Ejemplo n.º 1
import sys, os, subprocess, json
import configuration, logtool
from ExifException import ExifException

log = logtool.getLogger("exiftool")

class ExifTool:
    """ Wrapper arround Exiftool. Processes an *existing* media file and print information as json
    1) Reading tags from file
    2) Editing + Writing new tags
    3) Show supported filetypes/groups/tags
    Generally methods that return json, do so directly. Text information is not returned but remains in self.stdout
    NOTE: Each instance of the class has 1-1 relationship with a media file

    # Full path of media file
    filename = None
    # exiftool location (for execution)
    exiftoolpath = None
    # stdout Output of last execution
    stdout = None
    # stderr Output of last execution
    stderr = None

    def __init__(self, fname):
        self.filename = fname
        self.exiftoolpath = os.path.join(configuration.getExifDir(),
Ejemplo n.º 2
import logtool

log = logtool.getLogger("Exiftool", "gtr")

class ExifException(Exception):
    """ This class covers all exceptions thrown during execution of the external perl program exiftool. Should be Thrown *only* by the exiftool class """

    # Everything in stderr after executing exiftool
    msg = None
    # A user friendlier shorter version of msg
    shortmsg = None

    def __init__(self, msg):
        self.msg = msg
        # take first line as a short message, which should be just enough.
        line = msg.split("\n")[0]
        # extra bodge since exiftool like to put home directories in message
        idx = line.find(" - /home")
        if idx != -1:
            self.shortmsg = line[:idx]
            self.shortmsg = line
        log.error("Exiftool exception shown to user: " + self.shortmsg)

    def __str__(self):
        return repr(self.msg)
Ejemplo n.º 3
import os, time, uuid, json, urllib, shutil
import configuration, helper, logtool, exiftool, db
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ETree
#from ipdb import set_trace

log = logtool.getLogger("MediaFactory", "gtr")

class MediaFactory:
        Uses a Media interface (e.g. ExifTool/Sqlite (abstracted from helper.py)) to associate Media with users and sessions
    def __init__(self):
        """ Use one of the loadXXX methods to initialise the class as python does not have multiple constructors """
        ### WEB related stuff ###
        # IP
        self.ip = None
        # File Object containing uploaded data
        self.filedata = None 
        # uuid corresponding to request (for sharing). This is permanent and unique
        self.uuid = None
        # filename (main file e.g. foo.shp in the filepath to open)
        self.filename = None
        # Full path pointing to the saved data directory
        self.filedir = None
        # filedir/filename
        self.filefullpath = None
Ejemplo n.º 4
XVAL='X Value'
YVAL='Y Value'
RIDENT='Record ID'
OSV='OS Version'
MKM='Make and Model'
IWIDTH='Image Width'
IHEIGHT='Image Height'
FLENGTH='Focal Length'
log = logtool.getLogger("Export Variable GeoJSON", "pcapi")

def export(path):
        import config, json
        file = open(config.get("path", "data_dir") + "/"+path,'r')
        geojflood = json.loads(flooddata)
Ejemplo n.º 5
import sys, os, subprocess, json
import configuration, logtool
from ExifException import ExifException

log = logtool.getLogger("exiftool")

class ExifTool:
    """ Wrapper arround Exiftool. Processes an *existing* media file and print information as json
    1) Reading tags from file
    2) Editing + Writing new tags
    3) Show supported filetypes/groups/tags
    Generally methods that return json, do so directly. Text information is not returned but remains in self.stdout
    NOTE: Each instance of the class has 1-1 relationship with a media file
    # Full path of media file
    filename = None
    # exiftool location (for execution)
    exiftoolpath = None
    # stdout Output of last execution
    stdout = None
    # stderr Output of last execution
    stderr = None
    def __init__(self, fname):
        self.filename = fname
        self.exiftoolpath = os.path.join(configuration.getExifDir(),"exiftool")
Ejemplo n.º 6
import bottle
from bottle import route, request, response, static_file
## pcapi imports
import logtool

log = logtool.getLogger("pcapi")

## Dropbox imports
#dboxpath = config.get("path","dropbox_path")

from pcapi_exceptions import *
from pcapi_rest import PCAPIRest

################ ROUTES ####################

###  Rest Callbacks (can be tested with wget/curl)  ###

###  Provider capabilities ###

def capabilities():
    return PCAPIRest(request,response).capabilities()    

