Ejemplo n.º 1
def _lens_chk_N_weave(args):
    assert len(args) == 15, args

    N, path_to_map, path_to_dx, path_to_dy, buff0, buff1, \
    lside0, lside1, HD_res0, HD_res1, NR_iter, kspl, LD0, LD1, do_not_prefilter = args
    HD_res = (HD_res0, HD_res1)
    LD = (LD0, LD1)

    s = (2**LD[0] + 2 * buff0, 2**LD[1] + 2 * buff1)  # Chunk shape
    assert s[0] == s[1], 'only square matrices here.'  # TODO

    dx = np.load(path_to_dx, mmap_mode='r')
    dy = np.load(path_to_dy, mmap_mode='r')
    map = np.load(path_to_map, mmap_mode='r')

    rmin0 = lside0 / 2**HD_res[0]
    rmin1 = lside1 / 2**HD_res[1]

    filtmap = np.empty(s, dtype=np.float64)
    dx_gu = np.empty(
        s, dtype=np.float64
    )  # will dx displ. in grid units of each chunk (typ. (256 * 256) )
    dy_gu = np.empty(
        s, dtype=np.float64
    )  # will dy displ. in grid units of each chunk (typ. (256 * 256) )
    lenmap = np.empty(s, dtype=np.float64)
    sLDs, sHDs = periodicmap_spliter().get_slices_chk_N(
        N, LD, HD_res, (buff0, buff1))
    for sLD, sHD in zip(sLDs, sHDs):
        # Displacements chunk in grid units, and map chunk to displace.
        dx_gu[sLD] = dx[sHD] / rmin1
        dy_gu[sLD] = dy[sHD] / rmin0
        filtmap[sLD] = map[sHD]

    if not do_not_prefilter:
        # Prefiltering the map prior application of bicubic interpolation
        filtmap = np.fft.rfft2(filtmap)
        w0 = 6. / (2. * np.cos(2. * np.pi * np.fft.fftfreq(s[0])) + 4.)
        filtmap *= np.outer(w0, w0[0:filtmap.shape[1]])
        filtmap = np.fft.irfft2(filtmap, s)

    bicubicspline = r"\
                int i,j;\
               for( j= 0; j < width; j++ )\
                   for( i = 0; i < width; i++)\
                       lenmap[j * width + i] = bicubiclensKernel(filtmap,i + dx_gu[j * width + i],j + dy_gu[j * width + i],width);\

    width = int(s[0])
                 ['lenmap', 'filtmap', 'dx_gu', 'dy_gu', 'width'],
    return (lenmap, )
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def get_dxdy_chk_N(self, N, buffers=None):
     if buffers is None: buffers = self.buffers
     shape = (2 ** self.LD_res[0] + 2 * buffers[0], 2 ** self.LD_res[1] + 2 * buffers[1])
     dx, dy = np.zeros(shape), np.zeros(shape)
     spliter_lib = map_spliter.periodicmap_spliter()  # library to split periodic maps.
     sLDs, sHDs = spliter_lib.get_slices_chk_N(N, self.LD_res, self.HD_res, buffers)
     for sLD, sHD in zip(sLDs, sHDs):
         dx[sLD] = self.get_dx()[sHD]
         dy[sLD] = self.get_dy()[sHD]
     return dx, dy
Ejemplo n.º 3
def _lens_chk_N(args):
    assert len(args) == 15, args

    N, path_to_map, path_to_dx, path_to_dy, buff0, buff1, \
    lside0, lside1, HD_res0, HD_res1, NR_iter, kspl, LD0, LD1, do_not_prefilter = args
    HD_res = (HD_res0, HD_res1)
    LD = (LD0, LD1)
    s = (2**LD[0] + 2 * buff0, 2**LD[1] + 2 * buff1)  # Chunk shape

    dx = np.load(path_to_dx, mmap_mode='r')
    dy = np.load(path_to_dy, mmap_mode='r')
    map = np.load(path_to_map, mmap_mode='r')

    rmin0 = lside0 / 2**HD_res[0]
    rmin1 = lside1 / 2**HD_res[1]

