xml" : {
		# (text of widget: color_label)
		("color_label"                 , "text"    ): _("Color:"),
		# (text of widget: player_label)
		("player_label"                , "text"    ): _("Player name:"),
Ejemplo n.º 4
def get_option_parser():
    """Returns inited OptionParser object"""
    from horizons.constants import VERSION
    p = optparse.OptionParser(usage="%prog [options]",
                 help="Enable debug output to stderr and a logfile.")
                 help="Specify the path to FIFE root directory.")
        help="Restores the default settings. "
        "Useful if Unknown Horizons crashes on startup due to misconfiguration."
                 help="Specify alternative multiplayer master server.")
        help="Specify network address to bind local network client to. "
        "This is useful if NAT holepunching is not working but you can forward a static port."

    start_uh = optparse.OptionGroup(p, "Starting Unknown Horizons")
                        help="Starts <map>. <map> is the mapname.")
                        help="Starts a random map.")
                        help="Starts a random map with seed <seed>.")
        help="Starts <scenario>. <scenario> is the scenarioname.")
        help="Starts the development map without displaying the main menu.")
        help="Loads a saved game. <game> is the saved game's name.")
                        help="Loads the last quicksave.")
                        help="Edit map <map>.")
                        help="Edit the map from the saved game <game>.")

    ai_group = optparse.OptionGroup(p, "AI options")
        "Uses <ai_players> AI players (excludes the possible human-AI hybrid; defaults to 0)."
        help="Makes the human player a human-AI hybrid (for development only)."
        "Set the player with id <force_player_id> as the active (human) player."
        help="Shows AI plans as highlights (for development only).")
        "Highlights combat ranges for units controlled by AI Players (for development only)."

    dev_group = optparse.OptionGroup(p, "Development options")
        help="Write debug output only to logfile, not to console. Implies -d.")
        "Enable logging for a certain logging module (for developing only).")
        help="Writes log to <filename> instead of to the uh-userdir")
                         help="Enable profiling (for developing only).")
                         help="Run the game for <max_ticks> ticks.")
                         help="Disable freeze protection.")
        help="Enable the string previewer tool for scenario writers")
                         help="Disable preloading while in main menu")
        "Run the game in the given speed (Values: 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 11, 20)"
                         help="Log gui interactions")
                         help="Use this seed for singleplayer sessions.")
        help="Create an multiplayer game with default settings.")
                         help="Join first multiplayer game.")
            "Starts an IPython kernel. Connect to the shell with: ipython console --existing"
                             help="Disable atlas generation.")

    return p
Ejemplo n.º 5
def get_option_parser():
	"""Returns inited OptionParser object"""
	from horizons.constants import VERSION
	p = optparse.OptionParser(usage="%prog [options]", version=VERSION.string())
	p.add_option("-d", "--debug", dest="debug", action="store_true",
	             default=False, help="Enable debug output to stderr and a logfile.")
	p.add_option("--fife-path", dest="fife_path", metavar="<path>",
	             help="Specify the path to FIFE root directory.")
	p.add_option("--restore-settings", dest="restore_settings", action="store_true", default=False,
	             help="Restores the default settings. "
	                  "Useful if Unknown Horizons crashes on startup due to misconfiguration.")
	p.add_option("--mp-master", dest="mp_master", metavar="<ip:port>",
	             help="Specify alternative multiplayer master server.")
	p.add_option("--mp-bind", dest="mp_bind", metavar="<ip:port>",
	             help="Specify network address to bind local network client to. "
	                  "This is useful if NAT holepunching is not working but you can forward a static port.")

	start_uh = optparse.OptionGroup(p, "Starting Unknown Horizons")
	start_uh.add_option("--start-map", dest="start_map", metavar="<map>",
	             help="Starts <map>. <map> is the mapname.")
	start_uh.add_option("--start-random-map", dest="start_random_map", action="store_true",
	             help="Starts a random map.")
	start_uh.add_option("--start-specific-random-map", dest="start_specific_random_map",
	             metavar="<seed>", help="Starts a random map with seed <seed>.")
	start_uh.add_option("--start-scenario", dest="start_scenario", metavar="<scenario>",
	             help="Starts <scenario>. <scenario> is the scenarioname.")
	start_uh.add_option("--start-dev-map", dest="start_dev_map", action="store_true",
	             default=False, help="Starts the development map without displaying the main menu.")
	start_uh.add_option("--load-game", dest="load_game", metavar="<game>",
	             help="Loads a saved game. <game> is the saved game's name.")
	start_uh.add_option("--load-last-quicksave", dest="load_quicksave", action="store_true",
	             help="Loads the last quicksave.")
	start_uh.add_option("--edit-map", dest="edit_map", metavar="<map>",
	             help="Edit map <map>.")
	start_uh.add_option("--edit-game-map", dest="edit_game_map", metavar="<game>",
	             help="Edit the map from the saved game <game>.")

	ai_group = optparse.OptionGroup(p, "AI options")
	ai_group.add_option("--ai-players", dest="ai_players", metavar="<ai_players>",
	             type="int", default=0,
	             help="Uses <ai_players> AI players (excludes the possible human-AI hybrid; defaults to 0).")
	ai_group.add_option("--human-ai-hybrid", dest="human_ai", action="store_true",
	             help="Makes the human player a human-AI hybrid (for development only).")
	ai_group.add_option("--force-player-id", dest="force_player_id",
	             metavar="<force_player_id>", type="int", default=None,
	             help="Set the player with id <force_player_id> as the active (human) player.")
	ai_group.add_option("--ai-highlights", dest="ai_highlights", action="store_true",
	             help="Shows AI plans as highlights (for development only).")
	ai_group.add_option("--ai-combat-highlights", dest="ai_combat_highlights", action="store_true",
	             help="Highlights combat ranges for units controlled by AI Players (for development only).")

	dev_group = optparse.OptionGroup(p, "Development options")
	dev_group.add_option("--debug-log-only", dest="debug_log_only", action="store_true",
	             default=False, help="Write debug output only to logfile, not to console. Implies -d.")
	dev_group.add_option("--debug-module", action="append", dest="debug_module",
	             metavar="<module>", default=[],
	             help="Enable logging for a certain logging module (for developing only).")
	dev_group.add_option("--logfile", dest="logfile", metavar="<filename>",
	             help="Writes log to <filename> instead of to the uh-userdir")
	dev_group.add_option("--profile", dest="profile", action="store_true",
	             default=False, help="Enable profiling (for developing only).")
	dev_group.add_option("--max-ticks", dest="max_ticks", metavar="<max_ticks>", type="int",
	             help="Run the game for <max_ticks> ticks.")
	dev_group.add_option("--no-freeze-protection", dest="freeze_protection", action="store_false",
	             default=True, help="Disable freeze protection.")
	dev_group.add_option("--string-previewer", dest="stringpreview", action="store_true",
	             default=False, help="Enable the string previewer tool for scenario writers")
	dev_group.add_option("--no-preload", dest="nopreload", action="store_true",
	             default=False, help="Disable preloading while in main menu")
	dev_group.add_option("--game-speed", dest="gamespeed", metavar="<game_speed>", type="float",
	             help="Run the game in the given speed (Values: 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 11, 20)")
	dev_group.add_option("--gui-test", dest="gui_test", metavar="<test>",
	             default=False, help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
	dev_group.add_option("--gui-log", dest="log_gui", action="store_true",
	             default=False, help="Log gui interactions")
	dev_group.add_option("--sp-seed", dest="sp_seed", metavar="<seed>", type="int",
	             help="Use this seed for singleplayer sessions.")
	dev_group.add_option("--generate-minimap", dest="generate_minimap",
	             metavar="<parameters>", help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
	dev_group.add_option("--create-mp-game", action="store_true", dest="create_mp_game",
	             help="Create an multiplayer game with default settings.")
	dev_group.add_option("--join-mp-game", action="store_true", dest="join_mp_game",
	             help="Join first multiplayer game.")
		dev_group.add_option("--interactive-shell", action="store_true", dest="interactive_shell",
	             help="Starts an IPython kernel. Connect to the shell with: ipython console --existing")
		dev_group.add_option("--no-atlas-generation", action="store_false", dest="atlas_generation",
	             help="Disable atlas generation.")
	# Add dummy default variables for the DEV_VERSION groups above when in release mode
	p.set_defaults(interactive_shell=False, atlas_generation=True)

	return p
Ejemplo n.º 6
def set_translations():
	global text_translations
	text_translations = {

	'stringpreviewwidget.xml' : {

	'editor_pause_menu.xml' : {
		# (text of widget: help)
		(u'help'                         , 'text'    ): _("Help"),
		# (text of widget: loadgame)
		(u'loadgame'                     , 'text'    ): _("Load map"),
		# (text of widget: quit)
		(u'quit'                         , 'text'    ): _("Exit editor"),
		# (text of widget: savegame)
		(u'savegame'                     , 'text'    ): _("Save map"),
		# (text of widget: settings)
		(u'settings'                     , 'text'    ): _("Settings"),
		# (text of widget: start)
		(u'start'                        , 'text'    ): _("Return to editor"),

	'editor_settings.xml' : {
		# (text of widget: cursor_hint)
		(u'cursor_hint'                  , 'text'    ): _("(right click to stop)"),
		# (text of widget: headline_brush_size)
		(u'headline_brush_size'          , 'text'    ): _("Select brush size:"),
		# (text of widget: headline_terrain)
		(u'headline_terrain'             , 'text'    ): _("Select terrain:"),

	'buildtab.xml' : {

	'buildtab_no_settlement.xml' : {
		# (text of widget: headline)
		(u'headline'                     , 'text'    ): _("Game start"),
		# (text of widget: howto_1_need_warehouse)
		(u'howto_1_need_warehouse'       , 'text'    ): _("You need to found a settlement before you can construct buildings!"),
		# (text of widget: howto_2_navigate_ship)
		(u'howto_2_navigate_ship'        , 'text'    ): _("Select your ship and approach the coast via right-click."),
		# (text of widget: howto_3_build_warehouse)
		(u'howto_3_build_warehouse'      , 'text'    ): _("Afterwards, press the large button in the ship overview tab."),

	'place_building.xml' : {
		# (text of widget: headline)
		(u'headline'                     , 'text'    ): _("Build"),
		# (text of widget: running_costs_label)
		(u'running_costs_label'          , 'text'    ): _("Running costs:"),

	'related_buildings.xml' : {
		# (text of widget: headline)
		(u'headline'                     , 'text'    ): _("Related buildings"),

	'city_info.xml' : {
		# (helptext of widget: city_info_inhabitants)
		(u'city_info_inhabitants'        , 'helptext'): _("Inhabitants"),

	'messagewidget_icon.xml' : {

	'messagewidget_message.xml' : {

	'minimap.xml' : {
		# (helptext of widget: build)
		(u'build'                        , 'helptext'): _("Build menu (B)"),
		# (helptext of widget: destroy_tool)
		(u'destroy_tool'                 , 'helptext'): _("Destroy (X)"),
		# (helptext of widget: diplomacyButton)
		(u'diplomacyButton'              , 'helptext'): _("Diplomacy"),
		# (helptext of widget: gameMenuButton)
		(u'gameMenuButton'               , 'helptext'): _("Game menu (Esc)"),
		# (helptext of widget: logbook)
		(u'logbook'                      , 'helptext'): _("Captain's log (L)"),
		# (helptext of widget: rotateLeft)
		(u'rotateLeft'                   , 'helptext'): _("Rotate map counterclockwise (,)"),
		# (helptext of widget: rotateRight)
		(u'rotateRight'                  , 'helptext'): _("Rotate map clockwise (.)"),
		# (helptext of widget: speedDown)
		(u'speedDown'                    , 'helptext'): _("Decrease game speed (-)"),
		# (helptext of widget: speedUp)
		(u'speedUp'                      , 'helptext'): _("Increase game speed (+)"),
		# (helptext of widget: zoomIn)
		(u'zoomIn'                       , 'helptext'): _("Zoom in"),
		# (helptext of widget: zoomOut)
		(u'zoomOut'                      , 'helptext'): _("Zoom out"),

	'resource_overview_bar_entry.xml' : {

	'resource_overview_bar_gold.xml' : {

	'resource_overview_bar_stats.xml' : {

	'change_name.xml' : {
		# (text of widget: enter_new_name_lbl)
		(u'enter_new_name_lbl'           , 'text'    ): _("Enter new name:"),
		# (text of widget: headline_change_name)
		(u'headline_change_name'         , 'text'    ): _("Change name"),
		# (text of widget: old_name_label)
		(u'old_name_label'               , 'text'    ): _("Old name:"),
		# (helptext of widget: okButton)
		(u'okButton'                     , 'helptext'): _("Apply the new name"),

	'chat.xml' : {
		# (text of widget: chat_lbl)
		(u'chat_lbl'                     , 'text'    ): _("Enter your message:"),
		# (text of widget: headline)
		(u'headline'                     , 'text'    ): _("Chat"),

	'boatbuilder.xml' : {
		# (text of widget: BB_cancel_build_label) abort construction of a ship, lose invested resources
		(u'BB_cancel_build_label'        , 'text'    ): _("Cancel building:"),
		# (text of widget: BB_cancel_warning_label) abort construction of a ship, lose invested resources
		(u'BB_cancel_warning_label'      , 'text'    ): _("(lose all resources)"),
		# (text of widget: BB_current_order) Information about the ship currently under construction at the boat builder
		(u'BB_current_order'             , 'text'    ): _("Currently building:"),
		# (text of widget: BB_howto_build_lbl)
		(u'BB_howto_build_lbl'           , 'text'    ): _("To build a boat, click on one of the class tabs, select the desired ship and confirm the order."),
		# (text of widget: BB_needed_res_label)
		(u'BB_needed_res_label'          , 'text'    ): _("Resources still needed:"),
		# (text of widget: BB_progress_label) Refers to the resources still missing to complete the current boat builder task
		(u'BB_progress_label'            , 'text'    ): _("Construction progress:"),
		# (helptext of widget: BB_cancel_button) abort construction of a ship, lose invested resources
		(u'BB_cancel_button'             , 'helptext'): _("Cancel all building progress"),
		# (helptext of widget: running_costs_label)
		(u'running_costs_label'          , 'helptext'): _("Running costs"),
		# (helptext of widget: toggle_active_active) Pauses the current ship production, can be resumed later
		(u'toggle_active_active'         , 'helptext'): _("Pause"),
		# (helptext of widget: toggle_active_inactive) Resumes the currently paused ship production
		(u'toggle_active_inactive'       , 'helptext'): _("Resume"),

	'boatbuilder_showcase.xml' : {

	'diplomacy.xml' : {
		# (text of widget: ally_label) Diplomacy state of player
		(u'ally_label'                   , 'text'    ): _("ally"),
		# (text of widget: enemy_label) Diplomacy state of player
		(u'enemy_label'                  , 'text'    ): _("enemy"),
		# (text of widget: neutral_label) Diplomacy state of player
		(u'neutral_label'                , 'text'    ): _("neutral"),

	'overview_farm.xml' : {
		# (text of widget: headline)
		(u'headline'                     , 'text'    ): _("Building overview"),
		# (helptext of widget: capacity_utilization_label)
		(u'capacity_utilization_label'   , 'helptext'): _("Capacity utilization"),
		# (helptext of widget: running_costs_label)
		(u'running_costs_label'          , 'helptext'): _("Running costs"),
		# (helptext of widget: capacity_utilization)
		(u'capacity_utilization'         , 'helptext'): _("Capacity utilization"),
		# (helptext of widget: running_costs)
		(u'running_costs'                , 'helptext'): _("Running costs"),

	'island_inventory.xml' : {
		# (text of widget: headline)
		(u'headline'                     , 'text'    ): _("Settlement inventory"),

	'mainsquare_inhabitants.xml' : {
		# (text of widget: headline)
		(u'headline'                     , 'text'    ): _("Settler overview"),
		# (text of widget: headline_happiness_per_house)
		(u'headline_happiness_per_house' , 'text'    ): _("Happiness per house"),
		# (text of widget: headline_residents_per_house)
		(u'headline_residents_per_house' , 'text'    ): _("Residents per house"),
		# (text of widget: headline_residents_total)
		(u'headline_residents_total'     , 'text'    ): _("Summary"),
		# (text of widget: houses)
		(u'houses'                       , 'text'    ): _("houses"),
		# (text of widget: residents)
		(u'residents'                    , 'text'    ): _("residents"),
		# (text of widget: tax_label)
		(u'tax_label'                    , 'text'    ): _("Taxes:"),
		# (text of widget: upgrades_lbl)
		(u'upgrades_lbl'                 , 'text'    ): _("Upgrade permissions:"),
		# (helptext of widget: avg_icon)
		(u'avg_icon'                     , 'helptext'): _("satisfied"),
		# (helptext of widget: happiness_house_icon)
		(u'happiness_house_icon'         , 'helptext'): _("Amount of houses with this happiness"),
		# (helptext of widget: happy_icon)
		(u'happy_icon'                   , 'helptext'): _("happy"),
		# (helptext of widget: houses_icon)
		(u'houses_icon'                  , 'helptext'): _("Houses with this amount of inhabitants"),
		# (helptext of widget: inhabitants_icon)
		(u'inhabitants_icon'             , 'helptext'): _("Number of inhabitants per house"),
		# (helptext of widget: paid_taxes_icon)
		(u'paid_taxes_icon'              , 'helptext'): _("Paid taxes"),
		# (helptext of widget: sad_icon)
		(u'sad_icon'                     , 'helptext'): _("sad"),
		# (helptext of widget: tax_rate_icon)
		(u'tax_rate_icon'                , 'helptext'): _("Tax rate"),
		# (helptext of widget: tax_val_label)
		(u'tax_val_label'                , 'helptext'): _("Tax rate"),
		# (helptext of widget: taxes)
		(u'taxes'                        , 'helptext'): _("Paid taxes"),

	'overview_enemybuilding.xml' : {

	'overview_enemyunit.xml' : {

	'overview_enemywarehouse.xml' : {
		# (text of widget: buying_label)
		(u'buying_label'                 , 'text'    ): _("Buying"),
		# (text of widget: selling_label)
		(u'selling_label'                , 'text'    ): _("Selling"),

	'overview_firestation.xml' : {
		# (text of widget: headline)
		(u'headline'                     , 'text'    ): _("Building overview"),
		# (text of widget: name_label)
		(u'name_label'                   , 'text'    ): _("Name:"),
		# (helptext of widget: running_costs_label)
		(u'running_costs_label'          , 'helptext'): _("Running costs"),
		# (helptext of widget: running_costs)
		(u'running_costs'                , 'helptext'): _("Running costs"),

	'overview_groundunit.xml' : {
		# (text of widget: lbl_weapon_storage)
		(u'lbl_weapon_storage'           , 'text'    ): _("Weapons:"),

	'overview_productionbuilding.xml' : {
		# (helptext of widget: capacity_utilization_label)
		(u'capacity_utilization_label'   , 'helptext'): _("Capacity utilization"),
		# (helptext of widget: running_costs_label)
		(u'running_costs_label'          , 'helptext'): _("Running costs"),
		# (helptext of widget: capacity_utilization)
		(u'capacity_utilization'         , 'helptext'): _("Capacity utilization"),
		# (helptext of widget: running_costs)
		(u'running_costs'                , 'helptext'): _("Running costs"),

	'overview_resourcedeposit.xml' : {
		# (text of widget: headline)
		(u'headline'                     , 'text'    ): _("Resource deposit"),
		# (text of widget: res_dep_description_lbl)
		(u'res_dep_description_lbl'      , 'text'    ): _("This is a resource deposit where you can build a mine to dig up resources."),
		# (text of widget: res_dep_description_lbl2) It == The resource deposit
		(u'res_dep_description_lbl2'     , 'text'    ): _("It contains these resources:"),

	'overview_settler.xml' : {
		# (text of widget: needed_res_label)
		(u'needed_res_label'             , 'text'    ): _("Needed resources:"),
		# (text of widget: tax_label)
		(u'tax_label'                    , 'text'    ): _("Taxes:"),
		# (helptext of widget: happiness_label)
		(u'happiness_label'              , 'helptext'): _("Happiness"),
		# (helptext of widget: paid_taxes_label)
		(u'paid_taxes_label'             , 'helptext'): _("Paid taxes"),
		# (helptext of widget: paid_taxes_label)
		(u'paid_taxes_label'             , 'helptext'): _("Tax rate"),
		# (helptext of widget: residents_label)
		(u'residents_label'              , 'helptext'): _("Residents"),
		# (helptext of widget: inhabitants)
		(u'inhabitants'                  , 'helptext'): _("Residents"),
		# (helptext of widget: tax_val_label)
		(u'tax_val_label'                , 'helptext'): _("Tax rate"),
		# (helptext of widget: taxes)
		(u'taxes'                        , 'helptext'): _("Paid taxes"),
		# (helptext of widget: happiness)
		(u'happiness'                    , 'helptext'): _("Happiness"),

	'overview_signalfire.xml' : {
		# (text of widget: signal_fire_description_lbl)
		(u'signal_fire_description_lbl'  , 'text'    ): _("The signal fire shows the free trader how to reach your settlement in case you want to buy or sell goods."),