### /export/ a  public URL 
@route('/export/<provider>/<userid>/<path:path>', method=["GET"])
def export(userid, provider, path="/"):
    return PCAPIRest(request,response).export(provider, userid, path)
Ejemplo n.º 7
#FS Provider tries to be "loosely" dropbox compliant to make your life a bit easier especially regarding the Metadata object

# No `/' directory will be created unless you upload a file first. This is to avoid 
# a mess by clients calling /auth/local repeatedly and creating a new users every time without authentication.
# Might revisit once we have authentication in place!

import os, time, shutil, re
import logtool, config, helper

from pcapi_exceptions import FsException

log = logtool.getLogger("FsProvider", "pcapi")

class Metadata(object):
    """ metadata of files/dir as returned from local filesystem. This is plain filesystem 
    metadata and NOT high-level pcapi metadata for records or editors"""
    def __init__ (self, md):
        self.md = md

    def __str__(self):
        return `self.md`
    def mtime(self, fmt=None):
        """ Return last modification time of self.
            fmt (optional): format (s. strftime() system call) for the output date
         a date string in format described in "fmt" as in strftime. If no
Ejemplo n.º 8
import bottle
from bottle import route, request, response, static_file
## pcapi imports
import logtool

log = logtool.getLogger("pcapi")

## Dropbox imports
#dboxpath = config.get("path","dropbox_path")

from pcapi_exceptions import *
from pcapi_rest import PCAPIRest

################ ROUTES ####################

###  Rest Callbacks (can be tested with wget/curl)  ###

###  Provider capabilities ###

@route('/auth/providers', method=["GET"])
def capabilities():
    return PCAPIRest(request, response).capabilities()

### /export/ a  public URL
@route('/export/<provider>/<userid>/<path:path>', method=["GET"])
def export(userid, provider, path="/"):
Ejemplo n.º 9
import spatialite, configuration, logtool
from DBException import DBException
""" High Level GTR Wrapper arround Spatialite
1) Reading tags from uuid
2) Editing + Writing new tags
3) *temporary* Geograph specific functions (might eventually get merged with exiftool ones)
#NOTE: Currently implemented as a module (i.e. Singleton in python)

log = logtool.getLogger("db", "gtr")

# UUID of media file
uuid = None
# Lon/Lat Coordinates of media file
coords = None
# Dictionary of tags of media file
tags = None
# stdout Output of last execution
stdout = None

def __init__():

def get_tags():
    stdout = spatialite.execute(
Ejemplo n.º 10
### Static Variables ###
# XXX Fill in your consumer key and secret below
# You can find these at http://www.dropbox.com/developers/apps
APP_KEY = configuration.get_app_key()
APP_SECRET = configuration.get_app_secret()
ACCESS_TYPE = 'app_folder'  # should be 'dropbox' or 'app_folder' as configured for your app

# COOKIES are an immutable hash table with request tokens as keys and request secret, access key, secret tuples as values. They are kept in memory till
# we decide to store credentials on a database (do we want this?).
# This is a static value and exists for the lifetime of the python interpreter.

STATE_CODES = {"verify_token": 0, "connected": 1}

log = logtool.getLogger("GTRDropbox", "gtr")

class GTRDropbox:
    """ Create and control Dropbox sessions using oAuth protocol. Sessions are cached internally memory in the static variable COOKIES.
    Use one of the login or load methods to initialise the class as python does not have multiple constructors
    Example usage from a site gtr.ac.uk
        newurl = self.test_new_dropbox_session()
        print "URL: " + 
        self.cookie = self.gtrdb.callback()
        print "Cookie: " + self.cookie
Ejemplo n.º 11
from db import tokens
### Static Variables ###
APP_KEY = config.get("dropbox","app_key")
APP_SECRET = config.get("dropbox","app_secret")
ACCESS_TYPE = 'app_folder'  # should be 'dropbox' or 'app_folder' as configured for your app

