def myinfo(self): user = api.user.get_current() fullname = user.getProperty('fullname') if type(fullname).__name__ == 'object': fullname = None portrait = user.portal_memberdata.getPersonalPortrait() #import pdb;pdb.set_trace() info = {'name': fullname, 'clubs': ['BB', 'CC', 'DD'], 'portrait': portrait} if self.megabankisinstalled: from import Bank pid = api.user.get_current().getProperty('personal_id') # if field is not defined as a personal property it becomes an object and the bank fails to load if type(pid).__name__ == 'object': info['balance'] = 'error' info['amount_pending'] = 'error' else: import locale locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'sv_SE.utf-8') try: accountinfo = Bank().getAccount(personalid=pid, context=self) info['balance'] = locale.currency(accountinfo.get('Balance', None), grouping=True) info['amount_pending'] = locale.currency(accountinfo.get('AmountPending', None), grouping=True) except: info['balance'] = 'conerror' info['amount_pending'] = 'conerror' #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() return info
def salesAnalysisGoBtn_triggered(self, switch): start_date, end_date = self.getDates(switch) if switch == "Customers": orders = [ order for order in self.orders if == self.current_customer[0].name and >= start_date and <= end_date ] gross_sales, average_sales = self.salesInDateRange(orders, start_date, end_date) self.writeDataToDisplay(self.current_customer, orders) self.cust_date_sales_display.setText(locale.currency(gross_sales)) self.cust_date_average_sale_display.setText(locale.currency(average_sales)) elif switch == "Group": customers_filtered = list(filter(lambda c: == self.current_group, self.customers)) orders = [ order for order in self.orders for customer in customers_filtered if == and >= start_date and <= end_date ] gross_sales, average_sales = self.salesInDateRange(orders, start_date, end_date) customers_with_orders = [order.customer for order in orders] self.writeDataToDisplay(customers_with_orders, orders) self.group_date_sales_display.setText(locale.currency(gross_sales)) self.group_date_average_sale_display.setText(locale.currency(average_sales))
def test_prettify(project_1_fixture): def colored_side_effect(v, c='', **kwargs): return '{}: {}{}'.format(c, v, kwargs) with patch('srmlf.project.colored', side_effect=colored_side_effect): with patch('prettytable.PrettyTable') as pt: with LocaleMock(('en_US', 'UTF-8'), [locale.LC_TIME, locale.LC_MONETARY]): table = project_1_fixture.prettify() pt.assert_any_call(['red: Description{}', 'red: Date{}', 'red: Alice{}', 'red: Bob{}']) assert isinstance(table, MagicMock) assert table.add_row.call_count == 4 table.add_row.assert_any_call( ['', ': TOTAL{\'attrs\': [\'bold\']}', ': %s{\'attrs\': [\'bold\']}' % locale.currency(10.0), ': %s{\'attrs\': [\'bold\']}' % locale.currency(5.0) ]) table.add_row.assert_any_call( ['', '', ': 66.67%{\'attrs\': [\'bold\']}', ': 33.33%{\'attrs\': [\'bold\']}' ])
def currency3(value): curr = None if value: curr = locale.currency(value, grouping=True) else: curr = locale.currency(0, grouping=True) return curr
def budget(): # Create the budget function import locale locale.setlocale( locale.LC_ALL, '' ) budget = float(input("Please enter your total budget for the month: ")) question = input("Would you like to enter an expense? ('y' or 'n') ") total = 0 # Keep track of your total spending num_of_purch = 0 # Keep track of the number of purchases while question != 'n': expense = float(input("Please enter the dollar amount of the expense: ")) total = total + expense num_of_purch = num_of_purch + 1 question = input("Would you like to enter another expense? ('y' or 'n') ") print("") print("The total that you spent during the month is", locale.currency(total, grouping = True)) print("You made a total of", num_of_purch, "purchases during the month!") print("You spent an average of", locale.currency(total / num_of_purch, grouping = True), "on each purchase!") # Check whether your spending is under or over budget (or on budget) if budget > total: print("You are under budget by a total of", locale.currency(budget - total, grouping = True)) elif budget == total: print("You spent all of your budget (exactly)!") else: print("You are over budget by a total of", locale.currency(total - budget, grouping = True))
def fetch_user_context(user): if user.is_authenticated: locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '') try: user_account = Account.objects.get(, account_type=account_type.savings) savings_text = locale.currency(user_account.balance, grouping=True) except: savings_text = '$0' try: user_account = Account.objects.get(, account_type=account_type.checking) checking_text = locale.currency(user_account.balance, grouping=True) debit_activated = user_account.card_activated debit_pin = user_account.card_pin except: checking_text = '$0' debit_activated = False debit_pin = '' try: user_account = Account.objects.get(, credit_text = locale.currency(user_account.balance, grouping=True) credit_exists = True credit_pin = user_account.card_pin except: credit_text = '$0' credit_exists = False credit_pin = '' context = {'savings_text': savings_text, 'checking_text': checking_text, 'credit_text': credit_text, 'credit_exists': credit_exists, 'debit_activated': debit_activated, 'credit_pin': credit_pin, 'debit_pin': debit_pin} return context
def ltc(self): url = '' request = Browser(url) if not request: return "Couldn't retrieve LTC data." try: json = request.json() except: return "Couldn't parse LTC data." locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'en_US.UTF-8') last = locale.currency(json['ticker']['last']) low = locale.currency(json['ticker']['low']) high = locale.currency(json['ticker']['high']) if self.values: try: value = locale.currency(float(json['ticker']['last']) * float(self.values[0])) except: return "Couldn't compute LTC value." return 'Value of %s LTC is %s' % (self.values[0], value) else: return 'Litecoin, Last: %s, Low: %s, High: %s' % (last, low, high)
def update_exchange_rates(ui, total): rates = coinbase.exchange_rates() global btc_to_usd global usd_to_btc btc_to_usd = float(rates["btc_to_usd"]) usd_to_btc = float(rates["usd_to_btc"]) ui.display_exchange_rate(locale.currency(btc_to_usd), locale.currency(total), total * usd_to_btc)
def output_transactions(sheet, label, transactions, column): totals = {} for transaction in transactions: category = transaction.category if not in totals: totals[] = { 'amount': 0.00, 'category': category } totals[]['amount'] += transaction.calculate_amount() row = 2 grand_total = 0 for category_name, data in iter(sorted(totals.iteritems())): total = data['amount'] category = data['category'] # Skip categories with 0 if total == 0: continue category_cell = Cell(output_sheet, row, column) total_cell = Cell(output_sheet, row, column + 1) reimbursable_cell = Cell(output_sheet, row, column + 2) category_cell.value = category.description() total_cell.value = locale.currency(total) reimbursable_cell.value = grand_total += total row += 1 Cell(output_sheet, 1, column).value = label Cell(output_sheet, 1, column + 1).value = locale.currency(grand_total)
def print_barcode(self, code, artist, title, price, genre, new_used): c = canvas.Canvas(self.file, pagesize=(62 * mm, 29 * mm)) code_copy = code #this is terrible i hate myself if code.isdigit(): code = '%013d' % int(code) code ='EAN13',value=code,barHeight=8*mm,width=49*mm) else: code ='Code128',value=code,barHeight=5*mm,width=49*mm,humanReadable=True) code.drawOn(c,12*mm, 3*mm) c.drawImage(BABY_LOGO_FILE_NAME, 2*mm,-24*mm,width=9*mm,preserveAspectRatio=True) #c.drawImage(BABY_LOGO_FILE_NAME, 1*mm,-14*mm,preserveAspectRatio=True) c.setFont('Courier', 8) artist = artist[0:22] title = title[0:22] c.drawString(2*mm, 19*mm,artist)#19 c.drawString(2*mm, 16*mm,title)#16 #if new_used == 'Used': filtered_genre = genre.replace("Folk, World, & Country", "FWC") c.drawString(2*mm, 13*mm,filtered_genre)#13 c.setFont('Courier',16) if 'PRRGC' not in code_copy: if price > 99.99: c.drawString(37*mm, 17*mm, locale.currency(price)) else: c.drawString(40*mm, 17*mm, locale.currency(price)) c.showPage() #make call to subprocess to talk to CUPS to print this shiz on the printer command = 'lp -d Brother_QL_700 -o media=Custom.62x25mm /Users/plaidroomrecords/Desktop/barcode_test.pdf', shell=True)
