Ejemplo n.º 1
def whole_image_check(model, num_of_images, name):

    # find directory
    script_dir = os.path.dirname(
            inspect.currentframe())))  # script directory
    rel_path = "../../test_set"
    abs_file_path = os.path.join(script_dir, rel_path)
    image_list = os.listdir(abs_file_path)

    # repeat for each image
    # lets take first n images
    for i in range(num_of_images):
        # get image
        image_lab = load_images(abs_file_path,
                                image_list[i])  # image is of size 256x256
        image_l = images_to_l(image_lab)

        h, w = image_l.shape

        # split images to list of images
        slices_dim = 256 // 32
        slices = np.zeros((slices_dim * slices_dim, 32, 32, 1))
        for a in range(slices_dim):
            for b in range(slices_dim):
                slices[a * slices_dim + b] = image_l[a * 32:(a + 1) * 32,
                                                     b * 32:(b + 1) * 32,

        # lover originals dimension to 224x224 to feed vgg and increase dim
        image_l_224_b = resize_image(image_l, (224, 224))
        image_l_224 = np.repeat(image_l_224_b[:, :, np.newaxis], 3,

        # append together booth lists
        input_data = [slices,
                      ] * slices_dim**2)]

        # predict
        predictions_ab = model.predict(input_data)

        # reshape back
        original_size_im = np.zeros((h, w, 2))
        for n in range(predictions_ab.shape[0]):
            a, b = n // slices_dim * 32, n % slices_dim * 32
            original_size_im[a:a + 32, b:b + 32, :] = predictions_ab[n, :, :]

        # to rgb
        color_im = np.concatenate(
            (image_l[:, :, np.newaxis], original_size_im), axis=2)
        # color_im = np.concatenate(((np.ones(image_l.shape) * 50)[:, :, np.newaxis], original_size_im), axis=2)
        im_rgb = color.lab2rgb(color_im)

        # save
        abs_svave_path = os.path.join(script_dir, '../../result_images/')
        scipy.misc.toimage(im_rgb, cmin=0.0,
                           cmax=1.0).save(abs_svave_path + name +
Ejemplo n.º 2
def image_check(model, num_of_images, name, b_size=32, dim=3):
    script_dir = os.path.dirname(
            inspect.currentframe())))  # script directory
    rel_path = "../../test_set"
    abs_file_path = os.path.join(script_dir, rel_path)
    image_list = os.listdir(abs_file_path)

    all_images = np.zeros((num_of_images, 224, 224, dim))
    for i in range(num_of_images):
        # get image
        image_lab = load_images(abs_file_path, image_list[i],
                                size=(224, 224))  # image is of size 256x256
        image_l = images_to_l(image_lab)
        all_images[i, :, :, :] = np.tile(image_l[:, :, np.newaxis],
                                         (1, 1, 1, dim))

    color_im = model.predict(all_images, batch_size=b_size)

    for i in range(num_of_images):
        # to rgb
        lab_im = np.concatenate(
            (all_images[i, :, :, 0][:, :, np.newaxis], color_im[i]), axis=2)
        im_rgb = color.lab2rgb(lab_im)

        # save
        abs_svave_path = os.path.join(script_dir, '../../result_images/')
        scipy.misc.toimage(im_rgb, cmin=0.0,
                           cmax=1.0).save(abs_svave_path + name +
    def generate_h5_small_vgg(self, size, name):
        import h5py

