Ejemplo n.º 1
    def message_receiver(message):

        chat_id = message.chat.id


            url, time_from, time_to = Parser(message.text).all()

                stream_url = youtube_lookup(url)
            except Exception:
                raise exceptions.InputValidationException(
                    "There was something wrong with the link you sent.")

            redis_queue.enqueue(video.download, chat_id, stream_url, time_from,

            _len = len(redis_queue.jobs)
            status_text = \
                f"Your video is currently in position #{_len} in queue." \
                if _len else "Your video will start processing immediately."

                             f"Thank you for your request! {status_text}")

        except (
        ) as e:
            bot.send_message(chat_id, e)

        except Exception as e:
            bot.send_message(chat_id, 'Oops! Something went wrong.')
            raise e
Ejemplo n.º 2
def post_advanced():
    first = None
    last = None
    id = None
    email = None
    if 'first' in request.form:
        first = request.form['first']
    if 'last' in request.form:
        last = request.form['last']
    if 'id' in request.form:
        id = request.form['id']
    if 'email' in request.form:
        email = request.form['email']
    if not any([first, last, id, email]):
        return "Error: No search query provided. Please provide one."
    p = Parser(dir_search.advanced(first, last, id, email))
    return jsonify(p.results)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self):
        self._world = World()
        directions = resources.load_directions()
        resources.load_rooms(self._world, directions)
        self._player = Player(self._world.starting_room, directions)
        commands = resources.load_commands(self)
        self._user_interface = UserInterface(commands)

        aliases = resources.load_aliases()
        errors = resources.load_errors()
        parser = Parser(directions, commands, aliases, errors)

        while True:
            (cmd, *args) = parser.get_input()
            result = cmd(*args)
            if result:
Ejemplo n.º 4
def post_basic():
    if request.method == 'GET':
        if 'query' in request.args:
            search = request.args['query']
            p = Parser(dir_search.basic(search))
            return jsonify(p.results)
        return "Error: No search query provided. Please provide one."
    elif request.method == 'POST':
        search = request.form['search']
        p = Parser(dir_search.basic(search))
        return jsonify(p.results)
 def tokenize_test(self):
     # TODO: use test sentences and ensure that the right token list comes out
         "go Bedroom",
         "go to Bedroom"
     TEST_RESULTS   = [
     parser = Parser()
     for i in range(len(TEST_SENTENCES)):
         res = parser.tokenise(TEST_SENTENCES[i])
         print res, '=?=', TEST_RESULTS[i]
         self.assertTrue(res == TEST_RESULTS[i])
Ejemplo n.º 6
    orderManager = OrderManager()
    order_idx = 4 + nb_warehouse*2
    nb_orders = int(parser.get_line(order_idx)[0])
    for i in range(nb_orders):
        coords = parser.get_line(order_idx + 1 + i*3)
        x = coords[1]
        y = coords[0]
        products_needed = parser.get_line(order_idx + 3 + i*3)
        #print("x {0} / y {1} / pro_len {2}".format(x, y, len(products_needed)))
        orderManager.add_order(i, x, y, products_needed)

    return warehouseManager, orderManager, droneManager

if __name__ == "__main__":
    file = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) > 1 else 'busy_day'
    if not file.endswith('.in'):
        file_name = file + '.in'
        file_name = file
    input_fn = 'input2016-{0}'.format(file_name)
    input = os.path.join(INPUT_FILE_DIR, input_fn)
    p = Parser(input)

    warehouseManager, orderManager, droneManager = create_model(p)
    simu(droneManager, orderManager, warehouseManager)
    output_file = 'output2016-{0}.out'.format(file)
    nb_lines = droneManager.write_output(output_file)
    print("{0} lines has been printed to {1}".format(nb_lines, output_file))
Ejemplo n.º 7
def get_basic(search):
    p = Parser(dir_search.basic(search))
    return jsonify(p.results)
Ejemplo n.º 8
class HashCodeParser:
    def __init__(self, file_name):
        self.parser = Parser(file_name)
        self.nb_lines = 0
        self.nb_columns = 0
        self.matrix = []

    def parse(self):
        self.nb_lines = self.parser.size - 1
        self.nb_columns = self.parser.get(0, 1)

    def generate_matrix(self):
        self.matrix = []
        for i in range(1, len(self.parser.lines)):

    line_idx and column_idx are 0-based. First value at 0
    If value at given indices doesn't exist : returns None
    def get(self, line_idx, column_idx):
        return self.parser.get(line_idx + 1, column_idx)

    0-based index
    def get_column(self, column_idx):
        col = []
        if column_idx >= self.nb_columns:
            return col
        for line in self.parser.lines[1:]:
            if len(line) > column_idx:
        return col

    0-based index
    def get_line(self, line_idx):
        return self.parser.lines[line_idx + 1] if line_idx < self.nb_lines else []

    0-based index
    end parameter is excluded
    Ex : [1, 4] : returns columns 1, 2 and 3
    def get_columns(self, start=0, end=None):
        if end is None:
            end = self.nb_columns
        while start < end:
            start += 1

