Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_append_list(self):
        ws = Worksheet(self.wb)

        ws.append(['This is A1', 'This is B1'])

        eq_('This is A1', ws.cell('A1').value)
        eq_('This is B1', ws.cell('B1').value)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_read_comments():
    xml = """<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
    <comments xmlns="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main"><authors>
    <author>Cuke</author><author>Not Cuke</author></authors><commentList><comment ref="A1"
    authorId="0" shapeId="0"><text><r><rPr><b/><sz val="9"/><color indexed="81"/><rFont
    val="Tahoma"/><charset val="1"/></rPr><t>Cuke:\n</t></r><r><rPr><sz val="9"/><color
    indexed="81"/><rFont val="Tahoma"/><charset val="1"/></rPr>
    <t xml:space="preserve">First Comment</t></r></text></comment><comment ref="D1" authorId="0" shapeId="0">
    <text><r><rPr><b/><sz val="9"/><color indexed="81"/><rFont val="Tahoma"/><charset val="1"/>
    </rPr><t>Cuke:\n</t></r><r><rPr><sz val="9"/><color indexed="81"/><rFont val="Tahoma"/>
    <charset val="1"/></rPr><t xml:space="preserve">Second Comment</t></r></text></comment>
    <comment ref="A2" authorId="1" shapeId="0"><text><r><rPr><b/><sz val="9"/><color
    indexed="81"/><rFont val="Tahoma"/><charset val="1"/></rPr><t>Not Cuke:\n</t></r><r><rPr>
    <sz val="9"/><color indexed="81"/><rFont val="Tahoma"/><charset val="1"/></rPr>
    <t xml:space="preserve">Third Comment</t></r></text></comment></commentList></comments>"""
    wb = Workbook()
    ws = Worksheet(wb)
    comments.read_comments(ws, xml)
    comments_expected = [['A1', 'Cuke', 'Cuke:\nFirst Comment'],
                         ['D1', 'Cuke', 'Cuke:\nSecond Comment'],
                         ['A2', 'Not Cuke', 'Not Cuke:\nThird Comment']
    for cell, author, text in comments_expected:
        assert ws.cell(coordinate=cell).comment.author == author
        assert ws.cell(coordinate=cell).comment.text == text
        assert ws.cell(coordinate=cell).comment._parent == ws.cell(coordinate=cell)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def test_range_offset(self):
     ws = Worksheet(self.wb)
     xlrange = ws.range('A1:C4', 1, 3)
     assert isinstance(xlrange, tuple)
     eq_(4, len(xlrange))
     eq_(3, len(xlrange[0]))
     eq_('D2', xlrange[0][0].get_coordinate())
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_append_dict_index(self):
        ws = Worksheet(self.wb)

        ws.append({0: 'This is A1', 2: 'This is C1'})

        eq_('This is A1', ws.cell('A1').value)
        eq_('This is C1', ws.cell('C1').value)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def test_header_footer(self):
        ws = Worksheet(self.wb)
        ws.header_footer.left_header.text = "Left Header Text"
        ws.header_footer.center_header.text = "Center Header Text"
        ws.header_footer.center_header.font_name = "Arial,Regular"
        ws.header_footer.center_header.font_size = 6
        ws.header_footer.center_header.font_color = "445566"
        ws.header_footer.right_header.text = "Right Header Text"
        ws.header_footer.right_header.font_name = "Arial,Bold"
        ws.header_footer.right_header.font_size = 8
        ws.header_footer.right_header.font_color = "112233"
        ws.header_footer.left_footer.text = "Left Footer Text\nAnd &[Date] and &[Time]"
        ws.header_footer.left_footer.font_name = "Times New Roman,Regular"
        ws.header_footer.left_footer.font_size = 10
        ws.header_footer.left_footer.font_color = "445566"
        ws.header_footer.center_footer.text = "Center Footer Text &[Path]&[File] on &[Tab]"
        ws.header_footer.center_footer.font_name = "Times New Roman,Bold"
        ws.header_footer.center_footer.font_size = 12
        ws.header_footer.center_footer.font_color = "778899"
        ws.header_footer.right_footer.text = "Right Footer Text &[Page] of &[Pages]"
        ws.header_footer.right_footer.font_name = "Times New Roman,Italic"
        ws.header_footer.right_footer.font_size = 14
        ws.header_footer.right_footer.font_color = "AABBCC"
        xml_string = write_worksheet(ws, None, None)
        assert '<headerFooter>' in xml_string
        assert '<oddHeader>&amp;L&amp;"Calibri,Regular"&amp;K000000Left Header Text&amp;C&amp;"Arial,Regular"&amp;6&amp;K445566Center Header Text&amp;R&amp;"Arial,Bold"&amp;8&amp;K112233Right Header Text</oddHeader>' in xml_string
        assert '<oddFooter>&amp;L&amp;"Times New Roman,Regular"&amp;10&amp;K445566Left Footer Text_x000D_And &amp;D and &amp;T&amp;C&amp;"Times New Roman,Bold"&amp;12&amp;K778899Center Footer Text &amp;Z&amp;F on &amp;A&amp;R&amp;"Times New Roman,Italic"&amp;14&amp;KAABBCCRight Footer Text &amp;P of &amp;N</oddFooter></headerFooter>' in xml_string
        assert '</headerFooter>' in xml_string