        # generate examples
        x1 = np.zeros((size, 32, 32, 1))
        x2 = np.zeros((size, 224, 224, 1))
        y = np.zeros((size, 32, 32, 2))

        z1 = np.zeros((size, 224, 224, 3))

        i = 0
        while i < size:
            # print(i)
            # download image
            file_dir, file_name = self.select_file(i)
            lab_im = load_images(os.path.join(self.dir_from, file_dir), file_name, size=self.im_size)

            if type(lab_im) is not np.ndarray or lab_im == "error":

            h, w, _ = lab_im.shape

            random_i, random_j = random.randint(0, h - 32), random.randint(0, w - 32)
            im_part = lab_im[random_i: random_i + 32, random_j: random_j + 32, :]

            x1[i, :, :, :] = images_to_l(im_part)[:, :, np.newaxis]
            x2[i, :, :, :] = images_to_l(lab_im)[:, :, np.newaxis]
            y[i, :, :] = images_to_ab(im_part)

            z1[i, :, :, :] = lab_im

            i += 1

        f = h5py.File(os.path.join(self.dir_to1, name), 'w')
        # Creating dataset to store features
        f.create_dataset('small', (size, 32, 32, 1), dtype='float',  data=x1)
        f.create_dataset('vgg224', (size, self.im_size[0], self.im_size[0], 1), dtype='float', data=x2)
        # Creating dataset to store labels
        f.create_dataset('ab_hist', (size, 32, 32, 2), dtype='float', data=y)

        f = h5py.File(os.path.join(self.dir_to2, name), 'w')
        # Creating dataset to store features
        X1_dset = f.create_dataset('im', (i, 224, 224, 3), dtype='float')
        X1_dset[:] = z1[:i]

Ejemplo n.º 4
def error_let_there(model, name, path, im_size):
    Used to test let-there-be-color

    b_size = 8
    im_w, im_h = im_size

    image_list = os.listdir(path)
    num_of_images = len(image_list)

    rmses = []
    psnrs = []

    print("total batches:", num_of_images // b_size)

    for batch_n in range(num_of_images // b_size):
        all_images_l = np.zeros((b_size, im_w, im_h, 1))
        all_images = np.zeros((b_size, im_w, im_h, 3))
        all_images_rgb = np.zeros((b_size, im_w, im_h, 3))
        for i in range(b_size):
            # get image
            image_rgb = load_images_rgb(
                path, image_list[batch_n * b_size + i],
                size=im_size)  # image is of size 256x256
            image_lab = color.rgb2lab(image_rgb)
            image_l = images_to_l(image_lab)
            all_images_l[i, :, :, :] = image_l[:, :, np.newaxis]
            all_images[i, :, :, :] = image_lab
            all_images_rgb[i, :, :, :] = image_rgb

        all_vgg = np.zeros((num_of_images, 224, 224, 3))
        for i in range(b_size):
            cur_im = Image.fromarray(all_images_l[i, :, :, 0], "L")
            all_vgg[i, :, :, :] = np.tile(
                np.array(cur_im.resize((224, 224),
                                       Image.ANTIALIAS))[:, :, np.newaxis],
                (1, 1, 1, 3))

        color_im = model.predict([all_images_l, all_vgg], batch_size=b_size)

        rmses += list(rmse(color_im, all_images[:, :, :, 1:]))

        # abs_save_path = get_abs_path('../../validation_colorization/')
        for i in range(b_size):
            # to rgb
            lab_im = np.concatenate((all_images_l[i, :, :, :], color_im[i]),
            im_rgb = color.lab2rgb(lab_im)

            # calculate psnr
            psnrs.append(psnr(im_rgb * 256, all_images_rgb[i, :, ::]))

            # save
            # scipy.misc.toimage(im_rgb, cmin=0.0, cmax=1.0).save(abs_save_path + name + image_list[batch_n * b_size + i])

    return np.mean(rmses), np.mean(psnrs)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def image_error_vgg(model, name, b_size=32, dim=3):
    test_set_dir_path = get_abs_path("../../../special_test")
    # test_set_dir_path = get_abs_path("../../../subset100_000/validation")
    image_list = os.listdir(test_set_dir_path)
    num_of_images = len(image_list)

