Ejemplo n.º 1
 def get_zoomed_size(self, image_sizes, screen_size, distribution_axis,
     do_not_transform, prefer_same_size):
     scale_up = self._scale_up
     if prefer_same_size:
         # Preprocessing step: scale all images to the same size
         image_boxes = [box.Box(s) for s in image_sizes]
         # Scale up to the same size if this is allowed, otherwise scale down.
         if scale_up:
             # Scale up to union.
             pre_limits = box.Box.bounding_box(image_boxes).get_size()
             # Scale down to intersection.
             pre_limits = reduce(box.Box.intersect, image_boxes, image_boxes[0]).get_size()
         new_image_sizes = [tuple(tools.scale(s, ZoomModel._preferred_scale( \
             s, pre_limits, distribution_axis))) for s in image_sizes]
         new_image_sizes2 = [new_image_sizes[i] if not do_not_transform[i] else image_sizes[i] \
             for i in range(len(new_image_sizes))]
         image_sizes = new_image_sizes2
     union_size = _union_size(image_sizes, distribution_axis)
     limits = ZoomModel._calc_limits(union_size, screen_size, self._fitmode,
     prefscale = ZoomModel._preferred_scale(union_size, limits, distribution_axis)
     preferred_scales = tuple([prefscale if not dnt else IDENTITY_ZOOM for dnt in do_not_transform])
     prescaled = map(lambda size, scale, dnt: tuple(_scale_image_size(size, scale)),
         image_sizes, preferred_scales, do_not_transform)
     prescaled_union_size = _union_size(prescaled, distribution_axis)
     def _other_preferences(limits, distribution_axis):
         for i in range(len(limits)):
             if i == distribution_axis:
             if limits[i] is not None:
                 return True
         return False
     other_preferences = _other_preferences(limits, distribution_axis)
     if limits[distribution_axis] is not None and \
         (prescaled_union_size[distribution_axis] > screen_size[distribution_axis]
         or not other_preferences):
         distributed_scales = ZoomModel._scale_distributed(image_sizes,
             distribution_axis, limits[distribution_axis], scale_up, do_not_transform)
         if other_preferences:
             preferred_scales = map(min, preferred_scales, distributed_scales)
             preferred_scales = distributed_scales
     if not scale_up:
         preferred_scales = map(lambda x: min(x, IDENTITY_ZOOM), preferred_scales)
     user_scale = 2 ** (self._user_zoom_log / USER_ZOOM_LOG_SCALE1)
     res_scales = [preferred_scales[i] * (user_scale if not do_not_transform[i] else IDENTITY_ZOOM)
         for i in range(len(preferred_scales))]
     return tuple(map(lambda size, scale: tuple(_scale_image_size(size, scale)),
         image_sizes, res_scales))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def _scale_image_size(size, scale):
    return _round_nonempty(tools.scale(size, scale))
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def _scale_distributed(sizes, axis, max_size, allow_upscaling,
        ''' Calculates scales for a list of boxes that are distributed along a
        given axis (without any gaps). If the resulting scales are applied to
        their respective boxes, their new total size along axis will be as close
        as possible to max_size. The current implementation ensures that equal
        box sizes are mapped to equal scales.
        @param sizes: A list of box sizes.
        @param axis: The axis along which those boxes are distributed.
        @param max_size: The maximum size the scaled boxes may have along axis.
        @param allow_upscaling: True if upscaling is allowed, False otherwise.
        @param do_not_transform: True if the resulting scale must be 1, False
        @return: A list of scales where the i-th scale belongs to the i-th box
        size. If sizes is empty, the empty list is returned. If there are more
        boxes than max_size, an approximation is returned where all resulting
        scales will shrink their respective boxes to 1 along axis. In this case,
        the scaled total size might be greater than max_size. '''
        n = len(sizes)
        # trivial cases first
        if n == 0:
            return []
        if n >= max_size:
            # In this case, only one solution or only an approximation is available.
            # if n > max_size, the result won't fit into max_size.
            return map(lambda x: tools.div(1, x[axis]),
                       sizes)  # FIXME ignores do_not_transform
        total_axis_size = sum(map(lambda x: x[axis], sizes))
        if (total_axis_size <= max_size) and not allow_upscaling:
            # identity
            return [IDENTITY_ZOOM] * n

        # non-trival case
        scale = tools.div(
            max_size, total_axis_size
        )  # FIXME initial guess should take unscalable images into account
        scaling_data = [None] * n
        total_axis_size = 0
        # This loop collects some data we need for the actual computations later.
        for i in range(n):
            this_size = sizes[i]
            # Shortcut: If the size cannot be changed, accept the original size.
            if do_not_transform[i]:
                total_axis_size += this_size[axis]
                scaling_data[i] = [
                    IDENTITY_ZOOM, IDENTITY_ZOOM, False, IDENTITY_ZOOM, 0.0
            # Initial guess: The current scale works for all tuples.
            ideal = tools.scale(this_size, scale)
            ideal_vol = tools.volume(ideal)
            # Let's use a dummy to compute the actual (rounded) size along axis
            # so we can rescale the rounded tuple with a better local_scale
            # later. This rescaling is necessary to ensure that the sizes in ALL
            # dimensions are monotonically scaled (with respect to local_scale).
            # A nice side effect of this is that it keeps the aspect ratio better.
            dummy_approx = _round_nonempty((ideal[axis], ))[0]
            local_scale = tools.div(dummy_approx, this_size[axis])
            total_axis_size += dummy_approx
            can_be_downscaled = dummy_approx > 1
            if can_be_downscaled:
                forced_size = dummy_approx - 1
                forced_scale = tools.div(forced_size, this_size[axis])
                forced_approx = _scale_image_size(this_size, forced_scale)
                forced_vol_err = tools.relerr(tools.volume(forced_approx),
                forced_scale = None
                forced_vol_err = None
            scaling_data[i] = [
                local_scale, ideal, can_be_downscaled, forced_scale,
        # Now we need to find at most total_axis_size - max_size occasions to
        # scale down some tuples so the whole thing would fit into max_size. If
        # we are lucky, there will be no gaps at the end (or at least fewer gaps
        # than we would have if we always rounded down).
        dirty = True  # This flag prevents infinite loops if nothing can be made any smaller.
        while dirty and (total_axis_size > max_size):
            # This algorithm needs O(n*n) time. Let's hope that n is small enough.
            dirty = False
            current_index = 0
            current_min = None
            for i in range(n):
                d = scaling_data[i]
                if not d[2]:
                    # Ignore elements that cannot be made any smaller.
                if (current_min is None) or (d[4] < current_min[4]):
                    # We are searching for the tuple where downscaling results
                    # in the smallest relative volume error (compared to the
                    # respective ideal volume).
                    current_min = d
                    current_index = i
            for i in range(current_index, n):
                # We must scale down ALL equal tuples. Otherwise, images that
                # are of equal size might appear to be of different size
                # afterwards. The downside of this approach is that it might
                # introduce more gaps than necessary.
                d = scaling_data[i]
                if (not d[2]) or (d[1] != current_min[1]):
                d[0] = d[3]
                d[2] = False  # only once per tuple
                total_axis_size -= 1
                dirty = True
            # If we are here and total_axis_size < max_size, we could try to
            # upscale some tuples similarily to the other loop (i.e. smallest
            # relative volume error first, equal boxes in conjunction with each
            # other). However, this is not as useful as the other loop, slightly
            # more complicated and it won't do anything if all tuples are equal.
        return map(lambda d: d[0], scaling_data)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def _scale_image_size(size, scale):
    return _round_nonempty(tools.scale(size, scale))
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def _scale_distributed(sizes, axis, max_size, allow_upscaling,
        """ Calculates scales for a list of boxes that are distributed along a
        given axis (without any gaps). If the resulting scales are applied to
        their respective boxes, their new total size along axis will be as close
        as possible to max_size. The current implementation ensures that equal
        box sizes are mapped to equal scales.
        @param sizes: A list of box sizes.
        @param axis: The axis along which those boxes are distributed.
        @param max_size: The maximum size the scaled boxes may have along axis.
        @param allow_upscaling: True if upscaling is allowed, False otherwise.