        ws = Worksheet(self.wb)
        xml_string = write_worksheet(ws, None, None)
        assert "<headerFooter>" not in xml_string
        assert "<oddHeader>" not in xml_string
        assert "<oddFooter>" not in xml_string
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def test_append_dict_letter(self):
        ws = Worksheet(self.wb)

        ws.append({'A': 'This is A1', 'C': 'This is C1'})

        eq_('This is A1', ws.cell('A1').value)
        eq_('This is C1', ws.cell('C1').value)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_init():
    wb = Workbook()
    ws = Worksheet(wb)
    c = Comment("text", "author")
    ws.cell(coordinate="A1").comment = c
    assert c._parent == ws.cell(coordinate="A1")
    assert c.text == "text"
    assert c.author == "author"
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def test_cell_range_name(self):
     ws = Worksheet(self.wb)
     self.wb.create_named_range('test_range_single', ws, 'B12')
     assert_raises(CellCoordinatesException, ws.cell, 'test_range_single')
     c_range_name = ws.range('test_range_single')
     c_range_coord = ws.range('B12')
     c_cell = ws.cell('B12')
     eq_(c_range_coord, c_range_name)
     eq_(c_range_coord, c_cell)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def _create_ws():
    wb = Workbook()
    ws = Worksheet(wb)
    comment1 = Comment("text", "author")
    comment2 = Comment("text2", "author2")
    comment3 = Comment("text3", "author3")
    ws.cell(coordinate="B2").comment = comment1
    ws.cell(coordinate="C7").comment = comment2
    ws.cell(coordinate="D9").comment = comment3
    return ws, comment1, comment2, comment3
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def test_cols(self):

        ws = Worksheet(self.wb)

        ws.cell('A1').value = 'first'
        ws.cell('C9').value = 'last'

        cols = ws.columns

        eq_(len(cols), 3)

        eq_(cols[0][0].value, 'first')
        eq_(cols[-1][-1].value, 'last')
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def test_rows(self):

        ws = Worksheet(self.wb)

        ws.cell('A1').value = 'first'
        ws.cell('C9').value = 'last'

        rows = ws.rows

        eq_(len(rows), 9)

        eq_(rows[0][0].value, 'first')
        eq_(rows[-1][-1].value, 'last')
Ejemplo n.º 12
def test_comment_count():
    wb = Workbook()
    ws = Worksheet(wb)
    cell = ws.cell(coordinate="A1")
    assert ws._comment_count == 0
    cell.comment = Comment("text", "author")
    assert ws._comment_count == 1
    cell.comment = Comment("text", "author")
    assert ws._comment_count == 1
    cell.comment = None
    assert ws._comment_count == 0
    cell.comment = None
    assert ws._comment_count == 0
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def test_garbage_collect(self):
     ws = Worksheet(self.wb)
     ws.cell('A1').value = ''
     ws.cell('B2').value = '0'
     ws.cell('C4').value = 0
     ws.cell('D1').comment = Comment('Comment', 'Comment')
         set([ws.cell('B2'), ws.cell('C4'),
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def test_append_2d_list(self):