    rmses = {}
    psnrs = {}

    for batch_n in range(num_of_images // b_size):
        all_images = np.zeros((b_size, 224, 224, 3))
        all_images_rgb = np.zeros((b_size, 224, 224, 3))
        all_images_l = np.zeros((b_size, 224, 224, dim))
        for i in range(b_size):
            # get image
            image_rgb = load_images_rgb(test_set_dir_path,
                                        image_list[batch_n * b_size + i],
                                        size=(224, 224))
            image_lab = color.rgb2lab(image_rgb)
            all_images[i, :, :, :] = image_lab
            image_l = images_to_l(image_lab)
            all_images_l[i, :, :, :] = np.tile(image_l[:, :, np.newaxis],
                                               (1, 1, 1, dim))
            all_images_rgb[i, :, :, :] = image_rgb

        color_im = model.predict(all_images_l, batch_size=b_size)

        im_from = batch_n * b_size
        rmse_t = list(rmse(color_im, all_images[:, :, :, 1:]))
            im_n: r
            for im_n, r in zip(image_list[im_from:im_from + b_size], rmse_t)

        abst_path = get_abs_path('../../validation_colorization/')
        for i in range(b_size):
            # to rgb
            lab_im = np.concatenate(
                (all_images_l[i, :, :, 0][:, :, np.newaxis], color_im[i]),
            im_rgb = color.lab2rgb(lab_im)

            # psnr
            psnrs[image_list[batch_n * b_size + i]] = psnr(
                im_rgb * 256, all_images_rgb[i, :, :, :])

            # save
            scipy.misc.toimage(im_rgb, cmin=0.0,
                               cmax=1.0).save(abst_path + name +
                                              image_list[batch_n * b_size + i])

    print("RMSE:", np.mean(list(rmses.values())))
    print("PSNR:", np.mean(list(psnrs.values())))

    with open(get_abs_path("../../rmses/" + name + ".pkl"), "wb") as f:
        pickle.dump({"rmses": rmses, "psnrs": psnrs}, f)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def image_error_hist(model, name, b_size=32):
    test_set_dir_path = get_abs_path("../../../special_test")
    # test_set_dir_path = get_abs_path("../../../subset100_000/validation")
    image_list = os.listdir(test_set_dir_path)
    num_of_images = len(image_list)

    rmses = {}
    psnrs = {}

    for batch_n in range(num_of_images // b_size):
        all_images = np.zeros((b_size, 224, 224, 3))
        all_images_rgb = np.zeros((b_size, 224, 224, 3))
        all_images_l = np.zeros((b_size, 224, 224, 1))
        for i in range(b_size):
            # get image
            image_rgb = load_images_rgb(test_set_dir_path,
                                        image_list[batch_n * b_size + i],
                                              224))  # image is of size 256x256
            image_lab = color.rgb2lab(image_rgb)
            all_images[i, :, :, :] = image_lab
            image_l = images_to_l(image_lab)
            all_images_l[i, :, :, :] = image_l[:, :, np.newaxis]
            all_images_rgb[i, :, :, :] = image_rgb

        color_im = model.predict(all_images_l, batch_size=b_size)

        for i in range(b_size):
            # to rgb
            idx = np.argmax(color_im[i], axis=2)
            a = idx // 20 * 10.0 - 100 + 5
            b = idx % 20 * 10.0 - 100 + 5
            lab_im = np.concatenate((all_images[i, :, :, 0][:, :, np.newaxis],
                                     a[:, :, np.newaxis], b[:, :, np.newaxis]),
            im_rgb = color.lab2rgb(lab_im)

            im_name = image_list[batch_n * b_size + i]

            rmses[im_name] = rmse(lab_im[:, :, 1:], all_images[i, :, :, 1:])
            psnrs[im_name] = psnr(im_rgb * 256, all_images_rgb[i, :, :, :])

