Ejemplo n.º 1
class _DateTimePair(IndicoForm):
    class Meta:
        csrf = False

    start_date = IndicoDateField(
        _(u'from'), [UsedIf(lambda form, field: form.end_date.data)])
    start_time = TimeField(None, [Optional()])
    end_date = IndicoDateField(
        _(u'to'), [UsedIf(lambda form, field: form.start_date.data)])
    end_time = TimeField(None, [Optional()])

    def start_dt(self):
        if self.start_date.data:
            return datetime.combine(self.start_date.data, self.start_time.data)
            return None

    def end_dt(self):
        if self.end_date.data:
            return datetime.combine(self.end_date.data, self.end_time.data)
            return None

    def validate_start(self, field):
        if self.start_dt and self.end_dt and self.start_dt >= self.end_dt:
            raise ValidationError(
                'The start date must be earlier than the end date.')

    validate_end = validate_start
Ejemplo n.º 2
class VCRoomListFilterForm(IndicoForm):
    direction = SelectField(_('Sort direction'), [DataRequired()],
                            choices=[('asc', _('Ascending')),
                                     ('desc', _('Descending'))])
    abs_start_date = IndicoDateField(
        _('Start Date'), [Optional(), Exclusive('rel_start_date')])
    abs_end_date = IndicoDateField(
        _('End Date'), [Optional(), Exclusive('rel_end_date')])
    rel_start_date = IntegerField(
        _('Days in the past'),
    rel_end_date = IntegerField(
        _('Days in the future'),
        [Optional(), Exclusive('abs_end_date'),

    def start_date(self):
        if self.abs_start_date.data is None and self.rel_start_date.data is None:
            return None
        return self.abs_start_date.data or (
            date.today() - timedelta(days=self.rel_start_date.data))

    def end_date(self):
        if self.abs_end_date.data is None and self.rel_end_date.data is None:
            return None
        return self.abs_end_date.data or (
            date.today() + timedelta(days=self.rel_end_date.data))
Ejemplo n.º 3
class BookingSearchForm(IndicoForm):
    room_ids = SelectMultipleField('Rooms', [DataRequired()], coerce=int)

    start_date = IndicoDateField('Start Date', [InputRequired()])
    start_time = TimeField('Start Time', [InputRequired()])
    end_date = IndicoDateField('End Date', [InputRequired()])
    end_time = TimeField('End Time', [InputRequired()])

    booked_for_name = StringField('Booked For Name')
    reason = StringField('Reason')

    is_only_mine = BooleanField('Only Mine')
    is_only_my_rooms = BooleanField('Only My Rooms')
    is_only_confirmed_bookings = BooleanField('Only Confirmed Bookings')
    is_only_pending_bookings = BooleanField('Only Prebookings')

    is_rejected = BooleanField('Is Rejected')
    is_cancelled = BooleanField('Is Cancelled')
    is_archived = BooleanField('Is Archived')

    uses_vc = BooleanField(_('Uses Videoconference'))
    needs_vc_assistance = BooleanField(_('Videoconference Setup Assistance'))
    needs_assistance = BooleanField('General Assistance')

    def start_dt(self):
        return datetime.combine(self.start_date.data, self.start_time.data)

    def end_dt(self):
        return datetime.combine(self.end_date.data, self.end_time.data)
Ejemplo n.º 4
class SearchForm(IndicoForm):
    phrase = StringField(_('Phrase'))
    field = SelectField(_('Search in'), choices=FIELD_CHOICES, default='')
    start_date = IndicoDateField('Start Date', [Optional()])
    end_date = IndicoDateField('End Date', [Optional()])

    def is_submitted(self):
        return 'search-phrase' in request.args
Ejemplo n.º 5
class CreateBlockingForm(BlockingForm):
    start_date = IndicoDateField(_(u'Start date'), [DataRequired()])
    end_date = IndicoDateField(_(u'End date'), [DataRequired()])

    def validate_start_date(self, field):
        if self.start_date.data > self.end_date.data:
            raise ValidationError('Blocking may not end before it starts!')

