Ejemplo n.º 1
	def _SymmetryBeam( self, which, fwhm, theta, normalized ):
		Generate any-dimension beam

		theta, fwhm:
			in rad
			Can be any shape

			False | 'int' | 'sum'
					'int' means 'integrate'
			False: max=1
			'sum': beam.sum()==1
			'int': (beam * dtheta).sum()==1
			beam, ndarray
			beam.shape = fwhm.shape + theta.shape
		GaussianBeam = exp{-(theta/FWHM)^2/2/sigma^2}, its max=1, not normalized.
		Set theta=0.5*FWHM, compute exp{-(1/2)^2/2/sigma^2}=0.5(because the max=1, theta=0.5*FWHM will decreate to half power) and get sigma^2=1/(8ln2)
		\int{e^(-a*x^2)dx} = (pi/a)^0.5
		So, for the normalized GaussianBeam_normalized 
		= 1/FWHM * (4ln2/pi)^0.5 * exp(-4ln2 * theta^2 / FWHM^2)
		SincBeam = np.sinc(2.783/np.pi * theta**2 / fwhm**2)
		import numpy as np
		from jizhipy.Array import Asarray
		from jizhipy.Basic import IsType
		islistfwhm = False if(IsType.isnum(fwhm))else True
		islisttheta = False if(IsType.isnum(theta))else True
		fwhm, theta = Asarray(fwhm), Asarray(theta)
		shapefwhm, shapetheta = fwhm.shape, theta.shape
		fwhm, theta = fwhm.flatten(), theta.flatten()
		which = str(which).lower()
		if (which == 'gaussian') : b = np.exp(-4*np.log(2) * theta[None,:]**2 / fwhm[:,None]**2)
		elif (which == 'sinc') : b = np.sinc(2.783/np.pi * theta[None,:]**2 / fwhm[:,None]**2)**2
		if (normalized is not False) : 
			if (normalized == 'int') : 
				a = 1/fwhm[:,None] *(4*np.log(2)/np.pi)**0.5
				b *= a  # for 'int'
			elif (normalized == 'sum') : 
				b /= b.sum(1)[:,None]
		if (not islistfwhm and not islisttheta) : 
			b = b[0,0]
		elif (not islistfwhm and islisttheta) : 
			b = b.reshape(shapetheta)
		elif (islistfwhm and not islisttheta) : 
			b = b.reshape(shapefwhm)
		else : b = b.reshape(shapefwhm + shapetheta)
		return b
Ejemplo n.º 2
def SciNot( array ) : 
	Scientific Notation.
	value can be scale(int/float), list/n-D array
	Return [a, n], value = a * 10**n
	from jizhipy.Basic import IsType
	import numpy as np
	from jizhipy.Array import Asarray
	if (IsType.isint(array) or IsType.isfloat(array)) : islist = False
	else : islist = True
	array = Asarray(array)
	# Flatten
	shape = array.shape
	array = array.flatten()
	# Get the sign
	sign = np.sign(array)  # sign(0)=0
	# Convert to abs
	array = abs(array)
	# because sign(0)=0, convert 0 to 1
	array[array==0] = 1
	nlarge, nsmall = (array>=1), (array<1)  # bool, not int
	# Use log10 to get the power index
	# >=1
	if (nlarge.sum() > 0) : idxlarge = np.log10(array[nlarge]).astype(int)
	else : idxlarge = []
	# <1
	if (nsmall.sum() > 0) : 
		scalesmall = int(round(np.log10(array[nsmall].min())))-2
		array[nsmall] /= 10.**scalesmall
		idxsmall = np.log10(array[nsmall]).astype(int) + scalesmall
		array[nsmall] *= 10.**scalesmall
	else : idxsmall = []
	# valid and idx
	idx = np.zeros(array.size, int)
