Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_operations_non_root_admin_api_client(self, value):
        """Test basic operations using non root admin apii client"""

        # Steps:
        # 1. Create Domain and Account in it
        # 2. Create network in it (isoalted/ shared/ vpc)
        # 3. Create User API client of this account
        # 4. Deploy a VM in this network and account
        # 5. Add secondary IP to the default nic of VM using non root admin api client
        # 6. List secondary IPs using non root admin api client
        # 7. Remove secondary IP using non root admin api client

        # Validations:
        # 1. All the operations should be successful

        child_domain = Domain.create(self.apiclient,services=self.services["domain"],

        self.account = Account.create(self.apiclient,self.services["account"],domainid=child_domain.id)

        apiclient = self.testClient.createUserApiClient(UserName=self.account.name, DomainName=self.account.domain)

        if(shouldTestBeSkipped(networkType=value, zoneType=self.mode)):
            self.skipTest("Skipping test as %s network is not supported in basic zone" % value)

        network = createNetwork(self, value)

            virtual_machine = VirtualMachine.create(self.apiclient,self.services["virtual_machine"],
        except Exception as e:
            self.fail("vm creation failed: %s" % e)

            ipaddress_1 = NIC.addIp(apiclient, id=virtual_machine.nic[0].id)
        except Exception as e:
            self.fail("Failed while adding secondary IP to NIC of vm %s" % virtual_machine.id)

            NIC.list(apiclient, virtualmachineid=virtual_machine.id)
        except Exception as e:
            self.fail("Listing NICs for virtual machine %s failed with Exception %s" % (virtual_machine.id, e))

            NIC.list(apiclient, virtualmachineid=virtual_machine.id, nicid=virtual_machine.nic[0].id)
        except Exception as e:
            self.fail("Listing NICs for virtual machine %s and nic id %s failed with Exception %s" %
                    (virtual_machine.id, virtual_machine.nic[0].id, e))

            NIC.removeIp(apiclient, ipaddressid=ipaddress_1.id)
        except Exception as e:
            self.fail("Removing seondary IP %s from NIC failed as expected with Exception %s" % (ipaddress_1.id,e))

Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_add_ip_to_nic(self, value):
        """ Add secondary IP to NIC of a VM"""

        # Steps:
        # 1. Create Account and create network in it (isoalted/ shared/ vpc)
        # 2. Deploy a VM in this network and account
        # 3. Add secondary IP to the default nic of VM
        # 4. Try to add the same IP again
        # 5. Try to add secondary IP providing wrong virtual machine id
        # 6. Try to add secondary IP with correct virtual machine id but wrong IP address

        # Validations:
        # 1. Step 3 should succeed
        # 2. Step 4 should fail
        # 3. Step 5 should should fail
        # 4. Step 6 should fail

        self.account = Account.create(self.apiclient,self.services["account"],domainid=self.domain.id)

        if(shouldTestBeSkipped(networkType=value, zoneType=self.mode)):
            self.skipTest("Skipping test as %s network is not supported in basic zone" % value)

        network = createNetwork(self, value)

            virtual_machine = VirtualMachine.create(self.apiclient,self.services["virtual_machine"],
        except Exception as e:
            self.fail("vm creation failed: %s" % e)

            ipaddress_1 = NIC.addIp(self.apiclient, id=virtual_machine.nic[0].id)
        except Exception as e:
            self.fail("Failed while adding secondary IP to NIC of vm %s" % virtual_machine.id)

            NIC.addIp(self.apiclient, id=virtual_machine.nic[0].id, ipaddress=ipaddress_1.ipaddress)
            self.debug("Adding already added secondary IP %s to NIC of vm %s succeeded, should have failed" %
                    (ipaddress_1.ipaddress, virtual_machine.id))
        except Exception as e:
            self.debug("Failed while adding already added secondary IP to NIC of vm %s" % virtual_machine.id)

            NIC.addIp(self.apiclient, id=(virtual_machine.nic[0].id + random_gen()))
            self.fail("Adding secondary IP with wrong NIC id succeded, it shoud have failed")
        except Exception as e:
            self.debug("Failed while adding secondary IP to wrong NIC")

            NIC.addIp(self.apiclient, id=virtual_machine.nic[0].id, ipaddress = "")
            self.fail("Adding secondary IP with wrong ipaddress succeded, it should have failed")
        except Exception as e:
            self.debug("Failed while adding wrong secondary IP to NIC of VM %s" % virtual_machine.id)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_remove_ip_from_nic(self, value):
        """ Remove secondary IP from NIC of a VM"""

        # Steps:
        # 1. Create Account and create network in it (isoalted/ shared/ vpc)
        # 2. Deploy a VM in this network and account
        # 3. Add secondary IP to the default nic of VM
        # 4. Remove the secondary IP
        # 5. Try to remove secondary ip by giving incorrect ipaddress id

