Ejemplo n.º 1
def calc_IDR(theta, r1, r2):
    idr <- 1 - e.z
    o <- order(idr)
    idr.o <- idr[o]
    idr.rank <- rank(idr.o, ties.method = "max")
    top.mean <- function(index, x) {
    IDR.o <- sapply(idr.rank, top.mean, idr.o)
    IDR <- idr
    IDR[o] <- IDR.o
    mu, sigma, rho, p = theta
    z1 = compute_pseudo_values(r1, mu, sigma, p, EPS=1e-12)
    z2 = compute_pseudo_values(r2, mu, sigma, p, EPS=1e-12)
    localIDR = 1-calc_post_membership_prbs(numpy.array(theta), z1, z2)
        localIDR[z1 + z2 < 0] = 1 

    # it doesn't make sense for the IDR values to be smaller than the 
    # optimization tolerance
    localIDR = numpy.clip(localIDR, idr.CONVERGENCE_EPS_DEFAULT, 1)
    local_idr_order = localIDR.argsort()
    ordered_local_idr = localIDR[local_idr_order]
    ordered_local_idr_ranks = rankdata( ordered_local_idr, method='max' )
    IDR = []
    for i, rank in enumerate(ordered_local_idr_ranks):
    IDR = numpy.array(IDR)[local_idr_order.argsort()]

    return localIDR, IDR
Ejemplo n.º 2
def calc_IDR(theta, r1, r2):
    idr <- 1 - e.z
    o <- order(idr)
    idr.o <- idr[o]
    idr.rank <- rank(idr.o, ties.method = "max")
    top.mean <- function(index, x) {
    IDR.o <- sapply(idr.rank, top.mean, idr.o)
    IDR <- idr
    IDR[o] <- IDR.o
    mu, sigma, rho, p = theta
    z1 = compute_pseudo_values(r1, mu, sigma, p, EPS=1e-12)
    z2 = compute_pseudo_values(r2, mu, sigma, p, EPS=1e-12)
    localIDR = 1 - calc_post_membership_prbs(numpy.array(theta), z1, z2)
        localIDR[z1 + z2 < 0] = 1

    # it doesn't make sense for the IDR values to be smaller than the
    # optimization tolerance
    localIDR = numpy.clip(localIDR, idr.CONVERGENCE_EPS_DEFAULT, 1)
    local_idr_order = localIDR.argsort()
    ordered_local_idr = localIDR[local_idr_order]
    ordered_local_idr_ranks = rankdata(ordered_local_idr, method='max')
    IDR = []
    for i, rank in enumerate(ordered_local_idr_ranks):
    IDR = numpy.array(IDR)[local_idr_order.argsort()]

    return localIDR, IDR
Ejemplo n.º 3
def gradient_ascent(r1, r2, theta, gradient_magnitude, 
                    fix_mu=False, fix_sigma=False):
    for j in range(len(theta)):
        if fix_mu and j == 0: continue
        if fix_sigma and j == 1: continue
        prev_loss = calc_loss(r1, r2, theta)

        mu, sigma, rho, p = theta
        z1 = compute_pseudo_values(r1, mu, sigma, p)
        z2 = compute_pseudo_values(r2, mu, sigma, p)
        real_grad = calc_pseudo_log_lhd_gradient(theta, z1, z2, False, False)
        gradient = numpy.zeros(len(theta))
        gradient[j] = gradient_magnitude
        if real_grad[j] < 0: gradient[j] = -gradient[j]
        min_step = 0
        max_step = find_max_step_size(
            theta[j], gradient[j], (False if j in (0,1) else True))

        if max_step < 1e-12: continue

        alpha = fminbound(
            lambda x: calc_loss( r1, r2, theta + x*gradient ),
            min_step, max_step)
        loss = calc_loss( r1, r2, theta + alpha*gradient )
        if loss < prev_loss:
            theta += alpha*gradient

    return theta
Ejemplo n.º 4
def grid_search(r1, r2 ):
    res = []
    best_theta = None
    max_log_lhd = -1e100
    for mu in numpy.linspace(0.1, 5, num=10):
        for sigma in numpy.linspace(0.5, 3, num=10):
            for rho in numpy.linspace(0.1, 0.9, num=10):
                for pi in numpy.linspace(0.1, 0.9, num=10):
                    z1 = compute_pseudo_values(r1, mu, sigma, pi)
                    z2 = compute_pseudo_values(r2, mu, sigma, pi)
                    log_lhd = calc_gaussian_mix_log_lhd((mu, sigma, rho, pi), z1, z2)
                    if log_lhd > max_log_lhd:
                        best_theta = ((mu,mu), (sigma,sigma), rho, pi)
                        max_log_lhd = log_lhd
    return best_theta
Ejemplo n.º 5
def find_local_maximum_CA(r1, r2, theta, 
                          fix_mu=False, fix_sigma=False ):
    gradient_magnitude = 1e-2
    for i in range(100):
        prev_loss = calc_loss(r1, r2, theta)
        # coordiante ascent step
        theta = coordinate_ascent( r1, r2, theta, gradient_magnitude,
                                   fix_mu=fix_mu, fix_sigma=fix_sigma)

        curr_loss = calc_loss(r1, r2, theta)
        log( "CA%i\t" % i, 
             "%.2e" % gradient_magnitude, 
             "%.2e" % (curr_loss-prev_loss), 
             "%.8f\t" % curr_loss,
             "%.8f\t" % log_lhd_loss(r1, r2, theta),
             theta, level='VERBOSE' )

