Ejemplo n.º 1
problem = xc.FEProblem()  # necesary to create this instance of
# the class xc.FEProblem()
preprocessor = problem.getPreprocessor
nodes = preprocessor.getNodeHandler  # nodes container
modelSpace = predefined_spaces.StructuralMechanics3D(
)  # Defines the dimension of nodes  three coordinates (x,y,z) and six DOF for each node (Ux,Uy,Uz,thetaX,thetaY,thetaZ)

nodes.defaultTag = 1  # First node number.
nod = nodes.newNodeXYZ(1.0, 0,
                       0)  # node 1 defined by its (x,y,z) global coordinates
nod = nodes.newNodeXYZ(1.0 + l, 0,
                       0)  # node 2 defined by its (x,y,z) global coordinates

# Materials definition
concrete = EC2_materials.EC2Concrete(
    "C33", -33e6, 1.5)  # concrete according to EC2 fck=33 MPa

# Reinforcing steel.
rfSteel = EC2_materials.S450C  # reinforcing steel according to EC2 fyk=450 MPa
steelDiagram = rfSteel.defDiagK(
    preprocessor)  # Definition of steel stress-strain diagram in XC.

# Parameters for tension stiffening of concrete
paramTS = concrete_base.paramTensStiffness(concrMat=concrete,
concrete.tensionStiffparam = paramTS  # parameters for tension stiffening are assigned to concrete
concrDiagram = concrete.defDiagK(
    preprocessor)  # Definition of concrete stress-strain diagram in XC.
Ejemplo n.º 2
#"Bridge design to Eurocodes. Worked examples"
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division

__author__ = "Ana Ortega (AOO) and Luis C. Pérez Tato (LCPT)"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2015, AOO and LCPT"
__license__ = "GPL"
__version__ = "3.0"
__email__ = "*****@*****.**"

from materials.ec2 import EC2_materials


#Type of concrete used in the deck slab
concrDeck = EC2_materials.EC2Concrete("C35/45", -35e6, 1.5)

Ac = 3.9  #area of the concrete slab (m2)
u = 11.6  #perimeter exposed to drying (m)
h0 = 2 * Ac / u  #notional size of the member h0.
RH = 80  #ambient relative humidity(%)
t = 1e6  #long term
#age of concrete in days at loading
t0concreting = 22  #mean value t0 of all the slab concreting phases
t0shrinkage = 1  #shrinkage is assumed to begin at the age of 1 day
t0equipments = 88  #age of concrete when non-structural bridge equipments are loaded
t0settlement = 50  #a settlement is assumed to occur at t0=50 days

t0 = t0settlement  #age of concrete in days at loading
alfa1 = concrDeck.getCreepAlfa1(
)  #Coefficient for the calculation of the creep coefficient
Ejemplo n.º 3
#Data for comparison from the JRC technical report:
#"Bridge design to Eurocodes. Worked examples"
#Sect. 4.5.3
from __future__ import division

__author__ = "Ana Ortega (AOO) and Luis C. Pérez Tato (LCPT)"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2015, AOO and LCPT"
__license__ = "GPL"
__version__ = "3.0"
__email__ = "*****@*****.**"

from materials.ec2 import EC2_materials

#Type of concrete used in the deck slab
concrDeck = EC2_materials.EC2Concrete("C25/30", -25e6, 1.5)
concrDeck.cemType = 'N'  #class N cement
RH = 50  #ambient relative humidity(%)

#Shrinkage deformation at traffic openning
t = 100 * 365.25  #age of the concrete
ts = 1  #drying shrinkage begins at the age 1 day
Ac = 2.99  #area of the concrete slab (m2)
u = (17.79 - 5.19)  #perimeter exposed to drying (m)
h0mm = 2 * Ac / u * 1000  #notional size of the member h0 (mm)
#   autogenous shrinkage
Epscainf = concrDeck.getShrEpscainf(
    t)  #coefficient for calculating the autogenous shrinkage strain
Betaast = concrDeck.getShrBetaast(
    t)  #coefficient for calculating the autogenous shrinkage strain
Epsca = concrDeck.getShrEpsca(t)  #Autogenous shrinkage strain
Ejemplo n.º 4
fctmCalc = []
fctk005Calc = []
fctk095Calc = []
EcmCalc = []
Epsc1Calc = []
Epscu1Calc = []
Epsc2Calc = []
Epscu2Calc = []
ExpNCalc = []
Epsc3Calc = []
Epscu3Calc = []

for i in range(len(fckDat)):
    name = 'C' + str(fckDat[i])
    fck = -1 * fckDat[i] * 1e6  #[Pa][-]
    concr = EC2_materials.EC2Concrete(name, fck, 1.5)
    fcm = concr.getFcm() / (-1e6)
    fctm = round(concr.getFctm() / 1e6, 1)
    fctk005 = round(concr.getFctk005() / 1e6, 1)
    fctk095 = round(concr.getFctk095() / 1e6, 1)
    concr.typeAggregate = 'Q'
    Ecm = round(concr.getEcm() / 1e9, 0)
    Epsc1 = round(concr.getEpsc1() * (-1e3), 1)
    Epscu1 = round(concr.getEpscu1() * (-1e3), 1)
Ejemplo n.º 5
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import division
from materials.ec2 import EC2_materials
import math

area_deck = cantoLosa * anchoLosa + 2 * maxCantoVoladz * anchoCartab + (
    cantoLosa - maxCantoVoladz) * anchoCartab + (minCantoVoladz +
                                                 maxCantoVoladz) * anchoVoladz
perim_deck = anchoTot + 2 * minCantoVoladz + 2 * math.sqrt(
    anchoVoladz**2 + (maxCantoVoladz - minCantoVoladz)**2) + 2 * math.sqrt(
        anchoCartab**2 * (cantoLosa - maxCantoVoladz)**2) + anchoLosa
#Type of concrete used in the deck slab
concrDeck = EC2_materials.EC2Concrete("C30/37", -30e6, 1.5)
concrDeck.cemType = 'N'  #class N cement
RH = 70  #ambient relative humidity(%)

#Shrinkage deformation at traffic openning
t = 10000  #age of the concrete t infinito
ts = 1  #drying shrinkage begins at the age 1 day
Ac = area_deck  #area of the concrete slab (m2)
u = perim_deck  #perimeter exposed to drying (m)
h0mm = 2 * Ac / u * 1000  #notional size of the member h0 (mm)
#   autogenous shrinkage
Epscainf = concrDeck.getShrEpscainf(
    t)  #coefficient for calculating the autogenous shrinkage strain
#print 'Epscainf=',Epscainf
Betaast = concrDeck.getShrBetaast(
    t)  #coefficient for calculating the autogenous shrinkage strain
#print 'Betaast=',Betaast
Epsca = concrDeck.getShrEpsca(t)  #Autogenous shrinkage strain