        ws = Worksheet(self.wb)

        ws.append(['This is A1', 'This is B1'])
        ws.append(['This is A2', 'This is B2'])

        vals = ws.range('A1:B2')
        expected = (
            ('This is A1', 'This is B1'),
            ('This is A2', 'This is B2'),
        for e, v in zip(expected, flatten(vals)):
            assert e == tuple(v)
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def test_page_margins(self):
        ws = Worksheet(self.wb)
        ws.page_margins.left = 2.0
        ws.page_margins.right = 2.0
        ws.page_margins.top = 2.0
        ws.page_margins.bottom = 2.0
        ws.page_margins.header = 1.5
        ws.page_margins.footer = 1.5
        xml_string = write_worksheet(ws, None, None)
        assert '<pageMargins left="2.00" right="2.00" top="2.00" bottom="2.00" header="1.50" footer="1.50"></pageMargins>' in xml_string

        ws = Worksheet(self.wb)
        xml_string = write_worksheet(ws, None, None)
        assert '<pageMargins' not in xml_string
Ejemplo n.º 16
def test_set_get_date():
    today = datetime(2010, 1, 18, 14, 15, 20, 1600)
    wb = Workbook()
    ws = Worksheet(wb)
    cell = Cell(ws, 'A', 1)
    cell.value = today
    eq_(today, cell.value)
Ejemplo n.º 17
def test_date_format_on_non_date():
    wb = Workbook()
    ws = Worksheet(wb)
    cell = Cell(ws, 'A', 1)
    cell.value = datetime.now()
    cell.value = 'testme'
    eq_('testme', cell.value)
Ejemplo n.º 18
def test_timedelta():

    wb = Workbook()
    ws = Worksheet(wb)
    cell = Cell(ws, 'A', 1)
    cell.value = timedelta(days=1, hours=3)
    eq_(cell.value, 1.125)
    eq_(cell.TYPE_NUMERIC, cell.data_type)
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def __init__(self, parent_workbook, title, sheet_codename, xml_source,
                 string_table, style_table):

        Worksheet.__init__(self, parent_workbook, title)
        self._sheet_codename = sheet_codename
        self._string_table = string_table
        self._style_table = style_table

        min_col, min_row, max_col, max_row = read_dimension(
        self.min_col = min_col
        self.min_row = min_row
        self.max_row = max_row
        self.max_col = max_col

        self._shared_date = SharedDate(
Ejemplo n.º 20
def test_is_date():
    wb = Workbook()
    ws = Worksheet(wb)
    cell = Cell(ws, 'A', 1)
    cell.value = datetime.now()
    eq_(cell.is_date(), True)
    cell.value = 'testme'
    eq_('testme', cell.value)
    assert cell.is_date() is False
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def test_printer_settings(self):
        ws = Worksheet(self.wb)
        ws.page_setup.orientation = ws.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE
        ws.page_setup.paperSize = ws.PAPERSIZE_TABLOID
        ws.page_setup.fitToPage = True
        ws.page_setup.fitToHeight = 0
        ws.page_setup.fitToWidth = 1
        ws.page_setup.horizontalCentered = True
        ws.page_setup.verticalCentered = True
        xml_string = write_worksheet(ws, None, None)
        assert '<pageSetup orientation="landscape" paperSize="3" fitToHeight="0" fitToWidth="1"></pageSetup>' in xml_string
        assert '<pageSetUpPr fitToPage="1"></pageSetUpPr>' in xml_string
        assert '<printOptions horizontalCentered="1" verticalCentered="1">' in xml_string

        ws = Worksheet(self.wb)
        xml_string = write_worksheet(ws, None, None)
        assert "<pageSetup" not in xml_string
        assert "<pageSetUpPr" not in xml_string
        assert "<printOptions" not in xml_string
Ejemplo n.º 22
def test_is_not_date_color_format():

    wb = Workbook()
    ws = Worksheet(wb)
    cell = Cell(ws, 'A', 1)

    cell.value = -13.5
    cell.style.number_format.format_code = '0.00_);[Red]\(0.00\)'