	'overview_tower.xml' : {
		# (text of widget: name_label)
		(u'name_label'                   , 'text'    ): _("Name:"),
		# (helptext of widget: running_costs_label)
		(u'running_costs_label'          , 'helptext'): _("Running costs"),
		# (helptext of widget: running_costs)
		(u'running_costs'                , 'helptext'): _("Running costs"),

	'overview_tradership.xml' : {
		# (text of widget: trader_description_lbl)
		(u'trader_description_lbl'       , 'text'    ): _("This is the free trader's ship. It will visit you from time to time to buy or sell goods."),

	'overview_warehouse.xml' : {
		# (text of widget: name_label)
		(u'name_label'                   , 'text'    ): _("Name:"),
		# (helptext of widget: collector_utilization_label)
		(u'collector_utilization_label'  , 'helptext'): _("Collector utilization"),
		# (helptext of widget: running_costs_label)
		(u'running_costs_label'          , 'helptext'): _("Running costs"),
		# (helptext of widget: collector_utilization) Percentage describing how busy the collectors were (100% = always going for / already carrying full load of goods)
		(u'collector_utilization'        , 'helptext'): _("Collector utilization"),
		# (helptext of widget: running_costs)
		(u'running_costs'                , 'helptext'): _("Running costs"),

	'overviewtab.xml' : {

	'overview_select_multi.xml' : {

	'unit_entry_widget.xml' : {

	'overview_trade_ship.xml' : {
		# (helptext of widget: configure_route)
		(u'configure_route'              , 'helptext'): _("Configure trading route"),
		# (helptext of widget: found_settlement)
		(u'found_settlement'             , 'helptext'): _("Build settlement"),
		# (helptext of widget: trade)
		(u'trade'                        , 'helptext'): _("Trade"),

	'overview_war_ship.xml' : {
		# (helptext of widget: configure_route)
		(u'configure_route'              , 'helptext'): _("Configure trading route"),
		# (helptext of widget: found_settlement)
		(u'found_settlement'             , 'helptext'): _("Build settlement"),
		# (helptext of widget: trade)
		(u'trade'                        , 'helptext'): _("Trade"),

	'tradetab.xml' : {
		# (text of widget: buying_label)
		(u'buying_label'                 , 'text'    ): _("Buying"),
		# (text of widget: exchange_label)
		(u'exchange_label'               , 'text'    ): _("Exchange:"),
		# (text of widget: headline)
		(u'headline'                     , 'text'    ): _("Trade"),
		# (text of widget: selling_label)
		(u'selling_label'                , 'text'    ): _("Selling"),
		# (text of widget: ship_label)
		(u'ship_label'                   , 'text'    ): _("Ship:"),
		# (text of widget: trade_with_label)
		(u'trade_with_label'             , 'text'    ): _("Trade partner:"),

	'tab_base.xml' : {

	'buysellmenu.xml' : {
		# (text of widget: headline)
		(u'headline'                     , 'text'    ): _("Buy or sell resources"),
		# (text of widget: headline_trade_history)
		(u'headline_trade_history'       , 'text'    ): _("Trade history"),

	'select_trade_resource.xml' : {
		# (text of widget: headline)
		(u'headline'                     , 'text'    ): _("Select resources:"),

	'tab_account.xml' : {
		# (text of widget: buy_expenses_label)
		(u'buy_expenses_label'           , 'text'    ): _("Buying"),
		# (text of widget: headline_balance_label)
		(u'headline_balance_label'       , 'text'    ): _("Balance:"),
		# (text of widget: headline_expenses_label)
		(u'headline_expenses_label'      , 'text'    ): _("Expenses:"),
		# (text of widget: headline_income_label)
		(u'headline_income_label'        , 'text'    ): _("Income:"),
		# (text of widget: running_costs_label)
		(u'running_costs_label'          , 'text'    ): _("Running costs"),
		# (text of widget: sell_income_label)
		(u'sell_income_label'            , 'text'    ): _("Sale"),
		# (text of widget: taxes_label)
		(u'taxes_label'                  , 'text'    ): _("Taxes"),
		# (helptext of widget: show_production_overview)
		(u'show_production_overview'     , 'helptext'): _("Show resources produced in this settlement"),

	'trade_single_slot.xml' : {

	'overview_farmproductionline.xml' : {
		# (helptext of widget: toggle_active_active)
		(u'toggle_active_active'         , 'helptext'): _("Pause production"),
		# (helptext of widget: toggle_active_inactive)
		(u'toggle_active_inactive'       , 'helptext'): _("Start production"),

	'overview_productionline.xml' : {
		# (helptext of widget: toggle_active_active)
		(u'toggle_active_active'         , 'helptext'): _("Pause production"),
		# (helptext of widget: toggle_active_inactive)
		(u'toggle_active_inactive'       , 'helptext'): _("Start production"),

	'related_buildings_container.xml' : {

	'resbar_resource_selection.xml' : {
		# (text of widget: headline) Please keep the translation similarly short and concise, else the tooltip is not well understood by players.
		(u'headline'                     , 'text'    ): _("Select resource:"),
		# (helptext of widget: make_default_btn)
		(u'make_default_btn'             , 'helptext'): _("Save current resource configuration as default for all settlements."),
		# (helptext of widget: reset_default_btn)
		(u'reset_default_btn'            , 'helptext'): _("Reset default resource configuration for all settlements."),
		# (helptext of widget: headline) Please keep the translation similarly short and concise, else the tooltip is not well understood by players.
		(u'headline'                     , 'helptext'): _("The resource you select is displayed instead of the current one. Empty by clicking on X."),

	'route_entry.xml' : {
		# (helptext of widget: delete_warehouse) Trade route entry
		(u'delete_warehouse'             , 'helptext'): _("Delete entry"),
		# (helptext of widget: move_down) Trade route entry
		(u'move_down'                    , 'helptext'): _("Move down"),
		# (helptext of widget: move_up) Trade route entry
		(u'move_up'                      , 'helptext'): _("Move up"),

	'trade_history_item.xml' : {

	'traderoute_resource_selection.xml' : {
		# (text of widget: select_res_label)
		(u'select_res_label'             , 'text'    ): _("Select a resource:"),

	'captains_log.xml' : {
		# (text of widget: stats_players)
		(u'stats_players'                , 'text'    ): _("Players"),
		# (text of widget: stats_settlements)
		(u'stats_settlements'            , 'text'    ): _("My settlements"),
		# (text of widget: stats_ships)
		(u'stats_ships'                  , 'text'    ): _("My ships"),
		# (text of widget: weird_button_1) Displays all notifications and game messages
		(u'weird_button_1'               , 'text'    ): _("Whole world"),
		# (text of widget: weird_button_4) Sends the chat messages to all players (default)
		(u'weird_button_4'               , 'text'    ): _("Everybody"),
		# (text of widget: headline_chat)
		(u'headline_chat'                , 'text'    ): _("Chat"),
		# (text of widget: headline_game_messages)
		(u'headline_game_messages'       , 'text'    ): _("Game messages"),
		# (text of widget: headline_statistics)
		(u'headline_statistics'          , 'text'    ): _("Statistics"),
		# (helptext of widget: okButton)
		(u'okButton'                     , 'helptext'): _("Return to game"),
		# (helptext of widget: weird_button_4) Sends the chat messages to all players (default)
		(u'weird_button_4'               , 'helptext'): _("Sends the chat messages to all players."),
		# (helptext of widget: backwardButton) Entry of Captain's Log (logbook/diary used in scenarios)
		(u'backwardButton'               , 'helptext'): _("Read previous entries"),
		# (helptext of widget: forwardButton) Entry of Captain's Log (logbook/diary used in scenarios)
		(u'forwardButton'                , 'helptext'): _("Read next entries"),

	'configure_route.xml' : {
		# (text of widget: lbl_route_activity)
		(u'lbl_route_activity'           , 'text'    ): _("Route activity:"),
		# (text of widget: lbl_wait_at_load) Trade route setting: Whether to wait until all goods could be loaded.
		(u'lbl_wait_at_load'             , 'text'    ): _("Wait at load:"),
		# (text of widget: lbl_wait_at_unload) Trade route setting: Whether to wait until all goods could be unloaded.
		(u'lbl_wait_at_unload'           , 'text'    ): _("Wait at unload:"),
		# (helptext of widget: okButton)
		(u'okButton'                     , 'helptext'): _("Exit"),
		# (helptext of widget: start_route) Trade route
		(u'start_route'                  , 'helptext'): _("Start route"),

	'healthwidget.xml' : {

	'island_production.xml' : {
		# (helptext of widget: okButton)
		(u'okButton'                     , 'helptext'): _("Close"),

	'players_overview.xml' : {
		# (text of widget: building_score)
		(u'building_score'               , 'text'    ): _("Buildings"),
		# (text of widget: headline)
		(u'headline'                     , 'text'    ): _("Player scores"),
		# (text of widget: land_score)
		(u'land_score'                   , 'text'    ): _("Land"),
		# (text of widget: money_score)
		(u'money_score'                  , 'text'    ): _("Money"),
		# (text of widget: player_name)
		(u'player_name'                  , 'text'    ): _("Name"),
		# (text of widget: resource_score)
		(u'resource_score'               , 'text'    ): _("Resources"),
		# (text of widget: settler_score)
		(u'settler_score'                , 'text'    ): _("Settlers"),
		# (text of widget: total_score)
		(u'total_score'                  , 'text'    ): _("Total"),
		# (text of widget: unit_score)
		(u'unit_score'                   , 'text'    ): _("Units"),
		# (helptext of widget: building_score)
		(u'building_score'               , 'helptext'): _("Value of all the buildings in the player's settlement(s)"),
		# (helptext of widget: land_score)
		(u'land_score'                   , 'helptext'): _("Value of usable land i.e Amount of Land that can be used to create buildings "),
		# (helptext of widget: money_score)
		(u'money_score'                  , 'helptext'): _("Player's current treasury + income expected in near future"),
		# (helptext of widget: player_name)
		(u'player_name'                  , 'helptext'): _("Player Name"),
		# (helptext of widget: resource_score)
		(u'resource_score'               , 'helptext'): _("Value of resources generated from all the possible sources in the player's settlement(s)"),
		# (helptext of widget: settler_score)
		(u'settler_score'                , 'helptext'): _("Value denoting the progress of the settlement(s) in terms of inhabitants, buildings and overall happiness"),
		# (helptext of widget: total_score)
		(u'total_score'                  , 'helptext'): _("The total value from all individual entities or in short : Total Player Score"),
		# (helptext of widget: unit_score)
		(u'unit_score'                   , 'helptext'): _("Value of all the units owned by the player"),

	'players_settlements.xml' : {
		# (text of widget: balance)
		(u'balance'                      , 'text'    ): _("Balance"),
		# (text of widget: inhabitants)
		(u'inhabitants'                  , 'text'    ): _("Inhabitants"),
		# (text of widget: running_costs)
		(u'running_costs'                , 'text'    ): _("Running costs"),
		# (text of widget: settlement_name)
		(u'settlement_name'              , 'text'    ): _("Name"),
		# (text of widget: taxes)
		(u'taxes'                        , 'text'    ): _("Taxes"),

	'ships_list.xml' : {
		# (text of widget: health)
		(u'health'                       , 'text'    ): _("Health"),
		# (text of widget: ship_name)
		(u'ship_name'                    , 'text'    ): _("Name"),
		# (text of widget: ship_type)
		(u'ship_type'                    , 'text'    ): _("Type"),
		# (text of widget: status)
		(u'status'                       , 'text'    ): _("Status"),
		# (text of widget: weapons)
		(u'weapons'                      , 'text'    ): _("Weapons"),

	'stancewidget.xml' : {
		# (helptext of widget: aggressive_stance) Description of combat stance (how units behave when fighting)
		(u'aggressive_stance'            , 'helptext'): _("Aggressive"),
		# (helptext of widget: flee_stance) Description of combat stance (how units behave when fighting)
		(u'flee_stance'                  , 'helptext'): _("Flee"),
		# (helptext of widget: hold_ground_stance) Description of combat stance (how units behave when fighting)
		(u'hold_ground_stance'           , 'helptext'): _("Hold ground"),
		# (helptext of widget: none_stance) Description of combat stance (how units behave when fighting)
		(u'none_stance'                  , 'helptext'): _("Passive"),

	'credits.xml' : {

	'editor_create_map.xml' : {
		# (text of widget: headline_choose_map_size_lbl)
		(u'headline_choose_map_size_lbl' , 'text'    ): _("Choose a map size:"),

	'editor_select_map.xml' : {
		# (text of widget: headline_choose_map_lbl)
		(u'headline_choose_map_lbl'      , 'text'    ): _("Choose a map:"),

	'editor_select_saved_game.xml' : {
		# (text of widget: headline_choose_saved_game)
		(u'headline_choose_saved_game'   , 'text'    ): _("Choose a saved game's map:"),

	'editor_start_menu.xml' : {
		# (text of widget: headline)
		(u'headline'                     , 'text'    ): _("Select map source"),
		# (text of widget: create_new_map)
		(u'create_new_map'               , 'text'    ): _("Create new map"),
		# (text of widget: load_existing_map)
		(u'load_existing_map'            , 'text'    ): _("Load existing map"),
		# (text of widget: load_saved_game_map)
		(u'load_saved_game_map'          , 'text'    ): _("Load saved game's map"),
		# (helptext of widget: cancel)
		(u'cancel'                       , 'helptext'): _("Exit to main menu"),
		# (helptext of widget: okay)
		(u'okay'                         , 'helptext'): _("Start editor"),

	'help.xml' : {
		# (text of widget: headline)
		(u'headline'                     , 'text'    ): _("Key bindings"),
		# (text of widget: lbl_BUILD_TOOL)
		(u'lbl_BUILD_TOOL'               , 'text'    ): _("Show build menu"),
		# (text of widget: lbl_CHAT)
		(u'lbl_CHAT'                     , 'text'    ): _("Chat"),
		# (text of widget: lbl_CONSOLE)
		(u'lbl_CONSOLE'                  , 'text'    ): _("Display FPS counter"),
		# (text of widget: lbl_COORD_TOOLTIP)
		(u'lbl_COORD_TOOLTIP'            , 'text'    ): _("Show coordinate values (Debug)"),
		# (text of widget: lbl_DESTROY_TOOL)
		(u'lbl_DESTROY_TOOL'             , 'text'    ): _("Enable destruct mode"),
		# (text of widget: lbl_DOWN)
		(u'lbl_DOWN'                     , 'text'    ): _("Scroll down"),
		# (text of widget: lbl_ESCAPE)
		(u'lbl_ESCAPE'                   , 'text'    ): _("Close dialogs"),
		# (text of widget: lbl_GRID)
		(u'lbl_GRID'                     , 'text'    ): _("Toggle grid on/off"),
		# (text of widget: lbl_HEALTH_BAR)
		(u'lbl_HEALTH_BAR'               , 'text'    ): _("Toggle health bars"),
		# (text of widget: lbl_HELP)
		(u'lbl_HELP'                     , 'text'    ): _("Display help"),
		# (text of widget: lbl_LEFT)
		(u'lbl_LEFT'                     , 'text'    ): _("Scroll left"),
		# (text of widget: lbl_LOGBOOK)
		(u'lbl_LOGBOOK'                  , 'text'    ): _("Toggle Captain's log"),
		# (text of widget: lbl_PAUSE)
		(u'lbl_PAUSE'                    , 'text'    ): _("Pause game"),
		# (text of widget: lbl_PIPETTE)
		(u'lbl_PIPETTE'                  , 'text'    ): _("Enable pipette mode (clone buildings)"),
		# (text of widget: lbl_PLAYERS_OVERVIEW)
		(u'lbl_PLAYERS_OVERVIEW'         , 'text'    ): _("Show player scores"),
		# (text of widget: lbl_QUICKLOAD)
		(u'lbl_QUICKLOAD'                , 'text'    ): _("Quickload"),
		# (text of widget: lbl_QUICKSAVE)
		(u'lbl_QUICKSAVE'                , 'text'    ): _("Quicksave"),
		# (text of widget: lbl_REMOVE_SELECTED)
		(u'lbl_REMOVE_SELECTED'          , 'text'    ): _("Remove selected units / buildings"),
		# (text of widget: lbl_RIGHT)
		(u'lbl_RIGHT'                    , 'text'    ): _("Scroll right"),
		# (text of widget: lbl_ROAD_TOOL)
		(u'lbl_ROAD_TOOL'                , 'text'    ): _("Enable road building mode"),
		# (text of widget: lbl_ROTATE_LEFT)
		(u'lbl_ROTATE_LEFT'              , 'text'    ): _("Rotate building or map counterclockwise"),
		# (text of widget: lbl_ROTATE_RIGHT)
		(u'lbl_ROTATE_RIGHT'             , 'text'    ): _("Rotate building or map clockwise"),
		# (text of widget: lbl_SCREENSHOT)
		(u'lbl_SCREENSHOT'               , 'text'    ): _("Screenshot"),
		# (text of widget: lbl_SETTLEMENTS_OVERVIEW)
		(u'lbl_SETTLEMENTS_OVERVIEW'     , 'text'    ): _("Show settlement list"),
		# (text of widget: lbl_SHIFT)
		(u'lbl_SHIFT'                    , 'text'    ): _("Hold to place multiple buildings"),
		# (text of widget: lbl_SHIPS_OVERVIEW)
		(u'lbl_SHIPS_OVERVIEW'           , 'text'    ): _("Show ship list"),
		# (text of widget: lbl_SHOW_SELECTED)
		(u'lbl_SHOW_SELECTED'            , 'text'    ): _("Focus camera on selection"),
		# (text of widget: lbl_SPEED_DOWN)
		(u'lbl_SPEED_DOWN'               , 'text'    ): _("Decrease game speed"),
		# (text of widget: lbl_SPEED_UP)
		(u'lbl_SPEED_UP'                 , 'text'    ): _("Increase game speed"),
		# (text of widget: lbl_TILE_OWNER_HIGHLIGHT)
		(u'lbl_TILE_OWNER_HIGHLIGHT'     , 'text'    ): _("Highlight tile ownership"),
		# (text of widget: lbl_TRANSLUCENCY)
		(u'lbl_TRANSLUCENCY'             , 'text'    ): _("Toggle translucency of ambient buildings"),
		# (text of widget: lbl_UP)
		(u'lbl_UP'                       , 'text'    ): _("Scroll up"),
		# (helptext of widget: okButton)
		(u'okButton'                     , 'helptext'): _("Return"),

	'ingamemenu.xml' : {
		# (text of widget: help)
		(u'help'                         , 'text'    ): _("Help"),
		# (text of widget: loadgame)
		(u'loadgame'                     , 'text'    ): _("Load game"),
		# (text of widget: quit)
		(u'quit'                         , 'text'    ): _("Cancel game"),
		# (text of widget: savegame)
		(u'savegame'                     , 'text'    ): _("Save game"),
		# (text of widget: settings)
		(u'settings'                     , 'text'    ): _("Settings"),
		# (text of widget: start)
		(u'start'                        , 'text'    ): _("Return to game"),

	'loadingscreen.xml' : {
		# (text of widget: loading_label)
		(u'loading_label'                , 'text'    ): _("Loading ..."),

	'mainmenu.xml' : {
		# (text of widget: credits_label)
		(u'credits_label'                , 'text'    ): _("Credits"),
		# (text of widget: editor_label) Map editor
		(u'editor_label'                 , 'text'    ): _("Editor"),
		# (text of widget: help_label) Main / in-game menu entry
		(u'help_label'                   , 'text'    ): _("Help"),
		# (text of widget: load_label) Open a widget to select which game to load
		(u'load_label'                   , 'text'    ): _("Load game"),
		# (text of widget: multi_label) Opens widget to join or create multiplayer games
		(u'multi_label'                  , 'text'    ): _("Multiplayer"),
		# (text of widget: quit_label) Completely shut down UH
		(u'quit_label'                   , 'text'    ): _("Quit"),
		# (text of widget: settings_label) Main / in-game menu entry
		(u'settings_label'               , 'text'    ): _("Settings"),
		# (text of widget: single_label) Opens widget to create singleplayer games (scenarios, random maps, free play)
		(u'single_label'                 , 'text'    ): _("Singleplayer"),
		# (text of widget: version_label)
		(u'version_label'                , 'text'    ): VERSION.string(),

	'multiplayer_creategame.xml' : {
		# (text of widget: create_game_lbl)
		(u'create_game_lbl'              , 'text'    ): _("Create game:"),
		# (text of widget: exit_to_mp_menu_lbl)
		(u'exit_to_mp_menu_lbl'          , 'text'    ): _("Back:"),
		# (text of widget: gamename_lbl)
		(u'gamename_lbl'                 , 'text'    ): _("Name of the game:"),
		# (text of widget: headline)
		(u'headline'                     , 'text'    ): _("Choose a map:"),
		# (text of widget: headline)
		(u'headline'                     , 'text'    ): _("Create game - Multiplayer"),
		# (text of widget: mp_player_limit_lbl)
		(u'mp_player_limit_lbl'          , 'text'    ): _("Player limit:"),
		# (text of widget: password_lbl)
		(u'password_lbl'                 , 'text'    ): _("Password of the game:"),
		# (helptext of widget: cancel)
		(u'cancel'                       , 'helptext'): _("Exit to multiplayer menu"),
		# (helptext of widget: create)
		(u'create'                       , 'helptext'): _("Create this new game"),
		# (helptext of widget: gamename_lbl)
		(u'gamename_lbl'                 , 'helptext'): _("This will be displayed to other players so they recognize the game."),
		# (helptext of widget: password_lbl)
		(u'password_lbl'                 , 'helptext'): _("This game's password. Required to join this game."),

