Ejemplo n.º 1
    def get_proof(self, if_id, epoch, prev_root, next_root):
        Obtain the proof for revoking a given interface at a given epoch.

        :param int if_id: ID of the interface to be revoked.
        :param int epoch: epoch for which the interface is to be revoked.
        :param bytes prev_root: hash of the previous root.
        :param bytes next_root: hash of the next root.
        assert if_id in self._if2idx.keys(), "if_id not found in AS"
        relative_epoch = epoch % HASHTREE_N_EPOCHS
        # Obtain the nonce for the (if_id, epoch) pair using the seed.
        raw_nonce = self._seed + struct.pack("!qq", if_id, relative_epoch)
        nonce = self._hash_func(raw_nonce)

        # Obtain the sibling hashes along with their left/right position info.
        siblings = []
        idx = self._if2idx[if_id] + relative_epoch
        while idx > 0:
            if idx % 2 == 0:
                siblings.append((True, self._nodes[idx - 1]))
                siblings.append((False, self._nodes[idx + 1]))
            idx = (idx - 1) // 2

        # Using the above fields, construct a RevInfo capnp as the proof.
        return RevocationInfo.from_values(
            self._isd_as, if_id, epoch, nonce, siblings, prev_root, next_root,
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _issue_revocation(self, if_id, chain):
        Store a RevocationObject in ZK and send a revocation to all ERs.

        :param if_id: The interface that needs to be revoked.
        :type if_id: int
        :param chain: The hash chain corresponding to if_id.
        :type chain: :class:`lib.crypto.hash_chain.HashChain`
        # Only the master BS issues revocations.
        if not self.zk.have_lock():
        rev_info = RevocationInfo.from_values(chain.next_element())
        logging.info("Storing revocation in ZK.")
        rev_obj = RevocationObject.from_values(if_id, chain.current_index(),
        entry_name = "%s:%s" % (chain.start_element(hex_=True),
        self.revobjs_cache.store(entry_name, rev_obj.pack())
        logging.info("Issuing revocation for IF %d.", if_id)
        # Issue revocation to all ERs.
        info = IFStateInfo.from_values(if_id, False, chain.next_element())
        pld = IFStatePayload.from_values([info])
        state_pkt = self._build_packet()
        for er in self.topology.get_all_edge_routers():
            state_pkt.addrs.dst.host = er.addr
            self.send(state_pkt, er.addr)
        self._process_revocation(rev_info, if_id)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def test_revoked(self):
     pcb = self._mk_pcb()
     inst = Mock()
     rev_info = RevocationInfo.from_values(ISD_AS("1-ff00:0:300"), 1, LinkType.PARENT, 1)
     srev_info = SignedRevInfo.from_values(rev_info.copy().pack(),
                                           ProtoSignType.ED25519, "src".encode())
     rev_cache = Mock()
     rev_cache.get.return_value = srev_info
     inst.check_revoked_interface = SCIONElement.check_revoked_interface
     ntools.eq_(inst.check_revoked_interface(inst, pcb, rev_cache), False)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def from_values(cls, if_id, index, rev_token):
        Returns a RevocationInfo object with the specified values.

        :param int if_id: The interface id of the corresponding interface.
        :param int index: The index of the rev_token in the hash chain.
        :param bytes rev_token: revocation token of interface
        inst = cls()
        inst.if_id = if_id
        inst.hash_chain_idx = index
        inst.rev_info = RevocationInfo.from_values(rev_token)
        return inst
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def _issue_revocations(self, revoked_ifs):
        Store a RevocationInfo in ZK and send a revocation to all BRs.

        :param list revoked_ifs: A list of interfaces that needs to be revoked.
        # Only the master BS issues revocations.
        if not self.zk.have_lock():
        # Process revoked interfaces.
        infos = []
        for if_id in revoked_ifs:
            br = self.ifid2br[if_id]
            rev_info = RevocationInfo.from_values(
                self.addr.isd_as, if_id, br.interfaces[if_id].link_type,
                int(time.time()), self.REVOCATION_TTL)
            logging.info("Issuing revocation: %s", rev_info.short_desc())
            if self._labels:
            chain = self._get_my_cert()
            _, cert_ver = chain.get_leaf_isd_as_ver()
            src = DefaultSignSrc.from_values(
                rev_info.isd_as(), cert_ver,
            srev_info = SignedRevInfo.from_values(rev_info.copy().pack(),
                                                  ProtoSignType.ED25519, src)
            # Add to revocation cache
            self.if_revocations[if_id] = srev_info
            infos.append(IFStateInfo.from_values(if_id, False, srev_info))
        border_metas = []
        # Add all BRs.
        for br in self.topology.border_routers:
            br_addr, br_port = br.int_addrs.public[0]
                UDPMetadata.from_values(host=br_addr, port=br_port))
        # Add local path server.
        ps_meta = []
        if self.topology.path_servers:
                addr, port = self.dns_query_topo(ServiceType.PS)[0]
            except SCIONServiceLookupError:
                addr, port = None, None
            # Create a meta if there is a local path service
            if addr:
                ps_meta.append(UDPMetadata.from_values(host=addr, port=port))
        self._send_ifstate_update(infos, border_metas, ps_meta)