Ejemplo n.º 1
    def do_activate(self):
        Called when plugin is activated
        self._update_all_thread = None
        self.shell = self.object
        self.db = self.shell.props.db
        self.app = self.shell.props.application

        self._config = Config()

        sp = self.shell.props.shell_player
        self.player_cb_ids = (sp.connect('playing-song-changed',
                                         self.playing_entry_changed), )
        self.playing_entry_changed(sp, sp.get_playing_entry())


        self.running = True
        print("Activation finished")
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def do_activate (self):
        Called when plugin is activated
        self._updating_all = False
        self.emitting_uri_notify = False
        self.db = self.object.props.db

        self._config = Config()

        sp = self.object.props.shell_player
        self.player_cb_ids = (
	        sp.connect ('playing-song-changed', self.playing_entry_changed),
        self.playing_entry_changed (sp, sp.get_playing_entry ())
        print "Activation finished"
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def do_activate (self):
        Called when plugin is activated
        self._update_all_thread = None
        self.shell = self.object
        self.db = self.shell.props.db
        self.app = self.shell.props.application

        self._config = Config()

        sp = self.shell.props.shell_player
        self.player_cb_ids = (
            sp.connect ('playing-song-changed', self.playing_entry_changed),
        self.playing_entry_changed (sp, sp.get_playing_entry ())


        self.running = True
        print("Activation finished")
Ejemplo n.º 4
class LastfmPlaycountPlugin (GObject.GObject, Peas.Activatable):
    __gtype_name__ = 'LastFmPlaycount'
    object = GObject.property(type=GObject.GObject)

    def __init__ (self):
        GObject.GObject.__init__ (self)

    def do_activate (self):
        Called when plugin is activated
        self._updating_all = False
        self.emitting_uri_notify = False
        self.db = self.object.props.db

        self._config = Config()

        sp = self.object.props.shell_player
        self.player_cb_ids = (
	        sp.connect ('playing-song-changed', self.playing_entry_changed),
        self.playing_entry_changed (sp, sp.get_playing_entry ())
        print "Activation finished"

    def do_deactivate (self):
        Called when plugin is deactivated (or when rhythmbox exits)
        sp = self.object.props.shell_player
        for id in self.player_cb_ids:
            sp.disconnect (id)
        self.player_cb_ids = ()
    def update_all(self):
        Update the entire library in a separate thread.
        Calling this function might take a while, as the last.fm service restricts
        the maximum number of API calls per minute
        newthread = Thread(target=self._update_all_unthreaded, args=())
    def _update_all_unthreaded (self):
        Update the entire library.
        Calling this function might take a while, as the last.fm service restricts
        the maximum number of API calls per minute
        This is a helper function to update_all
        if not self._updating_all:
            print "Starting update of entire collection"
            self._updating_all = True
            for id in range(self.db.entry_count()):
            self._updating_all = False

    def playing_entry_changed (self, sp, entry):
        Callback function. Called whenever another song starts playing
        @sp     Rhythmbox' shell
        @entry  The currently playing song
        if entry is not None:
            # Start a new thread so UI is not blocked
            newthread = Thread(target=self.update_entry, args=(entry,))
        #Ugly hack because I can't seem to be able to access the main class in the config class
        if self._config.get_run_update_all() and not self._updating_all:
            print "Calling update_all"