    map_chk_N = np.empty(s, dtype=float)
    dx_gu = np.empty(
        s, dtype=float
    )  # will dx displ. in grid units of each chunk (typ. (256 * 256) )
    dy_gu = np.empty(
        s, dtype=float
    )  # will dy displ. in grid units of each chunk (typ. (256 * 256) )
    sLDs, sHDs = periodicmap_spliter().get_slices_chk_N(
        N, LD, HD_res, (buff0, buff1))
    for sLD, sHD in zip(sLDs, sHDs):
        # Displacements chunk in grid units, and map chunk to displace.
        dx_gu[sLD] = dx[sHD] / rmin1
        dy_gu[sLD] = dy[sHD] / rmin0
        map_chk_N[sLD] = map[sHD]

    if do_not_prefilter:
        # Undoing the prefiltering prior to apply bicubic interpolation
        map_chk_N = np.fft.rfft2(map_chk_N)
        w0 = 6. / (2. * np.cos(2. * np.pi * np.fft.fftfreq(s[0])) + 4.)
        map_chk_N /= np.outer(w0, w0[0:map_chk_N.shape[1]])
        map_chk_N = np.fft.irfft2(map_chk_N, s)

    idc0, idc1 = np.indices(
        s)  # Two typically (256 + 2 * buff * 256 + 2* buff) maps
    lx = (idc1 + dx_gu).flatten()  # No need to enforce periodicity here.
    ly = (idc0 + dy_gu).flatten()  # No need to enforce periodicity here.
    return (interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(np.arange(s[0]),
                                            ky=kspl).ev(ly, lx).reshape(s), )
Ejemplo n.º 4
def Pool_generic(func, arg, root_Nthreads, do_not_prefilter=False):
    assert len(arg) == 11, arg
    path_to_map, path_to_dx, path_to_dy, buff0, buff1, lside0, lside1, HD_res0, HD_res1, NR_iter, kspl = arg

    assert os.path.exists(path_to_dx) and os.path.exists(path_to_dy)
    assert IsPowerOfTwo(root_Nthreads)
    diff0, diff1 = Log2ofPowerof2((root_Nthreads, root_Nthreads))
    HD_shape = (2**HD_res0, 2**HD_res1)
    LD = (HD_res0 - diff0, HD_res1 - diff1)
    pool = setup_Pool()
    ret_list = pool.map(func, [[
        i, path_to_map, path_to_dx, path_to_dy, buff0, buff1, lside0, lside1,
        HD_res0, HD_res1, NR_iter, kspl, LD[0], LD[1], do_not_prefilter
    ] for i in range(root_Nthreads**2)])
    # Recombines from the lensed_chks :
    spliter_lib = periodicmap_spliter()  # library to split periodic maps.
    ret = []  # one map for lens, two for inverse
    for i in range(len(ret_list[0])):
        map = np.empty(HD_shape)
        if verbose:
            for j, N in enumerate_progress(
                    label='Pool_generic:patching chks together'):
                sLDs, sHDs = spliter_lib.get_slices_chk_N(N,
                                                          (HD_res0, HD_res1),
                                                          (buff0, buff1),
                map[sHDs[0]] = ret_list[N][i][sLDs[0]]
            for j, N in enumerate(xrange(root_Nthreads**2)):
                sLDs, sHDs = spliter_lib.get_slices_chk_N(N,
                                                          (HD_res0, HD_res1),
                                                          (buff0, buff1),
                map[sHDs[0]] = ret_list[N][i][sLDs[0]]
    return ret
Ejemplo n.º 5
def _get_inverse_chk_N_old(args):
    Returns inverse displacement in chunk N
    Uses periodic boundary conditions, which is not applicable to chunks, thus there
    will be boudary effects on the edges (2 or 4 pixels depending on the rule). Make sure the buffer is large enough.
    assert len(args) == 15, args

    N, path_to_map, path_to_dx, path_to_dy, buff0, buff1, \
    lside0, lside1, HD_res0, HD_res1, NR_iter, kspl, LD0, LD1, do_not_prefilter = args

    HD_res = (HD_res0, HD_res1)
    LD = (LD0, LD1)
    s = (2**LD[0] + 2 * buff0, 2**LD[1] + 2 * buff1)  # Chunk shape

    rmin0 = lside0 / 2**HD_res[0]
    rmin1 = lside1 / 2**HD_res[1]