def format_value(value, type_desc, str_format=None): type_desc = str(type_desc).lower() if value is not None: if type_desc == 'integer' or type_desc == 'int' or type_desc == 'bigint' or type_desc == 'seconds': return locale.format('%d', value, grouping=True) elif type_desc == 'float' or type_desc == 'decimal' or type_desc == 'numeric': return locale.format('%.4f', Decimal(str(value).replace(',', '')), grouping=True).rstrip('0').rstrip('.') elif type_desc == 'percent': value = value * 100 s = str(value) return '{}%'.format(locale.format('%g', Decimal(s.rstrip('0').rstrip('.')), grouping=True) if '.' in s else locale.format('%g', Decimal(s), grouping=True)) elif type_desc == 'money': if value < 0: result = '-{}'.format(locale.currency(abs(value), grouping=True)) else: result = locale.currency(value, grouping=True) return result elif type_desc == 'date': if 'month' in type_desc: return value.strftime('%m/%Y') elif 'quarter' in type_desc: return datetime_to_quarter(value) else: return value.strftime('%m/%d/%Y') elif type_desc == 'timestamp' or type_desc == 'time' or type_desc == 'interval': return value.strftime(str_format) return str(value)
def test_can_create_an_invoice_with_multiple_pages(self): rows = [] subtotal = 0 for i in range(0, 27): description = fake.sentence(nb_words=5, variable_nb_words=True) unit_price = fake.pydecimal(left_digits=3, right_digits=2, positive=True) amount = fake.random_int(min=1, max=15) unit_total = unit_price * amount subtotal += unit_total rows.append([description, unit_price, amount, unit_total]) vat = subtotal * 21 / 100 total_invoice = subtotal + vat data = CustomData() data.customer = Customer( code='CUS1',, vat=fake.bothify(text="#########?").upper(), address=fake.address(),, postal_code=fake.postcode(), province=fake.state(),,, contact_phone=fake.phone_number(), contact_email=fake.free_email() ) data.metadata = Metadata(doc_type='FACTURA', code='FRA SER 14-2014', serie='SER', date='01/12/2014', subtotal=subtotal) data.footer_a = [locale.currency(subtotal), 'I.V.A.', '21%', locale.currency(vat), locale.currency(total_invoice)] data.footer_b = ['TRANSFER', 'MY ENTITY', 'ER 19281 12 1234567889', '30 días'] data.rows = rows destination_file = os.path.join(get_output_folder(), "mutiple_pages.pdf") = data self.invoice_generator.generate(destination_file) self.assertIsFile(destination_file)
def main (): # Set locale to US locale.setlocale( locale.LC_ALL, '' ) # Seperator print() # User input amount = float(input("Enter amount: $")) # List of cash options options_list = [] options_list.append(locale.currency(amount, grouping=True)) options_list.append(locale.currency(math.ceil(amount), grouping=True)) options_list.append(locale.currency((int(5 * math.ceil(amount / 5))), grouping=True)) options_list.append(locale.currency((int(20 * math.ceil(amount / 20))), grouping=True)) # Remove duplicates options_list = list(OrderedDict.fromkeys(options_list)) # Output print() print("Cash options:") for option in options_list: print(option) print()
def form_valid(self, form): self.object.aprobacion_lider = timezone.localtime( self.object = valores = self.object.desplazamientos.all().values_list('valor',flat=True) valor_aprobado = 0 for valor in valores: valor_aprobado += valor if self.object.estado == 'aprobado_lider': self.object.valor_aprobado_lider = valor_aprobado elif self.object.estado == 'rechazado': self.object.valor_aprobado_lider = 0 send_mail_templated.delay('email/desplazamiento.tpl', { 'url_base':'', 'fullname':self.object.formador.get_full_name(), 'nombre_solicitud': self.object.nombre, 'fecha_solicitud': self.object.creacion.strftime('%d/%m/%Y'), 'valor_solicitado': locale.currency(self.object.valor,grouping=True), 'valor_aprobado': locale.currency(valor_aprobado,grouping=True), 'observacion': form.cleaned_data['observacion'], 'estado': 'Solicitud rechazada' }, DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL, [self.object.formador.correo_personal]) else: self.object.valor_aprobado_lider = 0 return super(ModelFormMixin,self).form_valid(form)
def dump_section(sheet,start_row,cols,col_heads): # If there is no data in the row, return for i in range(0,3): print(start_row,i,sheet.row(start_row)[i].value) if sheet.row(start_row)[cols[0]].value=="": return ncols = len(cols) f.write(r"\begin{tabular}{l|" + "r"*ncols + r"}" + nl) if col_heads: f.write("&".join(col_heads) + r"\\" + nl) f.write(r"\hline"+nl) sum = 0 while sheet.row(start_row)[cols[0]].value!="": for c in cols: v = sheet.row(start_row)[c].value if not v: continue if c!=cols[-1]: f.write(str(v) + " & ") else: try: f.write("\\" + locale.currency(v,True,True) + r"\\" + nl) sum += float(v) except TypeError: continue start_row+=1 f.write("\hline\multicolumn{%d}{l}{Total} &" % (ncols-1)) f.write("\\" + locale.currency(sum,True,True) + r"\\" + nl) f.write(r"\end{tabular}" + nl + nl)
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): kwargs['valor_solicitado'] = locale.currency(self.object.valor,grouping=True) if self.object.valor_aprobado != None: kwargs['valor_aprobado'] = locale.currency(self.object.valor_aprobado,grouping=True) kwargs['archivo_url'] = self.object.get_archivo_url() kwargs['archivo_filename'] = self.object.archivo_filename() return super(TransportesEliminarView,self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
def print_aux(self, start, end, name, date): doc = open(os.path.join(self.path, 'documentos', name + '.html'), 'w') doc.write("""<style type="text/css"> <!-- @import url("style.css"); --> </style>""") print date.Month, date.Year sep = [10, 10, 10, 20] saldo = 0 cur_cta = '' acum = [] for cuenta, fecha, tipopol, numpol, referencia, tipomov, importe in self.get_records(start, end): saldo += importe * (-1 if tipomov == 'True' else 1) fecha = fecha + " " * (sep[0] - len(fecha)) tipopol = self.movs[tipopol] + " " * (sep[1] - len(self.movs[tipopol])) numpol = str(numpol) + " " * (sep[2] - len(str(numpol))) referencia = referencia + " " * (sep[3] - len(referencia)) importe = (" " * (7 if tipomov == 'True' else 0)) + locale.currency(importe, grouping=True) + " " * (7 if tipomov == 'True' else 12) if cur_cta != cuenta: acum.append(['Saldo','','','','','', locale.currency(saldo, grouping=True)]) acum.append(['','','','','','', '']) saldo = 0 cur_cta = cuenta acum.append([cuenta, fecha, tipopol, numpol, referencia, importe, locale.currency(saldo, grouping=True)]) htmlcode = HTML.table(acum, attribs={'id':"hor-minimalist-b"}, border=0, header_row=['Cuenta', 'Fecha', 'Tipo', '#Poliza', 'Ref', 'Importe', 'Saldo']) doc.write(htmlcode)
def get_all_csv(self, days): """get csv export of all sent invoices""" import locale locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'nl_NL.UTF-8') csv_data="" invoices=self.get_all( match={ "sent": True }, gte={ "sent_date": time.time()- ( int(days)*24*3600)}, sort=[ [ "sent_date" ,1 ] ] ) for invoice in invoices: cols=[] cols.append(invoice["to_copy"]["customer_nr"]) cols.append(invoice["to_copy"]["company"]) cols.append(invoice["invoice_nr"]) cols.append(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", time.localtime(invoice['sent_date']))) cols.append(locale.currency(invoice["calc_total_tax"], symbol=False, grouping=False)) cols.append(locale.currency(invoice["calc_total_tax"]-invoice["calc_total"], symbol=False, grouping=False)) stripped_cols=[] for col in cols: stripped_cols.append(str(col).replace(";","_")) csv_data+=";".join(stripped_cols)+"\n" response=bottle.HTTPResponse(body=csv_data) response.set_header('Content-Type', 'text/plain') return(response)
def calculator(wall, price): import locale locale.setlocale( locale.LC_ALL, '' ) gallons = (wall / 115) * 1 # Calculate the number of gallons required hours = (wall / 115) * 8 # Calculate the number of gallons required labor_cost = 20 * hours # Calculate the labor cost paint_cost = price * hours # Calculate the paint cost total_cost = paint_cost + labor_cost print("You will require a total of", format(gallons, '.2f'), "gallons of paint to paint your wall!") print("It will take a total of", format(hours, '.2f'), "hours of labor to paint your wall!") print("It will cost a total of", locale.currency(labor_cost, grouping=True ), "dollars in labor to paint your wall!") print("It will cost a total of", locale.currency(paint_cost, grouping=True ), "dollars in paint to finish painting your wall!") print("The total cost of the paint job will be", locale.currency(total_cost, grouping=True ), "dollars!")