	'multiplayer_gamelobby.xml' : {
		# (text of widget: exit_to_mp_menu_lbl)
		(u'exit_to_mp_menu_lbl'          , 'text'    ): _("Leave:"),
		# (text of widget: game_player_color)
		(u'game_player_color'            , 'text'    ): _("Color"),
		# (text of widget: game_player_status)
		(u'game_player_status'           , 'text'    ): _("Status"),
		# (text of widget: game_start_notice)
		(u'game_start_notice'            , 'text'    ): _("The game will start as soon as all players are ready."),
		# (text of widget: headline)
		(u'headline'                     , 'text'    ): _("Chat:"),
		# (text of widget: headline)
		(u'headline'                     , 'text'    ): _("Gamelobby"),
		# (text of widget: ready_lbl)
		(u'ready_lbl'                    , 'text'    ): _("Ready:"),
		# (text of widget: startmessage)
		(u'startmessage'                 , 'text'    ): _("Game details:"),
		# (helptext of widget: cancel)
		(u'cancel'                       , 'helptext'): _("Exit gamelobby"),
		# (helptext of widget: ready_btn)
		(u'ready_btn'                    , 'helptext'): _("Sets your state to ready (necessary for the game to start)"),

	'multiplayermenu.xml' : {
		# (text of widget: create_game_lbl)
		(u'create_game_lbl'              , 'text'    ): _("Create game:"),
		# (text of widget: exit_to_main_menu_lbl)
		(u'exit_to_main_menu_lbl'        , 'text'    ): _("Main menu:"),
		# (text of widget: headline_active_games_lbl)
		(u'headline_active_games_lbl'    , 'text'    ): _("Active games:"),
		# (text of widget: headline_left)
		(u'headline_left'                , 'text'    ): _("New game - Multiplayer"),
		# (text of widget: join_game_lbl)
		(u'join_game_lbl'                , 'text'    ): _("Join game"),
		# (text of widget: load_game_lbl)
		(u'load_game_lbl'                , 'text'    ): _("Load game:"),
		# (text of widget: refr_gamelist_lbl)
		(u'refr_gamelist_lbl'            , 'text'    ): _("Refresh list:"),
		# (helptext of widget: cancel)
		(u'cancel'                       , 'helptext'): _("Exit to main menu"),
		# (helptext of widget: create)
		(u'create'                       , 'helptext'): _("Create a new game"),
		# (helptext of widget: join)
		(u'join'                         , 'helptext'): _("Join the selected game"),
		# (helptext of widget: load)
		(u'load'                         , 'helptext'): _("Load a saved game"),
		# (helptext of widget: refresh)
		(u'refresh'                      , 'helptext'): _("Refresh list of active games"),

	'set_password.xml' : {
		# (text of widget: headline_set_password)
		(u'headline_set_password'        , 'text'    ): _("Password of the game"),
		# (text of widget: password_lbl)
		(u'password_lbl'                 , 'text'    ): _("Enter password:"******"Change player details"),

	'settings.xml' : {
		# (text of widget: reset_mouse_sensitivity)
		(u'reset_mouse_sensitivity'      , 'text'    ): _("Reset to default"),
		# (text of widget: auto_unload_label)
		(u'auto_unload_label'            , 'text'    ): _("Auto-unload ship:"),
		# (text of widget: autosave_interval_label)
		(u'autosave_interval_label'      , 'text'    ): _("Autosave interval in minutes:"),
		# (text of widget: color_depth_label)
		(u'color_depth_label'            , 'text'    ): _("Color depth:"),
		# (text of widget: cursor_centered_zoom_label)
		(u'cursor_centered_zoom_label'   , 'text'    ): _("Cursor centered zoom:"),
		# (text of widget: debug_log_lbl)
		(u'debug_log_lbl'                , 'text'    ): _("Enable logging:"),
		# (text of widget: edge_scrolling_label)
		(u'edge_scrolling_label'         , 'text'    ): _("Scroll at map edge:"),
		# (text of widget: effect_volume_label)
		(u'effect_volume_label'          , 'text'    ): _("Effects volume:"),
		# (text of widget: fps_label)
		(u'fps_label'                    , 'text'    ): _("Frame rate limit:"),
		# (text of widget: headline_graphics)
		(u'headline_graphics'            , 'text'    ): _("Graphics"),
		# (text of widget: headline_language)
		(u'headline_language'            , 'text'    ): _("Language"),
		# (text of widget: headline_misc)
		(u'headline_misc'                , 'text'    ): _("General"),
		# (text of widget: headline_mouse)
		(u'headline_mouse'               , 'text'    ): _("Mouse"),
		# (text of widget: headline_network)
		(u'headline_network'             , 'text'    ): _("Network"),
		# (text of widget: headline_saving)
		(u'headline_saving'              , 'text'    ): _("Saving"),
		# (text of widget: headline_sound)
		(u'headline_sound'               , 'text'    ): _("Sound"),
		# (text of widget: middle_mouse_pan_lbl)
		(u'middle_mouse_pan_lbl'         , 'text'    ): _("Middle mouse button pan:"),
		# (text of widget: minimap_rotation_label)
		(u'minimap_rotation_label'       , 'text'    ): _("Rotate minimap with map:"),
		# (text of widget: mouse_sensitivity_label)
		(u'mouse_sensitivity_label'      , 'text'    ): _("Mouse sensitivity:"),
		# (text of widget: music_volume_label)
		(u'music_volume_label'           , 'text'    ): _("Music volume:"),
		# (text of widget: network_port_lbl)
		(u'network_port_lbl'             , 'text'    ): _("Network port:"),
		# (text of widget: number_of_autosaves_label)
		(u'number_of_autosaves_label'    , 'text'    ): _("Number of autosaves:"),
		# (text of widget: number_of_quicksaves_label)
		(u'number_of_quicksaves_label'   , 'text'    ): _("Number of quicksaves:"),
		# (text of widget: quote_type_label)
		(u'quote_type_label'             , 'text'    ): _("Choose a quote type:"),
		# (text of widget: screen_fullscreen_text)
		(u'screen_fullscreen_text'       , 'text'    ): _("Full screen:"),
		# (text of widget: screen_resolution_label)
		(u'screen_resolution_label'      , 'text'    ): _("Screen resolution:"),
		# (text of widget: scroll_speed_label)
		(u'scroll_speed_label'           , 'text'    ): _("Scroll delay:"),
		# (text of widget: show_resource_icons_lbl)
		(u'show_resource_icons_lbl'      , 'text'    ): _("Production indicators:"),
		# (text of widget: sound_enable_opt_text)
		(u'sound_enable_opt_text'        , 'text'    ): _("Enable sound:"),
		# (text of widget: uninterrupted_building_label)
		(u'uninterrupted_building_label' , 'text'    ): _("Uninterrupted building:"),
		# (text of widget: use_renderer_label)
		(u'use_renderer_label'           , 'text'    ): _("Used renderer:"),
		# (helptext of widget: cancelButton)
		(u'cancelButton'                 , 'helptext'): _("Discard current changes"),
		# (helptext of widget: defaultButton)
		(u'defaultButton'                , 'helptext'): _("Reset to default settings"),
		# (helptext of widget: okButton)
		(u'okButton'                     , 'helptext'): _("Apply"),
		# (helptext of widget: auto_unload_label)
		(u'auto_unload_label'            , 'helptext'): _("Whether to unload the ship after founding a settlement"),
		# (helptext of widget: color_depth_label)
		(u'color_depth_label'            , 'helptext'): _("If set to 0, use the driver default"),
		# (helptext of widget: cursor_centered_zoom_label)
		(u'cursor_centered_zoom_label'   , 'helptext'): _("When enabled, mouse wheel zoom will use the cursor position as new viewport center. When disabled, always zoom to current viewport center."),
		# (helptext of widget: debug_log_lbl)
		(u'debug_log_lbl'                , 'helptext'): _("Don't use in normal game session. Decides whether to write debug information in the logging directory of your user directory. Slows the game down."),
		# (helptext of widget: edge_scrolling_label)
		(u'edge_scrolling_label'         , 'helptext'): _("Whether to move the viewport when the mouse pointer is close to map edges"),
		# (helptext of widget: fps_label)
		(u'fps_label'                    , 'helptext'): _("Set the maximum frame rate used. Default: 60 fps."),
		# (helptext of widget: middle_mouse_pan_lbl)
		(u'middle_mouse_pan_lbl'         , 'helptext'): _("When enabled, dragging the middle mouse button will pan the camera"),
		# (helptext of widget: minimap_rotation_label)
		(u'minimap_rotation_label'       , 'helptext'): _("Whether to also rotate the minimap whenever the regular map is rotated"),
		# (helptext of widget: mouse_sensitivity_label)
		(u'mouse_sensitivity_label'      , 'helptext'): _("0 is default system settings"),
		# (helptext of widget: network_port_lbl)
		(u'network_port_lbl'             , 'helptext'): _("If set to 0, use the router default"),
		# (helptext of widget: quote_type_label)
		(u'quote_type_label'             , 'helptext'): _("What kind of quote to display while loading a game"),
		# (helptext of widget: scroll_speed_label)
		(u'scroll_speed_label'           , 'helptext'): _("Higher values slow down scrolling."),
		# (helptext of widget: show_resource_icons_lbl)
		(u'show_resource_icons_lbl'      , 'helptext'): _("Whether to show resource icons over buildings whenever they finish production"),
		# (helptext of widget: uninterrupted_building_label)
		(u'uninterrupted_building_label' , 'helptext'): _("When enabled, do not exit the build mode after successful construction"),
		# (helptext of widget: use_renderer_label)
		(u'use_renderer_label'           , 'helptext'): _("SDL is only meant as unsupported fallback and might cause problems!"),

	'select_savegame.xml' : {
		# (text of widget: enter_filename_label)
		(u'enter_filename_label'         , 'text'    ): _("Enter filename:"),
		# (text of widget: gamename_lbl)
		(u'gamename_lbl'                 , 'text'    ): _("Name of the game:"),
		# (text of widget: gamepassword_lbl)
		(u'gamepassword_lbl'             , 'text'    ): _("Password of the game:"),
		# (text of widget: headline_details_label) More text describing the savegame
		(u'headline_details_label'       , 'text'    ): _("Details:"),
		# (text of widget: headline_saved_games_label)
		(u'headline_saved_games_label'   , 'text'    ): _("Your saved games:"),
		# (helptext of widget: cancelButton)
		(u'cancelButton'                 , 'helptext'): _("Cancel"),
		# (helptext of widget: deleteButton)
		(u'deleteButton'                 , 'helptext'): _("Delete selected savegame"),
		# (helptext of widget: gamename_lbl)
		(u'gamename_lbl'                 , 'helptext'): _("This will be displayed to other players so they recognize the game."),
		# (helptext of widget: gamepassword_lbl)
		(u'gamepassword_lbl'             , 'helptext'): _("Password of the game. Required to join this game"),

	'singleplayermenu.xml' : {
		# (text of widget: headline)
		(u'headline'                     , 'text'    ): _("New game - Singleplayer"),
		# (text of widget: main_menu_label)
		(u'main_menu_label'              , 'text'    ): _("Main menu:"),
		# (text of widget: start_game_label)
		(u'start_game_label'             , 'text'    ): _("Start game:"),
		# (text of widget: free_maps)
		(u'free_maps'                    , 'text'    ): _("Free play"),
		# (text of widget: random)
		(u'random'                       , 'text'    ): _("Random map"),
		# (text of widget: scenario)
		(u'scenario'                     , 'text'    ): _("Scenario"),
		# (helptext of widget: cancel)
		(u'cancel'                       , 'helptext'): _("Exit to main menu"),
		# (helptext of widget: okay)
		(u'okay'                         , 'helptext'): _("Start game"),

	'sp_free_maps.xml' : {
		# (text of widget: headline_choose_map_lbl)
		(u'headline_choose_map_lbl'      , 'text'    ): _("Choose a map to play:"),

	'sp_random.xml' : {
		# (text of widget: headline_map_settings_lbl)
		(u'headline_map_settings_lbl'    , 'text'    ): _("Map settings:"),
		# (text of widget: seed_string_lbl)
		(u'seed_string_lbl'              , 'text'    ): _("Seed:"),

	'sp_scenario.xml' : {
		# (text of widget: choose_map_lbl)
		(u'choose_map_lbl'               , 'text'    ): _("Choose a map to play:"),
		# (text of widget: select_lang_lbl)
		(u'select_lang_lbl'              , 'text'    ): _("Select a language:"),

	'aidataselection.xml' : {
		# (text of widget: ai_players_label)
		(u'ai_players_label'             , 'text'    ): _("AI players:"),

	'game_settings.xml' : {
		# (text of widget: headline_game_settings_lbl)
		(u'headline_game_settings_lbl'   , 'text'    ): _("Game settings:"),
		# (text of widget: lbl_disasters) Whether there should be disasters in the game.
		(u'lbl_disasters'                , 'text'    ): _("Disasters"),
		# (text of widget: lbl_free_trader) Whether to create this kind of player in the game.
		(u'lbl_free_trader'              , 'text'    ): _("Free Trader"),
		# (text of widget: lbl_pirates) Whether to create this kind of player in the game.
		(u'lbl_pirates'                  , 'text'    ): _("Pirates"),

	'playerdataselection.xml' : {
		# (text of widget: color_label)
		(u'color_label'                  , 'text'    ): _("Color:"),
		# (text of widget: player_label)
		(u'player_label'                 , 'text'    ): _("Player name:"),