    # Get magn. matrix of the chunk:
    extra_buff = np.array(
        (5, 5))  # To avoid surprises with the periodic derivatives
    dx = np.zeros(
        s + 2 * extra_buff
    )  # will dx displ. in grid units of each chunk (typ. (256 * 256) )
    dy = np.zeros(
        s + 2 * extra_buff
    )  # will dy displ. in grid units of each chunk (typ. (256 * 256) )
    sLDs, sHDs = periodicmap_spliter().get_slices_chk_N(
        N, LD, HD_res, (buff0 + extra_buff[0], buff1 + extra_buff[1]))
    for sLD, sHD in zip(sLDs, sHDs):
        dx[sLD] = np.load(path_to_dx, mmap_mode='r')[sHD]
        dy[sLD] = np.load(path_to_dy, mmap_mode='r')[sHD]

    # Jacobian matrix of the chunk :
    sl0 = slice(extra_buff[0], dx.shape[0] - extra_buff[0])
    sl1 = slice(extra_buff[1], dx.shape[1] - extra_buff[1])

    dfxdx_1 = PartialDerivativePeriodic(dx, axis=1, h=rmin1,
                                        rule='4pts')[sl0, sl1] + 1.
    dfydy_1 = PartialDerivativePeriodic(dy, axis=0, h=rmin0,
                                        rule='4pts')[sl0, sl1] + 1.
    dfydx = PartialDerivativePeriodic(dy, axis=1, h=rmin1, rule='4pts')[sl0,
    dfxdy = PartialDerivativePeriodic(dx, axis=0, h=rmin0, rule='4pts')[sl0,
    det = (dfxdx_1) * (dfydy_1) - dfydx * dfxdy

    if not np.all(det > 0.):
        print "ffs_displ::Negative value in det k : something's weird, you'd better check that"
    # Inverse magn. elements. (with a minus sign) We may need to spline these later for further NR iterations :
    _Minv_xx = -dfydy_1 / det
    _Minv_yy = -dfxdx_1 / det
    _Minv_xy = dfxdy / det
    _Minv_yx = dfydx / det
    del dfxdx_1, dfydx, dfydy_1, dfxdy

    dx = dx[sl0, sl1]  # Getting rid of extra buffer
    dy = dy[sl0, sl1]  # Getting rid of extra buffer
    dxn = (_Minv_xx * dx + _Minv_xy * dy)
    dyn = (_Minv_yx * dx + _Minv_yy * dy)

    if NR_iter == 0: return dxn, dyn

    # Setting up a bunch of splines to interpolate the increment to the displacement according to Newton-Raphson.
    # Needed are splines of the forward displacement and of the (inverse, as implemented here) magnification matrix.
    # Hopefully the map resolution is enough to spline the magnification matrix.

    xcoord = np.arange(s[1]) * rmin1
    ycoord = np.arange(s[0]) * rmin0
    spl_dx = interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(ycoord,
    spl_dy = interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(ycoord,
    spl_xx = interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(ycoord,
    spl_yy = interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(ycoord,
    spl_xy = interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(ycoord,
    spl_yx = interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(ycoord,

    idc = np.indices(s)
    y_x = idc[1] * rmin1
    y_y = idc[0] * rmin0
    del idc

    for i in range(NR_iter):
        dxn_1 = dxn
        dyn_1 = dyn
        lx = (y_x + dxn_1).flatten()
        ly = (y_y + dyn_1).flatten()
        res_x = dxn_1 + spl_dx.ev(ly, lx).reshape(s)  # dx residuals
        res_y = dyn_1 + spl_dy.ev(ly, lx).reshape(s)  # dy residuals
        dxn = dxn_1 + spl_xx.ev(ly, lx).reshape(s) * res_x + spl_xy.ev(
            ly, lx).reshape(s) * res_y
        dyn = dyn_1 + spl_yx.ev(ly, lx).reshape(s) * res_x + spl_yy.ev(
            ly, lx).reshape(s) * res_y
    return dxn, dyn
Ejemplo n.º 6
def _get_inverse_chk_N(args):
    Returns inverse displacement in chunk N
    Uses periodic boundary conditions, which is not applicable to chunks, thus there
    will be boudary effects on the edges (2 or 4 pixels depending on the rule). Make sure the buffer is large enough.
    assert len(args) == 15, args

