Ejemplo n.º 1
async def test_readiness_after_creation_with_args():
    key1 = VaultKey('some-key')
    info1 = ConnectionInfo(server='https://expected/')
    vault = Vault({key1: info1})

    assert not vault.emptiness.is_set()
    assert vault.readiness.is_set()
Ejemplo n.º 2
async def test_readiness_after_population():
    key1 = VaultKey('some-key')
    info1 = ConnectionInfo(server='https://expected/')

    vault = Vault()
    await vault.populate({key1: info1})

    assert not vault.emptiness.is_set()
    assert vault.readiness.is_set()
Ejemplo n.º 3
async def test_invalidation_continues_if_something_is_left():
    exc = Exception("Sample error.")
    key1 = VaultKey('key1')
    key2 = VaultKey('key2')
    info1 = ConnectionInfo(server='https://server1/')
    info2 = ConnectionInfo(server='https://server2/')
    vault = Vault()

    await vault.populate({key1: info1})
    await vault.populate({key2: info2})
    await vault.invalidate(key1, exc=exc)  # no exception!

    results = []
    async for key, info in vault:
        results.append((key, info))

    assert len(results) == 1
    assert results[0][0] == key2
    assert results[0][1] is info2
Ejemplo n.º 4
async def test_invalidation_continues_if_nothing_is_left_without_exception(mocker):
    key1 = VaultKey('some-key')
    info1 = ConnectionInfo(server='https://expected/')
    vault = Vault()
    mocker.patch.object(vault._ready, 'wait_for')

    await vault.populate({key1: info1})
    await vault.invalidate(key1)

    assert vault._ready.wait_for.await_args_list == [((True,),)]
Ejemplo n.º 5
async def test_invalidation_continues_if_nothing_is_left_without_exception(mocker):
    key1 = VaultKey('some-key')
    info1 = ConnectionInfo(server='https://expected/')
    vault = Vault()
    mocker.patch.object(vault.readiness, 'wait')

    await vault.populate({key1: info1})
    await vault.invalidate(key1)

    assert vault.readiness.wait.called
    assert vault.readiness.wait.waited
Ejemplo n.º 6
async def test_yielding_after_invalidation(mocker):
    key1 = VaultKey('some-key')
    info1 = ConnectionInfo(server='https://expected/')
    vault = Vault()
    mocker.patch.object(vault.readiness, 'wait')

    await vault.populate({key1: info1})
    await vault.invalidate(key1)

    with pytest.raises(LoginError):
        async for _, _ in vault:
Ejemplo n.º 7
async def test_invalidation_reraises_if_nothing_is_left_with_exception(mocker):
    exc = Exception("Sample error.")
    key1 = VaultKey('some-key')
    info1 = ConnectionInfo(server='https://expected/')
    vault = Vault()
    mocker.patch.object(vault._ready, 'wait_for')

    await vault.populate({key1: info1})
    with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
        await vault.invalidate(key1, exc=exc)

    assert e.value is exc
    assert vault._ready.wait_for.await_args_list == [((True,),)]
Ejemplo n.º 8
async def test_yielding_after_population(mocker):
    key1 = VaultKey('some-key')
    info1 = ConnectionInfo(server='https://expected/')
    vault = Vault()
    mocker.patch.object(vault.readiness, 'wait')

    await vault.populate({key1: info1})

    results = []
    async for key, info in vault:
        results.append((key, info))

    assert len(results) == 1
    assert results[0][0] == key1
    assert results[0][1] is info1
Ejemplo n.º 9
async def test_duplicates_are_remembered(mocker):
    key1 = VaultKey('some-key')
    info1 = ConnectionInfo(server='https://expected/')
    info2 = ConnectionInfo(server='https://expected/')  # another instance, same fields
    vault = Vault()
    mocker.patch.object(vault.readiness, 'wait')

    await vault.populate({key1: info1})
    await vault.invalidate(key1)
    await vault.populate({key1: info2})

    # There should be nothing to yield, despite the second populate() call.
    with pytest.raises(LoginError):
        async for _, _ in vault:
Ejemplo n.º 10
async def test_caches_with_different_purposes(mocker):
    key1 = VaultKey('some-key')
    obj1 = object()
    info1 = ConnectionInfo(server='https://expected/')
    vault = Vault()
    await vault.populate({key1: info1})

    def factory(_: ConnectionInfo) -> object:
        return obj1

    factory_spy = mocker.MagicMock(spec=factory, wraps=factory)

    async for _, _, _ in vault.extended(factory_spy, purpose='A'):

    async for _, _, _ in vault.extended(factory_spy, purpose='B'):

    assert factory_spy.call_count == 2  # once per purpose.
Ejemplo n.º 11
def fake_vault(mocker, hostname):
    Provide a freshly created and populated authentication vault for every test.

    Most of the tests expect some credentials to be at least provided
    (even if not used). So, we create and set the vault as if every coroutine
    is invoked from the central `operator` method (where it is set normally).

    Any blocking activities are mocked, so that the tests do not hang.
    from kopf.clients import auth

    key = VaultKey('fixture')
    info = ConnectionInfo(server=f'https://{hostname}')
    vault = Vault({key: info})
    token = auth.vault_var.set(vault)
    mocker.patch.object(vault._ready, 'wait_for')
        yield vault
Ejemplo n.º 12
async def test_caches_from_factory(mocker):
    key1 = VaultKey('some-key')
    obj1 = object()
    info1 = ConnectionInfo(server='https://expected/')
    vault = Vault()
    await vault.populate({key1: info1})

    def factory(_: ConnectionInfo) -> object:
        return obj1

    factory_spy = mocker.MagicMock(spec=factory, wraps=factory)

    results = []
    async for key, info, obj in vault.extended(factory_spy):
        results.append((key, info, obj))

    assert len(results) == 1
    assert results[0][0] == key1
    assert results[0][1] is info1
    assert results[0][2] is obj1

    assert factory_spy.called
Ejemplo n.º 13
async def test_evals_as_true_when_filled():
    key1 = VaultKey('some-key')
    info1 = ConnectionInfo(server='https://expected/')
    vault = Vault()
    await vault.populate({key1: info1})
    assert vault
Ejemplo n.º 14
def test_key_as_string():
    key = VaultKey('some-key')
    assert isinstance(key, str)
    assert key == 'some-key'