Ejemplo n.º 1
    def kalman_filter(self, observ):
        """Kalman filter using the model on a set of observations"""

        # Get system matrices
        F = self.transition_matrix()
        Q = self.transition_covariance()
        H = self.observation_matrix()
        R = self.observation_covariance()

        # Initialise arrays of Gaussian densities and (log-)likelihood
        num_time_instants = len(observ)
        flt = GaussianDensityTimeSeries(num_time_instants, self.ds)
        prd = GaussianDensityTimeSeries(num_time_instants, self.ds)
        lhood = 0

        # Loop through time instants
        for kk in range(num_time_instants):

            # Prediction
            if kk > 0:
                prd_kk = kal.predict(flt.get_instant(kk - 1), F, Q)
                prd_kk = self.initial_state_prior
            prd.set_instant(kk, prd_kk)

            # Correction - handles misisng data indicated by NaNs
            y = observ[kk]
            if not np.any(np.isnan(y)):
                # Nothing missing - full update
                flt_kk, innov = kal.correct(prd.get_instant(kk), y, H, R)
                lhood = lhood + mvn.logpdf(observ[kk], innov.mn, innov.vr)
            elif np.all(np.isnan(y)):
                # All missing - no update
                flt_kk = prd_kk
                # Partially missing - delete missing elements
                missing = np.where(np.isnan(y))
                yp = np.delete(y, missing, axis=0)
                Hp = np.delete(H, missing, axis=0)
                Rp = np.delete(np.delete(R, missing, axis=0), missing, axis=1)
                flt_kk, innov = kal.correct(prd.get_instant(kk), yp, Hp, Rp)
                lhood = lhood + mvn.logpdf(yp, innov.mn, innov.vr)

            flt.set_instant(kk, flt_kk)

        return flt, prd, lhood
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def kalman_filter(self, observ):
        """Kalman filter using the model on a set of observations"""
        # Get system matrices
        F = self.transition_matrix()
        Q = self.transition_covariance()
        H = self.observation_matrix()
        R = self.observation_covariance()

        # Initialise arrays of Gaussian densities and (log-)likelihood
        num_time_instants = len(observ)
        flt = GaussianDensityTimeSeries(num_time_instants, self.ds)
        prd = GaussianDensityTimeSeries(num_time_instants, self.ds)
        lhood = 0

        # Loop through time instants
        for kk in range(num_time_instants):

            # Prediction
            if kk > 0:
                prd_kk = kal.predict(flt.get_instant(kk-1), F, Q)
                prd_kk = self.initial_state_prior
            prd.set_instant(kk, prd_kk)

            # Correction - handles misisng data indicated by NaNs
            y = observ[kk]
            if not np.any(np.isnan(y)):
                # Nothing missing - full update
                flt_kk,innov = kal.correct(prd.get_instant(kk), y, H, R)
                lhood = lhood + mvn.logpdf(observ[kk], innov.mn, innov.vr)
            elif np.all(np.isnan(y)):
                # All missing - no update
                flt_kk = prd_kk
                # Partially missing - delete missing elements
                missing = np.where( np.isnan(y) )
                yp = np.delete(y, missing, axis=0)
                Hp = np.delete(H, missing, axis=0)
                Rp = np.delete(np.delete(R, missing, axis=0), missing, axis=1)
                flt_kk,innov = kal.correct(prd.get_instant(kk), yp, Hp, Rp)
                lhood = lhood + mvn.logpdf(yp, innov.mn, innov.vr)
            flt.set_instant(kk, flt_kk)

        return flt, prd, lhood
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def backward_simulation(self, flt):
        """Use backward simulation to sample from the state joint posterior"""

        # Get system matrices
        F = self.transition_matrix()
        Q = self.transition_covariance() + 1E-10*np.identity(self.ds)

        # Initialise sampled sequence
        num_time_instants = flt.num_time_instants
        x = np.zeros((num_time_instants, self.ds))

        # Loop through time instatnts, sampling each state
        for kk in reversed(range(num_time_instants)):
            if kk < num_time_instants-1:
                samp_dens,_ = kal.correct(flt.get_instant(kk), x[kk+1], F, Q)
                samp_dens = flt.get_instant(kk)
            x[kk] = mvn.rvs(mean=samp_dens.mn, cov=samp_dens.vr)

        return x
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def backward_simulation(self, flt):
        """Use backward simulation to sample from the state joint posterior"""

        # Get system matrices
        F = self.transition_matrix()
        Q = self.transition_covariance() + 1E-10 * np.identity(self.ds)

        # Initialise sampled sequence
        num_time_instants = flt.num_time_instants
        x = np.zeros((num_time_instants, self.ds))

