Ejemplo n.º 1
def send_texts(rows):
    python_questions = read_file(f"{DIR_PATH}/resources/python_questions.json")
    javascript_questions = read_file(f"{DIR_PATH}/resources/javascript_questions.json")

    for item in rows:
        obj = from_dynamodb_to_json(item)
        number = obj['number']
        level = obj['level']
        name = obj['name'].split(" ")[0]
        formatted_name = name.capitalize()

        if obj['category'] == "python":
            questions = list(filter(lambda x: str(x['level']) == level, python_questions))
            question_id = int(obj['python_id'])
            title = obj['category']
            message = questions[question_id]["tip"]
        elif obj['category'] == "javascript":
            questions = list(filter(lambda x: str(x['level']) == level, javascript_questions))
            question_id = int(obj['javascript_id'])
            title = obj['category']
            message = questions[question_id]["tip"]

        print(f"Sending text message to {number}")
        send_message(SENDER, obj['number'], message, title, formatted_name, obj['country'], obj['category'])
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_fitness(self):
        weapons = main.read_file('../testdata/armas.tsv')
        boots = main.read_file('../testdata/botas.tsv')
        helmets = main.read_file('../testdata/cascos.tsv')
        gloves = main.read_file('../testdata/guantes.tsv')
        shirts = main.read_file('../testdata/pecheras.tsv')

        attack_multiplier = 0.9
        defense_multiplier = 0.1
        force_multiplier = 0.9
        agility_multiplier = 1.1
        expertise_multiplier = 1
        resistance_multiplier = 0.9
        life_multiplier = 0.8

        expected_p_force = 100 * np.tanh(
            0.01 * force_multiplier *
            (6.222216242390499 + 2.2027931206638347 + 7.658380825287503 +
             1.5663864556588252 + 9.723360073495009))
        expected_p_agility = np.tanh(
            0.01 * agility_multiplier *
            (6.541324168418127 + 2.1657134566632457 + 4.820703103477169 +
             2.9881879858036853 + 3.3550178576619367))
        expected_p_expertise = 0.6 * np.tanh(
            0.01 * expertise_multiplier *
            (12.31869383349377 + 0.8576268312008092 + 2.5555670851728705 +
             0.6172399843576923 + 5.242037515433561))
        expected_p_resistance = np.tanh(
            0.01 * resistance_multiplier *
            (7.171230587646848 + 2.117799836003941 + 6.664915444307471 +
             0.971997463425301 + 17.913489499483834))
        expected_p_life = 100 * np.tanh(
            0.01 * life_multiplier *
            (9.506924539924945 + 1.4986193316990624 + 4.495328669692497 +
             3.0986140589878577 + 2.726878650158977))

        expected_atm = 1.4375
        expected_dem = 1.0625
        attack = (expected_p_agility +
                  expected_p_expertise) * expected_p_force * expected_atm
        defense = (expected_p_resistance +
                   expected_p_expertise) * expected_p_life * expected_dem
        expected_fitness = attack * attack_multiplier + defense * defense_multiplier
        fitness = chromosome1.calculate_fitness(
            attack_multiplier, defense_multiplier, force_multiplier,
            agility_multiplier, expertise_multiplier, resistance_multiplier,
            life_multiplier, weapons, boots, helmets, gloves, shirts)
        self.assertEqual(fitness, expected_fitness)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def read_data():
	    file_name = request.args.get('file_name','file1.txt')
	    start = request.args.get('start',None)
	    end = request.args.get('end',None)
	    data = read_file(file_name,start, end)
	    return render_template("index.html",text = data)
	except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_read_file_returns_lines_of_file_as_list() -> None:
    lines = read_file('./files/input-example.txt')