	'popup_230.xml' : {

	'popup_290.xml' : {

	'popup_350.xml' : {

	'startup_error_popup.xml' : {

def set_translations():
	global text_translations
	text_translations = {
		"buildtab_increment0.xml" : {
			"companies_label"             : _("Companies"),
			"headline"                    : _("Sailor buildings"),
			"residents_infra_label"       : _("Residents and infrastructure"),
			"services_label"              : _("Services"),
			"church-1"                    : _("Pavilion: Fulfills religious needs of sailors."),
			"fisher-1"                    : _("Fisherman: Fishes the sea, produces food."),
			"hunter-1"                    : _("Hunter: Hunts wild forest animals, produces food."),
			"lighthouse-1"                : _("Signal fire: Allows the player to trade with the free trader."),
			"lumberjack-1"                : _("Lumberjack: Chops down trees and turns them into boards."),
			"main_square-1"               : _("Main square: Supplies citizens with goods."),
			"resident-1"                  : _("Tent: Houses your inhabitants."),
			"store-1"                     : _("Storage: Extends stock and provides collectors."),
			"street-1"                    : _("Trail: Needed for collecting goods."),
			"tree-1"                      : _("Tree")},
		"buildtab_increment1.xml" : {
			"companies_label"             : _("Companies"),
			"fields_label"                : _("Fields"),
			"headline"                    : _("Pioneer buildings"),
			"military_label"              : _("Military"),
			"services_label"              : _("Services"),
			"boat_builder-1"              : _("Boat builder: Builds boats and small ships. Built on coast."),
			"brickyard-1"                 : _("Brickyard: Turns clay into bricks."),
			"clay-pit-1"                  : _("Clay pit: Gets clay from deposit."),
			"distillery-1"                : _("Distillery: Turns sugar into liquor."),
			"herder-1"                    : _("Farm: Grows field crops and raises livestock."),
			"pasture-1"                   : _("Pasture: Raises sheep. Produces wool. Needs a farm."),
			"potatofield-1"               : _("Potato field: Yields food. Needs a farm."),
			"sugarfield-1"                : _("Sugarcane field: Used in liquor production. Needs a farm."),
			"villageschool-1"             : _("Village school: Provides education."),
			"weaver-1"                    : _("Weaver: Turns lamb wool into cloth.")},
		"buildtab_increment2.xml" : {
			"companies_label"             : _("Companies"),
			"headline"                    : _("Settler buildings"),
			"services_label"              : _("Services"),
			"charcoal-burning-1"          : _("Charcoal burning: Burns a lot of boards."),
			"iron-mine-1"                 : _("Iron mine: Gets iron ore from deposit."),
			"smeltery-1"                  : _("Smeltery: Refines all kind of ores."),
			"tavern-1"                    : _("Tavern: Provides get-together."),
			"toolmaker-1"                 : _("Toolmaker: Produces tools out of iron.")},
		"place_building.xml" : {
			"headline"                    : _("Build"),
			"running_costs_label"         : _("Running costs:")},
		"city_info.xml" : {
			"city_info_inhabitants"       : _("Inhabitants"),
			"city_name"                   : _("Click to change the name of your settlement.")},
		"menu_panel.xml" : {
			"destroy_tool"                : _("Destroy"),
			"build"                       : _("Build menu"),
			"gameMenuButton"              : _("Game menu"),
			"helpLink"                    : _("Help"),
			"logbook"                     : _("Captain's log")},
		"status.xml" : {
			"boards_icon"                 : _("Boards"),
			"bricks_icon"                 : _("Bricks"),
			"food_icon"                   : _("Food"),
			"textiles_icon"               : _("Textiles"),
			"tools_icon"                  : _("Tools")},
		"status_gold.xml" : {
			"gold_icon"                   : _("Gold")},
		"change_name.xml" : {
			"change_name_headline"        : _("Change name"),
			"enter_new_name_lbl"          : _("Enter new name:")},
		"chat.xml" : {
			"chat_lbl"                    : _("Enter your message:"),
			"headline"                    : _("Chat")},
		"buysellmenu.xml" : {
			"buy_label"                   : _("Buy resources"),
			"headline"                    : _("Buy or sell resources"),
			"legend_label"                : _("Legend:"),
			"sell_label"                  : _("Sell resources")},
		"overview_productionline.xml" : {
			"toggle_active_active"        : _("Pause production"),
			"toggle_active_inactive"      : _("Start production")},
		"captains_log.xml" : {
			"cancelButton"                : _("Leave Captain's log"),
			"backwardButton"              : _("Read prev. entries"),
			"forwardButton"               : _("Read next entries")},
		"configure_route.xml" : {
			"cancelButton"                : _("Exit"),
			"add_bo"                      : _("Add to list"),
			"start_route"                 : _("Start / Stop route")},
		"gamemenu.xml" : {
			"chimebell"                   : _("Attention please!"),
			"credits"                     : _("Credits"),
			"help"                        : _("Help"),
			"loadgame"                    : _("Load game"),
			"quit"                        : _("Cancel game"),
			"savegame"                    : _("Save game"),
			"settings"                    : _("Settings"),
			"start"                       : _("Return to game"),
			"version_label"               : VERSION.string()},
		"help.xml" : {
			"fife_and_uh_team_lbl"        : _("The FIFE and Unknown Horizons"),
			"fife_and_uh_team_lbl2"       : _("development teams"),
			"have_fun_lbl"                : _("Have fun."),
			"headline"                    : _("Key bindings"),
			"set01"                       : _("{LEFT} = Scroll left"),
			"set02"                       : _("{RIGHT} = Scroll right"),
			"set03"                       : _("{UP} = Scroll up"),
			"set04"                       : _("{DOWN} = Scroll down"),
			"set05"                       : _("{ , } = Rotate building left"),
			"set06"                       : _("{ . } = Rotate building right"),
			"set07"                       : _("{B} = Show build menu"),
			"set08"                       : _("{F1} = Display help"),
			"set09"                       : _("{F5} = Quicksave"),
			"set10"                       : _("{F9} = Quickload"),
			"set11"                       : _("{F10} = Toggle console on/off"),
			"set12"                       : _("{ESC} = Show pause menu"),
			"set13"                       : _("{G} = Toggle grid on/off"),
			"set14"                       : _("{X} = Enable destruct mode"),
			"set20"                       : _("{P} = Pause game"),
			"set21"                       : _("{ + } = Increase game speed"),
			"set22"                       : _("{ - } = Decrease game speed"),
			"set23"                       : _("{S} = Screenshot"),
			"set25"                       : _("{SHIFT} = Hold to place multiple buildings"),
			"set26"                       : _("{C} = Chat"),
			"set27"                       : _("{L} = Toggle Captain's log"),
			"okButton"                    : _("Exit to main menu")},
		"loadingscreen.xml" : {
			"loading_label"               : _("Loading ..."),
			"version_label"               : VERSION.string()},
		"mainmenu.xml" : {
			"chimebell"                   : _("Attention please!"),
			"credits"                     : _("Credits"),
			"help"                        : _("Help"),
			"loadgame"                    : _("Load game"),
			"quit"                        : _("Quit"),
			"settings"                    : _("Settings"),
			"start"                       : _("Singleplayer"),
			"start_multi"                 : _("Multiplayer"),
			"version_label"               : VERSION.string()},
		"multiplayer_creategame.xml" : {
			"create_game_lbl"             : _("Create game:"),
			"exit_to_mp_menu_lbl"         : _("Back:"),
			"headline"                    : _("Choose a map:"),
			"headline"                    : _("Create game - Multiplayer"),
			"mp_player_limit_lbl"         : _("Player limit:"),
			"create"                      : _("Create this new game"),
			"cancel"                      : _("Exit to multiplayer menu")},
		"multiplayer_gamelobby.xml" : {
			"exit_to_mp_menu_lbl"         : _("Leave:"),
			"game_start_notice"           : _("The game will start as soon as enough players have joined."),
			"headline"                    : _("Chat:"),
			"headline"                    : _("Gamelobby"),
			"startmessage"                : _("Game details:"),
			"cancel"                      : _("Exit gamelobby")},
		"multiplayermenu.xml" : {
			"active_games_lbl"            : _("Active games:"),
			"create_game_lbl"             : _("Create game:"),
			"exit_to_main_menu_lbl"       : _("Main menu:"),
			"game_showonlyownversion"     : _("Show only games with the same version:"),
			"headline_left"               : _("New game - Multiplayer"),
			"join_game_lbl"               : _("Join game"),
			"name_lbl"                    : _("Apply:"),
			"refr_gamelist_lbl"           : _("Refresh list:"),
			"apply_new_nickname"          : _("Apply the new name"),
			"create"                      : _("Create a new game"),
			"join"                        : _("Join the selected game"),
			"cancel"                      : _("Exit to main menu"),
			"refresh"                     : _("Refresh list of active games")},
		"settings.xml" : {
			"autosave_interval_label"     : _("Autosave interval in minutes:"),
			"color_depth_label"           : _("Color depth:"),
			"edge_scrolling_label"        : _("Enable edge scrolling:"),
			"effect_volume_label"         : _("Effects volume:"),
			"headline"                    : _("Settings"),
			"headline_graphics"           : _("Graphics"),
			"headline_language"           : _("Language"),
			"headline_saving"             : _("Saving"),
			"headline_sound"              : _("Sound"),
			"language_label"              : _("Select language:"),
			"minimap_rotation_label"      : _("Enable minimap rotation:"),
			"music_volume_label"          : _("Music volume:"),
			"number_of_autosaves_label"   : _("Number of autosaves:"),
			"number_of_quicksaves_label"  : _("Number of quicksaves:"),
			"screen_fullscreen_text"      : _("Full screen:"),
			"screen_resolution_label"     : _("Screen resolution:"),
			"sound_enable_opt_text"       : _("Enable sound:"),
			"use_renderer_label"          : _("Used renderer:"),
			"warning"                     : _("Please make sure that you know what you do.")},
		"select_savegame.xml" : {
			"details_label"               : _("Details:"),
			"enter_filename_label"        : _("Enter filename:"),
			"saved_games_label"           : _("Your saved games:")},
		"singleplayermenu.xml" : {
			"choose_map_lbl"              : _("Choose a map to play:"),
			"headline"                    : _("New game - Singleplayer"),
			"main_menu_label"             : _("Main menu:"),
			"start_game_label"            : _("Start game:"),
			"showMaps"                    : _("Free play"),
			"showRandom"                  : _("Random map"),
			"showScenario"                : _("Scenario"),
			"okay"                        : _("Start game"),
			"cancel"                      : _("Exit to main menu")},
		"playerdataselection.xml" : {
			"color_label"                 : _("Color:"),
			"player_label"                : _("Player name:")},
		"boatbuilder.xml" : {
			"BB_cancel_build_label"       : _("Cancel building:"),
			"BB_cancel_warning_label"     : _("(lose all resources)"),
			"BB_current_order"            : _("Currently building:"),
			"BB_howto_build_lbl"          : _("To build a boat, click on one of the class tabs, select the desired ship and confirm the order."),
			"BB_progress_label"           : _("Construction progress:"),
			"headline"                    : _("Building overview"),
			"BB_cancel_button"            : _("Cancel all building progress"),
			"toggle_active_active"        : _("Pause"),
			"toggle_active_inactive"      : _("Resume"),
			"running_costs_label"         : _("Running costs")},
		"boatbuilder_fisher.xml" : {
			"BB_fisher_ship1"             : _("Fishing boat"),
			"BB_fisher_ship2"             : _("Cutter"),
			"BB_fisher_ship3"             : _("Herring fisher"),
			"BB_fisher_ship4"             : _("Whaler"),
			"headline"                    : _("Fishing boats"),
			"BB_build_fisher_1"           : _("Build this ship!"),
			"cancelButton"                : _("Not yet implemented!"),
			"cancelButton"                : _("Not yet implemented!"),
			"cancelButton"                : _("Not yet implemented!")},
		"select_trade_resource.xml" : {
			"headline"                    : _("Select resources:")},
		"tab_account.xml" : {
			"balance_label"               : _("Balance:"),
			"buy_expenses_label"          : _("Buying"),
			"expenses_label"              : _("Expenses:"),
			"headline"                    : _("Account"),
			"income_label"                : _("Income:"),
			"running_costs_label"         : _("Running costs"),
			"sell_income_label"           : _("Sale"),
			"taxes_label"                 : _("Taxes")},
		"island_inventory.xml" : {
			"headline"                    : _("Inventory")},
		"overview_branchoffice.xml" : {
			"headline"                    : _("Building overview"),
			"name_label"                  : _("Name:"),
			"running_costs_label"         : _("Running costs:")},
		"overview_enemybuilding.xml" : {
			"headline"                    : _("Overview"),
			"name_label"                  : _("Name:")},
		"overview_mainsquare.xml" : {
			"avg_happiness_lbl"           : _("Average happiness:"),
			"headline"                    : _("Settler overview"),
			"most_needed_res_lbl"         : _("Most needed resource:")},
		"overview_marketplace.xml" : {
			"headline"                    : _("Overview"),
			"name_label"                  : _("Name:"),
			"tax_label"                   : _("Taxes:")},
		"overview_productionbuilding.xml" : {
			"headline"                    : _("Building overview"),
			"running_costs_label"         : _("Running costs"),
			"capacity_utilisation"        : _("capacity utilization"),
			"running_costs"               : _("Running costs")},
		"overview_resourcedeposit.xml" : {
			"headline"                    : _("Resource deposit"),
			"res_dep_description_lbl"     : _("This is a resource deposit where you can build a mine to dig up resources."),
			"res_dep_description_lbl2"    : _("It contains these resources:")},
		"overview_settler.xml" : {
			"headline"                    : _("Overview"),
			"needed_res_label"            : _("Needed resources:"),
			"tax_label"                   : _("Taxes:"),
			"happiness_label"             : _("Happiness"),
			"paid_taxes_label"            : _("Paid taxes"),
			"residents_label"             : _("Residents"),
			"happiness"                   : _("Happiness")},
		"overview_ship.xml" : {
			"foundSettlement_label"       : _("Build settlement:"),
			"name"                        : _("Click to change the name of this ship."),
			"foundSettlement"             : _("Build settlement")},
		"overview_signalfire.xml" : {
			"signal_fire_description_lbl" : _("The signal fire shows the free trader how to reach your settlement in case you want to buy or sell goods.")},
		"overview_tradership.xml" : {
			"trader_description_lbl"      : _("This is the free trader's ship. It will visit you from time to time to buy or sell goods.")},
		"overviewtab.xml" : {
			"headline"                    : _("Overview"),
			"name_label"                  : _("Name:")},
		"exchange_goods.xml" : {
			"exchange_label"              : _("Exchange:"),
			"headline"                    : _("Trade"),
			"ship_label"                  : _("Ship:"),
			"trade_with_label"            : _("Trade partner:")},
		"ship_inventory.xml" : {
			"configure_route_label"       : _("Configure trading route:"),
			"headline"                    : _("Inventory"),
			"load_unload_label"           : _("Load/Unload:")},
Ejemplo n.º 8
def set_translations():
	global text_translations
	text_translations = {
		"stringpreviewwidget.xml" : {
			"headline"                    : _("String Previewer Tool for Scenario files"),
			"hintlbl"                     : _("select a scenario and click on load/reload to update the messages in the captain's log"),
			"load"                        : _("load/reload"),
		"buildtab_increment0.xml" : {
			"companies_label"             : _("Companies"),
			"headline"                    : _("Sailor buildings"),
			"residents_infra_label"       : _("Residents and infrastructure"),
			"services_label"              : _("Services"),
			"church-1"                    : _("Pavilion: Fulfills religious needs of sailors."),
			"fisher-1"                    : _("Fisherman: Fishes the sea, produces food."),
			"hunter-1"                    : _("Hunter: Hunts wild forest animals, produces food."),
			"lighthouse-1"                : _("Signal fire: Allows the player to trade with the free trader."),
			"lumberjack-1"                : _("Lumberjack: Chops down trees and turns them into boards."),
			"main_square-1"               : _("Main square: Supplies citizens with goods."),
			"resident-1"                  : _("Tent: Houses your inhabitants."),
			"store-1"                     : _("Storage: Extends stock and provides collectors."),
			"street-1"                    : _("Trail: Needed for collecting goods."),
			"tree-1"                      : _("Tree"),
		"buildtab_increment1.xml" : {
			"companies_label"             : _("Companies"),
			"fields_label"                : _("Fields"),
			"headline"                    : _("Pioneer buildings"),
			"military_label"              : _("Military"),
			"services_label"              : _("Services"),
			"boat_builder-1"              : _("Boat builder: Builds boats and small ships. Built on coast."),
			"brickyard-1"                 : _("Brickyard: Turns clay into bricks."),
			"clay-pit-1"                  : _("Clay pit: Gets clay from deposit."),
			"distillery-1"                : _("Distillery: Turns sugar into liquor."),
			"herder-1"                    : _("Farm: Grows field crops and raises livestock."),
			"pasture-1"                   : _("Pasture: Raises sheep. Produces wool. Needs a farm."),
			"potatofield-1"               : _("Potato field: Yields food. Needs a farm."),
			"sugarfield-1"                : _("Sugarcane field: Used in liquor production. Needs a farm."),
			"tower-1"                     : _("Wooden tower: Defends your settlement."),
			"villageschool-1"             : _("Village school: Provides education."),
			"weaver-1"                    : _("Weaver: Turns lamb wool into cloth."),
		"buildtab_increment2.xml" : {
			"companies_label"             : _("Companies"),
			"fields_label"                : _("Fields"),
			"headline"                    : _("Settler buildings"),
			"mining_label"                : _("Mining"),
			"services_label"              : _("Services"),
			"butchery-1"                  : _("Butchery: Needs pigs or cattle. Produces food."),
			"cattlerun-1"                 : _("Cattle run: Raises cattle. Needs a farm."),
			"charcoal-burning-1"          : _("Charcoal burning: Burns a lot of boards to charcoal."),
			"iron-mine-1"                 : _("Mine: Gets ores from deposit."),
			"pigsty-1"                    : _("Pigsty: Raises pigs. Needs a farm."),
			"saltponds-1"                 : _("Salt ponds: Evaporates salt. Built on sea coast."),
			"smeltery-1"                  : _("Smeltery: Refines all kind of ores."),
			"tavern-1"                    : _("Tavern: Provides get-together."),
			"tobaccofield-1"              : _("Tobacco field: Produces tobacco. Needs a farm."),
			"tobacconist-1"               : _("Tobacconist: Produces tobaccos out of tobacco."),
			"toolmaker-1"                 : _("Toolmaker: Produces tools out of iron."),
		"buildtab_no_settlement.xml" : {
			"headline"                    : _("Game start"),
			"howto_1_need_bo"             : _("You need to found a settlement before you can construct buildings!"),
			"howto_2_navigate_ship"       : _("Select your ship and approach the coast via right-click."),
			"howto_3_build_bo"            : _("Afterwards, press the large button in the ship overview tab."),
		"place_building.xml" : {
			"headline"                    : _("Build"),
			"running_costs_label"         : _("Running costs:"),
		"city_info.xml" : {
			"city_info_inhabitants"       : _("Inhabitants"),
			"city_name"                   : _("Click to change the name of your settlement."),
		"menu_panel.xml" : {
			"build"                       : _("Build menu"),
			"destroy_tool"                : _("Destroy"),
			"diplomacyButton"             : _("Diplomacy"),
			"gameMenuButton"              : _("Game menu"),
			"logbook"                     : _("Captain's log"),
		"minimap.xml" : {
			"rotateLeft"                  : _("Rotate map counterclockwise"),
			"rotateRight"                 : _("Rotate map clockwise"),
			"speedDown"                   : _("Decrease game speed"),
			"speedUp"                     : _("Increase game speed"),
			"zoomIn"                      : _("Zoom in"),
			"zoomOut"                     : _("Zoom out"),
		"status.xml" : {
			"boards_icon"                 : _("Boards"),
			"bricks_icon"                 : _("Bricks"),
			"food_icon"                   : _("Food"),
			"textiles_icon"               : _("Textiles"),
			"tools_icon"                  : _("Tools"),
		"status_gold.xml" : {
			"gold_icon"                   : _("Gold"),
		"change_name.xml" : {
			"enter_new_name_lbl"          : _("Enter new name:"),
			"headline_change_name"        : _("Change name"),
			"okButton"                    : _("Apply the new name"),
		"chat.xml" : {
			"chat_lbl"                    : _("Enter your message:"),
			"headline"                    : _("Chat"),
		"boatbuilder.xml" : {
			"BB_cancel_build_label"       : _("Cancel building:"),
			"BB_cancel_warning_label"     : _("(lose all resources)"),
			"BB_current_order"            : _("Currently building:"),
			"BB_howto_build_lbl"          : _("To build a boat, click on one of the class tabs, select the desired ship and confirm the order."),
			"BB_progress_label"           : _("Construction progress:"),
			"headline"                    : _("Building overview"),
			"BB_cancel_button"            : _("Cancel all building progress"),
			"toggle_active_active"        : _("Pause"),
			"toggle_active_inactive"      : _("Resume"),
			"running_costs_label"         : _("Running costs"),
		"boatbuilder_trade.xml" : {
			"headline"                    : _("Trade boats"),
			"headline_BB_trade_ship1"     : _("Huker"),
			"BB_build_trade_1"            : _("Build this ship!"),
		"boatbuilder_war1.xml" : {
			"headline"                    : _("War boats"),
			"headline_BB_war1_ship1"      : _("Frigate"),
			"BB_build_war1_1"             : _("Build this ship!"),
		"buysellmenu.xml" : {
			"buy_label"                   : _("Buy resources"),
			"buysell_help_label"          : _("Click on slot icon to toggle mode:"),
			"headline"                    : _("Buy or sell resources"),
			"sell_label"                  : _("Sell resources"),
		"select_trade_resource.xml" : {
			"headline"                    : _("Select resources:"),
		"tab_account.xml" : {
			"buy_expenses_label"          : _("Buying"),
			"headline"                    : _("Account"),
			"headline_balance_label"      : _("Balance:"),
			"headline_expenses_label"     : _("Expenses:"),
			"headline_income_label"       : _("Income:"),
			"running_costs_label"         : _("Running costs"),
			"sell_income_label"           : _("Sale"),
			"taxes_label"                 : _("Taxes"),
			"show_production_overview"    : _("Show resources produced in this settlement"),
		"diplomacy.xml" : {
			"ally_label"                  : _("ally"),
			"enemy_label"                 : _("enemy"),
			"neutral_label"               : _("neutral"),
		"overview_buildrelated.xml" : {
			"headline"                    : _("Build fields"),
		"overview_farm.xml" : {
			"headline"                    : _("Building overview"),
			"running_costs_label"         : _("Running costs"),
			"capacity_utilisation"        : _("capacity utilization"),
			"running_costs"               : _("Running costs"),
		"island_inventory.xml" : {
			"headline"                    : _("Settlement inventory"),
		"mainsquare_inhabitants.xml" : {
			"avg_happiness_lbl"           : _("Average happiness:"),
			"headline"                    : _("Settler overview"),
			"most_needed_res_lbl"         : _("Most needed resource:"),
		"mainsquare_pioneers.xml" : {
			"headline"                    : _("Pioneers"),
			"headline_residents_per_house": _("Residents per house"),
			"headline_residents_total"    : _("Summary"),
			"houses"                      : _("houses"),
			"resident_1"                  : _("1 resident"),
			"resident_2"                  : _("2 residents"),
			"resident_3"                  : _("3 residents"),
			"residents"                   : _("residents"),
			"tax_label"                   : _("Taxes:"),
			"upgrades_lbl"                : _("Upgrade permissions:"),
			"paid_taxes_icon"             : _("Paid taxes"),
			"tax_rate_icon"               : _("Tax rate"),
			"tax_val_label"               : _("Tax rate"),
			"taxes"                       : _("Paid taxes"),
		"mainsquare_sailors.xml" : {
			"headline"                    : _("Sailors"),
			"headline_residents_per_house": _("Residents per house"),
			"headline_residents_total"    : _("Summary"),
			"houses"                      : _("houses"),
			"resident_1"                  : _("1 resident"),
			"resident_2"                  : _("2 residents"),
			"residents"                   : _("residents"),
			"tax_label"                   : _("Taxes:"),
			"upgrades_lbl"                : _("Upgrade permissions:"),
			"paid_taxes_icon"             : _("Paid taxes"),
			"tax_rate_icon"               : _("Tax rate"),
			"tax_val_label"               : _("Tax rate"),
			"taxes"                       : _("Paid taxes"),
		"mainsquare_settlers.xml" : {
			"headline"                    : _("Settlers"),
			"headline_residents_per_house": _("Residents per house"),
			"headline_residents_total"    : _("Summary"),
			"houses"                      : _("houses"),
			"resident_1"                  : _("1 resident"),
			"resident_2"                  : _("2 residents"),
			"resident_3"                  : _("3 residents"),
			"resident_4"                  : _("4 residents"),
			"resident_5"                  : _("5 residents"),
			"residents"                   : _("residents"),
			"tax_label"                   : _("Taxes:"),
			"upgrades_lbl"                : _("Upgrade not possible:"),
			"allow_upgrades"              : _("This is the current maximum increment!"),
			"paid_taxes_icon"             : _("Paid taxes"),
			"tax_rate_icon"               : _("Tax rate"),
			"tax_val_label"               : _("Tax rate"),
			"taxes"                       : _("Paid taxes"),
		"overview_branchoffice.xml" : {
			"collector_utilisation_label" : _("Collector utilisation:"),
			"name_label"                  : _("Name:"),
			"running_costs_label"         : _("Running costs:"),
		"overview_enemybranchoffice.xml" : {
			"buying_label"                : _("Buying"),
			"selling_label"               : _("Selling"),
		"overview_groundunit.xml" : {
			"lbl_weapon_storage"          : _("Weapons:"),
		"overview_mainsquare.xml" : {
			"name_label"                  : _("Name:"),
		"overview_productionbuilding.xml" : {
			"headline"                    : _("Building overview"),
			"running_costs_label"         : _("Running costs"),
			"capacity_utilisation"        : _("capacity utilization"),
			"running_costs"               : _("Running costs"),
		"overview_resourcedeposit.xml" : {
			"headline"                    : _("Resource deposit"),
			"res_dep_description_lbl"     : _("This is a resource deposit where you can build a mine to dig up resources."),
			"res_dep_description_lbl2"    : _("It contains these resources:"),
		"overview_settler.xml" : {
			"needed_res_label"            : _("Needed resources:"),
			"tax_label"                   : _("Taxes:"),
			"happiness_label"             : _("Happiness"),
			"paid_taxes_label"            : _("Paid taxes"),
			"paid_taxes_label"            : _("Tax rate"),
			"residents_label"             : _("Residents"),
			"inhabitants"                 : _("Residents"),
			"tax_val_label"               : _("Tax rate"),
			"taxes"                       : _("Paid taxes"),
			"happiness"                   : _("Happiness"),
		"overview_ship.xml" : {
			"foundSettlement_label"       : _("Build settlement:"),
			"lbl_weapon_storage"          : _("Weapons:"),
			"name"                        : _("Click to change the name of this ship."),
			"foundSettlement"             : _("Build settlement"),
		"overview_signalfire.xml" : {
			"signal_fire_description_lbl" : _("The signal fire shows the free trader how to reach your settlement in case you want to buy or sell goods."),
		"overview_tradership.xml" : {
			"trader_description_lbl"      : _("This is the free trader's ship. It will visit you from time to time to buy or sell goods."),
		"overviewtab.xml" : {
			"headline"                    : _("Overview"),
			"name_label"                  : _("Name:"),
		"buy_sell_goods.xml" : {
			"exchange_label"              : _("Exchange:"),
			"headline"                    : _("Trade"),
			"ship_label"                  : _("Ship:"),
		"exchange_goods.xml" : {
			"exchange_label"              : _("Exchange:"),
			"headline"                    : _("Trade"),
			"ship_label"                  : _("Ship:"),
		"fighting_ship_inventory.xml" : {
			"configure_route_label"       : _("Configure trading route:"),
			"headline"                    : _("Inventory"),
			"load_unload_label"           : _("Load/Unload:"),
		"ship_inventory.xml" : {
			"configure_route_label"       : _("Configure trading route:"),
			"headline"                    : _("Inventory"),
			"load_unload_label"           : _("Load/Unload:"),
		"overview_productionline.xml" : {
			"toggle_active_active"        : _("Pause production"),
			"toggle_active_inactive"      : _("Start production"),
		"route_entry.xml" : {
			"delete_bo"                   : _("Delete entry"),
			"move_down"                   : _("Move down"),
			"move_up"                     : _("Move up"),
		"captains_log.xml" : {
			"cancelButton"                : _("Leave Captain's log"),
			"backwardButton"              : _("Read prev. entries"),
			"forwardButton"               : _("Read next entries"),
		"choose_next_scenario.xml" : {
			"head_left"                   : _("Available Scenarios"),
			"head_right"                  : _("Scenario description"),
			"scenario_details"            : _("Details:"),
			"cancelButton"                : _("Continue playing"),
			"choose_scenario"             : _("Choose this scenario"),
		"configure_route.xml" : {
			"lbl_wait_at_load"            : _("Wait at load:"),
			"lbl_wait_at_unload"          : _("Wait at unload:"),
			"cancelButton"                : _("Exit"),
			"add_bo"                      : _("Add to list"),
			"start_route"                 : _("Start route"),
		"healthwidget.xml" : {
			"health_label"                : _("100/100"),
		"island_production.xml" : {
			"cancelButton"                : _("Close"),
		"players_overview.xml" : {
			"building_score"              : _("Buildings"),
			"headline"                    : _("Player scores"),
			"land_score"                  : _("Land"),
			"money_score"                 : _("Money"),
			"player_name"                 : _("Name"),
			"resource_score"              : _("Resources"),
			"settler_score"               : _("Settlers"),
			"total_score"                 : _("Total"),
			"unit_score"                  : _("Units"),
			"cancelButton"                : _("Close"),
		"players_settlements.xml" : {
			"balance"                     : _("Balance"),
			"inhabitants"                 : _("Inhabitants"),
			"running_costs"               : _("Running costs"),
			"settlement_name"             : _("Name"),
			"taxes"                       : _("Taxes"),
			"cancelButton"                : _("Close"),
		"ships_list.xml" : {
			"health"                      : _("Health"),
			"ship_name"                   : _("Name"),
			"ship_type"                   : _("Type"),
			"status"                      : _("Status"),
			"weapons"                     : _("Weapons"),
			"cancelButton"                : _("Close"),
		"stancewidget.xml" : {
			"aggressive"                  : _("Aggressive"),
			"flee"                        : _("Flee"),
			"hold_ground"                 : _("Hold ground"),
			"none"                        : _("None"),
		"help.xml" : {
			"headline"                    : _("Key bindings"),
			"lbl_b"                       : _("{B} = Show build menu"),
			"lbl_c"                       : _("{C} = Chat"),
			"lbl_comma"                   : _("{ , } = Rotate building left"),
			"lbl_down"                    : _("{DOWN} = Scroll down"),
			"lbl_escape"                  : _("{ESC} = Show pause menu"),
			"lbl_f1"                      : _("{F1} = Display help"),
			"lbl_f10"                     : _("{F10} = Toggle console on/off"),
			"lbl_f2"                      : _("{F2} = Show player scores"),
			"lbl_f3"                      : _("{F3} = Show settlement list"),
			"lbl_f4"                      : _("{F4} = Show ship list"),
			"lbl_f5"                      : _("{F5} = Quicksave"),
			"lbl_f9"                      : _("{F9} = Quickload"),
			"lbl_fife_and_uh_team"        : _("The FIFE and Unknown Horizons development teams"),
			"lbl_g"                       : _("{G} = Toggle grid on/off"),
			"lbl_h"                       : _("{H} = Show coordinate values (Debug)"),
			"lbl_have_fun"                : _("Have fun."),
			"lbl_l"                       : _("{L} = Toggle Captain's log"),
			"lbl_left"                    : _("{LEFT} = Scroll left"),
			"lbl_minus"                   : _("{ - } = Decrease game speed"),
			"lbl_p"                       : _("{P} = Pause game"),
			"lbl_period"                  : _("{ . } = Rotate building right"),
			"lbl_plus"                    : _("{ + } = Increase game speed"),
			"lbl_right"                   : _("{RIGHT} = Scroll right"),
			"lbl_s"                       : _("{S} = Screenshot"),
			"lbl_shift"                   : _("{SHIFT} = Hold to place multiple buildings"),
			"lbl_t"                       : _("{T} = Toggle translucency of ambient buildings"),
			"lbl_up"                      : _("{UP} = Scroll up"),
			"lbl_x"                       : _("{X} = Enable destruct mode"),
			"okButton"                    : _("Return"),
		"ingamemenu.xml" : {
			"help"                        : _("Help"),
			"loadgame"                    : _("Load game"),
			"quit"                        : _("Cancel game"),
			"savegame"                    : _("Save game"),
			"settings"                    : _("Settings"),
			"start"                       : _("Return to game"),
		"loadingscreen.xml" : {
			"loading_label"               : _("Loading ..."),
			"version_label"               : VERSION.string(),
		"mainmenu.xml" : {
			"chimebell"                   : _("Attention please!"),
			"credits"                     : _("Credits"),
			"help"                        : _("Help"),
			"loadgame"                    : _("Load game"),
			"quit"                        : _("Quit"),
			"settings"                    : _("Settings"),
			"start"                       : _("Singleplayer"),
			"start_multi"                 : _("Multiplayer"),
			"version_label"               : VERSION.string(),
		"multiplayer_creategame.xml" : {
			"create_game_lbl"             : _("Create game:"),
			"exit_to_mp_menu_lbl"         : _("Back:"),
			"headline"                    : _("Choose a map:"),
			"headline"                    : _("Create game - Multiplayer"),
			"mp_player_limit_lbl"         : _("Player limit:"),
			"create"                      : _("Create this new game"),
			"cancel"                      : _("Exit to multiplayer menu"),
		"multiplayer_gamelobby.xml" : {
			"exit_to_mp_menu_lbl"         : _("Leave:"),
			"game_start_notice"           : _("The game will start as soon as enough players have joined."),
			"headline"                    : _("Chat:"),
			"headline"                    : _("Gamelobby"),
			"startmessage"                : _("Game details:"),
			"cancel"                      : _("Exit gamelobby"),
		"multiplayermenu.xml" : {
			"active_games_lbl"            : _("Active games:"),
			"create_game_lbl"             : _("Create game:"),
			"exit_to_main_menu_lbl"       : _("Main menu:"),
			"game_showonlyownversion"     : _("Show only games with the same version:"),
			"headline_left"               : _("New game - Multiplayer"),
			"join_game_lbl"               : _("Join game"),
			"name_lbl"                    : _("Apply:"),
			"refr_gamelist_lbl"           : _("Refresh list:"),
			"apply_new_nickname"          : _("Apply the new name"),
			"create"                      : _("Create a new game"),
			"join"                        : _("Join the selected game"),
			"cancel"                      : _("Exit to main menu"),
			"refresh"                     : _("Refresh list of active games"),
		"settings.xml" : {
			"autosave_interval_label"     : _("Autosave interval in minutes:"),
			"color_depth_label"           : _("Color depth:"),
			"edge_scrolling_label"        : _("Enable edge scrolling:"),
			"effect_volume_label"         : _("Effects volume:"),
			"headline"                    : _("Settings"),
			"headline_graphics"           : _("Graphics"),
			"headline_language"           : _("Language"),
			"headline_network"            : _("Network"),
			"headline_saving"             : _("Saving"),
			"headline_sound"              : _("Sound"),
			"language_label"              : _("Select language:"),
			"minimap_rotation_label"      : _("Enable minimap rotation:"),
			"music_volume_label"          : _("Music volume:"),
			"network_port_hint_lbl"       : _("(0 means default)"),
			"network_port_lbl"            : _("Network port:"),
			"number_of_autosaves_label"   : _("Number of autosaves:"),
			"number_of_quicksaves_label"  : _("Number of quicksaves:"),
			"screen_fullscreen_text"      : _("Full screen:"),
			"screen_resolution_label"     : _("Screen resolution:"),
			"sound_enable_opt_text"       : _("Enable sound:"),
			"uninterrupted_building_label": _("Uninterrupted building:"),
			"use_renderer_label"          : _("Used renderer:"),
			"warning"                     : _("Please make sure that you know what you do."),
			"okButton"                    : _("Apply"),
			"cancelButton"                : _("Return"),
			"defaultButton"               : _("Reset to default settings"),
		"select_savegame.xml" : {
			"enter_filename_label"        : _("Enter filename:"),
			"headline_details_label"      : _("Details:"),
			"headline_saved_games_label"  : _("Your saved games:"),
			"okButton"                    : _("Start game"),
			"cancelButton"                : _("Exit to main menu"),
			"deleteButton"                : _("Delete selected savegame"),
		"singleplayermenu.xml" : {
			"headline"                    : _("New game - Singleplayer"),
			"main_menu_label"             : _("Main menu:"),
			"start_game_label"            : _("Start game:"),
			"campaign"                    : _("Campaign"),
			"free_maps"                   : _("Free play"),
			"random"                      : _("Random map"),
			"scenario"                    : _("Scenario"),
			"okay"                        : _("Start game"),
			"cancel"                      : _("Exit to main menu"),
		"sp_campaign.xml" : {
			"choose_map_lbl"              : _("Choose a map to play:"),
		"sp_free_maps.xml" : {
			"headline_choose_map_lbl"     : _("Choose a map to play:"),
		"sp_random.xml" : {
			"headline_map_settings_lbl"   : _("Map settings:"),
		"sp_scenario.xml" : {
			"choose_map_lbl"              : _("Choose a map to play:"),
		"aidataselection.xml" : {
			"ai_players_label"            : _("AI players:"),
		"game_settings.xml" : {
			"headline_game_settings_lbl"  : _("Game settings:"),
			"lbl_free_trader"             : _("Free Trader"),
			"lbl_pirates"                 : _("Pirates"),
		"playerdataselection.xml" : {
			"color_label"                 : _("Color:"),
			"player_label"                : _("Player name:"),
Ejemplo n.º 9
def get_option_parser():
	"""Returns inited OptionParser object"""
	from horizons.constants import VERSION
	p = optparse.OptionParser(usage="%prog [options]", version=VERSION.string())
	p.add_option("-d", "--debug", dest="debug", action="store_true", \
				       default=False, help="Enable debug output to stderr and a logfile.")
	p.add_option("--fife-path", dest="fife_path", metavar="<path>", \
				       help="Specify the path to FIFE root directory.")
	p.add_option("--restore-settings", dest="restore_settings", action="store_true", \
				       default=False, help="Restores the default settings. Useful if Unknown Horizons crashes on startup due to misconfiguration.")
	p.add_option("--mp-master", dest="mp_master", metavar="<ip:port>", \
				       help="Specify alternative multiplayer master server.")
	p.add_option("--mp-bind", dest="mp_bind", metavar="<ip:port>", \
				       help="Specify network address to bind local network client to. This is useful if NAT holepunching is not working but you can forward a static port.")

