Ejemplo n.º 1
def rule(
    targets: Union[Sequence[Bundle[Ex]], _OmittedArgument] = (),
    target: Optional[Bundle[Ex]] = None,
    **kwargs: SearchStrategy,
) -> Union[_RuleWrapper[Ex], Callable[[Callable[..., None]], Callable[...,
    """Decorator for RuleBasedStateMachine. Any Bundle present in ``target`` or
    ``targets`` will define where the end result of this function should go. If
    both are empty then the end result will be discarded.

    ``target`` must be a Bundle, or if the result should go to multiple
    bundles you can pass a tuple of them as the ``targets`` argument.
    It is invalid to use both arguments for a single rule.  If the result
    should go to exactly one of several bundles, define a separate rule for
    each case.

    kwargs then define the arguments that will be passed to the function
    invocation. If their value is a Bundle, or if it is ``consumes(b)``
    where ``b`` is a Bundle, then values that have previously been produced
    for that bundle will be provided. If ``consumes`` is used, the value
    will also be removed from the bundle.

    Any other kwargs should be strategies and values from them will be
    converted_targets = _convert_targets(targets, target)
    for k, v in kwargs.items():
        check_strategy(v, name=k)

    def accept(f):
        if getattr(f, INVARIANT_MARKER, None):
            raise InvalidDefinition(
                "A function cannot be used for both a rule and an invariant.",
        existing_rule = getattr(f, RULE_MARKER, None)
        existing_initialize_rule = getattr(f, INITIALIZE_RULE_MARKER, None)
        if existing_rule is not None or existing_initialize_rule is not None:
            raise InvalidDefinition(
                "A function cannot be used for two distinct rules. ",
        preconditions = getattr(f, PRECONDITIONS_MARKER, ())
        rule = Rule(

        def rule_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
            return f(*args, **kwargs)

        setattr(rule_wrapper, RULE_MARKER, rule)
        return rule_wrapper

    return accept
Ejemplo n.º 2
def initialize(
    targets: Union[Sequence[Bundle[Ex]], _OmittedArgument] = (),
    target: Optional[Bundle[Ex]] = None,
    **kwargs: SearchStrategy,
) -> Union[_RuleWrapper[Ex], Callable[[Callable[..., None]], Callable[...,
    """Decorator for RuleBasedStateMachine.

    An initialize decorator behaves like a rule, but all ``@initialize()`` decorated
    methods will be called before any ``@rule()`` decorated methods, in an arbitrary
    order.  Each ``@initialize()`` method will be called exactly once per run, unless
    one raises an exception - after which only the ``.teardown()`` method will be run.
    ``@initialize()`` methods may not have preconditions.
    converted_targets = _convert_targets(targets, target)
    for k, v in kwargs.items():
        check_strategy(v, name=k)

    def accept(f):
        if getattr(f, INVARIANT_MARKER, None):
            raise InvalidDefinition(
                "A function cannot be used for both a rule and an invariant.",
        existing_rule = getattr(f, RULE_MARKER, None)
        existing_initialize_rule = getattr(f, INITIALIZE_RULE_MARKER, None)
        if existing_rule is not None or existing_initialize_rule is not None:
            raise InvalidDefinition(
                "A function cannot be used for two distinct rules. ",
        preconditions = getattr(f, PRECONDITIONS_MARKER, ())
        if preconditions:
            raise InvalidDefinition(
                "An initialization rule cannot have a precondition. ",
        rule = Rule(

        def rule_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
            return f(*args, **kwargs)

        setattr(rule_wrapper, INITIALIZE_RULE_MARKER, rule)
        return rule_wrapper

    return accept