Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: cards.py Proyecto: Kile/Killua
    async def exec(self, member:discord.Member) -> None:
        self._permission_check(self.ctx, member)

        author = User(self.ctx.author.id)
        other = User(member.id)


        target_card = random.choice([x[0] for x in other.all_cards if x[0] != 1008 and x[0] != 0])
        await self._attack_defense_check(self.ctx, other, target_card)

        removed_card_other = other.remove_card(target_card)
        removed_card_author = author.remove_card(random.choice([x[0] for x in author.all_cards if x[0] != 0]))
        other.add_card(removed_card_author[0], removed_card_author[1]["fake"])
        author.add_card(removed_card_other[0], removed_card_other[1]["fake"])

        await self.ctx.send(f'Successfully swapped cards! Gave {member} the card `{removed_card_author[0]}` and took card number `{removed_card_other[0]}` from them!')
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: cards.py Proyecto: Kile/Killua
 def _has_met_check(self, prefix:str, author:User, other:discord.Member) -> None:
     if not author.has_met(other.id):
         raise CheckFailure(f"You haven\'t met this user yet! Use `{prefix}meet <@someone>` if they send a message in a channel to be able to use this card on them")
Ejemplo n.º 3
Archivo: cards.py Proyecto: Kile/Killua
 def _has_effect_check(self, user:User, effect:str) -> None:
     if user.has_effect(effect)[0]:
         raise CheckFailure("You already have this effect in place!")
Ejemplo n.º 4
Archivo: cards.py Proyecto: Kile/Killua
 def _has_any_card(self, card_id:int, user:User) -> None:
     if not user.has_any_card(card_id):
         raise CheckFailure("The specified user doesn't have this card")
Ejemplo n.º 5
Archivo: games.py Proyecto: Kile/Killua
 def __init__(self, ctx, difficulty: str):
     self.ctx = ctx
     self.user = User(ctx.author.id)
     self.difficulty = difficulty
     self.level = 1
Ejemplo n.º 6
Archivo: games.py Proyecto: Kile/Killua
class CountGame:
    """A game where you have to remember numbers and type them in the right order"""
    def __init__(self, ctx, difficulty: str):
        self.ctx = ctx
        self.user = User(ctx.author.id)
        self.difficulty = difficulty
        self.level = 1

    def _handle_reward(self) -> int:
        """Creates a jenny reward based on the level and difficulty"""
        return ((2 if self.user.is_entitled_to_double_jenny else 1) * int(
            random.randint(20, 30) * self.level *
            (0.5 if self.difficulty == "easy" else 1))
                ) if self.level > 1 else 0

    def _assign_until_unique(self, already_assigned: List[int]) -> int:
        """Picks one random free spot to put the next number in"""
        r = random.randint(1, 25)
        if r in already_assigned:
            return self._assign_until_unique(already_assigned)
            return r

    def _create_solutions(self, keep_used: bool) -> None:
        """Creates the solution dictionary"""
        res: dict = (self.solutions if hasattr(self, "solutions") else
                     {}) if keep_used else {}
        for i in range(1 if keep_used else self.level):
            res[len(res) + 1 if keep_used else i +
                1] = self._assign_until_unique(list(res.values()))
        self.solutions = res

    async def _send_solutions(self,
                              msg: discord.Message = None) -> discord.Message:
        """Sends the solutions before hiding them"""
        view = View(self.ctx.author.id)
        view.stage = 1
        for i in range(25):
                    [k for k, v in self.solutions.items()
                     if v - 1 == i][0]) if i +
                                  1 in list(self.solutions.values()) else " ",
        if not msg:
            msg = await self.ctx.bot.send_message(
                "Press the buttons in the order displayed as soon as the time starts. Good luck!",
            await msg.edit("One more button to remember. Get ready!",

        await asyncio.sleep(3 if self.level == 1 else (
            self.level * 2 * (0.5 if self.difficulty == "easy" else 1)))
        return msg

    async def _handle_game(self, msg: discord.Message) -> discord.Message:
        """The core of the game, creates the buttons and waits until the buttons return a result and handles it"""
        view = View(self.ctx.author.id,
                    timeout=self.level * 10 *
                    (0.5 if self.difficulty == "easy" else 1))
        view.stage = 1
        for i in range(25):
            view.add_item(CountButtons(self.solutions, i + 1, label=" "))
        await msg.edit(content="Can you remember?", view=view)
        await view.wait()

        if not hasattr(
                view, "correct"
        ) or not view.correct:  # This happens when the user has lost the game or it timed out
            reward = self._handle_reward()
            resp = "Too slow!" if not hasattr(view,
                                              "correct") else "Wrong choice!"
            for child in view.children:
                child.disabled = True
            await msg.edit(view=view)
            return await self.ctx.send(
                resp + " But well done, you made it to level " +
                str(self.level) + " which brings you a reward of " +
                str(reward) + " Jenny!")

        self.level += 1

        if self.level == 26:
            reward = self._handle_reward()
            return await self.ctx.send(
                "Well done, you completed the game! Your reward is " +
                str(reward) + " Jenny. Keep up the great work!")

        await asyncio.sleep(5)
        self._create_solutions(self.difficulty == "easy")
        new_msg = await self._send_solutions(msg)
        await self._handle_game(new_msg)

    async def start(self):
        """The function to call to start the game"""
        self._create_solutions(self.difficulty == "easy")
        msg = await self._send_solutions()
        await self._handle_game(msg)
Ejemplo n.º 7
Archivo: games.py Proyecto: Kile/Killua
 async def _eval_outcome(self, winlose: int, choice1, choice2,
                         player1: discord.Member,
                         player2: discord.Member) -> discord.Message:
     """Evaluates the outcome, informs the players and handles the points """
     p1 = User(player1.id)
     p2 = User(player2.id)
     if winlose == -1:
         if self.points:
             if player2 != self.ctx.me:
             return await self.ctx.send(
                 f'{self.emotes[choice1]} > {self.emotes[choice2]}: {player1.mention} won against {player2.mention} winning {self.points} Jenny which adds to a total of {p1.jenny}'
             return await self.ctx.send(
                 f'{self.emotes[choice1]} > {self.emotes[choice2]}: {player1.mention} won against {player2.mention}'
     elif winlose == 0:
         return await self.ctx.send(
             f'{self.emotes[choice1]} = {self.emotes[choice2]}: {player1.mention} tied against {player2.mention}'
     elif winlose == 1:
         if self.points:
             if player2 != self.ctx.me:
             return await self.ctx.send(
                 f'{self.emotes[choice1]} < {self.emotes[choice2]}: {player1.mention} lost against {player2.mention} losing {self.points} Jenny which leaves them a total of {p1.jenny}'
             return await self.ctx.send(
                 f'{self.emotes[choice1]} < {self.emotes[choice2]}: {player1.mention} lost against {player2.mention}'
Ejemplo n.º 8
Archivo: api.py Proyecto: Kile/Killua
 async def save_user(self, data) -> None:
     """This functions purpose is not that much getting user data but saving a user in the database"""