	start_uh_group = optparse.OptionGroup(p, "Starting Unknown Horizons")
	start_uh_group.add_option("--start-map", dest="start_map", metavar="<map>", \
				                    help="Starts <map>. <map> is the mapname.")
	start_uh_group.add_option("--start-random-map", dest="start_random_map", action="store_true", \
				                    help="Starts a random map.")
	start_uh_group.add_option("--start-specific-random-map", dest="start_specific_random_map", metavar="<seed>", \
									help="Starts a random map with seed <seed>.")
	start_uh_group.add_option("--start-scenario", dest="start_scenario", metavar="<scenario>", \
				                    help="Starts <scenario>. <scenario> is the scenarioname.")
	start_uh_group.add_option("--start-campaign", dest="start_campaign", metavar="<campaign>", \
				                    help="Starts <campaign>. <campaign> is the campaign name.")
	start_uh_group.add_option("--start-dev-map", dest="start_dev_map", action="store_true", \
				                    default=False, help="Starts the development map without displaying the main menu.")
	start_uh_group.add_option("--load-map", dest="load_map", metavar="<save>", \
				                    help="Loads a saved game. <save> is the savegamename.")
	start_uh_group.add_option("--load-last-quicksave", dest="load_quicksave", action="store_true", \
				                    help="Loads the last quicksave.")
	start_uh_group.add_option("--nature-seed", dest="nature_seed", type="int", \
				                    help="Sets the seed used to generate trees, fish, and other natural resources.")

	ai_group = optparse.OptionGroup(p, "AI options")
	ai_group.add_option("--ai-players", dest="ai_players", metavar="<ai_players>", type="int", default=0, \
	             help="Uses <ai_players> AI players (excludes the possible human-AI hybrid; defaults to 0).")
	ai_group.add_option("--human-ai-hybrid", dest="human_ai", action="store_true", \
	             help="Makes the human player a human-AI hybrid (for development only).")
	ai_group.add_option("--force-player-id", dest="force_player_id", metavar="<force_player_id>", type="int", default=None, \
	             help="Set the player with id <force_player_id> as the active (human) player.")
	ai_group.add_option("--ai-highlights", dest="ai_highlights", action="store_true", \
	             help="Shows AI plans as highlights (for development only).")

	dev_group = optparse.OptionGroup(p, "Development options")
	dev_group.add_option("--debug-log-only", dest="debug_log_only", action="store_true", \
				               default=False, help="Write debug output only to logfile, not to console. Implies -d.")
	dev_group.add_option("--debug-module", action="append", dest="debug_module", \
				               metavar="<module>", default=[], \
				               help="Enable logging for a certain logging module (for developing only).")
	dev_group.add_option("--logfile", dest="logfile", metavar="<filename>",
				               help="Writes log to <filename> instead of to the uh-userdir")
	dev_group.add_option("--fife-in-library-path", dest="fife_in_library_path", action="store_true", \
				               default=False, help="For internal use only.")
	dev_group.add_option("--profile", dest="profile", action="store_true", \
				               default=False, help="Enable profiling (for developing only).")
	dev_group.add_option("--max-ticks", dest="max_ticks", metavar="<max_ticks>", type="int", \
				               help="Run the game for <max_ticks> ticks.")
	dev_group.add_option("--string-previewer", dest="stringpreview", action="store_true", \
				               default=False, help="Enable the string previewer tool for scenario writers")
	dev_group.add_option("--no-preload", dest="nopreload", action="store_true", \
				               default=False, help="Disable preloading while in main menu")
	dev_group.add_option("--game-speed", dest="gamespeed", metavar="<game_speed>", type="int", \
				               help="Run the game in the given speed (Values: 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 11, 20)")
	dev_group.add_option("--gui-test", dest="gui_test", metavar="<test>", \
	                           default=False, help="INTERNAL. Use run_tests.py instead.")
	dev_group.add_option("--gui-log", dest="log_gui", action="store_true", default=False, help="Log gui interactions")
	dev_group.add_option("--sp-seed", dest="sp_seed", metavar="<seed>", type="int", \
	                           help="Use this seed for singleplayer sessions.")
	dev_group.add_option("--generate-minimap", dest="generate_minimap", \
	                     metavar="<parameters>", help="Generate a minimap for a map")
	dev_group.add_option("--create-mp-game", action="store_true", dest="create_mp_game", \
	                     help="Create an multiplayer game with default settings.")
	dev_group.add_option("--join-mp-game", action="store_true", dest="join_mp_game", \
	                     help="Join first multiplayer game.")
	dev_group.add_option("--interactive-shell", action="store_true", dest="interactive_shell",
	                     help="Starts an IPython kernel. Connect to the shell with: ipython console --existing")

	return p
Ejemplo n.º 10
def set_translations():
    global text_translations
    text_translations = {
        "buildtab_increment0.xml": {
            _("Sailor buildings"),
            _("Residents and infrastructure"),
            _("Pavilion: Fulfills religious needs of sailors."),
            _("Fisherman: Fishes the sea, produces food."),
            _("Hunter: Hunts wild forest animals, produces food."),
            _("Signal fire: Allows the player to trade with the free trader."),
            _("Lumberjack: Chops down trees and turns them into boards."),
            _("Main square: Supplies citizens with goods."),
            _("Tent: Houses your inhabitants."),
            _("Storage: Extends stock and provides collectors."),
            _("Trail: Needed for collecting goods."),
        "buildtab_increment1.xml": {
            _("Pioneer buildings"),
            _("Boat builder: Builds boats and small ships. Built on coast."),
            _("Brickyard: Turns clay into bricks."),
            _("Clay pit: Gets clay from deposit."),
            _("Distillery: Turns sugar into liquor."),
            _("Farm: Grows field crops and raises livestock."),
            _("Pasture: Raises sheep. Produces wool. Needs a farm."),
            _("Potato field: Yields food. Needs a farm."),
            _("Sugarcane field: Used in liquor production. Needs a farm."),
            _("Village school: Provides education."),
            _("Weaver: Turns lamb wool into cloth.")
        "buildtab_increment2.xml": {
            "companies_label": _("Companies"),
            "headline": _("Settler buildings"),
            "services_label": _("Services"),
            _("Charcoal burning: Burns a lot of boards."),
            "iron-mine-1": _("Iron mine: Gets iron ore from deposit."),
            "smeltery-1": _("Smeltery: Refines all kind of ores."),
            "tavern-1": _("Tavern: Provides get-together."),
            "toolmaker-1": _("Toolmaker: Produces tools out of iron.")
        "place_building.xml": {
            "headline": _("Build"),
            "running_costs_label": _("Running costs:")
        "city_info.xml": {
            "city_info_inhabitants": _("Inhabitants"),
            "city_name": _("Click to change the name of your settlement.")
        "menu_panel.xml": {
            "destroy_tool": _("Destroy"),
            "build": _("Build menu"),
            "gameMenuButton": _("Game menu"),
            "helpLink": _("Help"),
            "logbook": _("Captain's log")
        "status.xml": {
            "boards_icon": _("Boards"),
            "bricks_icon": _("Bricks"),
            "food_icon": _("Food"),
            "textiles_icon": _("Textiles"),
            "tools_icon": _("Tools")
        "status_gold.xml": {
            "gold_icon": _("Gold")
        "change_name.xml": {
            "change_name_headline": _("Change name"),
            "enter_new_name_lbl": _("Enter new name:")
        "chat.xml": {
            "chat_lbl": _("Enter your message:"),
            "headline": _("Chat")
        "buysellmenu.xml": {
            "buy_label": _("Buy resources"),
            "headline": _("Buy or sell resources"),
            "legend_label": _("Legend:"),
            "sell_label": _("Sell resources")
        "overview_productionline.xml": {
            "toggle_active_active": _("Pause production"),
            "toggle_active_inactive": _("Start production")
        "captains_log.xml": {
            "cancelButton": _("Leave Captain's log"),
            "backwardButton": _("Read prev. entries"),
            "forwardButton": _("Read next entries")
        "configure_route.xml": {
            "cancelButton": _("Exit"),
            "add_bo": _("Add to list"),
            "start_route": _("Start / Stop route")
        "gamemenu.xml": {
            "chimebell": _("Attention please!"),
            "credits": _("Credits"),
            "help": _("Help"),
            "loadgame": _("Load game"),
            "quit": _("Cancel game"),
            "savegame": _("Save game"),
            "settings": _("Settings"),
            "start": _("Return to game"),
            "version_label": VERSION.string()
        "help.xml": {
            "fife_and_uh_team_lbl": _("The FIFE and Unknown Horizons"),
            "fife_and_uh_team_lbl2": _("development teams"),
            "have_fun_lbl": _("Have fun."),
            "headline": _("Key bindings"),
            "set01": _("{LEFT} = Scroll left"),
            "set02": _("{RIGHT} = Scroll right"),
            "set03": _("{UP} = Scroll up"),
            "set04": _("{DOWN} = Scroll down"),
            "set05": _("{ , } = Rotate building left"),
            "set06": _("{ . } = Rotate building right"),
            "set07": _("{B} = Show build menu"),
            "set08": _("{F1} = Display help"),
            "set09": _("{F5} = Quicksave"),
            "set10": _("{F9} = Quickload"),
            "set11": _("{F10} = Toggle console on/off"),
            "set12": _("{ESC} = Show pause menu"),
            "set13": _("{G} = Toggle grid on/off"),
            "set14": _("{X} = Enable destruct mode"),
            "set20": _("{P} = Pause game"),
            "set21": _("{ + } = Increase game speed"),
            "set22": _("{ - } = Decrease game speed"),
            "set23": _("{S} = Screenshot"),
            "set25": _("{SHIFT} = Hold to place multiple buildings"),
            "set26": _("{C} = Chat"),
            "set27": _("{L} = Toggle Captain's log"),
            "okButton": _("Exit to main menu")
        "loadingscreen.xml": {
            "loading_label": _("Loading ..."),
            "version_label": VERSION.string()
        "mainmenu.xml": {
            "chimebell": _("Attention please!"),
            "credits": _("Credits"),
            "help": _("Help"),
            "loadgame": _("Load game"),
            "quit": _("Quit"),
            "settings": _("Settings"),
            "start": _("Singleplayer"),
            "start_multi": _("Multiplayer"),
            "version_label": VERSION.string()
        "multiplayer_creategame.xml": {
            "create_game_lbl": _("Create game:"),
            "exit_to_mp_menu_lbl": _("Back:"),
            "headline": _("Choose a map:"),
            "headline": _("Create game - Multiplayer"),
            "mp_player_limit_lbl": _("Player limit:"),
            "create": _("Create this new game"),
            "cancel": _("Exit to multiplayer menu")
        "multiplayer_gamelobby.xml": {
            _("The game will start as soon as enough players have joined."),
            _("Game details:"),
            _("Exit gamelobby")
        "multiplayermenu.xml": {
            "active_games_lbl": _("Active games:"),
            "create_game_lbl": _("Create game:"),
            "exit_to_main_menu_lbl": _("Main menu:"),
            _("Show only games with the same version:"),
            "headline_left": _("New game - Multiplayer"),
            "join_game_lbl": _("Join game"),
            "name_lbl": _("Apply:"),
            "refr_gamelist_lbl": _("Refresh list:"),
            "apply_new_nickname": _("Apply the new name"),
            "create": _("Create a new game"),
            "join": _("Join the selected game"),
            "cancel": _("Exit to main menu"),
            "refresh": _("Refresh list of active games")
        "settings.xml": {
            "autosave_interval_label": _("Autosave interval in minutes:"),
            "color_depth_label": _("Color depth:"),
            "edge_scrolling_label": _("Enable edge scrolling:"),
            "effect_volume_label": _("Effects volume:"),
            "headline": _("Settings"),
            "headline_graphics": _("Graphics"),
            "headline_language": _("Language"),
            "headline_saving": _("Saving"),
            "headline_sound": _("Sound"),
            "language_label": _("Select language:"),
            "minimap_rotation_label": _("Enable minimap rotation:"),
            "music_volume_label": _("Music volume:"),
            "number_of_autosaves_label": _("Number of autosaves:"),
            "number_of_quicksaves_label": _("Number of quicksaves:"),
            "screen_fullscreen_text": _("Full screen:"),
            "screen_resolution_label": _("Screen resolution:"),
            "sound_enable_opt_text": _("Enable sound:"),
            "use_renderer_label": _("Used renderer:"),
            "warning": _("Please make sure that you know what you do.")
        "select_savegame.xml": {
            "details_label": _("Details:"),
            "enter_filename_label": _("Enter filename:"),
            "saved_games_label": _("Your saved games:")
        "singleplayermenu.xml": {
            "choose_map_lbl": _("Choose a map to play:"),
            "headline": _("New game - Singleplayer"),
            "main_menu_label": _("Main menu:"),
            "start_game_label": _("Start game:"),
            "showMaps": _("Free play"),
            "showRandom": _("Random map"),
            "showScenario": _("Scenario"),
            "okay": _("Start game"),
            "cancel": _("Exit to main menu")
        "playerdataselection.xml": {
            "color_label": _("Color:"),
            "player_label": _("Player name:")
        "boatbuilder.xml": {
            _("Cancel building:"),
            _("(lose all resources)"),
            _("Currently building:"),
            _("To build a boat, click on one of the class tabs, select the desired ship and confirm the order."
            _("Construction progress:"),
            _("Building overview"),
            _("Cancel all building progress"),
            _("Running costs")
        "boatbuilder_fisher.xml": {
            "BB_fisher_ship1": _("Fishing boat"),
            "BB_fisher_ship2": _("Cutter"),
            "BB_fisher_ship3": _("Herring fisher"),
            "BB_fisher_ship4": _("Whaler"),
            "headline": _("Fishing boats"),
            "BB_build_fisher_1": _("Build this ship!"),
            "cancelButton": _("Not yet implemented!"),
            "cancelButton": _("Not yet implemented!"),
            "cancelButton": _("Not yet implemented!")
        "select_trade_resource.xml": {
            "headline": _("Select resources:")
        "tab_account.xml": {
            "balance_label": _("Balance:"),
            "buy_expenses_label": _("Buying"),
            "expenses_label": _("Expenses:"),
            "headline": _("Account"),
            "income_label": _("Income:"),
            "running_costs_label": _("Running costs"),
            "sell_income_label": _("Sale"),
            "taxes_label": _("Taxes")
        "island_inventory.xml": {
            "headline": _("Inventory")
        "overview_branchoffice.xml": {
            "headline": _("Building overview"),
            "name_label": _("Name:"),
            "running_costs_label": _("Running costs:")
        "overview_enemybuilding.xml": {
            "headline": _("Overview"),
            "name_label": _("Name:")
        "overview_mainsquare.xml": {
            "avg_happiness_lbl": _("Average happiness:"),
            "headline": _("Settler overview"),
            "most_needed_res_lbl": _("Most needed resource:")
        "overview_marketplace.xml": {
            "headline": _("Overview"),
            "name_label": _("Name:"),
            "tax_label": _("Taxes:")
        "overview_productionbuilding.xml": {
            "headline": _("Building overview"),
            "running_costs_label": _("Running costs"),
            "capacity_utilisation": _("capacity utilization"),
            "running_costs": _("Running costs")
        "overview_resourcedeposit.xml": {
            _("Resource deposit"),
            _("This is a resource deposit where you can build a mine to dig up resources."
            _("It contains these resources:")
        "overview_settler.xml": {
            "headline": _("Overview"),
            "needed_res_label": _("Needed resources:"),
            "tax_label": _("Taxes:"),
            "happiness_label": _("Happiness"),
            "paid_taxes_label": _("Paid taxes"),
            "residents_label": _("Residents"),
            "happiness": _("Happiness")
        "overview_ship.xml": {
            "foundSettlement_label": _("Build settlement:"),
            "name": _("Click to change the name of this ship."),
            "foundSettlement": _("Build settlement")
        "overview_signalfire.xml": {
            _("The signal fire shows the free trader how to reach your settlement in case you want to buy or sell goods."
        "overview_tradership.xml": {
            _("This is the free trader's ship. It will visit you from time to time to buy or sell goods."
        "overviewtab.xml": {
            "headline": _("Overview"),
            "name_label": _("Name:")
        "exchange_goods.xml": {
            "exchange_label": _("Exchange:"),
            "headline": _("Trade"),
            "ship_label": _("Ship:"),
            "trade_with_label": _("Trade partner:")
        "ship_inventory.xml": {
            "configure_route_label": _("Configure trading route:"),
            "headline": _("Inventory"),
            "load_unload_label": _("Load/Unload:")
Ejemplo n.º 11
def set_translations():
	global text_translations
	text_translations = {