    def update_entry (self, entry):
        Updates The database entry for the song provided
        @entry  The song that needs to be updated
        if entry is None:
        artist = entry.get_string(RB.RhythmDBPropType.ARTIST)
        title = entry.get_string(RB.RhythmDBPropType.TITLE)
            playcount, lovedtrack = self.get_lastfm_info(artist, title)
            if self._config.get_update_playcounts():
                old_playcount = entry.get_ulong(RB.RhythmDBPropType.PLAY_COUNT)
                if old_playcount < playcount:
                    print "Setting playcount of \"%r - %r\" to %d" % (artist, title, playcount)
                    self.db.entry_set(entry, RB.RhythmDBPropType.PLAY_COUNT, playcount)
                elif old_playcount > playcount:
                    print "Old playcount for \"%r - %r\" was higher than the new one (%d instead of %d). Not updating (assuming last.fm knows less)" % (artist, title, old_playcount, playcount)
                    print "Playcount for \%r - \%r remained the same. Not updating" % (artist, title)
            if self._config.get_update_ratings() and lovedtrack:
                print "Setting rating of \"%r - %r\" to 5 (loved track)" % (artist, title)
                self.db.entry_set(entry, RB.RhythmDBPropType.RATING, 5)
        except IOError as (errno, strerror):
            print "Could not update \"%r - %r\ (error (%r): %s)" % (artist, title, errno, strerror)
Ejemplo n.º 5
class LastfmPlaycountPlugin (GObject.GObject, Peas.Activatable):
    __gtype_name__ = 'LastFmPlaycount'
    object = GObject.property(type=GObject.GObject)

    def __init__ (self):
        GObject.GObject.__init__ (self)

    def do_activate (self):
        Called when plugin is activated
        self._update_all_thread = None
        self.shell = self.object
        self.db = self.shell.props.db
        self.app = self.shell.props.application

        self._config = Config()

        sp = self.shell.props.shell_player
        self.player_cb_ids = (
            sp.connect ('playing-song-changed', self.playing_entry_changed),
        self.playing_entry_changed (sp, sp.get_playing_entry ())


        self.running = True
        print("Activation finished")

    def do_deactivate (self):
        Called when plugin is deactivated (or when rhythmbox exits)
        self.running = False

        if self._update_all_thread is not None and self._update_all_thread.is_alive:
            print("Stopping update of playcounts")

        sp = self.shell.props.shell_player
        for id in self.player_cb_ids:
            sp.disconnect (id)
        self.player_cb_ids = ()

        # Delete all references. This is needed according to the reference doc
        # at https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Rhythmbox/Plugins/WritingGuide
        del self.shell
        del self.db
        del self.app
        del self.update_menu_item
        del self.update_action
        del self._update_all_thread
        del self.running

    def _init_ui (self):
        # Used https://github.com/fossfreedom/alternative-toolbar/blob/master/alttoolbar_rb3compat.py as documentation
        print("Extending the UI with our own actions")
        self.update_action = Gio.SimpleAction(name="updatelastfmplaycount")
        self.update_action.connect('activate', self.update_all)

        self.update_menu_item = Gio.MenuItem()
        # So, if you're reading this code hoping to find the solution to all
        # your gobject woes, then please do note the "app." prefix on the next
        # line. It will make your life okay again, I promise.
        self.update_menu_item.set_label("Update Last.fm playcount")
        self.app.add_plugin_menu_item('tools', 'updatelastfmplaycount', self.update_menu_item)

    def update_all (self, args, kwargs):
        Update the entire library in a separate thread.
        Calling this function might take a while, as the last.fm service restricts
        the maximum number of API calls per minute
        @args given to us by Gio, ignored
        @kwargs given to us by Gio, ignored
        if self._update_all_thread is not None and self._update_all_thread.is_alive:
            print("Not starting a new update_all thread because a previous\
                    one is already running")
        self._update_all_thread = Thread(target=self._update_all_unthreaded, args=())

    def _update_all_unthreaded (self):
        Update the entire library.
        Calling this function might take a while, as the last.fm service restricts
        the maximum number of API calls per minute
        This is a helper function to update_all
        print("Starting update of entire collection")
            self.db.entry_foreach_by_type(self.db.entry_type_get_by_name("song"), self._update_entry_slowly)
        except InterruptedError:
            print("Updating of all playcounts was interrupted")

    def _update_entry_slowly(self, entry):
        Helper function for _update_all_unthreaded, to allow us to adhere to
        Last.fm's API call limits by sleeping for 1 second between every call.
        @entry  The song that needs to be updated