        # Validations:
        # 1. Step 4 should succeed
        # 2. Step 5 should fail

        self.account = Account.create(self.apiclient,self.services["account"],domainid=self.domain.id)

        if(shouldTestBeSkipped(networkType=value, zoneType=self.mode)):
            self.skipTest("Skipping test as %s network is not supported in basic zone" % value)

        network = createNetwork(self, value)

            virtual_machine = VirtualMachine.create(self.apiclient,self.services["virtual_machine"],
        except Exception as e:
            self.fail("vm creation failed: %s" % e)

            ipaddress_1 = NIC.addIp(self.apiclient, id=virtual_machine.nic[0].id)
        except Exception as e:
            self.fail("Failed while adding secondary IP to NIC of vm %s" % virtual_machine.id)

            NIC.removeIp(self.apiclient, ipaddressid=ipaddress_1.id)
        except Exception as e:
            self.fail("Removing seondary IP %s from NIC failed as expected with Exception %s" % (ipaddress_1.id,e))

            NIC.removeIp(self.apiclient, ipaddressid=(ipaddress_1.id + random_gen()))
            self.fail("Removing invalid IP address, it should have failed")
        except Exception as e:
            self.debug("Removing invalid IP failed as expected with Exception %s" % e)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_list_nics(self, value):
        """Test listing nics associated with the ip address"""

        # Steps:
        # 1. Create Account and create network in it (isoalted/ shared/ vpc)
        # 2. Deploy a VM in this network and account
        # 3. Add secondary IP to the default nic of VM
        # 4. Try to list the secondary ips without passing vm id
        # 5. Try to list secondary IPs by passing correct vm id
        # 6. Try to list secondary IPs by passing correct vm id and its nic id
        # 7. Try to list secondary IPs by passing incorrect vm id and correct nic id
        # 8. Try to list secondary IPs by passing correct vm id and incorrect nic id
        # 9. Try to list secondary IPs by passing incorrect vm id and incorrect nic id

        # Validations:
        # 1. Step 4 should fail
        # 2. Step 5 should succeed
        # 3. Step 6 should succeed
        # 4. Step 7 should fail
        # 5. Step 8 should fail
        # 6. Step 9 should fail

        self.account = Account.create(self.apiclient,self.services["account"],domainid=self.domain.id)

        if(shouldTestBeSkipped(networkType=value, zoneType=self.mode)):
            self.skipTest("Skipping test as %s network is not supported in basic zone" % value)

        network = createNetwork(self, value)

            virtual_machine = VirtualMachine.create(self.apiclient,self.services["virtual_machine"],
        except Exception as e:
            self.fail("vm creation failed: %s" % e)

            NIC.addIp(self.apiclient, id=virtual_machine.nic[0].id)
        except Exception as e:
            self.fail("Failed while adding secondary IP to NIC of vm %s" % virtual_machine.id)

            nics = NIC.list(self.apiclient)
            self.fail("Listing NICs without passign VM id succeeded, it should have failed, list is %s" % nics)
        except Exception as e:
            self.debug("Listing NICs without passing virtual machine id failed as expected")

            NIC.list(self.apiclient, virtualmachineid=virtual_machine.id)
        except Exception as e:
            self.fail("Listing NICs for virtual machine %s failed with Exception %s" % (virtual_machine.id, e))

            NIC.list(self.apiclient, virtualmachineid=virtual_machine.id, nicid=virtual_machine.nic[0].id)
        except Exception as e:
            self.fail("Listing NICs for virtual machine %s and nic id %s failed with Exception %s" %
                    (virtual_machine.id, virtual_machine.nic[0].id, e))

            nics = NIC.list(self.apiclient, virtualmachineid=(virtual_machine.id + random_gen()), nicid=virtual_machine.nic[0].id)
            self.fail("Listing NICs with wrong virtual machine id and right nic id succeeded, should have failed")
        except Exception as e:
            self.debug("Listing NICs with wrong virtual machine id and right nic failed as expected with Exception %s" % e)

            nics = NIC.list(self.apiclient, virtualmachineid=virtual_machine.id, nicid=(virtual_machine.nic[0].id + random_gen()))
            self.fail("Listing NICs with correct virtual machine id but wrong nic id succeeded, should have failed")
        except Exception as e:
            self.debug("Listing NICs with correct virtual machine id but wrong nic id failed as expected with Exception %s" % e)

            nics = NIC.list(self.apiclient, virtualmachineid=(virtual_machine.id+random_gen()), nicid=(virtual_machine.nic[0].id + random_gen()))
            self.fail("Listing NICs with wrong virtual machine id and wrong nic id succeeded, should have failed")
        except Exception as e:
            self.debug("Listing NICs with wrong virtual machine id and wrong nic id failed as expected with Exception %s" % e)