def btc(self): url = '' response = pageopen(url) if not response:"Couldn't retrieve BTC data.") return try: json = response.json() except:"Couldn't parse BTC data.") return locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'en_US.UTF-8') last = locale.currency(json['ticker']['last']) low = locale.currency(json['ticker']['low']) high = locale.currency(json['ticker']['high']) if self.values: try: value = locale.currency(float(json['ticker']['last']) * float(self.values[0])) except:"Couldn't compute BTC value.") return return 'Value of %s BTC is %s' % (self.values[0], value) else: return 'Bitcoin, Last: %s, Low: %s, High: %s' % (last, low, high)
def get_representation(self, doc_field, data): import locale locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '') if doc_field: if doc_field.df_type == 'link': return data document ='type', 'document') label ='type', 'label') row = self.META.db[document](data) if row and label in row: return row[label] elif doc_field.df_type == 'currency': return locale.currency(data,'type', 'symbol') or get_default(types.currency.options, 'symbol'), True, False) elif doc_field.df_type == 'money': return locale.currency(data,'type', 'international') or get_default(types.currency.options, 'symbol'), True, True) elif doc_field.df_type == 'filelink': document = self.db.File(data) if document and'allow_file_links'): label = document['title'] return A(URL('download',, cid=self.request.cid if self.request.ajax else None) elif document: return document['title'] elif doc_field.df_type in ('blob', 'property'): return 'DATA' elif doc_field.df_type == 'smalltext' and data and len(data)>255: return 'DATA' elif isinstance(data, (list, tuple, dict)): return 'DATA' return data return data
def create_report_window(self, report, other=False): reporte = self.builder.get_object("reporte") vistaCuentas = self.builder.get_object("vistaReporte") column = gtk.TreeViewColumn("Cuenta", gtk.CellRendererText(), text=0) vistaCuentas.append_column(column) column.set_sort_column_id(0) column = gtk.TreeViewColumn("Aportantes", gtk.CellRendererText(), text=1) vistaCuentas.append_column(column) column.set_sort_column_id(1) column = gtk.TreeViewColumn("Cantidad", gtk.CellRendererText(), text=2) vistaCuentas.append_column(column) column.set_sort_column_id(2) cuentas = gtk.ListStore(str, int, str) vistaCuentas.set_model(cuentas) if not other: for ra in report.reportAccounts: cuentas.append([, ra.quantity, locale.currency(ra.amount, True, True)]) else: for ra in report.otherAccounts: cuentas.append([, ra.quantity, locale.currency(ra.amount, True, True)]) reporte.show_all()
def display_results(container): total_positions = len(list(filter(lambda x: not x.is_open(), container.context.positions))) locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "en_GB.UTF-8") if total_positions == 0: print("=========================================================") print("Algo: %s" % (container.algo.identifier(),)) print("No Positions taken") else: closed = list( map( lambda x: "\t%s%s --> %.2fpts (%s)\x1B[;0m" % ("\x1B[;31m" if x.points_delta() < 0.0 else "\x1B[;32m", x, x.points_delta(), x.position_time()), filter(lambda x: not x.is_open(), container.context.positions), ) ) open = list(map(lambda x: "\t%s" % (x), filter(lambda x: x.is_open(), container.context.positions))) winning = list( filter(lambda x: x.points_delta() > 0.0, filter(lambda x: not x.is_open(), container.context.positions)) ) print("=========================================================") print("Algo: %s" % (container.algo.identifier(),)) print("Winning Ratio: %.2f%%" % ((len(winning) / total_positions * 100),)) print( "Total Pts: %.2f" % (sum([x.points_delta() for x in filter(lambda x: not x.is_open(), container.context.positions)]),) ) print("Starting Capital: %s" % (locale.currency(container.starting_capital, grouping=True),)) print("Current Capital: %s" % (locale.currency(container.context.working_capital, grouping=True),)) print("Capital Change: %s" % (locale.currency(container.context.working_capital, grouping=True),)) print("---------------------------------------------------------") print("Completed:\n%s" % ("\n".join(closed),)) print("Open:\n%s" % ("\n".join(open),))
def send_request_notification(self): ''' Sends a notification to all eligible tutors that job is available ''' from apps.tutor.models import TutorCourse, TutorDepartment import locale locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '') merge_vars = { "CLOCK_SAYING": "🕒", "RATE_SAYING": "💵", "EST_TIME": self.est_time, "HOURLY_RATE": locale.currency(self.hourly_rate), "ESTIMATED_WAGE": locale.currency(self.get_estimated_wage()), "COURSE_NAME": self.course.get_readable_name() } data = { 'request_id': } blocked_tutors = BlockedTutor.objects.filter(student=self.student) tutor_courses = TutorCourse.objects.filter(course=self.course).exclude(tutor__in=blocked_tutors.values('tutor_id')) tutors = [tc.tutor for tc in tutor_courses] tutor_departments = TutorDepartment.objects.filter(department=self.course.department).exclude(Q(tutor_id__in=tutor_courses.values('tutor_id')) | Q(tutor__in=blocked_tutors.values('tutor_id'))) tutors.extend([td.tutor for td in tutor_departments]) notification_type = NotificationType.objects.get(identifier="NEW_REQUEST") for tutor in tutors: if tutor.user == self.student.user: continue OpenNotification.objects.create(tutor.user, notification_type, data, merge_vars, None)
def monte_carlo(): form = MonteCarloForm() if is not None: rate = float( else: rate = 0.07 if is not None: sigma = float( else: sigma = 0.15 if is not None: time = int( else: time = 10 if is not None: start_value = float( else: start_value = all_accounts_sum() paths = gen_monte_carlo_paths(start_value, r=rate, sigma=sigma, time=time) session['paths'] = paths[:, :20] session['final_prices'] = paths[-1] stats = stats_from_paths(paths) mean = locale.currency(paths[-1].mean(), grouping=True) return render_template("monte_carlo.html", paths=paths, stats=stats, start_value=("{:.2f}".format(start_value)), start_val_for=locale.currency(start_value, grouping=True), rate=rate, sigma=sigma, time=time, mean=mean, form=form)
def probability_cmd(ctx, cmd, arg, *args): if args != 0: if args == 1: args[0] = arg.split(' ')[0] if len(args[0]) <= 7: probability = lentoperm[len(args[0])] probability = str(locale.currency(probability, grouping=True)) ctx.reply(u'The probability of "%s" compared to all other possible words of its length is`B %s`B to `B1`B against.' % (args[0], probability[1:len(probability)-3]), 'probability') else: ctx.reply(u'The probability of "%s" compared to all other possible words of its length is `Bvery unlikely`B to `B1`B against.' % args[0], 'probability') else: probability = 0 veryunlikely = False for word in arg.split(' '): #This is a sentence, so getting the probability of the /entire/ string would be incorrect. Instead we do (permutation of letters/numbers for length of word) * (permutation for arrangements of words in sentence) to get the total possible number of sentences that could result from arranging every possible word for each word's length. if len(word) <= 7: probability += lentoperm[len(word)] * len(args) else: veryunlikely = True if veryunlikely == False: probability = str(locale.currency(probability, grouping=True)) ctx.reply(u'The probability of this sentence, taking into account all the possible arrangements of all the possible words of all the given words\' lengths is`B %s`B to `B1`B against.' % probability[1:len(probability)-3], 'probability') else: ctx.reply(u'The probability of this sentence, taking into account all the possible arrangements of all the possible words of all the given words\' lengths is `Bvery unlikely`B to `B1`B against.', 'probability') else: ctx.reply(u'The probability of nothing, compared to every character you could have typed, assuming "nothing" is a character is`B %s`B to `B1`B against. Please provide input next time.' % (len(numbers) + len(letters) + len(nothing)), 'probability')
def tax(total_sales): # Function will be used to calculated the various tax rates import locale # Import the locale locale.setlocale( locale.LC_ALL, '' ) # Set the locale for use within the function (locally) county_sales = total_sales * 0.02 state_sales = total_sales * 0.04 total_county_state = county_sales + state_sales print("") print("You spent a total of", locale.currency(total_sales, grouping=True ), " last month!") print("The total county sales tax that you owe is", locale.currency(county_sales, grouping=True ), "dollars!") print("The total state sales tax that you owe is", locale.currency(state_sales, grouping=True ), "dollars!") print("The total sales tax that you owe is", locale.currency(total_county_state, grouping=True ), "dollars!")