    N, path_to_map, path_to_dx, path_to_dy, buff0, buff1, \
    lside0, lside1, HD_res0, HD_res1, NR_iter, kspl, LD0, LD1, do_not_prefilter = args

    HD_res = (HD_res0, HD_res1)
    LD = (LD0, LD1)
    s = (2**LD[0] + 2 * buff0, 2**LD[1] + 2 * buff1)  # Chunk shape

    rmin0 = lside0 / 2**HD_res[0]
    rmin1 = lside1 / 2**HD_res[1]

    # Get magn. matrix of the chunk:
    extra_buff = np.array(
        (5, 5))  # To avoid surprises with the periodic derivatives
    dx = np.zeros(
        s + 2 * extra_buff
    )  # will dx displ. in grid units of each chunk (typ. (256 * 256) )
    dy = np.zeros(
        s + 2 * extra_buff
    )  # will dy displ. in grid units of each chunk (typ. (256 * 256) )
    sLDs, sHDs = periodicmap_spliter().get_slices_chk_N(
        N, LD, HD_res, (buff0 + extra_buff[0], buff1 + extra_buff[1]))
    for sLD, sHD in zip(sLDs, sHDs):
        dx[sLD] = np.load(
            path_to_dx, mmap_mode='r'
        )[sHD] / rmin1  # Need grid units displacement for the bicubic spline
        dy[sLD] = np.load(path_to_dy, mmap_mode='r')[sHD] / rmin0

    # Jacobian matrix of the chunk :
    sl0 = slice(extra_buff[0], dx.shape[0] - extra_buff[0])
    sl1 = slice(extra_buff[1], dx.shape[1] - extra_buff[1])

    Minv_yy = -(PartialDerivativePeriodic(dx, axis=1)[sl0, sl1] + 1.)
    Minv_xx = -(PartialDerivativePeriodic(dy, axis=0)[sl0, sl1] + 1.)
    Minv_xy = PartialDerivativePeriodic(dy, axis=1)[sl0, sl1]
    Minv_yx = PartialDerivativePeriodic(dx, axis=0)[sl0, sl1]
    det = Minv_yy * Minv_xx - Minv_xy * Minv_yx
    if not np.all(det > 0.):
        print "ffs_displ::Negative value in det k : something's weird, you'd better check that"
    # Inverse magn. elements. (with a minus sign) We may need to spline these later for further NR iterations :
    Minv_xx /= det
    Minv_yy /= det
    Minv_xy /= det
    Minv_yx /= det
    del det

    dx = dx[sl0, sl1]  # Getting rid of extra buffer
    dy = dy[sl0, sl1]  # Getting rid of extra buffer
    ex = (Minv_xx * dx + Minv_xy * dy)
    ey = (Minv_yx * dx + Minv_yy * dy)

    if NR_iter == 0: return ex * rmin1, ey * rmin0

    # Setting up a bunch of splines to interpolate the increment to the displacement according to Newton-Raphson.
    # Needed are splines of the forward displacement and of the (inverse, as implemented here) magnification matrix.
    # Hopefully the map resolution is enough to spline the magnification matrix.
    s0, s1 = dx.shape
    r0 = s0
    r1 = s1 / 2 + 1  # rfft shape

    w0 = 6. / (2. * np.cos(2. * np.pi * Freq(np.arange(r0), s0) / s0) + 4.)
    w1 = 6. / (2. * np.cos(2. * np.pi * Freq(np.arange(r1), s1) / s1) + 4.)
    # FIXME: switch to pyfftw :
    bic_filter = lambda _map: np.fft.irfft2(
        np.fft.rfft2(_map) * np.outer(w0, w1))

    dx = bic_filter(dx)
    dy = bic_filter(dy)
    Minv_xy = bic_filter(Minv_xy)
    Minv_yx = bic_filter(Minv_yx)
    Minv_xx = bic_filter(Minv_xx)
    Minv_yy = bic_filter(Minv_yy)