        "verify_token": 0,
        "connected" : 1

# CAPABILITIES that this provider supports
CAPABILITIES = [ "oauth", "search", "synchronize", "delete" ]

log = logtool.getLogger("DropboxProvider", "pcapi")

class Metadata(object):
    """ metadata of files/dir as returned from dropbox. This is plain filesystem 
    metadata and NOT high-level pcapi metadata for records or editors"""
    def __init__ (self, md):
        self.md = md

    def __str__(self):
        return `self.md`
    def mtime(self, fmt=None):
        """ Return last modification time of self.
Ejemplo n.º 12
##      output = spatialite.execute("select HEX(GeomFromText(?));",('POINT(788703.57 4645636.3)',))
## The output is a a tuple of lists. To get the 2nd field from 3rd row just use output[2][1] (0-based index)

## Devel's python has "surprisingly" disabled sqlite3 support unlike 99.9% of sane python installations.
    # make up for inconsistencies between normal linux distributions, devel.edina, rainbow.edina etc. etc.
    import pysqlite2.dbapi2 as db
    from pysqlite2.dbapi2 import OperationalError
except ImportError:
    import sqlite3.dbapi2 as db
    from sqlite3.dbapi2 import OperationalError
import os
import config, logtool

### Constants ###
log = logtool.getLogger("spatialite", "pcapi")

# full path of sqlite3 database
DB = config.get("path", "sessionsdb")


# full path of libspatialite.so.3
SPATIALPLUGIN = config.get("path", "libspatialite")

# creating/connecting the test_db.
# "check_same_thread" turns off some false alarms from sqlite3.
# NOTE: mod_wsgi runs these global variables in *different* processes for each request.
con = db.connect(DB, check_same_thread=False)

# Revert to plain sqlite3 when libspatialite is missing
Ejemplo n.º 13
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import spatialite, logtool

#################### Dropbox,flickr etc. credential storage management #############        
"""  Wrapper functions around SQL command use for reading/writing/seaching access
credentials for different providers.

The result is normal a list of tuples e.g. [(foo,bar)] for one row and (None,) for no rows.

NOTE: req_key (in dropbox lingo) is "userid" for pcapi

log = logtool.getLogger("tokens", "pcapi")

def dump_tokens():
   res = spatialite.execute("""
       SELECT * FROM tokens;
   # 2D list of lists
   return res

def save_access_tokens(userid, req_secret, acc_key, acc_secret):
   res = spatialite.execute("""
       INSERT OR IGNORE INTO tokens(userid,reqsec,accsec,acckey) VALUES (?,?,?,?)
       """, (userid,req_secret, acc_key, acc_secret))
   return res==[]

def get_access_pair(userid):
    """ return ( acc_key, acc_secret ) for provided userid or None """
    res = spatialite.execute("""
Ejemplo n.º 14
sys.path.append(os.path.join(pwd, '../lib'))

import bottle
from bottle import route, request, static_file, redirect

# gtr imports
import logtool, mediafactory, configuration, db, helper
from ExifException import ExifException

#Dropbox imports
dbpath = configuration.getDropboxSDK()
sys.path.append(os.path.join(pwd, dbpath))
import gtr_dropbox

application = bottle.default_app()
log = logtool.getLogger("gtr")
################ ROUTES ####################

def editfile(uuid):
    Edit the properties of an already-uploaded media file.
    This is also usefull for getting rid of extra GET parameters forcibly added by dropbox

    # optional drobox arguments ( currently ignored )
    uid = request.GET.get("uid", None)
    oauth_token = request.GET.get("oauth_token", None)
    log.info("editfile" + " params: uuid:%s uid:%s oauth_token:%s " %
Ejemplo n.º 15
import spatialite, logtool
from DBException import DBException

""" High Level PCAPI Wrapper arround Spatialite
1) Session management
2) GIS ops (nearby etc)
NOTE: Currently implemented as a module (i.e. Singleton in python).
       Could perhaps split into "geo" and "metadata" specific functions

log = logtool.getLogger("appdb", "db")

#################### SESSION / KEYWORD FUNCTIONS #############        
def get_tags(userid):
    """ Get all tags associated with a userid        
    stdout = spatialite.execute("""
        select group_concat(tag) as tags from sessions LEFT OUTER JOIN tags 
        USING userid LEFT OUTER JOIN tag USING tag_id where userid=?
        COMMIT;""", (userid,))
    if stdout == None:
        raise DBException("No tags found!")
    return stdout.split(',')

def insert_key(key):
   """ register a new keyword. Noop if keyword exists. """
   res = spatialite.execute("""
       INSERT OR IGNORE INTO tag(tag) VALUES (?);
Ejemplo n.º 16
import spatialite, logtool
from DBException import DBException
""" High Level PCAPI Wrapper arround Spatialite
1) Session management
2) GIS ops (nearby etc)
NOTE: Currently implemented as a module (i.e. Singleton in python).
       Could perhaps split into "geo" and "metadata" specific functions

log = logtool.getLogger("appdb", "db")