    assert lines == [
        'forward 5',
        'down 5',
        'forward 8',
        'up 3',
        'down 8',
        'forward 2',
def multiplex_or_create(pkt, address):
    # with lock:
    packet = main.Packetize(pkt)
    if address in thread_table:
        pass_pkt(packet, address)
        packets = chunks_into_pkts(main.read_file(packet.data))
        protocol = int(
                "please select a protocol for sending \n 1) Go Back N\n2) Selective Repeat\n 3) Stop And Wait \n"
        choose_protocol(packets, address, protocol, file_name=packet.data)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def test_calculate(self):
     self.assertEqual(calculate(read_file("test_files/1.txt")), 1)
     self.assertEqual(calculate(read_file("test_files/2.txt")), 1)
     self.assertEqual(calculate(read_file("test_files/3.txt")), 2)
     self.assertEqual(calculate(read_file("test_files/4.txt")), 3)
     self.assertEqual(calculate(read_file("test_files/5.txt")), 0)
     self.assertEqual(calculate(read_file("test_files/6.txt")), 1)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def main_alg():
    r, c, l, h, matrix = read_file('./pizza/example.in')
    shapes = get_shapes(l, h)
    shapes_with_deviation = get_shapes_with_deviation(shapes)
    print len(shapes_with_deviation)
    for a_shape in shapes_with_deviation:
        print a_shape.__unicode__()
    score_matrix = init_score_matrix(c, r)
    for i in range(len(matrix)):
        row = matrix[i]
        for j in range(len(row)):
            for a_shape in shapes_with_deviation:
                if shapes_fits(matrix, a_shape, l, i, j):
                    score_matrix[i][j] += 1
    print score_matrix
Ejemplo n.º 8
def main2():
    min, max, matrix = main.read_file('small.in')
    result = []
    # print matrix
    shapes = shape(min, max)
    print shapes
    for i in range(0,999):
        for j in range(0,999):
            for k in shapes:
                submatrix = getSubmatrix(matrix, i, j, k[0], k[1])
                if submatrix:
                    print submatrix
                    fits = checkShape(submatrix, min)
                    if fits:
                        matrix = replaceSubmatrix(matrix, i, j, i+k[0], j+k[1])
                        print [i,j, i+k[0]-1, j+k[1]-1]
                        result.append([i,j, i+k[0], j+k[1]])
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_read_file():
    if main.read_file(0) != ['ccabab\n', ['ba -> ab\n', 'ca -> ac\n', 'cb -> bc\n']]:
        print("Error read_file on test #1")
    if main.read_file(1) != ['aababab\n', ['ab -> \n', 'a -> b\n']]:
        print("Error read_file on test #2")
    if main.read_file(2) != ['aaa\n', ['b ->. a\n', 'a -> b\n']]:
        print("Error read_file on test #3")
    if main.read_file(3) != ['|||||||||\n', ['||| -> \n', '|| ->. \n', '| ->. \n', ' ->. |']]:
        print("Error read_file on test #4")
    if main.read_file(4) != ['ababa\n', ['*a ->. \n', '*b ->. \n', '* ->. \n', ' -> *']]:
        print("Error read_file on test #5")
    if main.read_file(5) != ['1010101\n', ['0b ->. 1\n', '1b -> b0\n', 'b ->. 1\n', 'a0 -> 0a\n', 'a1 -> 1a\n', '0a -> 0b\n', '1a -> 1b\n', ' -> a']]:
        print("Error read_file on test #6")
Ejemplo n.º 10
""" Responsible for the calling of functions. """
import main
import player_comments

if __name__ == '__main__':

    PLAYERS = main.read_file()

    HEADER = True
    for player in PLAYERS:
        print("Terminou o jogador: ", player[0])
Ejemplo n.º 11
def test_read_file(mocker):
    mocker.patch('builtins.open').return_value = StringIO('Some text')
    result = read_file('some file.txt')

    assert list(result) == ['Some text']
Ejemplo n.º 12
# Bubble Sort version 1
import main
import time
import psutil
import os

start = time.time()
process = psutil.Process(os.getpid())

list = main.read_file(100)
comparisons = 0
exchanges = 0

for i in range(len(list)):
    for j in range(len(list) - 1):
        comparisons += 1
        if list[j] > list[j+1]:
            aux = list[j]
            list[j] = list[j+1]
            list[j+1] = aux
            exchanges += 1

runtime = (time.time() - start)*1000

print('Quantidade de quantidade de comparações: ', str(comparisons))
print('Quantidade de trocas: ', str(exchanges))
print('Tempo de execução: ', str(runtime))
print('Uso da CPU: ', str(psutil.cpu_percent(interval=1)),'%')
print('Uso da memória: ', str(process.memory_percent()*100),'%')
Ejemplo n.º 13
def test_read_file():
    assert main.read_file("test.txt") == [
        "000325175", "005420021", "005420120", "005420120"
Ejemplo n.º 14

conn = psycopg2.connect(user="******", database="sports_stats")
cur = conn.cursor()

cur.execute("DROP TABLE if exists player_stats;")

create_table_string = """
    CREATE TABLE player_stats (
    player_name varchar(50),
    receptions numeric(3),
    receiving_yards numeric(4),
    touchdowns numeric(2),
    position varchar(3)


insert_template = "INSERT INTO player_stats VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)"

roster = read_file()

for player in roster:
    cur.execute(insert_template, player)

Ejemplo n.º 15
	def test_readfile(self):

		self.assertTrue(main.read_file(SAMPLE) == self.testdata)
Ejemplo n.º 16
def clean_json_str(filename):
    v = read_file("1.tmp").strip()
    return v[1:-1]
Ejemplo n.º 17
def test_read_file():
    mock_open = mock.mock_open(read_data='test contents')
    with mock.patch('__builtin__.open', mock_open):
        result = read_file('test_path')
    assert result['file'] == 'test contents'
Ejemplo n.º 18
def test_read_file():
    path = pathlib.Path(
    post = main.read_file(path)
    assert type(post) is main.Post
Ejemplo n.º 19
def test_wrong_path():
    path = 'wrong-path'
    with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError) as excinfo: