Ejemplo n.º 1
def _load_jupyter_server_extension(nb_server_app):
    if 'JUPYTERLAB_DIR' not in os.environ:
        os.environ['JUPYTERLAB_DIR'] = os.path.join(sys.prefix, 'share',
                                                    'jupyter', 'phoila')
    if 'JUPYTERLAB_SETTINGS_DIR' not in os.environ:
        os.environ['JUPYTERLAB_SETTINGS_DIR'] = os.path.join(
            jupyter_config_path()[0], 'phoila', 'settings')
    if 'JUPYTERLAB_WORKSPACES_DIR' not in os.environ:
        os.environ['JUPYTERLAB_WORKSPACES_DIR'] = os.path.join(
            jupyter_config_path()[0], 'phoila', 'workspaces')
    config = load_config(nb_server_app)
    return add_handlers(nb_server_app.web_app, config)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def get_user_settings_dir():
    """Get the configured QuantLab app directory.
    settings_dir = os.environ.get('QUANTLAB_SETTINGS_DIR')
    settings_dir = settings_dir or pjoin(jupyter_config_path()[0], 'lab',
    return osp.realpath(settings_dir)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def get_default_jupyter_config():
    """Search default jupyter configuration location paths.

    Return dictionary from configuration json files.
    config = {}
        from jupyter_core.paths import jupyter_config_path
    except ImportError:
        # jupyter not installed, must be using IPython
        return config

    for parent in jupyter_config_path():
            for file in os.listdir(parent):
                if 'nbconvert' in file and file.endswith('.json'):
                    abs_path = os.path.join(parent, file)
                    with open(abs_path) as config_file:
        except OSError:
            # some paths jupyter uses to find configurations
            # may not exist

    return config
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def list_labextensions(self):
     """List all the labextensions"""
     print("Known labextensions:")
     seen = False
     for config_dir in jupyter_config_path():
         config_dir = os.path.join(config_dir, CONFIG_DIR)
         cm = BaseJSONConfigManager(parent=self, config_dir=config_dir)
         labextensions = cm.get('labextensions')
         if labextensions:
             print(u'config dir: {}'.format(config_dir))
             seen = True
         for name, config in sorted(labextensions.items()):
             if isinstance(config, bool):
                 config = dict(enabled=config)
             enabled = config['enabled']
             full_dest = find_labextension(name)
             print(u'    {} {}: {}'.format(
                           GREEN_ENABLED if enabled else RED_DISABLED,
                           full_dest if not None else RED_X+" Files not found"
             if full_dest is not None:
                 validate_labextension_folder(name, full_dest, self.log)
     if not seen:
         print('....None found!')
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def list_nbextensions(self):
        """List all the nbextensions"""
        config_dirs = [
            os.path.join(p, 'nbconfig') for p in jupyter_config_path()

        print("Known nbextensions:")

        for config_dir in config_dirs:
            head = u'  config dir: {}'.format(config_dir)
            head_shown = False

            cm = BaseJSONConfigManager(parent=self, config_dir=config_dir)
            for section in NBCONFIG_SECTIONS:
                data = cm.get(section)
                if 'load_extensions' in data:
                    if not head_shown:
                        # only show heading if there is an nbextension here
                        head_shown = True
                    print(u'    {} section'.format(section))

                    for require, enabled in data['load_extensions'].items():
                        print(u'      {} {}'.format(
                            GREEN_ENABLED if enabled else RED_DISABLED))
                        if enabled:
                            validate_nbextension(require, logger=self.log)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def list_server_extensions(self):
        """List all enabled and disabled server extensions, by config path

        Enabled extensions are validated, potentially generating warnings.
        config_dirs = jupyter_config_path()

        # Iterate over all locations where extensions might be named.
        for config_dir in config_dirs:
            cm = BaseJSONConfigManager(parent=self, config_dir=config_dir)
            data = cm.get("jupyter_server_config")
            server_extensions = (data.setdefault("ServerApp", {}).setdefault(
                "jpserver_extensions", {}))
            if server_extensions:
                self.log.info(u'config dir: {}'.format(config_dir))

            # Iterate over packages listed in jpserver_extensions.
            for pkg_name, enabled in server_extensions.items():
                # Attempt to get extension metadata
                _, __ = _get_server_extension_metadata(pkg_name)
                self.log.info(u'    {} {}'.format(
                    pkg_name, GREEN_ENABLED if enabled else RED_DISABLED))
                    self.log.info("    - Validating {}...".format(pkg_name))
                    version = validate_server_extension(pkg_name)
                    self.log.info("      {} {} {}".format(
                        pkg_name, version, GREEN_OK))

                except ExtensionValidationError as err:
                    self.log.warn("      {} {}".format(RED_X, err))
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def __init__(self):
     # Get config from the env variables or from jupyter_cs3_config.json file
     if 'CS3_EXT_CONFIG' in os.environ.keys() and utils.strtobool(
         self.config = {}
         self.log.info("Reading CS3 config from environment")
         for name in self.__env_names:
             env_name = "CS3_" + name.upper()
             if env_name in os.environ:
                 self.log.info(f"Reading config value {name} = " +
                 self.config[name] = os.environ[env_name]
                 self.log.error(f"Unable to read {name}")
                 raise ValueError(
                     f"Unable to read {name} from environment variables")
             f'Reading CS3 config from file {self.__config_dir}{self.__config_file_name}'
         config_path = jupyter_config_path()
         if self.__config_dir not in config_path:
             # add self.config_dir to the front, if set manually
             config_path.insert(0, os.getcwd() + self.__config_dir)
         cm = ConfigManager(read_config_path=config_path)
         config_file = cm.get(self.__config_file_name)
         self.config = config_file.get("cs3")
         if self.config is None:
                 f'Error while reading cs3 config file {self.__config_dir}{self.__config_file_name}'
             raise IOError(u'Error while reading cs3 config file')
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def list_nbextensions(self):
        """List all the nbextensions"""
        config_dirs = [os.path.join(p, 'nbconfig') for p in jupyter_config_path()]
        print("Known bundlerextensions:")
        for config_dir in config_dirs:
            head = u'  config dir: {}'.format(config_dir)
            head_shown = False

            cm = BaseJSONConfigManager(parent=self, config_dir=config_dir)
            data = cm.get('notebook')
            if 'bundlerextensions' in data:
                if not head_shown:
                    # only show heading if there is an nbextension here
                    head_shown = True
                for bundler_id, info in data['bundlerextensions'].items():
                    label = info.get('label')
                    module = info.get('module_name')
                    if label is None or module is None:
                        msg = u'    {} {}'.format(bundler_id, RED_DISABLED)
                        msg = u'    "{}" from {} {}'.format(
                            label, module, GREEN_ENABLED
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def list_labextensions(self):
        """List all the labextensions"""
        print("Known labextensions:")

        for config_dir in jupyter_config_path():
            cm = BaseJSONConfigManager(parent=self, config_dir=config_dir)
            data = cm.get(CONFIG_NAME)
            labextensions = (
                data.setdefault("LabApp", {})
                .setdefault("labextensions", {})
            if labextensions:
                print(u'config dir: {}'.format(config_dir))
            for name, config in sorted(labextensions.items()):
                if isinstance(config, bool):
                    config = dict(enabled=config)
                enabled = config['enabled']
                full_dest = find_labextension(name)
                print(u'    {} {}: {}'.format(
                              GREEN_ENABLED if enabled else RED_DISABLED,
                              full_dest if not None else RED_X+" Files not found"
                if full_dest is not None:
                    validate_labextension_folder(name, full_dest, self.log)
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def __init__(self):
        config_path = jupyter_config_path()
        if self.__config_dir not in config_path:
            # add self.config_dir to the front, if set manually
            config_path.insert(0, os.getcwd() + self.__config_dir)
        cm = ConfigManager(read_config_path=config_path)
        config_file = cm.get(self.__config_file_name)
        config = config_file.get("cs3")

        # overwriting default values with config file
        if config is not None:
            for key in self.config.keys():
                if key in config.keys():
                    self.config[key] = config[key]

        # overwriting the values with env vars
        for key in self.config.keys():
            env_name = "CS3_" + key.upper()
            if env_name in os.environ:
                self.config[key] = os.environ[env_name]

        if len(self.config["root_dir_list"]) > 0:
            root_dir_list = tuple(k.strip() for k in self.config["root_dir_list"].split(','))
            self.config["root_dir_list"] = root_dir_list
            self.config["root_dir_list"] = tuple()

        if not self.config["reva_host"]:
            raise KeyError("Reva host not provided")
        if not self.config["client_id"]:
            raise KeyError("Client ID not provided")
def environ(
    system_data_dir = tmp_path / 'system_data'
    system_config_dir = tmp_path / 'system_config'
    system_path = [str(system_data_dir)]
    system_config_path = [str(system_config_dir)]

    # Set global environments variable
    monkeypatch.setenv('JUPYTER_CONFIG_DIR', str(config_dir))
    monkeypatch.setenv('JUPYTER_DATA_DIR', str(data_dir))

    # Set paths for each extension.
    for mod in (paths, ):
        monkeypatch.setattr(mod, 'SYSTEM_JUPYTER_PATH', system_path)
        monkeypatch.setattr(mod, 'ENV_JUPYTER_PATH', [])
    for mod in (paths, extensions_base):
        monkeypatch.setattr(mod, 'SYSTEM_CONFIG_PATH', system_config_path)
        monkeypatch.setattr(mod, 'ENV_CONFIG_PATH', [])

    assert paths.jupyter_config_path() == [str(config_dir)
                                           ] + system_config_path
    assert extensions_base._get_config_dir(
        user=False) == str(system_config_dir)
    assert paths.jupyter_path() == [str(data_dir)] + system_path
Ejemplo n.º 12
def get_user_settings_dir():
    """Get the configured JupyterLab user settings directory.
    settings_dir = os.environ.get('JUPYTERLAB_SETTINGS_DIR')
    settings_dir = settings_dir or pjoin(jupyter_config_path()[0], 'lab',
    return osp.realpath(settings_dir)
Ejemplo n.º 13
def get_workspaces_dir():
    """Get the configured JupyterLab workspaces directory.
    workspaces_dir = os.environ.get('JUPYTERLAB_WORKSPACES_DIR')
    workspaces_dir = workspaces_dir or pjoin(jupyter_config_path()[0], 'lab',
    return osp.realpath(workspaces_dir)
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def list_nbextensions(self):
        """List all the nbextensions"""
        config_dirs = [os.path.join(p, 'nbconfig') for p in jupyter_config_path()]
        print("Known nbextensions:")
        for config_dir in config_dirs:
            head = u'  config dir: {}'.format(config_dir)
            head_shown = False

            cm = BaseJSONConfigManager(parent=self, config_dir=config_dir)
            for section in NBCONFIG_SECTIONS:
                data = cm.get(section)
                if 'load_extensions' in data:
                    if not head_shown:
                        # only show heading if there is an nbextension here
                        head_shown = True
                    print(u'    {} section'.format(section))
                    for require, enabled in data['load_extensions'].items():
                        print(u'      {} {}'.format(
                            GREEN_ENABLED if enabled else RED_DISABLED))
                        if enabled:
                            validate_nbextension(require, logger=self.log)
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def list_nbextensions(self):
        """List all the nbextensions"""
        config_dirs = [os.path.join(p, 'nbconfig') for p in jupyter_config_path()]
        print("Known bundlerextensions:")
        for config_dir in config_dirs:
            head = u'  config dir: {}'.format(config_dir)
            head_shown = False

            cm = BaseJSONConfigManager(parent=self, config_dir=config_dir)
            data = cm.get('notebook')
            if 'bundlerextensions' in data:
                if not head_shown:
                    # only show heading if there is an nbextension here
                    head_shown = True
                for bundler_id, info in data['bundlerextensions'].items():
                    label = info.get('label')
                    module = info.get('module_name')
                    if label is None or module is None:
                        msg = u'    {} {}'.format(bundler_id, RED_DISABLED)
                        msg = u'    "{}" from {} {}'.format(
                            label, module, GREEN_ENABLED
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def _default_config_dict(self):
        """ load merged config from more jupyter_notebook_config.d files

            re-uses notebook loading machinery to look through more locations
        manager = ConfigManager(read_config_path=jupyter_config_path())
        return manager.get("jupyter_notebook_config").get("StarterManager", {})
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def get_config(self):
     cfg = Config()
     for config_path in jupyter_config_path():
         path = os.path.join(config_path, '{}.py'.format(self.config_name))
         if os.path.isfile(path):
     return cfg
Ejemplo n.º 18
def get_workspaces_dir():
    """Get the configured JupyterLab workspaces directory.
    workspaces_dir = os.environ.get('JUPYTERLAB_WORKSPACES_DIR')
    workspaces_dir = workspaces_dir or pjoin(
        jupyter_config_path()[0], 'lab', 'workspaces'
    return osp.realpath(workspaces_dir)
Ejemplo n.º 19
def get_user_settings_dir():
    """Get the configured JupyterLab user settings directory.
    settings_dir = os.environ.get('JUPYTERLAB_SETTINGS_DIR')
    settings_dir = settings_dir or pjoin(
        jupyter_config_path()[0], 'lab', 'user-settings'
    return osp.realpath(settings_dir)
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def load_config(self, config_name):
     cfg = Config()
     for path in jupyter_config_path():
         file = os.path.join(path, config_name)
         if os.path.isfile(file):
             new_cfg = PyFileConfigLoader(file).load_config()
     return cfg
Ejemplo n.º 21
def _link_jupyter_server_extension(serverapp):
    # Get the extension manager from the server
    manager = serverapp.extension_manager
    logger = serverapp.log

    # Hack that patches the enabled extensions list, prioritizing
    # jupyter nbclassic. In the future, it would be much better
    # to incorporate a dependency injection system in the
    # Extension manager that allows extensions to list
    # their dependency tree and sort that way.
    def sorted_extensions(self):
        """Dictionary with extension package names as keys
        and an ExtensionPackage objects as values.
        # Sort the keys and
        keys = sorted(self.extensions.keys())
        keys = ["nbclassic"] + keys
        return {key: self.extensions[key] for key in keys}

    manager.__class__.sorted_extensions = property(sorted_extensions)

    # Look to see if nbclassic is enabled. if so,
    # link the nbclassic extension here to load
    # its config. Then, port its config to the serverapp
    # for backwards compatibility.
        pkg = manager.extensions["nbclassic"]
        pkg.link_point("jupyter-nbclassic", serverapp)
        point = pkg.extension_points["jupyter-nbclassic"]
        nbapp = point.app
    except Exception:
        nbapp = NotebookAppTraits()

    # Proxy NotebookApp traits through serverapp to notebookapp.
    members = diff_members(serverapp, nbapp)
    for m in members:
        proxy(serverapp, nbapp, m)

    # Find jupyter server extensions listed as notebook server extensions.
    jupyter_paths = jupyter_config_path()
    config_dirs = jupyter_paths + [serverapp.config_dir]
    nbserver_extensions = get_nbserver_extensions(config_dirs)

    # Link all extensions found in the old locations for
    # notebook server extensions.
    for name, enabled in nbserver_extensions.items():
        # If the extension is already enabled in the manager, i.e.
        # because it was discovered already by Jupyter Server
        # through its jupyter_server_config, then don't re-enable here.
        if name not in manager.extensions:
            successful = manager.add_extension(name, enabled=enabled)
            if successful:
                    "{name} | extension was found and enabled by nbclassic. "
                    "Consider moving the extension to Jupyter Server's "
                    "extension paths.".format(name=name))
                manager.link_extension(name, serverapp)
Ejemplo n.º 22
def install(nb_path=None, DEBUG=False):
	install_path = None
	print('Starting hide_code.js install...')
	current_dir = path.abspath(path.dirname(__file__))
	config_dirs = j_path.jupyter_config_path()
	site_packages_path = get_site_package_dir()

	# check for config directory with a "custom" folder
	# TODO update this logic to check if custom.js file exists
	for dir in config_dirs:
		custom_dir = path.join(dir, "custom")
		if path.isdir(custom_dir):
			install_path = custom_dir

	# last ditch effort in case jupyter config directories don't contain custom/custom.js		
	if install_path == None:	
		print("No config directories contain \"custom\" folder. Trying site-packages...")	
		install_path = path.join(site_packages_path, "notebook/static/custom")

	if nb_path != None:
		install_path = nb_path
		print("Using argument supplied path: " + install_path)

	if DEBUG:

	# copy js into static/custom directory in Jupyter/iPython directory
		shutil.copyfile(path.join(current_dir, "hide_code.js"), path.join(install_path, "hide_code.js"))
		print('Copying hide_code.js to ' + install_path) 

		# add require to end of custom.js to auto-load on notebook startup
		print("Attempting to configure custom.js to auto-load hide__code.js...")
			with open(path.join(current_dir, "auto-load.txt")) as auto:
				auto_load_txt = auto.read();
				auto_loaded = False

				# check if auto-load.txt is already in custom.js
				with open(path.join(install_path, "custom.js"), 'r') as customJS:
					if auto_load_txt in customJS.read():
						auto_loaded = True
						print("Custom.js already configured to auto-load hide_code.js.")

				if not auto_loaded:  # append auto load require to end of custom.js
					with open(path.join(install_path, "custom.js"), 'a') as customJS:
						print("Configured custom.js to auto-load hide_code.js.")
			print("Custom.js not in custom directory.")
		print('Unable to install into ' + install_path)
		print('Directory doesn\'t exist.')
		print('Make sure Jupyter is installed.')
Ejemplo n.º 23
def sparkmanager_config_path():
    Gets all paths on the system that could store configuration files. 
    These paths are derived from those used by jupyter in addition to the module path 
    module_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
    jupyter_paths = jupyter_config_path()
    sparkmanager_paths = [c.replace("jupyter", "sparkmanager") for c in jupyter_paths] + [module_path]
    return sparkmanager_paths
Ejemplo n.º 24
def test_extension_manager_api():
    jpserver_extensions = {"jupyter_server.tests.extension.mockextensions": True}
    manager = ExtensionManager()
    assert manager.config_manager
    expected = _normalize_path(os.path.join(jupyter_config_path()[0], "serverconfig"))
    assert _normalize_path(manager.config_manager.read_config_path[0]) == expected
    assert len(manager.extensions) == 1
    assert "jupyter_server.tests.extension.mockextensions" in manager.extensions
Ejemplo n.º 25
def _load_jupyter_server_extension(serverapp):
    # Patch the config service manager to find the
    # proper path for old notebook frontend extensions
    config_manager = serverapp.config_manager
    read_config_path = config_manager.read_config_path
    read_config_path += [
        os.path.join(p, 'nbconfig') for p in jupyter_config_path()
    config_manager.read_config_path = read_config_path
Ejemplo n.º 26
def test_jupyter_config_path_env():
    path_env = os.pathsep.join([
        pjoin('foo', 'bar'),
        pjoin('bar', 'baz', ''), # trailing /

    with patch.dict('os.environ', {'JUPYTER_CONFIG_PATH': path_env}):
        path = jupyter_config_path()
    assert path[:2] == [pjoin('foo', 'bar'), pjoin('bar', 'baz')]
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def load_config(self):
        paths = jupyter_config_path()
        paths.insert(0, os.getcwd())

        app = NbGrader()

        return app.config
Ejemplo n.º 28
def _link_jupyter_server_extension(serverapp):
    # Get the extension manager from the server
    manager = serverapp.extension_manager
    logger = serverapp.log

    # Hack that patches the enabled extensions list, prioritizing
    # jupyter nbclassic. In the future, it would be much better
    # to incorporate a dependency injection system in the
    # Extension manager that allows extensions to list
    # their dependency tree and sort that way.
    def extensions(self):
        """Dictionary with extension package names as keys
        and an ExtensionPackage objects as values.
        # Pop out the nbclassic extension to prepend
        # this extension at the front of the sorted server extensions.
        nb = self._extensions.get("nbclassic")
        # Sort all other extensions alphabetically.
        other_extensions = dict(sorted(self._extensions.items()))
        # Build a new extensions dictionary, sorted with nbclassic first.
        sorted_extensions = {"nbclassic": nb}
        return sorted_extensions

    manager.__class__.extensions = property(extensions)

    # Look to see if nbclassic is enabled. if so,
    # link the nbclassic extension here to load
    # its config. Then, port its config to the serverapp
    # for backwards compatibility.
        pkg = manager.extensions["nbclassic"]
        pkg.link_point("jupyter-nbclassic", serverapp)
        point = pkg.extension_points["jupyter-nbclassic"]
        nbapp = point.app
    except Exception:
        nbapp = NotebookAppTraits()

    # Proxy NotebookApp traits through serverapp to notebookapp.
    members = diff_members(serverapp, nbapp)
    for m in members:
        proxy(serverapp, nbapp, m)

    # Find jupyter server extensions listed as notebook server extensions.
    jupyter_paths = jupyter_config_path()
    config_dirs = jupyter_paths + [serverapp.config_dir]
    nbserver_extensions = get_nbserver_extensions(config_dirs)

    # Link all extensions found in the old locations for
    # notebook server extensions.
    for name in nbserver_extensions:
        logger.info("{name} | extension was found and enabled by nbclassic. "
                    "Consider moving the extension to Jupyter Server's "
                    "extension paths.".format(name=name))
        manager.link_extension(name, serverapp)
Ejemplo n.º 29
def _load_jupyter_server_extension(jupyter_app):
    if "JUPYTERLAB_DIR" not in os.environ:
        os.environ["JUPYTERLAB_DIR"] = os.path.join(sys.prefix, "share",
                                                    "jupyter", "phoila")
    if "JUPYTERLAB_SETTINGS_DIR" not in os.environ:
        os.environ["JUPYTERLAB_SETTINGS_DIR"] = os.path.join(
            jupyter_config_path()[0], "phoila", "settings")
    if "JUPYTERLAB_WORKSPACES_DIR" not in os.environ:
        os.environ["JUPYTERLAB_WORKSPACES_DIR"] = os.path.join(
            jupyter_config_path()[0], "phoila", "workspaces")

    settings = jupyter_app.web_app.settings
    if "mathjax_url" not in settings:
        settings["mathjax_url"] = jupyter_app.mathjax_url
    if "mathjax_config" not in settings:
        settings["mathjax_config"] = jupyter_app.mathjax_config

    config = load_config(jupyter_app)
    return add_handlers(jupyter_app, config)
Ejemplo n.º 30
    def _default_config_dict(self):
        """load merged config from more jupyter_*_config.d files

        re-uses notebook loading machinery to look through more locations
        manager = ConfigManager(read_config_path=jupyter_config_path())
        conf = {}
        for app in ["_", "_notebook_", "_server_"]:
            conf.update(**manager.get(f"jupyter{app}config").get("StarterManager", {}))
        return conf
Ejemplo n.º 31
def test_paths():
    output = get_jupyter_output("--paths")
    for d in (jupyter_config_dir(), jupyter_data_dir(), jupyter_runtime_dir()):
        assert d in output
    for key in ("config", "data", "runtime"):
        assert ("%s:" % key) in output

    for path in (jupyter_config_path(), jupyter_path()):
        for d in path:
            assert d in output
Ejemplo n.º 32
def test_paths():
    output = get_jupyter_output('--paths')
    for d in (jupyter_config_dir(), jupyter_data_dir(), jupyter_runtime_dir()):
        assert d in output
    for key in ('config', 'data', 'runtime'):
        assert ('%s:' % key) in output

    for path in (jupyter_config_path(), jupyter_path()):
        for d in path:
            assert d in output
Ejemplo n.º 33
def test_paths():
    output = get_jupyter_output('--paths')
    for d in (jupyter_config_dir(), jupyter_data_dir(), jupyter_runtime_dir()):
        assert d in output
    for key in ('config', 'data', 'runtime'):
        assert ('%s:' % key) in output
    for path in (jupyter_config_path(), jupyter_path()):
        for d in path:
            assert d in output
Ejemplo n.º 34
    def _default_conf_d_language_servers(self):
        language_servers = {}  # type: KeyedLanguageServerSpecs

        manager = ConfigManager(read_config_path=jupyter_config_path())

        for app in APP_CONFIG_D_SECTIONS:
                self.__class__.__name__, {}).get("language_servers", {}))

        return language_servers
Ejemplo n.º 35
def find_nbgallery_url():
    for config_dir in [os.path.join(p, 'nbconfig') for p in jupyter_config_path()]:
        cm = BaseJSONConfigManager(config_dir=config_dir)
        config = cm.get('common')
            return config['nbgallery']['url']
            # keep going
    # Return from environment, or else nbgallery rails default
    return os.getenv('NBGALLERY_URL', 'http://localhost:3000')
Ejemplo n.º 36
def test_jupyter_config_path_prefer_env():
    with prefer_env, patch.object(site, 'ENABLE_USER_SITE', True):
        path = jupyter_config_path()

    # deduplicated expected values
    values = list(dict.fromkeys([
        os.path.join(site.getuserbase(), 'etc', 'jupyter')
    for p,v in zip(path, values):
        assert p == v
Ejemplo n.º 37
def check_all():
    for folder in jupyter_config_path():
        for root, _, files in os.walk(folder):
            for f in files:
                if f.endswith("json"):
                    json_pth = os.path.join(root, f)
                        with open(json_pth, 'r') as f:
                        print(f"File {json_pth} is OK.")
                    except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
                        print('Failed JSON file is: ', json_pth)
Ejemplo n.º 38
def get_labconfig(nbapp):
    """Get the merged lab configuration."""
    # Load server extensions with ConfigManager.
    # This enables merging on keys, which we want for extension enabling.
    # Regular config loading only merges at the class level,
    # so each level (user > env > system) clobbers the previous.
    config_path = jupyter_config_path()
    if nbapp.config_dir not in config_path:
        # add nbapp's config_dir to the front, if set manually
        config_path.insert(0, nbapp.config_dir)
    config_path = [os.path.join(p, CONFIG_DIR) for p in config_path]
    return ConfigManager(read_config_path=config_path)
Ejemplo n.º 39
def get_labconfig(nbapp):
    """Get the merged lab configuration."""
    # Load server extensions with ConfigManager.
    # This enables merging on keys, which we want for extension enabling.
    # Regular config loading only merges at the class level,
    # so each level (user > env > system) clobbers the previous.
    config_path = jupyter_config_path()
    if nbapp.config_dir not in config_path:
        # add nbapp's config_dir to the front, if set manually
        config_path.insert(0, nbapp.config_dir)
    config_path = [os.path.join(p, CONFIG_DIR) for p in config_path]
    return ConfigManager(read_config_path=config_path)
Ejemplo n.º 40
    def load_config(self):
        paths = jupyter_config_path()
        paths.insert(0, os.getcwd())

        config_found = False
        full_config = Config()
        for config in NbGrader._load_config_files("nbgrader_config", path=paths, log=self.log):
            config_found = True

        if not config_found:
            self.log.warning("No nbgrader_config.py file found. Rerun with DEBUG log level to see where nbgrader is looking.")

        return full_config
Ejemplo n.º 41
def _find_disable_nbextension(section, require, logger=None):
    """Disable an nbextension from the first config location where it is enabled.

    Returns True if it changed any config, False otherwise.
    for config_dir in jupyter_config_path():
        cm = BaseJSONConfigManager(
            config_dir=os.path.join(config_dir, 'nbconfig'))
        d = cm.get(section)
        if d.get('load_extensions', {}).get(require, None):
            if logger:
                logger.info("Disabling %s extension in %s", require, config_dir)
            cm.update(section, {'load_extensions': {require: None}})
            return True

    return False
Ejemplo n.º 42
def get_labextensions(parent=None):
    """Get the list of enabled lab extensions"""
    extensions = []
    config_dirs = [os.path.join(p, 'labconfig') for p in
    for config_dir in config_dirs:
        cm = BaseJSONConfigManager(parent=parent, config_dir=config_dir)
        data = cm.get("jupyterlab_config")
        labextensions = (
            data.setdefault("LabApp", {})
            .setdefault("labextensions", {})
        for name, enabled in labextensions.items():
            if enabled:
    return extensions
Ejemplo n.º 43
 def list_labextensions(self):
     """List all the labextensions"""
     config_dirs = [os.path.join(p, 'labconfig') for p in jupyter_config_path()]
     print("Known labextensions:")
     for config_dir in config_dirs:
         cm = BaseJSONConfigManager(parent=self, config_dir=config_dir)
         data = cm.get("jupyterlab_config")
         labextensions = (
             data.setdefault("LabApp", {})
             .setdefault("labextensions", {})
         if labextensions:
             print(u'config dir: {}'.format(config_dir))
         for name, enabled in labextensions.items():
             print(u'    {} {}'.format(
                           GREEN_ENABLED if enabled else RED_DISABLED))
             validate_labextension(name, self.log)
Ejemplo n.º 44
    def list_server_extensions(self):
        """List all enabled and disabled server extensions, by config path