    header = r' "%s/lensit/gpu/bicubicspline.h" ' % os.path.abspath(os.curdir)
    iterate = r"\
        double fx,fy;\
        double ex_len_dx,ey_len_dy,len_Mxx,len_Mxy,len_Myx,len_Myy;\
        int i = 0;\
        for(int y= 0; y < width; y++ )\
           for(int x = 0; x < width; x++,i++)\
            fx = x +  ex[i];\
            fy = y +  ey[i];\
            ex_len_dx = ex[i] +  bicubiclensKernel(dx,fx,fy,width);\
            ey_len_dy = ey[i] +  bicubiclensKernel(dy,fx,fy,width);\
            len_Mxx =  bicubiclensKernel(Minv_xx,fx,fy,width);\
            len_Myy =  bicubiclensKernel(Minv_yy,fx,fy,width);\
            len_Mxy =  bicubiclensKernel(Minv_xy,fx,fy,width);\
            len_Myx =  bicubiclensKernel(Minv_yx,fx,fy,width);\
            ex[i] += len_Mxx * ex_len_dx + len_Mxy * ey_len_dy;\
            ey[i] += len_Myx * ex_len_dx + len_Myy * ey_len_dy;\

    width = int(s0)
    assert s0 == s1, 'Havent checked how this works with rectangular maps'
    for i in range(0, NR_iter):
        weave.inline(iterate, [
            'ex', 'ey', 'dx', 'dy', 'Minv_xx', 'Minv_yy', 'Minv_xy', 'Minv_yx',
    return ex * rmin1, ey * rmin0
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def get_inverse(self, NR_iter=None, use_Pool=0, crude=0, HD_res=None):

        :param NR_iter:
        :param use_Pool: if positive, use Python multiprocessing Pool packacge.
                         if 0, serial calculation
                         if negative, send it on the GPU.
        :param crude: Uses some crude scheme
        :param HD_res: augmente the resolution to perform the inversion.
        if HD_res is not None:
            # FIXME : this upgrade can be done in GPU for use_Pool < 0
            lib_dir = self.lib_dir if self.lib_dir is None else self.lib_dir + '/temp_fup'
            f_up = ffs_displacement(rfft2_utils.upgrade_map(self.get_dx(), HD_res),
                                    rfft2_utils.upgrade_map(self.get_dy(), HD_res), self.lsides,
                                    LD_res=self.LD_res, verbose=self.verbose, spline_order=self.k,
                                    NR_iter=self.NR_iter, lib_dir=lib_dir)
            f_up_inv = f_up.get_inverse(NR_iter=NR_iter, use_Pool=use_Pool, crude=crude)
            LD_res = Log2ofPowerof2(self.shape)
            return ffs_displacement(rfft2_utils.subsample(f_up_inv.get_dx(), LD_res),
                                    rfft2_utils.subsample(f_up_inv.get_dy(), LD_res), self.lsides,
                                    LD_res=self.LD_res, verbose=self.verbose, spline_order=self.k,
                                    NR_iter=self.NR_iter, lib_dir=self.lib_dir)

        if crude > 0:
            return self.get_inverse_crude(crude)

        if NR_iter is None: NR_iter = self.NR_iter

        if use_Pool > 0:
            if not self.is_dxdy_ondisk():
                assert self.has_lib_dir(), "Specify lib. dir. if you want to use Pool."
                print "lens_map::writing displacements on disk :"
                if not os.path.exists(self.lib_dir): os.makedirs(self.lib_dir)
                self.write_npy(self.lib_dir + '/temp_displ' + str(pbs.rank))  # this turns dx and dy to the paths
            dx_inv, dy_inv = ffs_pool.get_inverse_Pooled(self.mk_args('', self.dx, self.dy, NR_iter=NR_iter),
            return ffs_displacement(dx_inv, dy_inv, self.lsides, lib_dir=self.lib_dir,
                                    LD_res=self.LD_res, verbose=self.verbose, spline_order=self.k, NR_iter=self.NR_iter)