        # Loop through time instatnts, sampling each state
        for kk in reversed(range(num_time_instants)):
            if kk < num_time_instants - 1:
                samp_dens, _ = kal.correct(flt.get_instant(kk), x[kk + 1], F,
                samp_dens = flt.get_instant(kk)
            x[kk] = mvn.rvs(mean=samp_dens.mn, cov=samp_dens.vr)

        return x
#u = np.array([0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1])
#Q = np.eye(x.shape[0])
sq2 = 0.1**2
Q = np.array([[0.5 * (dt**2) * sq2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, dt * sq2, 0, 0, 0, 0],
              [0, 0, sq2, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0.5 * (dt**2) * sq2, 0, 0],
              [0, 0, 0, 0, dt * sq2, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, sq2]])
R = 0.01 * np.eye(z.shape[0])

N = 100

predictions, corrections, measurements = [], [], []

for k in np.arange(0, N):
    x, P = kalman.predict(x, P, A, B, u, Q)
    x, P = kalman.correct(x, C, z, P, R)
    z = np.array([[x[0, 0] + random.uniform(0, 1)],
                  [x[1, 0] + random.uniform(0, 1)]])  # test measurement

measurements_plot_x = []
predictions_plot_x = []
corrections_plot_x = []
measurements_plot_y = []
predictions_plot_y = []
corrections_plot_y = []

for x in range(10):
    print("TEST: Predictions: {}".format(predictions[x][0][0]))
Ejemplo n.º 6
def fast_loop(print_lock, state_vector_lock, path_planning_lock, imu, enc, freq):
	clock = Clock()
	dt = 0
	while True:
		start = time.time()
		A = iss.get_A(dt) # update state transition matrix
		Q = iss.get_Q(dt) # update covariance matrix
		a_x = imu.linear_acceleration[0]
		a_y = imu.linear_acceleration[1]
		theta = imu.euler[0]
		u = iss.get_u(a_x, a_y) # get control vector (actually this is for the next loop, but this was the best way of handling the state...)
		with state_vector_lock: # required so we lidar doesn't write at the same time
			x, P = kalman.predict(x, P, A, B, u, Q) # predict state from imu
		ticks_l, ticks_r = enc.get_ticks() # get 'measured' position
		with state_vector_lock:
			x, P = kalman.correct(x, C, z, P, R)
		with path_planning_lock:
			# run control code based on position estimate and current planned path
		with print_lock:
			print("This is dummy text")

	# read imu data (to give starting acceleration)
	# while True:
	# time since clock began = clock.time()?
	# state space model to estimate position from previous imu data (with time)
		# predict belief of position vector, with covariance vector in KF
	# read imu data for this moment
	# read encoder ticks
	# state space model to estimate position, with covariance vector
		# update belief of position vector in KF
		# run control code based on current position estimate and planned path
	# actuate motors based on the control code
		clock.tick(freq) # limits the loop to "freq" fps - stops unnecessary processing power being used
		dt = time.time() - start # make sure this doesn't break / clash with clock.tick()

def slow_loop(print_lock, text):
	freq = 10
	clock = Clock()
	while True:
		with print_lock:
			print("This {} will be taken by the Lidar scanning and Path Planning".format(text))
	# while True:
		# listen for Lidar scan from arduino
		# if lidar_scan:
			# infer_position using one of the methods you know
				# update belief of position vector in KF
			# run path planning code
			# WITH PATH_PLANNING_LOCK (and maybe state_vector_lock?):
				# update path plan based on current position and end goal

def main():
	imu = imu_sensor.IMU()
	enc = encoders.Encoders()

	fast_loop_freq = Config['pygame']['fast_loop_freq'] # 60 Hz loop speed
	print_lock = threading.Lock()
	state_vector_lock = threading.Lock()
	path_planning_lock = threading.Lock()
	fast_thread = threading.Thread(target=fast_loop, args=(print_lock, state_vector_lock, path_planning_lock, imu, enc, fast_loop_freq), name="fast_loop")
	slow_thread = threading.Thread(target=slow_loop, args=(print_lock, 'dummy_text'), name="slow_loop")

if __name__ == "__main__":
Ejemplo n.º 7
H = np.eye(2)
measurementNoise = 0.9
sensor = kalman.MeasurementModel(2*H,measurementNoise,z)
kalman = kalman.KalmanFilter(np.zeros((2,2)))
stateEstimates = []
detP = []

for i in range(1,N):
    oldState = modelFreeFall.state[i-1].reshape((2,1))
    modelFreeFall.state[i] = np.transpose(modelFreeFall.calcNewState(oldState))
    trueState = modelFreeFall.state[i].reshape((2,1))
    measure = sensor.calcNewMeasurement(trueState)

    z[i] = measure.reshape(2)
    t[i] = t[i-1] + dt
detP = np.array(detP)
stateEstimates =  np.array(stateEstimates).reshape((99,2))
print detP.shape,t.shape ,np.transpose(stateEstimates)[0].shape
#plt.scatter( t, np.transpose(sensor.z)[0])