	idx[nlarge], idx[nsmall] = idxlarge, idxsmall
	valid = sign * (array / 10.**idx)
	valid, idx = valid.reshape(shape), idx.reshape(shape)
	if (islist) : return (valid, idx)
	else : return (valid[0], idx[0])
Ejemplo n.º 3
	def EllipticGaussianBeam( self, fwhm1, fwhm2, theta, phi, normalized=False ) : 
		theta, phi, fwhm1, fwhm2:
			in rad
			theta.shape == phi.shape, can be any shape
			fwhm1.shape == fwhm2.shape, can be any shape
		import numpy as np
		from jizhipy.Array import Asarray
		from jizhipy.Basic import Raise, IsType
		if (IsType.isnum(fwhm1)) : islistfwhm1 = False
		else : islistfwhm1 = True
		if (IsType.isnum(fwhm2)) : islistfwhm2 = False
		else : islistfwhm2 = True
		islistfwhm = bool(islistfwhm1 + islistfwhm2)
		if (IsType.isnum(theta)) : islisttheta = False
		else : islisttheta = True
		if (IsType.isnum(phi)) : islistphi = False
		else : islistphi = True
		islisttheta = bool(islisttheta + islistphi)
		fwhm1, fwhm2, theta, phi = Asarray(fwhm1), Asarray(fwhm2), Asarray(theta), Asarray(phi)
		shape1, shape2, shapet, shapep = fwhm1.shape, fwhm2.shape, theta.shape, phi.shape
		printstr = 'fwhm1.shape='+str(shape1)+', fwhm2.shape='+str(shape2)+', theta.shape='+str(shapet)+', phi.shape='+str(shapep)
		if (shape1 != shape2) : Raise(Exception, 'fwhm1.shape != fwhm2.shape. '+printstr)
		if (shapet != shapep) : Raise(Exception, 'theta.shape != phi.shape. '+printstr)
		fwhm1, fwhm2, theta, phi = fwhm1.flatten(), fwhm2.flatten(), theta.flatten(), phi.flatten()
		b = np.exp(-4*np.log(2) * theta[None,:]**2 * ((np.cos(phi[None,:])/fwhm1[:,None])**2 + (np.sin(phi[None,:])/fwhm2[:,None])**2))
		if (normalized) : 
			a = 4*np.log(2) * ((np.cos(phi[None,:])/fwhm1[:,None])**2 + (np.sin(phi[None,:])/fwhm2[:,None])**2)
			b = b/(np.pi/a)**0.5
			a = 0 #@
		if (not islistfwhm and not islisttheta) : b = b[0,0]
		elif (not islistfwhm and islisttheta) : 
			b = b.reshape(shapet)
		elif (islistfwhm and not islisttheta) : 
			b = b.reshape(shape1)
		else : b = b.reshape(shape1 + shapet)
		return b
Ejemplo n.º 4
	def GaussianSolidAngle( self, fwhmx, fwhmy=None ) : 
		fwhmx, fwhmy: 
			in rad
			Can be any shape, but must can broadcast
			solid_angle =GaussianSolidAngle(fwhmx, fwhmy) in sr
		from jizhipy.Basic import IsType
		from jizhipy.Array import Asarray
		import numpy as np
		fwhmx, fwhmy = Asarray(fwhmx,True), Asarray(fwhmy,True)
		if (fwhmy is None) : fwhmy = fwhmx
		fwhmx = fwhmx + 0*fwhmy  # broadcast
		fwhmy = 0*fwhmx + fwhmy
		isnum = IsType.isnum(fwhmx) + IsType.isnum(fwhmy)
		if (isnum == 2) : return self._GaussianSolidAngle(fwhmx, fwhmy)
		shape = fwhmx.shape
		fwhmx, fwhmy = fwhmx.flatten(), fwhmy.flatten()
		solid_angle = np.zeros(fwhmx.size)
		for i in range(fwhmx.size) : 
			solid_angle[i] = self._GaussianSolidAngle(fwhmx[i], fwhmy[i])
		return solid_angle.reshape(shape)