def to_html( startups ): c = 0 html = "" # Ehh.... its diff on 2 computers try: locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'en_US.utf8' ) except: locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'en_US.UTF-8' ) for startup in startups: c = c + 1 n = startup.get( "name" ) hc = startup.get( "short_description" ) url = startup.get( "url" ) loc = startup.get( "location" ) updated = startup.get( "updated" ).strftime( '%m-%d-%Y') html = html + "<p><b>" + str( c ) + ". %s (%s)</b><br/>%s, updated %s" % ( n, loc, hc, updated ) html = html + "<br/>" + "<a href='%s' target='_blank'>URL</a>" % ( url ) aurl = startup.get( "angel_list_url" ) if aurl is not None: q = str( startup, "quality" ) ) f = str( startup, "follower_count" ) ) html = html + " | <a href='%s' target='_blank'>AngelList (q=%s, f=%s)</a>" % ( str( aurl ), q, f ) cburl = startup.get( "crunchbase_url" ) if cburl is not None: html = html + " | <a href='%s' target='_blank'>CrunchBase</a>" % ( str( cburl ) ) phurl = startup.get( "product_hunt_url" ) if phurl is not None: v = str( startup.get( "product_hunt_votes" ) ) cm = str( startup.get( "product_hunt_comments" ) ) html = html + " | <a href='%s' target='_blank'>ProductHunt (v=%s, c=%s)</a>" % ( str( phurl ), v, cm ) total_funding = startup.get( "total_funding" ) if total_funding is not None and total_funding != 0 : html = html + "<br/>" + "Funding: %s" % ( str( locale.currency( total_funding, grouping=True ) )[:-3] ) last_round = startup.get( "last_round" ) if last_round is not None: round_str = "%s: %s" % ( str( startup.get( "last_round_type" ) ), str( locale.currency( last_round, grouping=True ) )[:-3] ) last_round_url = startup.get( "last_round_url" ) if last_round_url is not None and len( last_round_url ) > 0: html = html + (' <a href="%s">%s</a>' % ( str( startup.get( "last_round_url" ) ), round_str ) ) else: html = html + ' %s' % round_str tags = startup.get( "tags" ) if len( tags ) != 0: html = html + "<br/>Tags: " + ', '.join( tags ) return html
def printProgression(self, monthly, m, M): prog = self.progression(monthly, m, M) s = '' print 'Upphafsstada: %s' %(locale.currency(prog[0][0], grouping=True)) for i in range(1,len(prog)): amount = locale.currency(prog[i][0], grouping = True) collectedInt = locale.currency(prog[i][1], grouping = True) print 'Manudur %d: \n Stada: %s Uppsafnadir vextir: %s' %(i, amount, collectedInt)
def format_currency(self, amount, min): price = amount / 100 locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '') formatted = locale.currency(price, symbol=False, grouping=True) if price < min: return '{}<span style="color: red;"> (低于{})</span>'.format(formatted, locale.currency(min, symbol=False, grouping=True)) else: return formatted
def fit(self, num_epoches=1000, max_memory=60, balance=10000000, discount_factor=0, start_epsilon=.5, learning=True): "\n\nLR: {lr}, DF: {discount_factor}, " "TU: [{min_trading_unit}, {max_trading_unit}], " "DRT: {delayed_reward_threshold}, Tax: {tax}".format(, discount_factor=discount_factor, min_trading_unit=self.agent.min_trading_unit, max_trading_unit=self.agent.max_trading_unit, delayed_reward_threshold=self.agent.delayed_reward_threshold, # Visualization Preparation # Pre-visualization the chart data as it does not change self.visualizer.prepare(self.environment.chart_data) # Prepare the folders to store visualization results epoch_summary_dir = os.path.join( settings.BASE_DIR, 'epoch_summary/%s/epoch_summary_%s' % (self.stock_code, settings.timestr)) if not os.path.isdir(epoch_summary_dir): os.makedirs(epoch_summary_dir) # Set agent's initial balance self.agent.set_balance(balance) # Initialize the information about training max_portfolio_value = 0 epoch_win_cnt = 0 # Training repetition for epoch in range(num_epoches): # Initialize the information about epoch loss = 0. itr_cnt = 0 win_cnt = 0 exploration_cnt = 0 batch_size = 0 pos_learning_cnt = 0 neg_learning_cnt = 0 # Initialize the memory memory_sample = [] memory_action = [] memory_reward = [] memory_prob = [] memory_pv = [] memory_num_stocks = [] memory_exp_idx = [] memory_learning_idx = [] # Initialize the environment, agent and policy nerual network self.environment.reset() self.agent.reset() self.policy_network.reset() self.reset() # Initialize the visualizer self.visualizer.clear([0, len(self.chart_data)]) # Exploration rate decreases as you progress if learning: epsilon = start_epsilon * (1. - float(epoch) / (num_epoches - 1)) else: epsilon = 0 while True: # Sample generation next_sample = self._build_sample() if next_sample is None: break # Actions decided by policy neural network or exploration action, confidence, exploration = self.agent.decide_action( self.policy_network, self.sample, epsilon) # Perform the action you decided and earn immediate and delayed rewards immediate_reward, delayed_reward = self.agent.act( action, confidence) # Store the actions and the consequences for the actions memory_sample.append(next_sample) memory_action.append(action) memory_reward.append(immediate_reward) memory_pv.append(self.agent.portfolio_value) memory_num_stocks.append(self.agent.num_stocks) memory = [ (memory_sample[i], memory_action[i], memory_reward[i]) for i in list(range(len(memory_action)))[-max_memory:] ] if exploration: memory_exp_idx.append(itr_cnt) memory_prob.append([np.nan] * Agent.NUM_ACTIONS) else: memory_prob.append(self.policy_network.prob) # Update the information about iterations batch_size += 1 itr_cnt += 1 exploration_cnt += 1 if exploration else 0 win_cnt += 1 if delayed_reward > 0 else 0 # Update policy neural network when in training mode and delay rewards exist if delayed_reward == 0 and batch_size >= max_memory: delayed_reward = immediate_reward self.agent.base_portfolio_value = self.agent.portfolio_value if learning and delayed_reward != 0: # Size of batch traning data batch_size = min(batch_size, max_memory) # Generate batch training data x, y = self._get_batch(memory, batch_size, discount_factor, delayed_reward) if len(x) > 0: if delayed_reward > 0: pos_learning_cnt += 1 else: neg_learning_cnt += 1 # Update Policy neural network loss += self.policy_network.train_on_batch(x, y) memory_learning_idx.append([itr_cnt, delayed_reward]) batch_size = 0 # Visualize the information about epoches num_epoches_digit = len(str(num_epoches)) epoch_str = str(epoch + 1).rjust(num_epoches_digit, '0') self.visualizer.plot(epoch_str=epoch_str, num_epoches=num_epoches, epsilon=epsilon, action_list=Agent.ACTIONS, actions=memory_action, num_stocks=memory_num_stocks, outvals=memory_prob, exps=memory_exp_idx, learning=memory_learning_idx, initial_balance=self.agent.initial_balance, pvs=memory_pv) os.path.join( epoch_summary_dir, 'epoch_summary_%s_%s.png' % (settings.timestr, epoch_str))) # Record the information about epoches in log if pos_learning_cnt + neg_learning_cnt > 0: loss /= pos_learning_cnt + neg_learning_cnt "[Epoch %s/%s]\tEpsilon:%.4f\t#Expl.:%d/%d\t" "#Buy:%d\t#Sell:%d\t#Hold:%d\t" "#Stocks:%d\tPV:%s\t" "POS:%s\tNEG:%s\tLoss:%10.6f" % (epoch_str, num_epoches, epsilon, exploration_cnt, itr_cnt, self.agent.num_buy, self.agent.num_sell, self.agent.num_hold, self.agent.num_stocks, locale.currency(self.agent.portfolio_value, grouping=True), pos_learning_cnt, neg_learning_cnt, loss)) # Update the information about training max_portfolio_value = max(max_portfolio_value, self.agent.portfolio_value) if self.agent.portfolio_value > self.agent.initial_balance: epoch_win_cnt += 1 # Record the information about training in log"Max PV: %s, \t # Win: %d" % (locale.currency( max_portfolio_value, grouping=True), epoch_win_cnt))
def usd(aNumber): return locale.currency(aNumber, grouping=True)
def int_to_dollar(x): return locale.currency(x, grouping=True)
def currency_default(value, decimals=True): if decimals: return locale.currency(value, symbol=True, grouping=True).decode('utf8') else: return currency_symbol() + locale.format("%d", value, grouping=True)
def run(base_dir, start_gunicorn_app=True, options=None): options = options or {} # Store a pidfile before doing anything else store_pidfile(base_dir) # For dumping stacktraces register_diag_handlers() # Capture warnings to log files logging.captureWarnings(True) # Start initializing the server now os.chdir(base_dir) try: import pymysql pymysql.install_as_MySQLdb() except ImportError: pass # We're doing it here even if someone doesn't use PostgreSQL at all # so we're not suprised when someone suddenly starts using PG. # TODO: Make sure it's registered for each of the subprocess psycopg2.extensions.register_type(psycopg2.extensions.UNICODE) psycopg2.extensions.register_type(psycopg2.extensions.UNICODEARRAY) # We know we don't need warnings because users may explicitly configure no certificate validation. # We don't want for urllib3 to warn us about it. import requests as _r _r.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings() repo_location = os.path.join(base_dir, 'config', 'repo') # Configure the logging first, before configuring the actual server. logging.addLevelName('TRACE1', TRACE1) logging_conf_path = os.path.join(repo_location, 'logging.conf') with open(logging_conf_path) as f: logging_config = yaml.load(f) dictConfig(logging_config) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) kvdb_logger = logging.getLogger('zato_kvdb') crypto_manager = ServerCryptoManager(repo_location, secret_key=options['secret_key'], stdin_data=read_stdin_data()) secrets_config = ConfigObj(os.path.join(repo_location, 'secrets.conf'), use_zato=False) server_config = get_config(repo_location, 'server.conf', crypto_manager=crypto_manager, secrets_conf=secrets_config) pickup_config = get_config(repo_location, 'pickup.conf') sio_config = get_config(repo_location, 'simple-io.conf', needs_user_config=False) sso_config = get_config(repo_location, 'sso.conf', needs_user_config=False) normalize_sso_config(sso_config) server_config.main.token = server_config.main.token.encode('utf8') # Do not proceed unless we can be certain our own preferred address or IP can be obtained. preferred_address = server_config.preferred_address.get('address') if not preferred_address: preferred_address = get_preferred_ip(server_config.main.gunicorn_bind, server_config.preferred_address) if not preferred_address and not server_config.server_to_server.boot_if_preferred_not_found: msg = 'Unable to start the server. Could not obtain a preferred address, please configure [bind_options] in server.conf' logger.warn(msg) raise