            # save
            # abs_svave_path = os.path.join(get_abs_path('../../validation_colorization/'))
            # scipy.misc.toimage(im_rgb, cmin=0.0, cmax=1.0).save(abs_svave_path + name + im_name)

    print("RMSE:", np.mean(list(rmses.values())))
    print("PSNR:", np.mean(list(psnrs.values())))

    with open(get_abs_path("../../rmses/" + name + ".pkl"), "wb") as f:
        pickle.dump({"rmses": rmses, "psnrs": psnrs}, f)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def error_imp9_32(model, name, path, size):
    Used to test let-there-be-color

    # find directory
    test_set_dir_path = path
    image_list = os.listdir(test_set_dir_path)
    num_of_images = len(image_list)

    rmses = []
    psnrs = []
    # repeat for each image
    # lets take first n images
    for i in range(num_of_images):
        # get image
        image_rgb = load_images_rgb(test_set_dir_path,
                                    size=size)  # image is of size 256x256
        image_lab = color.rgb2lab(image_rgb)
        image_l = images_to_l(image_lab)

        h, w = image_l.shape

        # split images to list of images
        slices_dim = size[0] // 32
        slices = np.zeros((slices_dim * slices_dim * 4, 32, 32, 1))
        for a in range(slices_dim * 2 - 1):
            for b in range(slices_dim * 2 - 1):

                slices[a * slices_dim * 2 +
                       b] = image_l[a * 32 // 2:a * 32 // 2 + 32,
                                    b * 32 // 2:b * 32 // 2 + 32, np.newaxis]

        # lover originals dimension to 224x224 to feed vgg and increase dim
        image_l_224_b = resize_image(image_l, (224, 224))
        image_l_224 = np.repeat(image_l_224_b[:, :, np.newaxis], 3,

        # append together booth lists
        input_data = [slices,
                      ] * slices_dim**2 * 4)]

        # predict
        predictions_ab = model.predict(input_data, batch_size=32)

        # reshape back
        original_size_im = np.zeros((h, w, 2))

        for n in range(predictions_ab.shape[0]):
            a, b = n // (slices_dim * 2) * 16, n % (slices_dim * 2) * 16

            if a + 32 > size[0] or b + 32 > size[1]:
                continue  # it is empty edge

            # weight decision
            if a == 0 and b == 0:
                weight = weight_top_left
            elif a == 0 and b == size[1] - 32:
                weight = weight_top_right
            elif a == 0:
                weight = weight_top
            elif a == size[0] - 32 and b == 0:
                weight = weight_bottom_left
            elif b == 0:
                weight = weight_left
            elif a == size[0] - 32 and b == size[1] - 32:
                weight = weight_bottom_right
            elif a == size[0] - 32:
                weight = weight_bottom
            elif b == size[1] - 32:
                weight = weight_right
                weight = weight_m

            im_a = predictions_ab[n, :, :, 0] * weight
            im_b = predictions_ab[n, :, :, 1] * weight

            original_size_im[a:a + 32, b:b + 32, :] += np.stack((im_a, im_b),

        rmses.append(rmse(original_size_im, image_lab[:, :, 1:]))

        # to rgb
        color_im = np.concatenate(
            (image_l[:, :, np.newaxis], original_size_im), axis=2)
        # color_im = np.concatenate(((np.ones(image_l.shape) * 50)[:, :, np.newaxis], original_size_im), axis=2)
        im_rgb = color.lab2rgb(color_im)

        # calculate psnr
        psnrs.append(psnr(im_rgb * 256, image_rgb))

        # save
        # abs_svave_path = os.path.join(get_abs_path('../../validation_colorization/'))
        # commented to speedup
        # scipy.misc.toimage(im_rgb, cmin=0.0, cmax=1.0).save(abs_svave_path + name + image_list[i])

        # print progress
        if i % 100 == 0:

    return np.mean(rmses), np.mean(psnrs)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def whole_image_check_hist(model, num_of_images, name):

