Ejemplo n.º 1
class WikiProvider(LookupProvider):
    '''Concrete provider which provides web results from Wikipedia.
    def __init__(self):
        '''Initialize WikiProvider with a MediaWiki instance.
        self._wiki = MediaWiki(
            user_agent="word_tools (https://github.com/ncdulo/word_tools")

    def lookup(self, word, limit=0):
        '''Yield str results for `word` up to `limit`. When `limit <= 0`,
        default to `limit = 3`.
        # Default to a limit of three results. Once the re-write of CLI
        # is complete, this should be updated, and likely removed
        if limit <= 0:
            limit = 3

            for result in self._wiki.opensearch(word, results=limit):
                title, _, url = result
                summary = self._wiki.page(title).summarize(chars=200)
                output = title + ' (' + url + ')\n' + summary
                yield output
        except exceptions.DisambiguationError as e:
            print('''Search term disambiguous. There are some issues in the way
results are returned. Wikipedia suggests the following page
names. These may not be correct. This is a known issue.
Ejemplo n.º 2
def lookup_wiktionary(word):
    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        wikipedia = MediaWiki()
        matches = {}
        search_results = wikipedia.opensearch(word)
        if len(search_results) > 0:
            page_title = search_results[0][0]
            page = wikipedia.page(page_title)
            parts = page.content.split("\n")
            i = 0
            while i < len(parts):
                definition = ""
                part = parts[i].strip()

                if part.startswith("=== Verb ===") or part.startswith(
                        "=== Noun ===") or part.startswith(
                            "=== Adjective ==="):
                    # try to skip the first two lines after the marker
                    if (i + 1) < len(parts):
                        definition = parts[i + 1]
                    if (i + 2) < len(parts) and len(parts[i + 2].strip()) > 0:
                        definition = parts[i + 2]
                    if (i + 3) < len(parts) and len(parts[i + 3].strip()) > 0:
                        definition = parts[i + 3]

                if part.startswith(
                        "=== Adjective ===") and not 'adjective' in matches:
                    matches['adjective'] = definition
                if part.startswith("=== Noun ===") and not 'noun' in matches:
                    matches['noun'] = definition
                if part.startswith("=== Verb ===") and not 'verb' in matches:
                    matches['verb'] = definition

                i = i + 1
            final = ""

            # prefer verb, noun then adjective
            if matches.get('adjective', False):
                final = matches.get('adjective')
            if matches.get('noun', False):
                final = matches.get('noun')
            if matches.get('verb', False):
                final = matches.get('verb')
            # strip leading bracket comment
            if final[0] == '(':
                close = final.index(")") + 1
                final = final[close:]
            matches['definition'] = final
        return matches
        e = sys.exc_info()
 def lookup(self, word):
     wikipedia = MediaWiki()
     summary = ''
     search_results = wikipedia.opensearch(word)
     if len(search_results) > 0:
         page_title = search_results[0][0]
         page = wikipedia.page(page_title)
         parts = page.summary.split('. ')
         summary = parts[0]
     return summary
Ejemplo n.º 4
def find_short_meaning(search):
        wikipedia = MediaWiki()
        meaning = wikipedia.page(search.title())
    except DisambiguationError:
        return find_alter_meaning(search)
        if search.lower() != meaning.title.lower():
            return find_alter_meaning(search)
        def_meaning = meaning.summarize()
        return str(def_meaning + "link for further read: " +
                   wikipedia.opensearch(f'{meaning.title}', results=1)[0][2])
Ejemplo n.º 5
def wiki_search(query: str, lang='ru', unquote_percent_encoded=False) -> str:
    # Default using wikipedia
    from mediawiki import MediaWiki
    wikipedia = MediaWiki(lang=lang)
    result = wikipedia.opensearch(query, results=1)
    if not result:
        return ''

