def companion_search(fileList, primary_vsini,
                     badregions=[], interp_regions=[],
                     vsini_values=(10, 20, 30, 40),
                     Tvalues=range(3000, 6900, 100),
                     metal_values=(-0.5, 0.0, +0.5),
    This function runs a companion search over a whole grid of model spectra

    - fileList:               list of strings
                              The list of fits data files. Each file is expected to
                              have several echelle orders, each in their own fits
                              extension. Each order is represented as a binary table
                              with columns 'wavelength', 'flux', 'continuum', and 'error'

    - primary_vsini:          list of floats
                              A list of the same length as fileList,
                              which contains the vsini for each star (in km/s)

    - badregions:             list of lists, where each sub-list has size 2
                              Regions to exclude (contains strong telluric or stellar line residuals).
                              Each sublist should give the start and end wavelength to exclude

    - interp_regions:         list of lists, where each sub-list has size 2
                              Regions to interpolate over.
                              Each sublist should give the start and end wavelength to exclude

    - trimsize:               integer
                              The number of pixels to cut from both sides of each order.
                              This is because the  order edges are usually pretty noisy.

    - reject_outliers:        boolean
                              Whether or not to detect and smooth over outliers in the data.

    - vsini_values:           Any iterable
                              A list of vsini values (in km/s) to apply to each
                              model spectrum before correlation.

    - Tvalues:                Any iterable
                              A list of model temperatures (in K) to correlate the data against.

    - metal_values:           Any iterable
                              A list of [Fe/H] values to correlate the model against

    - logg_values:           Any iterable
                             A list of log(g) values (in cgs units) to correlate the model against

    - modeldir:              string
                             The path to a directory with several stellar models.
                             This is no longer used by default!

    - hdf5_file:             string
                             The path to the hdf5 file containing the pre-broadened model grid.

    - vbary_correct:         boolean
                             Correct for the heliocentric motion of the Earth around the Sun?

    - observatory:           string
                             The name of the observatory, in a way that IRAF's rvcorrect will understand.
                             Only needed if vbary_correct = True

    - addmode:               string
                             The way to add the CCFs for each order. Options are:
                                 1: 'simple': Do a simple average
                                 2: 'weighted': Do a weighted average: $C = \sum_i{w_i C_i^2}$
                                     where $w_i$ is the line depth of the each pixel
                                 3: 'simple-weighted': Same as weighted, but without squaring the CCFs:
                                     $C = \sum_i{w_i C_i}$
                                 4: 'T-weighted': Do a weighted average: $C = \sum_i{w_i C_i}$
                                    where $w_i$ is how fast each pixel changes with temperature
                                 5: 'dc': $C = \sum_i{C_i^2}$  (basically, weighting by the CCF itself)
                                 6: 'ml': The maximum likelihood estimate. See Zucker 2003, MNRAS, 342, 1291
                                 7: 'all': does simple, dc, and ml all at once.

    - output_mode:           string
                             How to output. Valid options are:
                                 1: text, which is just ascii data with a filename convention.
                                 2: hdf5, which ouputs a single hdf5 file with all the metadata
                                    necessary to classify the output. This is the default.

    - output_file:           string
                             An HDF5 file to output to. Only used if output_mode = 'hdf5'.
                             Note: The file with be placed in a directory called 'Cross_correlations'

    - obstype:               string
                             Is this a synthetic binary star or real observation? (default is real).
                             The HDF5 output is a bit different if it is a synthetic binary star observation.

    - min_x:                 float
                             The minimum wavelength to use in the model.
                             If not given, the whole model will be used

    - max_x:                 float
                             The maximum wavelength to use in the model.
                             If not given, the whole model will be used

    - debug:                 boolean
                             Flag to print a bunch of information to screen,
                             and save some intermediate data files

    - makeplots:             boolean
                             A 'higher level' of debug. Will make a plot of the
                             data and model orders for each model.