    def playing_entry_changed (self, sp, entry):
        Callback function. Called whenever another song starts playing
        @sp     Rhythmbox' shell
        @entry  The currently playing song
        if entry is not None:
            # Start a new thread so UI is not blocked
            newthread = Thread(target=self.update_entry, args=(entry,))

    def update_entry (self, entry):
        Updates The database entry for the song provided
        @entry  The song that needs to be updated
        if entry is None:
        if not self.running:
            # Rhythmbox is exiting. Stop updating new entries
            raise InterruptedError()
        artist = entry.get_string(RB.RhythmDBPropType.ARTIST)
        title = entry.get_string(RB.RhythmDBPropType.TITLE)
            playcount, lovedtrack = self.get_lastfm_info(artist, title)
            if self._config.get_update_playcounts():
                old_playcount = entry.get_ulong(RB.RhythmDBPropType.PLAY_COUNT)
                print("Setting playcount of \"%r - %r\" to %d" % (artist, title, playcount))
                if old_playcount < playcount:
                    self.db.entry_set(entry, RB.RhythmDBPropType.PLAY_COUNT, playcount)
                elif old_playcount > playcount:
                    print("Old playcount for \"%r - %r\" was higher than the new one (%d instead of %d). Not updating (assuming last.fm knows less)" % (artist, title, old_playcount, playcount))
                    print("Playcount for \%r - \%r remained the same. Not updating" % (artist, title))
            if self._config.get_update_ratings() and lovedtrack:
                print("Setting rating of \"%r - %r\" to 5 (loved track)" % (artist, title))
                self.db.entry_set(entry, RB.RhythmDBPropType.RATING, 5)
        except IOError as e:
            print("Could not update \"%r - %r\ (error (%r): %s)" % (artist, title, e.errno, e.strerror))

    def get_lastfm_info(self, artist, title):
        Invokes Last.fm's API to get the playcount for the provided song
        @artist The artist of the song
        @title  The title of the song
        @return The playcount, and whether or not the track is loved
        params = urllib.parse.urlencode({'method':'track.getinfo', 'api_key':LASTFM_API_KEY,
            'artist':artist, 'track':title, 'username':self._config.get_username(), 'autocorrect':1})
        response = minidom.parse(urllib.request.urlopen("http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/?%s" % params))
            playcount = response.getElementsByTagName("userplaycount")[0].childNodes[0].data
            playcount = int(playcount)
            playcount = 0
            lovedtrack = response.getElementsByTagName("userloved")[0].childNodes[0].data
            lovedtrack = bool(int(lovedtrack))
            lovedtrack = False
        return (playcount,lovedtrack)
Ejemplo n.º 6
class LastfmPlaycountPlugin(GObject.GObject, Peas.Activatable):
    __gtype_name__ = 'LastFmPlaycount'
    object = GObject.property(type=GObject.GObject)

    def __init__(self):

    def do_activate(self):
        Called when plugin is activated
        self._update_all_thread = None
        self.shell = self.object
        self.db = self.shell.props.db
        self.app = self.shell.props.application

        self._config = Config()

        sp = self.shell.props.shell_player
        self.player_cb_ids = (sp.connect('playing-song-changed',
                                         self.playing_entry_changed), )
        self.playing_entry_changed(sp, sp.get_playing_entry())


        self.running = True
        print("Activation finished")

    def do_deactivate(self):
        Called when plugin is deactivated (or when rhythmbox exits)
        self.running = False

        if self._update_all_thread is not None and self._update_all_thread.is_alive:
            print("Stopping update of playcounts")

        sp = self.shell.props.shell_player
        for id in self.player_cb_ids:
        self.player_cb_ids = ()

