def test_find_or_create_donor_not_there():
    "test one that's not there"
    sample_db = DonorDB(get_sample_data())
    donor = sample_db.find_or_create_donor("Bob Jones")

    assert == "Bob Jones"
    assert donor.last_donation == None
def test_find_or_create_donor():
    """ checks a donor that is there, but with odd case and spaces"""
    sample_db = DonorDB(get_sample_data())
    donor = sample_db.find_or_create_donor("jefF beZos ")

    assert == "Jeff Bezos"
    assert donor.last_donation == 877.33
def test_add_donation():
    # fixme: there should be a better way to get an arbitrary donor
    sample_db = DonorDB(get_sample_data())
    donor = sample_db.donor_data.popitem()[1]


    assert donor.last_donation == 3000
def test_add_donor():
    name = "Fred Flintstone  "

    sample_db = DonorDB(get_sample_data())
    donor = sample_db.add_donor(name)
    assert == "Fred Flintstone"
    assert donor.last_donation == 300
    assert sample_db.find_donor(name) is donor
def test_database_save():
    db = model.DonorDB(model.get_sample_data())

    json_dict = db.to_json_compat()

    db2 = model.DonorDB.from_json_dict(json_dict)


    assert db2 == db
    assert db2.donor_data == db.donor_data
def test_add_donation_negative():
    # fixme: there should be a better way to get an arbitrary donor
    sample_db = DonorDB(get_sample_data())

    donor = sample_db.donor_data.popitem()[1]

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
def test_list_donors():
    # create a clean one to make sure everything is there.
    sample_db = DonorDB(get_sample_data())
    listing = sample_db.list_donors()

    # hard to test this throughly -- better not to hard code the entire
    # thing. But check for a few aspects -- this will catch the likely
    # errors
    assert listing.startswith("Donor list:\n")
    assert "Jeff Bezos" in listing
    assert "William Gates III" in listing
    assert len(listing.split('\n')) == 5
def test_generate_donor_report():
    sample_db = DonorDB(get_sample_data())
    report = sample_db.generate_donor_report()

    print(report)  # printing so you can see it if it fails
    # this is pretty tough to test
    # these are not great, because they will fail if unimportant parts of the
    # report are changed.
    # but at least you know that code's working now.
    assert report.startswith(
        "Donor Name                | Total Given | Num Gifts | Average Gift")

    assert "Jeff Bezos                  $    877.33           1   $     877.33" in report

    # check if it's in the right order
    lines = report.split("\n")
    assert "Paul Allen" in lines[2]
    assert "William Gates III" in lines[5]
def test_donor_round_trip():
    # get an arbitrary
    donor = model.get_sample_data()[0]

    json_dict = donor.to_json_compat()

    donor2 = model.Donor.from_json_dict(json_dict)



    assert donor2 == donor

    # in case equality isn't right...
    assert ==
    assert donor.norm_name == donor2.norm_name
    assert donor.donations == donor2.donations
def test_save_letters_to_disk():
    This only tests that the files get created, but that's a start

    Note that the contents of the letter was already
    tested with test_gen_letter

    # FIXME: this should create a temp dir to save to.
    sample_db = DonorDB(get_sample_data())


    assert os.path.isfile('Jeff_Bezos.txt')
    assert os.path.isfile('William_Gates_III.txt')
    # check that it's not empty:
    with open('William_Gates_III.txt') as f:
        size = len(
    assert size > 0
Ejemplo n.º 11
The only code in here should deal with the command line interface.

Nothing to do with the logic code, etc that does the real work.

import sys
import math

# handy utility to make pretty printing easier
from textwrap import dedent

from mailroom import model

# create a DB with the sample data
db = model.DonorDB(model.get_sample_data())

def main_menu_selection():
    Print out the main application menu and then read the user input.
    action = input(dedent('''
      Choose an action:

      1 - Send a Thank You
      2 - Create a Report
      3 - Send letters to everyone
      4 - Quit

      > '''))
Ejemplo n.º 12
def sample_db():
    creates a clean sample database for the tests to use
    return model.DonorDB(model.get_sample_data())
def test_save_load_file():
    db = model.DonorDB(model.get_sample_data())
    db2 = model.DonorDB.load_from_file("test.json")

    assert db == db2
def test_find_donor_not():
    "test one that's not there"
    sample_db = DonorDB(get_sample_data())
    donor = sample_db.find_donor("Jeff Bzos")

    assert donor is None
NOTE: when I first ran it, I got 97% coverage -- it was missing tests
      of creating a Donor and DonorDB empty.

      This prompted me to write tests for these, and then I discoverd
      that I got an error when you tried to get the last_donation from
      a Donor that did not have any donations.

      A win for testing!

import os
import pytest
from mailroom.model import Donor, DonorDB, get_sample_data

# creates a sample database for the tests to use
sample_db = DonorDB(get_sample_data())

def test_empty_db():
    tests that you can initilize an empty DB
    db = DonorDB()

    assert len(db.donors) == 0

    # donor_list = db.list_donors()
    # print(donor_list)
    # # no donors
    # assert donor_list.strip() == "Donor list:"