        Enabled extensions are validated, potentially generating warnings.
        config_dirs = jupyter_config_path()
        for config_dir in config_dirs:
            cm = BaseJSONConfigManager(parent=self, config_dir=config_dir)
            data = cm.get("jupyter_notebook_config")
            server_extensions = (
                data.setdefault("NotebookApp", {})
                .setdefault("nbserver_extensions", {})
            if server_extensions:
                print(u'config dir: {}'.format(config_dir))
            for import_name, enabled in server_extensions.items():
                print(u'    {} {}'.format(
                              GREEN_ENABLED if enabled else RED_DISABLED))
                validate_serverextension(import_name, self.log)
Ejemplo n.º 45
def get_default_jupyter_config():
    """Search default jupyter configuration location paths.

    Return dictionary from configuration json files.
    config = {}
    from jupyter_core.paths import jupyter_config_path

    for parent in jupyter_config_path():
            for file in os.listdir(parent):
                if 'nbconvert' in file and file.endswith('.json'):
                    abs_path = os.path.join(parent, file)
                    with open(abs_path) as config_file:
        except OSError:
            # some paths jupyter uses to find configurations
            # may not exist

    return config
Ejemplo n.º 46
def build_config(entrypoint, include_none=False):
    if entrypoint not in entrypoint_configurables:
        raise ValueError('Config for entrypoint name %r is not defined! Accepted values are %r.' % (
            entrypoint, list(entrypoint_configurables.keys())

    # Get config from disk:
    disk_config = {}
    path = jupyter_config_path()
    path.insert(0, py3compat.getcwd())
    for c in _load_config_files('nbdime_config', path=path):
        recursive_update(disk_config, c, include_none)

    config = {}
    configurable = entrypoint_configurables[entrypoint]
    for c in reversed(configurable.mro()):
        if issubclass(c, NbdimeConfigurable):
            recursive_update(config, config_instance(c).configured_traits(c), include_none)
            if (c.__name__ in disk_config):
                recursive_update(config, disk_config[c.__name__], include_none)

    return config
    def setUp(self):
        self.tempdirs = []
        self._mock_extensions = []

        self.test_dir = self.tempdir()
        self.data_dir = os.path.join(self.test_dir, 'data')
        self.config_dir = os.path.join(self.test_dir, 'config')
        self.system_data_dir = os.path.join(self.test_dir, 'system_data')
        self.system_config_dir = os.path.join(self.test_dir, 'system_config')
        self.system_path = [self.system_data_dir]
        self.system_config_path = [self.system_config_dir]
        self.patches = []
        p = patch.dict('os.environ', {
            'JUPYTER_CONFIG_DIR': self.config_dir,
            'JUPYTER_DATA_DIR': self.data_dir,
        for mod in (paths, nbextensions):
            p = patch.object(mod,
                'SYSTEM_JUPYTER_PATH', self.system_path)
            p = patch.object(mod,
                'ENV_JUPYTER_PATH', [])
        for mod in (paths, extensions):
            p = patch.object(mod,
                'SYSTEM_CONFIG_PATH', self.system_config_path)
            p = patch.object(mod,
                'ENV_CONFIG_PATH', [])
        for p in self.patches:
        # verify our patches
        self.assertEqual(paths.jupyter_config_path(), [self.config_dir] + self.system_config_path)
        self.assertEqual(extensions._get_config_dir(user=False), self.system_config_dir)
        self.assertEqual(paths.jupyter_path(), [self.data_dir] + self.system_path)
Ejemplo n.º 48
 def list_labextensions(self):
     """List all the labextensions"""
     config_dirs = [os.path.join(p, 'labconfig') for p in jupyter_config_path()]
     print("Known labextensions:")
     for config_dir in config_dirs:
         cm = BaseJSONConfigManager(parent=self, config_dir=config_dir)
         data = cm.get("jupyterlab_config")
         labextensions = (
             data.setdefault("LabApp", {})
             .setdefault("labextensions", {})
         if labextensions:
             print(u'config dir: {}'.format(config_dir))
         for name, enabled in sorted(labextensions.items()):
             full_dest = find_labextension(name)
             print(u'    {} {}: {}'.format(
                           GREEN_ENABLED if enabled else RED_DISABLED,
                           full_dest if not None else RED_X+" Files not found"
             if full_dest is not None:
                 validate_labextension_folder(name, full_dest, self.log)
Ejemplo n.º 49
    def setUp(self):
        # Any TemporaryDirectory objects appended to this list will be cleaned
        # up at the end of the test run.
        self.tempdirs = []
        self._mock_extensions = []

        def cleanup_tempdirs():
            for d in self.tempdirs:

        self.src = self.tempdir()
        self.name = 'mockextension'
        self.files = files = [
            pjoin(u'∂ir', u'ƒile1'),
            pjoin(u'∂ir', u'∂ir2', u'ƒile2'),
        for file in files:
            fullpath = os.path.join(self.src, file)
            parent = os.path.dirname(fullpath)
            if not os.path.exists(parent):

        self.test_dir = self.tempdir()
        self.data_dir = os.path.join(self.test_dir, 'data')
        self.config_dir = os.path.join(self.test_dir, 'config')
        self.system_data_dir = os.path.join(self.test_dir, 'system_data')
        self.system_config_dir = os.path.join(self.test_dir, 'system_config')
        self.system_path = [self.system_data_dir]
        self.system_config_path = [self.system_config_dir]

        self.system_labext = os.path.join(self.system_data_dir, 'labextensions')

        self.patches = []
        p = patch.dict('os.environ', {
            'JUPYTER_CONFIG_DIR': self.config_dir,
            'JUPYTER_DATA_DIR': self.data_dir,
        for mod in (paths, labextensions):
            p = patch.object(mod,
                'SYSTEM_JUPYTER_PATH', self.system_path)
            p = patch.object(mod,
                'ENV_JUPYTER_PATH', [])
        for mod in (paths, labextensions):
            p = patch.object(mod,
                'SYSTEM_CONFIG_PATH', self.system_config_path)
            p = patch.object(mod,
                'ENV_CONFIG_PATH', [])
        for p in self.patches:

        # verify our patches
        self.assertEqual(paths.jupyter_config_path(), [self.config_dir] + self.system_config_path)
        self.assertEqual(labextensions._get_config_dir(user=False), os.path.join(self.system_config_dir, CONFIG_DIR))
        self.assertEqual(paths.jupyter_path(), [self.data_dir] + self.system_path)
Ejemplo n.º 50
 def config_file_paths(self):
     path = jupyter_config_path()
     if self.config_dir not in path:
         path.insert(0, self.config_dir)
     path.insert(0, os.getcwd())
     return path
Ejemplo n.º 51
def install(nb_path=None, server_config=True, DEBUG=False):
	install_path = None
	print('Starting hide_code.js install...')
	current_dir = path.abspath(path.dirname(__file__))
	config_dirs = j_path.jupyter_config_path()
	site_packages_path = Utils.get_site_package_dir()

	# check for config directory with a "custom" folder
	# TODO update this logic to check if custom.js file exists
	for dir in config_dirs:
		custom_dir = path.join(dir, "custom")
		if path.isdir(custom_dir):
			install_path = custom_dir

	# last ditch effort in case jupyter config directories don't contain custom/custom.js		
	if install_path == None:	
		print("No config directories contain \"custom\" folder. Trying site-packages...")	
		install_path = path.join(site_packages_path, "notebook", "static", "custom")

	if nb_path != None:
		install_path = nb_path
		print("Using argument supplied path: " + install_path)

	if DEBUG:

	# copy js into static/custom directory in Jupyter/iPython directory
	if path.isdir(install_path):
		shutil.copyfile(path.join(current_dir, "hide_code.js"), path.join(install_path, "hide_code.js"))
		print('Copying hide_code.js to ' + install_path) 

		# add require to end of custom.js to auto-load on notebook startup
		print("Attempting to configure custom.js to auto-load hide_code.js...")
			with open(path.join(current_dir, "auto-load.txt")) as auto:
				auto_load_txt = auto.read();
				auto_loaded = False

				# check if auto-load.txt is already in custom.js
				with open(path.join(install_path, "custom.js"), 'r') as customJS:
					if auto_load_txt in customJS.read():
						auto_loaded = True
						print("Custom.js already configured to auto-load hide_code.js.")

				if not auto_loaded:  # append auto load require to end of custom.js
					with open(path.join(install_path, "custom.js"), 'a') as customJS:
						print("Configured custom.js to auto-load hide_code.js.")
			print("Custom.js not in custom directory.")
		print('Unable to install into ' + install_path)
		print('Directory doesn\'t exist.')
		print('Make sure Jupyter is installed.')

	if server_config:
		print("Attempting to configure auto-loading for hide_code export handlers.")
			# Activate the Python server extension
			server_cm = ConfigManager(config_dir=j_path.jupyter_config_dir())
			cfg = server_cm.get('jupyter_notebook_config')
			server_extensions = (cfg.setdefault('NotebookApp', {})
				.setdefault('server_extensions', [])
			extension = 'hide_code.hide_code'
			if extension not in server_extensions:
				cfg['NotebookApp']['server_extensions'] += [extension]
				server_cm.update('jupyter_notebook_config', cfg)
				print('Configured jupyter to auto-load hide_code export handlers.')
				print("Jupyter already configured to auto-load export handlers.")
			print('Unable to install server extension.') 
Ejemplo n.º 52
 def _default_read_config_path(self):
     return [os.path.join(p, 'nbconfig') for p in jupyter_config_path()]