    _, text, url = result[0]

    if unquote_percent_encoded:
        from urllib.parse import unquote
        url = unquote(url)

    return '{} ({})'.format(text, url)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def lookup_wikipedia(word):
    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        wikipedia = MediaWiki()
        final = {}
        search_results = wikipedia.opensearch(word, results=1)
        logger.debug('WIKI SEARCH RESTULS')
        if len(search_results) > 0:
            logger.debug('WIKI SEARCH RESTULS2')
            page_title = search_results[0][0]
            page_link = search_results[0][2]
            link_parts = page_link.split("/")
            link_title = link_parts[-1]
            logger.debug('WIKI SEARCH RESTULS3' + link_title)
            # lookup summary/answer
            wiki_wiki = wikipediaapi.Wikipedia('en')
            page_py = wiki_wiki.page(link_title)
            if page_py and page_py.exists():
                logger.debug('WIKI PAGE SEARCH RESTULS')

                # fact fields
                final['thing'] = page_title
                final['answer'] = page_py.summary
                # plus
                final['url'] = page_py.canonicalurl

            # page = wikipedia.page(link_title)
            # logger.debug('WIKI SEARCH RESTULS single')
            # logger.debug(page_py)

            # parts = page.summary.split('. ')
            # summary = parts[0]
            #summary = page.summary
        logger.debug('WIKI PAGE SEARCH RESTULS FINAL')
        return final
        e = sys.exc_info()
Ejemplo n.º 7
async def send_to_wikipedia(word, site):
    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        # lookup in wiktionary and send display message
        wikipedia = MediaWiki()
        matches = {}
        search_results = wikipedia.opensearch(word)
        # logger.debug(search_results)

        if len(search_results) > 0:
            page_title = search_results[0][0]
            page_link = search_results[0][2]
            # page = wikipedia.page(page_title)
            # parts = page.content.split("\n")
            # logger.debug([page_title,page_link])
            await publish('hermod/' + site + '/display/show',
                          {'frame': page_link})
        e = sys.exc_info()
Ejemplo n.º 8
class WikiApi:

    def __init__(self):
        self.wikipedia = MediaWiki(lang='ru')
        self.wikiquote = CustomWikiEngine(url="https://{lang}.wikiquote.org/w/api.php",

    def quotes(self, *words):
        results = []

        for word in words:
            titles = self.wikiquote.quotes(word, results=2)
            results += titles

        return results

    def quote_page(self, title):
        response = {}
            response = self.wikiquote.page(title=title)
        except Exception as e:
        return response

    def get_pages_by_categories(self, category, limit=10):
        # https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?a
        # ction=query&
        # generator=categorymembers&
        # gcmlimit=100&
        # gcmtitle=Category:American%20male%20film%20actors&
        # prop=pageimages&
        # pilimit=100
        S = requests.Session()

        URL = "https://ru.wikipedia.org/w/api.php"

        PARAMS = {
            'action': "query",
            'generator': "categorymembers",
            'gcmtitle': category,
            'gcmlimit': limit,
            'format': "json"

        R = S.get(url=URL, params=PARAMS)
        DATA = R.json()
        titles = []
        if 'query' in DATA and DATA['query'] and DATA['query']['pages']:
            titles = [value['title'] for key, value in DATA['query']['pages'].items()]
        return titles

    def movies(self):
        # https://ru.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?format=xml&action=query&list=embeddedin&einamespace=0&eilimit=500&eititle=Template:Infobox_film

    def search(self, *words):
        results = []

        for word in words:
            response = self.wikipedia.search(word, results=4)
            short_descriptions = response
            results += short_descriptions
        return results

    def opensearch(self, *words):
        results = []

        for word in words:
            response = self.wikipedia.opensearch(word)
            results += response
        return results

    def parse(self, *pages):
        results = []

        for page in pages:
                response = self.wikipedia.page(title=page)
                content = response.content
                sections = re.split(r'==.+?==', content)
                if sections:
                    summary = sections[0]
                    section_headers = re.findall(r'== \w+ ==', content)
                    if '== Сюжет ==' in section_headers:
                        index = section_headers.index('== Сюжет ==') + 1
                        if len(sections) > index:
                            plot = sections[index]
            except Exception as e:
        return results
class Plugin(PluginBase):
    def __init__(self):
        from os import path
        from json import loads
        self.plugin_name = path.basename(__file__).rsplit('.')[0]
        self.metadata = PluginUtilityService.process_metadata(f'plugins/extensions/{self.plugin_name}')
        self.plugin_cmds = loads(self.metadata.get(C_PLUGIN_INFO, P_PLUGIN_CMDS))
        self.osrs_wiki_url = self.metadata[C_PLUGIN_SET][P_WIKI_URL]
        self.osrs_user_agent = self.metadata[C_PLUGIN_SET][P_USER_AGENT]
            f"{self.metadata[C_PLUGIN_INFO][P_PLUGIN_NAME]} v{self.metadata[C_PLUGIN_INFO][P_PLUGIN_VERS]} Plugin Initialized.")
            self.osrs_wiki = MediaWiki(url=self.osrs_wiki_url, user_agent=self.osrs_user_agent)
        except Exception:
            rprint(f"{self.plugin_name} Plugin could not be initialized.")