        @param do_not_transform: True if the resulting scale must be 1, False
        @return: A list of scales where the i-th scale belongs to the i-th box
        size. If sizes is empty, the empty list is returned. If there are more
        boxes than max_size, an approximation is returned where all resulting
        scales will shrink their respective boxes to 1 along axis. In this case,
        the scaled total size might be greater than max_size. """
        n = len(sizes)
        # trivial cases first
        if n == 0:
            return []
        if n >= max_size:
            # In this case, only one solution or only an approximation is available.
            # if n > max_size, the result won't fit into max_size.
            return map(lambda x: tools.div(1, x[axis]), sizes) # FIXME ignores do_not_transform
        total_axis_size = sum(map(lambda x: x[axis], sizes))
        if (total_axis_size <= max_size) and not allow_upscaling:
            # identity
            return [IDENTITY_ZOOM] * n

        # non-trival case
        scale = tools.div(max_size, total_axis_size) # FIXME initial guess should take unscalable images into account
        scaling_data = [None] * n
        total_axis_size = 0
        # This loop collects some data we need for the actual computations later.
        for i in range(n):
            this_size = sizes[i]
            # Shortcut: If the size cannot be changed, accept the original size.
            if do_not_transform[i]:
                total_axis_size += this_size[axis]
                scaling_data[i] = [IDENTITY_ZOOM, IDENTITY_ZOOM, False,
                    IDENTITY_ZOOM, 0.0]
            # Initial guess: The current scale works for all tuples.
            ideal = tools.scale(this_size, scale)
            ideal_vol = tools.volume(ideal)
            # Let's use a dummy to compute the actual (rounded) size along axis
            # so we can rescale the rounded tuple with a better local_scale
            # later. This rescaling is necessary to ensure that the sizes in ALL
            # dimensions are monotonically scaled (with respect to local_scale).
            # A nice side effect of this is that it keeps the aspect ratio better.
            dummy_approx = _round_nonempty((ideal[axis],))[0]
            local_scale = tools.div(dummy_approx, this_size[axis])
            total_axis_size += dummy_approx
            can_be_downscaled = dummy_approx > 1
            if can_be_downscaled:
                forced_size = dummy_approx - 1
                forced_scale = tools.div(forced_size, this_size[axis])
                forced_approx = _scale_image_size(this_size, forced_scale)
                forced_vol_err = tools.relerr(tools.volume(forced_approx), ideal_vol)
                forced_scale = None
                forced_vol_err = None
            scaling_data[i] = [local_scale, ideal, can_be_downscaled,
                forced_scale, forced_vol_err]
        # Now we need to find at most total_axis_size - max_size occasions to
        # scale down some tuples so the whole thing would fit into max_size. If
        # we are lucky, there will be no gaps at the end (or at least fewer gaps
        # than we would have if we always rounded down).
        dirty=True # This flag prevents infinite loops if nothing can be made any smaller.
        while dirty and (total_axis_size > max_size):
            # This algorithm needs O(n*n) time. Let's hope that n is small enough.
            current_index = 0
            current_min = None
            for i in range(n):
                d = scaling_data[i]
                if not d[2]:
                    # Ignore elements that cannot be made any smaller.
                if (current_min is None) or (d[4] < current_min[4]):
                    # We are searching for the tuple where downscaling results
                    # in the smallest relative volume error (compared to the
                    # respective ideal volume).
                    current_min = d
                    current_index = i
            for i in range(current_index, n):
                # We must scale down ALL equal tuples. Otherwise, images that
                # are of equal size might appear to be of different size
                # afterwards. The downside of this approach is that it might
                # introduce more gaps than necessary.
                d = scaling_data[i]
                if (not d[2]) or (d[1] != current_min[1]):
                d[0] = d[3]
                d[2] = False # only once per tuple
                total_axis_size -= 1
            # If we are here and total_axis_size < max_size, we could try to
            # upscale some tuples similarly to the other loop (i.e. smallest
            # relative volume error first, equal boxes in conjunction with each
            # other). However, this is not as useful as the other loop, slightly
            # more complicated and it won't do anything if all tuples are equal.
        return map(lambda d: d[0], scaling_data)