        elif use_Pool == 0:
            spliter_lib = map_spliter.periodicmap_spliter()  # library to split periodic maps.
            dx_inv, dy_inv = np.empty(self.shape), np.empty(self.shape)
            label = 'ffs_deflect::calculating inverse displ. field'
            for i, N in utils.enumerate_progress(xrange(self.N_chks), label=label):
                # Doing chunk N
                dx_inv_N, dy_inv_N = self.get_inverse_chk_N(N, NR_iter=NR_iter)
                sLDs, sHDs = spliter_lib.get_slices_chk_N(N, self.LD_res, self.HD_res, self.buffers, inverse=True)
                # Pasting it onto the full map
                dx_inv[sHDs[0]] = dx_inv_N[sLDs[0]]
                dy_inv[sHDs[0]] = dy_inv_N[sLDs[0]]
            return ffs_displacement(dx_inv, dy_inv, self.lsides, lib_dir=self.lib_dir,
                                    LD_res=self.LD_res, verbose=self.verbose, spline_order=self.k, NR_iter=self.NR_iter)
        elif use_Pool < 0:
            # GPU calculation.
            from lensit.gpu import inverse_GPU as inverse_GPU
            GPU_res = np.array(inverse_GPU.GPU_HDres_max)
            if np.all(np.array(self.HD_res) <= GPU_res):
                # No need to split maps :
                dx_inv, dy_inv = inverse_GPU.inverse_GPU(self.get_dx(), self.get_dy(), self.rmin, NR_iter)
                return ffs_displacement(dx_inv, dy_inv, self.lsides, lib_dir=self.lib_dir,
                                        LD_res=self.LD_res, verbose=self.verbose, spline_order=self.k,
                LD_res, buffers = get_GPUbuffers(GPU_res)
                assert np.all(np.array(buffers) > (np.array(self.buffers) + 5.)), (buffers, self.buffers)
                Nchunks = 2 ** (np.sum(np.array(self.HD_res) - np.array(LD_res)))
                dx_N = np.empty((2 ** LD_res[0] + 2 * buffers[0], 2 ** LD_res[1] + 2 * buffers[1]))
                dy_N = np.empty((2 ** LD_res[0] + 2 * buffers[0], 2 ** LD_res[1] + 2 * buffers[1]))
                if self.verbose:
                    print '++ inverse displacement :' \
                          '   splitting inverse on GPU , chunk shape %s, buffers %s' % (dx_N.shape, buffers)
                spliter_lib = map_spliter.periodicmap_spliter()  # library to split periodic maps.
                dx_inv, dy_inv = np.empty(self.shape), np.empty(self.shape)  # Outputs
                for N in xrange(Nchunks):
                    sLDs, sHDs = spliter_lib.get_slices_chk_N(N, LD_res, self.HD_res, buffers)
                    for sLD, sHD in zip(sLDs, sHDs):
                        dx_N[sLD] = self.get_dx()[sHD]
                        dy_N[sLD] = self.get_dy()[sHD]
                    dx_inv_N, dy_inv_N = inverse_GPU.inverse_GPU(dx_N, dy_N, self.rmin, NR_iter)
                    sLDs, sHDs = spliter_lib.get_slices_chk_N(N, LD_res, self.HD_res, buffers, inverse=True)
                    dx_inv[sHDs[0]] = dx_inv_N[sLDs[0]]
                    dy_inv[sHDs[0]] = dy_inv_N[sLDs[0]]

                return ffs_displacement(dx_inv, dy_inv, self.lsides, lib_dir=self.lib_dir,
                                        LD_res=self.LD_res, verbose=self.verbose, spline_order=self.k,
        elif use_Pool == 100:
            assert 0
            assert 0
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def lens_map(self, map, use_Pool=0, tidy=True, crude=0, do_not_prefilter=False):
        Lens the input map according to the displacement fields dx dy. 'map' typically could be (8192 * 8192) np array,
        or the path to the array on disk.

        Does this by splitting the job in chunks (of typically (256 * 256), as specified by the LD_res parameters)
        allowing a buffer size to ensure the junctions are properly performed.

        Set use_Pool to a power of two to use explicit threading via the multiprocessing module, or, if < 0,
        to perform the operation on the GPU.
        if > 0 'use_Pool' ** 2 is the number of threads. On laptop and Darwin use_Pool = 16 has the best performances.
        It use_Pool is set, then 'map' must be the path to the map to lens or map will be saved to disk.
        # TODO : could evaluate the splines at low res.
        assert self.load_map(map).shape == self.shape, (self.load_map(map).shape, self.shape)
        if crude > 0:
            return self.lens_map_crude(map, crude)
        if use_Pool < 0:
            # use of GPU :
                from lensit.gpu import lens_GPU
                assert 0, 'Import of mllens lens_GPU failed !'