#################### SESSION / KEYWORD FUNCTIONS #############
def get_tags(userid):
    """ Get all tags associated with a userid        
    stdout = spatialite.execute(
        select group_concat(tag) as tags from sessions LEFT OUTER JOIN tags 
        USING userid LEFT OUTER JOIN tag USING tag_id where userid=?
        COMMIT;""", (userid, ))
    if stdout == None:
        raise DBException("No tags found!")
    return stdout.split(',')

def insert_key(key):
    """ register a new keyword. Noop if keyword exists. """
Ejemplo n.º 17
# You can find these at http://www.dropbox.com/developers/apps
APP_KEY = configuration.get_app_key()
APP_SECRET = configuration.get_app_secret()
ACCESS_TYPE = 'app_folder'  # should be 'dropbox' or 'app_folder' as configured for your app

# COOKIES are an immutable hash table with request tokens as keys and request secret, access key, secret tuples as values. They are kept in memory till
# we decide to store credentials on a database (do we want this?).
# This is a static value and exists for the lifetime of the python interpreter.

        "verify_token": 0,
        "connected" : 1

log = logtool.getLogger("GTRDropbox", "gtr")

class GTRDropbox:
    """ Create and control Dropbox sessions using oAuth protocol. Sessions are cached internally memory in the static variable COOKIES.
    Use one of the login or load methods to initialise the class as python does not have multiple constructors
    Example usage from a site gtr.ac.uk
        newurl = self.test_new_dropbox_session()
        print "URL: " + 
        self.cookie = self.gtrdb.callback()
        print "Cookie: " + self.cookie
Ejemplo n.º 18
import spatialite, configuration, logtool
from DBException import DBException

""" High Level GTR Wrapper arround Spatialite
1) Reading tags from uuid
2) Editing + Writing new tags
3) *temporary* Geograph specific functions (might eventually get merged with exiftool ones)
#NOTE: Currently implemented as a module (i.e. Singleton in python)

log = logtool.getLogger("db", "gtr")

# UUID of media file
uuid = None
# Lon/Lat Coordinates of media file
coords = None
# Dictionary of tags of media file
tags = None
# stdout Output of last execution
stdout = None

def __init__():
def get_tags():
    stdout = spatialite.execute("""
Ejemplo n.º 19
import logtool
log = logtool.getLogger("Exiftool", "gtr")

class ExifException(Exception):
    """ This class covers all exceptions thrown during execution of the external perl program exiftool. Should be Thrown *only* by the exiftool class """
    # Everything in stderr after executing exiftool
    msg = None
    # A user friendlier shorter version of msg
    shortmsg = None
    def __init__(self, msg):
        self.msg = msg
        # take first line as a short message, which should be just enough.
        line = msg.split('\n')[0]
        # extra bodge since exiftool like to put home directories in message
        idx = line.find( " - /home")
        if (idx != -1):
            self.shortmsg = line[:idx]
            self.shortmsg = line
        log.error("Exiftool exception shown to user: " + self.shortmsg)
    def __str__(self):
        return repr(self.msg)
Ejemplo n.º 20
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import spatialite, logtool

#################### Dropbox,flickr etc. credential storage management #############
"""  Wrapper functions around SQL command use for reading/writing/seaching access
credentials for different providers.

The result is normal a list of tuples e.g. [(foo,bar)] for one row and (None,) for no rows.

NOTE: req_key (in dropbox lingo) is "userid" for pcapi

log = logtool.getLogger("tokens", "pcapi")

def dump_tokens():
    res = spatialite.execute("""
       SELECT * FROM tokens;
    # 2D list of lists
    return res

def save_access_tokens(userid, req_secret, acc_key, acc_secret):
    res = spatialite.execute(
       INSERT OR IGNORE INTO tokens(userid,reqsec,accsec,acckey) VALUES (?,?,?,?)
       """, (userid, req_secret, acc_key, acc_secret))
    return res == []
Ejemplo n.º 21
import config, logtool, re, time
from dropbox import client, session, rest
from db import tokens
### Static Variables ###
APP_KEY = config.get("dropbox", "app_key")
APP_SECRET = config.get("dropbox", "app_secret")
ACCESS_TYPE = 'app_folder'  # should be 'dropbox' or 'app_folder' as configured for your app