Exception(msg) # Create the startup callable tool as soon as practical startup_callable_tool = StartupCallableTool(server_config) # Run the hook before there is any server object created startup_callable_tool.invoke(SERVER_STARTUP.PHASE.FS_CONFIG_ONLY, kwargs={ 'server_config': server_config, 'pickup_config': pickup_config, 'sio_config': sio_config, 'sso_config': sso_config, }) # New in 2.0 - Start monitoring as soon as possible if server_config.get('newrelic', {}).get('config'): import newrelic.agent newrelic.agent.initialize(server_config.newrelic.config, server_config.newrelic.environment or None, server_config.newrelic.ignore_errors or None, server_config.newrelic.log_file or None, server_config.newrelic.log_level or None) # New in 2.0 - override gunicorn-set Server HTTP header gunicorn.SERVER_SOFTWARE = server_config.misc.get('http_server_header', 'Zato') # Store KVDB config in logs, possibly replacing its password if told to kvdb_config = get_kvdb_config_for_log(server_config.kvdb)'Main process config `%s`', kvdb_config) # New in 2.0 hence optional user_locale = server_config.misc.get('locale', None) if user_locale: locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, user_locale) value = 12345'Locale is `%s`, amount of %s -> `%s`', user_locale, value, locale.currency(value, grouping=True).decode('utf-8')) # Makes queries against Postgres asynchronous if asbool(server_config.odb.use_async_driver ) and server_config.odb.engine == 'postgresql': make_psycopg_green() if server_config.misc.http_proxy: os.environ['http_proxy'] = server_config.misc.http_proxy # Basic components needed for the server to boot up kvdb = KVDB() odb_manager = ODBManager(well_known_data=ZATO_CRYPTO_WELL_KNOWN_DATA) sql_pool_store = PoolStore() service_store = ServiceStore() service_store.odb = odb_manager = {} server = ParallelServer() server.odb = odb_manager server.service_store = service_store server.service_store.server = server server.sql_pool_store = sql_pool_store server.service_modules = [] server.kvdb = kvdb server.user_config = Bunch() # Assigned here because it is a circular dependency odb_manager.parallel_server = server zato_gunicorn_app = ZatoGunicornApplication(server, repo_location, server_config.main, server_config.crypto) server.has_fg = options.get('fg') server.crypto_manager = crypto_manager server.odb_data = server_config.odb = zato_gunicorn_app.zato_host server.port = zato_gunicorn_app.zato_port server.repo_location = repo_location server.user_conf_location = os.path.join(server.repo_location, 'user-conf') server.base_dir = base_dir server.logs_dir = os.path.join(server.base_dir, 'logs') server.tls_dir = os.path.join(server.base_dir, 'config', 'repo', 'tls') server.static_dir = os.path.join(server.base_dir, 'config', 'repo', 'static') server.json_schema_dir = os.path.join(server.base_dir, 'config', 'repo', 'schema', 'json-schema') server.fs_server_config = server_config server.fs_sql_config = get_config(repo_location, 'sql.conf', needs_user_config=False) server.pickup_config = pickup_config server.logging_config = logging_config server.logging_conf_path = logging_conf_path server.sio_config = sio_config server.sso_config = sso_config server.user_config.update(server_config.user_config_items) server.preferred_address = preferred_address server.sync_internal = options['sync_internal'] server.jwt_secret = server.fs_server_config.misc.jwt_secret.encode('utf8') server.startup_callable_tool = startup_callable_tool server.is_sso_enabled = server.fs_server_config.component_enabled.sso if server.is_sso_enabled: server.sso_api = SSOAPI(server, sso_config, None, crypto_manager.encrypt, crypto_manager.decrypt, crypto_manager.hash_secret, crypto_manager.verify_hash, new_user_id) # Remove all locks possibly left over by previous server instances kvdb.component = 'master-proc' clear_locks(kvdb, server_config.main.token, server_config.kvdb, crypto_manager.decrypt) # New in 2.0.8 server.return_tracebacks = asbool( server_config.misc.get('return_tracebacks', True)) server.default_error_message = server_config.misc.get( 'default_error_message', 'An error has occurred') # Turn the repo dir into an actual repository and commit any new/modified files RepoManager(repo_location).ensure_repo_consistency() # New in 2.0 so it's optional. profiler_enabled = server_config.get('profiler', {}).get('enabled', False) # New in 2.0 so it's optional. sentry_config = server_config.get('sentry') dsn = sentry_config.pop('dsn', None) if dsn: from raven import Client from raven.handlers.logging import SentryHandler handler_level = sentry_config.pop('level') client = Client(dsn, **sentry_config) handler = SentryHandler(client=client) handler.setLevel(getattr(logging, handler_level)) logger = logging.getLogger('') logger.addHandler(handler) for name in logging.Logger.manager.loggerDict: if name.startswith('zato'): logger = logging.getLogger(name) logger.addHandler(handler) if asbool(profiler_enabled): profiler_dir = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(base_dir, server_config.profiler.profiler_dir)) server.on_wsgi_request = ProfileMiddleware( server.on_wsgi_request, log_filename=os.path.join(profiler_dir, server_config.profiler.log_filename), cachegrind_filename=os.path.join( profiler_dir, server_config.profiler.cachegrind_filename), discard_first_request=server_config.profiler.discard_first_request, flush_at_shutdown=server_config.profiler.flush_at_shutdown, path=server_config.profiler.url_path, unwind=server_config.profiler.unwind) # New in 2.0 - set environmet variables for servers to inherit os_environ = server_config.get('os_environ', {}) for key, value in os_environ.items(): os.environ[key] = value # Run the hook right before the Gunicorn-level server actually starts startup_callable_tool.invoke(SERVER_STARTUP.PHASE.IMPL_BEFORE_RUN, kwargs={ 'zato_gunicorn_app': zato_gunicorn_app, }) # Run the app at last if start_gunicorn_app: else: return zato_gunicorn_app.zato_wsgi_app
def ctpdf(request): id = request.GET["id"] contrato = Contratos.objects.get(pk=id) im = contrato.inmueble cp = contrato.cliente_propietario ca = contrato.cliente_arrendatario ar = cp.asesor cd1 = contrato.codeudor1 cd2 = contrato.codeudor2 cd3 = contrato.codeudor3 fecha_inicio = contrato.fecha_inicio fecha_vigencia = contrato.fecha_vigencia locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '') parte_arrendadora = ar.nombre + ", " + ar.tipo_identificacion + " " + ar.identificacion parte_arrendadora = parte_arrendadora + "<br />" if ar.telefono_movil and ar.telefono_movil != "0": parte_arrendadora = parte_arrendadora + "TELEFONO MOVIL: " + ar.telefono_movil + "<br />" if ar.telefono_fijo and ar.telefono_fijo != "0": parte_arrendadora = parte_arrendadora + "TELEFONO FIJO: " + ar.telefono_fijo + "<br />" parte_arrendataria = ca.nombre + ", " + ca.tipo_identificacion + " " + ca.identificacion parte_arrendataria = parte_arrendataria + "<br />" if ca.telefono_movil and ca.telefono_movil != "0": parte_arrendataria = parte_arrendataria + "TELEFONO MOVIL: " + ca.telefono_movil + "<br />" if ca.telefono_fijo and ca.telefono_fijo != "0": parte_arrendataria = parte_arrendataria + "TELEFONO FIJO: " + ca.telefono_fijo + "<br />" sar = "" + contrato.servicios_arrendador sar = sar.replace("'", "") sar = sar.replace("[", "") sar = sar.replace("]", "") sa = "" + contrato.servicios_arrendatario sa = sa.replace("'", "") sa = sa.replace("[", "") sa = sa.replace("]", "") codeudor1 = None codeudor2 = None codeudor3 = None if cd1: codeudor1 = "{}, {} {}".format(cd1.nombre, cd1.tipo_identificacion, cd1.identificacion) if cd2: codeudor2 = "{}, {} {}".format(cd2.nombre, cd2.tipo_identificacion, cd2.identificacion) if cd3: codeudor3 = "{}, {} {}".format(cd3.nombre, cd3.tipo_identificacion, cd3.identificacion) context = { 'ar': ar, 'ca': ca, 'arrendador': ar.nombre + ", " + ar.tipo_identificacion + " " + ar.identificacion, 'arrendatario': ca.nombre + ", " + ca.tipo_identificacion + " " + ca.identificacion, 'inmueble': im, 'direccion_inmueble': im.direccion + ", " + im.ciudad + ", " + im.departamento + ", " + im.pais, 'precio_canon': '{} ({})'.format( numero_a_moneda(contrato.precio_canon).upper(), locale.currency(contrato.precio_canon, grouping=True).replace('+', ' '), ), 'termino_contrato': int(round((fecha_vigencia - fecha_inicio).days / 30, 0)), 'fecha_inicio': str(fecha_inicio), 'fecha_vencimiento': str(fecha_vigencia), 'servicios_arrendador': sar, 'servicios_arrendatario': sa, 'parte_arrendadora': parte_arrendadora, 'parte_arrendataria': parte_arrendataria, 'cd1': cd1, 'cd2': cd2, 'cd3': cd3, 'codeudor1': codeudor1, 'codeudor2': codeudor2, 'codeudor3': codeudor3 } rp = render_to_string("contrato/contrato2.html", context) file = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "contrato{}.pdf".format( tipo_vivienda = 'VIVIENDA URBANA' if im.tipo_inmueble == 'LOCAL': tipo_vivienda = 'LOCAL COMERCIAL' id_im = str( pdfkit.from_string( rp, file, { 'title': 'CONTRATO DE ARRENDAMIENTO DE {} N° {}-2'.format( tipo_vivienda, id_im), '--header-html': '{}/lsb/header.php'.format(80), '--header-spacing': '10', '--footer-html': '{}/lsb/footer.php'.format(80), '--footer-spacing': '5' }) return FileResponse(open(file, "rb"), as_attachment=True, filename="contrato - {}.pdf".format(id_im), content_type="application/pdf")