    # Make sure the temperature, metal, and logg are all at least 1d arrays.
    Tvalues = np.atleast_1d(Tvalues)
    metal_values = np.atleast_1d(metal_values)
    logg_values = np.atleast_1d(logg_values)    

    model_list = StellarModel.GetModelList(type='hdf5',
    if addmode.lower() == 't-weighted':
        modeldict, processed, sensitivity = StellarModel.MakeModelDicts(model_list, type='hdf5', hdf5_file=hdf5_file,
                                                       vsini_values=vsini_values, vac2air=True, logspace=True,
        modeldict, processed = StellarModel.MakeModelDicts(model_list, type='hdf5', hdf5_file=hdf5_file,
                                                       vsini_values=vsini_values, vac2air=True, logspace=True)
        sensitivity = None

    get_weights = True if addmode.lower() == "weighted" or addmode.lower() == 'simple-weighted' else False
    orderweights = None

    MS = SpectralTypeRelations.MainSequence()

    # Do the cross-correlation
    datadict = defaultdict(list)
    temperature_dict = defaultdict(float)
    vbary_dict = defaultdict(float)
    alpha = 0.0
    for temp in sorted(modeldict.keys()):
        for gravity in sorted(modeldict[temp].keys()):
            for metallicity in sorted(modeldict[temp][gravity].keys()):
                for vsini_sec in vsini_values:
                    if debug:
              'T: {}, logg: {}, [Fe/H]: {}, vsini: {}'.format(temp, gravity,
                                                                                     metallicity, vsini_sec))
                    # broaden the model
                    model = modeldict[temp][gravity][metallicity][alpha][vsini_sec].copy()
                    l_idx = 0 if min_x is None else np.searchsorted(model.x, min_x)
                    r_idx = model.size() if max_x is None else np.searchsorted(model.x, max_x)+1
                    model = Broaden.RotBroad(model[l_idx:r_idx], vsini_sec *, linear=True)
                    if resolution is not None:
                        model = FittingUtilities.ReduceResolutionFFT(model, resolution)

                    # Interpolate the temperature weights, if addmode='T-weighted'
                    if addmode.lower() == 't-weighted':
                        x = modeldict[temp][gravity][metallicity][alpha][vsini_sec].x
                        y = sensitivity[temp][gravity][metallicity][alpha][vsini_sec]
                        temperature_weights = spline(x, y)

                    for i, (fname, vsini_prim) in enumerate(zip(fileList, primary_vsini)):
                        if vbary_correct:
                            if fname in vbary_dict:
                                vbary = vbary_dict[fname]
                                vbary = HelCorr_IRAF(fits.getheader(fname), observatory=observatory)
                                vbary_dict[fname] = vbary
                        process_data = False if fname in datadict else True
                        if process_data:
                            orders = Process_Data(fname, badregions, interp_regions=interp_regions, logspacing=True,
                                                  extensions=extensions, trimsize=trimsize, vsini=vsini_prim,
                            header = fits.getheader(fname)
                                spt = StarData.GetData(header['object']).spectype
                                if spt == 'Unknown':
                                    temperature_dict[fname] = np.nan  # Unknown
                                    logging.warning('Spectral type retrieval from simbad failed! Entering NaN for primary temperature!')
                                    match ='[0-9]', spt)
                                    if match is None:
                                        spt = spt[0] + "5"
                                        spt = spt[:match.start() + 1]
                                    temperature_dict[fname] = MS.Interpolate(MS.Temperature, spt)
                            except AttributeError:
                                temperature_dict[fname] = np.nan  # Unknown
                                logging.warning('Spectral type retrieval from simbad failed! Entering NaN for primary temperature!')
                            datadict[fname] = orders
                            orders = datadict[fname]

                        # Now, process the model
                        model_orders = process_model(model.copy(), orders, vsini_primary=vsini_prim, maxvel=1000.0,
                                                     debug=debug, oversample=1, logspace=False)

                        # Get order weights if addmode='T-weighted'
                        if addmode.lower() == 't-weighted':
                            get_weights = False
                            orderweights = [np.sum(temperature_weights(o.x)) for o in orders]
                            addmode = 'simple-weighted'

