def get_coords_CO2(xyzfilename):
    _, _, atoms, coords = read_xyz(xyzfilename)

    # CO2 is always the last 3 atoms in each file.
    coords_CO2 = np.array(coords[-3:])

    return coords_CO2
        'find /home/eric/Chemistry/calc.sgr/paper_02_CD_SC/NewXYZFiles/ -name "*.xyz" | sort', shell=True
    xyzfilenames = sorted(find_output.splitlines())
    dim = 1001
    assert len(xyzfilenames) == dim

    possible_n_qm = list(range(1, 64 + 1))
    dropnums = {n_qm: [] for n_qm in possible_n_qm}
    n_qm_to_distance_from_COM_COM_combined = {n_qm: [] for n_qm in possible_n_qm}
    n_qm_to_distance_from_COM_COM_cation = {n_qm: [] for n_qm in possible_n_qm}
    n_qm_to_distance_from_COM_COM_anion = {n_qm: [] for n_qm in possible_n_qm}

    for xyzfilename in xyzfilenames:
        dropnum = os.path.splitext(xyzfilename.split("_")[-1])[0]
        _, _, elements, coords = read_xyz(xyzfilename)
        assert elements[-3:] == ["C", "O", "O"]
        grouping_anions, grouping_cations, grouping_CO2 = determine_fragment_grouping(elements)
        fragments_anions = make_fragments_from_grouping(elements, coords, grouping_anions)
        fragments_cations = make_fragments_from_grouping(elements, coords, grouping_cations)
        fragment_CO2 = make_fragments_from_grouping(elements, coords, grouping_CO2)
        fragments = fragments_anions + fragments_cations + fragment_CO2
        assert len(fragment_CO2) == 1
        fragment_CO2 = fragment_CO2[0]
        for n_qm in possible_n_qm:
            # Wouldn't it be nice if we didn't calculate the distance twice?
            closest_cations = get_n_closest_fragments(n_qm, fragment_CO2, fragments_cations, method="centerofmass")
            closest_anions = get_n_closest_fragments(n_qm, fragment_CO2, fragments_anions, method="centerofmass")
            max_distance_from_COM_COM_combined = -1.0e30
            max_distance_from_COM_COM_cation = -1.0e30
            max_distance_from_COM_COM_anion = -1.0e30
    parser.add_argument('--alpha-slope', type=float, default=-3415.3)
    parser.add_argument('--alpha-intercept', type=float, default=9523.8)
    parser.add_argument('--beta-slope', type=float, default=1.12)
    parser.add_argument('--beta-intercept', type=float, default=-515.7)
    args = parser.parse_args()

    alpha_slope = args.alpha_slope
    alpha_intercept = args.alpha_intercept
    beta_slope = args.beta_slope
    beta_intercept = args.beta_intercept

    l_lower = []
    l_upper = []

    for xyzfilename in args.xyzfilename:
        _, _, atoms, coords = read_xyz(xyzfilename)

        coords_CO2 = np.array(coords[-3:])

        # Carbon is the first atom!
        l12 = distance(coords_CO2[0], coords_CO2[1]) + distance(coords_CO2[0], coords_CO2[2])
        angle = bond_angle(coords_CO2[1], coords_CO2[0], coords_CO2[2])
        theta = 180.0 - angle

        alpha = (alpha_slope * l12) + alpha_intercept
        beta = (beta_slope * theta) + beta_intercept

        hamiltonian = np.array(
            [[alpha, beta],
             [beta, alpha]]