    validate_end_date = validate_start_date
Ejemplo n.º 6
class AccessIdentityDataForm(IndicoForm):
    birth_date = IndicoDateField(_('Birth date'), [DataRequired()])
    nationality = SelectField(_('Country of birth'), [DataRequired()])
    birth_place = StringField(_('Place of birth'), [DataRequired()])
    by_car = BooleanField(_('Are you bringing your own car?'), [Optional()], widget=SwitchWidget())
    license_plate = StringField(
        _('License plate'),
            IndicoRegexp(r'^[0-9A-Za-z]+([- ][ ]*[0-9A-Za-z]+)*$',
                         message=_('Wrong format. Only letters and numbers separated by dashes (-) or spaces allowed'))

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(AccessIdentityDataForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.nationality.choices = [('', '')] + sorted(get_countries().iteritems(), key=itemgetter(1))

    def validate_birth_date(self, field):
        if field.data > datetime.now().date():
            raise ValidationError(_('The specified date is in the future'))

    def validate_license_plate(self, field):
        if self.by_car.data and not sanitize_license_plate(field.data):
            raise ValidationError(_('Please insert a valid license plate number!'))
Ejemplo n.º 7
class AttachmentPackageForm(IndicoForm):
    added_since = IndicoDateField(
        _('Added Since'), [Optional()],
        description=_('Include only attachments uploaded after this date'))

    filter_type = IndicoRadioField(_('Include'), [DataRequired()])

    sessions = IndicoSelectMultipleCheckboxField(
        _('Sessions'), [
            UsedIf(lambda form, _: form.filter_type.data == 'sessions'),
        description=_('Include materials from selected sessions'),
    contributions = IndicoSelectMultipleCheckboxField(
        _('Contributions'), [
            UsedIf(lambda form, _: form.filter_type.data == 'contributions'),
        description=_('Include materials from selected contributions'),
    dates = IndicoSelectMultipleCheckboxField(
        _('Events scheduled on'), [
            UsedIf(lambda form, _: form.filter_type.data == 'dates'),
            'Include materials from sessions/contributions scheduled '
            'on the selected dates'))
Ejemplo n.º 8
class AccessIdentityDataForm(IndicoForm):
    birth_date = IndicoDateField(_('Birth date'), [DataRequired()])
    nationality = SelectField(_('Country of birth'), [DataRequired()])
    birth_place = StringField(_('Place of birth'), [DataRequired()])

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(AccessIdentityDataForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.nationality.choices = [('', '')] + sorted(get_countries().iteritems(), key=itemgetter(1))

    def validate_birth_date(self, field):
        if field.data > datetime.now().date():
            raise ValidationError(_('The specified date is in the future'))
Ejemplo n.º 9
class CloneRepeatUntilFormBase(CloneRepeatOnceForm):
    stop_criterion = IndicoRadioField(_('Clone'), [DataRequired()], default='num_times',
                                      choices=(('day', _('Until a given day (inclusive)')),
                                               ('num_times', _('A number of times'))))
    until_dt = IndicoDateField(_('Day'), [HiddenUnless('stop_criterion', 'day'), DataRequired()])
    num_times = IntegerField(_('Number of times'),
                             [HiddenUnless('stop_criterion', 'num_times'), DataRequired(),
                              NumberRange(1, 100, message=_("You can clone a maximum of 100 times"))],

    def __init__(self, event, **kwargs):
        kwargs.setdefault('until_dt', (self._calc_start_dt(event) + timedelta(days=14)).date())
        super().__init__(event, **kwargs)
Ejemplo n.º 10
class RequestListFilterForm(IndicoForm):
    direction = SelectField(_('Sort direction'), [DataRequired()],
                            choices=[('asc', _('Ascending')),
                                     ('desc', _('Descending'))])
    granularity = SelectField(_('Granularity'), [DataRequired()],
                              choices=[('events', _('Events')),
                                       ('talks', _('Talks'))])
    state = IndicoEnumSelectField(_('Request state'),
                                  none=_('Any state'))
    abs_start_date = IndicoDateField(
        _('Start Date'), [Optional(), Exclusive('rel_start_date')])
    abs_end_date = IndicoDateField(
        _('End Date'), [Optional(), Exclusive('rel_end_date')])
    rel_start_date = IntegerField(
        _('Days in the past'),
    rel_end_date = IntegerField(
        _('Days in the future'),
        [Optional(), Exclusive('abs_end_date'),