def index(): # print(request.headers.get('User-Agent')) isMobile = (request.headers.get('User-Agent').find('Mobile') > 0) dataHoje = mes = dataHoje.month ano = dataHoje.year ultimoDiaMes = calendar.monthrange(ano, mes)[1] dataInicioMes =, month=mes, day=1) dataFimMes =, month=mes, day=ultimoDiaMes) # Valore usados no Tiles.html lucroDia = getValLucroPeriodo(dataHoje) lucroMes = getValLucroPeriodo(dataInicioMes, dataFinal=dataHoje) lucratividade = {'dia': lucroDia, 'mes': lucroMes} # VERIFICADO vendasDia = getTotalVendido(dataHoje) vendasDia = locale.currency(vendasDia, grouping=True) vendasMes = getTotalVendido(dataInicioMes, dataFinal=dataHoje) vendasMes = locale.currency(vendasMes, grouping=True) valVendido = {'dia': vendasDia, 'mes': vendasMes} # VERIFICADO notasDia = getQtdadeNotas(dataHoje) notasMes = getQtdadeNotas('{}-{}-01'.format(dataHoje.year, dataHoje.month), dataFinal=dataHoje) qtdNotas = {'dia': notasDia, 'mes': notasMes} # VERIFICADO receberDia = getTotalContasReceberPeriodo(dataHoje) receberDia = locale.currency(receberDia, grouping=True) receberMes = getTotalContasReceberPeriodo(dataInicioMes, dataHoje) receberMes = locale.currency(receberMes, grouping=True) receber = {'dia': receberDia, 'mes': receberMes} # VERIFICADO pagarDia = getTotalContasPagarPeriodo(dataHoje) pagarDia = locale.currency(pagarDia, grouping=True) pagarMes = getTotalContasPagarPeriodo(dataInicioMes, dataHoje) pagarMes = locale.currency(pagarMes, grouping=True) pagar = {'dia': pagarDia, 'mes': pagarMes} # VERIFICADO estoqueBaixoTipoA = getProdutosEstoqueBaixo(tipoGiro='A') estoqueBaixoTipoAZerados = getProdutosEstoqueBaixo(tipoGiro='A', somenteZerados=True) estoqueBaixo = { 'todos': estoqueBaixoTipoA.count(), 'zerados': estoqueBaixoTipoAZerados.count() } # Valor Vendido por periodo metaTitulo = "Não existe Meta cadastrada para o período" maxValue = 1.0 vendas = getTotalVendido(dataInicioMes, dataFinal=dataFimMes) meta = getValMeta(12) if meta: metaTitulo = meta.descricao.capitalize() maxValue = float(meta.valTotalMeta) vendas = getTotalVendido(meta.dataInicial, dataFinal=meta.dataFinal) gauge = getHalfPie( metaTitulo, {'Total': { 'value': vendas, 'max_value': maxValue, 'label': maxValue }}) # Qtdade de Notas por periodo qtdNotasGauge = getHalfPie( 'Qtdade de Notas Faturadas', {'Qtdade': { 'value': notasDia, 'max_value': 30000 }}) # Valor Vendido por ano agrupado por mês anoPassado = ano - 1 anoRetrasado = ano - 2 vendasAnoAtual = getTotalVendasDoAnoPorMes(ano) vendasAnoPassado = getTotalVendasDoAnoPorMes(anoPassado) vendasAnoRetrasado = getTotalVendasDoAnoPorMes(anoRetrasado) listaDeValores = [(str(ano), vendasAnoAtual), (str(anoPassado), vendasAnoPassado), (str(anoRetrasado), vendasAnoRetrasado)] comparativoAnual = getChartVendasAnoMes(listaDeValores, isMobile=isMobile) # Vendas Externas por periodo # VERIFICADO vendasExternas = getVendasVendedores(dataInicioMes, dataFimMes, tipo='E') dataExternos = {} for vendedor in vendasExternas: dataExternos[vendedor.nome] = barChartsExternos = getHorizontalBar('Vendas por Vendedores Externos', dataExternos, isMobile=isMobile) # Vendas Internas por periodo # VERIFICADO vendasInternos = getVendasVendedores(dataInicioMes, dataFimMes, tipo='I') dataInternos = {} for vendedor in vendasInternos: dataInternos[vendedor.nome] = barChartsInternos = getHorizontalBar('Vendas por Vendedores Internos', dataInternos, isMobile=isMobile) meta_mes = locale.currency(maxValue, grouping=True) total_vendas = locale.currency(vendas, grouping=True) # Tabelas de Informações do Dashboard top10Produtos = getProdutosPorQtdSaida(dataInicioMes, dataFinal=dataHoje, limit=10) top10Clientes = getTotalCompraClientes(dataInicioMes, dataFinal=dataHoje, limit=10, convertToList=True) result = { 'gauge': gauge, 'notas': qtdNotasGauge, 'barChartsExternos': barChartsExternos, 'barChartsInternos': barChartsInternos, 'total_vendas': total_vendas, 'meta_mes': meta_mes, 'qtdNotas': qtdNotas, 'lucratividade': lucratividade, 'valVendido': valVendido, 'receber': receber, 'pagar': pagar, 'top10Produtos': top10Produtos, 'top10Clientes': top10Clientes, 'estoqueBaixo': estoqueBaixo, 'comparativoAnual': comparativoAnual } return render_template('dashboard/main.html', **result)
def currency(value): if value: return locale.currency(value, grouping=True) else: return locale.currency(0.00, grouping=True)
def pretty_money(m): locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'en_US.UTF-8') return locale.currency(m, grouping=True)
def fit(self, num_epoches=1000, max_memory=60, balance=10000000, discount_factor=0, start_epsilon=.5, learning=True): "LR: {lr}, DF: {discount_factor}, " "TU: [{min_trading_unit}, {max_trading_unit}], " "DRT: {delayed_reward_threshold}".format(, discount_factor=discount_factor, min_trading_unit=self.agent.min_trading_unit, max_trading_unit=self.agent.max_trading_unit, delayed_reward_threshold=self.agent.delayed_reward_threshold)) # 가시화 준비 # 차트 데이터는 변하지 않으므로 미리 가시화 self.visualizer.prepare(self.environment.chart_data) # 가시화 결과 저장할 폴더 준비 epoch_summary_dir = os.path.join( settings.BASE_DIR, 'epoch_summary/%s/epoch_summary_%s' % (self.stock_code, settings.timestr)) if not os.path.isdir(epoch_summary_dir): os.makedirs(epoch_summary_dir) # 에이전트 초기 자본금 설정 self.agent.set_balance(balance) # 학습에 대한 정보 초기화 max_portfolio_value = 0 epoch_win_cnt = 0 # 학습 반복 for epoch in range(num_epoches): # 에포크 관련 정보 초기화 loss = 0. itr_cnt = 0 win_cnt = 0 exploration_cnt = 0 batch_size = 0 pos_learning_cnt = 0 neg_learning_cnt = 0 # 메모리 초기화 memory_sample = [] memory_action = [] memory_reward = [] memory_prob = [] memory_pv = [] memory_num_stocks = [] memory_exp_idx = [] memory_learning_idx = [] # 환경, 에이전트, 정책 신경망 초기화 self.environment.reset() self.agent.reset() self.policy_network.reset() self.reset() # 가시화 초기화 self.visualizer.clear([0, len(self.chart_data)]) # 학습을 진행할 수록 탐험 비율 감소 if learning: epsilon = start_epsilon * (1. - float(epoch) / (num_epoches - 1)) else: epsilon = 0 epsilon = 1 while True: # 샘플 생성 next_sample = self._build_sample() if next_sample is None: break # 정책 신경망 또는 탐험에 의한 행동 결정 action, confidence, exploration = self.agent.decide_action( self.policy_network, self.sample, epsilon) # 결정한 행동을 수행하고 즉시 보상과 지연 보상 획득 immediate_reward, delayed_reward = self.agent.act( action, confidence) # 행동 및 행동에 대한 결과를 기억 memory_sample.append(next_sample) memory_action.append(action) memory_reward.append(immediate_reward) memory_pv.append(self.agent.portfolio_value) memory_num_stocks.append(self.agent.num_stocks) memory = [ (memory_sample[i], memory_action[i], memory_reward[i]) for i in list(range(len(memory_action)))[-max_memory:] ] if exploration: memory_exp_idx.append(itr_cnt) memory_prob.append([np.nan] * Agent.NUM_ACTIONS) else: memory_prob.append(self.policy_network.prob) # 반복에 대한 정보 갱신 batch_size += 1 itr_cnt += 1 exploration_cnt += 1 if exploration else 0 win_cnt += 1 if delayed_reward > 0 else 0 # 학습 모드이고 지연 보상이 존재할 경우 정책 신경망 갱신 if delayed_reward == 0 and batch_size >= max_memory: delayed_reward = immediate_reward if learning and delayed_reward != 0: # 배치 학습 데이터 크기 batch_size = min(batch_size, max_memory) # 배치 학습 데이터 생성 x, y = self._get_batch(memory, batch_size, discount_factor, delayed_reward) if len(x) > 0: if delayed_reward > 0: pos_learning_cnt += 1 else: neg_learning_cnt += 1 # 정책 신경망 갱신 loss += self.policy_network.train_on_batch(x, y) memory_learning_idx.append([itr_cnt, delayed_reward]) batch_size = 0 # 에포크 관련 정보 가시화 num_epoches_digit = len(str(num_epoches)) epoch_str = str(epoch + 1).rjust(num_epoches_digit, '0') self.visualizer.plot(epoch_str=epoch_str, num_epoches=num_epoches, epsilon=epsilon, action_list=Agent.ACTIONS, actions=memory_action, num_stocks=memory_num_stocks, outvals=memory_prob, exps=memory_exp_idx, learning=memory_learning_idx, initial_balance=self.agent.initial_balance, pvs=memory_pv) os.path.join( epoch_summary_dir, 'epoch_summary_%s_%s.png' % (settings.timestr, epoch_str))) # 에포크 관련 정보 로그 기록 if pos_learning_cnt + neg_learning_cnt > 0: loss /= pos_learning_cnt + neg_learning_cnt "[Epoch %s/%s]\tEpsilon:%.4f\t#Expl.:%d/%d\t" "#Buy:%d\t#Sell:%d\t#Hold:%d\t" "#Stocks:%d\tPV:%s\t" "POS:%s\tNEG:%s\tLoss:%10.6f" % (epoch_str, num_epoches, epsilon, exploration_cnt, itr_cnt, self.agent.num_buy, self.agent.num_sell, self.agent.num_hold, self.agent.num_stocks, locale.currency(self.agent.portfolio_value, grouping=True), pos_learning_cnt, neg_learning_cnt, loss)) # 학습 관련 정보 갱신 max_portfolio_value = max(max_portfolio_value, self.agent.portfolio_value) if self.agent.portfolio_value > self.agent.initial_balance: epoch_win_cnt += 1 # 학습 관련 정보 로그 기록"Max PV: %s, \t # Win: %d" % (locale.currency( max_portfolio_value, grouping=True), epoch_win_cnt))
def p(value): return locale.currency(value, grouping=True)