    # find directory
    script_dir = os.path.dirname(
            inspect.currentframe())))  # script directory
    rel_path = "../../test_set"
    abs_file_path = os.path.join(script_dir, rel_path)
    image_list = os.listdir(abs_file_path)

    # repeat for each image
    # lets take first n images
    for i in range(num_of_images):
        # get image
        image_lab = load_images(abs_file_path,
                                image_list[i])  # image is of size 256x256
        image_l = images_to_l(image_lab)

        h, w = image_l.shape

        # split images to list of images
        slices_dim = 256 // 32
        slices = np.zeros((slices_dim * slices_dim * 4, 32, 32, 1))
        for a in range(slices_dim * 2 - 1):
            for b in range(slices_dim * 2 - 1):
                slices[a * slices_dim * 2 +
                       b] = image_l[a * 32 // 2:a * 32 // 2 + 32,
                                    b * 32 // 2:b * 32 // 2 + 32, np.newaxis]

        # lover originals dimension to 224x224 to feed vgg and increase dim
        image_l_224_b = resize_image(image_l, (224, 224))
        image_l_224 = np.repeat(image_l_224_b[:, :, np.newaxis], 3,

        # append together booth lists
        input_data = [slices,
                      ] * slices_dim**2 * 4)]

        # predict
        predictions_hist = model.predict(input_data)

        # reshape back
        indices = np.argmax(predictions_hist[:, :, :, :], axis=3)

        predictions_a = indices // 20 * 10 - 100 + 5
        predictions_b = indices % 20 * 10 - 100 + 5  # +5 to set in the middle box

        predictions_ab = np.stack((predictions_a, predictions_b), axis=3)
        original_size_im = np.zeros((h, w, 2))
        for n in range(predictions_ab.shape[0]):
            a, b = n // (slices_dim * 2) * 16, n % (slices_dim * 2) * 16

            if a + 32 > 256 or b + 32 > 256:
                continue  # it is empty edge

            # weight decision
            if a == 0 and b == 0:
                weight = weight_top_left
            elif a == 0 and b == 224:
                weight = weight_top_right
            elif a == 0:
                weight = weight_top
            elif a == 224 and b == 0:
                weight = weight_bottom_left
            elif b == 0:
                weight = weight_left
            elif a == 224 and b == 224:
                weight = weight_bottom_right
            elif a == 224:
                weight = weight_bottom
            elif b == 224:
                weight = weight_right
                weight = weight_m

            im_a = predictions_ab[n, :, :, 0] * weight
            im_b = predictions_ab[n, :, :, 1] * weight

            original_size_im[a:a + 32, b:b + 32, :] += np.stack((im_a, im_b),

        # to rgb
        color_im = np.concatenate(
            (image_l[:, :, np.newaxis], original_size_im), axis=2)
        # color_im = np.concatenate(((np.ones(image_l.shape) * 50)[:, :, np.newaxis], original_size_im), axis=2)
        im_rgb = color.lab2rgb(color_im)

        # save
        abs_svave_path = os.path.join(script_dir, '../../result_images/')
        scipy.misc.toimage(im_rgb, cmin=0.0,
                           cmax=1.0).save(abs_svave_path + name +
Ejemplo n.º 9
def whole_image_check_overlapping_no_vgg(model, num_of_images, name):

    # find directory
    script_dir = os.path.dirname(
            inspect.currentframe())))  # script directory
    rel_path = "../../test_set"
    abs_file_path = os.path.join(script_dir, rel_path)
    image_list = os.listdir(abs_file_path)

    # repeat for each image
    # lets take first n images
    for i in range(num_of_images):
        # get image
        image_lab = load_images(abs_file_path,
                                image_list[i])  # image is of size 256x256
        image_l = images_to_l(image_lab)

        h, w = image_l.shape

        # split images to list of images
        slices_dim = 256 // 32
        slices = np.zeros((slices_dim * slices_dim * 4, 32, 32, 1))
        for a in range(slices_dim * 2 - 1):
            for b in range(slices_dim * 2 - 1):

                slices[a * slices_dim * 2 +
                       b] = image_l[a * 32 // 2:a * 32 // 2 + 32,
                                    b * 32 // 2:b * 32 // 2 + 32, np.newaxis]