            GPU_res = np.array(lens_GPU.GPU_HDres_max)
            if np.all(np.array(self.HD_res) <= GPU_res):
                return lens_GPU.lens_onGPU(map, self.get_dx_ingridunits(), self.get_dy_ingridunits(),
            LD_res, buffers = get_GPUbuffers(GPU_res)
            assert np.all(np.array(buffers) > (np.array(self.buffers) + 5.)), (buffers, self.buffers)
            Nchunks = 2 ** (np.sum(np.array(self.HD_res) - np.array(LD_res)))
            lensed_map = np.empty(self.shape)  # Output
            dx_N = np.empty((2 ** LD_res[0] + 2 * buffers[0], 2 ** LD_res[1] + 2 * buffers[1]))
            dy_N = np.empty((2 ** LD_res[0] + 2 * buffers[0], 2 ** LD_res[1] + 2 * buffers[1]))
            unl_CMBN = np.empty((2 ** LD_res[0] + 2 * buffers[0], 2 ** LD_res[1] + 2 * buffers[1]))
            if self.verbose:
                print '++ lensing map :' \
                      '   splitting map on GPU , chunk shape %s, buffers %s' % (dx_N.shape, buffers)
            spliter_lib = map_spliter.periodicmap_spliter()  # library to split periodic maps.
            for N in xrange(Nchunks):
                sLDs, sHDs = spliter_lib.get_slices_chk_N(N, LD_res, self.HD_res, buffers)
                for sLD, sHD in zip(sLDs, sHDs):
                    dx_N[sLD] = self.get_dx()[sHD] / self.rmin[1]
                    dy_N[sLD] = self.get_dy()[sHD] / self.rmin[0]
                    unl_CMBN[sLD] = self.load_map(map)[sHD]
                sLDs, sHDs = spliter_lib.get_slices_chk_N(N, LD_res, self.HD_res, buffers, inverse=True)
                lensed_map[sHDs[0]] = lens_GPU.lens_onGPU(unl_CMBN, dx_N, dy_N, do_not_prefilter=do_not_prefilter)[
            return lensed_map

        elif use_Pool > 100:
            if not isinstance(map, str):
                assert self.has_lib_dir(), "Specify lib. dir. if you want to use Pool."
                np.save(self.lib_dir + '/temp_maptolens_rank%s.npy' % pbs.rank, map)
            if not self.is_dxdy_ondisk():
                assert self.has_lib_dir(), "Specify lib. dir. if you want to use Pool."
                print "lens_map::writing displacements on disk :"
                self.write_npy(self.lib_dir + '/temp_displ' + str(pbs.rank))  # this turns dx and dy to the paths
            path_to_map = map if isinstance(map, str) else self.lib_dir + '/temp_maptolens_rank%s.npy' % pbs.rank
            ret = ffs_pool.get_lens_Pooled(self.mk_args(path_to_map, self.dx, self.dy),
                                           root_Nthreads=use_Pool % 100, do_not_prefilter=do_not_prefilter)
            if tidy:
                if os.path.exists(self.lib_dir + '/temp_maptolens_rank%s.npy' % pbs.rank):
                    os.remove(self.lib_dir + '/temp_maptolens_rank%s.npy' % pbs.rank)
            return ret

        elif use_Pool == 100 or use_Pool == 101:
            assert self.load_map(map).shape == self.shape, self.load_map(map).shape
            s = self.chk_shape
            idc0, idc1 = np.indices(s)  # Two (256 * 256) maps
            dx_gu = np.empty(s)  # will dx displ. in grid units of each chunk (typ. (256 * 256) )
            dy_gu = np.empty(s)  # will dy displ. in grid units of each chunk (typ. (256 * 256) )
            map_chk = np.empty(s)  # Will be map chunk
            # (typ. (256 * 256) )
            lensed_map = np.empty(self.shape)
            spliter_lib = map_spliter.periodicmap_spliter()  # library to split periodic maps.
            for N in xrange(self.N_chks):
                # doing chunk N
                sLDs, sHDs = spliter_lib.get_slices_chk_N(N, self.LD_res, self.HD_res, self.buffers)
                for sLD, sHD in zip(sLDs, sHDs):
                    # Displacements chunk in grid units, and map chunk to displace.
                    dx_gu[sLD] = self.get_dx()[sHD] / self.rmin[1]
                    dy_gu[sLD] = self.get_dy()[sHD] / self.rmin[0]
                    map_chk[sLD] = self.load_map(map)[sHD]

