Ejemplo n.º 1
    def run_initial(self, events):
        """Runs the initial batch upload

        :param events: an iterable containing events
        self_name = type(self).__name__
        for i, batch in enumerate(grouper(events, self.INITIAL_BATCH_SIZE, skip_missing=True), 1):
            self.logger.debug('%s processing initial batch %d', self_name, i)

            for j, processed_batch in enumerate(grouper(
                    batch, self.BATCH_SIZE, skip_missing=True), 1):
                self.logger.info('%s uploading initial chunk #%d (batch %d)', self_name, j, i)
                self.upload_records(processed_batch, from_queue=False)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def run_initial_export(self, events):
     uploader = DebugUploader(self)
     for i, batch in enumerate(grouper(events, 10, skip_missing=True), 1):
         print cformat('%{white!}Batch {}:%{reset}').format(i)
         print MARCXMLGenerator.objects_to_xml(event for event in batch if event is not None)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def run(self, records):
        """Runs the batch upload

        :param records: an iterable containing queue entries
        self_name = type(self).__name__
        for i, batch in enumerate(grouper(records, self.BATCH_SIZE, skip_missing=True), 1):
            self.logger.info('%s processing batch %d', self_name, i)
                for j, proc_batch in enumerate(grouper(
                        process_records(batch).iteritems(), self.BATCH_SIZE, skip_missing=True), 1):
                    self.logger.info('%s uploading chunk #%d (batch %d)', self_name, j, i)
                    self.upload_records({k: v for k, v in proc_batch}, from_queue=True)
            except Exception:
                self.logger.exception('%s could not upload batch', self_name)
            self.logger.info('%s finished batch %d', self_name, i)
        self.logger.info('%s finished', self_name)
Ejemplo n.º 4
Archivo: users.py Proyecto: fph/indico
    def migrate_links(self):
        print cformat('%{white!}migrating links')
        for avatars in grouper(self._iter_avatars(), 2500, skip_missing=True):
            avatars = {int(a.id): a for a in avatars}
            users = ((u, avatars[u.id]) for u in User.find(User.id.in_(avatars)))

            for user, avatar in committing_iterator(self.flushing_iterator(users, 250), 2500):
                registrants = set()
                user_shown = False
                for type_, entries in avatar.linkedTo.iteritems():
                    # store registrant roles, in order to avoid duplication below
                    for role, objects in entries.iteritems():
                        if (type_ == 'category' and role == 'favorite') or type_ == 'group':
                        if not objects:
                        if type_ == 'registration' and role == 'registrant':
                            registrants |= set(objects)
                        if not user_shown:
                            print cformat('%{green}+++%{reset} '
                                          '%{white!}{:6d}%{reset} %{cyan}{}%{reset}').format(user.id, user.full_name)
                            user_shown = True
                        print cformat('%{blue!}<->%{reset}        '
                                      '%{yellow!}{:4d}%{reset}x  %{green!}{:12}  %{cyan!}{}%{reset}').format(
                            len(objects), type_, role)
                        for obj in objects:
                                UserLink.create_link(user, obj, role, type_)
                            except Exception as e:
                                print cformat('%{red!}!!!%{reset}        '
                                              '%{red!}linking failed%{reset} (%{yellow!}{}%{reset}): '
                                              '{}').format(unicode(e), obj)

                # add old "registrant" entries to registration/registrant
                for reg in getattr(avatar, 'registrants', {}).itervalues():
                    if reg.getConference().getOwner() and reg not in registrants:
                        UserLink.create_link(user, reg, 'registrant', 'registration')
                        print cformat('%{cyan!}<->%{reset}        '
                                      '%{yellow!}   1%{reset}x  %{green!}{:12}  %{cyan!}{}%{reset}').format(
                            'registration', 'registrant')
Ejemplo n.º 5
Archivo: users.py Proyecto: fph/indico
 def migrate_favorite_users(self):
     print cformat('%{white!}migrating favorite users')
     for avatars in grouper(self._iter_avatars_with_favorite_users(), 2500, skip_missing=True):
         avatars = list(avatars)
         users = {u.id: u for u in User.find(User.id.in_(int(a.id) for a, _ in avatars))}
         for avatar, user_ids in committing_iterator(avatars, 1000):
             user = users.get(int(avatar.id))
             if user is None:
                 print cformat('%{red!}!!!%{reset} '
                               '%{yellow!}User {} does not exist').format(avatar.id)
             print cformat('%{green}+++%{reset} '
                           '%{white!}{:6d}%{reset} %{cyan}{}%{reset}').format(user.id, user.full_name)
             valid_users = {u.id: u for u in User.find(User.id.in_(user_ids))}
             for user_id in user_ids:
                 target = valid_users.get(user_id)
                 if target is None:
                     print cformat('%{yellow!}!!!%{reset} '
                                   '%{yellow!}User {} does not exist').format(user_id)
                 print cformat('%{blue!}<->%{reset} '
                               '%{white!}{:6d}%{reset} %{cyan}{}%{reset}').format(target.id, target.full_name)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_grouper():
    assert list(grouper([], 3)) == []
    assert list(grouper(xrange(6), 3)) == [(0, 1, 2), (3, 4, 5)]
    assert list(grouper(xrange(7), 3)) == [(0, 1, 2), (3, 4, 5), (6, None, None)]
    assert list(grouper(xrange(7), 3, fillvalue='x')) == [(0, 1, 2), (3, 4, 5), (6, 'x', 'x')]
    assert list(grouper(xrange(7), 3, skip_missing=True)) == [(0, 1, 2), (3, 4, 5), (6,)]
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_grouper():
    assert list(grouper([], 3)) == []
    assert list(grouper(xrange(6), 3)) == [(0, 1, 2), (3, 4, 5)]
    assert list(grouper(xrange(7), 3)) == [(0, 1, 2), (3, 4, 5), (6, None, None)]
    assert list(grouper(xrange(7), 3, fillvalue='x')) == [(0, 1, 2), (3, 4, 5), (6, 'x', 'x')]
    assert list(grouper(xrange(7), 3, skip_missing=True)) == [(0, 1, 2), (3, 4, 5), (6,)]