	'stringpreviewwidget.xml' : {

	'editor_pause_menu.xml' : {
		(u'help'                         , 'text'    ): T(u"Help"),
		(u'loadgame'                     , 'text'    ): T(u"Load map"),
		(u'quit'                         , 'text'    ): T(u"Exit editor"),
		(u'savegame'                     , 'text'    ): T(u"Save map"),
		(u'settings'                     , 'text'    ): T(u"Settings"),
		(u'start'                        , 'text'    ): T(u"Return to editor"),

	'editor_settings.xml' : {
		(u'cursor_hint'                  , 'text'    ): T(u"(right click to stop)"),
		(u'headline_brush_size'          , 'text'    ): T(u"Select brush size:"),
		(u'headline_terrain'             , 'text'    ): T(u"Select terrain:"),

	'buildtab.xml' : {

	'buildtab_no_settlement.xml' : {
		(u'headline'                     , 'text'    ): T(u"Game start"),
		(u'howto_1_need_warehouse'       , 'text'    ): T(u"You need to found a settlement before you can construct buildings!"),
		(u'howto_2_navigate_ship'        , 'text'    ): T(u"Select your ship and approach the coast via right-click."),
		(u'howto_3_build_warehouse'      , 'text'    ): T(u"Afterwards, press the large button in the ship overview tab."),

	'place_building.xml' : {
		(u'headline'                     , 'text'    ): T(u"Build"),
		(u'running_costs_label'          , 'text'    ): T(u"Running costs:"),

	'related_buildings.xml' : {
		(u'headline'                     , 'text'    ): T(u"Related buildings"),

	'city_info.xml' : {
		(u'city_info_inhabitants'        , 'helptext'): T(u"Inhabitants"),

	'messagewidget_icon.xml' : {

	'messagewidget_message.xml' : {

	'minimap.xml' : {
		(u'build'                        , 'helptext'): T(u"Build menu ({key})"),
		(u'destroy_tool'                 , 'helptext'): T(u"Destroy ({key})"),
		(u'diplomacyButton'              , 'helptext'): T(u"Diplomacy"),
		(u'gameMenuButton'               , 'helptext'): T(u"Game menu ({key})"),
		(u'logbook'                      , 'helptext'): T(u"Captain's log ({key})"),
		(u'rotateLeft'                   , 'helptext'): T(u"Rotate map counterclockwise ({key})"),
		(u'rotateRight'                  , 'helptext'): T(u"Rotate map clockwise ({key})"),
		(u'speedDown'                    , 'helptext'): T(u"Decrease game speed ({key})"),
		(u'speedUp'                      , 'helptext'): T(u"Increase game speed ({key})"),
		(u'zoomIn'                       , 'helptext'): T(u"Zoom in"),
		(u'zoomOut'                      , 'helptext'): T(u"Zoom out"),

	'resource_overview_bar_entry.xml' : {

	'resource_overview_bar_gold.xml' : {

	'resource_overview_bar_stats.xml' : {

	'change_name.xml' : {
		(u'enter_new_name_lbl'           , 'text'    ): T(u"Enter new name:"),
		(u'headline_change_name'         , 'text'    ): T(u"Change name"),
		(u'old_name_label'               , 'text'    ): T(u"Old name:"),
		(u'okButton'                     , 'helptext'): T(u"Apply the new name"),

	'chat.xml' : {
		(u'chat_lbl'                     , 'text'    ): T(u"Enter your message:"),
		(u'headline'                     , 'text'    ): T(u"Chat"),

	'barracks.xml' : {
		(u'UB_cancel_build_label'        , 'text'    ): T(u"Cancel building:"),
		(u'UB_cancel_warning_label'      , 'text'    ): T(u"(lose all resources)"),
		(u'UB_current_order'             , 'text'    ): T(u"Currently building:"),
		(u'UB_howto_build_lbl'           , 'text'    ): T(u"To build a groundunit, click on one of the class tabs, select the desired groundunit and confirm the order."),
		(u'UB_needed_res_label'          , 'text'    ): T(u"Resources still needed:"),
		(u'UB_progress_label'            , 'text'    ): T(u"Construction progress:"),
		(u'UB_cancel_button'             , 'helptext'): T(u"Cancel all building progress"),
		(u'running_costs_label'          , 'helptext'): T(u"Running costs"),
		(u'toggle_active_active'         , 'helptext'): T(u"Pause"),
		(u'toggle_active_inactive'       , 'helptext'): T(u"Resume"),

	'barracks_confirm.xml' : {
		(u'BB_confirm_build_label'       , 'text'    ): T(u"Build groundunit:"),
		(u'BB_description_swordman'      , 'text'    ): T(u"Three-masted most common classified war ship with one gun deck."),
		(u'BB_needed_boards'             , 'text'    ): T(u"24t"),
		(u'BB_needed_boards+'            , 'text'    ): T(u" + 24t"),
		(u'BB_needed_cannons'            , 'text'    ): T(u"06t"),
		(u'BB_needed_cannons+'           , 'text'    ): T(u" + 06t"),
		(u'BB_needed_cloth'              , 'text'    ): T(u"14t"),
		(u'BB_needed_cloth+'             , 'text'    ): T(u" + 14t"),
		(u'BB_needed_money'              , 'text'    ): T(u"2500"),
		(u'BB_needed_money+'             , 'text'    ): T(u" + 1457"),
		(u'BB_needed_ropes'              , 'text'    ): T(u"06t"),
		(u'BB_needed_ropes+'             , 'text'    ): T(u" + 06t"),
		(u'BB_upgrade_cannons'           , 'text'    ): T(u"Cannons"),
		(u'BB_upgrade_hull'              , 'text'    ): T(u"Hull"),
		(u'headline'                     , 'text'    ): T(u"Confirm order"),
		(u'headline_BB_builtgroundunit_label', 'text'    ): T(u"Sloop-o'-war"),
		(u'headline_upgrades'            , 'text'    ): T(u"Buy Upgrades"),
		(u'create_unit'                  , 'helptext'): T(u"Build this groundunit!"),

	'barracks_showcase.xml' : {

	'boatbuilder.xml' : {
		(u'UB_cancel_build_label'        , 'text'    ): T(u"Cancel building:"),
		(u'UB_cancel_warning_label'      , 'text'    ): T(u"(lose all resources)"),
		(u'UB_current_order'             , 'text'    ): T(u"Currently building:"),
		(u'UB_howto_build_lbl'           , 'text'    ): T(u"To build a boat, click on one of the class tabs, select the desired ship and confirm the order."),
		(u'UB_needed_res_label'          , 'text'    ): T(u"Resources still needed:"),
		(u'UB_progress_label'            , 'text'    ): T(u"Construction progress:"),
		(u'UB_cancel_button'             , 'helptext'): T(u"Cancel all building progress"),
		(u'running_costs_label'          , 'helptext'): T(u"Running costs"),
		(u'toggle_active_active'         , 'helptext'): T(u"Pause"),
		(u'toggle_active_inactive'       , 'helptext'): T(u"Resume"),

	'boatbuilder_confirm.xml' : {
		(u'BB_confirm_build_label'       , 'text'    ): T(u"Build ship:"),
		(u'BB_description_frigate'       , 'text'    ): T(u"Three-masted most common classified war ship with one gun deck."),
		(u'BB_needed_boards'             , 'text'    ): T(u"24t"),
		(u'BB_needed_boards+'            , 'text'    ): T(u" + 24t"),
		(u'BB_needed_cannons'            , 'text'    ): T(u"06t"),
		(u'BB_needed_cannons+'           , 'text'    ): T(u" + 06t"),
		(u'BB_needed_cloth'              , 'text'    ): T(u"14t"),
		(u'BB_needed_cloth+'             , 'text'    ): T(u" + 14t"),
		(u'BB_needed_money'              , 'text'    ): T(u"2500"),
		(u'BB_needed_money+'             , 'text'    ): T(u" + 1457"),
		(u'BB_needed_ropes'              , 'text'    ): T(u"06t"),
		(u'BB_needed_ropes+'             , 'text'    ): T(u" + 06t"),
		(u'BB_upgrade_cannons'           , 'text'    ): T(u"Cannons"),
		(u'BB_upgrade_hull'              , 'text'    ): T(u"Hull"),
		(u'headline'                     , 'text'    ): T(u"Confirm order"),
		(u'headline_BB_builtship_label'  , 'text'    ): T(u"Sloop-o'-war"),
		(u'headline_upgrades'            , 'text'    ): T(u"Buy Upgrades"),
		(u'create_unit'                  , 'helptext'): T(u"Build this ship!"),

	'boatbuilder_showcase.xml' : {

	'diplomacy.xml' : {
		(u'ally_label'                   , 'text'    ): T(u"ally"),
		(u'enemy_label'                  , 'text'    ): T(u"enemy"),
		(u'neutral_label'                , 'text'    ): T(u"neutral"),

	'overview_farm.xml' : {
		(u'headline'                     , 'text'    ): T(u"Building overview"),
		(u'capacity_utilization_label'   , 'helptext'): T(u"Capacity utilization"),
		(u'running_costs_label'          , 'helptext'): T(u"Running costs"),
		(u'capacity_utilization'         , 'helptext'): T(u"Capacity utilization"),
		(u'running_costs'                , 'helptext'): T(u"Running costs"),

	'overview_war_groundunit.xml' : {

	'island_inventory.xml' : {
		(u'headline'                     , 'text'    ): T(u"Settlement inventory"),

	'mainsquare_inhabitants.xml' : {
		(u'headline'                     , 'text'    ): T(u"Settler overview"),
		(u'headline_happiness_per_house' , 'text'    ): T(u"Happiness per house"),
		(u'headline_residents_per_house' , 'text'    ): T(u"Residents per house"),
		(u'headline_residents_total'     , 'text'    ): T(u"Summary"),
		(u'houses'                       , 'text'    ): T(u"houses"),
		(u'residents'                    , 'text'    ): T(u"residents"),
		(u'tax_label'                    , 'text'    ): T(u"Taxes:"),
		(u'upgrades_lbl'                 , 'text'    ): T(u"Upgrade permissions:"),
		(u'avg_icon'                     , 'helptext'): T(u"satisfied"),
		(u'happiness_house_icon'         , 'helptext'): T(u"Amount of houses with this happiness"),
		(u'happy_icon'                   , 'helptext'): T(u"happy"),
		(u'houses_icon'                  , 'helptext'): T(u"Houses with this amount of inhabitants"),
		(u'inhabitants_icon'             , 'helptext'): T(u"Number of inhabitants per house"),
		(u'paid_taxes_icon'              , 'helptext'): T(u"Paid taxes"),
		(u'sad_icon'                     , 'helptext'): T(u"sad"),
		(u'tax_rate_icon'                , 'helptext'): T(u"Tax rate"),
		(u'tax_val_label'                , 'helptext'): T(u"Tax rate"),
		(u'taxes'                        , 'helptext'): T(u"Paid taxes"),

	'overview_barrier.xml' : {
		(u'barrier_description_lbl'      , 'text'    ): T(u"Provides security for your settlement."),

	'overview_enemybuilding.xml' : {

	'overview_enemyunit.xml' : {

	'overview_enemywarehouse.xml' : {
		(u'buying_label'                 , 'text'    ): T(u"Buying"),
		(u'selling_label'                , 'text'    ): T(u"Selling"),

	'overview_generic.xml' : {
		(u'headline'                     , 'text'    ): T(u"Building overview"),
		(u'name_label'                   , 'text'    ): T(u"Name:"),
		(u'running_costs_label'          , 'helptext'): T(u"Running costs"),
		(u'running_costs'                , 'helptext'): T(u"Running costs"),

	'overview_groundunit.xml' : {
		(u'lbl_weapon_storage'           , 'text'    ): T(u"Weapons:"),

	'overview_productionbuilding.xml' : {
		(u'capacity_utilization_label'   , 'helptext'): T(u"Capacity utilization"),
		(u'running_costs_label'          , 'helptext'): T(u"Running costs"),
		(u'capacity_utilization'         , 'helptext'): T(u"Capacity utilization"),
		(u'running_costs'                , 'helptext'): T(u"Running costs"),

	'overview_resourcedeposit.xml' : {
		(u'headline'                     , 'text'    ): T(u"Resource deposit"),
		(u'res_dep_description_lbl'      , 'text'    ): T(u"This is a resource deposit where you can build a mine to dig up resources."),
		(u'res_dep_description_lbl2'     , 'text'    ): T(u"It contains these resources:"),

	'overview_settler.xml' : {
		(u'needed_res_label'             , 'text'    ): T(u"Needed resources:"),
		(u'tax_label'                    , 'text'    ): T(u"Taxes:"),
		(u'happiness_label'              , 'helptext'): T(u"Happiness"),
		(u'paid_taxes_label'             , 'helptext'): T(u"Paid taxes"),
		(u'paid_taxes_label'             , 'helptext'): T(u"Tax rate"),
		(u'residents_label'              , 'helptext'): T(u"Residents"),
		(u'inhabitants'                  , 'helptext'): T(u"Residents"),
		(u'tax_val_label'                , 'helptext'): T(u"Tax rate"),
		(u'taxes'                        , 'helptext'): T(u"Paid taxes"),
		(u'happiness'                    , 'helptext'): T(u"Happiness"),

	'overview_signalfire.xml' : {
		(u'signal_fire_description_lbl'  , 'text'    ): T(u"The signal fire shows the free trader how to reach your settlement in case you want to buy or sell goods."),

	'overview_tower.xml' : {
		(u'name_label'                   , 'text'    ): T(u"Name:"),
		(u'running_costs_label'          , 'helptext'): T(u"Running costs"),
		(u'running_costs'                , 'helptext'): T(u"Running costs"),

	'overview_tradership.xml' : {
		(u'trader_description_lbl'       , 'text'    ): T(u"This is the free trader's ship. It will visit you from time to time to buy or sell goods."),

	'overviewtab.xml' : {

	'overview_select_multi.xml' : {

	'unit_entry_widget.xml' : {

	'overview_ship.xml' : {
		(u'configure_route'              , 'helptext'): T(u"Configure trading route"),
		(u'found_settlement'             , 'helptext'): T(u"Build settlement"),
		(u'trade'                        , 'helptext'): T(u"Trade"),

	'overview_trade_ship.xml' : {
		(u'configure_route'              , 'helptext'): T(u"Configure trading route"),
		(u'discard_res'                  , 'helptext'): T(u"Discard all resources"),
		(u'found_settlement'             , 'helptext'): T(u"Build settlement"),
		(u'trade'                        , 'helptext'): T(u"Trade"),

	'overview_war_ship.xml' : {
		(u'configure_route'              , 'helptext'): T(u"Configure trading route"),
		(u'found_settlement'             , 'helptext'): T(u"Build settlement"),
		(u'trade'                        , 'helptext'): T(u"Trade"),

	'tradetab.xml' : {
		(u'buying_label'                 , 'text'    ): T(u"Buying"),
		(u'exchange_label'               , 'text'    ): T(u"Exchange:"),
		(u'headline'                     , 'text'    ): T(u"Trade"),
		(u'selling_label'                , 'text'    ): T(u"Selling"),
		(u'ship_label'                   , 'text'    ): T(u"Ship:"),
		(u'trade_with_label'             , 'text'    ): T(u"Trade partner:"),