STATE_CODES = {"verify_token": 0, "connected": 1}

# CAPABILITIES that this provider supports
CAPABILITIES = ["oauth", "search", "synchronize", "delete"]

log = logtool.getLogger("DropboxProvider", "pcapi")

class Metadata(object):
    """ metadata of files/dir as returned from dropbox. This is plain filesystem 
    metadata and NOT high-level pcapi metadata for records or editors"""
    def __init__(self, md):
        self.md = md

    def __str__(self):
        return ` self.md `

    def mtime(self, fmt=None):
        """ Return last modification time of self.
            fmt (optional): format (s. strftime() system call) for the output date
Ejemplo n.º 22

import bottle
from bottle import route, request, static_file, redirect

# gtr imports
import logtool, mediafactory, configuration, db, helper
from ExifException import ExifException

#Dropbox imports
dbpath = configuration.getDropboxSDK()
import gtr_dropbox

application = bottle.default_app()
log = logtool.getLogger("gtr")
################ ROUTES ####################

def editfile( uuid ):
    Edit the properties of an already-uploaded media file.
    This is also usefull for getting rid of extra GET parameters forcibly added by dropbox
    # optional drobox arguments ( currently ignored )
    uid = request.GET.get("uid",None)
    oauth_token = request.GET.get("oauth_token",None)    
    log.info("editfile" + " params: uuid:%s uid:%s oauth_token:%s " % (uuid,uid, oauth_token))
    return redirect('/index.html?uuid=%s' % uuid)
Ejemplo n.º 23
from form_validator import FormValidator, Editor
from cobweb_parser import COBWEBFormParser
from bottle import Response
from StringIO import StringIO
from operator import itemgetter
import urllib2
    import threadpool
except ImportError:
    sys.stderr.write("Error: Can't find threadpool...")

import dbox_provider, fs_provider, logtool
from wand.image import Image
from pcapi_exceptions import *

log = logtool.getLogger("PCAPIRest", "pcapi")

class Record(object):
    """ Class to store record bodies and metadata in memory for fast access"""
    def __init__(self, content, metadata):
        self.content = content  # as a parsed json (dict)
        self.metadata = metadata  # as a dbox_provider.Metadata object

################ Decorators ####################
def authdec():
    def decorator(f):
        def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
            log.debug('%s( *%s )' % (f.__name__, ` args `))
            dbox = dbox_provider.DropboxProvider()
Ejemplo n.º 24
MK = 'Marker'
XVAL = 'X Value'
YVAL = 'Y Value'
GEOM = 'geometry'
FTS = 'features'
TYPE = 'type'
POINT = 'Point'
DEC = 'Decision'
RIDENT = 'Record ID'
OSV = 'OS Version'
MKM = 'Make and Model'
IWIDTH = 'Image Width'
IHEIGHT = 'Image Height'
FLENGTH = 'Focal Length'

log = logtool.getLogger("Export Variable GeoJSON", "pcapi")

def export(path):
        import config, json
        file = open(config.get("path", "data_dir") + "/" + path, 'r')
        flooddata = file.read()
        geojflood = json.loads(flooddata)

        fts = geojflood[FTS]
        plat = -1000
        plon = -1000

        img = []
        polyCoord = []
Ejemplo n.º 25
##      output = spatialite.execute("select HEX(GeomFromText(?));",('POINT(788703.57 4645636.3)',))
## The output is a a tuple of lists. To get the 2nd field from 3rd row just use output[2][1] (0-based index)

## Devel's python has "surprisingly" disabled sqlite3 support unlike 99.9% of sane python installations.
    # make up for inconsistencies between normal linux distributions, devel.edina, rainbow.edina etc. etc.                                                                                                                      
    import pysqlite2.dbapi2 as db
    from pysqlite2.dbapi2 import OperationalError
except ImportError:
    import sqlite3.dbapi2 as db
    from sqlite3.dbapi2 import OperationalError
import os
import config, logtool