    def quit(self):
        dprint(f"Exiting {self.plugin_name} plugin...", origin=L_SHUTDOWN)
        log(INFO, f"Exiting {self.plugin_name} plugin...", origin=L_SHUTDOWN)

    def get_metadata(self):
        return self.metadata

    def process(self, text):
        message = text.message.strip()
        message_parse = message[1:].split(' ', 1)
        command = message_parse[0]

        if command == "price":
            if not privileges.plugin_privilege_checker(text, command, self.plugin_name):
            if self.osrs_wiki is None:
                self.osrs_wiki = MediaWiki(url=self.metadata[C_PLUGIN_SETTINGS][P_WIKI_URL], user_agent=self.metadata[C_PLUGIN_SETTINGS][P_USER_AGENT])

            parameter = message_parse[1]
            search_criteria = self.manage_search_criteria(parameter)
            all_item_data = self.pull_json(search_criteria)
            if all_item_data is not None:
                item_data_formatted = "<br><font color='{}'>Item:</font> {}<br>Avg. Price: {:,} coins.".format(global_settings.cfg[C_PGUI_SETTINGS][P_TXT_HEAD_COL], all_item_data['name'].title(), all_item_data['overall_average'])
                item_data_formatted += "<br><font color='{}'>Buy Avg. Price:</font> {:,} coins.".format(global_settings.cfg[C_PGUI_SETTINGS][P_TXT_IND_COL], all_item_data['buy_average'])
                item_data_formatted += "<br><font color='{}'>Sell Avg. Price:</font> {:,} coins.".format(global_settings.cfg[C_PGUI_SETTINGS][P_TXT_IND_COL], all_item_data['sell_average'])

                global_settings.gui_service.quick_gui(item_data_formatted, text_type='header', box_align='left')
                global_settings.gui_service.quick_gui(f"Could not find '{search_criteria}' on the grand exchange.", text_type='header', box_align='left')

        elif command == "osrs":
            if not privileges.plugin_privilege_checker(text, command, self.plugin_name):
            if self.osrs_wiki is None:
                self.osrs_wiki = MediaWiki(url=self.metadata[C_PLUGIN_SETTINGS][P_WIKI_URL], user_agent=self.metadata[C_PLUGIN_SETTINGS][P_USER_AGENT])

            parameter = message_parse[1]
            global_settings.gui_service.quick_gui(f"Searching the OSRS Wiki for: {parameter}", text_type='header', box_align='left')
            search_results = self.osrs_wiki.opensearch(parameter)
            formatted_results = self.get_choices(search_results)

            if formatted_results is None:
                global_settings.gui_service.quick_gui("OSRS Wiki Results:<br>No search results found.", text_type='header', box_align='left')
            global_settings.gui_service.quick_gui(f"OSRS Wiki Results:<br>{formatted_results}\n", text_type='header', box_align='left')

        elif command == "quest":
            if not privileges.plugin_privilege_checker(text, command, self.plugin_name):
            if self.osrs_wiki is None:
                self.osrs_wiki = MediaWiki(url=self.metadata[C_PLUGIN_SETTINGS][P_WIKI_URL], user_agent=self.metadata[C_PLUGIN_SETTINGS][P_USER_AGENT])

            parameter = message_parse[1]
            global_settings.gui_service.quick_gui(f"Searching the OSRS Wiki for: {parameter}", text_type='header', box_align='left')

                page = self.osrs_wiki.page(parameter)
            except exceptions.PageError:
                global_settings.gui_service.quick_gui("OSRS Wiki Results:<br>No search results found.", text_type='header', box_align='left')

            if "Quests" not in page.categories and page is not None:
                global_settings.gui_service.quick_gui("OSRS Wiki Results:<br>No search results found.", text_type='header', box_align='left')