        # find the em estimate 
        mu, sigma, rho, p = theta
        z1 = compute_pseudo_values(r1, mu, sigma, p)
        z2 = compute_pseudo_values(r2, mu, sigma, p)
        em_theta = EM_step(z1, z2, theta )

        for j in (3,2,1,0):
            tmp_theta = theta.copy()
            tmp_theta[j] = em_theta[j]
            if calc_loss(r1, r2, tmp_theta) < curr_loss:
                theta[j] = em_theta[j]
        mu, sigma, rho, p = theta
        z1 = compute_pseudo_values(r1, mu, sigma, p)
        z2 = compute_pseudo_values(r2, mu, sigma, p)
        grad = calc_pseudo_log_lhd_gradient(theta, z1, z2, False, False)
        #log( "GRAD", grad )

        if abs(curr_loss-prev_loss) < 1e-12:
            if gradient_magnitude > 1e-6:
                gradient_magnitude /= 3
                return ( theta, curr_loss )
            gradient_magnitude = min(1e-2, gradient_magnitude*10)
    return theta, curr_loss
Ejemplo n.º 6
def EMP_with_pseudo_value_algorithm(
        r1, r2, theta_0, 
        N=100, EPS=1e-4, 
        fix_mu=False, fix_sigma=False):
    theta = theta_0
    z1 = compute_pseudo_values(r1, theta[0], theta[1], theta[3])
    z2 = compute_pseudo_values(r2, theta[0], theta[1], theta[3])

    max_num_EM_iter = 30
    for i in range(N):
        prev_theta = theta
        # EM only works in the unconstrained case
        if not fix_mu and not fix_sigma:
            theta, new_lhd, changed_params = EM_iteration(
                z1, z2, prev_theta, max_num_EM_iter, 
                fix_mu=fix_mu, fix_sigma=fix_sigma, eps=EPS/10)
        if fix_mu or fix_sigma or changed_params:
            theta = prev_theta
            theta, new_lhd = CA_iteration(
                z1, z2, prev_theta, max_num_EM_iter, 
                fix_mu=fix_mu, fix_sigma=fix_sigma, eps=EPS/10)
        sum_param_change = numpy.abs(theta - prev_theta).sum()

        prev_z1 = z1
        z1 = compute_pseudo_values(r1, theta[0], theta[1], theta[3])
        prev_z2 = z2
        z2 = compute_pseudo_values(r2, theta[0], theta[1], theta[3])
        mean_pseudo_val_change = (
            numpy.abs(prev_z1-z1).mean() + numpy.abs(prev_z2-z2).mean())
        log(("Iter %i" % i).ljust(12),
            "%.2e" % sum_param_change,
            "%.2e" % mean_pseudo_val_change,
            #"%.4e" % log_lhd_loss(r1, r2, theta),
            theta, level='VERBOSE')
        if i > 3 and (sum_param_change < EPS and mean_pseudo_val_change < EPS): 
    return theta, log_lhd_loss(r1, r2, theta)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def find_local_maximum_PV(r1, r2, theta, N=100, EPS=1e-6,
                          fix_mu=False, fix_sigma=False ):
    for i in range(N):
        prev_loss = calc_loss(r1, r2, theta)
        curr_loss = prev_loss
        # find the em estimate 
        mu, sigma, rho, p = theta
        z1 = compute_pseudo_values(r1, mu, sigma, p)
        z2 = compute_pseudo_values(r2, mu, sigma, p)
        em_theta = EM_step(z1, z2, theta )

        # take a step in the EM direction
        for j in (3,2,1,0):
            tmp_theta = theta.copy()
            tmp_theta[j] = em_theta[j]
            new_loss = calc_loss(r1, r2, tmp_theta)
            if new_loss < curr_loss:
                theta[j] = em_theta[j]
                curr_loss = new_loss
        msg = " ".join(("CA%i\t" % i, 
                        "%.2e" % gradient_magnitude, 
                        "%.2e" % (curr_loss-prev_loss), 
                        "%.8f\t" % curr_loss,
                        "%.8f\t" % log_lhd_loss(r1, r2, theta),
        log( msg, level='VERBOSE' )
        mu, sigma, rho, p = theta
        z1 = compute_pseudo_values(r1, mu, sigma, p)
        z2 = compute_pseudo_values(r2, mu, sigma, p)
        grad = calc_gaussian_mix_log_lhd_gradient(theta, z1, z2, False, False)
        if abs(curr_loss-prev_loss) < EPS:
            return ( theta, curr_loss )
    return theta, curr_loss
Ejemplo n.º 8
def sum_grad_sq_loss(r1, r2, theta):
    mu, sigma, rho, p = theta
    z1 = compute_pseudo_values(r1, mu, sigma, p)
    z2 = compute_pseudo_values(r2, mu, sigma, p)
    grad = calc_pseudo_log_lhd_gradient(theta, z1, z2, False, False)
    return (grad**2).sum()
Ejemplo n.º 9
def log_lhd_loss(r1, r2, theta):
    mu, sigma, rho, p = theta
    z1 = compute_pseudo_values(r1, mu, sigma, p)
    z2 = compute_pseudo_values(r2, mu, sigma, p)
    return -calc_gaussian_mix_log_lhd(theta, z1, z2)