    0-based index
    end parameter is excluded
    Ex : [1, 4] : returns lines 1, 2 and 3
    def get_lines(self, start=0, end=None):
        if end is None:
            end = self.nb_lines
        while start < end:
            start += 1

    def coherence_test(self):
        if self.nb_lines == 0:
            raise RuntimeError('You must parse before calling the coherence test')

        theoretical_line_nb = self.parser.get(0, 0)
        if theoretical_line_nb != self.nb_lines and theoretical_line_nb == len(self.parser.lines) - 1:
            raise SyntaxError('File should have {0} lines, but got {1}'.format(theoretical_line_nb, self.nb_lines))

        first_line_len = len(self.parser.lines[0])
        theoretical_first_line_nb = 2
        if first_line_len != theoretical_first_line_nb:
            raise SyntaxError('First line not the right size ({0} instead of {1})'.format(first_line_len,

        for row in self.parser.lines[1:]:
            if len(row) != self.nb_columns:
                raise SyntaxError('Row {0} is not long enough ({1} instead of {2} columns)'.format(row,
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def __init__(self, file_name):
     self.parser = Parser(file_name)
     self.nb_lines = 0
     self.nb_columns = 0
     self.matrix = []
Ejemplo n.º 10
class HashCodeParser:
    def __init__(self, file_name):
        self.parser = Parser(file_name)
        self.nb_lines = 0
        self.nb_columns = 0
        self.matrix = []

    def parse(self):
        self.nb_lines = self.parser.size - 1
        self.nb_columns = self.parser.get(0, 1)

    def generate_matrix(self):
        self.matrix = []
        for i in range(1, len(self.parser.lines)):

    line_idx and column_idx are 0-based. First value at 0
    If value at given indices doesn't exist : returns None

    def get(self, line_idx, column_idx):
        return self.parser.get(line_idx + 1, column_idx)

    0-based index

    def get_column(self, column_idx):
        col = []
        if column_idx >= self.nb_columns:
            return col
        for line in self.parser.lines[1:]:
            if len(line) > column_idx:
        return col

    0-based index

    def get_line(self, line_idx):
        return self.parser.lines[line_idx +
                                 1] if line_idx < self.nb_lines else []

    0-based index
    end parameter is excluded
    Ex : [1, 4] : returns columns 1, 2 and 3

    def get_columns(self, start=0, end=None):
        if end is None:
            end = self.nb_columns
        while start < end:
            yield (self.get_column(start))
            start += 1

    0-based index
    end parameter is excluded
    Ex : [1, 4] : returns lines 1, 2 and 3

    def get_lines(self, start=0, end=None):
        if end is None:
            end = self.nb_lines
        while start < end:
            yield (self.get_line(start))
            start += 1

    def coherence_test(self):
        if self.nb_lines == 0:
            raise RuntimeError(
                'You must parse before calling the coherence test')

        theoretical_line_nb = self.parser.get(0, 0)
        if theoretical_line_nb != self.nb_lines and theoretical_line_nb == len(
                self.parser.lines) - 1:
            raise SyntaxError('File should have {0} lines, but got {1}'.format(
                theoretical_line_nb, self.nb_lines))

        first_line_len = len(self.parser.lines[0])
        theoretical_first_line_nb = 2
        if first_line_len != theoretical_first_line_nb:
            raise SyntaxError(
                'First line not the right size ({0} instead of {1})'.format(
                    first_line_len, theoretical_first_line_nb))

        for row in self.parser.lines[1:]:
            if len(row) != self.nb_columns:
                raise SyntaxError(
                    'Row {0} is not long enough ({1} instead of {2} columns)'.
                    format(row, len(row), self.nb_columns))
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def __init__(self, file_name):
     self.parser = Parser(file_name)
     self.nb_lines = 0
     self.nb_columns = 0
     self.matrix = []
Ejemplo n.º 12
from base import AbstractExpression, Globals, Var
from input_parser import Parser

print("Available functions: ", end='')
print(*Globals.unary_operators, sep=', ', end='\n\n')

print("Use x, y, or z as variables.", end='\n\n')

input_string = input("Differentiate: ")
var = Var(input("with respect to: ").strip())
expression: AbstractExpression = Parser(input_string).parse()
print("Input parsed as: ", expression)
print("Result: ", expression.dx(var).simplify())
    def test_output_values(self):

        expected_results = [
            ('video_url', (
            ('video_url&t=50', (
            ('video_url&t=60', (
            ('video_url&t=66', (
            ('video_url&t=66 2:00', (
            ('video_url&t=50&someotherjunk', (
            ('video_url 20s', (
            ('video_url 15 25', (
            ('video_url 00:15 25s', (
            ('video_url 25s', ('video_url', '00:00:00', '00:00:25')),
            ('video_url 0:15', (
            ('video_url 00:0:15', (
            ('video_url 01:00:15 59s', (

        for parser_input, expected_outputs in expected_results:

            results = Parser(parser_input).all()

            for expected, actual in zip(expected_outputs, results):
                self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
Ejemplo n.º 14
from event_finder import EventFinder
from graph_generator import GraphGenerator
from graph_traverser import GraphTraverser
from input_parser import Parser
from possibilities import Possibilities
from state_node import StateNode

parser = Parser()
startNodeSet = parser.parseStartNodes()
adjList = parser.parseReachability()
vulnDict, portDict = parser.parseVulnerabilities()
eventMapping = parser.parseEventMapping()
eventSet = EventFinder()

# Generate attack graph
graphGenerator = GraphGenerator(startNodeSet, adjList, vulnDict, portDict)
DG = graphGenerator.generate_graph()

timestamp, src, dst, port, description, accessLevel = parser.parseNotableEvent(

graphTraverser = GraphTraverser(DG, eventSet, eventMapping, portDict.keys())
eventSequence = graphTraverser.start_traversal(timestamp, src, dst, port,
                                               description, accessLevel)

# Print possibilities
crownJewelSet = parser.parseCrownJewels()
possibilitiesGenerator = Possibilities()
notableEventStateNode = StateNode(dst, accessLevel)
possibilitiesGenerator.printPossiblePaths(DG, notableEventStateNode,