            soup = BeautifulSoup(page.html, 'html.parser')
            tds = soup.find_all('td', class_="questdetails-info")
            final_text = f"<br><u><font color='{global_settings.cfg[C_PGUI_SETTINGS][P_TXT_IND_COL]}'>{page.title} Quest Summary</font></u><br><a href='{page.url}'>{page.url}</a>"
            for i, item in enumerate(tds):
                f_text = ""

                if i == 0:
                    f_text = "<br><font color='{global_settings.cfg[C_PGUI_SETTINGS][P_TXT_HEAD_COL]}'>Start Point:</font><br>"
                elif i == 1:
                    f_text = "<br><font color='{global_settings.cfg[C_PGUI_SETTINGS][P_TXT_HEAD_COL]}'>Difficulty:</font><br>"
                elif i == 2:
                    f_text = "<br><font color='{global_settings.cfg[C_PGUI_SETTINGS][P_TXT_HEAD_COL]}'>Description:</font><br>"
                elif i == 3:
                    f_text = "<br><font color='{global_settings.cfg[C_PGUI_SETTINGS][P_TXT_HEAD_COL]}'>Length:</font><br>"
                elif i == 4:
                    f_text = "<br><font color='{global_settings.cfg[C_PGUI_SETTINGS][P_TXT_HEAD_COL]}'>Requirements:</font><br>"
                elif i == 5:
                    f_text = "<br><font color='{global_settings.cfg[C_PGUI_SETTINGS][P_TXT_HEAD_COL]}'>Items Required:</font><br>"
                elif i == 6:
                    f_text = "<br><font color='{global_settings.cfg[C_PGUI_SETTINGS][P_TXT_HEAD_COL]}'>Enemies To Defeat:</font><br>"

                counter = 0
                if i == 4 or i == 6:
                    uls = item.find_all('ul')
                    if uls is not None:
                        for ul in uls:
                            lis = ul.find_all('li')
                            for li in lis:
                                f_text += f"<font color='{global_settings.cfg[C_PGUI_SETTINGS][P_TXT_IND_COL]}'>-- </font>{li.text}<br>"
                        f_text += "UNAVAILABLE"
                elif i == 5:
                    uls = item.find_all('ul')
                    if uls is not None:
                        for ul in item.find_all('ul'):
                            lis = ul.find_all('li')
                            for li in lis:
                                f_text += f"<font color='{global_settings.cfg[C_PGUI_SETTINGS][P_TXT_IND_COL]}'>-- </font>{li.text}<br>"

                            if counter == 0:
                                f_text += f"<br><font color='{global_settings.cfg[C_PGUI_SETTINGS][P_TXT_HEAD_COL]}'>Recommended Items:</font><br>"
                            counter += 1
                        f_text += "UNAVAILABLE"
                    f_text += tds[i].text

                final_text += f_text
            global_settings.gui_service.quick_gui(final_text, text_type='header', box_align='left')

    def get_choices(self, search_results):
        list_urls = "<br>"
        if search_results:
            for i, item in enumerate(search_results):
                completed_url = item[2]
                list_urls += f"<font color='{global_settings.cfg[C_PGUI_SETTINGS][P_TXT_IND_COL]}'>[{i}]</font>: <a href='{completed_url}'>[{completed_url}]</a><br>"
            return None
        return list_urls

    def manage_search_criteria(self, search_criteria):
            return int(search_criteria)
        except ValueError:
            return search_criteria.lower()

    def pull_json(self, search_criteria):
        return_item = None
        with urllib.request.urlopen(self.metadata[C_PLUGIN_SETTINGS][P_MAIN_URL]) as url:
            json_data = json.loads(url.read().decode('utf-8').lower())
            for section in json_data:
                json_item = json_data[section]
                if json_item.get('name') == search_criteria or json_item.get('id') == search_criteria:
                    return_item = json_item
        return return_item
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def make_opensearch(self, data):
     wikipedia = MediaWiki()
     wikipedia_opensearch_result = wikipedia.opensearch(str(data))
     return wikipedia_opensearch_result
Ejemplo n.º 11
from mediawiki import MediaWiki
wikipedia = MediaWiki()
res = wikipedia.opensearch("ru:Малоохтинский парк")