    def start_date(self):
        if self.abs_start_date.data is None and self.rel_start_date.data is None:
            return None
        return self.abs_start_date.data or (
            date.today() - timedelta(days=self.rel_start_date.data))

    def end_date(self):
        if self.abs_end_date.data is None and self.rel_end_date.data is None:
            return None
        return self.abs_end_date.data or (
            date.today() + timedelta(days=self.rel_end_date.data))
Ejemplo n.º 11
class ReminderForm(IndicoForm):
    default_widget_attrs = {'absolute_time': {'placeholder': 'HH:MM'}}
    recipient_fields = {'recipients', 'send_to_participants'}
    schedule_fields = {
        'schedule_type', 'absolute_date', 'absolute_time', 'relative_delta'
    schedule_recipient_fields = recipient_fields | schedule_fields

    # Schedule
    schedule_type = IndicoRadioField(
        _('Type'), [DataRequired()],
        choices=[('relative', _("Relative to the event start time")),
                 ('absolute', _("Fixed date/time")),
                 ('now', _('Send immediately'))])
    relative_delta = TimeDeltaField(
        [HiddenUnless('schedule_type', 'relative'),
    absolute_date = IndicoDateField(
        _('Date'), [HiddenUnless('schedule_type', 'absolute'),
    absolute_time = TimeField(
        [HiddenUnless('schedule_type', 'absolute'),
    # Recipients
    recipients = EmailListField(_('Email addresses'),
                                description=_('One email address per line.'))
    send_to_participants = BooleanField(
        description=_('Send the reminder to all participants/registrants '
                      'of the event.'))
    # Misc
    reply_to_address = SelectField(
        _('Sender'), [DataRequired()],
        description=_('The email address that will show up as the sender.'))
    message = TextAreaField(
        _('Note'), description=_('A custom message to include in the email.'))
    include_summary = BooleanField(
        _('Include agenda'),
            "Includes a simple text version of the event's agenda in the email."
    include_description = BooleanField(
        _('Include description'),
        description=_("Includes the event's description in the email."))

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.event = kwargs.pop('event')
        super(ReminderForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.absolute_time.description = _(
            "The event's timezone is {tz}.").format(tz=self.event.tzinfo)
        self.reply_to_address.choices = (self.event.get_allowed_sender_emails(
        if self.event.type_ == EventType.lecture:
            del self.include_summary

    def validate_recipients(self, field):
        if not field.data and not self.send_to_participants.data:
            raise ValidationError(
                _('If participants are not included you need to specify recipients.'

    def validate_send_to_participants(self, field):
        if not field.data and not self.recipients.data:
            raise ValidationError(
                _('If no recipients are specified you need to include participants.'

    def validate_schedule_type(self, field):
        # Be graceful and allow a reminder that's in the past but on the same day.
        # It will be sent immediately but that way we are a little bit more user-friendly
        if field.data == 'now':
        scheduled_dt = self.scheduled_dt.data
        if scheduled_dt is not None and scheduled_dt.date() < now_utc().date():
            raise ValidationError(_('The specified date is in the past'))

    def validate_absolute_date(self, field):
        if self.schedule_type.data == 'absolute' and field.data < date.today():
            raise ValidationError(_('The specified date is in the past'))

    def scheduled_dt(self):
        if self.schedule_type.data == 'absolute':
            if self.absolute_date.data is None or self.absolute_time.data is None:
                return None
            dt = datetime.combine(self.absolute_date.data,
            return self.event.tzinfo.localize(dt).astimezone(pytz.utc)
        elif self.schedule_type.data == 'relative':
            if self.relative_delta.data is None:
                return None
            return self.event.start_dt - self.relative_delta.data
        elif self.schedule_type.data == 'now':
            return now_utc()

    def event_start_delta(self):
        return self.relative_delta.data if self.schedule_type.data == 'relative' else None