                        if debug and makeplots:
                            fig = plt.figure('T={}   vsini={}'.format(temp, vsini_sec))
                            for o, m in zip(orders, model_orders):
                                d_scale = np.std(o.y/o.cont)
                                m_scale = np.std(m.y/m.cont)
                                plt.plot(o.x, (o.y/o.cont-1.0)/d_scale, 'k-', alpha=0.4)
                                plt.plot(m.x, (m.y/m.cont-1.0)/m_scale, 'r-', alpha=0.6)

                        # Make sure the output directory exists
                        output_dir = "Cross_correlations/"
                        outfilebase = fname.split(".fits")[0]
                        if "/" in fname:
                            dirs = fname.split("/")
                            outfilebase = dirs[-1].split(".fits")[0]
                            if obstype.lower() == 'synthetic':
                                output_dir = ""
                                for directory in dirs[:-1]:
                                    output_dir = output_dir + directory + "/"
                                output_dir = output_dir + "Cross_correlations/"

                        # Save the model and data orders, if debug=True
                        if debug:
                            # Save the individual spectral inputs and CCF orders (unweighted)
                            output_dir2 = output_dir.replace("Cross_correlations", "CCF_inputs")
                            HelperFunctions.ensure_dir("%sCross_correlations/" % (output_dir2))

                            for i, (o, m) in enumerate(zip(orders, model_orders)):
                                outfilename = "{0:s}{1:s}.{2:.0f}kps_{3:.1f}K{4:+.1f}{5:+.1f}.data.order{6:d}".format(
                                    outfilebase, vsini_sec,
                                    temp, gravity,
                                    metallicity, i + 1)
                                outfilename = "{0:s}{1:s}.{2:.0f}kps_{3:.1f}K{4:+.1f}{5:+.1f}.model.order{6:d}".format(
                                    outfilebase, vsini_sec,
                                    temp, gravity,
                                    metallicity, i + 1)

                        corr = Correlate.Correlate(orders, model_orders, addmode=addmode, outputdir=output_dir,
                                                   get_weights=get_weights, prim_teff=temperature_dict[fname],
                                                   orderweights=orderweights, debug=debug)
                        if debug:
                            corr, ccf_orders = corr

                        # Barycentric correction
                        if vbary_correct:
                            corr.x += vbary

                        # Output the ccf
                        if obstype.lower() == 'synthetic':
                            pars = {'outdir': output_dir, 'outbase': outfilebase, 'addmode': addmode,
                                    'vsini_prim': vsini_prim, 'vsini': vsini_sec,
                                    'T': temp, 'logg': gravity, '[Fe/H]': metallicity}
                            save_synthetic_ccf(corr, params=pars, mode=output_mode)
                            pars = {'outdir': output_dir, 'fname': fname, 'addmode': addmode,
                                    'vsini_prim': vsini_prim, 'vsini': vsini_sec,
                                    'T': temp, 'logg': gravity, '[Fe/H]': metallicity}
                            pars['vbary'] = vbary if vbary_correct else np.nan
                            save_ccf(corr, params=pars, mode=output_mode, hdf_outfilename=output_file)

                        # Save the individual orders, if debug=True
                        if debug:
                            for i, c in enumerate(ccf_orders):
                                print("Saving CCF inputs for order {}".format(i + 1))
                                outfilename = "{0:s}Cross_correlations/{1:s}.{2:.0f}kps_{3:.1f}K{4:+.1f}{5:+.1f}.order{6:d}".format(
                                    outfilebase, vsini_sec,
                                    temp, gravity,
                                    metallicity, i + 1)

                    # Delete the model. We don't need it anymore and it just takes up ram.
                    modeldict[temp][gravity][metallicity][alpha][vsini_sec] = []

Ejemplo n.º 2
def analyze_sensitivity(hdf5_file="Sensitivity.hdf5", interactive=True, update=True, **heatmap_kws):
    This uses the output of a previous run of check_sensitivity, and makes plots.
    Frankly, the `summarize_sensitivity` function is more useful.

    - interactive:    boolean
                      If True, the user will pick which stars to plot

    - update:         boolean
                      If True, always update the Sensitivity_Dataframe.csv file.
                      Otherwise, try to load that file instead of reading the hdf5 file

    - heatmap_kws:    Any other keyword arguments to pass to Sensitivity.heatmap()

    A dictionary of dictionaries. The inner dictionaries hold pandas DataFrames
    for specific parameter sets.
    if not update and os.path.isfile("Sensitivity_Dataframe.csv"):
        df = pd.read_csv("Sensitivity_Dataframe.csv")
        if hdf5_file.endswith("hdf5"):
            df = read_hdf5(hdf5_file)

            # Save the dataframe for later use
            df.to_csv("Sensitivity_Dataframe.csv", index=False)
        elif hdf5_file.endswith("csv"):
            # Treat the input as a csv file
            df = pd.read_csv(hdf5_file)

    # Group by a bunch of keys that probably don't change, but could
    groups = df.groupby(("star", "date", "[Fe/H]", "logg", "addmode", "primary SpT"))

    # Have the user choose keys
    if interactive:
        for i, key in enumerate(groups.groups.keys()):
            print("[{}]: {}".format(i + 1, key))
        inp = raw_input("Enter the numbers of the keys you want to plot (, or - delimited): ")
        chosen = parse_input(inp)
        keys = [k for i, k in enumerate(groups.groups.keys()) if i + 1 in chosen]
        keys = groups.groups.keys()

    # Compile dataframes for each star
    dataframes = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(pd.DataFrame))
    for key in keys:
        g = groups.get_group(key)
        detrate = g.groupby(("temperature", "vsini", "logL", "contrast")).apply(
            lambda df: float(sum(df.significance.notnull())) / float(len(df))
        significance = g.groupby(("temperature", "vsini", "logL", "contrast")).apply(
            lambda df: np.nanmean(df.significance)
        dataframes["detrate"][key] = detrate.reset_index().rename(columns={0: "detection rate"})
        dataframes["significance"][key] = significance.reset_index().rename(columns={0: "significance"})

    # Make heatmap plots for each key.
    for i, key in enumerate(keys):
        star = key[0]
        date = key[1]
        addmode = key[4]
        spt = key[5]"Making figures for {} observed on {} with addmode {}".format(star, date, addmode))
        plt.figure(i * 3 + 1)
        if len(dataframes["detrate"][key]) == 0:

        # sns.heatmap(dataframes['detrate'][key].pivot('temperature', 'vsini', 'detection rate'))
        heatmap(dataframes["detrate"][key][["vsini", "temperature", "detection rate"]], **heatmap_kws)

        plt.title("Detection Rate for {} ({}) on {}".format(star, spt, date))
        plt.savefig("Figures/T_vsini_Detrate_{}.{}.addmode-{}.pdf".format(star.replace(" ", "_"), date, addmode))

        plt.figure(i * 3 + 2)
        # sns.heatmap(dataframes['significance'][key].pivot('temperature', 'vsini', 'significance'),
        #            robust=True)
        heatmap(dataframes["significance"][key][["vsini", "temperature", "significance"]], **heatmap_kws)
        plt.title("Detection Significance for {} ({}) on {}".format(star, spt, date))
        plt.savefig("Figures/T_vsini_Significance_{}.{}.addmode-{}.pdf".format(star.replace(" ", "_"), date, addmode))

        plt.figure(i * 3 + 3)
        # p = dataframes['detrate'][key].pivot('vsini', 'contrast', 'detection rate')
        # ylabels = [round(float(L), 2) for L in p.index]
        # sns.heatmap(p, yticklabels=ylabels)
        heatmap(dataframes["detrate"][key][["vsini", "contrast", "detection rate"]], **heatmap_kws)
        plt.title("Detection Rate for {} ({}) on {}".format(star, spt, date))
        plt.savefig("Figures/contrast_vsini_Detrate_{}.{}.addmode-{}.pdf".format(star.replace(" ", "_"), date, addmode))

        if not interactive:

    if interactive:

    return dataframes