	'tab_base.xml' : {

	'buysellmenu.xml' : {
		(u'headline'                     , 'text'    ): T(u"Buy or sell resources"),
		(u'headline_trade_history'       , 'text'    ): T(u"Trade history"),

	'select_trade_resource.xml' : {
		(u'headline'                     , 'text'    ): T(u"Select resources:"),

	'tab_account.xml' : {
		(u'buy_expenses_label'           , 'text'    ): T(u"Buying"),
		(u'headline_balance_label'       , 'text'    ): T(u"Balance:"),
		(u'headline_expenses_label'      , 'text'    ): T(u"Expenses:"),
		(u'headline_income_label'        , 'text'    ): T(u"Income:"),
		(u'running_costs_label'          , 'text'    ): T(u"Running costs"),
		(u'sell_income_label'            , 'text'    ): T(u"Sale"),
		(u'taxes_label'                  , 'text'    ): T(u"Taxes"),
		(u'collector_utilization_label'  , 'helptext'): T(u"Collector utilization"),
		(u'show_production_overview'     , 'helptext'): T(u"Show resources produced in this settlement"),
		(u'collector_utilization'        , 'helptext'): T(u"Collector utilization"),

	'trade_single_slot.xml' : {

	'overview_farmproductionline.xml' : {
		(u'toggle_active_active'         , 'helptext'): T(u"Pause production"),
		(u'toggle_active_inactive'       , 'helptext'): T(u"Start production"),

	'overview_productionline.xml' : {
		(u'toggle_active_active'         , 'helptext'): T(u"Pause production"),
		(u'toggle_active_inactive'       , 'helptext'): T(u"Start production"),

	'related_buildings_container.xml' : {

	'resbar_resource_selection.xml' : {
		(u'headline'                     , 'text'    ): T(u"Select resource:"),
		(u'make_default_btn'             , 'helptext'): T(u"Save current resource configuration as default for all settlements."),
		(u'reset_default_btn'            , 'helptext'): T(u"Reset default resource configuration for all settlements."),
		(u'headline'                     , 'helptext'): T(u"The resource you select is displayed instead of the current one. Empty by clicking on X."),

	'route_entry.xml' : {
		(u'delete_warehouse'             , 'helptext'): T(u"Delete entry"),
		(u'move_down'                    , 'helptext'): T(u"Move down"),
		(u'move_up'                      , 'helptext'): T(u"Move up"),

	'trade_history_item.xml' : {

	'traderoute_resource_selection.xml' : {
		(u'select_res_label'             , 'text'    ): T(u"Select a resource:"),

	'captains_log.xml' : {
		(u'stats_players'                , 'text'    ): T(u"Players"),
		(u'stats_settlements'            , 'text'    ): T(u"My settlements"),
		(u'stats_ships'                  , 'text'    ): T(u"My ships"),
		(u'weird_button_1'               , 'text'    ): T(u"Whole world"),
		(u'weird_button_4'               , 'text'    ): T(u"Everybody"),
		(u'headline_chat'                , 'text'    ): T(u"Chat"),
		(u'headline_game_messages'       , 'text'    ): T(u"Game messages"),
		(u'headline_statistics'          , 'text'    ): T(u"Statistics"),
		(u'okButton'                     , 'helptext'): T(u"Return to game"),
		(u'weird_button_4'               , 'helptext'): T(u"Sends the chat messages to all players."),
		(u'backwardButton'               , 'helptext'): T(u"Read previous entries"),
		(u'forwardButton'                , 'helptext'): T(u"Read next entries"),

	'configure_route.xml' : {
		(u'lbl_route_activity'           , 'text'    ): T(u"Route activity:"),
		(u'lbl_wait_at_load'             , 'text'    ): T(u"Wait at load:"),
		(u'lbl_wait_at_unload'           , 'text'    ): T(u"Wait at unload:"),
		(u'okButton'                     , 'helptext'): T(u"Exit"),
		(u'start_route'                  , 'helptext'): T(u"Start route"),

	'healthwidget.xml' : {

	'island_production.xml' : {
		(u'okButton'                     , 'helptext'): T(u"Close"),
		(u'backwardButton'               , 'helptext'): T(u"Go to previous page"),
		(u'forwardButton'                , 'helptext'): T(u"Go to next page"),

	'players_overview.xml' : {
		(u'building_score'               , 'text'    ): T(u"Buildings"),
		(u'headline'                     , 'text'    ): T(u"Player scores"),
		(u'land_score'                   , 'text'    ): T(u"Land"),
		(u'money_score'                  , 'text'    ): T(u"Money"),
		(u'player_name'                  , 'text'    ): T(u"Name"),
		(u'resource_score'               , 'text'    ): T(u"Resources"),
		(u'settler_score'                , 'text'    ): T(u"Settlers"),
		(u'total_score'                  , 'text'    ): T(u"Total"),
		(u'unit_score'                   , 'text'    ): T(u"Units"),
		(u'building_score'               , 'helptext'): T(u"Value of all the buildings in the player's settlement(s)"),
		(u'land_score'                   , 'helptext'): T(u"Value of usable land i.e Amount of Land that can be used to create buildings "),
		(u'money_score'                  , 'helptext'): T(u"Player's current treasury + income expected in near future"),
		(u'player_name'                  , 'helptext'): T(u"Player Name"),
		(u'resource_score'               , 'helptext'): T(u"Value of resources generated from all the possible sources in the player's settlement(s)"),
		(u'settler_score'                , 'helptext'): T(u"Value denoting the progress of the settlement(s) in terms of inhabitants, buildings and overall happiness"),
		(u'total_score'                  , 'helptext'): T(u"The total value from all individual entities or in short : Total Player Score"),
		(u'unit_score'                   , 'helptext'): T(u"Value of all the units owned by the player"),

	'players_settlements.xml' : {
		(u'balance'                      , 'text'    ): T(u"Balance"),
		(u'inhabitants'                  , 'text'    ): T(u"Inhabitants"),
		(u'running_costs'                , 'text'    ): T(u"Running costs"),
		(u'settlement_name'              , 'text'    ): T(u"Name"),
		(u'taxes'                        , 'text'    ): T(u"Taxes"),

	'ships_list.xml' : {
		(u'health'                       , 'text'    ): T(u"Health"),
		(u'ship_name'                    , 'text'    ): T(u"Name"),
		(u'ship_type'                    , 'text'    ): T(u"Type"),
		(u'status'                       , 'text'    ): T(u"Status"),
		(u'weapons'                      , 'text'    ): T(u"Weapons"),

	'stancewidget.xml' : {
		(u'aggressive_stance'            , 'helptext'): T(u"Aggressive"),
		(u'flee_stance'                  , 'helptext'): T(u"Flee"),
		(u'hold_ground_stance'           , 'helptext'): T(u"Hold ground"),
		(u'none_stance'                  , 'helptext'): T(u"Passive"),

	'credits.xml' : {

	'editor_create_map.xml' : {
		(u'headline_choose_map_size_lbl' , 'text'    ): T(u"Choose a map size:"),

	'editor_select_map.xml' : {
		(u'headline_choose_map_lbl'      , 'text'    ): T(u"Choose a map:"),

	'editor_select_saved_game.xml' : {
		(u'headline_choose_saved_game'   , 'text'    ): T(u"Choose a saved game's map:"),

	'editor_start_menu.xml' : {
		(u'headline'                     , 'text'    ): T(u"Select map source"),
		(u'create_new_map'               , 'text'    ): T(u"Create new map"),
		(u'load_existing_map'            , 'text'    ): T(u"Load existing map"),
		(u'load_saved_game_map'          , 'text'    ): T(u"Load saved game's map"),
		(u'cancel'                       , 'helptext'): T(u"Exit to main menu"),
		(u'okay'                         , 'helptext'): T(u"Start editor"),

	'help.xml' : {
		(u'okButton'                     , 'helptext'): T(u"Return"),

	'hotkeys.xml' : {
		(u'reset_to_default'             , 'text'    ): T(u"Reset to default keys"),
		(u'labels_headline'              , 'text'    ): T(u"Actions"),
		(u'primary_buttons_headline'     , 'text'    ): T(u"Primary"),
		(u'secondary_buttons_headline'   , 'text'    ): T(u"Secondary"),
		(u'okButton'                     , 'helptext'): T(u"Exit to main menu"),
		(u'reset_to_default'             , 'helptext'): T(u"Reset to default"),
		(u'lbl_BUILD_TOOL'               , 'helptext'): T(u"Show build menu"),
		(u'lbl_CHAT'                     , 'helptext'): T(u"Chat"),
		(u'lbl_CONSOLE'                  , 'helptext'): T(u"Toggle showing FPS on/off"),
		(u'lbl_COORD_TOOLTIP'            , 'helptext'): T(u"Show coordinate values (Debug)"),
		(u'lbl_DESTROY_TOOL'             , 'helptext'): T(u"Enable destruct mode"),
		(u'lbl_DOWN'                     , 'helptext'): T(u"Scroll down"),
		(u'lbl_GRID'                     , 'helptext'): T(u"Toggle grid on/off"),
		(u'lbl_HEALTH_BAR'               , 'helptext'): T(u"Toggle health bars"),
		(u'lbl_HELP'                     , 'helptext'): T(u"Display help"),
		(u'lbl_LEFT'                     , 'helptext'): T(u"Scroll left"),
		(u'lbl_LOGBOOK'                  , 'helptext'): T(u"Toggle Captain's log"),
		(u'lbl_PAUSE'                    , 'helptext'): T(u"Pause game"),
		(u'lbl_PIPETTE'                  , 'helptext'): T(u"Enable pipette mode (clone buildings)"),
		(u'lbl_PLAYERS_OVERVIEW'         , 'helptext'): T(u"Show player scores"),
		(u'lbl_QUICKLOAD'                , 'helptext'): T(u"Quickload"),
		(u'lbl_QUICKSAVE'                , 'helptext'): T(u"Quicksave"),
		(u'lbl_REMOVE_SELECTED'          , 'helptext'): T(u"Remove selected units / buildings"),
		(u'lbl_RIGHT'                    , 'helptext'): T(u"Scroll right"),
		(u'lbl_ROAD_TOOL'                , 'helptext'): T(u"Enable road building mode"),
		(u'lbl_ROTATE_LEFT'              , 'helptext'): T(u"Rotate building or map counterclockwise"),
		(u'lbl_ROTATE_RIGHT'             , 'helptext'): T(u"Rotate building or map clockwise"),
		(u'lbl_SCREENSHOT'               , 'helptext'): T(u"Screenshot"),
		(u'lbl_SETTLEMENTS_OVERVIEW'     , 'helptext'): T(u"Show settlement list"),
		(u'lbl_SHIPS_OVERVIEW'           , 'helptext'): T(u"Show ship list"),
		(u'lbl_SHOW_SELECTED'            , 'helptext'): T(u"Focus camera on selection"),
		(u'lbl_SPEED_DOWN'               , 'helptext'): T(u"Decrease game speed"),
		(u'lbl_SPEED_UP'                 , 'helptext'): T(u"Increase game speed"),
		(u'lbl_TILE_OWNER_HIGHLIGHT'     , 'helptext'): T(u"Highlight tile ownership"),
		(u'lbl_TRANSLUCENCY'             , 'helptext'): T(u"Toggle translucency of ambient buildings"),
		(u'lbl_UP'                       , 'helptext'): T(u"Scroll up"),
		(u'lbl_ZOOM_IN'                  , 'helptext'): T(u"Zoom in"),
		(u'lbl_ZOOM_OUT'                 , 'helptext'): T(u"Zoom out"),

	'ingamemenu.xml' : {
		(u'help'                         , 'text'    ): T(u"Help"),
		(u'loadgame'                     , 'text'    ): T(u"Load game"),
		(u'quit'                         , 'text'    ): T(u"Cancel game"),
		(u'savegame'                     , 'text'    ): T(u"Save game"),
		(u'settings'                     , 'text'    ): T(u"Settings"),
		(u'start'                        , 'text'    ): T(u"Return to game"),

	'loadingscreen.xml' : {
		(u'loading_label'                , 'text'    ): T(u"Loading…"),

	'mainmenu.xml' : {
		(u'changeBackground'             , 'text'    ): T(u"Change Background"),
		(u'credits_label'                , 'text'    ): T(u"Credits"),
		(u'editor_label'                 , 'text'    ): T(u"Editor"),
		(u'help_label'                   , 'text'    ): T(u"Help"),
		(u'load_label'                   , 'text'    ): T(u"Load game"),
		(u'multi_label'                  , 'text'    ): T(u"Multiplayer"),
		(u'quit_label'                   , 'text'    ): T(u"Quit"),
		(u'settings_label'               , 'text'    ): T(u"Settings"),
		(u'single_label'                 , 'text'    ): T(u"Singleplayer"),
		(u'version_label'                , 'text'    ): VERSION.string(),

	'multiplayer_creategame.xml' : {
		(u'gamename_lbl'                 , 'text'    ): T(u"Name of the game:"),
		(u'headline'                     , 'text'    ): T(u"Choose a map:"),
		(u'headline'                     , 'text'    ): T(u"Create game - Multiplayer"),
		(u'mp_player_limit_lbl'          , 'text'    ): T(u"Player limit:"),
		(u'password_lbl'                 , 'text'    ): T(u"Password of the game:"),
		(u'cancel'                       , 'helptext'): T(u"Exit to multiplayer menu"),
		(u'create'                       , 'helptext'): T(u"Create this new game"),
		(u'gamename_lbl'                 , 'helptext'): T(u"This will be displayed to other players so they recognize the game."),
		(u'password_lbl'                 , 'helptext'): T(u"This game's password. Required to join this game."),

	'multiplayer_gamelobby.xml' : {
		(u'game_player_color'            , 'text'    ): T(u"Color"),
		(u'game_player_status'           , 'text'    ): T(u"Status"),
		(u'game_start_notice'            , 'text'    ): T(u"The game will start as soon as all players are ready."),
		(u'headline'                     , 'text'    ): T(u"Chat:"),
		(u'headline'                     , 'text'    ): T(u"Gamelobby"),
		(u'ready_lbl'                    , 'text'    ): T(u"Ready:"),
		(u'startmessage'                 , 'text'    ): T(u"Game details:"),
		(u'cancel'                       , 'helptext'): T(u"Exit gamelobby"),
		(u'ready_btn'                    , 'helptext'): T(u"Sets your state to ready (necessary for the game to start)"),

	'multiplayermenu.xml' : {
		(u'create_game_lbl'              , 'text'    ): T(u"Create game:"),
		(u'headline_active_games_lbl'    , 'text'    ): T(u"Active games:"),
		(u'headline_left'                , 'text'    ): T(u"New game - Multiplayer"),
		(u'join_game_lbl'                , 'text'    ): T(u"Join game:"),
		(u'load_game_lbl'                , 'text'    ): T(u"Load game:"),
		(u'refr_gamelist_lbl'            , 'text'    ): T(u"Refresh list:"),
		(u'cancel'                       , 'helptext'): T(u"Exit to main menu"),
		(u'create'                       , 'helptext'): T(u"Create a new game"),
		(u'join'                         , 'helptext'): T(u"Join the selected game"),
		(u'load'                         , 'helptext'): T(u"Load a saved game"),
		(u'refresh'                      , 'helptext'): T(u"Refresh list of active games"),

	'set_player_details.xml' : {
		(u'headline_set_player_details'  , 'text'    ): T(u"Change player details"),

	'settings.xml' : {
		(u'auto_unload_label'            , 'text'    ): T(u"Auto-unload ship:"),
		(u'autosave_interval_label'      , 'text'    ): T(u"Autosave interval in minutes:"),
		(u'cursor_centered_zoom_label'   , 'text'    ): T(u"Cursor centered zoom:"),
		(u'debug_log_lbl'                , 'text'    ): T(u"Enable logging:"),
		(u'edge_scrolling_label'         , 'text'    ): T(u"Scroll at map edge:"),
		(u'effect_volume_label'          , 'text'    ): T(u"Effects volume:"),
		(u'fps_label'                    , 'text'    ): T(u"Frame rate limit:"),
		(u'headline_graphics'            , 'text'    ): T(u"Graphics"),
		(u'headline_language'            , 'text'    ): T(u"Language"),
		(u'headline_misc'                , 'text'    ): T(u"General"),
		(u'headline_mouse'               , 'text'    ): T(u"Mouse"),
		(u'headline_network'             , 'text'    ): T(u"Network"),
		(u'headline_saving'              , 'text'    ): T(u"Saving"),
		(u'headline_sound'               , 'text'    ): T(u"Sound"),
		(u'middle_mouse_pan_lbl'         , 'text'    ): T(u"Middle mouse button pan:"),
		(u'minimap_rotation_label'       , 'text'    ): T(u"Rotate minimap with map:"),
		(u'mouse_sensitivity_label'      , 'text'    ): T(u"Mouse sensitivity:"),
		(u'music_volume_label'           , 'text'    ): T(u"Music volume:"),
		(u'network_port_lbl'             , 'text'    ): T(u"Network port:"),
		(u'number_of_autosaves_label'    , 'text'    ): T(u"Number of autosaves:"),
		(u'number_of_quicksaves_label'   , 'text'    ): T(u"Number of quicksaves:"),
		(u'quote_type_label'             , 'text'    ): T(u"Choose a quote type:"),
		(u'screen_fullscreen_text'       , 'text'    ): T(u"Full screen:"),
		(u'screen_resolution_label'      , 'text'    ): T(u"Screen resolution:"),
		(u'scroll_speed_label'           , 'text'    ): T(u"Scroll delay:"),
		(u'show_resource_icons_lbl'      , 'text'    ): T(u"Production indicators:"),
		(u'sound_enable_opt_text'        , 'text'    ): T(u"Enable sound:"),
		(u'uninterrupted_building_label' , 'text'    ): T(u"Uninterrupted building:"),
		(u'cancelButton'                 , 'helptext'): T(u"Discard current changes"),
		(u'defaultButton'                , 'helptext'): T(u"Reset to default settings"),
		(u'okButton'                     , 'helptext'): T(u"Save changes"),
		(u'auto_unload_label'            , 'helptext'): T(u"Whether to unload the ship after founding a settlement"),
		(u'cursor_centered_zoom_label'   , 'helptext'): T(u"When enabled, mouse wheel zoom will use the cursor position as new viewport center. When disabled, always zoom to current viewport center."),
		(u'debug_log_lbl'                , 'helptext'): T(u"Don't use in normal game session. Decides whether to write debug information in the logging directory of your user directory. Slows the game down."),
		(u'edge_scrolling_label'         , 'helptext'): T(u"Whether to move the viewport when the mouse pointer is close to map edges"),
		(u'fps_label'                    , 'helptext'): T(u"Set the maximum frame rate used. Default: 60 fps."),
		(u'middle_mouse_pan_lbl'         , 'helptext'): T(u"When enabled, dragging the middle mouse button will pan the camera"),
		(u'minimap_rotation_label'       , 'helptext'): T(u"Whether to also rotate the minimap whenever the regular map is rotated"),
		(u'mouse_sensitivity_label'      , 'helptext'): T(u"0 is default system settings"),
		(u'network_port_lbl'             , 'helptext'): T(u"If set to 0, use the router default"),
		(u'quote_type_label'             , 'helptext'): T(u"What kind of quote to display while loading a game"),
		(u'scroll_speed_label'           , 'helptext'): T(u"Higher values slow down scrolling."),
		(u'show_resource_icons_lbl'      , 'helptext'): T(u"Whether to show resource icons over buildings whenever they finish production"),
		(u'uninterrupted_building_label' , 'helptext'): T(u"When enabled, do not exit the build mode after successful construction"),

	'select_savegame.xml' : {
		(u'enter_filename_label'         , 'text'    ): T(u"Enter filename:"),
		(u'gamename_lbl'                 , 'text'    ): T(u"Name of the game:"),
		(u'gamepassword_lbl'             , 'text'    ): T(u"Password of the game:"),
		(u'headline_details_label'       , 'text'    ): T(u"Details:"),
		(u'headline_saved_games_label'   , 'text'    ): T(u"Your saved games:"),
		(u'cancelButton'                 , 'helptext'): T(u"Cancel"),
		(u'deleteButton'                 , 'helptext'): T(u"Delete selected savegame"),
		(u'gamename_lbl'                 , 'helptext'): T(u"This will be displayed to other players so they recognize the game."),
		(u'gamepassword_lbl'             , 'helptext'): T(u"Password of the game. Required to join this game"),

	'singleplayermenu.xml' : {
		(u'headline'                     , 'text'    ): T(u"New game - Singleplayer"),
		(u'free_maps'                    , 'text'    ): T(u"Free play"),
		(u'random'                       , 'text'    ): T(u"Random map"),
		(u'scenario'                     , 'text'    ): T(u"Scenario"),
		(u'cancel'                       , 'helptext'): T(u"Exit to main menu"),
		(u'okay'                         , 'helptext'): T(u"Start game"),

	'sp_free_maps.xml' : {
		(u'headline_choose_map_lbl'      , 'text'    ): T(u"Choose a map to play:"),

	'sp_random.xml' : {
		(u'headline_map_settings_lbl'    , 'text'    ): T(u"Map settings:"),
		(u'seed_string_lbl'              , 'text'    ): T(u"Seed:"),