    assert cell.is_date() is False
Ejemplo n.º 23
def test_comment_assignment():
    wb = Workbook()
    ws = Worksheet(wb)
    c = Comment("text", "author")
    ws.cell(coordinate="A1").comment = c
    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
        ws.cell(coordinate="A2").commment = c
    ws.cell(coordinate="A2").comment = Comment("text2", "author2")
    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
        ws.cell(coordinate="A1").comment = ws.cell(coordinate="A2").comment
    # this should orphan c, so that assigning it to A2 does not raise AttributeError
    ws.cell(coordinate="A1").comment = None
    ws.cell(coordinate="A2").comment = c
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def test_freeze(self):
        ws = Worksheet(self.wb)
        ws.freeze_panes = ws.cell('b2')
        assert ws.freeze_panes == 'B2'

        ws.freeze_panes = ''
        assert ws.freeze_panes is None

        ws.freeze_panes = 'c5'
        assert ws.freeze_panes == 'C5'

        ws.freeze_panes = ws.cell('A1')
        assert ws.freeze_panes is None
Ejemplo n.º 25
def test_time():
    def check_time(raw_value, coerced_value):
        cell.value = raw_value
        eq_(cell.value, coerced_value)
        eq_(cell.TYPE_NUMERIC, cell.data_type)

    wb = Workbook()
    ws = Worksheet(wb)
    cell = Cell(ws, 'A', 1)
    values = (
        ('03:40:16', time(3, 40, 16)),
        ('03:40', time(3, 40)),
    for raw_value, coerced_value in values:
        yield check_time, raw_value, coerced_value
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def test_auto_filter(self):
        ws = Worksheet(self.wb)
        ws.auto_filter = ws.range('a1:f1')
        assert ws.auto_filter == 'A1:F1'

        ws.auto_filter = ''
        assert ws.auto_filter is None

        ws.auto_filter = 'c1:g9'
        assert ws.auto_filter == 'C1:G9'
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def test_merge(self):
        ws = Worksheet(self.wb)
        string_table = {'': '', 'Cell A1': 'Cell A1', 'Cell B1': 'Cell B1'}

        ws.cell('A1').value = 'Cell A1'
        ws.cell('B1').value = 'Cell B1'
        xml_string = write_worksheet(ws, string_table, None)
        assert '<v>Cell B1</v>' in xml_string

        xml_string = write_worksheet(ws, string_table, None)
        assert '<v>Cell B1</v>' not in xml_string
        assert '<mergeCells count="1"><mergeCell ref="A1:B1"></mergeCell></mergeCells>' in xml_string

        xml_string = write_worksheet(ws, string_table, None)
        assert '<mergeCell ref="A1:B1"/>' not in xml_string
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def test_hyperlink_relationships(self):
        ws = Worksheet(self.wb)
        eq_(len(ws.relationships), 0)

        ws.cell('A1').hyperlink = "http://test.com"
        eq_(len(ws.relationships), 1)
        eq_("rId1", ws.cell('A1').hyperlink_rel_id)
        eq_("rId1", ws.relationships[0].id)
        eq_("http://test.com", ws.relationships[0].target)
        eq_("External", ws.relationships[0].target_mode)

        ws.cell('A2').hyperlink = "http://test2.com"
        eq_(len(ws.relationships), 2)
        eq_("rId2", ws.cell('A2').hyperlink_rel_id)
        eq_("rId2", ws.relationships[1].id)
        eq_("http://test2.com", ws.relationships[1].target)
        eq_("External", ws.relationships[1].target_mode)
Ejemplo n.º 29
 def test_worksheet_named_range(self):
     ws = Worksheet(self.wb)
     self.wb.create_named_range('test_range', ws, 'C5')
     xlrange = ws.range('test_range')
     assert isinstance(xlrange, Cell)
     eq_(5, xlrange.row)
Ejemplo n.º 30
 def test_worksheet_range(self):
     ws = Worksheet(self.wb)
     xlrange = ws.range('A1:C4')
     assert isinstance(xlrange, tuple)
     eq_(4, len(xlrange))
     eq_(3, len(xlrange[0]))