        # Delete all references. This is needed according to the reference doc
        # at https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Rhythmbox/Plugins/WritingGuide
        del self.shell
        del self.db
        del self.app
        del self.update_menu_item
        del self.update_action
        del self._update_all_thread
        del self.running

    def _init_ui(self):
        # Used https://github.com/fossfreedom/alternative-toolbar/blob/master/alttoolbar_rb3compat.py as documentation
        print("Extending the UI with our own actions")
        self.update_action = Gio.SimpleAction(name="updatelastfmplaycount")
        self.update_action.connect('activate', self.update_all)

        self.update_menu_item = Gio.MenuItem()
        # So, if you're reading this code hoping to find the solution to all
        # your gobject woes, then please do note the "app." prefix on the next
        # line. It will make your life okay again, I promise.
        self.update_menu_item.set_label("Update Last.fm playcount")
        self.app.add_plugin_menu_item('tools', 'updatelastfmplaycount',

    def update_all(self, args, kwargs):
        Update the entire library in a separate thread.
        Calling this function might take a while, as the last.fm service restricts
        the maximum number of API calls per minute
        @args given to us by Gio, ignored
        @kwargs given to us by Gio, ignored
        if self._update_all_thread is not None and self._update_all_thread.is_alive:
            print("Not starting a new update_all thread because a previous\
                    one is already running")
        self._update_all_thread = Thread(target=self._update_all_unthreaded,

    def _update_all_unthreaded(self):
        Update the entire library.
        Calling this function might take a while, as the last.fm service restricts
        the maximum number of API calls per minute
        This is a helper function to update_all
        print("Starting update of entire collection")
        except InterruptedError:
            print("Updating of all playcounts was interrupted")

    def _update_entry_slowly(self, entry):
        Helper function for _update_all_unthreaded, to allow us to adhere to
        Last.fm's API call limits by sleeping for 1 second between every call.
        @entry  The song that needs to be updated

    def playing_entry_changed(self, sp, entry):
        Callback function. Called whenever another song starts playing
        @sp     Rhythmbox' shell
        @entry  The currently playing song
        if entry is not None:
            # Start a new thread so UI is not blocked
            newthread = Thread(target=self.update_entry, args=(entry, ))

    def update_entry(self, entry):
        Updates The database entry for the song provided
        @entry  The song that needs to be updated
        if entry is None:
        if not self.running:
            # Rhythmbox is exiting. Stop updating new entries
            raise InterruptedError()
        artist = entry.get_string(RB.RhythmDBPropType.ARTIST)
        title = entry.get_string(RB.RhythmDBPropType.TITLE)
            playcount, lovedtrack = self.get_lastfm_info(artist, title)
            if self._config.get_update_playcounts():
                old_playcount = entry.get_ulong(RB.RhythmDBPropType.PLAY_COUNT)
                print("Setting playcount of \"%r - %r\" to %d" %
                      (artist, title, playcount))
                if old_playcount < playcount:
                    self.db.entry_set(entry, RB.RhythmDBPropType.PLAY_COUNT,
                elif old_playcount > playcount:
                        "Old playcount for \"%r - %r\" was higher than the new one (%d instead of %d). Not updating (assuming last.fm knows less)"
                        % (artist, title, old_playcount, playcount))
                        "Playcount for \%r - \%r remained the same. Not updating"
                        % (artist, title))
            if self._config.get_update_ratings() and lovedtrack:
                print("Setting rating of \"%r - %r\" to 5 (loved track)" %
                      (artist, title))
                self.db.entry_set(entry, RB.RhythmDBPropType.RATING, 5)
        except IOError as e:
            print("Could not update \"%r - %r\ (error (%r): %s)" %
                  (artist, title, e.errno, e.strerror))

    def get_lastfm_info(self, artist, title):
        Invokes Last.fm's API to get the playcount for the provided song
        @artist The artist of the song
        @title  The title of the song
        @return The playcount, and whether or not the track is loved
        params = urllib.parse.urlencode({
            'method': 'track.getinfo',
            'api_key': LASTFM_API_KEY,
            'artist': artist,
            'track': title,
            'username': self._config.get_username(),
            'autocorrect': 1
        response = minidom.parse(
            urllib.request.urlopen("http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/?%s" %
            playcount = response.getElementsByTagName(
            playcount = int(playcount)
            playcount = 0
            lovedtrack = response.getElementsByTagName(
            lovedtrack = bool(int(lovedtrack))
            lovedtrack = False
        return (playcount, lovedtrack)