        # append together booth lists
        input_data = slices

        # predict
        predictions_ab = model.predict(input_data, batch_size=32)

        # reshape back
        original_size_im = np.zeros((h, w, 2))

        for n in range(predictions_ab.shape[0]):
            a, b = n // (slices_dim * 2) * 16, n % (slices_dim * 2) * 16

            if a + 32 > 256 or b + 32 > 256:
                continue  # it is empty edge

            # weight decision
            if a == 0 and b == 0:
                weight = weight_top_left
            elif a == 0 and b == 224:
                weight = weight_top_right
            elif a == 0:
                weight = weight_top
            elif a == 224 and b == 0:
                weight = weight_bottom_left
            elif b == 0:
                weight = weight_left
            elif a == 224 and b == 224:
                weight = weight_bottom_right
            elif a == 224:
                weight = weight_bottom
            elif b == 224:
                weight = weight_right
                weight = weight_m

            im_a = predictions_ab[n, :, :, 0] * weight
            im_b = predictions_ab[n, :, :, 1] * weight

            original_size_im[a:a + 32, b:b + 32, :] += np.stack((im_a, im_b),

        # to rgb
        color_im = np.concatenate(
            (image_l[:, :, np.newaxis], original_size_im), axis=2)
        # color_im = np.concatenate(((np.ones(image_l.shape) * 50)[:, :, np.newaxis], original_size_im), axis=2)
        im_rgb = color.lab2rgb(color_im)

        # save
        abs_svave_path = os.path.join(script_dir, '../../result_images/')
        scipy.misc.toimage(im_rgb, cmin=0.0,
                           cmax=1.0).save(abs_svave_path + name +
Ejemplo n.º 10
def image_error_small_hist(model, name):
    test_set_dir_path = get_abs_path("../../../special_test")
    # test_set_dir_path = get_abs_path("../../../subset100_000/validation")
    # find directory
    image_list = os.listdir(test_set_dir_path)
    num_of_images = len(image_list)

    rmses = {}
    psnrs = {}

    # repeat for each image
    # lets take first n images
    for i in range(num_of_images):
        # get image
        image_rgb = load_images_rgb(test_set_dir_path,
                                    image_list[i])  # image is of size 256x256
        image_lab = color.rgb2lab(image_rgb)
        image_l = images_to_l(image_lab)

        h, w = image_l.shape

        # split images to list of images
        slices_dim = 256 // 32
        slices = np.zeros((slices_dim * slices_dim * 4, 32, 32, 1))
        for a in range(slices_dim * 2 - 1):
            for b in range(slices_dim * 2 - 1):
                slices[a * slices_dim * 2 +
                       b] = image_l[a * 32 // 2:a * 32 // 2 + 32,
                                    b * 32 // 2:b * 32 // 2 + 32, np.newaxis]

        # lover originals dimension to 224x224 to feed vgg and increase dim
        image_l_224_b = resize_image(image_l, (224, 224))
        image_l_224 = np.repeat(image_l_224_b[:, :, np.newaxis], 3,

        # append together booth lists
        input_data = [slices,
                      ] * slices_dim**2 * 4)]

        # predict
        predictions_hist = model.predict(input_data)

        # reshape back
        indices = np.argmax(predictions_hist[:, :, :, :], axis=3)

        predictions_a = indices // 20 * 10 - 100 + 5
        predictions_b = indices % 20 * 10 - 100 + 5  # +5 to set in the middle box

        predictions_ab = np.stack((predictions_a, predictions_b), axis=3)
        original_size_im = np.zeros((h, w, 2))
        for n in range(predictions_ab.shape[0]):
            a, b = n // (slices_dim * 2) * 16, n % (slices_dim * 2) * 16