                if do_not_prefilter:
                    # Undoing the prefiltering prior to apply bicubic interpolation
                    map_chk = np.fft.rfft2(map_chk)
                    w0 = 6. / (2. * np.cos(2. * np.pi * np.fft.fftfreq(s[0])) + 4.)
                    map_chk /= np.outer(w0, w0[0:map_chk.shape[1]])
                    map_chk = np.fft.irfft2(map_chk, s)

                lx = (idc1 + dx_gu).flatten()  # No need to enforce periodicity here.
                ly = (idc0 + dy_gu).flatten()  # No need to enforce periodicity here.
                sLDs, sHDs = spliter_lib.get_slices_chk_N(N, self.LD_res, self.HD_res, self.buffers, inverse=True)
                lensed_map[sHDs[0]] = interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(np.arange(s[0]), np.arange(s[1]),
                                                                      map_chk, kx=self.k, ky=self.k).ev(ly, lx).reshape(
            return lensed_map
        elif use_Pool == 0 or use_Pool == 1:
            assert self.shape[0] == self.shape[1], self.shape
            bicubicspline = r"\
                           int i,j;\
                          for( j= 0; j < width; j++ )\
                              for( i = 0; i < width; i++)\
                                  lenmap[j * width + i] = bicubiclensKernel(filtmap,i + dx_gu[j * width + i],j + dy_gu[j * width + i],width);\
            header = r' "%s/lensit/gpu/bicubicspline.h" ' % li.LENSITDIR
            if do_not_prefilter:
                filtmap = self.load_map(map).astype(np.float64)
                # TODO : may want to add pyFFTW here as well
                filtmap = np.fft.rfft2(self.load_map(map))
                w0 = 6. / (2. * np.cos(2. * np.pi * np.fft.fftfreq(filtmap.shape[0])) + 4.)
                filtmap *= np.outer(w0, w0[0:filtmap.shape[1]])
                filtmap = np.fft.irfft2(filtmap, self.shape)

            lenmap = np.empty(self.shape, dtype=np.float64)
            dx_gu = self.get_dx_ingridunits().astype(np.float64)
            dy_gu = self.get_dy_ingridunits().astype(np.float64)
            width = int(self.shape[0])
            assert self.shape[0] == self.shape[1]
            weave.inline(bicubicspline, ['lenmap', 'filtmap', 'dx_gu', 'dy_gu', 'width'], headers=[header])
            return lenmap

        elif use_Pool > 1 and use_Pool < 100:
            # TODO : may want to add pyFFTW here as well
            if not isinstance(map, str):
                assert self.has_lib_dir(), "Specify lib. dir. if you want to use Pool."
                np.save(self.lib_dir + '/temp_maptolens_rank%s.npy' % pbs.rank, map)
            if not self.is_dxdy_ondisk():
                assert self.has_lib_dir(), "Specify lib. dir. if you want to use Pool."
                print "lens_map::writing displacements on disk :"
                self.write_npy(self.lib_dir + '/temp_displ' + str(pbs.rank))  # this turns dx and dy to the paths
            path_to_map = map if isinstance(map, str) else self.lib_dir + '/temp_maptolens_rank%s.npy' % pbs.rank
            ret = ffs_pool.get_lens_Pooled_weave(self.mk_args(path_to_map, self.dx, self.dy),
                                                 root_Nthreads=use_Pool, do_not_prefilter=do_not_prefilter)
            if tidy:
                if os.path.exists(self.lib_dir + '/temp_maptolens_rank%s.npy' % pbs.rank):
                    os.remove(self.lib_dir + '/temp_maptolens_rank%s.npy' % pbs.rank)
            return ret

            assert 0