### Constants ###
log = logtool.getLogger("spatialite", "pcapi")

# full path of sqlite3 database
DB = config.get("path","sessionsdb")


# full path of libspatialite.so.3
SPATIALPLUGIN = config.get("path", "libspatialite")

# creating/connecting the test_db. 
# "check_same_thread" turns off some false alarms from sqlite3.
# NOTE: mod_wsgi runs these global variables in *different* processes for each request.
con = db.connect(DB, check_same_thread=False)

# Revert to plain sqlite3 when libspatialite is missing
Ejemplo n.º 26
#FS Provider tries to be "loosely" dropbox compliant to make your life a bit easier especially regarding the Metadata object

# No `/' directory will be created unless you upload a file first. This is to avoid
# a mess by clients calling /auth/local repeatedly and creating a new users every time without authentication.
# Might revisit once we have authentication in place!

import os, time, shutil, re
import logtool, config, helper

from pcapi_exceptions import FsException

log = logtool.getLogger("FsProvider", "pcapi")

class Metadata(object):
    """ metadata of files/dir as returned from local filesystem. This is plain filesystem 
    metadata and NOT high-level pcapi metadata for records or editors"""
    def __init__(self, md):
        self.md = md

    def __str__(self):
        return ` self.md `

    def mtime(self, fmt=None):
        """ Return last modification time of self.
            fmt (optional): format (s. strftime() system call) for the output date
         a date string in format described in "fmt" as in strftime. If no
        format is specified then seconds since unix epoch are returned. This is useful for date comparisons.
Ejemplo n.º 27
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
#from lxml.html.clean import clean_html, Cleaner
#from lxml import etree
import logtool, config
from StringIO import StringIO
import html5lib
from html5lib import treebuilders, treewalkers, serializer
from html5lib.filters import sanitizer

log = logtool.getLogger("FormValidator", "pcapi")

class Editor(object):
    def __init__(self, content):
        self.content = content
        self.soup = BeautifulSoup(self.content, 'html.parser')
        self.elements = ["text", "textarea", "checkbox", "radio", "select", "image", "audio", "range"]
    def findElements(self):
        elements = []
        for tag in self.soup.findAll("div", {"class": "fieldcontain"}):
            check, elem = self.checkForElements(tag["id"])
            if check:
                log.debug("%s, %s" % (tag["id"], self.get_header(elem, tag["id"])))
                elements.append([tag["id"], self.get_header(elem, tag["id"])])
        return elements
    def checkForElements(self, tag):
        for el in self.elements:
            if el in tag and "-buttons" not in tag:
                return (True, el)
        return (False, None)
Ejemplo n.º 28
from form_validator import FormValidator, Editor
from cobweb_parser import COBWEBFormParser
from bottle import Response
from StringIO import StringIO
from operator import itemgetter
import urllib2
    import threadpool
except ImportError:
    sys.stderr.write("Error: Can't find threadpool...")

import dbox_provider, fs_provider, logtool
from wand.image import Image
from pcapi_exceptions import *

log = logtool.getLogger("PCAPIRest", "pcapi")

class Record(object):
    """ Class to store record bodies and metadata in memory for fast access"""
    def __init__(self, content, metadata ):
        self.content = content # as a parsed json (dict)
        self.metadata = metadata # as a dbox_provider.Metadata object

################ Decorators ####################
def authdec():
    def decorator(f):
        def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
            log.debug('%s( *%s )' % (f.__name__, `args`))
            dbox = dbox_provider.DropboxProvider()
            status = dbox.probe(args[1])
            # check access token *existence*
Ejemplo n.º 29
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
#from lxml.html.clean import clean_html, Cleaner
#from lxml import etree
import logtool, config
from StringIO import StringIO
import html5lib
from html5lib import treebuilders, treewalkers, serializer
from html5lib.filters import sanitizer

log = logtool.getLogger("FormValidator", "pcapi")

class Editor(object):
    def __init__(self, content):
        self.content = content
        self.soup = BeautifulSoup(self.content, 'html.parser')
        self.elements = [
            "text", "textarea", "checkbox", "radio", "select", "image",
            "audio", "range"

    def findElements(self):
        elements = []
        for tag in self.soup.findAll("div", {"class": "fieldcontain"}):
            check, elem = self.checkForElements(tag["id"])
            if check:
                log.debug("%s, %s" %
                          (tag["id"], self.get_header(elem, tag["id"])))
                elements.append([tag["id"], self.get_header(elem, tag["id"])])
        return elements