            if a + 32 > 256 or b + 32 > 256:
                continue  # it is empty edge

            # weight decision
            if a == 0 and b == 0:
                weight = weight_top_left
            elif a == 0 and b == 224:
                weight = weight_top_right
            elif a == 0:
                weight = weight_top
            elif a == 224 and b == 0:
                weight = weight_bottom_left
            elif b == 0:
                weight = weight_left
            elif a == 224 and b == 224:
                weight = weight_bottom_right
            elif a == 224:
                weight = weight_bottom
            elif b == 224:
                weight = weight_right
                weight = weight_m

            im_a = predictions_ab[n, :, :, 0] * weight
            im_b = predictions_ab[n, :, :, 1] * weight

            original_size_im[a:a + 32, b:b + 32, :] += np.stack((im_a, im_b),

        im_name = image_list[i]

        rmses[im_name] = rmse(original_size_im, image_lab[:, :, 1:])

        # to rgb
        color_im = np.concatenate(
            (image_l[:, :, np.newaxis], original_size_im), axis=2)
        # color_im = np.concatenate(((np.ones(image_l.shape) * 50)[:, :, np.newaxis], original_size_im), axis=2)
        im_rgb = color.lab2rgb(color_im)

        psnrs[im_name] = psnr(im_rgb * 256, image_rgb)

        # save
        abs_svave_path = os.path.join(
        scipy.misc.toimage(im_rgb, cmin=0.0,
                           cmax=1.0).save(abs_svave_path + name +

        if i % 500 == 0:

    print("RMSE:", np.mean(list(rmses.values())))
    print("PSNR:", np.mean(list(psnrs.values())))

    with open(get_abs_path("../../rmses/" + name + ".pkl"), "wb") as f:
        pickle.dump({"rmses": rmses, "psnrs": psnrs}, f)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def image_error_full_vgg(model, name, b_size=32):
    Used to test let-there-be-color
    abs_file_path = get_abs_path("../../../special_test")
    # abs_file_path = get_abs_path("../../../subset100_000/validation")
    image_list = os.listdir(abs_file_path)
    num_of_images = len(image_list)

    rmses = {}
    psnrs = {}

    print("total batches:", num_of_images // b_size)

    for batch_n in range(num_of_images // b_size):
        all_images_l = np.zeros((b_size, 224, 224, 1))
        all_images = np.zeros((b_size, 224, 224, 3))
        all_images_rgb = np.zeros((b_size, 224, 224, 3))
        for i in range(b_size):
            # get image
            image_rgb = load_images_rgb(abs_file_path,
                                        image_list[batch_n * b_size + i],
                                              224))  # image is of size 256x256
            image_lab = color.rgb2lab(image_rgb)
            image_l = images_to_l(image_lab)
            all_images_l[i, :, :, :] = image_l[:, :, np.newaxis]
            all_images[i, :, :, :] = image_lab
            all_images_rgb[i, :, :, :] = image_rgb

        all_vgg = np.zeros((num_of_images, 224, 224, 3))
        for i in range(b_size):
            all_vgg[i, :, :, :] = np.tile(all_images_l[i], (1, 1, 1, 3))

        color_im = model.predict([all_images_l, all_vgg], batch_size=b_size)

        im_from = batch_n * b_size
        rmse_t = list(rmse(color_im, all_images[:, :, :, 1:]))
            im_n: r
            for im_n, r in zip(image_list[im_from:im_from + b_size], rmse_t)

        abs_save_path = get_abs_path('../../validation_colorization/')
        for i in range(b_size):
            # to rgb
            lab_im = np.concatenate((all_images_l[i, :, :, :], color_im[i]),
            im_rgb = color.lab2rgb(lab_im)

            # calculate psnr
            psnrs[image_list[batch_n * b_size + i]] = psnr(
                im_rgb * 256, all_images_rgb[i, :, ::])