	'sp_scenario.xml' : {
		(u'choose_map_lbl'               , 'text'    ): T(u"Choose a map to play:"),
		(u'select_lang_lbl'              , 'text'    ): T(u"Select a language:"),

	'aidataselection.xml' : {
		(u'ai_players_label'             , 'text'    ): T(u"AI players:"),

	'game_settings.xml' : {
		(u'headline_game_settings_lbl'   , 'text'    ): T(u"Game settings:"),
		(u'lbl_disasters'                , 'text'    ): T(u"Disasters"),
		(u'lbl_free_trader'              , 'text'    ): T(u"Free Trader"),
		(u'lbl_pirates'                  , 'text'    ): T(u"Pirates"),

	'playerdataselection.xml' : {
		(u'color_label'                  , 'text'    ): T(u"Color:"),
		(u'player_label'                 , 'text'    ): T(u"Player name:"),

	'popup_230.xml' : {

	'popup_290.xml' : {

	'popup_350.xml' : {

	'startup_error_popup.xml' : {

def set_translations():
	global text_translations
	text_translations = {
		"boatbuilder.xml" : {
			"boat_builder_window"         : _("boatbuilder")},
		"build_menu/hud_build_tab0.xml" : {
			"headline"                    : _("Sailor Buildings"),
			"residents_infra_label"       : _("Residents and Infrastructure"),
			"services_label"              : _("Services"),
			"companies_label"             : _("Companies"),
			"resident-1"                  : _("Tent: \nHouses your \ninhabitants."),
			"street-1"                    : _("Trail: \nNeeded for \ncollecting goods."),
			"main_square-1"               : _("Main square:\nSupplies citizens\nwith goods."),
			"store-1"                     : _("Storage: \nExtends stock\nand provides\ncollectors."),
			"church-1"                    : _("Pavilion: \nFulfills religious\nneeds of sailors."),
			"lighthouse-1"                : _("Signal fire: \nAllows the player\nto trade with\nthe free trader."),
			"lumberjack-1"                : _("Lumberjack: \nChops down trees\nand turns them\ninto boards."),
			"hunter-1"                    : _("Hunter: \nHunts wild\nforest animals,\nproduces food."),
			"fisher-1"                    : _("Fisherman: \nFishes the sea,\nproduces food."),
			"tree-1"                      : _("Tree")},
		"build_menu/hud_build_tab1.xml" : {
			"headline"                    : _("Pioneer Buildings"),
			"companies_label"             : _("Companies"),
			"services_label"              : _("Services"),
			"military_label"              : _("Military"),
			"herder-1"                    : _("Farm: \nGrows field \ncrops and raises \nlivestock."),
			"potatofield-1"               : _("Potato Field:\nDelivers food. \nNeeds a farm."),
			"pasture-1"                   : _("Pasture is used \nto grow sheep.\nProduces wool. \nNeeds a farm."),
			"weaver-1"                    : _("Weaver: \nTurns lamb wool \ninto cloth."),
			"clay-pit-1"                  : _("Clay Pit: \n Gets clay \nfrom deposit."),
			"brickyard-1"                 : _("Brickyard: \nTurns clay \ninto bricks."),
			"villageschool-1"             : _("Elementary school: \nProvides education."),
			"boat_builder-1"              : _("Boat builder: \nBuilds boats and\nsmall ships. \nBuilt on coast.")},
		"build_menu/hud_build_tab2.xml" : {
			"headline"                    : _("Settler Buildings"),
			"housing_label"               : _("Housing"),
			"production_label"            : _("Production"),
			"villageschool-1"             : _("Village school: \nProvides education."),
			"sugarfield-1"                : _("Sugar Field: \nProduces sugar\nfor rum.")},
		"build_menu/hud_build_tab3.xml" : {
			"headline"                    : _("Citizen Buildings")},
		"build_menu/hud_build_tab4.xml" : {
			"headline"                    : _("Merchant Buildings")},
		"build_menu/hud_build_tab5.xml" : {
			"headline"                    : _("Aristocrat Buildings")},
		"build_menu/hud_builddetail.xml" : {
			"headline"                    : _("Build"),
			"running_costs_label"         : _("Running Costs:")},
		"buildings_gui/production_building_overview.xml" : {
			"headline"                    : _("Building overview")},
		"buildings_gui/work_building_tab0.xml" : {
			"headline"                    : _("Building overview"),
			"name_label"                  : _("Name:"),
			"health_label"                : _("Health:"),
			"running_costs_label"         : _("Running Costs:"),
			"buy_sell_label"              : _("Buy/Sell Resources:")},
		"buildings_gui/work_building_tab1.xml" : {
			"StockLabel"                  : _("stock")},
		"buildings_gui/work_building_tab2.xml" : {
			"CombatLabel"                 : _("combat")},
		"buildings_gui/work_building_tab3.xml" : {
			"RouteLabel"                  : _("route")},
		"buildings_gui/work_building_tab4.xml" : {
			"ProductionLabel"             : _("production")},
		"buildings_gui/work_building_tab5.xml" : {
			"ResearchLabel"               : _("research")},
		"buysellmenu/buysellmenu.xml" : {
			"headline"                    : _("Buy or sell resources"),
			"legend_label"                : _("Legend:"),
			"buy_label"                   : _("Buy resources"),
			"sell_label"                  : _("Sell resources")},
		"buysellmenu/resources.xml" : {
			"headline"                    : _("Select resources:")},
		"captains_log.xml" : {
			"lbl_log"                     : _("Captain's Log")},
		"change_name.xml" : {
			"headline"                    : _("Change name"),
			"enter_new_name_lbl"          : _("Enter new name:")},
		"chat.xml" : {
			"headline"                    : _("Chat"),
			"chat_lbl"                    : _("Enter your message:")},
		"chime.xml" : {
			"headline"                    : _("Chime The Bell"),
			"made_it_label"               : _("Yeah, you made it..."),
			"deadlink_label"              : _("But this is a deadlink, sorry.")},
		"credits.xml" : {
			"headline"                    : _("Contributors"),
			"headline_projectcoord"       : _("PROJECT COORDINATION"),
			"headline_gamedesign"         : _("GAME-PLAY DESIGN"),
			"headline_programming"        : _("PROGRAMMING"),
			"headline_sfx"                : _("SOUND and MUSIC ARTISTS"),
			"headline_gfx"                : _("GRAPHIC ARTIST"),
			"headline_translation"        : _("TRANSLATION"),
			"headline_thanks"             : _("SPECIAL THANKS to:"),
			"fife_team_lbl"               : _("The FIFE team (www.fifengine.de)")},
		"gamemenu.xml" : {
			"version_label"               : VERSION.string(),
			"start"                       : _("Return to Game"),
			"quit"                        : _(" Cancel Game "),
			"savegame"                    : _(" Save Game "),
			"loadgame"                    : _(" Load Game "),
			"help"                        : _(" Help "),
			"chimebell"                   : _(" Chime The Bell "),
			"settings"                    : _(" Settings ")},
		"help.xml" : {
			"headline"                    : _("Key Bindings"),
			"set01"                       : _("{LEFT}        = Scroll left"),
			"set02"                       : _("{RIGHT}        = Scroll right"),
			"set03"                       : _("{UP}        = Scroll up"),
			"set04"                       : _("{DOWN}        = Scroll down"),
			"set05"                       : _("{ , }         = Rotate building left"),
			"set06"                       : _("{ . }         = Rotate building right"),
			"set07"                       : _("{B} = Show build menu"),
			"set08"                       : _("{F1} = Display help"),
			"set09"                       : _("{F5} = Quicksave"),
			"set10"                       : _("{F9} = Quickload"),
			"set11"                       : _("{F10} = Toggle console on/off"),
			"set12"                       : _("{ESC} = Show pause menu"),
			"set13"                       : _("{G} = Toggle grid on/off"),
			"set14"                       : _("{X} = Enable destruct mode"),
			"set20"                       : _("{P} = Pause game"),
			"set21"                       : _("{ + } = Increase game speed"),
			"set22"                       : _("{ - } = Decrease game speed"),
			"set23"                       : _("{S} = Screenshot"),
			"set26"                       : _("{C} = Chat"),
			"set25"                       : _("{SHIFT} = Hold to place multiple buildings"),
			"have_fun_lbl"                : _("Have fun."),
			"fife_and_uh_team_lbl"        : _("The FIFE and Unknown Horizons development teams")},
		"ingame_pause.xml" : {
			"headline"                    : _("Game paused"),
			"hit_p_to_continue_lbl"       : _("Hit P to continue the game or click below!")},
		"ingame_pdb_start.xml" : {
			"headline"                    : _("Terminal debugmode"),
			"started_pdb_lbl"             : _("You start the terminal python debugger pdb!")},
		"loadingscreen.xml" : {
			"loading_label"               : _("Loading ..."),
			"version_label"               : VERSION.string()},
		"mainmenu.xml" : {
			"version_label"               : VERSION.string(),
			"start"                       : _("Singleplayer"),
			"start_multi"                 : _("Multiplayer"),
			"credits"                     : _(" Credits "),
			"quit"                        : _(" Quit "),
			"settings"                    : _(" Settings "),
			"help"                        : _(" Help "),
			"loadgame"                    : _(" Continue Game "),
			"chimebell"                   : _(" Chime The Bell ")},
		"menu_panel.xml" : {
			"destroy_tool"                : _("Destroy"),
			"logbook"                     : _("Captain's log"),
			"build"                       : _("Build menu"),
			"helpLink"                    : _("Help"),
			"gameMenuButton"              : _("Game menu")},
		"multiplayer_creategame.xml" : {
			"headline"                    : _("CREATE GAME - MULTIPLAYER"),
			"mp_player_limit_lbl"         : _("Player limit:"),
			"exit_to_mp_menu_lbl"         : _("Back:"),
			"headline"                    : _("Choose a map:"),
			"create_game_lbl"             : _("Create game:"),
			"cancel"                      : _("Exit to multiplayer menu"),
			"create"                      : _("Create this new game")},
		"multiplayer_gamelobby.xml" : {
			"headline"                    : _("Gamelobby"),
			"game_start_notice"           : _("The game will start as soon as enough players have joined."),
			"startmessage"                : _("Game details"),
			"chatlbl"                     : _("Chat:"),
			"cancel"                      : _("Exit gamelobby")},
		"multiplayermenu.xml" : {
			"headline"                    : _("NEW GAME - MULTIPLAYER"),
			"exit_to_main_menu_lbl"       : _("Main menu:"),
			"create_game_lbl"             : _("Create game:"),
			"headline"                    : _("Active games:"),
			"refr_gamelist_lbl"           : _("Refresh list:"),
			"join_game_lbl"               : _("Join game"),
			"cancel"                      : _("Exit to main menu"),
			"create"                      : _("Create a new game"),
			"refresh"                     : _("Refresh list of active games"),
			"join"                        : _("Join the selected game")},
		"playerdataselection.xml" : {
			"player_label"                : _("Player name:"),
			"color_label"                 : _("Color:")},
		"quitgame.xml" : {
			"headline"                    : _("Quit Game"),
			"quit_game_caption"           : _("Are you sure you want to quit Unknown Horizons?")},
		"quitsession.xml" : {
			"headline"                    : _("Quit Session"),
			"ConfirmQuitLabel"            : _("Are you sure you want to abort the running session?")},
		"requirerestart.xml" : {
			"headline"                    : _("Restart Required"),
			"require_restart_label"       : _("Some of your changes require a restart of Unknown Horizons.")},
		"select_savegame.xml" : {
			"headline"                    : _("Your saved games:"),
			"enter_filename_label"        : _("Enter filename:"),
			"details_label"               : _("Details:")},
		"settings.xml" : {
			"headline"                    : _("Settings"),
			"warning"                     : _("Please make sure that you know, what you do."),
			"headline_graphics"           : _("GRAPHICS"),
			"screen_resolution_label"     : _("Screen resolution:"),
			"color_depth_label"           : _("Color depth:"),
			"use_renderer_label"          : _("Used renderer:"),
			"screen_fullscreen_text"      : _("Full screen"),
			"headline_sound"              : _("SOUND"),
			"music_volume_label"          : _("Music volume:"),
			"effect_volume_label"         : _("Effects volume:"),
			"sound_enable_opt_text"       : _("Enable sound"),
			"headline_saving"             : _("SAVING"),
			"autosave_interval_label"     : _("Autosave interval:"),
			"minutes_label"               : _("minutes"),
			"number_of_autosaves_label"   : _("Number of autosaves:"),
			"number_of_quicksaves_label"  : _("Number of quicksaves:"),
			"headline_language"           : _("LANGUAGE"),
			"language_label"              : _("Language:")},
		"ship/trade.xml" : {
			"headline"                    : _("Trade"),
			"ship_label"                  : _("Ship:"),
			"exchange_label"              : _("Exchange:"),
			"trade_with_label"            : _("Trade partner:")},
		"singleplayermenu.xml" : {
			"headline"                    : _("NEW GAME - SINGLEPLAYER"),
			"main_menu_label"             : _("Main menu:"),
			"choose_map_lbl"              : _("Choose a map to play:"),
			"start_game_label"            : _("Start game:"),
			"showCampaign"                : _("Campaign"),
			"showRandom"                  : _("Random map"),
			"showMaps"                    : _("Free play")},
##  no need to translate the following (until next comment)
##  since we currently work on that GUI and changes are
##  possible, so better don't try to update this :) 
		"tab_widget/boatbuilder/boatbuilder.xml" : {
			"headline"                    : _("Building Overview"),
			"BB_howto_build_lbl"          : _("To build a boat, click on one of the class tabs, select the desired ship and confirm the order."),
			"BB_current_order"            : _("Currently building:"),
			"BB_progress_label"           : _("Construction progress:"),
			"BB_cancel_build_label"       : _("Cancel building:"),
			"BB_cancel_warning_label"     : _("(lose all resources)"),
			"toggle_active_active"        : _("Pause"),
			"toggle_active_inactive"      : _("Resume")},
		"tab_widget/boatbuilder/confirm.xml" : {
			"headline"                    : _("Confirm Order"),
			"BB_needed_boards"            : _("24t"),
			"BB_needed_cloth"             : _("14t"),
			"BB_needed_ropes"             : _("06t"),
			"BB_needed_cannons"           : _("06t"),
			"BB_needed_money"             : _("2500"),
			"BB_builtship_label"          : _("Sloop-o'-war"),
			"BB_description_frigate"      : _("Three-masted most common classified war ship with one gun deck."),
			"headline_upgrades"           : _("Buy Upgrades"),
			"BB_upgrade_cannons"          : _("Cannons"),
			"BB_upgrade_hull"             : _("Hull"),
			"BB_needed_boards+"           : _(" + 24t"),
			"BB_needed_cloth+"            : _(" + 14t"),
			"BB_needed_ropes+"            : _(" + 06t"),
			"BB_needed_cannons+"          : _(" + 06t"),
			"BB_needed_money+"            : _(" + 1457"),
			"BB_confirm_build_label"      : _("Build ship:"),
			"create_unit"                 : _("Build this ship!")},
		"tab_widget/boatbuilder/fisher.xml" : {
			"headline"                    : _("Fishing Boats"),
			"BB_fisher_ship1"             : _("Fishing boat"),
			"BB_needed_boards"            : _("06t"),
			"BB_needed_cloth"             : _("04t"),
			"BB_needed_ropes"             : _("00t"),
			"BB_needed_cannons"           : _("00t"),
			"BB_needed_money"             : _("350"),
			"BB_fisher_ship2"             : _("Cutter"),
			"BB_needed_boards"            : _("12t"),
			"BB_needed_cloth"             : _("08t"),
			"BB_needed_ropes"             : _("00t"),
			"BB_needed_cannons"           : _("00t"),
			"BB_needed_money"             : _("500"),
			"BB_fisher_ship3"             : _("Herring fisher"),
			"BB_fisher_ship4"             : _("Whaler"),
			"BB_build_fisher_1"           : _("Build this ship!")},
		"tab_widget/boatbuilder/trade.xml" : {
			"headline"                    : _("Trade Boats"),
			"BB_trade_ship1"              : _("Boat"),
			"BB_needed_boards"            : _("06t"),
			"BB_needed_cloth"             : _("03t"),
			"BB_needed_ropes"             : _("01t"),
			"BB_needed_cannons"           : _("00t"),
			"BB_needed_money"             : _("500"),
			"BB_trade_ship2"              : _("Courier boat"),
			"BB_needed_boards"            : _("12t"),
			"BB_needed_cloth"             : _("08t"),
			"BB_needed_ropes"             : _("00t"),
			"BB_needed_cannons"           : _("00t"),
			"BB_needed_money"             : _("500"),
			"BB_trade_ship3"              : _("Small merchant"),
			"BB_trade_ship4"              : _("Big merchant")},
		"tab_widget/boatbuilder/war1.xml" : {
			"headline"                    : _("War Boats"),
			"BB_war1_ship1"               : _("Small gunboat"),
			"BB_needed_boards"            : _("07t"),
			"BB_needed_cloth"             : _("02t"),
			"BB_needed_ropes"             : _("01t"),
			"BB_needed_cannons"           : _("00t"),
			"BB_needed_money"             : _("500"),
			"BB_war1_ship2"               : _("Naval cutter"),
			"BB_needed_boards"            : _("12t"),
			"BB_needed_cloth"             : _("06t"),
			"BB_needed_ropes"             : _("03t"),
			"BB_needed_cannons"           : _("04t"),
			"BB_needed_money"             : _("500"),
			"BB_war1_ship3"               : _("Bombadiere"),
			"BB_war1_ship4"               : _("Sloop-o'-war")},
		"tab_widget/boatbuilder/war2.xml" : {
			"headline"                    : _("War Ships"),
			"BB_war2_ship1"               : _("Galley"),
			"BB_needed_boards"            : _("42t"),
			"BB_needed_cloth"             : _("24t"),
			"BB_needed_ropes"             : _("12t"),
			"BB_needed_cannons"           : _("12t"),
			"BB_needed_money"             : _("5000"),
			"BB_war2_ship2"               : _("Big gunboat"),
			"BB_needed_boards"            : _("38t"),
			"BB_needed_cloth"             : _("28t"),
			"BB_needed_ropes"             : _("14t"),
			"BB_needed_cannons"           : _("20t"),
			"BB_needed_money"             : _("6500"),
			"BB_war2_ship3"               : _("Corvette"),
			"BB_war2_ship4"               : _("Frigate")},
##  okay, here we go again.
##  the following is rather stable content ;-)
		"tab_widget/tab_account.xml" : {
			"headline"                    : _("Account"),
			"income_label"                : _("Income:"),
			"taxes_label"                 : _("Taxes"),
			"sell_income_label"           : _("Sale"),
			"expenses_label"              : _("Expenses:"),
			"running_costs_label"         : _("Running Costs:"),
			"buy_expenses_label"          : _("Buying"),
			"balance_label"               : _("Balance:")},
		"tab_widget/tab_boatbuilder_create.xml" : {
			"overview_label"              : _("Select a boat to build:"),
			"new_settlement_label"        : _("Build selected:")},
		"tab_widget/tab_branch_overview.xml" : {
			"headline"                    : _("Building overview"),
			"name_label"                  : _("Name:"),
			"running_costs_label"         : _("Running Costs:")},
		"tab_widget/tab_marketplace_settler.xml" : {
			"headline"                    : _("Settler overview"),
			"avg_happiness_lbl"           : _("Average happiness:"),
			"most_needed_res_lbl"         : _("Most needed resource:")},
		"tab_widget/tab_overview.xml" : {
			"headline"                    : _("Overview"),
			"name_label"                  : _("Name:")},
		"tab_widget/tab_overview_enemy_building.xml" : {
			"headline"                    : _("Overview"),
			"name_label"                  : _("Name:")},
		"tab_widget/tab_overview_marketplace.xml" : {
			"headline"                    : _("Overview"),
			"name_label"                  : _("Name:"),
			"tax_label"                   : _("Taxes:")},
		"tab_widget/tab_overview_resourcedeposit.xml" : {
			"headline"                    : _("Resource Deposit"),
			"res_dep_description_lbl"     : _("This is a resource deposit, where you can build a mine to dig up resources."),
			"res_dep_description_lbl2"    : _("It contains these resources:")},
		"tab_widget/tab_overview_settler.xml" : {
			"headline"                    : _("Overview"),
			"tax_label"                   : _("Taxes:"),
			"needed_res_label"            : _("Needed Resources:")},
		"tab_widget/tab_overview_ship.xml" : {
			"health_label"                : _("Health:")},
		"tab_widget/tab_overview_signalfire.xml" : {
			"signal_fire_description_lbl" : _("The signal fire shows the free trader how to reach your settlement in case you want to buy or sell goods.")},
		"tab_widget/tab_overview_tradership.xml" : {
			"trader_description_lbl"      : _("This is the free trader's ship. It will visit you from time to time to buy or sell goods.")},
		"tab_widget/tab_production_line.xml" : {
			"toggle_active_active"        : _("Pause production"),
			"toggle_active_inactive"      : _("Start production")},
		"tab_widget/tab_stock.xml" : {
			"headline"                    : _("Inventory")},
		"tab_widget/tab_stock_ship.xml" : {
			"headline"                    : _("Inventory"),
			"load_unload_label"           : _("Load/Unload:")},