def process_address(): address = request.args["address"] county, state, city, formatted_address, latitude, longitude = break_address( address) anarghya = {} location = county[:county.index(' County')] + " , " + state main_score = store[location]["score"] anarghya[formatted_address] = [latitude, longitude, main_score] price = get_address_price(address, city + state) # find x neighboring counties, use the dmatrix from closest import closest_k closest_neighbors = closest_k(location) from collections import OrderedDict scores = [] for neighbor in closest_neighbors: scores.append((neighbor, store[neighbor]["score"])) scores.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) ordered_scores = OrderedDict() for i, score in enumerate(scores): ordered_scores[scores[i][0]] = scores[i][1] scores = ordered_scores # query address for price price = get_address_price(address, city + " " + state) if 'error' in price.lower(): flash( "Housing data could not be found. Please try a different house. ") return redirect(url_for('home')) # query all closest_neighbors for price final = [] final.append({ "lat": latitude, "lng": longitude, "street": formatted_address, "score": round(main_score, 2), "price": locale.currency(price[1], grouping=True) }) content = None prices = {} if state == "CA": with open("addresses.json") as file: content = json.load(file) import copy cn = copy.deepcopy(closest_neighbors) for i, n in enumerate(cn): cn[i] = n.replace(" ", "") cn = set(cn) for item, address in content.items(): if item.replace(" ", "") not in cn: continue try: old = address address = address.split(',') city_state = address[1] + " CA" address = address[0] result = get_address_price(address, city_state) prices[old] = (result[1] if result[0] != 'error' else (random.randint(200000, 600000))) except: prices[old] = (random.randint(200000, 600000)) for neighbor, _score in ordered_scores.items(): if content: street = content[neighbor] if neighbor in content else "" else: street = address price = round(prices[street]) if street in prices and prices else 0 if price and street: county, state, city, formatted_address, latitude, longitude = break_address( street) anarghya[street] = [latitude, longitude, _score] final.append({ "lat": latitude, "lng": longitude, "street": street, "score": round(_score, 2), "price": locale.currency(price, grouping=True) }) return render_template('list.html', info=final, anarghya=anarghya)
def cur(x): return locale.currency(x, grouping=True)
def pound_string(value): """function will convert a value into a string of pounds and pence containing a £ sign""" total = locale.currency(value, grouping=True) return total
def formata_concurso_text(concurso): texto = """{0} - {1} {2} {3} Senas - prêmio: {4} {5} Quinas - prêmio: {6} {7} Quadras - prêmio: {8} Valor Acumulado: {9} Previsão de Prêmio: *{10}* Próximo Sorteio: {11} Próximo Concurso 0 ou 5: {12} Valor Acumulado 0 ou 5: {13} Acumulado Mega da Virada: {14}""" data_concurso = datetime.fromtimestamp(concurso["data"]/1000.0) data_proximo_concurso = datetime.fromtimestamp( concurso["dt_proximo_concurso"]/1000.0) locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'pt_BR.UTF-8') premio = valor = locale.currency( concurso["valor"], grouping=True, symbol=None) premio_quina = locale.currency( concurso["valor_quina"], grouping=True, symbol=None) premio_quadra = locale.currency( concurso["valor_quadra"], grouping=True, symbol=None) valor_acumulado = locale.currency( concurso["valor_acumulado"], grouping=True, symbol=None) valor_estimado = locale.currency( concurso["vr_estimativa"], grouping=True, symbol=None) valor_zero_cinco = locale.currency( concurso["ac_final_zero"], grouping=True, symbol=None) valor_mega_virada = locale.currency( concurso["vr_acumulado_especial"], grouping=True, symbol=None) if concurso["sorteioAcumulado"]: texto = "*Acumulou!!!*\n\n" + texto return texto.format( concurso["concurso"], data_concurso.strftime("%d/%m/%Y"), concurso["resultadoOrdenado"], concurso["ganhadores"], premio, concurso["ganhadores_quina"], premio_quina, concurso["ganhadores_quadra"], premio_quadra, valor_acumulado, valor_estimado, data_proximo_concurso.strftime("%d/%m/%Y"), concurso["prox_final_zero"], valor_zero_cinco, valor_mega_virada )
def _get_data(self): res_partner_obj = self.env['res.partner'] if self.partner_id: res_partner_ids =[('id', '=',]) partner_name = else: res_partner_ids =[]) partner_name = 'Todos' result = [ { 'partner_name': partner_name, 'start': self.date_start, 'end': self.date_end, } ] currency_obj = self.env['res.currency'] currencys_ids =[('active', '=', True)]) for currency in currency_obj.browse(currencys_ids.ids): if self.partner_id: invoices_obj = self.env['account.invoice'] invoices_ids =[ ('currency_id', '=',, ('state', '=', 'open'), ('partner_id', '=',, ('date_invoice', '>=', self.date_start + ' 00:00:00'), ('date_invoice', '<=', self.date_end + ' 23:59:59'), ], order='date_invoice') else: invoices_obj = self.env['account.invoice'] invoices_ids =[ ('currency_id', '=',, ('state', '=', 'open'), ('date_invoice', '>=', self.date_start + ' 00:00:00'), ('date_invoice', '<=', self.date_end + ' 23:59:59'), ], order='date_invoice') if invoices_ids: report_lines = [] residual_total = 0.00 monto_vencido_total = 0.00 monto_30_total = 0.00 monto_60_total = 0.00 monto_90_total = 0.00 monto_120_total = 0.00 monto_150_total = 0.00 monto_aplic_total = 0.00 for invoice in invoices_ids: residual_total += invoice.residual monto_vencido = 0.00 monto_30 = 0.00 monto_60 = 0.00 monto_90 = 0.00 monto_120 = 0.00 monto_150 = 0.00 monto_aplic = 0.00 if invoice.date_due: if (datetime.datetime.strptime(invoice.date_due, "%Y-%m-%d")- < 0: monto_vencido = invoice.residual monto_vencido_total += monto_vencido if (datetime.datetime.strptime(invoice.date_due, "%Y-%m-%d") - > 0 and ( datetime.datetime.strptime(invoice.date_due, "%Y-%m-%d") - <= 30: monto_30 = invoice.residual monto_30_total += monto_30 if (datetime.datetime.strptime(invoice.date_due, "%Y-%m-%d") - > 30 and ( datetime.datetime.strptime(invoice.date_due, "%Y-%m-%d") - <= 60: monto_60 = invoice.residual monto_60_total += monto_60 if (datetime.datetime.strptime(invoice.date_due, "%Y-%m-%d") - > 60 and ( datetime.datetime.strptime(invoice.date_due, "%Y-%m-%d") - <= 90: monto_90 = invoice.residual monto_90_total += monto_90 if (datetime.datetime.strptime(invoice.date_due, "%Y-%m-%d") - > 90 and ( datetime.datetime.strptime(invoice.date_due, "%Y-%m-%d") - <= 120: monto_120 = invoice.residual monto_120_total += monto_120 if (datetime.datetime.strptime(invoice.date_due, "%Y-%m-%d") - > 120: monto_150 = invoice.residual monto_150_total += monto_150 else: monto_vencido = invoice.residual monto_vencido_total += monto_vencido vals = { 'partner_ref':invoice.partner_id.ref, 'partner_name':, 'date': invoice.date_invoice, 'journal_name':, 'folio': invoice.number, 'folio_digital': invoice.number, 'date_due': invoice.date_due, 'currency_id' :, 'residual' : locale.currency(invoice.residual, grouping=True ), 'monto_vencido': locale.currency(monto_vencido, grouping=True ), 'monto_30': locale.currency(monto_30, grouping=True ), 'monto_60': locale.currency(monto_60, grouping=True ), 'monto_90': locale.currency(monto_90, grouping=True ), 'monto_120': locale.currency(monto_120, grouping=True ), 'monto_150': locale.currency(monto_150, grouping=True ), 'monto_aplic': locale.currency(monto_aplic, grouping=True ), } report_lines.append(vals) sorted_report_lines = sorted(report_lines, key=lambda invoice: invoice['date']) report_currency = { 'currency':, 'report_lines':sorted_report_lines, 'residual_total': locale.currency(residual_total, grouping=True ), 'monto_vencido_total': locale.currency(monto_vencido_total, grouping=True ), 'monto_30_total': locale.currency(monto_30_total, grouping=True ), 'monto_60_total': locale.currency(monto_60_total, grouping=True ), 'monto_90_total': locale.currency(monto_90_total, grouping=True ), 'monto_120_total': locale.currency(monto_120_total, grouping=True ), 'monto_150_total': locale.currency(monto_150_total, grouping=True ), 'monto_aplic_total': locale.currency(monto_aplic_total, grouping=True ), } result.append(report_currency) return result
'Month': lastMonth }).toarray())[0] month_predict = regressor.predict(vec.transform({ 'Year': currentYear, 'Month': currentMonth }).toarray())[0] print('bb') print(previous_predict) print('cc') print(month_predict) if (predict_heuristic(previous_predict, month_predict, actual_previous_value, actual_value)): results.append(( customer, month_predict, actual_previous_value )) return results if __name__ == '__main__': locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '') customers = missed_customers() print("here") # print(customers) for customer in set(customers): print("{} was predicted to buy around {}, they bought only {}".format( customer[0], locale.currency(customer[1], grouping=True), locale.currency(customer[2], grouping=True) ))
def test_overridden_locale_float(self): set_default_locale() self.assertEqual(currency(self.value_float), locale.currency(self.value_float, grouping=True))
def c_locale(zahl): return locale.currency(zahl, False, True)
lot = int(orig_future_lot / 2) order = { 'symbol': stock_id, 'nse_symbol': 'NSE:' + stock_id, 'future_lot': future_lot, 'orig_future_lot': orig_future_lot, 'priority': priority, 'trigger_price_pts': round(util.min_tick_size * round((200 / lot) / util.min_tick_size), 2), 'traded_amount': locale.currency(last_close * lot, grouping=True), 'last_close': last_close, 'tag': None } orders.append(order) priority += 1 time.sleep(1) print('[') for order in orders: print(' {') for k, v in order.items(): print( " '" + k + "':",
def format_cents(cents, user_locale='en_US.utf8'): locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, user_locale) return locale.currency(cents / 100.0, symbol=False, grouping=True)
def currency(value): return locale.currency(value or 0, symbol=True, grouping=True, international=False)
choice = "y" while choice.lower() == "y": # get input from the user monthly_investment = float(input("Enter monthly investment:\t")) yearly_interest_rate = float(input("Enter yearly interest rate:\t")) years = int(input("Enter number of years:\t\t")) # convert yearly values to monthly values monthly_interest_rate = yearly_interest_rate / 12 / 100 months = years * 12 # calculate the future value future_value = 0 for i in range(months): future_value = future_value + monthly_investment monthly_interest_amount = future_value * monthly_interest_rate future_value = future_value + monthly_interest_amount # format and display the result print("Future value:\t\t\t%s" % locale.currency(future_value, grouping=True)) print() # see if the user wants to continue choice = input("Continue? (y/n): ") print() print("Bye!")