            # save
            scipy.misc.toimage(im_rgb, cmin=0.0,
                               cmax=1.0).save(abs_save_path + name +
                                              image_list[batch_n * b_size + i])

    print("RMSE:", np.mean(list(rmses.values())))
    print("PSNR:", np.mean(list(psnrs.values())))

    with open(get_abs_path("../../rmses/" + name + ".pkl"), "wb") as f:
        pickle.dump({"rmses": rmses, "psnrs": psnrs}, f)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def image_error_small_no_vgg(model, name):
    Used to test let-there-be-color

    # find directory
    test_set_dir_path = get_abs_path("../../../special_test")
    # test_set_dir_path = get_abs_path("../../../subset100_000/validation")
    image_list = os.listdir(test_set_dir_path)
    num_of_images = len(image_list)

    rmses = {}
    psnrs = {}
    # repeat for each image
    # lets take first n images
    for i in range(num_of_images):
        # get image
        image_rgb = load_images_rgb(test_set_dir_path,
                                    image_list[i])  # image is of size 256x256
        image_lab = color.rgb2lab(image_rgb)
        image_l = images_to_l(image_lab)

        h, w = image_l.shape

        # split images to list of images
        slices_dim = 256 // 32
        slices = np.zeros((slices_dim * slices_dim * 4, 32, 32, 1))
        for a in range(slices_dim * 2 - 1):
            for b in range(slices_dim * 2 - 1):

                slices[a * slices_dim * 2 +
                       b] = image_l[a * 32 // 2:a * 32 // 2 + 32,
                                    b * 32 // 2:b * 32 // 2 + 32, np.newaxis]

        # append together booth lists
        input_data = slices

        # predict
        predictions_ab = model.predict(input_data, batch_size=32)

        # reshape back
        original_size_im = np.zeros((h, w, 2))

        for n in range(predictions_ab.shape[0]):
            a, b = n // (slices_dim * 2) * 16, n % (slices_dim * 2) * 16

            if a + 32 > 256 or b + 32 > 256:
                continue  # it is empty edge

            # weight decision
            if a == 0 and b == 0:
                weight = weight_top_left
            elif a == 0 and b == 224:
                weight = weight_top_right
            elif a == 0:
                weight = weight_top
            elif a == 224 and b == 0:
                weight = weight_bottom_left
            elif b == 0:
                weight = weight_left
            elif a == 224 and b == 224:
                weight = weight_bottom_right
            elif a == 224:
                weight = weight_bottom
            elif b == 224:
                weight = weight_right
                weight = weight_m

            im_a = predictions_ab[n, :, :, 0] * weight
            im_b = predictions_ab[n, :, :, 1] * weight

            original_size_im[a:a + 32, b:b + 32, :] += np.stack((im_a, im_b),

        im_name = image_list[i]

        rmses[im_name] = rmse(original_size_im, image_lab[:, :, 1:])

        # to rgb
        color_im = np.concatenate(
            (image_l[:, :, np.newaxis], original_size_im), axis=2)
        # color_im = np.concatenate(((np.ones(image_l.shape) * 50)[:, :, np.newaxis], original_size_im), axis=2)
        im_rgb = color.lab2rgb(color_im)

        # calculate psnr
        psnrs[im_name] = psnr(im_rgb * 256, image_rgb)

        # save
        abs_svave_path = os.path.join(
        # commented to speedup
        scipy.misc.toimage(im_rgb, cmin=0.0,
                           cmax=1.0).save(abs_svave_path + name +

        # print progress
        if i % 500 == 0:

    print("RMSE:", np.mean(list(rmses.values())))
    print("PSNR:", np.mean(list(psnrs.values())))

    with open(get_abs_path("../../rmses/" + name + ".pkl"), "wb") as f:
        pickle.dump({"rmses": rmses, "psnrs": psnrs}, f)