# англосаксонская система # 1,234.567 # европейская система # 1.234,567 import locale locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "de") # для Windows # locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "de_DE") # для MacOS number = 12345.6789 formatted = locale.format("%f", number) print(formatted) # 12345,678900 formatted = locale.format("%.2f", number) print(formatted) # 12345,68 formatted = locale.format("%d", number) print(formatted) # 12345 formatted = locale.format("%e", number) print(formatted) # 1,234568e+04 money = 234.678 formatted = locale.currency(money) print(formatted) # 234,68 €
# Create a neural network that learns this relationship so that it would predict a 7 bedroom house as costing close to 400k etc. # the house prices are scaled down. So the prediction is in 'hundreds of thousands' def house_model(x_bed: int) -> float: """Predict the house prices A neural model that predicts house prices based on already known bedroom - price data set :param x_bed: number of bedrooms for which price needs to be predicted :return: [description] :rtype: [type] """ bed_data = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], dtype=int) price_data = np.array([0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5], dtype=float) model = keras.Sequential([keras.layers.Dense(units=1, input_shape=[1])]) model.compile(optimizer='sgd', loss='mean_squared_error'), price_data, epochs=500) return float(model.predict(x_bed)) if __name__ == '__main__': print('House price prediction starts') bed_rooms = 7 prediction = house_model([bed_rooms]) locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '') # round to 7 points since unit is in hundreds of thousands predct_usd = locale.currency(round(prediction, 7) * 100000, grouping=True) print(f'Predicted house price for {bed_rooms} bed rooms is {predct_usd}')
def format_money(amount): return locale.currency(amount / 100.)
def sizing_cal(config, id, consum): mod_power = config['mod'] irrad = irradbyID(id) dol = dolar_data('1') dolar_var = dol[0] #cálculo da Geração Mínima = (NGD (em Wh)/irrad) #calculation of minimum generation = (NGD/irrad) gmin = float(((consum * 100) / 3) / irrad) #definição da quantidade de paineis #defining quantities of panels modqt = math.ceil((gmin * 1.25) / mod_power) #pegando a info de preço para cada painel #retrieving price info for each panel mod_uniprice = panels.filter(pot=mod_power).values('value').get() #preço total dos paineis #panels' total price mod_totalprice = math.ceil((modqt * mod_uniprice['value'] * dolar_var)) #dimensionamento potência do inversor #inverter power sizing pot_seg = gmin * 1.3 invpower = inverters.filter(pot__gte=pot_seg)[0] #r invpower = invpower.pot #preço do inversor #inverter's price invprice = inverters.filter(pot__gte=pot_seg)[0] #r invprice = math.ceil(invprice.value) #evitação de CO2 mensal (em kg de CO2) #monthly CO2 emission avoidance (CO2 kg) eco = math.ceil(consum * 1630) #r #area area_total = math.ceil(modqt * 1.942336) #pesos #weights modweight = mod_weight(modqt, mod_power, 'on') other_weight = math.ceil(modweight * 0.05) #payback total_cost = math.ceil(mod_totalprice + invprice) pb = thebigpayback(id, (modqt * mod_power), total_cost, True) #warnings dol_stat = dol[1] pb_stat = pb[2] both_equal = True if (dol_stat == pb_stat) else False if (both_equal == False): wrng = ("Os valores de " + ("Custo", "Payback")[dol_stat] + " podem estar defasados neste dimensionamento") else: wrng = ( "Os valores de Custo e Payback podem estar defasados neste dimensionamento", False)[dol_stat] return [{ "id": "price", "mod_price": mod_totalprice, "inv_price": invprice, "label": "Custo Estimado", "text": locale.currency(total_cost, grouping=True, symbol='R$') }, { "id": "mod", "mod_quant": modqt, "label": "Módulos", "text": modqt }, { "id": "inv", "inv_power": invpower, "label": "Inversor", "text": "%s W" % (int(invpower)) }, { "id": "weight", "mod_weight": modweight, "other_weight": other_weight, "label": "Peso", "text": "%s kg" % (modweight + other_weight) }, { "id": "area", "area": area_total, "label": "Área", "text": "%s m²" % (area_total) }, { "id": "payback", "payback_yrs": pb[0], "payback_arrays": pb[1], "label": "Payback", "text": "%s anos" % (pb[0]) }, { "id": "co2", "co2": eco, "label": "Evitação de CO²", "text": "%s kg/mês" % (eco) }, { "id": "warnings", "text": wrng }]
return mean_squared_error(y_test, y_pred) def modele(): df_user, classifier, Ville, seloger, X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test, y_pred = input_data( ) seloger, X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = get_data(DATA_URL, Ville) # metrics score_rmse = RMSE(y_test, y_pred) # display prediction predict_prices = classifier.predict(df_user) return predict_prices, score_rmse # Prediction predict_prices, score_rmse = modele() #afficher prediction if st.checkbox('Prediction'): #st.subheader('Metrique du modele') #st.text("Justesse du modele") #st.write(round(score_rmse,2),"%") st.subheader("Prix du logement") l = locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '') # avoir le bon currency format price = locale.currency(predict_prices[0], grouping=True) st.write("Le prix de vente du logement est estimé à {} €".format(price))
def _test_currency(self, value, out, **format_opts): self.assertEqual(locale.currency(value, **format_opts), out)
def displayemail2(id): sf = Salesforce(app_settings['SF-USER'] +".plaidtest", app_settings['SF-PASS'], app_settings['SF-TOKEN'], domain = 'test') # get the email belonging to the contact for whom the project is for contact_query = sf.query("select Name, ID, (select name, email, MailingAddress from contacts) from account where ID IN (select Account__c from project__c where project__c.Id = '"+id+"')") #link that will be sent in the email in order for the customer to go to payment portal email_link = "" + id templateLoader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader(searchpath = "/") templateEnv = jinja2.Environment(loader=templateLoader) ### get the rest of the data from the project in order to format the templated email query = sf.query("select id, Name, Cash_Down_Pmt_Status__c, Cash_Down_Pmt__c, Cash_Permit_Pmt_Status__c, Permit_Pmt__c, Cash_Final_Pmt_Status__c, Cash_final_Pmt__c from Project__c where ID = '"+id+"'") #project down payment: p_down = query['records'][0]['Cash_Down_Pmt__c'] #project down payment status: p_down_stat = query['records'][0]['Cash_Down_Pmt_Status__c'] #project permit payment: p_permit = query['records'][0]['Permit_Pmt__c'] #project permit payment status: p_permit_stat = query['records'][0]['Cash_Permit_Pmt_Status__c'] #project final payment: p_final = query['records'][0]['Cash_Final_Pmt__c'] #project final payment status: p_final_stat = query['records'][0]['Cash_Final_Pmt_Status__c'] #concatonate a string to show the customers address address = str(contact_query['records'][0]['Contacts']['records'][0]['MailingAddress']['street']) + " " + str(contact_query['records'][0]['Contacts']['records'][0]['MailingAddress']['city']) + ", " + str(contact_query['records'][0]['Contacts']['records'][0]['MailingAddress']['state']) #Name of contact whom project belongs to: contact_name = contact_query['records'][0]['Contacts']['records'][0]['Name'] #split the contact name to get first and last seperate contact_name_list = contact_name.split() #create an ACCOUNT object for this project email_recipient_account = ACCOUNT(contact_query['records'][0]['Name'], contact_name_list[0], contact_name_list[1]) #set the objects down payment: email_recipient_account.dp = p_down #set objects down payment status: email_recipient_account.dpSTAT = setFrontEndStatus(p_down_stat) #set objects permit payment: email_recipient_account.pp = p_permit #set objects permit payment status: email_recipient_account.ppSTAT = setFrontEndStatus(p_permit_stat) #set objects final payment: email_recipient_account.fp = p_final #set objects final payment status: email_recipient_account.fpSTAT = setFrontEndStatus(p_final_stat) #use getDuePayment method to find out which payment will need to be paid next with logic in that method duepayment = email_recipient_account.getDuePayment() #use getnextpayment to get the value of the duepayment next_payment = email_recipient_account.getnextpayment() #locale is used to format currency locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL,'en_US.UTF-8') #format the next_payment from a float to a currency string next_payment = locale.currency(next_payment) #### create id's to reference images that will be embedded in email logoImage_cid = make_msgid() bg1Image_cid = make_msgid() facebook_cid = make_msgid() twitter_cid = make_msgid() ig_cid = make_msgid() ############# #create the templated email html = render_template('emailtemplate1.html', name = contact_name, chargeAmount = next_payment, duePayment = duepayment, payment_link = email_link, address = address, logoImage_cid = logoImage_cid[1:-1], bg1Image_cid = bg1Image_cid[1:-1], facebook_cid = facebook_cid[1:-1]) #, twitter_cid = twitter_cid[1:-1], ig_cid = ig_cid[1:-1]) display_html = render_template("email2.html", name = contact_name, chargeAmount = next_payment, duePayment = duepayment, payment_link = email_link, address = address) with open("my_new_file.html", "w") as fh: fh.write(display_html) os.system('my_new_file.html') my_input = input('Do you want to send this email (Y/N)') if(my_input == 'Y' or my_input = 'y'): #instantiate an EmailMessage OBject msg = EmailMessage() #Email's subject: msg['Subject'] = 'Pay Certasun' #Email address message will be sent from msg['From'] = '*****@*****.**'#mail_settings['MAIL_USERNAME'] ############# change back but for testing send to my email ################### #Address Email will be sent to msg['To'] = "*****@*****.**"#email ############################################################################# #Email messages preamble msg.preamble = "Certasun" #set the plain text as an empty string msg.set_content("") #set the templated html of the message msg.add_alternative(html, subtype = 'html') ############# Embed the images into the email msg################### with open('static/img/CertasunLogo.png', 'rb') as fp: msg.get_payload()[1].add_related(, 'image','png',cid=logoImage_cid) with open('static/img/bg1.png', 'rb') as fp: msg.get_payload()[1].add_related(, 'image', 'png', cid = bg1Image_cid) with open('static/img/free_ico_facebook.jpg', 'rb') as fp: msg.get_payload()[1].add_related(, 'image', 'jpg', cid = facebook_cid) smtp = smtplib.SMTP_SSL('', 0) smtp.ehlo() #start tls which means message will be encrypted #smtp.starttls() #login to the AWS SES account smtp.login('*****@*****.**', 'GoSolar1') #send the message, first parameter is who it is from, 2nd is who is is two and the thirsd is the content of the message smtp.sendmail("*****@*****.**", '*****@*****.**', msg.as_string()) #shutdown the connection to the smtp server smtp.quit() return render_template('email2.html', name = contact_name, chargeAmount = next_payment, duePayment = duepayment, payment_link = email_link, address = address, logoImage_cid = logoImage_cid[1:-1], bg1Image_cid = bg1Image_cid[1:-1], facebook_cid = facebook_cid[1:-1])